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The 2016 World Mayor Prize will be awarded to a mayor who has provided immigrants with the facilities to contribute to the city’s society, economy and culture. The City Mayors Foundation is looking for mayors who have recognised that people, whatever their origin, status or background, are the greatest capital the world has to offer. This year’s World Mayor Project will identify mayors whose cities have done the most to welcome immigrants and have used their skills to enrich and diversify society culturally, economically and socially. Pawel Adamowicz, Mayor of Gdansk, Poland, has been shortlisted for the Prize. ||| |
FRONT PAGE About World Mayor City Mayors Foundation worldmayor@gmail.com Tel: +44 20 8439 7978 ![]() ![]() WORLD MAYOR 2018 • VOTE NOW • Shortlist 2018 • Longlist 2018 • Raison d'être • World Mayor history • World Mayor Prize • Code of Ethics • Criteria • Meet the Press WORLD MAYOR 2016 • Results 2016 • Project 2016 • Shortlist 2016 • Longlist 2016 • Code of Ethics • World Mayor Prize • World Mayor History • Raison d'être INTERVIEWS WITH • Mayor of Athens • Mayor of Lahr • Mayor of Mechelen TESTIMONIALS • Mayor of Aleppo • Mayor of Amstelveen • Mayor of Athens • Mayor of Cologne • Mayor of Gdansk • Mayor of Grande-Synthe • Mayor of Hettstedt • Mayor of Lahr • Mayor of Lampedusa • Mayor of Lesbos • Mayor of Mechelen • Mayor of Philadelphia • Mayor of Schwäbisch Gmünd ESSAYS BY • Mayor of Aleppo • Mayor of Amstelveen • Mayor of Athens • Mayor of Gdansk • Mayor of Lahr • Mayor of Mechelen • Mayor of Schwäbisch Gmünd PROFILES OF • Mayor of Amstelveen • Mayor of Athens • Mayor of Cologne • Mayor of Gdansk • Mayor of Grande-Synthe • Mayor of Lahr • Mayor of Lampedusa • Mayor of Lesbos • Mayor of Mechelen • Mayor of Schwäbisch Gmünd WORLD MAYOR 2014 WORLD MAYOR 2012 WORLD MAYOR 2010 WORLD MAYOR 2008 WORLD MAYOR 2006 WORLD MAYOR 2005 WORLD MAYOR 2004 |
Nominations for Pawel Adamowicz Mayor of Gdansk (Poland) Nominated by Magdalena P., Gdansk: I have an honor to give my vote for unusual person who is Mayor of Gdansk Pawel Adamowicz. As a long term Mayor of this city he has improved many times how involved he is in its progress, political independence or wealth. He takes care of many issues individually even he has well experienced employers. This person does his best to support lots of ideas to get the best guilty level for the city. Succesfully he achiveswho many targets in culture, education and industry of Gdansk. Mr Pawel Adamowicz is sensitive to human needs. Having historical education and own experienced from generations he is aware of global situation. I am sure that he is the right person as a leader not only of such amazing city as Gdansk. Nominated by Emiliya B. v. H., Bulgaria: I would like to vote for Mr. Adamowicz for his courage and perseverance to uphold the human values of tolerance and solidarity by accepting refugees and making integration policy in a time and region where showing pro-migrant and pro-refugee attitude can not only cost one their public position, but also their physical integrity. His behaviour should be encouraged and set as an example and the World Mayor Contest would be a great channel for passing this strong message. Nominated by Marta S., Gdansk: I live in Gdansk and giving my vote to mayor Adamowicz for absolutely unique courage to drive migrants' integration policy within the very prejudiced Polish context. We hope for more Polish mayors to follow the route - it's easier when someone already is doing it. Nominated by Jaroslaw P., Gdansk: I would Like to support Mayor of Gdansk Pawe? Adamowicz as the World Mayor 2016. Pawel Adamowicz’s family belongs to exiles as well, as most Gdansk inhabitants. Seventy years ago most of the Germans living in Gdan´sk were removed to RFN and hundreds thousands of people from eastern Poland (annexed by Soviet Union) become new citizens of Gdan´sk. Pawel Adamowicz’s parents were among them. This ethos is still actual in his activities as a Mayor of the town. Since 18 years he has entered the program of settlement families from Ukraine in Gdan´sk allowing them to live safely in our town. Last year he established a special council to help in solving immigrants problems. Now he started the new program to help exiles with obtaining flats to start their new live in Gdan´sk. In 20 years Pawel Adamowicz has changed the face of Gdan´sk, which become open, modern, and well governed town, one of the most important business and tourist points on the map of Poland and Europe as well. He fully deserves for the honour of becoming the World Mayor 2016. Nominated by S., Poland: Glosuje˛ na Prezydenta Pawel Adamowicza poniewaz˙ dzie˛ki jego otwartos´ci mamy zagranicznych studentów i obcokrajowców prowadza˛cych swoje ma?e i duz˙e biznesy w Gdansku. Zawsze przy kaz˙dej okazji przypomina o hanzeatyckiej przeszlos´ci Gdanska i wieloreligijnos´ci miasta. Wspiera Dni Mniejszos´ci Narodowych ( Biografie Gdan´skie), wydarzenia kulturalne mie˛dzynarodowe i zache˛ca obcokrajowców do osiedlania sie˛. Nominated by Agata H., Gdansk: I vote for President Pawe? Adamowicz, who has always been supporting change