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The 2016 World Mayor Prize will be awarded to a mayor who has provided immigrants with the facilities to contribute to the city’s society, economy and culture. The City Mayors Foundation is looking for mayors who have recognised that people, whatever their origin, status or background, are the greatest capital the world has to offer. This year’s World Mayor Project will identify mayors whose cities have done the most to welcome immigrants and have used their skills to enrich and diversify society culturally, economically and socially. Richard Arnold, Mayor of Schwäbisch Gmünd, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, has been shortlisted for the Prize. ||| |
FRONT PAGE About World Mayor City Mayors Foundation worldmayor@gmail.com Tel: +44 20 8439 7978 ![]() ![]() WORLD MAYOR 2018 • VOTE NOW • Shortlist 2018 • Longlist 2018 • Raison d'être • World Mayor history • World Mayor Prize • Code of Ethics • Criteria • Meet the Press WORLD MAYOR 2016 • Results 2016 • Project 2016 • Shortlist 2016 • Longlist 2016 • Code of Ethics • World Mayor Prize • World Mayor History • Raison d'être INTERVIEWS WITH • Mayor of Athens • Mayor of Lahr • Mayor of Mechelen TESTIMONIALS • Mayor of Aleppo • Mayor of Amstelveen • Mayor of Athens • Mayor of Cologne • Mayor of Gdansk • Mayor of Grande-Synthe • Mayor of Hettstedt • Mayor of Lahr • Mayor of Lampedusa • Mayor of Lesbos • Mayor of Mechelen • Mayor of Philadelphia • Mayor of Schwäbisch Gmünd ESSAYS BY • Mayor of Aleppo • Mayor of Amstelveen • Mayor of Athens • Mayor of Gdansk • Mayor of Lahr • Mayor of Mechelen • Mayor of Schwäbisch Gmünd PROFILES OF • Mayor of Amstelveen • Mayor of Athens • Mayor of Cologne • Mayor of Gdansk • Mayor of Grande-Synthe • Mayor of Lahr • Mayor of Lampedusa • Mayor of Lesbos • Mayor of Mechelen • Mayor of Schwäbisch Gmünd WORLD MAYOR 2014 WORLD MAYOR 2012 WORLD MAYOR 2010 WORLD MAYOR 2008 WORLD MAYOR 2006 WORLD MAYOR 2005 WORLD MAYOR 2004 |
Nominations for Richard Arnold Mayor of Schwäbisch Gmünd (Germany) Nominated by Shaymaa K., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Google translation from Arabic: Mr. Richard Arnold, a symbol of passion and compassion. I am a 24 year old refugee Syria and in Germany since 14 month felt loneliness and alienation and lack of acceptance of several people to me or Hatta talk to me and was darkness surrounded me from every angle and side and I lost hope in every day very tragically on the day four months ago, it was the most beautiful days since my presence here and where I met Mr. Arnold is a great human being gives hope and life with a smile it gives safety in his own words, kindness and compassion in his actions did a very Bdama after tiring myself do not envy him and became the feel of the city that there is hope planted in me when he provided me numerous facilities, including registration at the school and learn the language as soon as planting hope my participation in many activities that I was seeing it like an angel among people, whatever their nationality, age, stature be like medicaster the obstacles of life to be the best mayor in the world, and I feel proud that I belong to the city is the mayor to show him who deserves this status and well-deserved Nominated by Philipp K., Germany: For more than 2 years now innovative and social ideas to integrate asylum seekers in the society are applied with the projects of mayor Arnold in Schwaebisch Gmuend. As CEO of the Baden-Württemberg Foundation for Development-Cooperation I would like to speak out my appreciation and admiration for the work and personality of Mayor Richard Arnold, giving immigrants and asylum seekers the opportunity to work and be an active part of the community also without having a working permit or secured legal status. The project for asylum seekers in Schwaebisch Gmuend acknowledges that individual wellbeing is in the first place about human needs like individual choice and the feeling of being needed and in second place about legal issues like working permit or unfair wages. He is giving asylum seekers the possibility to choose voluntarily if they want to support community projects or not, they obtain individual choice. Welcoming immigrants warmly and supporting as best as possible is only one thing of Mayor Arnolds many social doings. He integrates social sense and humanity in all his doings. Mayor Arnold represents a Person with an extremely high integrity und a humanity rarely found. He is the best example for a human leader to follow. Nominated by Janet L., Oxford, UK: I first came to Schwäbisch Gmünd in 2009. Though it is the hometown of my fiancé, I must admit that I had trepidations about going to Gmünd. As a visible minority, I had become accustomed to being stared at, even in larger German cities. In Gmünd, however, I never felt unwelcome or attracted unwanted attention. In time, I understood why Gmünd’s mayor, Richard Arnold, is generous, compassionate, and determined to let all members of his community find their full potential. He leads by example, visiting schools, community centres, and events to directly engage people from all walks of life. He has a unique passion and energy for his citizens, regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, working tirelessly to guide the future of a deeply conservative community. His courage, candor, and hard work have gained him the respect of the citizens of Gmünd, directly inspiring them from the beginning of his time in public office to become a fairer, more egalitarian community. This forward-thinking and inclusive leadership of Mayor Arnold shaped the community of Schwäbisch Gmünd long before the current refugee crisis became acute. By the time hundreds of thousands of displaced people from the Middle East and Africa came pouring into Germany seeking refuge from the terrors of war, Gmünd was ready to offer shelter and dignity. Mayor Arnold has made the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd a model for the peaceful coexistence of a previously staunchly conservative, Catholic community and Muslim refugees, bound by their common humanity. The just response of Mayor Arnold to the refugee crisis is a beacon of hope at a pivotal moment in European politics, as a wave of populism threatens the core values of the European Union. It is therefore with utmost and whole-hearted conviction that I support Mayor Richard Arnold of Schwäbisch Gmünd for World Mayor 2016. Nominated by Dr Miriam F., Germany: We would like to support the candidacy of Mayor Arnold, Schwäbisch Gmünd. We closely worked together with Mayor Arnold and his team when we organized an event on the topic of migration and immigration in Baden-Württemberg. Central questions of the event were: What is the situation of refugees in Baden-Württemberg? What can be done and what is needed to form cultural and social cohesion? At the event we presented several projects of Schwäbisch Gmünd showing the successful integration and empowerment of refugees there. These projects clearly outlined the dedicated and supportive work Mayor Arnold does for his city. While organizing the event Mayor Arnold and his team gave us any support we needed. We also highly appreciate Schwäbisch Gmünd and Mayor Arnold being part of our network in Baden-Württemberg. Therefore, we fully support his candidacy for the 2016 World Mayor Prize. Nominated by Heidi W., Germany: Ich schlage Herrn Richard Arnold aus Schwäbisch Gmünd für den World Mayor Prize vor. Ich habe Herrn Arnold kennen gelernt als jemand, der Menschen - egal welcher Herkunft oder Weltanschauung - für eine Sache begeistern und mitreißen kann. Er regt die Bürger an, sich für etwas zu engagieren, damit alle einen Gewinn davon haben. Er gibt jedem einzelnen das Gefühl, wichtig zu sein für das Gelingen des Ganzen. Man fühlt sich als Teil einer Gemeinschaft. Nominated by Afaf A., Germany: Google translation from Arabic: All due respect .. all the appreciation ..lhzh personal inimitable Her sage and constructive thinking that Mr. Richard Arnold, he is always trying for the better in the development of his city that flourished and reached its zenith of the architectural, social and cultural do not forget the integration of refugees in life and provide free courses, job opportunities and athletics and clubs so Idli with my voice in the nomination of Mr. Richard Arnold to be the best mayor in the world. Nominated by Yahia K., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Google translation from Arabic: Personality is very nice and his beloved and is very humble person, which gives a lot of positive energy and creativity and persuasion to integrate refugees into society. And feel all the people that friend to them and feel of its staff as a friend to them is not a head of them And he always listens to people's concerns and their problems and will solve them and he does not differentiate between color, nationality or religion is the only wants to help anybody and he made a lot of City schwäbisch Gmünd Alnachah of architectural, cultural and all-round well. It is the best person and the best mayor I'm seeing it in my life but act very excellent person Nominated by Christoph W., Rödermark (near Frankfurt), Germany: I am voting for Richard Arnold, because he makes me very proud of being born in a town, with a mayor, that welcomes and supports refugees the way he did. I was born 1962 and grew up in the UK. The 2. world war wasn´t too long ago to that time. Getting older I realized, what had happened in my origin country.. That made me sad and ashamed. What Richard Arnold has done, helped me to trust in people and my country again. Nominated by Sabine W., Netherlands: Richard Arnold is a people’s person and that can be taken literally! He loves people of all genders, backgrounds, ethnicities and nationalities. In fact, it feels strange to think about him and even make such a list of distinctions as he makes none. If you happen to walk through Schwäbisch Gmünd with him, you will find yourself shaking hands and talking to all kinds of people. It’s great fun actually! Especially as you feel he enjoys it too and it actually gives him energy. He has no klishees and preferences as far ar people are concerned and that, along with the capability to make fast, close to the heart decisions makes him the perfect mayor to make actual integration possible in his home town. He has managed to inspire many people in and around Schwäbisch Gmünd to take in refugees, setting an example by placing three, now very happy young Africans in his parental home. He will let you know that his parents are now much more fulfilled and happy since they have someone to take care of. It takes people’s fear of the unknown and makes helping the most natural thing in the world to do. In 2014 there was a garden show in the whole of Schwäbisch Gmünd which involved all people of the town, including the refugees who helped where they could and were proud of it. Richard will take refugees in, show them around town personally, see to it that they have a place to live and something to do. Knowing that there is a small window, he quickly inspires local businesses to take them on as apprentices, for then they are safe. If there is a threat that a refugee could be sent back, he becomes personally involved and sees to it that they have a chance to stay. When the station in Schwäbisch Gmünd was being rebuilt, he had an idea to let refugees carry old people’s cases over the bridge for a euro. This became “modern slavery” in the eyes of people who will find fault and made the national news. I see it as a practical example of a win win situation. This all sounds very simple, I know, but that is the actual point. Where people worldwide are momentarily constantly complaining that politics are made above and beyond them, Richard is an example of spontaneous humanity. He takes people’s fears and resentments seriously by simply appealing to their better sides, inspires them to help with simple everyday gestures and also takes their needs into consideration. Local business needs workers: here’s someone from another country who would like to and can work. A refugee needs a home: here’s a lonely person who needs some company and help in the household. Richard’s combination of practical pragmatism with an eye on the flourishing of economy and his kindness and compassion for everyone around him creates an atmosphere of welcome and makes it possible for