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Dedicated to women mayors The 2018 World Mayor Prize and Commendations will be conferred on women mayors who have made outstanding and long-lasting contributions to their communities. The organisers wish to show what outstanding women mayors achieve all over the world. By doing so, they hope to encourage more women to contemplate a career in local government and run for political office. The women, who will be awarded the 2018 World Mayor Prize and other honours, will be role models for young women and, indeed, men everywhere. Souad Abderrahim, Mayor of Tunis, Tunisia, has been awarded the title Mayor of Distinction. |
FRONT PAGE About World Mayor City Mayors Foundation ![]() ![]() ![]() WORLD MAYOR 2018 • Results 2018 • Project 2018 • Shortlist 2018 • Longlist 2018 • Raison d'être • World Mayor history • World Mayor Prize • Code of Ethics • Criteria • Meet the Press INTERVIEWS WITH • Mayor of Ancona • Mayor of Doncaster • Mayor of Rennes • Mayor of Zamboanga ESSAYS BY • Mayor of Ancona • Mayor of Cologne • Mayor of Doncaster • Mayor of Fort Worth • Mayor of Lille • Mayor of Paris • Mayor of Rennes • Mayor of Saarbrücken • Mayor of Trbovlje • Mayor of Tunis • Mayor of Zamboanga TESTIMONIALS • Mayor of Alphen / Rijn • Mayor of Ancona • Mayor of Baden-Baden • Mayor of Calais • Mayor of Chemnitz • Mayor of Cologne • Mayor of Cozumel • Mayor of Doncaster • Mayor of Fort Worth • Mayor of Grand Rapids • Mayor of Lille • Mayor of Lodz • Mayor of Molenbeek • Mayor of Narayanganj • Mayor of Oakland • Mayor of Omaha • Mayor of Paris • Mayor of Rennes • Mayor of Reutlingen • Mayor of Saarbrücken • Mayor of San Juan • Mayor of Trbovlje • Mayor of Tunis • Mayor of Zamboanga • Mayor of Zurich PROFILES OF • Mayor of Ancona • Mayor of Cologne • Mayor of Doncaster • Mayor of Fort Worth • Mayor of Lille • Mayor of Paris • Mayor of Rennes • Mayor of Saarbrücken • Mayor of Trbovlje • Mayor of Tunis • Mayor of Zamboanga WORLD MAYOR 2016 WORLD MAYOR 2014 WORLD MAYOR 2012 WORLD MAYOR 2010 WORLD MAYOR 2008 WORLD MAYOR 2006 WORLD MAYOR 2005 WORLD MAYOR 2004 |
Nominations for Souad Abderrahim Mayor of Tunis (Tunesia) Nominated by Yasser G., Tunis: Je vote la mairesse de Tunis pour son engagement pur les droits de la ville et son militarisme pour les libertés . Elle est porteuse de projets . Une Maire déterminée et œuvre pour le changement ,crédible digne de confiance. Nominated by Bassem M., Tunis: I want to express my strong conviction to support Mayor Souad Abderrahim for the reward of the best world woman mayor. The reasons that lead me to support this mayor are: • She is issued from an Islamic political party (Ennahdha), nevertheless, she reflects the image of the modern and emancipated Tunisian women; • She participated in the elaboration of the constitution of the second republic (on behalf of its political party) • She succeeded to be the first women in the history of Tunisia that occupy the position of mayor; • She has a rehabilitation plan to erase the run-down buildings in the heart of the capital Tunis, so that the local authority can reshape a new architecture for the capital; • She is strongly defending clean mobility systems such as bio gas buses, bike (the municipality of Tunis is thinking about the implementation of cycling areas ) I hope that I succeeded to convince the jury of the pertinence of choosing Souad Abderrahim with the arguments aforementioned; Nominated by Rolf U., Cologne, Germany: I am voting for the Tunis Mayor Souad Abderrahim because I want to support especially women in an Islamic Country, which is going to be on a more liberal way. I am convinced, that she will successfully lead her City. Nominated by Mohamed K., Tunisia: I am sending you this email supporting the mayor of Tunis, Souad Abderrahim, the first female mayor of Tunisia's capital in 160 years. Souad Abderrahim is not like the past 32 mayors of this North African capital. They hailed from wealthy, influential families. And, oh, yes, they were all men. She’s a self-made businesswoman. They were political appointees. She was elected in the first-ever mayoral vote last month. Abderrahim has become that rarity in the Arab world: a woman holding a top elected position. Even in Tunisia, where women's rights are more advanced than in most other countries of North Africa and the Middle East, her rise is widely seen as a breakthrough for women and has renewed hopes for greater gender parity. Abderrahim’s victory reflects a gradual shift