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Dedicated to women mayors The 2018 World Mayor Prize and Commendations will be conferred on women mayors who have made outstanding and long-lasting contributions to their communities. The organisers wish to show what outstanding women mayors achieve all over the world. By doing so, they hope to encourage more women to contemplate a career in local government and run for political office. The women, who will be awarded the 2018 World Mayor Prize and other honours, will be role models for young women and, indeed, men everywhere. Valeria Mancinelli, Mayor of Ancona, Italy, has been awarded the 2018 World Mayor Prize. |
FRONT PAGE About World Mayor City Mayors Foundation ![]() ![]() ![]() WORLD MAYOR 2018 • Results 2018 • Project 2018 • Shortlist 2018 • Longlist 2018 • Raison d'être • World Mayor history • World Mayor Prize • Code of Ethics • Criteria • Meet the Press INTERVIEWS WITH • Mayor of Ancona • Mayor of Doncaster • Mayor of Rennes • Mayor of Zamboanga ESSAYS BY • Mayor of Ancona • Mayor of Cologne • Mayor of Doncaster • Mayor of Fort Worth • Mayor of Lille • Mayor of Paris • Mayor of Rennes • Mayor of Saarbrücken • Mayor of Trbovlje • Mayor of Tunis • Mayor of Zamboanga TESTIMONIALS • Mayor of Alphen / Rijn • Mayor of Ancona • Mayor of Baden-Baden • Mayor of Calais • Mayor of Chemnitz • Mayor of Cologne • Mayor of Cozumel • Mayor of Doncaster • Mayor of Fort Worth • Mayor of Grand Rapids • Mayor of Lille • Mayor of Lodz • Mayor of Molenbeek • Mayor of Narayanganj • Mayor of Oakland • Mayor of Omaha • Mayor of Paris • Mayor of Rennes • Mayor of Reutlingen • Mayor of Saarbrücken • Mayor of San Juan • Mayor of Trbovlje • Mayor of Tunis • Mayor of Zamboanga • Mayor of Zurich PROFILES OF • Mayor of Ancona • Mayor of Cologne • Mayor of Doncaster • Mayor of Fort Worth • Mayor of Lille • Mayor of Paris • Mayor of Rennes • Mayor of Saarbrücken • Mayor of Trbovlje • Mayor of Tunis • Mayor of Zamboanga WORLD MAYOR 2016 WORLD MAYOR 2014 WORLD MAYOR 2012 WORLD MAYOR 2010 WORLD MAYOR 2008 WORLD MAYOR 2006 WORLD MAYOR 2005 WORLD MAYOR 2004 |
Nominations for Valeria Mancinelli Mayor of Ancona (Italy) Nominated by Valerio L., Ancona: I express my support for the candidature of Valeria Mancinelli as World Mayor 2018. She has shown a wonderful leadership and greatly contributed to improving the quality of life and the perspectives for future development for Ancona. This is especially notable in such a moment of hardship for Italy as a whole. Valerio has a working class background and, while being very skilled and with sophisticated understanding of the public administration, is a no-nonsense person who is able to connect with the citizens of Ancona, listen to their needs, and deliver. Nominated by Paola D.F, Francesco and Emanuela B., Ancona: Non ci sono dubbi, Valeria merita la nomina non solo per le sue capacità ma soprattutto per le sue doti umane. Nominated by Kurt and Gisela v. L, Stuttgart, Germany: Italienische Freunde haben uns kuerzlich darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass die Bürgermeisterin von Ancona für den World Mayor Preis nominiert wurde. Seit wir Ancona vor 12 Jahren zum ersten Mal besuchten, verbringen wir jetzt jeden Frühling ein paar Tage dort. Unserer Meinung nach ist Ancona die schönste italienische Stadt an der Adriaküste. Ihre Lage, Architektur, verbunden mit der Freundlichkeit ihrer Bewohner, macht die Stadt zu einem Ferienziel, an dem man sich wohlfühlt. In den letzten Jahren ist uns auch aufgefallen, dass es wirtschaftlich mit der Stadt aufwärts geht. Unsere italenischen Freunde sagten uns, dass das massgeblich der Bürgermeisterin Valeria Mancinelli zu verdanken ist. Sie hat verstanden, dass Ancona mehr sein muss als ein beliebter Kreuzfahrthafen. Seit wir die Stadt regelmässig jedes Jahr besuchen, haben wir festgestellt, dass die Strassen sauberer sind, viele Gebäude renoviert wurden und dass Einheimische und Fremde harmonisch zusammenleben und -arbeiten. Sindaco Mancinelli ist beliebt und geschätzt. Im Sommer wurde sie mit grosser Mehrheit wiedergewählt, obwohl ihre Partei in andern italienischen Städten schwere Verluste hinnehmen musste. Nominated by RP, Ancona: I vote the mayor of my city Valeria Mancinelli because she is a sincere person, determined and concrete, able to respond to the needs of the community. She is a mayor who risks making choices that break the political balance to achieve real results with the facts and not with the chatte. This is why the credibility of the electorate has been won, recognizing in her work and in her squad that the things done for Ancona reconfirmed it in her second term. Nominated by Marco P., Ancona: I would like to vote for Valeria Mancinelli, Ancona's Major, because she's a great politician. During her mandate, which is not yet feared, the Mayor has carried out many projects for the city of Ancona, has focused heavily on cultural events, and on the redevelopment of many districts of the city. She has never criticized the opposition and has only acted for the good of our city and for the objectives that had been proposed, regardless of her political beliefs. She is a mayor who lives the city and wants to improve it day after day, without going into controversy with the opposition and without pretending proclamations. Her victory as the best mayor of the world would be an example for our whole country of good politics, a politics that does not only make speeches and promises, but that is among the people respecting the objectives it has set itself. Nominated by Nadia A., Voto per Valeria Mancinelli perché, avendo la fortuna di conoscerla, posso semplicemente dire che è una persona straordinaria, molto sensibile, determinata e lungimirante, fuori dai canoni, diretta e sincera. Sindaco ma soprattutto fortemente cittadina di Ancona ma aperta al mondo. Ho visto in questi ultimi cinque anni, Ancona migliorare progressivamente; sono migliorate le strade, aree verdi e parchi; è migliorata la zona del Passetto con il nuovo ascensore panoramico e la singolare spiaggia cittadina; è migliorata con la bellissima Piazza Cavour. Sono migliorate le zone storiche e periferiche e miglioreranno ancora se il Governo Centrale ripristinerà i fondi bloccati per i progetti già approvati. Al di sopra di ogni credo politico, la Mancinelli presta molta attenzione all’inclusione e integrazione sociale di tutti i quartieri e di tutte le persone senza distinzione di categoria o colore della pelle. Ancona è molto cresciuta anche culturalmente con grandi eventi e manifestazioni a livello anche internazionale. Da citare anche l’organizzazione degli eventi e mercatini natalizi degli ultimi anni, molto suggestivi e apprezzati dai cittadini anconetani ma attrattiva anche di cittadini dei comuni marchigiani limitrofi e non solo. La Mancinelli sa creare delle forti sinergie con tutte le altre istituzioni (sanitarie, scolastiche, ecc.) per raggiungere in collaborazione risultati migliori e in minor tempo, ora grazie alla forte sinergia con l’Autorità Portuale abbiamo un prestigioso Porto Storico dove poter fare una piacevole passeggiata fino alla Lanterna Rossa, luogo prima inaccessibile da cancelli e reti. Per tutto questo e non solo il Sindaco di Ancona, la città da mare a mare, è stata riconfermata al secondo mandato, avvalorando la fiducia data e conquistando la fiducia dei scettici. Mancinelli for World Mayor 2018 Nominated by Mauro P., Ancona: I vote for Valeria Mancinelli as Ancona is a beautiful town, and now she’s mayor the city is very clean, it has beautiful decorations in Christmas and beautiful events during all the year. In the last year I have visited many open markets, shows, exhibitions (photography exhibitions as McCurry and Doisneau), artistic guided tours and concerts. Many things are for free, but in any case is never expensive to join Ancona events. Nominated by Jolanda B. G., Ancona: Voto per Valeria Mancinelli perchè è il miglior sindaco che abbiamo avuti negli ultimi40 anni , è molto razionale e metodia, fa le cose che dice e propone miglioramenti per la vita dei cittadini e della città. E' capace di muoversi su vari fronti allo stesso tempo ed utilizzare al meglio le poche risorse di cui dispone il Comune. E veramente un sindaco da imitare, tanto più che lavora per la città senza seguire ideologie ma solo il buon senso.Dunque indipendente e molto lucida.Apprezzata anche da chi non è del suo partito. Mi auguro che vinca la competizione. Nominated by Ena P., Ancona: Under the administration of Miss Mancinelli, Ancona has become a more lively and dynamic city, while keeping a peaceful social climate. Several locations have been re-qualified and made available to its citizens, creating new occasions for social gathering. Thus, many shops which were earlier located in far away shopping malls have now returned to the city center, while the peripheries are being well taken care of as melting-pots of different cultures. In addition to its traditional commercial and industrial vocation, the port has been turned into a location for parties and cultural events of all sorts, also thanks to the opening and restoration of its older