makers. I am a social entrepreneur working on building a new model of education in Gdan´sk and in Europe. Cooperation with different scientists from all over the world was possible to be started only here, in Gdan´sk, as it is the city where tolerance has always been the priority. It is a privilege to live and work in the city, where Pawel Adamowicz is the president. Nominated by Marta P., Gdansk: I wote for Mr. Adamowicz becouse he became one of the most influence person in 3city, cose during his work as a President of Gdansk, Gdansk become one of the gratest city in Poland, during his work here, it brings more work places for people from this region and helps Gdansk become one of the most beautiful city in Poland and even in EUROPE. Pleople love to live here! He understand people, help them as much as he can. Nominated by Yana D., Poland: I support the candidacy of Mayor Adamowiczespecially due to his successful policy in accepting refugees, as well as managing their integration process in the welcoming communities, despite the overall negative and xenophobic attitudes in the region. Nominated by Aws K., Poland: Mieszkam w Polsce od 10 lat i zmian który dokonal pan adamowicz w mies´cie gdansk sa˛ poprostu rewelacyjny : nowe tramwaje , nowe trasy , nowy drogi itd Druga rzecz on jest jeden prezydentem który wspiera migrantow i wierzy w ich moz˙liwos´ci : zlecil stworzenie model integracji imigrantek i imigrantów jak jedeny w Polsce Powolala pierwsza rada migrantow w Polsce Pan adamowicz jestem prezydentem który kaz˙dy obywatel maz˙y miec´ w swój mies´cie mam nadzieje ze on bedzie kiedys´ prezentem polski. Nominated by Alina L., Gdansk: Popieram kandydature˛ Pana Pawla Adamowicza. Od wielu lat jest wsze˛dzie tam gdzie sa˛ ludzie, Na glównej ulicy od wielu lat Gdan´ska dzieli sie˛ ze wszystkimi op?atkiem w okresie S´wia˛t Boz˙ego Narodzenie i dla kaz˙dego ma ciep?e slowa. Popiera dzialalnos´c´ na rzecz seniorów, ale i mlodziez˙y. Po prostu jest z nami, czuje˛ zawsze jego z˙yczliwos´c´, kiedy wre˛cza autochodzik w przedszkolu mojej wnuczce, kiedy nagradza mojego syna za wklad pracy po projekcie EURO 2012, kiedy zamienia ze mna˛, nieznana˛ emerytka˛ kilka slów na balu noworocznym. Nominated by Dr Krystyna P., Gdansk: I would like to give a vote for Pawel Adamowicz because Gdansk is a city of freedom and solidarity. Pawel Adamowicz is very excellent Mayor who works for people from other countries and cultures. Thanks Pawe? Adamowicz, Gdansk has opened the door to the reception and integration of refugees. Pawel Adamowicz emphasizes that for the city's development strategy are always important values, such as: openness, solidarity, cooperation, trust, security, equal opportunities. In May 2015 Pawel Adamowicz appointed a team who elaborated a model for immigrant integration. The team consist of 140 members representing more than 70 various entities. For over 10 years Gdansk always supports of Pawel Adamowicz. He should win the 2016 World Mayor Prize! Nominated by Wanda S., Canada: I am a Canadian artist, and also a native of Poland, which has been always my inspiration and proudness. I have always admired my city Gdansk, and its unbelievable background of the heritage history & a beauty as well. Furthermore, between 1952 and the late 1960s Polish artisans restored much of the old city's architecture, unfortunately destroyed in the WWII. Also many heritage buildings were re-built by many great architects, artists and administrator as well. Since Mr. Adamowicz becomes a Mayor, he opened so many doors for the quility and prosperity of the stunning City Gdansk, and restored it heritage back again. Also, Mr. Adamowicz proved that he is an urban visionary who doesn’t neglect the nitty-gritty of local government. For many Poles, and around the world, Mayor Adamowicz is a role model for decisive management, inclusivity and forward planning. His outstanding performances while working for the best is undisputable for millions. Mr. Adamowicz deserves to be nominated as the ‘best mayor’ of Gdansk City and around the world! Nominated by Pawel L., Gdansk: Pawel Adamowicz is a mayor that brings people together not tear apart. What is unique for Gdansk and its mayor is that it is a true city of freedom - Adamowicz brings together not only city's citizens but also people from all around the country (see: Blog Forum Gdansk) and the entire world. His policy towards refugees is remarkable and shows clearly that xenophobia and narrow-mindedness are not part of Gdansk character. Being open, hospitality and freedom - those are city's values, perfectly preserved by its wonderful mayor. Nominated by Mirek K., Gdansk: Mr. Adamowicz stood up against anti-refugee policy of Polish government showing openness and believe in Gdansk heritage as City of Freedom. Nominated by Agnieszka G., Gdansk: Mr. Adamowicz deserves recognition for many reasons. Over the years of his leadership the city has flourished in many areas. Multiple projects improved city infrastructure that allowed for bringing in investors and created thousands of work places for young people. His balanced outlook allowed, at the same time, for the development of cultural activies