Jaime Nebot, Mayor of Guayaquil, Ecuador

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Comments in support of
Jaime José Nebot Saadi
Mayor of Guayaquil (Ecuador)
The finalists for the 2008 World Mayor Award were chosen on the number of votes received and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of supporting statements. Below we publish a representative selection of comments received about Jaime Nebot, Mayor of Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Comment: As far as I can remember, there has not been a better mayor in Guayaquil. The amount of effort and results achieved by Jaime Nebot's administration has changed the mindset and perception of citizens. Before, we saw ourselves as a disorganized and unkempt. Nowadays, we are proud of living in Guayaquil.
Comment: I went to Guayaquil two years ago. The city was so different from when I left Ecuador 13 year ago. It was clean and the parks very well looked after and best of all, they were safe. The city now is class A. I know he has so many projects for the city, such as the environment protection of El Salado. Please reward his work for continuation of a great labour.
Comment: He is a hero. He rescued a dirty boring city without progress, he improved places that everyone thought were missed or destroyed and he reconstructed, renewed and cleaned so much; and now, thanks to his work we have a clean, modern, and beautiful city with tourist places, monuments, activities that everyone can enjoy because of its low cost. He gave every guayaquileño pride and joy. HE IS THE BEST (no doubt).
Comment: Mr. Nebot is an excellent leader who has rebuilt the city from the complete disaster that it was 10 year ago and also is administrating the city in order to make it an example for all the other Latin American cities.
Comment: He is the best mayor that i've ever seen. He should be president of Ecuador.
Comment: Mayor Nebot has not only successfully continued the rehabilitation of the city started by his predecessor but gone further. His work has made every citizen proud of living in this city, mayors from other parts of the country and from other countries have come to learn and replicate how he does it. He's taken great interest in developing green areas in town and we can now enjoy beautiful parks that were practically abandoned and unsafe before. He's also contributing to the education of children and youngsters by donating books to municipal schools, as well as educating adults with his program "Aprendamos". He's built new air and bus terminals and is a strong supporter of autonomy, a long time aspiration of the inhabitants of Guayaquil.
Comment: He is a true guy who really works for our city. In the years that he has been Mayor of Guayaquil, the city has changed in a positive way; it is a clean beautiful city with a very prominent future. That's why Jaime Nebot should be choosen the best Mayor of the world.
Comment: The mayor has done wonderful work in the city of Guayaquil. You should see it! Now we are proud of our city, we want him as a mayor for many more years. In a few years he has converted a city that was in bad shape to a city that is now considered one of the prettiest city in South America.
Comment: Jaime Nebot is the best mayor of the world. He is very efficient, honest and responsible.
Comment: We are proud living in Guayaquil and see it progress daily. Now,we can proudly say that thanks to our Mayor we live in a big city that have change our style of life, and specially poor people benefited from his work, in health, education, constructing streets, parks, big avenues,houses, teaching people how to live, how to work, how to grow in order to be proud human beans. Is so much what he has done, that it is imposible for only one person to describe it all. He deserve to be elected THE BEST!
Comment: He has certainly done an unbelievable job in Guayaquil. The city has had a dramatic change for the better. I live in the United States but everytime I go visit Guayaquil it just seems like there always something new being developed.
Comment: This mayor have helped the city through so much, help with tourism and improving the roads and touristy places. He has done miracles to this city. Thank you Jaime.
Comment: Awesome job, rebuilding and renew the entire town was not easy is something to be very proud that Mr. Nebot's administration could accomplish with a lot of patience.
Comment: Guayaquil was transformed by Nebot in just a few years from a stinky, dirty pile of trash and broken streets into one of the most beautiful and modern cities in Latin America. When you see the before and after pictures you wont believe your eyes!!
Comment: Guayaquil, Ecuador, has been transformed in a few years from a city of bad reputation and ugly dirty street and poor people asking for money in the streets. But Mr. Nebot in a few years transformed this city in the best Port of the Pacific side of South America. Opening the city tours to the near beaches and with excellent connexions to Galapagos Island, from his new modern Air Port. Offering the tourism from all over the world the best hotels, and transportation. Also with in a year or so he will have a new Ocean Cargo Port open to Cargo and Tourists ships. To visit this city is a new challenge to the tourist who wants to be high up in the mounting cities (Quito and Cuenca) and easily to go back to the beaches and Galapagos. The excellent work of Mr. Nebot for his community (Guayaquil) deserves to be the best Mayor in the Latin America Region. This is the type of work that must be consider due to the fight against the Economic conditions of this Country
Comment: Jaime Nebot is the best mayor in South America.
Comment: He transformed our city in a real pearl of the Pacific, All in record time, He is the greatest thing that has happened to our city.
Comment: Jaime Nebot is the leader of the Guayaquil city.
He has given a lot of work to all the Guayaquilenos
He has improved the education in Guayaquil.
He has given free books to the children of the schools.
He built and it improved the terrestrial terminal.
He built the new airport.
He implemented the transport of the metrovía.
He improved the highways of the city.
He has built new bridges and tunnels
He improved the parks of the city.
Comment: He has transformed the city it now is organized, clean and beautiful!!! He has taken care of the people in need: health, home, education, etc.