historical areas. I really appreciate that the city locations are being well preserved and taken care of after each requalification. The mayor is very dedicated to the well being of citizens of any age, religion, class and cultural background, as well as to the environment. Both public transport and the collection of sorted waste work very efficiently. A nice project to build a bicycle path running from the city center to one of our most beautiful beaches is currently being developed. I wish her a great continuation of her fantastic work and a very well deserved success. Nominated by Orietta, P., Ancona: Buongiorno, Vi scrivo perché voglio votare il Sindaco Mancinelli. Quando è stata eletta per la prima volta ad Ancona, non La conoscevo e mi ci sono volute alcune settimane per capire come fosse. Lei, che ha un carattere riservato, Non ci ha "abbindolato" con tanti " salamelecchi" come si dice qui in Ancona, cioè non ha fatto niente per accattivarsi le simpatie dei cittadini come fanno tanti politici. Lei si è messa subito al lavoro, Con tenacia forza e preparazione. Finalmente un sindaco con le palle mi sono detta. Uomo o donna non significano niente, Lei è la migliore. E sapete perché? Perché è se stessa, nel suo modo di lavorare, nel parlare con la gente, sempre presente, competente e diretta. Finalmente!! Una boccata d'aria fresca in questo mondo di fake news.. Nominated by Eleonora C., Milan, Italy: I am from Ancona, but now i am a university student in Milano. Ancona has risen from the ashes since 2013 due to Mayor Mancinelli management. The city is now beautiful, the central square has been completely renovated as other areas of the city, many public events have been organized during every season in the year like the notte bianca; moreover now a lot of tourist visit our city every day. Nominated by Eugenio D., Chieti, Italy: I am not an inhabitant of Ancona, but I have seen the conditions of the City, what is being done and I have followed the action of its Public Administrators. So I vote with conviction Valeria Mancinelli and her team of administrators because they are capable, serious people, deeply committed to the good of the community they represent. They understood that it is essential to find public and private resources in order to carry out useful, innovative, beautiful projects for the benefit of the citizens of Ancona, and they pursue this goal with great commitment, tenacity and ability. A similar Mayor would be effective and appreciated in every city, from any community of people. Valeria Mancinelli deserves the 2018 World Mayor Prize without any doubt. Thank you for your consideration. Nominated by Guiseppe L, Ancona: Everything she says and above all what she does shows an incredible love for her city: Ancona. She brought the port closer to the city, which had previously become a separate body and started the redevelopment of the most degraded neighborhoods. This love the city has reciprocated by re-electing to the highest office by demonstrating that what matters in reality is not only the party but above all the person. We saw a passionate, honest and innovative administrator. PS Her party will never be mine. It's all right: She is the best mayor we've had! Nominated by Roberta P., Senigallia, Italy: I vote for Mrs Mancinelli because the city of Ancona grew up not only from an economic point of view but also because of its cultural events. In these years there have been many expositions, fairs, and music festivals. The city of Ancona has been valued as a beautiful place to visit and to pass time in. I’ve been there visiting exposition at “Mole Vanvitelliana”, concerts and arts and craft and typical food open market. Nominated by GianMario R., Ancona: I support Valeria Mancinelli in this competition, the Mayor of the World, because it is a way to recognize the excellent work she has done for the success of our community. She proved to be a very reliable person, operative, managerial and also very outgoing. You have also represented our city in an excellent way in the local and national context: both on an institutional level and on the level of practical goals achieved in the interest of citizens and economic operators. With her organizational and managerial skills, she has achieved high levels of efficiency in the public administration. Valeria Mancinelli has facilitated the planning and launch of large infrastructural initiatives that will greatly improve the quality of life of our fellow citizens. Finally, Valeria Mancinelli has been able to enhance the relationship between young people and our University: the city has become a city very open to tourism initiatives and the establishment of many national and international level sports activities. Nominated by Katia B., Ancona: Voto per Valeria Mancinelli perche' finalmente, dopo decenni, Ancona ha un Sindaco con una visione di lungo periodo, con un'idea di citta' che deve riscoprire e valorizzare le sue vocazioni originarie, cercandone, nel contempo, di nuove e moderne al passo con l'evoluzione culturale, sociale e tecnologica dei nostri tempi. Con Valeria Mancinelli la nostra citta' ha riscoperto di essere parte integrante di un interland fatto di piccoli paesi e medie citta' interconnesse tra loro con spirito collaborativo e non competitivo. Valeria Mancinelli il Sindaco dall'animo profondamente anconetano che per indole, oltre ad amare profondamente il proprio territorio, le proprie tradizioni, storia e cultura, rifugge I salotti e le chiacchiere spicciole per lavorare a testa bassa nella soluzione degli innumerevoli problemi quotidiani nonche' progettare la nuova Ancona senza vanti e frivolezze: il Sindaco del fare e dell'azione. Le sue doti personali, scoperte negli anni di governo trascorsi, arricchite naturalmente da conoscenze specifiche del ruolo della moderna pubblica amministrazione sono frutto di formazione universitaria e professionale specifica, non c'e' mai improvvisazione. Niente al caso, dunque: Valeria Mancinelli World Mayor Nominated by Fabrizio M, Ancona: Voto per Valeria Mancinelli perchè dopo tanti anni di malgoverno della città di Ancona, con la sua gestione amministrativa Ancona a poco a poco sta riappropriarsi del suo ruolo di città capoluogo di regione e di centro al passo con la modernità pur valorizzando l'antichissima storia Dorica Nominated by Leonardo B., Ancona: perchè voto Valeria Mancinelli il voto per il Sindaco Mancinelli è dovuto a tanti motivi, perchè è una persona seria, determinata e molto, molto preparata. Promette molte cose e con il lavoro porta a termine i suoi obbiettivi, a differenza di molti politici superficiali ed incompetenti che illudono le persone senza rispettare le loro speranze. Oltre ad essere un bravo Sindaco è una grande donna. Ha un grande rispetto di tutti i suoi cittadini, ama il confronto, ma non sopporta i prepotenti, gli ignoranti e i maleducati. Si commuove molto spesso ad ogni iniziativa di fronte ai bambini delle scuole, questo perchè è una donna molto sensibile, grande cuore e attenta a difendere i diritti dei bambini. Il coraggio è una dote che ha nel suo DNA. Questo mio voto, vale per tre, da cittadino, da uomo, da dipendente del Comune di Ancona, che stima una grande donna, ed è orgoglioso di avere un grande Sindaco. Evviva Valeria Mancinelli Nominated by Claudio C., Ancona: I vote Valeria Mancinelli mayor of Ancona as world mayor 2018 for the following reasons: the ability to identify the needs of citizens, the ability to govern the processes of change required, the ability to identify the vision of the future development of the city, through the Strategic Plan “Ancona 2025”, the commitment to finding funding for urban redevelopment projects. Nominated by Gianluca R., Ancona: Voto per Valeria Mancinelli per il grande impegno dimostrato nello sviluppo della città di Ancona. Gli interventi effettuati sono stati numerosi e in numerosi campi dal turismo alle politiche sociali al sostegno del volontariato. La città è oggi molto migliorata rispetto al passato grazie al nostro sindaco Nominated by Paolo G., Ancona: Voto per VALERIA MANCINELLI perchè è una gran brava persona seria e che in questi primi cinque anni di mandato ha mantenuto tutte le promesse fatte. Stà ridando luce alla nostra città. Sono fiero di averla come Sindaco. Nominated by Valeria M., Ancona: Gentili, voto per Valeria Mancinelli, Sindaca di Ancona, in Italia, perché con il suo lavoro degli ultimi anni ha permesso alla città di Ancona di tornare a sentirsi viva, proiettata verso il futuro. La città si è come riattivata e molti dei suoi abitanti stanno riscoprendo il piacere di sentirsi parte di un processo di crescita. Gli italiani hanno bisogno di risposte di buon senso e di Primi Cittadini che sappiano essere modelli per tutti. Valeria Mancinelli lo è , instancabile lavoratrice, profondamente amante della città e dei suoi abitanti, competente nel suo lavoro. Nominated by Giovanni G., Ancona: Valeria Mancinelli: Donna di grande tenacia e concretezza, nella scorsa legislatura ha saputo porre le basi per una città, Ancona, estremamente abbattuta dalla crisi. Non chiacchiere ma fatti e progetti che di sicuro potranno costellare il cielo