and sport facilities. He made the city as one for many generations to enjoy. I particularly appreciate his care for all citizens including minorities. He is also the leader for democracy in the region, and this distunguishes him from the crowed in those difficult times. Gdańsk by far is the best place to live in Poland and Adamowicz was the initiator and executor of this change Nominated by Dorota M., Gdansk: Witam!, Prezydent Adamowicz za swoją postawę wspierającą wolność, demokrację, równość i pomoc imigrantom zasługuje na wszystkie nagrody świata demokratycznego. Pozdrawiam Nominated by Natalie S-B., Germany: I am living in Germany and I came in 1998 to Gdansk to work there as a German lawyer. This was the beginning of big changes in Gdansk. I knew Pawel Adamowicz since then, he is a very good friend, and I could observe, that he is doing everytime everything to get the City more pleasant for the citizens and more important for Poland, Europe and maybe the World! Nominated by Jacek B., Gdansk: I think it is important to vote for him and Gdańsk, because it is much easier to perform and contribute to any action, if there is a POPULAR SUPPORT in a particular country for such actions. Adamowicz acts in an extremely hostile environment. The national government opposes any friendly attitude towards reffugees. The public opinion in the country unfortunately supports the government's position with regards to that issue. Adamowicz with his actions with a success changes the public opinion in his own city and region, what constitutes a real challenge and is politically quite risky. Nominated by Magdalena A., Gdansk: Mayor Adamowicz ss a mayor since 18 years. He changed and developeded the city. Gdansk is now an important European City. Adamowicz is brave and is in opposition to state government. I feel proud living in Gdansk. I vote for him and support him. Nominated by Michal T., Gdansk: Jest po prostu najlepszy! Wiedza, patriotyzm, wierność ideałom. Solidarności i dobre zarządzanie Gdańskiem! Jestem na TAK. Nominated by Dr Dorota M, Gdansk: I support the candidacy of the Mayor of Gdansk for perseverance in action, courage in the struggle for state of law and faith in the sense of local government. Nominated by Kasia K., USA: This is to support the candidacy of Pawel Adamowicz from the city of Gdansk, Poland. He is the one of the very few supporters of democracy and pluralism in Poland, currently ruled by the awful right-wing government. He openly protests against violations of European standards in Poland (supports the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, currently under attack, supports accepting political refugees, including Muslims, and supports the current World War II Museum, whose existence is threatened, because it does not follow the Polish new nationalistic historical agenda). It is important that the city where Solidarity was born remains a bulwark of freedom and democracy, and it will under the current Mayor Pawel Adamowicz, particularly if he gets international support. Nominated by Romuald W-P., Gdansk: I give my vote for Pawel Adamowicz because: This is a mayor who respects people. He is involved in the democratic process. Thanks to his work the city is alive. Nominated by Dr Beata K., Gdansk: Dear Organizers of the competition, Since I moved to Gdańsk in 2007, every day I feel like city government with P.Adamowicz as a head of the city take care for residence. Gdansk is a great city with many parks, good roads (what is unusual in Poland!), and with great growing business in almost every field,and because of that I am sure that mayor Adamowicz deserves to win the prize. I am very happy that I live here :) Nominated by Bartosz M., Gdansk: He is the man! Serving my city for so long, Mayor Adamowicz deserved this honour. Gdansk is getting better place to live every day, thanks to such people as him. Nominated by A.G., Gdansk: The mayor of our city should be recognised for a number of reasons. Primarily, he is completely dedicated to this very special city. On the frontier between East and West, Scandinavia and Central Europe. He understands the complexity of the region and the heritage of its current and former inhabitants. As a historian, he fully comprehends the significance of the city where world war II started and which was also the birthplace of Solidarity, the movement that changed Poland, Europe, indeed the world. Having to deal with major systemic changed, he has always demonstrated a human face towards the citizens of this famous city. His door is open to all. Students, pensioners. Artists and investors. Politicians of each and any hue, religious leaders of any faith. He has a huge respect for the physical history of the city but also encourages modernity in new projects. Mayor Adamowicz supports citizens initiatives as varied as music and sport. Gardens and bike paths. Theatre and scholarships. Preserving the past. Building for the future. I am proud to live in a city like Gdansk - much of this is due to Mayor Adamowicz. I hope he wins. He deserves to! Nominated by Julia K., Sopotu: Popieram kandydaturę p.Adamowicza. Uważam,że jest świetnym gospodarzem miasta Gdańsk. Jestem