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Dedicated to women mayors The 2018 World Mayor Prize and Commendations will be conferred on women mayors who have made outstanding and long-lasting contributions to their communities. The organisers wish to show what outstanding women mayors achieve all over the world. By doing so, they hope to encourage more women to contemplate a career in local government and run for political office. The women, who will be awarded the 2018 World Mayor Prize and other honours, will be role models for young women and, indeed, men everywhere. Charlotte Britz, Mayor of Saarbrücken, Germany, has been awarded the 2018 World Mayor Commendation. |
FRONT PAGE About World Mayor City Mayors Foundation ![]() ![]() ![]() WORLD MAYOR 2018 • Results 2018 • Project 2018 • Shortlist 2018 • Longlist 2018 • Raison d'être • World Mayor history • World Mayor Prize • Code of Ethics • Criteria • Meet the Press INTERVIEWS WITH • Mayor of Ancona • Mayor of Doncaster • Mayor of Rennes • Mayor of Zamboanga ESSAYS BY • Mayor of Ancona • Mayor of Cologne • Mayor of Doncaster • Mayor of Fort Worth • Mayor of Lille • Mayor of Paris • Mayor of Rennes • Mayor of Saarbrücken • Mayor of Trbovlje • Mayor of Tunis • Mayor of Zamboanga TESTIMONIALS • Mayor of Alphen / Rijn • Mayor of Ancona • Mayor of Baden-Baden • Mayor of Calais • Mayor of Chemnitz • Mayor of Cologne • Mayor of Cozumel • Mayor of Doncaster • Mayor of Fort Worth • Mayor of Grand Rapids • Mayor of Lille • Mayor of Lodz • Mayor of Molenbeek • Mayor of Narayanganj • Mayor of Oakland • Mayor of Omaha • Mayor of Paris • Mayor of Rennes • Mayor of Reutlingen • Mayor of Saarbrücken • Mayor of San Juan • Mayor of Trbovlje • Mayor of Tunis • Mayor of Zamboanga • Mayor of Zurich PROFILES OF • Mayor of Ancona • Mayor of Cologne • Mayor of Doncaster • Mayor of Fort Worth • Mayor of Lille • Mayor of Paris • Mayor of Rennes • Mayor of Saarbrücken • Mayor of Trbovlje • Mayor of Tunis • Mayor of Zamboanga WORLD MAYOR 2016 WORLD MAYOR 2014 WORLD MAYOR 2012 WORLD MAYOR 2010 WORLD MAYOR 2008 WORLD MAYOR 2006 WORLD MAYOR 2005 WORLD MAYOR 2004 |
Nominations for Charlotte Britz Mayor of Saarbrücken Germany Nominated by Peter K., Mannheim, Germany: I support the election of Charlotte Britz as World mayor. Strong leadership and coherent communication are needed in periods of transformation. She is guiding such a transformation process for the city of Saarbrücken successfully. Her strong commitment for local cohesion and international solidarity is acknowledged. Nominated by F. L., Saarbrücken: Mayor Charlotte Britz contributes greatly in making Saarbrücken a world-open and thus tolerant City. On one side defending migrants' issues and welcoming warmfully people from other cultures setting down in Saarbrücken. On the other side supporting worldwide matters like Fair Trade and Sustainable Development for more global justice. And definitely, she likes exchanging with the inhabitants, in an easy and trustful way. For those and more reasons, she really would deserve this price. Nominated by Koba K., Saarbrücken: Mayor Charlotte Britz made Saarbrücken a tolerant City. She supports equality between sexes, religions an nationalities and made Saarbrücken also the fair-trade-city of Germany. She loves her city and the inhabitants, she tries to meet them wherever she can and is all ears to their needs. She really would deserve this price. Nominated by J. R., Lorraine, France: Je tiens à apporter mon soutien à la maire du 'village' voisin au mien (STIRING-WENDEL - SAARBRÜCKEN). Cette dame a su maintenir, promouvoir, et développer les rapport transfrontaliers si chers à mon cœur. ERSTKLASSISCH Madame ! Nominated by Birgit J. H., Saarbrücken: Der Einsatz von Frau Britz um die deutsch-französische Zusammenarbeit ist europapolitisch vorbildlich. Auch Ihr konsequenter und intensiver Einsatz für die Gleichstellung aller in der Gesellschaft ist hervorzuheben. Ihr Engagement für die einzelnen Stadtteile und den intensiven Austausch mit Bürgerinnen und Bürgern (Einsetzung eines Bürgerbeauftragten) , um deren Anliegen direkt aufzugreifen, ist eine sehr bemerkenswerte Initiative. Nominated by Roby B., Luxembourg: Charlotte Britz ist eine starke Bürgermeisterin, die für und mit Saarbrücken lebt. Sie hat Saarbrücken enorm vorangebracht und aus der saarländischen Hauptstadt eine überaus lebenswerte Oase hinsichtlich Essen, Shoppen, Freizeit und Tourismus gemacht. Saarbrücken ist durch Charlotte Britz jetzt Top. Charlotte Britz is 'living' for Saarbrücken and has enormously enhanced the quality of life of the city despite the numerous problems large cities might have. It is now a pleasure to be in Saarbrücken, visiting, shopping, eating are top. Nominated by Heike R., Mainz, Germany: I vote for Charlotte Britz because she is so engaged, sympathetic and competent as mayor. We work together in subjects of cross border cooperation: in our Grand region with Luxemburg, France, Belgium Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate or with the Quatropole. She is a real European Mayor. She developed Saarbrücken into a city with lifestyle, a lot of cultural events and a young and student community. Nominated by Frederik F, Saarbrücken: I know Charlotte Britz. She is down-to-earth. I often meet her in the city on a bicycle. She has very good ideas for my City of Saarbrücken and she always looks forward. Also she does a lot for young people I vote for my mayor Britz. Nominated by Angelika Sch.; Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany: Ich wähle Frau Britz zum World Mayor 2018. Wer an der Spitze von einer tollen Stadt in einem einzigartigen Bundesland mit vielen besonderen, herzlichen und guten Menschen steht, muß selbst so gut und herzlich und besonders sein, daß er (Sie in dem Fall) genau die richtige Person ist „Weltbürgermeister“ zu sein! Ich wünsche alles Gute für Sie! Nominated by Jean-Lucas A., Metz, France: My family and I lived in Saarbrücken for many years until we returned to Metz two years ago. During our time in the capital city of the Saarland, we’ve experienced first hand how Charlotte Britz transformed Saarbrücken into one of Germany’s most desirable places to live. Its inhabitants enjoy an enviable work-life balance thanks to city’s flourishing economy, cultural and sports offerings and many green spaces. Our two children benefited from excellent schools and speak fluent French and German as well as good English. Nominated by Eugen G., Saarbrücken: Mrs.Britz has always had an open ear for problems as long as I know her. She tries everything even those things that are not directly related to her job as Lord Mayor. Mrs Britz knows and greets the person personally whether big or small whether city-known or unknown alike. Mrs Britz has shaped the citycape and thus the well-being of the people positively in her past terms of office. Nominated by Reiner S., Saarbrücken: Ich gebe hiermit meine Stimme Frau Oberbürgermeisterin Britz aus Saarbrücken weil sie sehr sozial eingestellt ist und viel für die Beziehungen zu Frankreich tut aber auch viel für Flüchtlinge tut etc, Ich drücke ihr alle Daumen. Sie hätte es sehr verdient. Nominated by Isolde R., Saarbücken: She is my mayor since 10 years. She is always and everywhere citizien-orientated, friendly, reliable and qualified. She installed the Fair Trade Label in Saarbrücken and Managed to make Saarbrücken the world Fair Trade Capital Nominated by: Susann B., Saarbrücken: I vote for Charlotte Britz as the best Mayor. I have known her for 25 years, even before she became Mayor. She is a very warm person. She is interested in her citizens and she is very near to them and their problems. She is reliable and clear and she does not promise things she could not do. I hope she will win the Prize. Nominated by Robert V., Saarbrücken: Ich stimme für Charlotte Britz, weil sie den Bürgern schwierige Inhalte verständlich machen kann. Sie ist nah an den Bürgern und hat auch für die kleinen Details einen Blick. Wichtig ist auch ihr Einsatz für die seit vielen Jahren gelungene Integration von Geflüchteten und ihr Engagement für Fairen Handel nicht umsonst wurde Saarbrücken zur Ersten Fair-Trade-Stadt! Ich fühle mich von ihr gut vertreten. Nominated by Uwe F und Stefan Sch., Saarbrücken: Mein Partner und ich leben jetzt schon fast 20 Jahre in Saarbrücken. Als schwules Paar haben wir uns in der Stadt immer sehr wohl und sicher gefuehlt. Die Stadt ist tolerant und weltoffen. Danke Frau Oberbürgermeisterin dass bei Ihnen die menschlichen Belange immer an erster Stelle stehen. Nominated by Gerlinde H., Saarbrücken: Ich bewundere Frau Charlotte Britz für ihre Zielstrebigkeit; sie ist sehr bürgernah und verfolgt Belange sehr zeitnah und lösungsorientiert. Eine sehr sympatische Persönlichkeit in unserer Stadt Saarbrücken. Nominated by Lore G., Saarbrücken: Hello, I vote for CHARLOTTE BRITZ. We live in Saarbruecken and she makes very good job over many years! Nominated by Ruth C., Saarbrücken: Charlotte Britz keeps talking to the people and listens to what they worry about. She always does her best for the wealth of the citizens. Nominarted by Rüdiger S., Saarbrücken: She does a very good job Nominated by Matthias H., Saarbrücken: It‘s got to be Charlotte Britz! She has the courage to the future and the love for her City Saarbrücken! Critical comments: Critical comment by Holger R., Saarbrücken: I have lived in Saarbrücken for a long long time. It was a pretty cool city to live in. But nowadays there is al lot of crime and social problems. The Mayor knows of these issues but doesn't care. The only things Mrs. Britz is interested are the cameras of the newspapers. Today Saarbrücken is one of the poorest cities in Germany - thanks to Mrs. Britz! It is definitely not a good choice to see our mayor on your voting list. |