in attitudes toward women in the Arab world. Saudi women were recently permitted to drive. In Lebanon and Jordan, laws that exonerated rapists if they married their victims were repealed last year, following Tunisia’s lead. In other ways, too, Abderrahim represents change. She’s the capital’s first mayor with a middle-class background and roots in the south of the country. Tunisia has long been ruled by wealthy northern elites. She’s also the capital’s first Islamist mayor, the candidate of a political party inspired by Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, which is viewed as an extremist group by some regional powers but moderate by others. At a time when the Brotherhood and its branches are under attack across the Middle East, Abderrahim’s ascension is widely seen by diplomats and analysts as an effort by her party - Ennahda. Nominated by Khaled S., Paris, France: I support Souad as she's the first women mayor for the capital of the country in Arabic and Africa world. She started her campaign and job in a very difficult circumstances and she was not sure to win. She afforded her political competitors and mainstream ideology that a women is not able to be a mayor. Other difficulty, the Tunis mayor's should be a part of the main religious events in the capital. An additional field reserved to men. A really change and a soft revolution in this part of the world. Please choose Souad. Nominated by IHEB, Tunis: I think Miss Souad Abderrahim should win the 2018 World Mayor Prize because she has implemented a lot of policies concerning the repair of the old town in Tunis and restored the safety of the city and reduced the number of assaults and burglaries drastically. In addition She's the first and hopefully not the last women to take on the role of a mayor in Tunis's history which proves how competent and hard working she is to dive in a field pre-dominated by males and succeed and that on it's own will make her our Mayor of the year especially for younger girls who'll take her as a role model. Nominated by Abdalla H., Tunis: I support the candidacy of Mayor2018 Mrs Souad Abdel-Rahim for the following reasons • Well educated • Elegant in appearance with simplicity • Polite in her talk • Moderate in her political and social positions • Humanitarian in her feelings • She is active in her work • Modest in her relations • Have the ability to communicate enabled them to overcome many obstacles, including: As a woman who is new to politics and wins against a man who is supported by a political party that governs the country, including the president, the prime minister and the speaker of parliament • She becomes mayor of the capital city although women have very limited presence in the leadership of professional organizations, trade unions and political parties • She is not a resident of the capital while most of her predecessors were from this city • Despite her progressiveness, she managed to convince the Conservatives to vote for her Nominated by Bilel B. A., Tunis: This woman took an important place in our country Tunisia due to her experience due to her hard work and her wish for success despite all difficulties in our Tunisia. I wish for her all the success and especially in this vote. Nominated by Rezgui A., Tunisia: I support Souad Abderrahim because, she is the first woman in Tunisia and Africa that have this level of responsibility. She is also working like a man to eliminate waste in the area that related to him. Nominated by Fathi J., Australia: I’m voting for her because she is the First Lady in the Tunisian history to be the mayor of Tunis Nominate by Hichem D., Tunisia: Je vote pour cette grande femme , sérieuse, dynamique, moderne également conservatrice, issue d'une classe moyenne, et qui envisage réellement d'embellir l'image architecturale de la capitale, tout en encourageant les moyens de transport bio. Nominated by Ali T., Tunis: I would like to see Mrs Abderrahim the world mayor 2018, on African continent. She is the first woman to be mayor of Tunis in the history of Tunisia. She was chosen by vote and also, we Tunisians love to promote women who are willing to work and change the life of citizens to the best. Nominated by Oussema L., Tunis: Thank you for selecting the right person, She is really very serious in her job and she works hard. I hope she will get the tittle =) Nominated by Dr Imen H., Tunis: It is a pride for me as a Tunisian woman that a Tunisian woman mayor is in the The World Mayor Project. Tunisia since the