dorico per i prossimi cinque anni. Nominated by Giulia B., Ancona: Valeria Mancinelli has the abilty to go on despite a lot of people don't believe in her, maybe because Ancona had several mayor, before her, who makes mistakes with money administration and unrespected promises. She is the first mayor, that I saw, who makes something important for your city. Ancona is the capital of Marche (central region in Italy), but in the past nobody in this region wanted Ancona like the capital, 'cause really dirty, boring and with no night-life. With Valeria Mancinelli we re-descover our city: she remade streets (a huge problem of Ancona are the holes in the road surface), she re-qualified our Port, previously inaccessible, now walkable, with several events expecially during Spring and Summer. She made a really good work for Christmas, with a ferris wheel in the main square (Cavour's Square) and beautiful Christmas markets, also, all the city center was enlighted by Christmas lights, it was a really magic atmosphere! Ms. Macinelli is brave, she respects her promises, she doesn't matter about her haters, she just goes on and works. Is a honor having her like a Mayor, we need more women like her to make the difference. The first Ancona's Mayor who really does something concrete for this city. Now, after 4 years, she is mayor again, and she has beautiful projects: soon it starts the building of a bicycle lane into Conero's Regional Park, near to the sea, a big project, very important for Ancona's tourism. And this is just the beginning.. We can't wait to see it! Nominated by Cassandra, Ancona: Ama la nostra città e si è impegnata e si impegna a renderla più bella e godibile aiutata dal suo carattere determinato e volitivo che non recede di fronte alle difficoltà. Conosce la legge per i suoi studi accademici e la sua professione e si è servita delle sue competenze per risolvere annose questioni legali che avevano disseminato la città di brutte incompiute. Si sta ripartendo alla grande Nominated by Franco B., Ancona: Sono Franco B. e vivo e lavoro in Ancona. Voto per Valeria perché è riuscita con determinazione, coerenza e coraggio a cambiare e risolvere situazioni ritenute immodificabili uscendo da ogni logica di partito. Capisce le necessità dei cittadini e della città e lavora per questo. Brava!!! Nominated by Maria D.P., Ancona: Mi chiamo Maria D.P. e vivo ad Ancona. Voto per il mio sindaco Valeria Mancinelli perché donna onesta, competente, coerente e coraggiosa. Ha fatto tanto per la nostra città con determinazione e amore portando a cambiamenti significativi e importanti. Magari tutti i sindaci fossero come lei!!!!! Nominated by Alfredo F., Ancona: Voto per Valeria Mancinelli il mio sindaco perché ha fatto moltissimo per la città di Ancona. Tra le cose già realizzate e quelle già programmate e messe in cantiere la città di Ancona sarà irriconoscibile, piacevole nei suoi nuovi aspetti e fruibile dai suoi cittadini dalla periferia al centro storico Nominated by Lilia B., Ancona: Ancona (Italy) Mayor, Valeria Mancinelli. worked against racism and although Ancona has little money, she fights successfully against debt. Nominated by A. S., Ancona: Sostengo la candidatura di Valeria Mancinelli perché è un sindaco competente di poche parole ma di fatti, sa ascoltare i problemi dei cittadini e soprattutto cerca di risolverli. Nominated by Gaia S., Ancona: Perchè negli ultimi anni la città di Ancona è ritornata visibile, aperta, tangibile dai suoi stessi cittadini. Un sentimento diffuso, un progetto lungimirante ed un filo conduttore percepito. Nominated by Amedeo G., Ancona: Una persona semplice e diretta Valeria Mancinelli, capace e preparata e con grande spirito di dedizione nei confronti della città e delle persone. Dovrebbe essere clonata!!! Nominated by Massimiliano P., Ancona: Voto per Valeria Mancinelli perché è persona seria, preparata, pragmatica, non ideologica ma orientata alla risoluzione dei problemi. Possiede inoltre quella visione di medio/lungo periodo che fa di lei l'amministratore ideale per una città che vuole avere un futuro. Non è un caso che durante il suo mandato Ancona si è come risvegliata. Nominated by Maria Pia F., Ancona: I am a citizen of Ancona and I think Valeria Mancinelli should win the 2018 World Mayor Prize because she is a very competent mayor: she acts on the good functioning of political institutions to determine long-term economic development of Ancona. Thank you for the opportunity to vote her. Nominated by Piero Di R., Moie (An) Italy: Wish to support Mayor Valeria Mancinelli (Ancona, Italy) for the great development she’s trying to get in Ancona. Nominated by Michele, Ancona: My vote is for the Ancona Mayor, Mrs. Valeria Mancinelli. She is a great Mayor. She live the town and close to the citizens needs. She had numerous attacks from the politics enemies, but she is in focus for the best for the town. I trust her. Nominated by Catia R., Ancona: Voglio esprimere il mio voto per Valeria perché quando si ha un amministratore valido va sostenuto . Lei è brava e capace perché e molto preparata professionalmente (la sua professione e quella di avvocato) , perché non teme di portare avanti le sue idee, non ha paura di perdere (perché ha una sua vita alternativa a quella di sindaco) e quindi con coraggio e competenza porta avanti i suoi progetti. Lei non cerca il facile consenso, non cerca di ottenere il consenso con la simpatia. Onestamente crea e realizza progetti per la città. E ' per questo che viene apprezzata. Nominated by Grazia C., Ancona: Valeria Mancinelli for worldmayor: competence, seriousness, clarity, attention to the problems of the city and citizens of Ancona. Nominated by A.F., Ancona: Voto per il Sindaci di Ancona Valeria Mancinelli perché ha saputo trasformare la città di Ancona: bella, una viabilità eccezionale, un centro storico ristrutturato e piacevole dove passeggiare. Nominated by B.B., Ancona: Voto per il Sindaco di Ancona Valeria Mancinelli perché sta rendendo la città bella e fruibile dai cittadini dalla periferia al centro storico Nominated by Chris R., Jesi (An), Italy: Voto per Valeria Mancinelli perché capace di guidare la propria città con fermezza e passione, in un rapporto di grande fiducia con i propri collaboratori. Nominated by Francesco R., Ancona: Over the past five years Mayor Valeria Mancinelli has managed to fix every major issue that Ancona had to struggle with for decades. In many cases the challenge wasn’t the budget itself, but knowing how to deal with extremely complex bureaucratic issues. Her highly qualified “know how” related to her work as a lawyer combined with a firm goal-oriented approach, positively impacted on Ancona like no previous administration before. Many infrastructure issues have been fixed, many public places like squares and monuments renovated with other major projects coming. Her administration also managed to get and then to use wisely government and EU funds. The tourists counter radically improved while the city center is reborn with many international brands (like H&M and many others). She has the vision, the skills and the determination to make a difference. She did, she is doing it and i believe she will keep doing it. Nominated by Michele D., Ancona: I'm happy that Mayor Valeria Mancinelli had this nomination as she is very committed to her job. I lived in Ancona until 2013, then I moved to UK for professional reasons, and now I'm definitely back to Ancona since last year. During my period abroad I used to return time to time to Ancona. I can clearly appreciate the improvements and the progresses of the city during these years, which now appears more active, amazing and "citizen friendly". For example, the re-evaluation of Piazza Cavour or the ancient port of the city is something you ask "why they didn't before?". Of course all the comments are finalised to promote the Mayors and so they are expected to be positive. And for sure all the Mayors nominated deserve them. I think the selection should also consider the contest of the city. Maybe it's more difficult to be the Mayor of a bigger and more touristic city than Ancona, or maybe it's easier as you have more fundings and staff. I don't know. I just believe Mancinelli has an additional strength as she works in a Country where it is hard for a woman to have a leadership position with respect to a man, and she has to fight even with the national government, which is going to cut more than 12 million euro she won for the city to re-qualify abandoned areas. Together with her staff, she also applied and won some European funding competitions, demonstrating her capacity to administrate and promote Ancona. I undoubtedly support her nomination. Nominated by Michele S., Ancona: Quando sono arrivato ad Ancona nel 2012 era una città morta, non c'erano manifestazioni, e iniziative volte a valorizzare la città. Con il sindaco Mancinelli si sono moltiplicate le iniziative, è stato recuperato e valorizzato il porto antico, a natale è stata montata una ruota panoramica e delle luminarie degne di un capoluogo di provincia. Sono aumentati i servizi per i cittadini. Ed anche le mitiche Bughe tanto odiate dai cittadini sono state in buona parte ripianate. Nominarted by Anna L. D’E., Italy: I would write in English but it's so hard for me explain my opinion. I write in Italian. "Sono consigliere delegato in un Comune del Nord-Est e faccio parte di un partito diverso da quello del Sindaco Mancinelli ma la seguo sempre perché mi ricorda quanto il cambiamento arrivi non tanto dai movimenti quanto dalle persone. Ho vissuto ad Ancona fino a più di dieci anni fa e ci ritorno frequentemente poiché ho la famiglia. Nessun amministratore ha la bacchetta magica ma, se lavora con coscienza e cercando l'andare oltre le "linee di partito". Mi piace far politica come servizio al territorio e quando vedo buoni risultati non posso che apprezzarli cercando d'imparare. In questi anni ho visto Ancona come svegliarsi da un lungo sonno e la gente appare più serena...