Dubravka Suica, Mayor of Dubrovnik

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The World Mayor Prize

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The 2008 finalists
The World Mayor Award

The 2006 results
The 2006 finalists
The World Mayor Award
Dora Bakoyannis congratulates John So

With Mayor of Amsterdam
With Mayor of Harrisburg
With Mayor of Melbourne
With Mayor of St Etienne

Mayor of Amsterdam
Mayor of Antananarivo
Mayor of Augsburg
Mayor of Denver
Mayor of Dubrovnik
Mayor of Harrisburg
Mayor of Makati City
Mayor of Melbourne
Mayor of St Etienne
Mayor of Valencia

On Mayor of Amsterdam
On Mayor of Antananarivo
On Mayor of Augsburg
On Mayor of Bangalore
On Mayor of Belo Horizonte
On Mayor of Denver
On Mayor of Dubrovnik
On Mayor of Harrisburg
On Mayor of Houston
On Mayor of Istanbul
On Mayor of Makati City
On Mayor of Melbourne
On Mayor of Mulhouse
On Mayor of New Orleans
On Mayor of New York
On Mayor of Phnom Penh
On Mayor of Sofia
On Mayor of St Etienne
On Mayor of Taipei
On Mayor of Toronto
On Mayor of Valencia (VE)

By Mayor of Amsterdam
By Mayor of Augsburg
By Mayor of Belo Horizonte
By Mayor of Dubrovnik
By Mayor of Makati City
By Mayor of Melbourne
By Mayor of Valencia

The 2005 results
Contest methodology
List of finalists
Winning mayors write
Mayor Rama writes - Mayor Bakoyannis replies

The 2004 contest
List of all 2004 finalists
Edi Rama wins 2004 award
People ask - Edi Rama replies

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Comments in support of
Dubravka Suica
Mayor of Dubrovnik (Croatia)
The finalists for the 2006 World Mayor Award were chosen on the number of votes received as well as on the persuasiveness and conviction of supporting statements. Below we publish an representative selection of comments received about the mayor.
Comment: I wholeheartedly support Mrs Dubravka Suica's canditure for World Mayor 2006. As a Bureau member of the European Association of Historic Towns and Regions she has proven that not only is she an effective Mayor, having presided over the successful regeneration of war-torn Dubrovnik, but that she is a leader of vision committed to sustainable tourism at both a European and world level. Mrs Suica has been elected twice to the position of Mayor and voted top Croatian Mayor last year. She is both popular with local people, respected by her peers at home and abroad and has an impressive a track record of tangible achievements. In short she displays all the qualities required for World Mayor 2006.
Comment: Mayor Suica is just the best. Dubrovnik rose up since she came to office. A city damaged in the Balkan war, Dubrovnik has become one of the world's top tourist destinations. She works in a modest kind of way, doesn't not ask too many questions, she finds the solutions. She is also a modern European politician with a great understanding of human rights regardless of religion, nationality or sex. She is the best.
Comment: Ms.Dubravka Suica has done a lot during her past term, regardnig public works. It is true, but she has done much more. Ms.Suica works hard, every decision she makes is based on improvement of life quality in Dubrovnik. Ms.Suica has a vision, promise given today is her goal tomorrow, she realizes completly one old saying from these areas here: the first one among equals. You can stop her on the street, talk to her about city problems, propose some things, it's not common to have a mayor willing to co-orporate as she does almost every day. Public works are not the only good things she has done. I must underline here some of her other efforts: University of Dubrovnik, she is the vice president of the Congress of local and regional authorities, promotes her city in Europe and worldwide, has a great respect for the human rights, she is willing to learn but also to share things and experiences she has learned. Ms.Suica usually says that only the best is good enough for Dubrovnik. She means it. Every promise she gave was realistic and every of them fulfilled. When she became the mayor Dubrovnik was the world heritage city damaged by the war, now we are top destination in the world, everyone wants to live here, to have a piece of Dubrovnik for himself. She has done quite a job here, hasn't she?
Comment: Mrs. Suica is well deserving of this award. She has outstanding leadership skills, working to continue to improve the quality of life for the people in her country. She is faced with being a catalyst of change in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, which is difficult for a country that was ruled for years under a strict government. Her high integrity will help carry her through a time when corruption is constantly a temptation from other countries that do not have Dubrovnik and Croatia in their best interest. I wish her all the success and hope she wins this well deserved award.
Comment: Ms. Suica is in my opinion one of the best mayors in the world. She knows how to balance all of the issues associated with running a city in a transitional country, in a post-war period. Dubrovnik is a very small city when compared to other cities throughout the world, but has the international exposure to put it in the top ten destinations globally. This creates a challenging working environment for Ms. Suica in that she must deal with high level issues and visits from world dignitaries and celebrities, but also look after the common issues of people who live in a small community. Ms. Suica truly does a fantastic job in this area. I have no hesitation what so ever in recommending her as World Mayor 2006.
Comment: Having the experience of a professional journalist who has been, completely independent of any political party, informing the readers of the most prominent Croatian newspaper every day for more than four decades about all activities and events in Dubrovnik, I stick together with all these who think that the mayor of Dubrovnik Dubravka Suica fulfills all the criteria required to become awarded with the prestigious title of "The World Mayor 2006."
Comment: One local journalist gave a nickname "Mom" to Dubravka Suica. Citizens accepted the nickname as it reflects the way Suica behaves towards the city - she cares about it as the mother about the child. If you ever come to Dubrovnik and see people wearing t-shirts with a sign VOLIM MAMU! (I love Mom) do not be surprised - that t-shirt is about Dubravka Suica, and this is how citizens express their appreciation towards her.
Comment: Ms Suica definitely deserves the World Mayor title. You have to keep in mind that she has made a very pleasurable tourist destination back there, with modern European lifestyle, and she inherited a city damaged during the war. She is willing to cooperate with the others too. She doesn't have any prejudices and judges people by the things they've done.