revolution goes through hard situation (economic, agricultural and cultural) we are also fighting against terrorism, and and in spite of that, we continue to fight, and having a candidate in this project gives us strength to fight harder for our Tunisia. Nominated by Razidj, Tunis: En tant que président Utica régional de Tunis je présente tout mon soutien à madame la maire de la commune de Tunis vu sa coordination avec nos syndicaux. Nominated by Malak T., Ben Arous, Tunisia: I am gladly voting for Souad Abderrahim because she worthily became the first woman as a Mayor of Tunis city after convincing the majority of the council's members . She was creative and she made many things that presented Tunisia in a good image. With her tiny acts she showed the real Tunisia; the country that respects and appreciates the women, the Tunisian society that has almost no difference between the men and the women. On the contrary, it sometimes gives rights for women more than the other gender. She showed the real face of the Tunisian people, a people where we are all equivalent. I hope you appreciate my testimonial. Nominated by K. F., Tunis: Translated by Google from Arabic: The city is changed by that woman. Those who are helping the currency and listening to Tunisian concerns. Nominated by T. and No., Tunis: Souad Abderrahim is the first woman mayor of Tunis since independence in 1956 and she is also the only candidate on the African continent, it is our duty to encourage her during the first experience of the representative of my country. Nominated by M. A., Nabeul, Tunisia: Souad Abdel Rahim did not spend her appointment only two months and tried from the first day to approach the concerns of the Tunisian citizen. Has started to participate in the currency in the process of cleaning the streets there are very sensitive files such as the dilapidated buildings of the fall has held meetings with all the Marathoners to start solving these problems and is striving to follow the most accurate. Things to improve the overall situation of the citizen inside Tunis. Nominated by Roua C., Tunisia: My name is Roua I'm from Tunisia and I'm writing about why I choose the Tunis Mayor.. Mayor Souad Abderrahim is the first woman elected mayor of Tunis and the first Arab women to hold such a position and it's a great statue for an Arab women ... nowadays the Arab women and a especially a Muslim women need a little push to show their abilities and their power in such point so i support the Tunis Mayor to win the prize. Nominated by Neji B., Qatar: I vote for Tunis mayor because its first Time a women took this position in Tunisia Nominated by Sih., Tunis Je supporte abderahim pour son dévouement à son pays pour sa combativité sa maîtrise et sa subtilité politique ... elle est tenace malgré le climat qui règne dans le pays et des adversaires sexistes elle a su faire face . Elle n'a pas hésité à aller sur le terrain à nettoyer les rues de ses propres mains avec ses subordonnés...... Nominated by Noumad T., Tunis: Translated by Google from Arabic: Diligent in serving the citizens, organizing the city and facilitating services Nominated by Mohamed H., Tunis: Souad Abderrahim is the first woman in the history of the Arab countries to exercise the post of mayor and not of any city but of the capital! born of a religious party, she knew how to establish the tolerance and to lay down the rules of the democracy to serve all its citizens and to improve the state of its city. Nominated by Dr Chefi B. C., Oman: I am doctor from Tunisia. I would like to vote for mayor Souad Abderrahim from Tunisia as she is the first woman being mayor of Tunis in the history of Tunisia and I trust in her skills and I support her plan to make the right change for Tunis city especially for youths and for the environment. Regards Nominated by Ghassen M., USA: I vote for the Mayor of Tunis. Nominated by Dr Aymen Z., Tunis: i vote for madame Souad Abderrahim because she became the first mayor Women in the history of tunisia. It a real revolution against our patriarcal society. I also vote for her because she was successful deputy in constitue assembly of tunisia from 2011 to 2014. Nominated by Mohamed G., Tunis: Hi, excuse me to write in French. J'ai décidé de voter pour Mme. Souad Abderrahim car elle symbolise la réussite de la femme tunisienne a s'imposer dans la société et dans l'espace public, de façon démocratique et sans propagande dictatoriale (cf: statut de la femme sous le dictateur Ben Ali), elle représente