è questo il cambiamento di cui abbiamo bisogno: una politica sana, fatta di lavoro costante e dedizione al territorio nella quale, come nella vita di cittadini, si muovono ciclicamente partiti." Nominated by Annalisa P., Ancona: I support the candidacy of Mayor Mancinelli. My mayor speaks every day with the citizens, despite ours, is a city of almost 100000 inhabitants.She can be reached easily through social channels, but also in the city hall.It does not make bil speeches, but understood the problem, immediately seek solutions for the citizen.She tried to rebuild the social fabric, favoring the integration between different ethnic groups, we have about 101 different in our city. she went to the places of worship of the different religions, always bringing humility and a message of solidarity. She has redeveloped the area of the old port, making it a point of aggregation in an enviable historical context and subtracting it from the degradation of the years. She has, for several years, used whattsapp, to communicate in real time the news to citizens, if there are emergencies, weather alerts, open pharmacies on duty, bathing bans, events, and notices of competition. So, for example, in spring, during a night time snowfall outside the municipality, we knew how the schools were closed for the next day, or after the earthquake, we knew, if structural checks were done in schools and when they were they would have reopened. Moreover, it has a marked interest for the environment, having modified the street lighting with low consumption light bulbs; promoted the creation of an environmental task force to identify the areas most at risk of pollution and to remedy them. Nominated by Gianna D., London, UK: She should win the 2018 World Mayor Prize because of her vision, reliability, pragmatism and also for all the nice activities and projects, she and her team organize for the community in Ancona. Thank you Nominated by Tommaso G., Falconara Mirittima, Italy: Mayor Mancinelli has wisely used the money of the council to restore the old port of Ancona and other neighborhoods. She has also actively promoted integration and social inclusion in Ancona. Nominated by Teresa S., Ancona: Buonasera, la presente vale quale voto per il miglior Sindaco del Mondo 2018 per: Valeria Mancinelli La voto perchè è una persona determinata e pragmatica, che dopo anni di immobilismo, è riuscita fare qualche cosa di apprezzabile per la nostra città di Ancona. E ha avuto il coraggio e l'umiltà di scendere per le strade e nei bar, per parlare e confrontarsi con i cittadini per spiegare e condividere i progetti per la città Forza Valeria!! Nominated by Elio B., Ancona: I am citizen of Ancona, aged 55, i vote for my Mayor because I truly think That MRS Mancinelli deserves to be elected as World Mayor : due to her magnificent lefforts and efficient management in the government of the town , results are already great up to now, but she is so clever and determinate that we’re expecting She will lead Ancona to be known in Europe and worldwide as the most beautiful place where to come and live, as tourist for a visit or as student to our Uniand study !! good job Valeria! Come and see how Ancona the beautiful is now, no surprise on how it will be soon thanks to its Mayor MRS Mancinelli Valeria the fighter! Nominated by Enzo N., Ancona: La Mancinelli è il miglior sindaco di Ancona degli ultimi 40 anni. Ha ridato vita ad una città che dormiva con una serie di progetti molto interessanti. E' molto amata dai cittadini e poco gradita alle cerchie che non riescono a condizionarla. Non a caso è l'unico sindaco in Italia che ha vinto alle ultime elezioni in controtendenza rispetto alle sorti di una formazione politica che ha fallito ovunque. Nominated by Claudio P., Montemarciano, near Ancona: Descrivo queste poche parole a favore del sindaco di Ancona VALERIA MANCINELLI, Nella passata amministrazione ha saputo coinvolgere la sua squadra di governo, permettendo loro di crescere nei profili amministrativi e di servizi alla collettività, dote questa che gli è stata di aiuto anche nella seconda tornata elettorale, anche dovuto ai risultati ottenuti nella gestione di opere messe a dimora nella città, inoltre ha meriti con tutta la sua squadra di coinvolgere in positivo, per la collettività della città di Ancona, la compagine di opposizione amministrativa. Sostengo la candidatura del sindaco Valeria Mancinelli affinché possa vincere il Word Mayor Prize 2018 per la sua spiccate doti straordinarie umanistiche, di coerenza, di correttezza, saper rispettare e fare rispettare le regole legali che si presentano con i vari interlocutori. Nominated by Sonia J., UK: I would like to vote for Valeria Mancinelli as under her administration I have seen great improvements in my home town. There is still a lot to do. We have to start by educating our youth, instill in them a sense of pride in their city. I was born here but I live in the UK where I have seen cities transformed over the years, places such as Birmingham, Manchester Luton etc for the better. But every time I visited Ancona in the past it was a huge dissapointment, the city was going backward and many areas reminded me of places I had seen in the other less developed countries. But since Mrs Mancinelli has been mayor I have seen a huge improvement. Of course there is still a lot that can be done but I can imagine how hard it must be to fix neglect of a city which goes back years. I don't support any political party I just support Mrs Mancinelli because I believe she loves this city as I do, and wants to see it flourish and bring it into the 21st century just as other countries in Europe especially, have been able to do with their own cities. Ancona is a beautiful town , let's help Mrs Mancinelli to take care of it! Let's keep it clean and respect it. We are all responsible for how we want our city to look like, we can all contribute in our own way, starting with not littering, pointless "graffiti", respect our sea side, looking after our immediate surroundings. Coraggio Valeria! Nominated by Maria G., Ancona: I live in Ancona and I am truly surprised for the excellent work Valeria Mancinelli is making for Ancona. She doesn’t shout around her programs, she works hard and silently and everybody can verify the results. Nominated by Roberto B. B., Rome: As a citizen of Rome I envy Ancona. We very much need a humble, hard-working mayor. Good luck Valeria Mancinelli Nominated by Valentina, Recanati, Italy: I'm Valentina and I live in Recanati, a small town near Ancona. I think that Mayor Valeria Mancinelli should win the 2018 World Mayor Prize because she is a lawyer and she has experience, temper and judgment to work collaboratively with residents and colleagues. Valeria has passion for government and she cares about the whole community. She also has the courage to be able to stand up and take on issues that might be uncomfortable. She loves Ancona and she is able to make decisions that are in the best long-term interests of the city. Furthermore Mayor Mancinelli is an outstanding member of the community, known for her many good deeds. Nominated by Milena L., Ancona: Ancona è una città bellissima, ma in pochi lo sanno! Racchiude un patrimonio immenso, fatto di bellezze naturali uniche, mare stupendo, punti panoramici mozzafiato, monumenti come la Mole Vanvitelliana, il Passetto, il Porto Antico......la lista è davvero lunga! Ho 40 anni e solo grazie alla Mancinelli , io e i miei concittadini, abbiamo potuto scoprire che Ancona è FAVOLOSA! Il nostro sindaco ha concretamente lavorato per dare decoro alla città, valorizzarne le bellezze (in ogni quartiere), favorendo l'integrazione (in Ancona il porto è una realtà cruciale)......Potrei scrivere un tema......Il risultato del lavoro del Nostro sindaco lo si vede camminando per la città, Non leggendolo sui giornali.......e questo in Italia è cosa rara! Intelligenza, onestà, umiltà e coerenza sono le qualità della nostra Mancinelli......ce ne fossero!. Mi auguro solo che possa continuare a migliorare la nostra città, perché gli Anconetani lo meritano e perché la Mancinelli ha doti, capacità , passione e cuore per farlo. Nominated by Maria P. C., Ancona: My vote for the World Mayor 2018 is for a beautiful woman, an excellent mayor, Valeria Mancinelli. She represents for our city a big