More than 100,000 citizens from around the world have taken part in the 2006 World Mayor Project.

• Mayor of Antananarivo, Madagascar
• Mayor of Johannesburg, South Africa
• Mayor of Maputo, Mozambique
• Mayor of Tunis, Tunisia
• Mayor of Calgary, Canada
• Mayor of London, Canada
• Mayor of Toronto, Canada
• Mayor of Denver, USA
• Mayor of Harrisburg, USA
• Mayor of Houston, USA
• Mayor of New Orleans, USA
• Mayor of New York City, USA
• Mayor of Portland, USA
• Mayor of Seattle, USA
• Mayor of Belo Horizonte, Brazil
• Mayor of Curitiba, Brazil
• Mayor of Bogota, Colombia
• Mayor of Quito, Ecuador
• Mayor of San José de Mayo, Uruguay
• Mayor of Valencia, Venezuela
• Mayor of Phnom Penh, Cambodia
• Mayor of Chengdu, China
• Mayor of Shanghai, China
• Mayor of Bangalore, India
• Mayor of Jaipur, India
• Mayor of Rishon-LeZion, Israel
• Mayor of Tokyo, Japan
• Mayor of Nablus, Palestine
• Mayor of Angeles City, Philippines
• Mayor of Makati City, Philippines
• Mayor of Taipei, Taiwan
• Mayor of Istanbul, Turkey
• Mayor of Melbourne, Australia
• Mayor of Wellington, New Zealand
• Mayor of Sofia, Bulgaria
• Mayor of Dubrovnik, Croatia
• Mayor of Mulhouse, France
• Mayor of St Etienne, France
• Mayor of Augsburg, Germany
• Mayor of Bonn, Germany
• Mayor of Potsdam, Germany
• Mayor of Bologna, Italy
• Mayor of Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
• Mayor of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
• Mayor of Porto, Portugal
• Mayor of Oradea, Romania
• Mayor of Zaragoza, Spain
• Mayor of Valencia, Spain
• Mayor of Zurich, Switzerland
• Mayor of Middlesbrough, UK