la femme tunisienne combattante et démocrate, la femme africaine et la femme tout court. Cette maire porte un projet ambitieux pour la ville de Tunis, j'espère qu'elle aura les moyens de l'appliquer. Nominated by Rafik El A., Tunis: Je vote pour souad abdelrahim, c’est une compétence et elle est sérieuse et pour la 1ère fois en Tunisie qu’une dame préside la municipalité de la capitale Nominated by Asma C., Paris, France: I strongly support the Candidacy of Mayor Souad Abderrahim. She is a human rights activist and a very brave and strong woman who effectively proved that women rights in Tunisia are strongly guaranteed, by being the first women to be the mayor of Tunis. She was the president of human rights and civil liberties committee and showed a real commitment to human rights. Nominated by R. B., Tunis: C’est la première fois qu’une femme est maire de Tunis ville. Nominated by Nidhal J., Tunis: i would like to vote to mayor Souad abderrahim for great women mayor 2018. I support Ms.Souad because she does her job properly. she always tries to make the municipality of tunis clean, modern beautiful and attractive she is an example to follow. in addition to that, it is for the first time that the mayor of tunis is a woman so we must support her. Nominated by Elmekki N., Tunis: I support the candidacy of Mayor Souad Abderrahim, Tunis, Tunisia First woman "Sheikh of the Medina", but also first mayor to be appointed by an elected municipal council - and not appointed by the authorities in families of notables as was the case until then. For Souad Abderrahim, mayor of Tunis, it is the consecration of a long militancy. Elected July 3, 2018, it is the first woman to occupy this position since the creation of the municipality in 1858 Member of the First Constituent Assembly of the post-Revolution, she took the head of a commission on human rights and freedoms. She learned to practice politics from 2011 to 2014. Souad Abderrahim has been active in the sphere of this political trend for more than thirty years, while jealously claiming his "independence" Pharmacist, mother of two children, she lives today in a residential district of Tunis. She is a seasoned woman with communication techniques who comes to the mayor of Tunis. During the campaign, she strived to show a warm relationship with her main competitor, Kamel Idir, head of the list of Nidaa Tounès. Kamel Idir, 66, a pharmacist too Nominated by Ridha G., Kuwait: I believe the Mayor of Tunis deserves the awards because she is the first ever female Mayor of Tunis. Previously, this position was held only by men. In a free election, people voted her in, which was an accomplishment that no other women has reached before. Her message was clear and honest during the campaign, which made people believe in her. If she receive this award, this will definitely be an impetus to other women in the Tunisian society to even go higher and reach other positions that were until now only taken by men. Nominated by Elyes B., Tunis: I am supporting the candidacy of Mayor Abderrahim because i am convinced that she has all the qualification to make a step forward in the dévelopoment of the area of Tunis. She has already showed her will and enthusiasm by making several changes and actions especially in cleanliness and environment which are the main needs of the Tunisian area. Nominated by Mohamed H., Tunis: I'm voting for mayor of Tunis Ms.Souad Abderrahim because she is the first women who accept to take the repsonsiblity as a first Mayor in Tunisia, besides I'm appreciating her role in the cleanless of our city Tunis and her participative approach. Nominated by Hassane S. Grasse, France: J’habite à Grasse la capitale de parfum en France est je soutien souad abderahim pour confirmé que les femmes tunisiennes elles sont capable de t’unir le plus haut fonction et confirmé que les femmes tunisiennes depuis Elisa et handball elles étés toujours exemple pour toute les femmes de monde Nominated by Sahbi A., Tunis: Souad abderrahim work hard for thé best of their country and for thé woman in all of thé world. Nominated by Larou J.: Translated by Google from Arabic: Suad Abdel Rahim Symbol of steadfastness, the slogan of the Tunisian woman working hard, the spirit of modern thought, away from the dissenting ideology working with all strength and support to stop the project of this successful woman, and pray, I support the city of my city, every Tunisian, I support you from afar with my words not audible and incomprehensible to many