change. After years of immobility, Ancona is starded again in the last five years! Thanks a lot Valeria and compliments!! Nominated by Alberto Di C., Senigallia: Conosco Valeria Mancinelli da 5 anni e mi ha sempre dato l'impressione di una persona competente (è un avvocato), energica e soprattutto onesta verso i suoi cittadini. Si è adoperata così tanto nel primo mandato che nel secondo è stata rieletta senza difficoltà. Ha avuto a cuore sempre la sorte della sua città che ama molto, ed è riuscita a trovare anche molti soldi per rilanciarla nella regione e in Italia. Merita molto ed è difficile trovare amministratori in gamba come lei. Grazie Nominated by Caria C., Recanati (MC) Italy: Valeria Mancinelli was able to direct the energies in dialogue and constructive confrontation, managing to create works and to put in place a positive campaign for Ancona. Mancinelli is an exemplary mayor Nominated by Valeria F., Ancona: The Ancona Mayor should win because she represents the good side of Italy: dedication instead of propaganda, communication instead of populism, tolerance instead of racism, openness instead of fear. Nominated by Giovanni M., Ancona: Valeria Mancinelli deserves the prize because she inherited an almost depressed city in considerable financial difficulty and was able to start the rehabilitation of the administration and the cultural and economic development; positively collaborating with all public bodies, associations and other stakeholders, with particular reference to the re-launch of the maritime identity and port activities, so important for the urban regeneration. The administration has also been able to capture significant financial resources thanks to a new strategic plan and projects eligible for contributions at regional, national and European level. All this has strengthened the sense of belonging and the enthusiasm of an important part of citizens, even in such a difficult period for the politician as the current one in Italy. Nominated by Carla Maria P., Ancona: Valeria Mancinelli just recently won her second round as Mayor of Ancona, her citizens confirmed her showing they appreciated her after 5 years of good administration, despite the unfortunate national trend that her Party has undergone in these past months. This demonstrate, I think, that when a woman is clever, competent and honest, she can make the difference in politics, as well in any leading position that requires to be able and willing to make decisions, taking responsability for them. Nominated by Ornella P., Ancona: I strongly support the candidacy of Major Valeria Mancinelli since she is a person who is focusing her mission to substantially improve the quality of life of Ancona's citizens. For this purpose, she is also implementing solutions that significantly guarantee a renaissance of the city. To cite an example, she made a great effort for a new reorganization of the port that is now an important centre not only for the economy of the city but also for social life events. I believe in her capacities and in the fact that her policy mission is mainly focused on the citizens. Nominated by Roberto C., Agugliano (near Ancona): She is the best Ancona Mayor ever; Valeria Mancinelli gave new impulse to the economy of Ancona and territory, to the renewal of the City; she realized the re-opening of the port to the peolple. She is honest in telling and doing, never making promises without certainty. Nominated by Luigi P., Ancona: Valeria Mancinelli is the best mayor we have had, the forst woman in this role and our city has got the best results since ever. Our community is very happy of her. Nominated by Tiziana R., Ancona: Good morning, I live in Ancona, and I vote for Mayor Valeria Mancinelli, as it is giving new life to the city by redeveloping all those areas left to decay because considered suburbs, also proposes many initiatives also cultural to bring people to live again the city. Nominated by Marco S., Ancona: I vote Valeria Mancinelli cause he became mayor when Ancona was a sad, unsafe, dirty and empty city. Whit moral honesty, sense of responsibility she built a new city, happy, brighter, safe and she values the beauties of the city. With her work Ancona start to become a smart city, the historical centre come back to be attended by the big brands of shopping and from the people. Valeria Mancinelli also give to LGBTQI citizen total support and friendship. The theatrical season with her support has become more interesting and rich. Valeria Mancinelli is the tangible example of honesty, love for the city and love for people. Nominated by Giuseppina G., Ancona: Sostengo Valeria Mancinelli perché è un Sindaco con le idee chiare. Si impegna tantissimo per rendere migliore la sua città e le condizioni di vita dei cittadini, ma sa dire anche dei no molto decisi a fronte di richieste non possibili. È coerente, determinata, preparata. Nominated by Simona M., Rome: I was born 46 years ago in this small Italian city of the Adriatic coast but I've been living in Rome for the last 15. This is the first Major i remember able to make people think that changing is possible. When I read about the nomination i said to myself wow!!! it's true!!!! Something special has happened!! Lots of new projects to improve economy, to safe environ and give a new look to the city. Valeria is giving Ancona back to citizens. BRAVA!! Nominated by Barbara L., Ancona: Voglio votare Valeria Mancinelli, perché ha reso la città di Ancona più attraente e più vivibile. Grazie alla sua guida, la nostra città ha avuto uno slancio di modernità e di vivacità. Da cittadina di provincia un po' troppo tranquilla, Ancona si è gradualmente trasformata in un centro attivo e prolifico di iniziative culturali. Anche la valorizzazione dell'ambiente cittadino si deve al lavoro competente e responsabile del nostro Sindaco. Ad Ancona oggi si vive meglio! Nominated by Monia M., Ancona: She succeeded in valorizing, and she keeps doing that, the beauties forgotten of Ancona, by ensuring that the inhabitants discovered them and come back to live the most beautiful places in the city that they even didn't know before. Congratulations to Valeria Mancinelli!!! Nominated by Maro, Ancona: In the biggest defeat of her national political group, she achieved the most important victory in her city. Simple, pragmatic, optimistic and available for dialogue and comparison. For this reason I also vote for this occasion the mayor of my city! Nominated by Fabiana F., Ancona: The management of the mayor Mancinelli has contributed to the rebirth of the city of Ancona. there have been many initiatives to revitalize the city's tourism to relaunch cultural and sporting initiatives. We are on the right path. Nominated by Tiziana B., Ancona: I vote for Valeria Mancinelli (Ancona Mayor) for her attention to the suburbs of Ancona, and for the interventions made in favor of integration of all citizens, including newcomers. Nominated by V. V., Ancona: I support Mrs Mancinelli as the mayor of the world because she is a very strong woman, she made a lot of projects for the town of Ancona, her first mission is the healty of the town, she wants the citizens to be in love with Ancona. I vote for her! Nominated by G. B., Castelfidardo, Italy: Sostengo la candidatura del sindaco Mancinelli perché vinca il World Mayor Prize 2018 per il suo dedito impegno al benessere e alla crescita economica della città dorica e della sua provincia e per la costante attenzione rivolta ai cittadini, ai loro bisogni e alle loro richieste. Nonché per la sua professionalità, competenza e attenzione verso ogni minimo particolare. Nominated by Gabi V., Ancona: I vote for Valeria Mancinelli because she's a very courageous woman, who fights for justice and rights; she knows how to reach important objectives. For the first time Ancona has become an important town, with a lot of attractions and cultural events, such as lots of important festivals about Arts and History, visited by thousands of tourists coming from over the world. I thank Mancinelli for loving my beautiful town, where I live, Ancona. Nominated by Paola G., Ancona: I support valeria mancinelli because she has kept her promises and finally Ancona made a better city, although there is still much to do. Nominated by Grazie V., Ancona: Voto Valeria Mancinelli, una grande sindaco, come non c'è ne sono stati più dal tempo del terremoto del 1972. Ha fatto rinascere la nostra meravigliosa città dal torpore. Ha fatto riaprire ai cittadini parte del porto, che è sempre stato una delle passeggiate di tutti gli anconetani. Nominated by Giuseppina M., Ancona: Intendo votare per Valeria Mancinelli, candidata di Ancona, Italia, perché ha fatto della crescita e del miglioramento della città la sua principale ragione di vita e si batte come una leonessa per questo scopo. Nominated by Simona L., Anoona: I am Simona Lisi, artista and cultural designer, I am from Ancona but I lived in manu different cities in my life. I came back to Ancona in 2013 and I immediately feel the difference from the past administration. During Mayor Valeria Mancinelli's first term, Ancona experienced really a new start. She renewed the city