Some 205,000 people from across took part in the 2008 World Mayor Project

AFRICA • Omar El Bahraoui, Rabat, Morocco
• Helen Zille, Cape Town, South Africa
• Amos Masondo, Johannesburg, South Africa
• Stephen Mandel, Edmonton, Canada
• Sam Katz, Winnipeg, Canada
• Martin Chavez, Albuquerque, USA
• Michael B Coleman, Columbus, USA
• Mufi Hannemann, Honolulu, USA
• Antonio Villaraigosa, Los Angeles, USA
• Willie W Herenton, Memphis, USA
• Manny Diaz, Miami, USA
• Raymond Thomas Rybak, Minneapolis, USA
• Phil Gordon, Phoenix, USA
• Julio César Pereyra, Mayor of Florencio Varela, Argentina
• José Fogaça, Porto Alegre, Brazil
• Juan Contino Aslán, Havana, Cuba
• Jaime Nebot, Guayaquil, Ecuador
• Paco Moncayo, Quito, Ecuador
• Salvador Gandara, Villa Nueva, Guatemala
• Antonio Astiazaran, Guaymas, Mexico
• Ernesto Gandara, Hermosillo, Mexico
• Ricardo Ehrlich, Montevideo, Uruguay
• Juan Barreto, Caracas, Venezuela
• Leopoldo Eduardo López, Chacao, Venezuela
• Han Zheng, Shanghai, China
• Zhang Guangning, Guangzhou, China
• C M Sheila Dikshit, Delhi, India
• Fauzi Bowo, Jakarta, Indonesia
• Mohammad Baqer Ghalibaf, Tehran, Iran
• Tadatoshi Akiba, Hiroshima, Japan
• Hiroshi Nakada, Yokohama, Japan
• Marides Fernando, Marikina City, Philippines
• Vladimir Gorodets, Novosibirsk, Russia
• Park Wan-soo, Changwon City, South Korea
• Kadir Topbas, Istanbul, Turkey
• Patrick Janssens, Antwerp, Belgium
• Boiko Borisov, Sofia, Bulgaria
• Eleni Mavrou, Nicosia, Cyprus
• Bertrand Delanoë, Paris, France
• Pierre Albertini, Rouen, France
• Jens Böhrnsen, Bremen, Germany
• Ulrich Maly, Nürnberg, Germany
• Wolfgang Schuster, Stuttgart, Germany
• Kyriakos Virvidakis, Chania, Greece
• Sergio Cofferati, Bologna, Italy
• Walter Veltroni, Rome, Italy
• Rafal Dutkiewicz, Wroclaw, Poland
• Rosa Aguilar, Cordoba, Spain
• Göran Johansson, Gothenburg, Sweden
• Elmar Ledergerber, Zurich, Switzerland