many to identify with his inspiring refugee policy. His message: “It is possible to flourish greatly on all levels when helping others in need!” Richard Arnold is a great example of how to help yourself by helping others and a worldwide inspiration for a positive transformation of a crisis. Thank you Richard! Nominated by Ingrid and Werner B., Schwaebisch Gmuend: We vote for Mayor Richard Arnold. From the beginning of his term as Mayor, Mr. Arnold has placed the focus of his work on the integration of refugees and the participation of all citizens in the tasks arising from his ideas and visions. This has resulted in an enormous society feeling, which is reflected by the large number of volunteers in Schwaebisch Gmuend. The refugees are also involved in all the citizens' campaigns, and the mayor himself participates with great efforts (for example, planting and cultivating urban green spaces and garbage disposal). He acts as a good example for the whole population and is tirelessly involved in helping the refugees to feel accepted and looks for a meaningful job for them. Nominated by Blanka R., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Richard Arnold ist ein umsichtiger, fleißiger und sehr kompetenter Oberbürgermeister. Er kümmert sich um unsere Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd, nimmt die Bürger mit auf seinem Weg und zeigt für deren Anliegen immer großes Interesse. Vor allem, als die vielen Flüchtlinge nach Schwäbisch Gmünd kamen, wurde es seine Herzensangelegenheit sie aufzunehmen, für sie zu sorgen und sie auf einen guten Weg zu bringen. Dieser Weg wurde zum GMÜNDER WEG . Sprache, Bildung, Wohnung und Arbeit bedeuten in GD Intergration und es klappt sehr gut. Richard Arnold hat das geschafft, was anderen Kommunen immer noch viele Probleme bereitet. Er ist ein großes Vorbild in Baden Württemberg, Deutschland und in Europa. Ihm ist es zu verdanken, das sehr viele ehrenamtliche Bürger unserer Stadt mit ihm diesen Weg gehen . Wir Bürger sind stolz, so einen herzlichen und genialen Oberbürgermeister in Schwäbisch Gmünd zu haben. Nominated by Roland R., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Richard Arnold hat in den vergangenen 5 Jahren Bahnbrechendes für das Gelingen von Migration in Schwäbisch Gmünd und im Ostalbkreis geleistet. Schon mit der von vielen falsch verstandene Aktion der Kofferträger am Gmünder Bahnhof hat er erste Zeichen gesetzt. Er hat den damaligen Flüchtlingen und Asylbewerbern ermöglicht, durch diese Aktion mit der Bevölkerung in Kontakt zu kommen und gleichzeitig der Monotonie der "Flüchtlingsheime" zu entfliehen. Bald schon wurde das Projekt "Patenschaften" gestartet, das noch bis heute vielen Flüchtlingen die Möglichkeit gibt, durch die Betreuung von ehrenamtlichen Paten, sich besser in Deutschland zurechtzufinden. Die dezentrale Wohnunterbringung, das Projekt HUT , die Deutschkurse in der Volkshochschule und die Installation von speziellen Schulklassen mit unterschiedlichen Leistungsniveau in der AvH Schule. Ebenso das Einbinden von Industrie und Handwerk ,die es ermöglicht haben vielen willigen Flüchtlingen einen Ausbildungsplatz anzubieten. Bei alle dem und bestimmt noch einigen Dingen mehr ist Richard Arnold die Triebfeder und der Initiator. Deshalb denke ich wäre er ein Würdiger World Mayor Prize. Nominated by Jens-Peter S., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Supporting statement Since he has been mayor of Schwäbisch Gmünd, Mr Arnold has always attached major importance to the topic of immigration and the question of how refugees can be successfully integrated into society. In doing so, it has been one of his primary aims to not only integrate these people on a bureaucr atic level, finding them accommodation and granting official support, but he has always put much effort into integrating them into the core areas of society such as sports clubs, schools and cultural activities in town. To do so, he has set up a close network of volunteers and professionals who are highly engaged in immigration matters. To keep specifically volunteers engaged, Mayor Arnold has always personally valued and supported them, staying in constant contact with each of the volunteer groups. Furthermore, Mr Arnold has always attached special importance to the field of education which he considers to be a core element on the way to successful integration. Because of that, he personally helps refugees to find internships in regional and local companies and supports interns and companies with regular visits thus showing his personal commitment to their concerns. Apart from that, refugees who show a high amount of commitment to learning German and succeeding at school are granted special support in finding permanent accommodation in Schwäbisch Gmünd which additionally furthers motivation. Through this sort of personal commitment, Mayor Arnold knows an extraordinarily high number of refugees in town in person and makes a point of knowing about their personal needs in order to be able to directly and unbureaucratically support them in any urgent situation. Contributions made by immigrants Not only immigrants but also Schwäbisch Gmünd and its population itself have highly benefitted from Mayor Arnold’s commitment to integration. Feeling highly accepted and integrated into society, refugees have constantly contributed to forming a stable sort of “melting pot” society in which foreigners are openly welcomed and accepted. A big role here certainly plays the refugees’ participation in the cultural life of Schwäbisch Gmünd and their openness to the local population. Challenges The afore-mentioned participation of refugees in the cultural life of Schwäbisch Gmünd is primarily to be attributed to Mayor Arnold’s commitment whose idea it was to invite the immigrants to take part in events such the “Staufersaga” which was staged in 2012 and 2016 followed by historic parades through the town and which was of enormous importance to the people of Schwäbisch Gmünd who also participated in large numbers in these events which gave both sides the chance to get to know each other on an equal level. Another event which Mr Arnold used successfully to integrate refugees was the regional garden exhibition (“Landesgartenschau”) in 2014 for which he also managed to get together local and immigrant volunteers. Furthermore, the institution “Pfiff” was set up by Mayor Arnold to support refugees as well as possible in all their wishes and concerns. To enable the institution to do so, Mayor Arnold has always put special importance to employing people there who are committed to refugees and immigration matters far beyond average. Last but not least, knowing that integration can hardly be successful without a permanent job, Mayor Arnold has continually organized reunions for refugees and regional employers, an engagement of which both immigrants in search of a job and the local economy have benefitted. With all this commitment and by constantly displaying his personal persuasion that integration can be successful if the structures necessary for that are provided by a community and its administration, Mayor Arnold has succeeded in creating an atmosphere of openness and a culture of welcoming for refugees. Nominated by Franco T and Bastiaen V., Schwaebisch Gmuend: We strongly support the candidature of Mr. Richard Arnold for the 2016 World Mayor Prize because of the outstanding work he has been doing in welcoming the refugees and for the city improvement in general. From the very first weeks of our move for work to Schwäbisch Gmünd in 2015, we were overwhelmed by the amazingly good reputation earned by Mr. Richard Arnold since his election in 2009, not only in his own town and not only for his asylum seeker policy. It took us not too long to discover why. We can summarize his mission as Schwäbisch Gmünd Mayor with four words: Passion, Empathy, Togetherness, and Determination. These four elements accompanied by his charismatic personality generated a positive flow within the citizenry. Since the begin of his mandate the city has been flourishing in several fields, e.g. cultural, social, and architectonic among others. The special bond he created with his citizens resulted in a broad support for a rapid integration of the refugees into the urban life. In addition to German language courses and decentralized accommodation he managed to provide an immediate and active participation of the newly arrived to the city life, while waiting for the residence permit. To synthesize the form of asylum policy undertook by Mr. Arnold, the German media created and used the expression ‘Gmünder Weg’. We hope that Germany and Europe will soon succeed to emulate Mr. Richard Arnold translating the ‘Gmünder Weg’ into a ‘European Way’. We wish us all. Nominated by Dieter E., Schwabisch Gmuend: in einer Zeit, in der jede Handlung, jede Entscheidung und jedes Tun eines Oberbürgermeisters kritisiert und massiv angegriffen, verurteilt und zumindest in Frage gestellt wird, sind die Handlungen/Entscheidungen und Maßnahmen unseres Oberbürgermeisters Richard Arnold überwiegend und weitestgehend von der Bevölkerung akzepiert, ja sie werden sogar großflächig von der Bevölkerung voll befürwortet, ja sogar auch von „oppositionellen Andersgesinnten“. Dies erkennt man an den zahlreichen Einbringungen der Gmünder Bürger, welche Migranten, Asylanten und/oder Flüchtlinge freiwillig aufnehmen, integrieren oder ausbilden wollen und dies auch tun. Dies ist ausschließlich auf das Wirken, Motivieren und „Vorleben“ von OB Arnold zurückzuführen, welcher in unzähligen Maßnahmen und Umsetzungen von Ideen hierzu die Basis und Rahmenbedingungen seitens der Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd schafft. Auch das wichtige kulturelle Integrieren von Migranten, etc. wird von Herrn Arnold vorbildlich und erlebens- und nennenswert gelebt. Ob bei der Staufersaga, den Schwörtagen, anderen kommunalen Veranstaltungen und Workshops à es werden grundsätzlich höflich und gezielt Migranten/Flüchtlinge dazu eingeladen und eingebunden, welche dies freiwillig und sehr gerne tun und mit Begeisterung mitmachen. Auffällig sind die herausragenden, kurzfristigen Erfolge, welche auf Seiten der Migranten erkennbar sind/werden. Ob dies das rasche Erlernen der deutschen Sprache ist oder das selbstverständliche Mitwirken in Vereinen oder in Firmen, als Teil der Gemeinschaft und dies von allen Deutschen als voll akzeptiert. Dies führt dazu, daß es deutlich weniger Anfeindung und auch mehr Zuspruch/weniger Ausschreitungen seitens der Flüchtlinge gibt. Insgesamt betrachtet ist also ein harmonische Zusammenleben möglich, welches vielerorts so auch gelebt wird in Gmünd. Ich kann deshalb mit voller Überzeugung meine Stimme im Rahmen des World Mayor Prize-Awards meinem OB Richard Arnold geben. Ich hoffe, daß dies noch sehr viele Bürger aus Gmünd und Umgebung auch tun werden und freue mich auf die Preisverleihung schon heute. Nominated by Dietmar W., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Oberbürgermeister Richard Arnold ist ein sehr toleranter, weltoffener Bürgermeister, der die Integration der Flüchtlinge als Chefsache begreift. Er geht dabei auch durch sein persönliches Engagement als nachahmenswertes Beispiel für die Stadgemeinschaft voran. Herr Arnold unterstützt in Schwäbisch Gmünd und im Landkreis Ostalbkreis vielfältige Maßnahmen zur Integration der Flüchtlinge. Neben Möglichkeiten zu ehrenamtlichem Engagement in der Stadtgemeinschaft sowie in verschiedenen Vereinen gehören dazu auch viele Bildungsangebote, wobei Herr Arnold nicht davor zurückschreckt, auch sehr unkonventionelle Wege zu gehen, wenn das Ziel nicht anders zu erreichen ist. Unser Oberbürgermeister lässt sich auch nicht vom Status Quo aufhalten und sucht beständig nach Möglichkeiten, Integrationshindernisse und -hemmnisse zu beseitigen. Herr Arnold erzielt sehr große Erfolge und wirbt um Gleichgesinnte weit über die Stadtgrenzen hinaus. Nominated by Sonja W., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Ich bin der Ansicht, dass Richard Arnold den &bdquoWorld Mayor Prize“ gewinnen sollte, weil er sich für ein offenes, tolerantes und soziales Schwäbisch Gmünd einsetzt. Er lebt diese Passion, geht unbeirrt seinen Weg der Willkommenskultur, ohne sich von Kritikern aus der Spur bringen zu lassen. Die Stadt pflegt eine offene Willkommenskultur jedem einzelnen Menschen gegenüber, ungeachtet seiner religiösen, sozialen, kulturellen oder sprachlichen