of Ancona in terms of vitality, economic opportunity and cultural interests. She reshaped the linkages between citizens of Ancona and their heritage sites, in particular she restarted the vital connection with the docks. She choses a perfect team, that combine expertisement with sincere care for public good. Nominated by Lucilla S., Ancona” My vote for the World Mayor 2018 is for VALERIA MANCINELLI. The city of Ancona has had a great economic development in the last 5 years thanks to her determination,ability and administrative skills.After years of immobilism she came and started working for the people . Thank you VALERIA. Nominated by Paola P., Ancona: I support Valeria Mancinelli for the World Mayor Prize for the passion and strength she is putting into governing the city of Ancona. The Mayor is totally transforming the face of Ancona. She's promoting tourism like never before. She has been excellent in integrating small ethnic communities into Ancona society. Ancona became an example for every city in the world for its diplomacy, sense of community, special events, security without being closed. She listens to the people and she doesn't represent left or right, but only what is good for the city of Ancona. Nominated by Francesco L., Ancona: Sostengo la candidatura del sindaco Valeria Mancinelli perché è molto competente, ascolta i suoi cittadini e lavora per risolvere i problemi. Con lei Ancona ha avuto un grande impulso. Nominated by Maurizio M., Ancona: I ask forgiveness for my bad English. I Vote for Valeria Mancinelli for the following reasons: - she does not launch proclamations like any other politician - she says publicly what she will do - she says publiclyy what she has already done - her positions are always balanced - has a great ability to understand others Nominated by Alessandro D., Ancona: I live in Ancona and I am 30 years old, Mancinelli is the first mayor who change really Ancona in better. Nominated by Caterina M., Ancona: My name is Caterina and I think Valeria Mancinelli is a really good mayor because she has empruved the development of the poorest streets of the City, she gave new possibilites of work for joung people, she has a big love of her city and that makes she can launch a wonderful image of Ancona. Nominated by Tommaso M., Castelfidardo (AN), Italy: I want to vote for the mayor Mancinelli because she is a serious, concrete and sincere woman, who loves and knows her city. She has been very involved in the implementation of her politic program and has been able to awaken a city until a few years ago asleep. I think she's a really a great mayor! Nominated by Elisabetta G., Ancona: Voto il la sindaca Valeria Mancinelli, perché è una persona attiva, intelligente, preparata e come Sindaco di Ancona, lavora per far crescere e dare valore ad ogni aspetto della città, anche quello di sollecitare la partecipazione dei cittadini, così che si possano Nominated by Roberta A. O., Ancona: Vote with conviction the Mayor of Ancona Valeria Mancinelli for his extraordinary abilities: determination, professionalism, loyalty and humility! The beautiful city of Ancona, slowly, is regaining confidence in itself and the "Anconetani" are now proud and proud to be born and live here! The city is reborn from every point of view: commercial, cultural, tourist not only thanks to its natural beauty but also because from some years, in Ancona, are been organized beautiful and interesting events: music festivals, Christmas events, and even alternative festivals but particularly fascinating. So, forward all !!! I vote for Valeria Mancinelli Nominated by Susanna, Ancona: Ha saputo dialogare con la città e capirne le esigenze. Ne ha migliorato l'aspetto, con ristrutturazioni di alcune aree urbane e la nuova sistemazione delle strade. La città è, nel complesso, più vivace e pronta a godersi gli spazi rinnovati nella città. Nominated by An., Ancona She has always been a very tenacious working woman in pursuing her ambitious projects to make our town always more beautiful and modern, never giving up or changing her program ,facing her opponents ,always , with.....polite vigor.. I VOTE sincerely convinced our Mayor Valeria Mancinelli Nominated by Marco, Ancona: One of the few honest mayors in circulation Nominated by Raffaella P., Ancona: I live in Ancona, my name is Raffaella Piazzini and I support our Mayor Valeria Mancinelli, since she is trying to renovate Ancona historical centre with a lot of respect and also trying to help little enterpreneurs such as myself to enhance the city's economy. Thanks Nominated by Elvio A. and Maria L. G., Recanati (MC) Italy: Ho scelto di votare per Valeria Mancinelli perché ha rinnovato la città di Ancona, rendendola più bella e più vivibile. Inoltre ha governato senza lasciarsi condizionare dagli apparati di partito. Nominated by Remo D and Serenella B., Ancona: Valeria Mancinelli si è impegnata costantemente in tutte le cause che riguardano la nostra città. Ha sempre dato il meglio di sè, ascoltando i cittadini e mettendo la città di Ancona sempre al primo posto. Essere eletta anche in seconda candidatura ne è testimonianza. Nominated by L. A., Ancona: Vivo in Ancona ed esprimo tutto il mio apprezzamento per il Sindaco MANCINELLI. In 30 e più anni di residenza in questa città, non avevo mai visto tante migliorie specie nel settore manutenzione, abbellimento e cura in generale dell’arredo urbano. Molto bene anche la viabilità sicuramente più curata che in passato . By Renzo R., Ancona: My vote for the World Mayor 2018 is for Valeria Mancinelli because she represents for us a big change. After years of immobility for our city, Ancona is started again in the last five years. Valeria Mancinelli is brave and a strong point for Ancona. Thanks Valeria and go ahead so!! Nominated by Clara M., Ancona: I am proud of Valeria Mancinelli's work. She loves our town and she works on many projects for the future of Ancona and for the devolpment of many areas. Nominated by Dario R., Ancona: My vote for the World Mayor 2018 is for Valeria Mancinelli. The city of Ancona has had a great economic development in the last 5 years thanks to its determination, ability and administrative skills. We hope she can do even better in the next term. Nominated by Anna P. G., Ancona: I am a senior citizen and a teacher living in Ancona and I would like to support Valeria Mancinelli as World Mayor 2018 because she really represents a change. After years of immobilism she came and started working FOR the people. She listened to the requests coming from the common, humble people and gave back the prestigious and ancient port to the citizens after the place had been closed by metal gates and nets by previous administration. Not only, she also started organizing cultural and popular events in the place, giving a new birth to commerce and activities in the area. She organized a thick net of repairing in the streets and the key sights of the town, she improved green areas and playgrounds for children in a very amazing style. She represents a model to follow for winning political creed and a new hope and faith in disappointed citizens. She was elected and reconfirmed, the only one from a party which has been defeated everywhere else, but Ancona. This means that no matter the color of the flag: people and citizens want measurable results. And she gave us lots of results! Thank you for reading my opinion Nominated by Andrea C., Barcelona / Ancona: Mayor Valeria Mancinelli started a local fight, that soon became national, against the cut of a promised funding of €13 millions from the national government to requalify and embellish a number of Italian town's peripheries. Her popularity (she's already at the 2nd charge) goes beyond the political party as she's only preoccupied of the objective problems of the town of Ancona. Through some trials that were due already some years ago, the town won an amount of money that Mayor Mancinelli immediately spent to asphalt roads, sidewalks and the development of the port. In public, she's never caring too much of the formal appearances, in dressing and in speech, making her close to her citizens. She does not want to be talked in formal way and she's often eager to speak to citizens in the street. Nominated by Franck C., Luxembourg: With my wife being Ancona native, I spend quite a lot of time in Ancona and I was able to see the city changing since Valerica Mancinelli is its mayor. She's doing a great job, acting wisely to make things moving forward for Ancona and its citizens. Among her noticeable projects are Vanvitelli Molo (port) pathway redesign, Viale della Vittoria (Ancona's main avenue) pavement rebuild, Piazza Cavour rebuild and Christmas market enhancement. Therefore, I strongly support Valeria Mancinelli for the World Mayor prize. Nominated by Sergio M., Ancona: I was born and I currently live in Ancona, although in the past I lived many years in other Italian, Argentinian and Brazilian cities. Ancona is a very particular one. It is small (it has only 100,000 inhabitants) and therefore has a limited budget. At the same time it is the regional capital and therefore has great demands as far as infrastructures