mieszkanką Sopotu, ale często przebywam w Gdańsku i widzę jak miasto zmienia się na coraz ładniejsze.Brawo p.Pawle! Nominated by Maciej S., Gdansk: We are first Montessori school in northern Poland. Mr. Pavel helped us strongly by providing place (building) for our school. Thank to it, alternative education is expanding in Poland! Nominated by Marcin B., Gdansk: I would like to vote for Paweł Adamowicz, becouse I live in Gdańsk, I was born in Gdańsk and for last years this city was changing and changing and it is still changing for better. Adamowicz taking care about basic our city citizens problems, not only the big ones. He is out on the streets from time to time to talk to people to hear their opinion about many thinks. For Adamowicz being a President city of Gdańk it is not only to do a business, but is also taking care about people, historical monuments, history of the city etc. Nominated by Krzysztof B., Gdansk: I write to you to support my mayor Mr. Adamowicz. He makes so many things for young people, like as building playgrounds or organisinig courses for teens to improve their knowleadge. What is more our mayor is very kind and talkative. Thanks to him our city becomes more and more developed and beautiful. I'm 18 years old so I'm beneficiary of many his projects. I'm overjoyed that Mr. Adamowicz is mayor of my city. Nominated by Joanna C., Gdansk: Popieram kandydata, jako najlepszego prezydenta nie tylko w Europie ale i w świecie. To wielki zaszczyt mieszkać w mieście, którego gospodarzem jest Paweł Adamowicz Nominated by Marta G., Gdansk: I vote for Pavel Adamowicz. I live in Gdansk - I was born in this city. Pawel Adamowicz is Mayor of my city since 1998. My Gdansk has changed during these years a lot. Right now it is one of the most dynamic, modern and rich city in Poland. Moreover it regularly appears in the 3 first places of towns people would like to live. Gdansk people seems also to be ones of the most happy in Poland... There is also one more very important reason. Gdansk was one of the 2 regions whose inhabitatnts in last elections did not vote for ruling right now conservative party. The party who tries to destroy democracy, independence of media and judges in Poland. Pavel Adamowicz is a Mayor who fights for Gdansk beeing free, democratic, open for multiculture and different -thinking people city. He makes me being proud of him and my Gdansk. Nominated by Magdalena A., Gdansk: Thanks to Pawel Adamowicz, the city is changing for the better. There is a lot of tourists and climate for foreigners. I think that the President Adamowicz runs good economic and social policies. Nowhere is it so beautifully as in Gdansk. Nominated by Bartlomiej G., Gdansk: I would like to highly recommend Paweł Adamowicz, the mayor of Gdańsk, as the best mayor in the contest. Mayor Adamowicz has been successfully developing infrastructure in Gdansk for over 15 years, the city has renewed its most important historical buildings making them very attractive for tourists from around the world. The city attracts investors, people from other regions who decide to live here, as well as recently is showing a very warm welcome to refugees and people that has to escape from other countries because of threat of war and poverty. Nominated by Andrzej P., Poland I met Pawel several years ago and was impressed by his unique, future oriented visionary but also pragmatic approach to the difficult taks of managing and developing a large city, task particularly difficult in Poland. I am originally from Gdansk and always return to this city and meeting Pawel was a great and positive experience. Good luck Pawel. Nominated by Art A., Gdansk: I think that the President Adamowicz is a great president of Gdansk, which has changed our city in a European metropolis. Nowhere to live as beautifully as in Gdansk. Nominated by Anna C., Gdansk: He is a visionary man, absolutely devoted to the city he is in love with. He is open to change and ready to engage in dialogue with anyone. He is aware of the challenges of the modern times. Courageously opposed to the nationalism, xenophobia or any other form of exclusion. He is convinced that only these cities that are open and ready to welcome everyone, can develop harmoniously and give its citizens a sense of happiness. Nominated by Marek H., Gdansk: President Adamowicz spent years of hard working for the city of Gdansk achieving great results. Gdańsk through the years of his presidency has become the great city of European class. Investment in infrastructure, culture, sport, suburban sprawl, create him the pride not only for Gdansk, but the entire Poland. Nominated by Izabela W., Gdansk: I'm Izabela, I'm 44 years old and I live in Gdansk in Poland. I support the candidacy of Mayor Adamowicz because my town abuse great develops during his candidacy in many ereas: infrastructure, environmental protection, protection of monuments, development of air transport, railway etc, I appreciate his activity for the integration of local communities.He excellently prepared a city of Gdansk and our residents to welcoming immigrants from Ukraine. As I have heard they are happy here. Good Luck Pavel! Thanks