Tunisians. The Tunisian thinkers said: "I did not understand ... I did not understand ... I was a Tunisian ... Nominated by Khaled C., Tunisia: I voted Mayor Souad Abderrahim for many reasons: - she is the first lady in our Tunisian recent history who occupied this mission. - She represents an Islamic democratic party, it's a Tunisian exception, she teaches us how to be at the same time liberal, democratic and Islamic leader. - She's a good mother, pharmacist, politician and mayor. Nominated by Mourad M., Germany: Mayor Souad Abderrahim, Tunis, Tunisia. Because she is: The first woman elected mayor in the history of the municipality of Tunis Nominated by Mohamed R., Tunis: Dears, I vote for here to support women's in Africa, maybe in others places they have habits for women to hold important positions in the state but not for Tunisia and African countries, also she is a good professional woman who gets respect from all the people from right side and left side, so I am voting for her for ever. Thanks and best regards, Nominated by K. S., Tunisia: Je connais Souad, c'est une battante, je sais qu'elle atteindra ses objectifs quelque soient les problèmes rencontrés. Nominated by Hamdi Z., Tunis: I vote Souad Abderrahim for the 2018 World Mayor Prize. Because she is the first woman having been in this post along the Tunis city history, as well as the first Tunis Mayor who was elected following the first free and fair municipal elections in the history of Tunisia. Nominated by Mourad T., Tunis: I Support the candidacy of Mayor Souad Abderrahim for: - She is the first ever female mayor of the capital city Tunis in 160 years - She is member of an Islamist-lenient party (Ennahdha) which has been claiming it's a secular, not religious, entity - It reflects the fairly successful democratic transition in Tunisia. Nominated by Thaljawi W., Tunis: I choose soued abderhem because it's the first time in history thzt a women is been selected for a mayor. We’re proud of her and we support her. Nominated by Wissem B. E., Tunis: • To be at the head of an organism which for hundreds of years has been exclusively devoted to men; the "sheiks" • This has provoked a shock and a great change and succeeded a very great polemics in Tunisian society. • A Tunisian, African, Arab and Muslim woman • A great honor that it represents a country that had just raised against a dictatorship that lasted more than 30 years, i• Belonging to an Islamist party makes her an icon and a proof that women have a very important place in the Tunisian society since always and they will always be the exception it represents a model of society until now very difficult to achieve in many countries in the Arab and Muslim world Nominated by Walid A., Tunis: I support my Tunisian citizen for one reason because she is women. She takes responsibility on a critical situation and have hard work to accomplish her mission Nominated by Haifa B., Tunis: Je vote pour madame Souad Abderrahim (Tunis) Elle représente bien la femme tunisienne et elle est capable de faire la différence pour la municipalité de Tunis. Nominated by A.N., Italy: I vote from Italy for Souad Abderrahim Nominated by Najeh M. Tunis: Je vote pour Souad Abderrahim pour sa bonne communication avec les citoyens. Nominated by Mohamed M. K., El Kef, Tunisia: Je vote pour madame Abderrahim car je la vois la plus digne de ce prix vu les activités auxquelles elle a participé depuis les premiers jours de sa nouvelle responsabilité .. des activités concernant la propreté de la ville de Tunis .. et la lutte contre les construction illégales .. en commençant déjà par détruire un bâtiment illégal dont son frère est le propriétaire . Beaucoup d’activités que le citoyen tunisois n’a jamais reconnues auparavant … Nominated by Ben T. Y., Tunis: Because she is the first women in tunisia and arabe world who take this place. She must be in thé first one To become an example and encarage other womens in arabe world and africa that if women take a responsability.sure she can secced. Nominated by Salem S. Tunis: I Support Saued Abderrahim, Tunis Mayor because is working hard, Good cleaning and take care of humans, environment and animals and first women In capital as Mayor. Nominated by Mahmoud H, Carthage, Tunisia: Madame, Monsieur, Je vous saurai grè d'accepter mon vote pour Madame Souad Abderrahim, première dame en poste de présidente de la prestigieuse et historique Mairie de Tunis. Cette noble dame est très cultivée et bosseuse, j'ai pleinement confiance en elle