Herkunft. Richard Arnold hat die Flüchtlingskrise zur Chefsache erklärt. Die Hälfte der Flüchtlinge wohnt in Privathaushalten, auch seine Eltern haben drei Flüchtlinge aufgenommen, die alle zusammen in einer Art Wohngemeinschaft leben. Richard Arnold ist Initiator des Gmünder Wegs, der über die reine Unterbringung der Asylbewerber hinausgeht. Die Stadt bietet den Menschen Deutschkurse an, ermöglicht ihnen einen Hauptschulabschluss zu machen und auf die Berufsschule zu gehen. Dafür hat Richard Arnold die Altersgrenze für die Berufsschule aufgehoben. Gemeinsam wird auch überlegt, in welchen Vereinen die Flüchtlinge mitmachen können. Besonders wichtig hierbei ist der ständige Kontakt und Austausch zwischen Bewohnern und Flüchtlingen, um deren Integration wirksam zu unterstützen. Die einzelnen Stufen des von Richard Arnold initiierten Gmünder Weges sind: Ankommen - das Willkommensgespräch, Sprachförderung auf verschiedenen Niveaus, Teilhabe im Ehrenamt und Erprobung in Gemeinnützigkeit, Bildung, Ausbildung und Beschäftigung, Vermittlung von Wohnraum. Unterstützt wird das Programm durch ehrenamtliche Patenschaften. Nominated by Hermann R., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Ich bin Bürger der Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd und kann Herrn Oberbürgermeister Richard Arnold nur wärmstens für den o.g. Preis empfehlen. Früher als jeder andere Bürgermeister im Land hat er für die Flüchtlinge die nötige Bereitschaft der Hilfe bei den Bürgern geweckt, frühzeitig um Wohnmöglichkeiten und Arbeitsmöglichkeiten geworben, gesondert hierfür zusammen mit der VGW einen Häusertyp creiert, der rasch für die Unterbringung der Flüchtlinge zu vertretbaren Kosten gebaut werden kann. Unermüdlich setzt er sich auch dafür ein, dass die Flüchlinge möglichst rasch in der Stadtgemeinschaft integriert werden. So wurden die Anlässe Landesgartenschau oder die Wiederaufführung der Staufersaga auch dazu genutzt, dass sich die Flüchtlinge einbringen konnten. Auf diese Weise ist unsers Stadt flüchtlingsfreundlich, Auswüchse wie z. B. bei Hoyersverda sind in Schwäbisch Gmünd undenkbar. Nominated by Stefan F., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Richard Arnold hat mit einer begeisterenden Art in Schwäbisch Gmünd eine Integrationspolitik geschaffen die seinesgleichen sucht. Der Gmünder Weg mit seinen hervorragenden, hochmotivierten Mitarbeitern, schafft es Brücken zwischen Flüchtlingen und Einheimischen zu schaffen. Ich selbst betreue durch die Initiative zwei somalische Flüchtlinge die jetzt nach eineinhalb Jahren Anwesenheit in Schwäbisch Gmünd eine Ausbildung zum Maler und Lackierer absolvieren. Dies verdanken die Männer aus Somalia dem Gmünder Weg mit seiner angebotenen Sprachförderung und der Einsetzung von Ehrenamtlichen und Patenschaften. Der Oberbürgermeister von Schwäbisch Gmünd, Richard Arnold, die städtischen Mitarbeiter der Integrationsstelle "PFIFF", sowie die unzähligen Ehernamtlichen und Paten verdienen die größtmöglichste Anerkennung! Der World Mayor für mich heißt Richard Arnold! Nominated by Petra K.-O., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Mr. Arnold is such an open mind person who cares about his citizen, no matter where they come from, what age or sex or what they earn. He is interested in all themes and problems and new requirements. Er geht völlig neue, unbekannte, auch unbequeme Wege, um Schwäbisch Gmünd zu der fortschrittlichen Stadt zu machen, die sie Dank ihm inzwischen geworden ist. Er schafft es wie kein anderer, Menschen zusammenzubringen und Frieden untereinander zu schaffen. Er kann begeistern und es geht ihm immer um die Sache, nie um Empfindlichkeiten einzelner Leute. Was ich am allermeisten an ihm schätze: er ist völlig uneitel, Machtgehabe, Schmeicheleien, Geld und Geschenke interessieren ihn überhaupt nicht. Was kann es für bessere Voraussetzungen geben für einen worldmayor?!! Nominated by Peter S., Schwaebisch Gmuend: warum ich OB Richard Arnold als Qualifikant für den World Mayor Prize benenne, ist seine einzigartige Fürsorge und Ausdauer im Bereich der Flüchtlingshilfe. Sein unermüdlicher Einsatz in dieser Hinsicht seit Jahren, ist fast einmalig. Selbst durch anfängliche Anfeindungen, hat er sich nicht negativ beeinflussen lassen. Weiterhin natürlich auch in Sachen" Initiative Landesgartenschau 2014" und bis heute tatkräftige Mithilfe bei der Pflege der jährlichen Pflanzaktionen. Ich freue mich auf eine Wiederwahl nächstes Jahr. Nominated by Klemens F., Germany: Ich fühle mich geehrt für einen Mann zu stimmen, der sich schon seit vielen Jahren für Flüchtlinge und Integration einsetzt. Seine vielfältigen Aktivitäten und Verdienste müssen an dieser Stelle nicht mehr erwähnt werden. Das man in einer eher konservativ geprägten Stadt damit nicht gerade Sympathie in rauhen Mengen bekommt ist ihm fast schon Antrieb. Herausstellen will ich besonders, das Richard auch abseits des Rampenlichtes im Persönlichen dies auch, vielleicht sogar noch stärker vertritt. Nominated by Ulla K., Germany Ich unterstütze die Wahl von Richard Arnold zum World Mayor Price. Er versteht es in vorbildlicher Weise, Menschen zum Mitmachen zu motivieren, ihren ‘Bürgersinn’ zu wecken und sie so an vielen Aufgaben, die in einer Kommune wie Gmünd zu lösen sind, zu beteiligen. Seine engagierte und mitfühlende Art als gewählter Repräsentant von Schwäbisch Gmünd, als Christ und Europäer, hat aus dieser Gemeinde eine Gemeinschaft geschaffen, die es möglich macht, auch neu ankommende Menschen mit aufzunehmen, seien es Flüchtlinge, Studenten oder sonst zuziehende Bürgerinnen und Bürger aus anderen Orten. Schwäbisch Gmünd kann sich freuen einen solchen Oberbürgermeister zu haben, der diese alte Stauferstadt in eine gute Zukunft führen wird. Nominated by Michael S., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Richard Arnold hat die Auszeichnung verdient weil er sich weit über das normale Maß hinaus für die Belange der Flüchtlinge engagiert. Er spricht nicht nur, er handelt vor allem auch. Sein persönlicher Einsatz ist richtungsweisend für eine ganze Region. Er geht als Vorbild voran, und schafft es dabei viele Menschen auf diesen Weg mit zu nehmen. Sei Agieren ist authentisch, ehrlich und überzeugend. Er schafft es, ein offenes, freundliches und wohlwollendes Klima her zu stellen und öffnet dadurch viele Türen die sonst geschlossen wären. Dieses Engagement hat die Auszeichnung verdient! Nominated by Carmen H., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Richard Arnold should be World Mayor because he has always an open ear for people no matter where they come from, who they are and what their problem is. He will help as best as he can. He would definitely deserve the title! Nominated by Markus B., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Dear people at the World Major Project: I would like to justify, why our mayor Richard Arnold should win the competition. Ich have never seen another mayor or person, who looks more after the problems in the city, than him. He has an charmant, sweeping and powerful way to motivate the citizens in every sector you can motivate them...music, theater, dance. In all sectors of culture. In the question to win volunteers, he has an excellent feeling how to do it and how to inspire the volunteers in what they do. Everyone admires him because he has a great aura. His unmistakeable speeches inspires not only the people to help on their freetime, he gives the people the feeling that they really could change something big and be part of the change. He is one of the first mayors, who live the passion of integration. He call it the Gmünder Weg, the Gmünder way. He wants to integrate every refugees, who come to Schwäbisch Gmünd. And for that he looks for posibillitys and chances to make it happen. He make it possible. Thats also why he took three refugees to his motherhouse and live with them. And thats the difference between him and other mayor. He not just say we have to integrate refugees in society, he integrate them, starting at himself. He wants to be the role model everyone can orientate at. And that should be every mayor. Every mayor should be a role model for his citizens, who goes with good example forward. But mayor Richard Arnold is it already. And thats why he should win the World Mayor project...to be the role model for every mayor in the world. I hope you consider this explanation in your decision. Nominated by T.E., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Richard Arnold started in a very early time of refugees coming to schwaebisch gmuend a campaign which called the "Gmuender Weg" not only to integrate those people into the community but also motivating all inhabitans to support the refugees in all of their daily problems. To him everybody is unique and worth all efforts. These efforts of Mayor Richard Arnold concern all daily problems which refugees from other countries and cultures are confrontated with. So these people become fully integrated and accepted citizens in Schwaebisch Gmuend. On this way the humanity of Richard Arnold influenced in a very strong kind political discussion and people`s meaning of welcome and accepting refugees in Germany. Nominated by Thomas C., Germany: He was one of the first to take initiative to help refugees coming to Germany and spoke out publicly for their good. Nominated by CR, Schwaebisch Gmuend: I think Richard Arnold should be the Worl Mayor 2016 because everything he is doing for the refugees comes from his heart. He really really wants to help. And he is so creative when it is about providing jobs or creating projects that he was even mentioned in Newspaper articles in Antibes, France. Our city is really so open for refugees because he has changed our minds, because even when Richard Arnold faced opposition, he never thought about giving up. He is really fighting for the refugees. And this is why our city has an immense uprise of refugee projects, jobs and internships that are provided. Because everybody believes our Mayor that we can manage it and that the refugees arent bad for us in any way. Nominated by Wolfgang R., Germany: He is able to unify the whole town including plenty of refugees. He created a feeling that makes every inhabitant proud of being citizen of Schwaebisch Gmuend. Nominated by Thomas H., Schwaebisch Gmuend: I mean, Richard Arnold ist he best candidate, because he finds always ways to integrate refugees in our community. He searchs houses, organizes places for pratice works and jobs. On the other side he initiates places fort the refugees in sports-clubs and so on. Handicaped people are further assisted with their problems in the streetes, by the work or in their old-aged-phase. He supports the Stiftung Haus Lindenhof fort he handicaped people. Nominated by Elke S., Germany: I vote for Mr. Arnold because he unified the citizens of Schwäbisch Gmünd my former hometown. He achieved that the townspeople stood together for making Schwaebisch Gmuend a town with a heart for quality of life, cultur and refugees. We need more majors like him, who felt the human spirit and not only the financial spirit of the development of a town. Nominated by Christian B., Schwaebisch Gmuend: I support the candidacy of Mayor Arnold because of his success in rebuilding Schwäbisch Gmünd with the project garden exhibition. Together with the new tunnel, the renovated station, the park area, the exhibition in the forest and the new quarter in town about 500 Mio Euro was invested in Schwäbisch Gmünd infrastructure. With that our town got an atmosphere of departure for years. That's the success of Mayor Richard Arnold and that is why he's the best Mayor. Nominated by Martin K., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Oberbürgermeister Arnold hat das Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl der Gmünder Bürger durch seinen vorbildlichen persönlichen Einsatz beispielhaft getärkt und ein neues Verständnis für das ehrenamtliche Engagement in der Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd geprägt. Das kulturelle Leben in der Stadt Gmünd und die infrastrukturelle Stadtentwicklung wurde unter seiner Regie nicht nur vollendet, sondern zum Wohle der Gmünder Bürger in enormen Umfang vorangetrieben. Seine gesunde Offenheit gegenüber Flüchtlingen und Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund konnte, wie zahlreiche Beispiele beweisen, auch auf sehr große Teile der Stadtbevölkerung übertragen werden. Die glanzvollen Fortschritte der Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd finden, Dank OB Arnold, auch überregional große Anerkennung, Ich wünsche Mayor Arnold als Gmünder Bürger viel Erfolg bei der Wahl zum World Mayor. Nominated by Oliver H., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Richard Arnold managed to bring a lot of entusiasm into the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd. He doesn't only talk about great things, but does them. Nominated by Thomas K., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Ich unterstütze Oberbürgermeister Richard Arnold. Seine Weltoffenheit steht für eine intensive Integrationsarbeit von neuen Bürgern und Flüchtlingen in unsere Stadt. Gleichzeitig ist er Motivator für das Engagement unserer Bürgerinnen und Bürger, sich aktiv in das Leben in der Stadt einzubringen. Nominated by DMJ, Germany: Ich unterstütze Richard Arnold, weil es keinen gibt der es mehr verdient hat. Er hat mit seiner Vorgehensweise die Integrationspolitik Schwäbisch Gmünds revolutioniert und damit überregional, ja sogar deutschlandweit für Aufsehen und Anerkennung gesorgt. Mehr Argumente für den Gewinn des Titels bedarf es nicht. Nominated by Hans J., Schwaebisch Gmuend: He has many new ideas, can inspire people for his ideas, He mobilizes many citizens to join in for help to build up the community Nominated by Mirko B., Germany: Mr. Arnold should win cause of thousand Arguments. But one of the strongest was his fight for the refugees this year. He showed us how to welcome the strangers in our country. This was great! Nominated by Dr Michael B., Germany: During these last years, Germany faced a huge influx of refugees, many of them in despairing conditions. Richard Arnold stood out among Germany's City Mayors in responding to this situation. Long before, Arnold had established a proactive way of welcoming and integrating migrants into City life, soon nicknamed as "Gmünder Weg / Way of Gmünd". Therefore, he was invited to the first State refugee summit in Octobre 2014 in Stuttgart. There, he spoke forcefully about the need to help and the positive difference a proactive City could make in helping people to start a new and better life. And as the State of Baden-Württemberg decided to evacuate 1.000 mostly Yazidi women and children from North Iraq that had suffered traumatizing violence by the so-called "Islamic States", Richard Arnold was the first City Mayor to volunteer on behalf of these women and children! Contributions: According to the "Gmünder Weg", immigrants have been successfully invited to contribute to City life from the start, for example in the Landesgartenschau (State-wide Garden Exhibition) or the renovation of an old chapel. In the course of the Special Quota Program, City Mayor Arnold not only managed to organise housing, medical and psychological Treatment for traumatized women and children in need. He also was able to win immigrants of the first and second Generation as translators, helpers, civil servants and social workers. In Schwäbisch Gmünd, longstanding inhabitants and immigrants are working side by side to welcome and to integrate refugees and other immigrants. Challenges: Schwäbisch Gmünd was the first City to accept traumatized women and children from North Iraq, many of whom from the Yazidi religious community. Therefore, the challenges concerning translations (not only in speech, but also in culture) as well as providing housing, medical and psychological Treatment were huge and risky. Richard Arnold and his team not only solved these issues, they also evolved into a role model for other Cities joining the Program. By inviting other City Mayors and co-workers to Schwäbisch Gmünd, the Mayor not only shared the experiences, but also won over others to join the efforts. Thereby, Richard Arnold enhanced Integration policies throughout Germany and contributed to saving lives, pure and simple. Nominated by Maria, Schwaebisch Gmuend: Extremely helpful, out-going, highly committed to integrate immigrants by offering them decent accommodation throughout the town and small villages, by integrating them into all kinds of associations, by choosing families who look after them, by offering all kinds of language courses, by integrating them in firms to get an apprenticeship and to be able to graduate at school, by taking care of them personnally, Even his parents look after some refugees and offer them accommodation in their private house and let them take part in their family life. Nominated by Maradi Z., Schwaebisch Gmuend: My Name is Maradi, i've arrived in Germany 3 years ago, that's about the time when i met Mister Arnold and got to know him as well. He's a really nice man and i've heard about people, especially refugees that he supported in their education and as a person. Personally i've done internships and have the opportunity to participate in the fire department. In other countries a mayor this nice and in touch with the people is unimaginable. Challenges: Every politican has to face challenges, but in Schwäbisch Gmünd everybody notices the hard work Mister Arnold puts effort in. He's simply a likable person. Nominated by Kenneth G., African-German Information Centre: We have followed with great interest and we are proud of Mayor Richard Arnold's great work as a Mayor in the municipality of Schwäbisch Gmünd. His best practice and examples for the handling of the refugee cisis and managing migration and development in German municipalities is worthy of emulation and commendation. Nominated by Johannes G., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Dieser Bürgermeister setzt sich für die Flüchtlinge ausgesprochen erfolgreich ein. Dies geht sogar soweit, dass er in seiner Partei Gesetzesänderungen vorschlägt. Contributions: Hier sind über 1000 Flüchtlinge aufgenommen worden und die Integration funktioniert Nominated by Gisela E., Germany: Mr. Richard Arnold is a quite outstanding mayor. He is very human, cordial and meets his citizens at eye level. In all developments of the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd, he engages his personnel and the citizenry in the best manner, very systematic, early, and flexible. As State Counsellor for Civil Society and Civic Participation of Baden-Württemberg, I strongly support his nomination as World Mayor 2016. As head of the administration he is an outstanding example how politics and administration should deal with the challenges of migration. He also acts very creatively in difficult situations. For example, when the administration dealt with the naming of a tunnel, the citizens voted online to name it after the actor Bud Spencer. Mr. Spencer once visited the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd in 1952 in order to participate at a swim meeting. Following the heraldic figure of the city, the local council on the other hand wanted to name the tunnel Einhorn-Tunnel (unicorn tunnel). To pacify the conflict, Mayor Arnold suggested naming the public swimming pool after the actor. Mr. Spencer even attended the inauguration of the swimming pool. The conflict vanished. And the tunnel is called Einhorn-Tunnel today. Contributions: Mayor Richard Arnold succeeds in transforming refugees into involved fellow citizens: He actively included the refugees in the State Horticultural Show 2015 and employed them as fully-fledged volunteers. Same at the „Stauferfestspiele‰: More than 1000 citizens regularly present their city‚s history in a huge parade and in plays. Amongst them, refugees are joining the events enthusiastically. The mayor also supports refugees to be able to become active members of the local firefighters and to be admitted to various clubs and associations. Challenges: Mayor Richard Arnold pursues a very far-sighted municipal policy in terms of integration of refugees. He consequently uses leeways of local politics to solve problems and to overcome obstacles. He actively motivates his citizenry for social commitment not just towards refugees. Mr. Arnold also succeeds in integrating people with disabilities or with social disadvantages into the city‚s society. Thus, he maintains the societal cohesion in his city well and in a vivid manner. Nominated by Raymund J., Schwaebisch Gmuend: I am Raymund Jakobus, I am 21 years old, I am originally from Nigeria. I have been in Germany for two years where I take asylum after some discrimination and condemination in my home country. On my first day in Schwäbisch Gmünd I met Richard Arnold, who accepted me into the community and showed me the best ways to be happy and he also gave me the opportunity to go to school and also to do an apprenticeship. Richard Arnold is a man who accepts everybody of different cultures, belief and colors. I am happy to have met him. Richard Arnold is a man who gives opportunities to the foreigners, the youth and refugees who are ready to do something. I am so happy to be one of the elected youth concil leader in Schwäbisch Gmünd. In my own opinion Richard Arnold has been the best Mayor I have ever met in my life. I wish him best wisches. Contributions: Richard Arnold has helped the migrants in Schwäbisch Gmünd to have a better life by giving them the opportunity to go to school, by doing apprenticeship and also supporting many by having jobs. Richard Arnold is an comedian who gives joy to migrants by entertaining them to smile away their sorrows. We love you so much Richie. Challenges: In my own opinion I believe Richard Arnold faces challenges from the generations, concil and I also believes that he faces some discrimination from his own people who say "He loves the migrants more than me!" Nominated by Hans Peter E., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Mit voller Unterstützung möchte ich die Nominierung unseren Schwäbisch Gmünder Oberbürgermeister Herr Richard Arnold aus tiefster Überzeugung unterstützen. Ich bin überzeugt von seinem menschlichen Handeln, von seiner sozialen Kompetenz und als Mitgründer des Gmünder-Weges. Herr Richard Arnold hat den Titel "World Mayor" mehr wie verdient. Er lebt die Grundhaltung tag täglich allen Mitbürgern von Schwäbisch Gmünd vor. Seine Eltern haben sofort Flüchlinge im Haus aufgenommen. Die dezentrale Unterbringung von Flüchtlingen ist der Weg eine schnelle Integration der dramtisierten Flüchtlinge zu erreichen. Schon nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg haben wir in Schwäbisch Gmünd über 10.000 Füchtlinge aufgenommen. In den 90er Jahren waren es dann die Kriegsflüchtlinge aus Kroatiens und Serbien usw. Die Mobilisierung der ehrenamtlich tätigen Mitbürger ist seit der Amtsübernahme von Herrn Oberbürgermeister Richard Arnold, gefordert und gefördert worden. Nominated by Walter S., Germany: Richard Arnold is widely known throughout Germany for his unique approach to migrants and refugees. According to many reports and documentations Mayor Arnold personally strives to make immigrants feel welcome in his city. To achieve that he has no only established a successful and role-model method to intergrate the arriving people but is also always personally available for them - despite his busy schedule. This and his ability to unify the town of Schwäbisch Gmünd in theses times show that Richard Arnold is driven by a philantrophic and altruistic worldview and makes him in my opinion the deserved World Mayor of 2016. Contributions: Migrants helped voluntarily in the statewide garden-exhibition. Also many recently arrived immigrants were part of the city's impressive theatre production "Staufersaga". Both was only possible because of the personal relations and trust between Mayor Arnold and the migrant and refugee-community in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Challenges: As a conclusion of all his work it is to say that Richard Arnold was able to relatively unify the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd regarding the topic of migrants and refugees in a positive and integrative way despite other tendencies in whole Germany and making it a role-model for the future of integration. Nominated by Dr Joy A., African Good Governance Network, Germany: There are so many reasons why Lord Mayor Arnold is best suited for this Price. Firstly, because of his welcome and integration programs for refugees and the positive results as well as positive impact in Schwäbisch Gmünd and across Germany, secondly, Germany's influential/leading role (especially as an economic and political power) in Europe, and its openness to refugees due to Merkel's policy which faced/faces a lot of resistance within the Country and across the EU) and thirdly, the exemplary role (successful model) of Arnold policy across the country. In what he coined down as "Gmünder Weg" with its motto "vom Flüchtling zu Bürger/from refugee to citizen" Arnold laid out a five Point plan beginning with welcoming the refugees, providing them with accommodation, offering them language courses and introducing them (especially the youth and children) into schools and vocational institutions, as well as guiding their integration into normal daily life in the Society after their education/Training programs. He skillfully, passionately and charismatically mobilized his people, private and public institutions in his municipality to welcome, assist and integrate refugees. The huge success of his policy has been so overwhelming and exemplary that he is regularly invited on state and federal refugee conferences, programs (National TV) as best practice case for others municipalities to learn from. For example when Germany was at the peak of the refugee crisis in Europe and Merkel was facing a lot of opposition for the right wing other opposition parties, he was invited on national television to showcase the Gmünder Weg to the Nation and teach others how best the refugee challenges can be mastered in the German communities. On this national TV Program (Menschen bei Maischberger - Political Talk on TV in October 2015) titled: NEUE HEIMAT: WIE VERÄNDERN FLÜCHTLINGE UNSER LAND?