for good job ! Nominated by Magdalena J., Gdansk: I live in Gdansk and since Pawel Adamowicz is a Mayor of Gdansk, my city is really growing up! He think not only about administration, business, history of my city but about the people who lives here. Once a month meets with residents of various neighborhoods and talks about their problems and problems of their district. He is very open person without any prejudice. He protect our local government, the low and try to do his best to Gdansk growing up and at the same time preserve our history and culture! Our Mayor is a wonderful person with big love for our city. I would like to thank him for everything he does for us, residents of Gdansk! Nominated by Jozef W., Gdansk: Pawel Adamowicz has been for years, actively working towards improvement of infrastructure and living conditions of Gdansk residents. Referring to the problem of immigrants it is necessary to underline that for years in Gdansk have been present communities of followers of different religions, including Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox as well as Jews and Muslims, actively involved in the integration of immigrants. Contributions: Gdansk for centuries have been a multicultural city where shelter could find people from all over the Europe and followers of many religions - in the past mainly Protestants, Catholics and Jews. Currently the whole world and in a special way Europe have been witnessing mass migration. Pawel Adamowicz as the Mayor of Gdańsk has developed, together with a team of collaborators, the first (in Poland) comprehensive strategy for the integration of immigrants - refugees in their new environment. Challenges: Gdansk and the whole Poland is not, at least up to now, the target for large groups of immigrants. Therefore, current activities of different city services are directed on solving housing and work problems in a limited scale. However, a steady flow of immigrants will require in the nearest future the very close cooperation of both urban institutions and living in Gdansk immigrants. Nominated by Leszeck S., Gdansk: Pawel Adamowicz is a person which pay special attention for increasing the some important solutions as : -tunel under Vistula river -new footbol stadion -metropolitan rayway line -has invited some imigrants to Gdansk area -new airport Nominated by Michal G., Gdansk: Mayor Adamowicz was not only the first Polish mayor who initiated button-up metropolitan cooperation in a systematic and far-fledged manner but also with regard to migration policy, which is a brave action in terms of politics. Contributions: Immigrants contribute vastly to Gdansk economy, mostly from the post-Soviet countries. Challenges: It is a new thing for Polish residents so there is fear and lack of knowledge. Gdansk model of integrating immigrants might be an answer to this challenge. Nominated by S.J., Gdansk: I support mayor Pawel Adamowicz, because of his work for open, tolerant and better Gdansk. It was a great job to create a team of about 130 people from different institutions, working on the model of integrating immigrants into the society and consulting immigration with the people of Gdansk. For him the heritage of Solidarnosc/Solidarity is not an empty word, he offers solidarity to immigrant which is not an easy task in Poland right now Contributions: Gdansk has always been a city of immigrants, many people arrived here for better life, better future. This mix can make Gdansk a better city, a city which is leading a social change in Poland, like it was with Solidarnosc in 80s. Challenges: Poland has been a country almost without immigration for a long time, so it is a great challenge for us to be ready, to be open. Many people know immigrants only from media, which too often create prejudices instead of fighting them. An important challenge is to talk with residents of Gdansk, to make integration smooth and that everybody understands what is it for. Nominated by Agnieszka A.,: Poland Mayor Pawel Adamowicz was a great leader for Gdansk during the hard time of economy transformation. He also started to create an immigration policy for Gdansk. That is a new, but very important issue in Poland. He needs to be supported with his ambitious tasks and definitely followed by other mayors. Pawel Adamowicz is the most visionary city leader I know! Contributions: Immigrants are becoming more and more important to Gdansk economy, especially these originating from the post-Soviet countries.There is a Gdansk Immigrants Support Center, which should be mentioned here, integrating new residents. That is beneficiary for the local community. Challenges: For Polish people immigration is something new. People are not open for different nations living next door. Gdansk model of integrating immigrants is a big challenge and it is very important to be supported. Mayor Adamowicz began a great work to solve these issues. Nominated by Krzysztof G.,Gdansk: It is very hard to discuss the immigration in Poland today. But the mayor understands how important diversity of people of different backgrounds can be for a city. Immigration can be an asset, not a liability and this is way there is a