and services are concerned. Two thirds of the city are surrounded by the sea, with a very important port and the rest of it is hilly. It has always been a gateway to the East and has always had a strong presence of immigrants. That said, being a mayor of such a complex community is a huge challenge. My vote goes to Valeria Mancinelli, because she showed during her first term of being able both to think big and to act in detail. With her collaborators she has obtained important European and National funding, overcoming the limitation of the municipal budget. At the same time she has been able to work for the specific demands of civil society, businesses and individual citizens. In a period of great changes in the voter sentiment at the national level, she has managed to win the confidence of local voters for her second term. This way she and her team can ensure stability and continuity for ongoing projects. Nominated by Mauro G., Ancona: Buongiorno Ritengo la Sindaca Valeria Mancinelli, capace di ascoltre i cittadini e di mettere a disposizione le proprie conoscenze per il miglioramento della città. Inoltre, nella scelta dei sui collaboratori tiene conto prioritariamente delle competenze e della laboriosità degli stessi. Infine, nel risolvere le problematiche mette al centro del percorso, momenti di partecipazione dei concittadini. Nominated by Roberta B., Ancona: Our mayor is a very competent and kind person. She actually represents one of the most important voices in our country, against populism. She works hard everyday to leave the city a better place to life. Wishing her the best of luck for this, Nominated by Roberto S., Ancona: Voto la Sindaca Valeria Mancinelli perché nel primo mandato ha saputo traghettare la bella e affascinante città di Ancona fuori dal guado, e sono certo che nei prossimi 5 anni riuscira’ a fare meglio, perché Ancona ha grosse potenzialità da esternare. Spero che vinca. Un saluto Roberto Nominated by Laura De A., Ancona: Ciao, voto per la mia sindaca perché nel suo primo mandato ha dato vitalità ad una citta prettamente commerciale, anche se piena di storia. Ha creato iniziative per i cittadini che adesso vivono di più la città e la conoscono meglio anche attraverso iniziative culturali proprio per conoscere la bellezza della città. Ha anche seguito con partocolare attenzione i servizi , che ora sono più accessibili e innovativi! Nominated by Bianca C., Ancona: I vote for Mayor Valeria Mancinelli, mayor of Ancona (Italy) because the town has improved a lot since she is Mayor and she is strongly fighting to obtain the application of a law to improve other quarters of the town. Also other aspects such as culture (festivals, cinema, exhibitions,...) characterise my beautiful town and with Mayor Mancinelli, these aspects are at the first place. Nominated by Azzurra F., Ancona / Rome: I am living in Ancona since 4 years and half now. During these years I could see the city literally raise and shine. Her administration invested time and resources on social and working inclusion of vulnerable groups and on initiatives to make the city actrative for tourists. Nominated by Matteo P., Ancona: She has promoted Ancona's improvement, restructuring Passetto elevator and Cavour square, enahancing events on Lazzaretto and Cardeto Park and beginning to fix street asphalt, which is one of the major problem of the city. With her, the city has become growing up. Nominated by Claudio V., Ancona: I consider it a privilege to have Mrs. Mancinelli as mayor of Ancona. The actions that it has been able to put in place to improve the city have had as a tangible effect the resumption of activities and the satisfaction of citizens. In the new mandate as mayor there will still be work but the premises are of the best. A great appreciation must be done in the presence of the Mayor who is increasingly close to the citizens and their requests. Nominated by Arianna A., Luxembourg: I was born in Ancona, and even though I left my hometown quite early for my studies, my family and friends still live there. I hence visit the city quite regularly. During the last years, since Ms Mancinelli became major, I’ve seen the city gradually progressively become more and more lively. From the great Christmas market and Christmas lights, to the new walkway at the harbour, to the numerous festivals and cultural initiatives, the city sparkles again. Also, Ms Mancinelli took care of the infrastructures by redoing the central Piazza Cavour, the pavement of our promenade, il Viale della Vittoria, the lights in several areas, adding nice modern sculptures both in the pedestrian shopping area and at the harbour walkway. The list could continue, I don’t know them all in details. Lastly, she put in place an intelligent administration that takes care to wisely collect available National and European funds to revamp our cities. Her soon-to-being and already approved project to enhance the viability of the commercial harbour will finally put an end to a sensitive issue the city faces since a few decades. Nominated by Fabrizio L., Polverigi: Quattro anni Sindaco di Ancona e rieletta per un secondo mandato Valeria Mancinelli è il Sindaco di tutti. Ha dato una svolta alla città aprendo ai cittadini il Porto Antico, la sistemazione e la riasfaltatura delle strade della città arrivando anche alle periferie. Per le feste natalizie ha fatto uno sforzo enorme facendo montare una ruota panoramica in piazza Cavour, la principale. Ha rivalutato perfino il quartiere più multietnico della città. Rifacimento dell’ascensore panoramico del Passetto, la cosiddetta spiaggia degli anconetani. Ci sono altri fondamentali progetti che, governo centrale permettendo, devono andare in porto perché i fondi ci sono ma il governo li ha bloccati. Nominated by Fabio F., Ancona: During Mayor Valeria Mancinelli's first term, Ancona experienced a new start. She renewed the city of Ancona in terms of vitality, economic opportunity and cultural interests. She reshaped the linkages between citizens of Ancona and their heritage site, in particular she restarted the vital connection with the docks. Nominated by Martina S., Ancona: I am Martina and I would like to support Valeria Mancinelli for the competition because I live in Ancona and I think that she is really a great Mayor. She invested in cultural events, parks, new streets and also the upgrading of several historical zones of the city. Nominated by Jacqueline P., Ancona: As a resident at via circonvallazione, Ancona, I would like to vote Valeria as world mayor as she has been one of the few people to get things done in Ancona. Although the port area project has not been concluded yet, this key element of the city, has been reopened to the public and much of its beauty has been vaporized. Piazza Cavour has been returned to its original splendor and under her mayorship the city is slowly coming back to life. Her ideas and determination to upgrade the peripheral areas of the city will facilitate integration of minority and poorer sectors of the population and ensure that a glorious, eclectic part of the city is once again seen and lived by the whole city for what it truly is. Although some may believe that she strong arms her council, as a resident of this city, I believe someone who is prepared to take responsibility is much needed among the general talkers and takers. Nominated by Giuseooe A., Ancona: Best Mayor since Galeazzi left back on the 2001. 3 words to describe this person: Professional, resolute and diplomatic. Ancona needs a person like her to rise again. Nominated by Eliane R., Ancona: Mayor Valeria Mancinelli has given a huge contribution for relaunching of this so important city in Italy Ancona. Ancona Town is absolutely strategic for Italy and the world not only on the economical area but also for the history, culture and environment. Therefore all these areas need to be safe and Valeria Mancinelli has been able to keep under close control all the sectors involved. She also gave an important support to the public healthcare institutions, which can provide a great service at an international level. She contributed to sustain development of economy in the town which could expand locally and not only. Finally she is making big fights to achieve rehabilitation of the suburb areas. In other words, she has such an impartial view to be able to individuate right priorities which have a local and national impact too. She represents the best example of Italy with her open minded views, her reliable, efficient and transparent behaviour to reach one goal: life quality for her citizens. Nominated by Giovanni C., Ancona: I think, Ancona's Mayor has to be voted because she was able to create a welcome city for everybody where all the people can feel at home. Nominated by Isabella T., Ancona: Sostengo la candidatura del sindaco Valeria Mancinelli 2018 per il World Mayor Prize perché ritengo che abbia dato una svolta importante alla città, che oggi è più vivibile, attiva e attrattiva. Valeria Mancinelli ha instaurato un rapporto onesto e trasparente con i cittadini, dando risultati concreti e dimostrandosi competente, onesta ed efficace. Nominated by