/ New home: how do refugees Change our Homeland? Arnold illustrated with practical examples from Gmünder how to best welcome and integrate refugees. He always appeal to human values (love for fellow humans, trust, responsibility to care for one another...) in the approach in handling the refugee challenges and he challenged other Lord Mayors to spearhead the course already taken by many of their citizens in the form of voluntary service in welcoming and assisting refugees across the country. The lists of his positive impact are long and many of them can be found online in national TV and other media home pages. Nominated by Bernd S., Arbeitskreis Asyl, Schwaebisch Gmuend: Our group Arbeitskreis Asyl is a non-profit organization and supports refugees in and around Schwäbisch Gmünd since 1991. All our members are volunteers. For more information see www.asyl-gd.de. Since being elected as mayor, Mr. Richard Arnold involves and cares for the city’s refugees who account up to 1,000 people. Our city has seen a remarkable increase in refugee initiatives that all aim at helping and integrating people into our society who had to flee their home countries for a variety of reasons. In order to organize all initiatives and provide an efficient handling of refugee matters, a centrally located welcome and integration center has been started (PFIFF). There, all refugees receive support from experienced personnel, e.g. when looking for an adequate school or a job. Also, refugees get assistance when looking for accommodation. Recently, the city has built a new group accommodation for newly arrived refugees. After having accustomed to their new situation, refugees are being accommodated in decentralized apartments throughout the city. This initiative is part of the so-called ‘Gmünder Model’: the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd led by Mayor Arnold wants to integrate refugees as smoothly as possible into our society. For this matter, refugees are getting involved in various communal volunteering experiences, e.g. the local fire brigade. In addition, Schwäbisch Gmünd offers many different language and integration courses. Also, Mayor Arnold has initiated happenings where people from different religious backgrounds (Christian churches and Muslim communities) get together to discuss intercultural matters to promote cultural diversity and understanding in Schwäbisch Gmünd. We appreciate very much Mayor Arnold‚s great personal efforts as well as his empathy towards refugees. Nominated by Sarah G and others, Schwaebisch Gmuend: Wir, das 1.FE.GD., freuen uns in einer Stadt zu leben, in der unser Bürgermeister Richard Arnold durch seine Offenheit ganz selbstverständlich alle nationen in künstlerische Prozesse intergriert. Unsere Stadt wird somit reicher an Kultur und bekommt nationale und internationale Talente und Aufmerksamkeit. Diese Entwicklung ist ein Geschekn für uns und wir begrüßen das sehr. Der respektvolle Umgang miteinander schafft ein Klima in dem sich Künstler verschiedenster Nationen wohlfühlen, gegenseitig befruchten und entwickeln können. Nominated by Siegfried L, Germany: Richard Arnold hat sich in beispielhafter Weise für die Integration von Flüchtlinge und Asylsuchende eingesetzt. Durch seinen pers. Einsatz ist es ihm gelungen eine große Anzahl zu integrieren und somit am öffentlichen Leben in unserer Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd teilhaben zu lassen. Contributions: Er hat sie in Vereinen, Institutionen und im Ehrenamt eingeführt und dafür gesorgt, schneller die deutsche Sprache zu erlernen und den Kontakt zu Bürgerinnen und Bürger zu pflegen. Sein Verdienst ist es auch, dass Patenschaften gefunden wurden, die die Flüchtlinge ehrenamtlich betreuen und weiter voranbringen. Challenges: Seine Aktionen zur Integration von Flüchtlingen und Asylsuchende haben in Deutschland und darüber hinaus für positive Schlagzeilen gesorgt. Nominated by Hadwig W., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Ständiger Einsatz und Engagement beruflich und privat für Flüchtlinge Contributions: Teilnahme und Mitgliedschaft in Vereinen und Organisationen wie DRK, Feuerwehr, Malteser, Sportvereinen, Gesangsvereine, Kirchengemeinderäte usw. sowie Teilnahme an Veranstaltungen der Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd Challenges: "Gmünder Weg" - Unterbringung bei Familien, z.B. bei den eigenen Eltern, Freunden und Bekannten - Unterbringung von Flüchtlingen im gesamten Stadtgebiet einschl. der Vororte - Einbeziehung von Flüchtlingen bei Veranstaltungen im Raum Schwäbisch Gmünd (Landesgartenschau 2014, über 100 Flüchtlinge, Staufersaga 2016, ca. 50 Flüchtlinge) usw. - Eingliederung in Vereine und Einrichtungen wie Feuerwehr, DRK, Altenheime, Sportvereine, Gesangsvereine usw. - Einladungen im privaten Bereich, z.B. Feste, Grillabende usw. Nominated by Susanne L., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Richard Arnold has established a unique way of welcoming and integrating migrants into City life, called ‘Gmünder Weg’ and was invited to the first State refugee summit in Octobre 2014 in Stuttgart. When the State of Baden-Württemberg decided to evacuate 1.000 mostly Yazidi women and children from North Iraq suffering from the traumatizing violence by the so-called "Islamic States", Richard Arnold was the first City Mayor who made it possible that these women and children found a quiet place to live at. Contributions: According to the "Gmünder Weg", immigrants have been successfully invited to contribute to City life from the beginning, i.e. in the Landesgartenschau, the screenplay Staufersaga. Mayor Arnold not only managed to organise housing, medical and psychological Treatment for traumatized women and children in need. He also was able to win immigrants of the first and second Generation as translators, helpers, civil servants and social workers. He himself asked citizens to offer room for immigrants. In Schwäbisch Gmünd, longstanding inhabitants and immigrants are working side by side to welcome and to integrate refugees and other immigrants. Challenges: Schwäbisch Gmünd was the first City to accept traumatized women and children from from the Yazidi religious community. Therefore, the challenges concerning integration and community were huge and risky. Richard Arnold and his team not only solved these issues, they also developed model for other Cities joining the Program. He invited other City Mayors and co-workers to Schwäbisch Gmünd, the Mayor did not only share these experiences, but convinced others to join the efforts. Thereby, Richard Arnold enhanced Integration policies throughout Germany and contributed to save lives. Nominated by Inge-Ruth E., Schwaebisch Gmuend: I was born in Schwaebisch Gmuend about 70 years ago. This means I had contact with numerous Mayors in our City. None of them had such a good contact to the citizens, None of them did so extremely care about ALL Problems within the City, None of them did such a conscientious Job. It feels like he is working 24 hours a day. Contributions: Mr. Arnold worked out a special program for our local immigrants, the so called "Gmuender Weg". This means that our city provides German lessons for all immigrants, looks for jobs, looks for Gmuend people working with them on honorary base and offers many events. That's how we think integration should work. Nominated by Wafa S., Germany: I am a refugee from Afghanistan and very happy to be introduced with a kind hearted and great person like Richard Arnold, who really cares about humanity and human rights. We as refugees in Schwäbisch Gmünd, have access to life facilities and education. Thanks for helping us. Nominated by Prof Dr Astrid B. University of Education, Schwaebisch Gmuend: Mayor Richard Arnold is well-known in Germany and beyond for taking a clear stance in believing that people, whatever their origin, status or background, are the greatest capital the world has to offer. In several occasions, he has been able to prove this in his town Schwaebisch Gmuend, especially in the context of the welcoming and the integration of immigrants. He is in constant personal contact with the immigrants and knows their names and individual skills. In the past he has been proven successful in bringing refugees, and especially recent arrivals, into jobs and education. In fact, he made it possible in a very short time that a refugee got the enrolment papers for starting his studies at my university, the University of Education Schwaebisch Gmuend. On top of that Richard Arnold uses the individual skills of immigrants to enrich Schwaebisch Gmuend´s society and to foster a fruitful contact among the residents. Refugees are a self-evident part (as we all are) of town events like the Horticultural Show, New Year Reception or other, also smaller activities. For instance, I've been able to witness a prosperous cooperation between the town and my university concerning the interaction between students and recently arrived refugees. He is „father‰ of the „Gmuender Weg‰ (Schwaebisch Gmuend´s way), which is offering accommodations for refugees all over the town. Also remarkable are the ‘Bildungsbüro’ (Educational office, common project with my university) and the affiliated round table of integration, which is successfully supporting the diversity in our town. Richard Arnold´s intercultural competence is outstanding, thanks to his extensive professional international experience, which he acquired all the over the world. As president of the University of Education Schwaebisch Gmuend, a university with a designated scientific focus in cultural studies and research in the field of migration and participation, I absolutely support awarding Mayor Richard Arnold for the World Mayor Prize. For many years I have been able to witness his never ending passion, and I can confidently say that he, and especially he, really deserves the price. Contributions: Mayor Richard Arnold manages to include both the immigrants (past and more recents arrivals/refugees) as well as the locals into all activities, enabling immigrants to contribute to the town's greatest achievements in meaningful ways. It is thanks to Richard Arnold´s success that immigrants who arrived in the past enrich the town life in the same way as locals do. Refugees/immigrants who arrived recently take the town's quality of life to another level by working in jobs, offering music contributions, helping old and handicapped people at the main station, advising visitors at the Horticultural Show, etc. Their exchange with our students is very productive and it is contributing to our international atmosphere at the campus in a powerful way. Challenges: A challenge for Schwaebisch Gmuend was the recent immigration of many people coming from different countries of the world. Mayor Arnold mastered this challenge with his personal commitment. He campaigned for their right of education and a good life in town (see above), which remarkably