pour apporter un nouveau souffle aux patrimoines de notre capitale. Sachant que je suis un opposant de son parti politique.. Néanmoins, je lui souhaite beaucoup de réussite, surtout que ce prestigieux sacre lui apportera sûrement une grande fierté et de la motivation. Merci à celle où celui qui prendra la peine de lire mon message de cœur. Bien à Vous. Nominated by H1, Tunis: I'am voting for Ms souad abd elrrahim from tunisia simpy because she was a responsbale Woman in his work. Nominated by J. G., Tunis: Mme souad abderrahim est une dame tres compétente elle a fait ses preuves auparavant on a confiance en elle je la soutiens et l'encourage. Nominated by Dridi Mohamed R., Tunis: I Support the candidacy of Mayor Abderrahim to the 2018 World Mayor Prize Ouedellil Manouba Nominated by Ranim, Tunis: It is the first time in our country Tunisia .. that we name a women to be the mayor of the capital. this women worked a lot for her name and for us all the Tunisian women to open our eyes to new opportunities and to know that we can be everything we want Nominated by B. L., Tunis: Translated by Google from Arabic: She is the first woman to become the city's leader. Nominated by Anis O., Tunis: Ms Souad Abderrahim have the best team elected in the word so she is the best :) Mr Abderrahim have the bedt challenge in the word because she is the first women democratic elected in tunisia and Africa Nominated by Rached B. Y., Nabeul, Tunisia: Souad Abderrahim is the first mayor ever to win the elections! She won in spite of those men who kept saying that a woman can't do this job. I honestly hate all of these politicians here but unlike them, she's really doing her job and she's good at it. I wouldn't write this e-mail if I didn't really think that she deserves to win. Nominated by Aziz, Tunis: Dear, project team, I am writing you this letter from Tunisia to vote for Mrs. Souad Abderrahim as the greatest woman mayor in the world. • First, she is the first woman mayor in the history of our country Tunisia and it is a glad. • Second, the fact of having a woman with such an important job makes tunisian people change their superficial ideas about women that present them as secondary species that don't have the right To express their points of views, they even do not think they have ones. • Finally, a woman add a touch to the management of the affairs of the municipality of Tunis. To put in a nutshell, i think that this woman will do great. Hope she wins. Best regards, Aziz Nominated by Mohamed A. J., Tunis: I vote for mayor Souad Abd rahim .because she s close to the people and she s focusing on the cleaness of tunis .she s trying to solve the parking issue in Tunis as well Nominated by Mourad M., Tunis: I strongly support Souad as first lady mayor in the history of Tunisia. I am Tunisian living in Tunisia. Nominated by Miloud B., Tunis: Translated by Google from Arabic: I will vote for Sa'ad Abdel Rahim not because she represents my country or my country ... Her candidacy for a party that I disagree with radically does not prevent her from voting ... Mrs. Souad Abdel Rahim ascended to the presidency of the municipality after great political strife in the Tunisian country, which was a measure to measure the racism of some political figures Because it is not authentic in the city of Tunisia, it was so easy to evaluate the claimants of modernity and the advocates of it appeared the hidden reaction under the folds of the claim of modernity, was in a relationship with resistance to corruption and conflict of interest Vtstv all corrupt so as not to escalate ... All the indicators were against them and yet stood up and resisted I do not think there is a mayor who is more unfortunate than to N conditions were not furnished with flowers, those are Marcana to the mayor of the best in the world Nominated by Mohamed E., Tunis: SHE IS VERY ACTIVE AND SHE TRY TO GET TUNIS MORE CLEAN Nominated by Hissar S., Tunis: Je vote pour notre dame de Tunis rien que pour son amour a notre Tunisie, pour sa sincérité, pour sa confiance et pour son travaille énorme. Nominated by Z., Tunis: La stratégie de projet des municipalités Tunisien et ouvertes sur les plans institutionnelles mondiale et présente une innovation dynamique a l'échelle économique Tunisienne Nominated by Ahmed B., Tunis: Dear jury, I not going to endorse our new mayor of Tunis. She just started her duty, and we hope that we will see some good changes. I'm going to vote for Mrs. Abderrahim for the only reason to promote our beautiful