team working on Gdansk Immigrant Integration Model. It is a very open process, including wide public consultation and responding to all concern related to immigration. Contributions: I know a few people who arrived to Gdansk to work and live here. They see it a great place for life, for which I am very proud! Challenges: The greatest challenge is to better understand each other, among residents and immigrants. The process has already begun and I hope it will bring us great results. Nominated by Tomasz K., Poland: Bardzo dobre zarzadzanie miastem, pozyskiwanie miejsc pracy, Rozwój infrastruktury i calego miasta sprawily, ze Gdansk jest piekny i przyciaga inwestorów. Challenges: Zdobywanie srodków unijnych, spotkania i przekonywanie gdanszczan do przyjecia imigrantów. Nominated by R. M., Gdansk: Pan Pawel Adamowicz jest prezydentem za którego kadencji miasto Gdansk stalo sie miastem nowoczesnym, przyjaznym jego mieszkancom. Poczynione inwestycje w miescie daly nowe miejsca pracy, przyjazne warunki inwestycji w miescie spowodowaly naplyw inwestorów zagranicznych. Pan Adamowicz jest osoba wrazliwa i bardzo czesto jego dzialania wobec mieszkanców miasta wykraczaja poza jego obowiazki sluzbowe o czym nie wiele osób wie. To, ze jest prezydentem tak dlugo, swiadczy o zaufaniu mieszkanców miasta do niego i tego co dla miasta robi. Contributions: Imigranci beda mile witani w miescie, jesli beda sie starali dostosowac do zwyczajów, które, zgodnie z praktyka, staja sie prawem w danym miescie, kraju. Wszyscy pracujemy, by bylo nam lepiej i tego oczekujemy od gosci chcacych u nas zamieszkac. Nominated by Andrzej, Poland: Gdansk bardzo przemyslanie sie zmienia w piekne miasto Contributions: Duzo obcokrajowców pracuje w administracji Miasta Challenges: Imprezy Integracyjne. Nominated by Konrad S., Gdansk: Polish society in general is not very diversified, and doesn't really welcome people form other countries. However, Mayor of Gdansk is putting a great effort into creation of immigrants-friendly city. He has established a special council to fight with intolerance, and he supports many events, that focus on topics like refugees and integration. I think he is on the best way to turn our city into more diversified one, where everyone will be able to find a place to live, to relax, to work, to have a life rich in activities. Contributions: Many immigrants work in public institutions, so they are working for the whole society in this way. The child of Iraqi immigrant is the director of European Solidarity Centre. One of the best doctor in our city came from Belarus. Our Muslim community, concentrated in local mosque is also very active- they organise numerous events that let us acknowledge this culture better. Challenges: Immigrants may have problem with finding a place to live, and I think our city helps in this situation by giving an access to social flats. Also stereotypes are very strong among society, and city fights against them by organising different meetings with people concerned about safety etc. Nominated by Katarzyna, Gdansk: Pawel Adamowicz recognised The people, whatever their origin, status or background.He is very open-minded. Contributions: He opened The school for imigrants.There are some place to let them know how to leave in Poland Challenges: The challenges are always mastered very well.People are very care by speciall office. Nominated by Anon, Gdansk: Pawel Adamowicz has a vision of Gdansk as a city proud of its historical heritage: a place where many nations lived in one city, where Solidarity began a change for all the Europe. As one of few European mayors, he took a clear position on immigration, looking for a model of integrating them. He asked people of different background to work together on integration model, which is a unique initiative in Poland, supporting tolerance, cooperation and engagement. Contributions: Immigrant contributed Gdansk for centuries, now it is time when we face the issue of immigration again. More diversified society is a benefit for all of us in the globalized world, where we need to be ready to challenges of the future, ready to cooperate regardless of race, religion, views. Many immigrants have contributed a lot to Gdansk ˆ being our neighbors, co-workers, engaging in NGO or culture activity. Challenges: Better law, better procedures for integrating immigrants. Nominated by Krystyna K., Gdansk: Thanks to Mayor Pawel Adamiwicz we have our Muslim community, built a mosque, a strong group are Buddhists to help the poor and needy. In Gdansk, she lives and teaches a large group of foreigners. Mr. Paul very much cares about the sport, we are the most bicycle city, we have many beautiful cycle paths. Mr. Adamowicz is very popular and that is why him wybieramy. Jako the only local government with the Polish was on top humanitarian Istanbul. Contributions: They teach us its history, religion, help the poor and needy. And personally: At the gym I have a friend from Syria and Azerbaijan. They taught me how to care for your hair, exchanging recipes. They are very nice and learned just open to another point of view. I work with girls from Ukraine - fled during the fighting for Kiev. They