led to the new refugee accommodation being designed as a little open village. Because of his track record of successfully mastering the challenges, Mayor Arnold is continuously being invited as an expert for integration in TV and other media. Nominated by Christopher I. I., Schwaebisch Gmuend: The Mayor is the only one that shown regard to the refugees and make the world to recongnise that the refugees they live and he has affected the live of the refugees in Germany. Particularly me, he help me to integrate in the City and give me the opportunity also to work with the City Baubetriebsamt Schwäbisch Gmünd. Contributions: gives work to the refugees integrate refugees sending to Schools Training them in different occupation integrate refugees in Events of the City Challenges: He had a problem of critics of the refugees because of the problem of the government laws of the refugees in Germany. And he fought for the refugees for the amendment of these laws. These laws was amended in favour of the refugees. Nominated by Jens-Peter S., Germany: Mayor Arnold has always declared immigration and the integration of refugees into our society to be his personal duty as mayor. Thus, he has created an efficient concept closely linking voluntary and professional commitment to immigration matters. He furthermore supports and by doing so values voluntary commitment by staying in permanent close personal contact with volunteers. Mayor Arnold also continually underlines the crucial role of education as the fundament of successful integration which he further forwards by personally organizing internships for refugees in local firms and regularly visiting interns at their place of work. Apart from that, he „rewards‰ refugees‚ commitment to learning German and achievements at school by supporting them actively in finding a permanent accommodation. In addition, he knows a huge number of refugees in town personally and attaches great importance to being informed about their personal needs and sorrows in order to be in a position to grant immediate help in difficult situations. Contributions: Being thus given the chance to integrate into and contribute to society in Schwäbisch Gmünd, the immigrants themselves make a large contribution to peace and understanding among the different ethnic groups and have repeatedly participated actively in the cultural life in town. The result has been that people of all ethnic backgrounds have been brought to not only accept but willingly welcome immigrants in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Challenges: Mayor Arnold has created the local institution ‰Pfiff‰ as special contact point for all refugees and equipped it with the most excellent and highly committed staff. He furthermore continues to organize meetings to get together refugees and possible employers in the region thus supporting both immigrants wishing to find a permanent occupation and the local economy looking for competent and willing workers. Lastly, Mayor Arnold actively integrates refugees into the cultural life in Schwäbisch Gmünd by inviting them to participate at events such as the historic ‘Staufersaga’ staged in 2012 and 2016 or the historic parade celebrating the town anniversary (Stauferumzug) and recruiting them as volunteers for events such as the regional garden exhibition in 2014. By doing so, Mayor Arnold has managed to create understanding and openness towards refugees far beyond the region. Nominated by Ahmad N. Y., Schwaebisch Gmuend: I know this man for 1 year. He is excellent,kind, creativ and lovely. He does everything for the people of his city, and of course for immigrants too. Contributions: When I came with my family here in Schwaebisch Gmuend , we didnt know anybody. we didnt have any support and connection to society. But there was a man who was (and is) famous for his behavior and kindness with people and refugees. in this 1 year we have too much support of him received, and that is not only for my family but also for all the people who living in this city and around. He does it for Humanity. In one word i just can say that he is a real Human kind. God bless him and this city. Challenges: i think you cant find a challenge , better and more famous than immigrants kreis. He managed it well, and still is doing it in the best way. Nominated by Salomón, Germany: Hola queridos y queridas... Vivo en Deutschland y soy inmigrantes, por qué tengo que votar al Richard Arnold? Mis razones son aquéllas: casi todo los inmigrantes y los refugiados son bien recibidos casi en casa si se podría decir. No sólo amigo de todo participa activamente la educación de aquellos no tienen estudios o aquellos que tienen una formación industrial, trabajo y también tiene par de refugiados viendo en la casa de su Madre. El no teme al lo refugiados si no los ayudas y les dar Esperanza en la vida Especialmente aquellos que salen de la guerra y que no conocían escuela solo la guerra. Aquí en schwäbisch Gmünd es un héroe por mucho. Nominated by Norbert R., Germany: Richard Arnold erkennt Veränderungen und Notwendigkeiten, sieht diese Vorgänge nicht als Problem sondern als Notwendigkeit, eine Lösung zu suchen. Er ist in der Lage, Menschen zu gewinnen und Gegensätze zu überwinden. Er nutzt die Stellung und die "Machtposition" eines schwäbischen Bürgermeisters, um die Stadtgesellschaft zusammen zu halten und um zielgerichtet nach vorwärts zu bewegen. Wichtig dabei: er macht den Versuch, diese Schritte zu erklären, zu begründen, "gemeinsam" zu gehen und möglichst viele Bürger und Akteure "mitzunehmen". Nominated by Susanna R., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Richard Arnold has to get the World Mayor Prize, because he is very close to his citizens, also he stands behind those. In his term of office he put a lot of effort in his work and he budged a lot for our city. He earns it because he is the best! Contributions: They adapt to our traditions and to our way of life. Challenges: Our mayor supports the immigrants, he wants them to get to learn German, get education in school, and to get work, so they have the best possibilities to live with us and not only next to us. That's how we try to master most of the challenges. Nominated by Carina V., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Oberbürgermeister Richard Arnold schlage ich zum World Mayor vor, weil er jedem eine Chance gibt. Unabhängig von seiner Herkunft und seinem Status. Er ermuntert jeden, auch bei Rückschlägen, durchzuhalten und den eingeschlagenen Weg konsequent weiterzugehen. Als Olympiasiegerin schätze ich seine Geradlinigkeit und seine Fähigkeit, das Ziel nicht aus den Augen zu verlieren. Nominated by Theo S., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Aus einer zutiefst christlichen Grundhaltung setzt sich Richard Arnold seit Beginn seiner Amtszeit für geflüchtete Menschen ein. Er kümmert sich persönlich darum, dass diese Menschen in Schwäbisch Gmünd eine menschenwürdige Wohnung und eine Aufgabe bekommen. Gegen viele Widerstände auch aus seiner eigenen Partei bleibt er sich selbst treu und verfolgt seinen Weg mit Beharrlichkeit und Zivilcourage. Contributions: Richard Arnold hat frühzeitig erkannt, dass die geflüchteten Menschen eine sinnvolle Aufgabe brauchen und dadurch Anerkennung in der Bevölkerung erfahren. Beispielhaft ist sein Einsatz für die Ausbildung in der Feuerwehr. Challenges: Wenn es Konflikte gibt, engagiert sich Richard Arnold persönlich, um diese zu lösen. Durch sein persönliches Engagement schafft er es immer wieder, Vorbehalte in der Bevölkerung abzubauen. Nominated by Sonja W., Germany: Oberbürgermeister Richard Arnold steht für ein offenes, tolerantes und soziales Schwäbisch Gmünd, das in Nächstenliebe und Barmherzigkeit seine Verantwortung für Menschen in Not und schwerem Schicksal wahrnimmt. Die Stadt pflegt eine offene Willkommenskultur jedem einzelnen Menschen gegenüber, ungeachtet seiner religiösen, sozialen, kulturellen oder sprachlichen Herkunft. Richard Arnold hat die Flüchtlingskrise zur Chefsache erklärt. Die Hälfte der Flüchtlinge wohnt in Privathaushalten, auch seine Eltern haben drei Flüchtlinge aufgenommen, die alle zusammen in einer Art Wohngemeinschaft leben. Richard Arnold ist Initiator des ≥Gmünder Wegs„ , der über die reine Unterbringung der Asylbewerber hinausgeht. Die Stadt bietet den Menschen Deutschkurse an, ermöglicht ihnen einen Hauptschulabschluss zu machen und auf die Berufsschule zu gehen. Dafür hat Richard Arnold die Altersgrenze für Berufsschule aufgehoben. Gemeinsam wird auch überlegt, in welchen Vereinen die Flüc! htlinge mitmachen können. Ein bei seinen Eltern lebender Nigerianer singt z.B. als Bariton im Liederkranz Weiler in den Bergen und engagiert sich bei der freiwilligen Feuerwehr. Contributions: Raymond aus Nigeria singt im Liederkranz Weiler in den Bergen mit und hat die Aufnahmeprüfung zur Freiwilligen Feuerwehr bestanden. Nach seinem Hauptschulabschluss beginnt er nun eine Lehre, die er als Altenpfleger gerne abschließen möchte. Amadou aus Gambia unterstützt die Eltern von Richard Arnold bei allen anfallenden Arbeiten, hilft bei Feldarbeiten, versorgt die Tiere auf dem landwirtschaftlichen Hof und erledigt handwerkliche Reparaturen. Er arbeitet als Bauhelfer bei einem örtlichen Unternehmen und sorgt selbst für seinen Lebensunterhalt. Salomon spielt bei einem örtlichen Fußballverein und wurde in den Kirchengemeinderat gewählt. Der 16-jährige Hassan verlor auf der Flucht aus Afghanistan seine gesamte Familie, Eltern und Geschwister. Er schloss sich einer Gruppe an, verschlief aber den Ausstieg bei einer Zugfahrt. 3 Tage verbrachte er auf einem Bahnhof, bis er auf jemanden aufmerksam wurde, der in seiner Sprache telefonierte. Diesen sprach er an und wurde nach Schwäbisch Gmünd zu Richard Arnold mitgenommen, der sich um ihn kümmerte und eine Familie für ihn fand. Challenges: Flüchtlinge werden in Schwäbisch Gmünd von Anfang an kontinuierlich nach einem bestimmten Plan gefördert und eingegliedert. Diese Förderung gliedert sich in einen fünfstufigen Plan, mit dem Ziel die bestmögliche Integration der Flüchtling zu garantieren. Besonders wichtig hierbei ist der ständige Kontakt und Austausch zwischen Bewohnern und Flüchtlingen, um deren Integration wirksam zu unterstützen. Die einzelnen Stufen sind: Ankommen- das Willkommensgespräch, Sprachförderung auf verschiedenen Niveaus, Teilhabe im Ehrenamt und Erprobung in Gemeinnützigkeit, Bildung, Ausbildung und Beschäftigung, Vermittlung von Wohnraum. Unterstützt wird das Programm durch ehrenamtliche Patenschaften. Mit dem Gmünder Modellprojekt Feuerwehr sollen Flüchtlinge integriert und gleichzeitig die Schlagkraft der Feuerwehr gestärkt werden. Nominated by Stefan G., Germany: Mayor Arnold's practical way to master the very different challenges in his city impressed me. I find him extremely outstanding in bonding with all groups of our modern society and in connecting them to the city life. Quality upkeep and modern improvements of the city and it's surroundings are visible factors. Faith, history, tradition and arts as well as honest openness and welcoming warmly all members of the community became more obvious when i learned about him and his work over the years. Mayor Arnold is a master of ceremonies not only in the city council but also when he mobilises thousand out volunteers in a unique event The Staufersaga. That is when I was able to look behind the scenes and experience his work asked that of his tremendous team out staff and followers. Contributions: Community-building. Even TV reported repeatedly about the unique concepts: When you visit the city on weekends, you can experience groups of volunteer immigrants looking after the parks and river banks, flower gardens and lawns. That it's a very visible asked positive contribution I think. And I experienced how the mayor's secretary organizes the immigrants but social media. A wonderful contribution by skilled or trained immigrants to the companies of the area is possible through an intense program where their skills are tested, improved and documented so that they can fill open positions in the productive sector. Challenges: For design of new housing new immigrants were included as counselors which resulted in better building standards for any occupants. Because mayor Arnold avoids building ghettos and housing (old and new) it's used for all your in need. Nominated by Gerhard and Gertrud S., Germany: Ich möchte, dass Richard Arnold World Mayor 