country and because she is the first Women to win such representatives position in Tunisian last century. I hope that we will win this world mayor prize Best regards Nominated by Amir B., Tunis: I will vote for souad abdel rahim because she is the first women who has been elected for this post and she has changed the system of parking in tunis by mak8ng new machine to pay everywhere and they cleaned all the street they made tunis more beautiful ... Nominated by Zied S., Tunisia: Translated by Google from Arabic: She is the first woman mayor in the history of Tunisia. Nominated by Kamel B., Tunis: Je vote pour maire Souad Abderrahim, Tunis, Tunisie Car c'est une femme sociable compréhensive tolérante une vraie combattante Elle reflète l'image des femmes modernes leader en scène politique Nominated by Houssem M., Tunis: I vote for the mayor of Tunisia, Mrs. Souad Abderrahim, because she was able to solve many problems in the city, which was not solved by her predecessor, especially the problem of sellers who stand up in the public road without a license. I also appreciate her encouragement to Tunisian women to practice sport and raise them to the flag of the country and to represent them and Tunisian women in the Rwanda Marathon last month. Nominated by Riadh J., Tunis: I vote for the Mayor of Tunis Tunisia Souad abderrahim , because since she was elected , she got a plan for the city in all sectors and actually she started to make it in the field . Nominated by Hafedh, Tunis: Je vote pour souad abderrahim ! C'est une femme exceptionnelle une femme qui incite les gens autour d'elle a devenir de meilleures personnes Nominated by HM B., Tunis: Translated by Google from Arabic: An optimistic lady in the future of the city. Nominated by Orma W., Tunis: I support souad abd rahim because is strongly women and brave women also I prefer that person Nominated by Amal Q., Tunis: I'm Amal from Ariana I vote for madam Souad Abderrahim, Tunis, Tunisia. For these reasons: • She is the first woman elected mayor, in the history of the municipality of Tunis. • She is a good pharmacist doctor. • Finally, she participated in Trade union work at the university period and she defended the rights of aggrieved students since her youth thus she is humanist activist and she love to help people. Nominated by Amel M., Tunis: Je vote pour Mme le Maire de Tunis parcequ'elle est une compétence et une valeur sûre qui oeuvre pour améliorer le cadre de vie de la Capitale et de lui apporter de vraies solutions de gestion. Surtout que c'est la première femme Tunisienne qui occupe se poste. Nominated by Frederic, Brittany, France: I really support Mme Souad Abderrahim (Tunis' mayor). I would like that women increase their influence and especially in Africa. Tunisia shows a lot of improvement in terms of tolerance, democracy; nevertheless, a lot of problems are always needed to resolve. I wish to Mme Souad Abderrahim all the best for the future. I'm not Tunisian, I'm not African, but I believe in Africa develoement by himself. Nominated by Halima K., Luzern, Switzerland: Mayor Souad Abderrahim, Tunis, Tunisia because she is the first woman elected mayor in the history of the municipality of Tunis Nominated by Oussama B., Tunis: Because she is the first woman elected mayor In the history of the municipality of Tunis. Nominated by H., Tunis: Je vote la maire de Tunis Souaad ben ABDERRAHIM parce sue c'est une femme forte qui a milité politiquement depuis qu elle était étudiante et apres la revolution elle a laissé ses empreintes entant que membre de l'assemblée nationale constituante atravers ses prises de positions .bref c'est une femme de challenge . Elle a mené une compagne électorale intelligente .Sa détermination et sa rage de vaincre l'a permis entant que1ere femme de décrocher le poste de Maire de la capitale Tunis depuis la creation de la Mairie de Tunis en 1858. Nominated by J., Tunis: Translated from Arabic: She will make history. Nominated by Amin A., Tunis: I'm voting for here because she is smart, strong and have a great vision. Nominated by Abbassi W., Tunis: The first woman elected mayor in the history of the municipality of Tunis Nominated by Sidi B., Tunis: Because she is the first woman elected mayor in the history of the municipality of Tunis,besides madame Abderrahim is a good pharmacist doctor. Nominated by N. L., Tunis: I vote for souad abderrahim because she is the first women who takes the place of mayor of Tunis she is a model and she is taking her job seriously. |