are wise and I am glad that allowed them to stay here. Challenges: Despite the fact that Poland refused to accept refugees Gdansk as far wants to help in the adoption and assimilation of refugees. We have them here over ten thousand so it's quite a lot. Adamowicz storm walls and barriers of isolation and promotes integration and solidarity with other cities - Barcelona, Athens Lampedusa. Nominated by Mariusz C, Poland: Since last few years the city has faced significant turn in the municipal policy. The mayor and his administration has clearly turned towards social and civic aspects of urban life, while the previously predominate macroeconomic and infrastructural investment has been overshadowed by social initiatives and activities. Civic and societal activities, including participatory budgeting, integration policy, public housing and many other had been initiated by the mayor and are being implemented. Challenges: The major challenges are being related to the political situation in the country, ruled by nationalist, populist conservative party, aimed to limit the city authorities and its autonomy. Growing support for xenophobic and conservative authoritarian regimes might challenge the ongoing transportation. Populist, myopic activists bring other challenges to the transformation process, enhance by certain inertia of local administration. Nominated by Iwona O., Poland: The President of Gdansk is one of just a few leaders, who implements the model if integration with immigrants in open way, with involvement of hundreds of volunteers. In these times, when most of people is against the immigrants, his attitude is worth promoting. Nominated by Magdalena, Gdansk: Pawel Adamowicz is the first mayor in Poland and also Eastern Europe which wants sort out issues concerning immigrants. He has lead the city through hard time of economy transformation, making Gdansk one of the most important cities in Poland and the region. I am really proud of that. He is a real leader! Contributions: Gdansk was the first city in Poland which has an immigration policy. Its very difficult topic because Polish government is not favorable to immigrants Challenges: Most people from Poland (also from Gdansk) know immigrants only from media, which create wrong perception of this people. Important challenge is create true picture of immigrants - the people who need help, support, trust and calm world around their family. Nominated by Iwona G., Gdansk: Pawel Adamowicz supports the opposition in Poland, which is trying to defend democracy and European values before the current authoritarian Polish government. More than a supporting refugees. Gdansk is a city open and friendly to immigrants, which is very different from the rest of Poland. Contributions: In Gdansk, very active Support Center Immigrant (Centrum Wsparcia Imigrantów i Imigrantek) and Immigrant Women. When it is done mentoring and assistance to refugees provided by volunteers in the project open metropolis - Friendship migrants. As a result of the team that Pawel Adamowicz appointed in May 2015, was created Gdansk Model Integration Fund (Gdanski Model Integracji Imigrantów). This is the first Polish team. Model of immigrant integration. Its members entered more than 140 people representing more than 70 various entities. The aim of the work of the team was to prepare a strategy for the integration of new residents from different parts of the world. Challenges: Because of the actions of the current Polish government and getting livelier operating in Poland nationalist groups to give immigrants a basic level of security it is a challenge because Polish society is increasing the level of hatred against people from the Middle East. But in Gdansk can meet this challenge. Volunteers supported by the city authorities are housing for refugees, teach the Polish language, translate the local customs and help them in everyday life. Police in Gdansk also protects the security of immigrants. Nominated by Magdalena A., Gdansk: He is the only one Mayor in Eastern Europe open to refugees, immigrants. He prepared local model of integration of imigrants in Gdansk. Regardless of criticism of nationalistic parties and Central Government of Poland he is consequently fighting for open and tolerant city of Gdansk. Contributions: The immigrants together with an association of immigrants participate to prepare the Gdansk program integration of immigrants. Challenges: In labour office in Gdansk is employed Ukrainian citizen. This new officer will help to find a job for Ukrainian and Belarusian citizens. Nominated by Krystyna P., Gdansk: The Mayor of Gdansk from Poland, Pawel Adamowicz, appointed a team (140 persons from various social groups) to develop a model of integration of immigrants. Gdansk Community has respected, appreciated and supported of Pawel Adamowicz for many years. We have the trust to our mayor because he is honest and sensitive to human poverty. Pawel Adamowicz helps the few families which have a financial problems and other. He divides with these people his private money. He is always smiling. Pawel Adamowicz is a good man. Nominated by Michal, Gdansk: Pawel Adamowicz have done