2016 wird , weil er sich in seiner Stadt in überdurchschnittlichem Maße für die Belage und Nöte der Flüchtlinge einsetzt und weil er während seiner Amtszeit für Schwäbisch-Gmünd überdurchschnittlich viel geleistet hat. Er scheut sich auch nicht sich unters gewöhnliche Volk zu moschen und auch überall mit anzupacken , wo Not am Mann/Frau ist, sei es bei Überschwemmungskatastrophen oder anderen Notfällen ( Feuerwehr / Müllabfuhr / Stadtgärtner ) einfach bei allem. Nominated by S. D., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Er hat den sogenannten Gmünder Weg ins Leben gerufen, bei dem versucht wird, Flüchtlinge so schnell wie möglich zu integrieren. Es wurden Wohnungen gebaut und er hat fast 100 Menschen davon überzeugt, an Flüchtlinge zu vermieten. Sie sollen auch möglichst schnell Sprachkenntnisse erlangen verbunden mit einer beruflichen Grundbildung. Dies machen vor allem ehemalige Berufsschullehrer, die ihre Schützlinge dann an Ausbildungsbetriebe weiterempfehlen.Es gelingt ihm immer wieder alle (Privatleute, Vereine, Einrichtungen, ...) mitzureißen. Das Ehrenamt spielt in Schwäbisch Gmünd dank unseres Bürgermeisters eine große Rolle. Es gelingt ihm auch, dass sich viele Flüchtlinge selber ehrenamtlich einbringen, sei es bei der Feuerwehr, im Kirchengemeinderat, bei Vereinen oder bei städtischen Aktionen. Dadurch erhalten die Flüchtlinge ganz direkt eine Möglichkeit, Kontakte zu knüpfen und dazuzugehören. Nominated by Elke A., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Mr Arnold is open and tolerant towards all people, regardless of origin or skin colour. He has the whole city made more tolerant of everything foreign. Contributions: Mr. Arnold integrated active refugees in our city and committed to it, for example in volunteering. Challenges: Mr. Arnold has refugees integrated into the Staufer Saga Club and volunteer support of the city and certainly in some. Nominated by Danila M. D., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Against the trend our population has risen. His name stands for the urban development. He is creative, brave and full of ideas to generate money. He is so close to the citizen that is unbeatable. He is a person whom takes care of things. Especially people, who live at the edge of the society, are important to him. His commitments to inclusion and aids help are great. This men symbolises/represents modernity and economy and is able to strengthen the awareness of our dark past of Germany with great promotions. He is a lateral thinker who inspires others. Contributions: His engagement to support and intergrade refugees is outstanding. He includes this people in "Ehrenamt" . We have had nearly 100 refugees in our Story "Staufersaga" in 2016. His own family take care of two young refugees in their own house. They live together. Every young refugees has his own place. He tries to make apprenticeship possible. Therefore he makes "win -win deals" with the economy. He speaks with the politicans in Stuttgart and Berlin to get better conditions for this people. Nominated by Ilse K., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Richard Arnold hat viele Flüchtlinge in ehrenamtliche Vereine und Organisationen eingebunden. Wie bei der Freilichtaufführung des Staufer Festifalls. Er ist der Motor und die Seele unserer Stadt. Und hat für jedes große und kleine Problem seiner Bürger stets ein offenes Ohr. Contributions: Richard Arnold kümmert sich in vorbildlicher Weise um menschenwürdige Unterkünfte für Emigranten. Selbst bei seinen 80 jährigen Eltern hat er 2 Syrer untergebracht. Auf seine Veranlassung wurden Wohnungen gebaut und er ging selbst durch die Stadt um für leeren Wohnraum für Flüchtlinge zu bitten. Challenges: Richard Arnold hat dafür gesorgt, dass unsere Stadt attraktiv und in weitem Umfeld wahrgenommen wird. Es gibt viele Veranstaltungen die im weiten Umkreis Beachtung finden und Besucher ansprechen. Nominated by Josef S. Schwaebisch Gmuend: Richard Arnold has since the first refugees came tried to give them courses in german language although this was not legal. He employed them at the "Landesgartenschau" and other opportunities where honorary members were needed. He encouraged citizens to give them appartements instead of concentrating them in large camps. He also encouraged firms and concerns to employ refugees as trainees as well as assocoations to take them as members and much more. Contributions: Immigrants are helping at many events, at concerts, at common city cleaning, at the fire brigade. Nominated by Tony S., Outside Germany: As the chairman on the Barnsley-Schwabisch Gmund Twin Town Society, Richard has always wholeheartedly supported the idea of Town Twinning and its effect on co-operation between different peoples and countries. Challenges: Schwabisch Gmund has always had a diverse population and has always welcomed new people to the City Nominated by Bernd T., Germany: Gelungene Integration von Asylbewerbern erfordert Mut, Kreativität, langen Atem/Durchhaltevermögen, Durchsetzungskraft, Begeisterungs- und Motivationsfähigkeit, Veränderungswillen und enorme Bürgernähe von Seiten eines Stadtoberhaupts. All dies zeichnet Richard Arnold aus. Er hat den Mut, neue Wege zu gehen, eingefahrene Denkmuster zu durchbrechen, wird nicht müde, die deutsche Gesetzgebung zu kritisieren um rechtliche Verbesserungen für Asylsuchende zu erreichen, entwickelt kreative und unorthodoxe Ideen um Asylbewerbern Bildung,Praktika,Berufsausbildung und eigenständiges Leben zu ermöglichen und schafft es, Bürgerschaft und Asylbewerber zusammenzubringen und sie zu motivieren, gemeinsam Dinge anzupacken und zu bewegen. Er hat die Integration zur Chefsache gemacht. Hier einige wenige Beispiele: - er spricht Wohnungs- und Hauseigentümer persönlich an, um geeigneten Wohnraum für eine dezentrale Unterbringung von Asylbewerbern zur Verfügung stellen zu können. - er geht selbst mit gutem Beispiel voran. Drei Asylbewerber sind im elterlichen Haushalt untergebracht. - starre Rechtsverordnungen werden großzügig ausgelegt um Asylbewerbern das Erlangen eines Schulabschlusses und anschließend eine Berufsausbildung zu ermöglichen. - er ist in einem ständigen, direkten und persönlichen Kontakt mit den Asylbewerbern und hat für sie stehts ein offenes Ohr. - bei jeder sich bietenden Gelegenheit wirbt er in der Bürgerschaft für Offenheit und Toleranz und gemeinsames Tun von Asylbewerbern und Bürgerschaft. - er bringt Bürgerschaft und Asylbewerber ganz konkret dazu, gemeinsam Dinge anzupacken und gemeinsam zu stemmen. So waren die Asylbewerber zum Beispiel ehrenamtlich bei der Landesgartenschau und den Aufführungen der Staufersaga eingebunden, gemeinsam mit vielen weiteren Ehrenamtlichen aus der Bevölkerung. Aber auch in kleinerem Rahmen gibt es immer wieder Aktionen oder Veranstaltungen, die die Menschen zusammenbringen, Vorbehalte abbauen, Grenzen und Mauern in den Köpfen einreissen. Der von Richard Arnold so genannte "Gmünder Weg", das in Schwäbisch Gmünd entwickelte und von der Stadtverwaltung, von vielen Verbänden, Institutionen, Initiativen, Firmen und Einzelpersonen mitgetragene Modell der Integration hat nicht umsonst bundesweit für Schlagzeilen gesorgt. Nominated by Lotte R., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Richard Arnold has since the first refugees came tried to give them courses in german language although this was not legal. He employed them at the "Landesgartenschau" and other opportunities where honorary members were needed. He encouraged citizens to give them appartements instead of concentrating them in large camps. He also encouraged firms and concerns to employ refugees as trainees as well as assocoations to take them as members and much more. Contributions: Immigrants are helping at many events, at concerts, at common city cleaning, at the fire brigade. Nominated by Ekure R., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Mayor Arnold, deserve the world mayor prize, he is a very caring and hard working mayor .the way he transformed the city, ,from darkness to light, beat everybodys imagination. He is one of a kind to him everybody has the same right, including the Germans and the foreigners are all one. he gave the immigrants opportunity to be integrated, he make them feel at home by providing houses, and jobs for them, he has touched so many lives, i am a living testimony because he has also touch my own life. i think he deserve every bit of the prize as world mayor. Contributions: Mayor Arnold deserve the prize as world mayor.he is so humble, hard working, and caring. to him everybody is the same,he has touched so may lives including my own life.he gave us opportunity to be integrated, he make us feel at home by providing houses and jobs for us. I am studying nursing today because mayor like him are assisting, not only me, so many immigrants can also testify about him. some are working, while some are studying. Words are not enough for me to say are wonderful mayor Arnold his. He deserve every bit of the prize as world mayor. Nominated by Ursula E. S., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Herr Arnold hat es seit 2011 geschafft, mehrere Tausend Einwohner für ehrenamtliche Tätigkeiten in der Stadt zu mobilisieren. Dies umfasst Kultur, Stadtpflege und Integration von Flüchtlingen. In weiten Umkreis ist solch ein Engagement nicht zu finden. Contributions: Persönliche Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen zuhause. Einsatz für Sprachkurse, das Eingliedern in ehrenamtliche Gruppen und Theater.einsatz für Praktikas und Arbeitsstellen. Sucht persönlich nach Wohnraum und lässt Häuser für Flüchtlinge bauen Nominated by Helene L R, Schwaebisch Gmuend: Oberbürgermeister Richard Arnold hat das Thema Flüchtlinge in unserer Stadt positiv belegt und ist laufend mit einer neuen Idee bemüht, die Flüchtlinge in unseren Alltag zu integrieren Contributions: Flüchtlinge sind bei unserem Oberbürgermeister "Chefsache", er hat sich persönlich um Unterkünfte gekümmert Challenges: Integration von Flüchtlingen - Flüchtlinge agieren ebenfalls als Ehrenamtliche z.B. bei unserer Landesgartenschau, dem "Gmünder Sommer" Nominated by Uschi S., Schwaebish Gmuend: Richard Arnold geht mit offenen Augen durch unsere Stadt, spricht Menschen an und fragt sie nach ihren Problemen, im Besonderen Menschen anderer Herkunft und Hautfarbe. Er kümmert sich PERSÖNLICH um Hilfen für diese Menschen. Nominated by Otto F., Germany: Herr Oberbürgermeister Richard Arnold Schwäbisch Gmünd hat meiner Ansicht nach alles menschlich mögliches getan, um in seiner Stadt die Unterbringung von Flüchtlingen möglich zu machen. Er ist steht mit bestem Beispiel voran gegangen und hat Überzeugungsarbeit geleistet. Auch bei Organisationen wie dem Rettungsdienst und der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr hat er sich stark gemacht und um Unterstützung gebeten. Er warb um Aufnahme und Integration in die Organisation. Dieses Vorgehen nannte er den "Gmünder Weg". Diese Art von Integration wurde sogar in Berlin beim "Deutschen Abend der Feuerwehren" auf die Tagesordnung gesetzt. Herr Arnold hat keine Arbeit und Zeit gescheut wenn es um die Flüchtlingsarbeit ging. Challenges: Der Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd (70.000 Einwohner) ist persönlich von Haus zu Haus und hat zur Aufnahme vom Flüchtlingen geworben. Auch in seinem Elternhaus hat er drei Migranten aufgenommen. Er hat diese dann auch immer wieder zu offiziellen Anlässen mitgenommen, damit die Bevölkerung erkennt, dass es jedem möglich ist Migranten aufzunehmen. Nominated by Anna H., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Richard Arnold is giving an incredible amount of energy and creativity and persuasion to integrate the refugees into the community. He has got the charisma needed to convince clubs, associations and all sorts of groups to make refugees join in. They play in football clubs and learn to swim in swimming clubs. He goes as far as having welcomed three young men to live in his family home. And all this regardless of it being opposed by great parts of his political colleagues in his party and it possibly is an obstacle to re-election. Nominated by Helmut B., Schwaebisch Gmuend: I have never met a politican, who was so full-hearted engaged for the people of his city like Mr. Arnold. He mobilized thousands (!) of citizens year after year to be engaged in local freewilling communities concerning city problems. He is THAT example for a politican, who