A., Ancona: Valeria Mancinelli sindaco di Ancona , sta dimostrando in questo momento assai difficile ,per l'ottusità di gente arrogante e incompetente (vedi blocco dei finanziamenti per il recupero delle periferie) di essere il SINDACO di tutti i cittadini, al di sopra di ogni credo e colore politico. anche quelli che l'avevano osteggiata si stanno ricredendo, vada avanti imperterrita così noi saremo sempre al suo fianco. Nominated by Manuela L., I'm a citizen of Ancona. I think that Mayor Valeria Mancinelli should win the 2018 World Mayor Prize because in these years she realized what she promised. In particular she improved the activities of the town and renovated the city planning now better then ever before her. Nominated by Daniela C., Ancona: I would like to vote for Valeria Mancinelli because she worked with professionalism for giving a new economical future to Ancona, for helping citizens and for improving culture and arts. Nominated by Romina R., Ancona: I want to support the candidacy of Mayor Mancinelli, my Mayor, because she is a tenacious woman, a careful politician, a concrete and forward-thinking administrator. She has been able to choose a competent team able to get resources and to plan a qualification and a cultural and economic raising of the city. Against national trend in comparison to the result of her party, she has again gained the trust of the citizens that they have reconfirmed her to the second mandate. Nominated by Alessia V., Ancona: I am happy to vote Mancinelli Mayor: she is consistent, determined, straight towards improvements and goal achievements, aleays coherent with her opinions and facts, smiling but strong whenever needed. Ancona is changed and improved thanks to her. Nominated by Simone G., Castelbellino: I vote for her because I’ve been involved in several project She financed to empower social welfare troughs arts and teaching. The team of politicians she built is so great: open minded, always listening people e looking for innovation in all directions. I particularly loved the project Costruire Relazioni, in which last year near 300 children between the 6th and the 18th age years old, have studied personal skills in school hours. The have studied communication ability, the ability of communicate without hurts people, ability of handle errors, to manage time...not only kids an young studied and applicate this skills but also teachers and parents together, to be all consistent in art of education. This project was by Centro Studi Podresca but this Major had Her team is the one that most believed in that, and now in Ancona we can have Human Abilities in the school hours. THANK U Nominated by Luca Di T., Ancona: Hi i live in Ancona and i vote for Valeria Mancinelli because she is an amazing woman that cares about all the people without distinction of skin color, race and she brought back Ancona being brilliant and important. And also she has a long view plan for the future. Nominated by Francesca L. T., Scotland: Mayor Valeria Mancinelli should win because since she becomes mayor of Ancona the city improve. She organized a lot of new events in order to make our city more alive. She is doing it great. Nominated by Andrea A. P., Italy: I believe that mayor Mancinelli deserves this price because she truly granted citizens interests in her years of mandate. She did an excellent job in public administration showing how privatization is not always a synonym of efficiency. Her competence and integrity makes her a true iron lady and I hope she will do a good job also in her second term. Nominated by Fiona K., Ancona: il mio voto va al sindaco di Ancona, Italia, Valeria Mancinelli. Con forza e tenacia sta trasformando questa città, sta lavorando in maniera concreta affrontando i problemi crucciali della città. Nominated by Walter, Adriana, Matteo and Emanuela: Due to my job, I have leaved in many Cities, abroad also. The best Major that I have ever known is Valeria Mancinelli, really a great, great, great Woman. Me and my Family Wish her nomination. Nominated by Rita P., Ancona: The candidate Valeria Mancinelli mayor of Ancona is an excellent person, professionally prepared, always ready to listen to the citizen, fighting to get the best for your country. I call it an excellent mayor. Always Valeria Mancinelli. Nominated by Claudia R., Ancona: My name is Claudia Ruta and I have my residency in Ancona. Valeria, our mayor, represents a role model as a woman and politician. Absolutely one of the best mayors Ancona has had in the past years. Nominated by Alessia P., Ancona: Hi, I’m living in Ancona and I know Valeria Mancinelli. She is a good mayor, during her job our city is reborn. She won most national an international competition notice to recive funds for many project like the new water front. Nominated by Maria L. S., Ancona: Mi chiamo Maria e vivo ad Ancona. Esprimo la mia stima per Valeria Mancinelli perche'e'una persona onesta e preparata. Ha fatto tanto per la nostra citta' e ha tanti bei progetti in cantiere. La sua presenza nella citta'mi da'sicurezza. Grande Sindaco!!! Nominated by Donatella M., Ancona: I support Valeria Mancinelli's candidacy because she did what politics must do, not think about herself. She has made a "useful" policy for the community. She has redeveloped symbolic places, pieces of the heart of the city with the recovery of the existing building heritage bringing to life in the villages young couples and new families, without new consumption of soil.It managed to bring back to life and light pieces of history of the city : from the ancient port, to Piazza Cavour, to the Passetto engraving a lot in the rediscovered sense of identity of the city, an important resource. Ancona with the administration of Valeria Mancinelli has become a city that welcomes and includes its inhabitants who come from anywhere. Nominated by Liliana M, Ancona: Penso che la sindaca Mancinelli abbia risvegliato e stia risvegliando la città di Ancona, che per anni è stata ferma nel suo torpore. La sua capacità e intraprendenza potrebbero quindi essere utili anche in un ambito più vasto di quello comunale. Nominated by Luca B., I am a citizen of Ancona, which is also my birthplace. I would like to vote Miss Valeria Mancinelli because she is turning Ancona into a real European town and she is paying much attention to university and its students. During her first five years she managed to have access to Italian and European funds which will increase life quality for all Ancona citizens and all the people who work or study in town. Nominated by G. A., Ancona: I'd like to vote for the mayor of the city in which I live in, Valeria Mancinelli. Not only she deserves the prize because she is a tough mayor, but also because my city has earned, in these years, the possibility to become a place that everyone should want to visit. Nominated by Cristina A., Valeria Mancinelli is skilled, passionate, brave and coherent. She is the best Mayor our city has never had, she got brilliant results for our city and she is now re-elected. I am very proud to claim that no one has her capacity of speaking with heart and brain, to decide and have a clear vision of the community she wants to help and represent. Nominated by Giulia, Ancona: Our mayor cares all her citizens. She succeeded to take the town in a wide range of social and cultural requalification. We had never realized before how much our Ancona is charming. She is trying to do her best to give suburbs a new role. Nominated by Christina A., Ancona: I know Valeria and I was candidate in our Municipality supporting her re-election. She is a very brave, honest and determined person, she is very skilled and able to study and understand all the technical issues concerning the government of our city. And, above all, she never forgets the weak parts of our community, she is wide-hearted and this counts a lot for all of us. Nominated by S. P., Ancona: I support the candidacy of Mayor Mancinelli because of her capacity to focalize the best target in order to the resources. Under her first administration (2013-2018) the citizens had appreciated the improvement of the quality of services for public needs and free time too. Nominated by Marco C., Italy: I was born in Ancona but now I live out for working reasons. I return at home many times during the year and I appreciate the mayor for her capacity to attract European money incentives to improve Ancona. Nominated by Cristina P., Ancona: I’m voting for Mrs Valeria Mancinelli because she did and is doing a great job in our town. Old areas of our town now are amazing, now we can “live” our city, in summer in winter ... everyday you can walk around and see a reborn city. a woman as Mayor is the best thing we have. Great job Valeria! Nominated by Cristina G., Ancona: I give my vote to Valeria Mancinelli, mayor of Ancona, where I live, because she's a dedicated, passionate mayor. In her previous term she greatly improved Ancona. I couldn't think of a better mayor for my town. Nominated by G. P. Ancona: I am from Ancona. Valeria is the best mayor I've seen from long time. She is very active, tenacious, competent and in solidarity with the weakest. |