all he could to diversify society culturally, economically and socially by welcoming immigrants to Gdansk. He is open-minded mayor, and he perfectly know how to convince people that immigrants are necessary part of modern local community. Nominated by Martyna B., Gdansk: Our Mayor is very active and reasonable person who can listen residents of Gdansk. He did more good things in Gdansk than any other mayor in Poland Contributions: In Gdansk we have Committee for immigrants and many meetings and consultations with residents. Challenges: He can find the golden mind between new investments and social and environmental needs. Nominated by Piotr P., Gdansk: City under the direction of President Adamowicz flourishes, and his fruit you can enjoy every day whenever the use of his benefits. Excellent public transport, excellent conditions for the development of business, and above all the city is open to the refugee problem. City of Liberty, Solidarity City. I'm Proud of My President and I believe that he fully deserves this prestigious award. Nominated by Karolina D., Paris: I currently live in Paris but I've been born and raised in Gdansk and in my heart I will always be a citizen of that city and issues of Gdansk are close to my heart. I hope to move back there soon. Over past decade when Mr. Adamowicz took his presidency of Gdansk, the city made a civilization jump (no kidding!). It is a city with strongly beating heart where developments are really happening and the comfort and usability of the city for its citizens are at heart of these changes. It's difficult to enlist all the changes for which Mr. Adamowicz thought and that happened but here are couple of main, in my opinion, points: 1. Infrastructure development: A) Gdansk is only one city where a new railway was added in Poland since the end of communist time! The railway connects Gdansk, airport, cities around Gdansk as well as Gdynia. B) New ring road was built around Gdansk definitely supporting further development of the city, helping citizens to get around and shifting heavy-duty traffic from the city to the outskirts. C) Creation of well connected airport. As an international person I appreciate this a lot since I am visiting my family every two months and they visit me in Paris every 5-6 months. That would be not possible if the airport was not there. D) Modernization of tramway tracks and procurement of new tramway carriages so they are faster, accessible by handicap users and they don't produce so much of noise. 2. Environment and ecology: A) Constant upgrade of the city trash utilization company in order to decrease trash, pollution and smell taking into account ecology norms. B) Taking care of green areas in Gdansk (Reagan's park, Park of Jan Pawel II, and national forest around the city). C) There are increased presence of wind mills around the city which I see as crucial for future development of cities and countries in terms of decreasing pollution levels resulting form energy consumption. 3. Culture and tourism: A) Opened Museum of Solidarity Movement in Gdansk. B) Is fighting for creation of the World War II museum. C) Accessibility of the city (by trains and airplane) attracts thousands of tourists every year. 4. Living standard in the city: A) Gdansk has one of the highest wages in Poland. B) Unemployment rates are very low. C) City tries, with success, to attract international companies to set their offices in Gdansk providing new employment opportunities in Gdansk. 5. Education: A) Development in investment in the University of Gdansk and Politechnic of Gdansk. The level of the universities is excellent, they attract local and international students and provide a very strong background resulting in high employability of their students. B) Good network of kinder gardens, primary and secondary schools. C) The city council provides grants to the best secondary students (in Polish - Liceum, corresponding to high school level in anglophone countries) for their high results. Overall, Mr. Adamowicz made a great contribution to the city development although there is still a place for improvement. Nominated by Marcin, Gdansk: He really know our city needs. He really cares about future of our city of Gdansk. There was so many changes all around the city for better. City is growing, people likes to visit us and it is all because of Adamowicz!!! He cares, he knows, he wants, he believes!!!! Nominated by J O, Gdansk: Since Pawel Adamowicz had become mayor in 1998, Gdanks has gone through revolutionary changes. Rapid economic growth was possible along with major increase in quality of life. His dedication and commitment to the City of Gdansk are remarkable. Nominated by Monika, Gdansk: Pawel Adamowicz made the unprecedented development of the city of Gdansk in many areas. I admire him especially for the huge increase in the number of places for children in nurseries. Nominated by Damian N., Gdansk: Gdansk has developed tremendously under the presidency of Mr. Adamowicz. He is one of the most open minded and hospitable mayors in Poland and so is the city of Gdansk, which has a long tradition of hospitability towards refugees from all over the world. |