is closeby to the inhabitants of a community society - in an absolutely convincing natural way. Contributions: - Mr. Arnold founded the "Gmünder Weg". That means find places for immigrants to live and being integrated in town - among the people, not being concentrated on one place! Second: Mr. Arnold searched and found enterprises to give them jobs. Third: He initialized an initiative to give immigrants basics of education to work. Challenges: Look to "contribution for immigrants". Another example: Mr. Arnold engaged young immigrants to welcome and help (luggage) at the train station of the city. Mr. Arnold was able to place some young immigrants at the fire briade of the city. There's no place here to giv another dozens of examples for the engagement of the major Mr. Arnold. Nominated by Michaele S., Germany: Ich möchte, dass Richard Arnold World Mayor 2016 wird, weil er sich in seiner Stadt in überdurchschnittlichem Maße für die Belage und Nöte der Flüchtlinge einsetzt und weil er während seiner Amtszeit für Schwäbisch-Gmünd überdurchschnittlich viel geleistet hat. Er scheut sich auch nicht sich unters gewöhnliche Volk zu moschen und auch überall mit anzupacken , wo Not am Mann/Frau ist, sei es bei Überschwemmungskatastrophen oder anderen Notfällen ( Feuerwehr / Müllabfuhr / Stadtgärtner ) einfach bei allem. Nominated by Elke R., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Asylsuchende und Fluechtlinge wurden in der Stadt willkommen geheissen und in das Stadtleben sofort integriert (vor und waehrend der Landesgartenschau 2014), indem sie Arbeit bekamen, vor allem als Ehrenamtliche. Flüchtlinge werden möglichst dezentral in der ganzen Stadt untergebracht, um die Integration zu erleichtern. Auch persoenlich grosse Anteilnahme des OBs am Schicksal der Fluechtlinge. Contributions: Vor und waehrend der Landesgartenschau 2014 halfen viele Asylbewerber bei der Organisation. Sie helfen beim Pflegen der Gaerten und Anlagen der Stadt. Beim Staufer-Festival 2016 gab es ehrenamtliche Helfer unter den Fluechtlingen. Challenges: Er draengte darauf, dass die Asylbewerber schneller eine Arbeitserlaubnis bekamen. Die Fluechtlingpolitik von Angela Merkel wurde und wird unterstuetzt, wo es moeglich ist, sowohl was die Zahlen als auch die Unterbringung betrifft. Sprachkurse wurden schon angeboten, bevor die Asylsuchenden anerkannt waren ("Gmuender Weg"). Nominated by Evelyn T., Germany: "This year’s World Mayor Project will identify mayors whose cities have done the most to welcome immigrants and have used their skills to enrich and diversify society culturally, economically and socially." Dies ist genau das, wofür Mayor Richard Arnold in herausragender Weise in Schwäbisch-Gmünd (Baden-Württemberg) steht und sich unermüdlich engagiert - mit seiner ganzen Stadt zusammen, deren Bevölkerung an seiner Seite steht! Er hat früh damit begonnen, auch wenn er Anfeindungen aus dem Rest von Deutschland zu überstehen hatte. In Baden-Württemberg ist er durch die Medien bekannt geworden durch sein herausragendes Engagement - was die Unterbringung, Sprachkurse und Arbeitsteilhabe so wie kulturelle Teilhabe betrifft. Challenges: Mayor Richard Arnold legt sich mit übergeordneten Instanzen an, um optimal für die Migranten in seiner Stadt tätig sein zu können, weil es immer noch Gesetze in Deutschland gibt, die nicht förderlich für die Integration der Migranten in den Arbeitsmarkt sind! Nominated by Oliver G., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Richard Arnold hat Großes beim Thema Zuwanderung in Schwäbisch Gmünd geleistet! Die Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen, dem Gestalten eines guten Miteinanders und der Partizipation von Migranten im Stadtleben hat er sich große Verdienste erworben. Er gibt unseren Asylanten Schutz, Mut und bestärkt sie durch großes Vertrauen in die Flüchtlinge. Richard Arnold engagiert sich außergewöhnlich in Sachen Zuwanderung über die Grenzen der Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd hinaus und ist damit für den zu vergebenen Titel prädestiniert! Nominated by Doris W., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Herr Oberbürgermeister Richard Arnold kümmert sich in vorbildlicher Weise um die Bewohner der Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd,ebenso um unsere Flüchtlinge.Sie werden am Geschehen derStadt mit einbezogen,Sprachunterricht wird geboten und vieles mehr..Bei unseren historischen Festen und Aufführungen nehmen sie teil,dadurch wird ihnen das Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit vermittelt.Dies geht aber nur,wenn ein Stadtoberhaupt wie Richard Arnold dahinter steht und trotz Schwierigkeiten seinen Weg geht.Ich wünsche ihm weiterhin viel Kraft dazu. Nominated by Ernesto, Germany: Setzt sich seit Beginn seiner Amtszeit leidenschaftlich für die Integration von Flüchtlingen, egal woher und egal welchen Status sie haben. Contributions: Kennzeichen ist der Gmünder Weg. Migranten werden offen als Menschen empfangen, und sie werden als Chance betrachtet. Mischt sich in die Politik ein und kritisiert die bestehenden Hindernisse und wirbt für seinen Weg. Challenges: Vermittelt Flüchtlingen Wohnung und Arbeit. Nominated by Michaela P., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Richard ARnold estabilshed as the first mayor an individual way called "Gmünder Weg" for welcoming the refugees. He was the first mayor who gave them tasks so that they could build up more confidence in theirselves and us. Richard is always "with" people, not with burocracy...He has built up a lot of projects and initiatives here for the refugees together with the Schwaebisch Gmuender citizens. Nominated by Kurt W., Germany: The major has not only welcome the immigrants but made great efforts to integrate them into the city live. He brought them to work whenever possible. Even more important is that the refugees were welcome to many honorary activities like the fire brigade. Many of the immigrants are not able to swim. Stimulated by the major the swimming club trained those people in swimming. Contributions: When we had the great ceremony of the "Stauferfestival" with public performances and procession in honor of the Staufer, the founders of our city, immigrants were integrated and did a marvelous job e.g. as Saracens, probably as identical as the Saracens who accompanied the great Staufer Frederico II. Challenges: When our railway station underwent new construction the passengers had to overcome a bridge with steep stairs, a challenge particularly for older people with heavy luggage. The refugees helped these people and carried their luggage across the bridge. This was gratefully acknowledged by the passengers. Unfortunately, the Deutsche Bundesbahn stopped this activity to the regret of passengers and of the immigrants who liked to do this job. Nominated by AK., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Richard Arnold is one of the best mayors in the whole world. He has earned the award!! He is a person whos not only talking about refugees, how to include them into the city-life or somehting like that, he´s so activ! We (me and my familiy) also look after 6 refugees from Eritrea. Richard Arnold visited us so many times, he talked to us and to the boys. He is so interested and he´s always asking "Do you need help, is everything all right...". He lives his job as mayor 24h a day, 7 days of a week. Although Richard Arnold has an full-time job as mayor, in his private life he supervised 3 refugees. Richard Arnold is an man with a big heart, he´s allways activ, he´s a great role model! Nominated by Marietta D., Schwaebisch Gmuend: He is a great Person. His Partner wrote a few Years ago a Story about the History about the Town Schwäbisch Gmünd and the Kings who's Lifes were connected with the town. This Year He and a lot of other People produced it again. In 2012 the storx were showed just for the Town and around. this Year it were a lot of more Towns. but in his first Position he looked for Jobs for all the Migrationed People. He asked them for their help. And he was always there when we had auditions, problems or something else. But in the End he sais :"Thank You."To all People who worked hard at the Project to realize it. And this all, next to his main Work as a Mayor! Nominated by J. S., Schwaebisch Gmuend: Er tut alles für die Flüchtlinge, was er kann. Er hat sogar bei sich zuhause ein paar aufgenommen. Er integriert sie im Stadtleben, bei Veranstaltungen, organsiert Kurse und versucht Jobs zu finden und hat immer ein offenes Ohr für ihre Probleme. Er versucht über Radio und Fernsehen klarzumachen, dass man helfen muss und auch kann, wenn jeder nur wenigstens ein bisschen was tut. Nominated by Sabine K., Schäbisch Gmünd: Mayor Richard Arnold cares a lot about our refugees and he tries to integrate them in our society. He listens to people's worries and is always present if there is any kind of problem in town. He really does a good job and his citizens love and admire him for what he did and still does for our town and its citizens what colour, nationality or religion they might have. Contributions: Mr Richard Arnold tries to integrate our refugees in different clubs and organizations, in theatre groups, into the fire brigade, red cross ... Challenges: If there are arguments among the refugees Mr Richard Arnold uses the chance and talks to them. He manages to calm them down and to talk to them seriously. He treats them respectfully and therefore the refugees support him as well. Nominated by Cordula R., Schäbisch Gmünd: Mayor Arnold initiated the so called "Gmünder Weg" what means he doesn't rigidly look what the law means but he looks always what a individuum needs. He opened voluntary social work for the immigrants so that they can learn who our society works. Nominated by Liz A-P., Germany: Der Oberbürgermeister bewegt seine "Gmünder", mit seiner ansteckenden,begeisternden Art erreicht er großes bürgerliches Engagement wie u.a.bei "Stauferfestival",Landesgartenschau, "Gmünder Sommer" und seinem Sich Einsetzen für Flüchtlinge. Er lässt sich nicht von Gegegnern von seinem menschlichen Tun abbringen. Nominated by Hermann R., Schwäbisch Gmünd Mit der Wahl als Mayor von Schwaebisch Gmuend hat die Stadtentwicklung einen gewaltigen Sprung nach vorne gemacht: Stärkung des Bürgerengagements durch die Aufführung der Staufersage (2012 und 2016)sowie die Durchführung der Landesgartenschau 2014. Das Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl der Bürger der Stadt hat erheblich gewonnen und die Wohnqualität ist enorm gestiegen. Contributions: Richard Arnold hat sich als einer der ersten Bürgermeister für die vorbehaltslose Integration der Flüchtlinge engagiert. Er sorgt für deren Unterbringung und fördert Jobangebote für diese und hilft bei der Unterstützung zum Erwerb der Deutschen Sprache. Challenges: Durch die Initiative von Richard Arnold konnten die vielen Flüchtlinge ohne Probleme in der Stadt unterkommen, die in anderen Städten oder Regionen zu spürende Fremdemfeindlichkeit hat glücklicherweise in unserer Stadt kaum Widerhall gefunden. Nominated by Tina, Schwäbisch Gmünd: Richard Arnold is a major who bring the different people of my city togehter. I was a member of the Staufer Saga this year. It was a magnifcient feeling that so many people come together and organize a open air theatre during their free time. We had refugges in the Staufer Saga too. This was a real integration of people from african countries, syria and so on which learn the history facts of our city and how the life is in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Mr. Arnold motivated our teams with his popular speeches during the show. I think so many engagement of a major is unique. I´m proud that I live in his city. Nominated by Dietmar W., Schwäbisch Gmünd: Richard Arnold setzt sich in vorbildlicher Weise für die Integration der Flüchtlinge ein. Neben der Frage der Unterkunft unternimmt er vielfältige Anstrengungen, die Flüchtlinge in das Stadtleben einzubinden. Organisation von Sprachkursen oder Kursen zur Vorbereitung einer Ausbildung oder Praktika bei ortsansässigen Firmen gehören beispielseweise dazu. Contributions: Ehrenamtliches Engagement in Vereinen oder bei städtischen Veranstaltungen. Nominated by Johannes Z., Schwäbisch Gmünd: Er ist ein großes Vorbild bei der Integration von Fremden. Contributions: Er zeigt dies bei allen möglichen Gelegenheiten und bemüht sich auch auf politischem Wege um Verbesserungen. |