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World Mayor
Elke Kahr, Mayor of
Graz, Austria

The 2023 World Mayor Prize and Awards will be conferred on mayors who have demonstrated that by listening to and working closely with the citizens of their own communities as well as by forming partnerships and friendships with towns and cities at home and across borders, cities can succeed where nations struggle. Mayors shortlisted for the World Mayor Prize have been commended for their humanity, local leadership and their ability to bring people together.

Elke Kahr, Mayor of Graz, Austria, has been awarded the 2023 World Mayor Prize

Commendations for
Elke Kahr
Mayor of Graz, Austria

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Commended by Sebastian T., Graz
Elke Kahr has promoted unity since before she was mayor. During a time when it became fashionable in politics to have an enemy to rally against (mostly foreigners), Elke Kahr chose to fight poverty. She was able to work together with people from all walks of life to achieve the best results for every person in Graz. She worked together with political parties that heavily disagreed with her on ideological basis and was able to find common ground even with the most apathetic of citizens/politicians.
In hosting festivals like the ''Yugo Festa'' she was able to unite people from different backgrounds, especially those from former Yugoslavia, and integrate them into Graz' society successfully. Her leadership gives the citizens confidence to weather the consequences of Covid and inflation. During the pandemic, she listened to medical experts and those protesting on the streets alike and was able to find compromises where other leaders struggled.
Her respect for people extends to other cities as well. Her relations to former Yugoslav countries are warm, especially with the mayors of Slovenia, which lies a few kilometres to the south of Graz. She reached out to cities all over Europe, and her reputation made others reach out to her. The ambassador to Sweden, the Dominican Republic and Vietnam visited her, making connections reaching across the world. When Romania’s Schengen application was rejected by Austria, the Romanian ambassador came to Graz to smooth ruffled feathers. The large Slavic diaspora in Graz and Kahr’s support of them has made Graz a diplomatic anchor point between the Balkan and Austria.
Those are just a few of the reasons why I believe that Elke Kahr deserves the title of 'World Mayor'.

Commended by Elke H., Graz
Von Frau Kahr können sich zahlreiche Politiker eine Scheibe abschneiden! Eine wunderbare Frau und Politikerin! 

Commended by Vinz M., Graz
Elke Kahr, the Mayor of Graz, is a shining example of leadership and dedication. Her leadership has transformed Graz into a model of sustainability, inclusivity, and cultural richness.

Under her guidance, the city has blossomed into a vibrant and environmentally friendly community. Mayor Kahr's dedication to supporting local businesses, green initiatives, and the arts has enriched the lives of Graz's residents and made the city a wonderful place to live.

Her commitment to listening to the people is commendable. Graz is fortunate to have such a dedicated and visionary leader.

Commended by Veronika & Alfred M., Graz
Wir sind stolz auf Elke Kahr, die in Österreich vorzeigt, wie es auch anders geht. Wir unterstützen daher ihre Nominierung von ganzem Herzen.

Commended by Friedrich M., Graz
Unsere Bürgermeisterin, Frau Elke Kahr ist ein großartiges Vorbild für alle, die dieses Amt ausüben. Als Bürger von Graz unterstütze ich alle Aktionen, die dazu führen, diese Tatsache auch international bekannt zu machen.

Commended by Gabriella D., Graz
I would like to give my vote to Elke Kahr.

Working as social worker I know from first-hand how she cares for the people and personally supports those who needs it the most. She is not an image, she embodies her believes in a strong community based on solidarity. 

She selected even her team carefully when she became mayor, and therefor even her staff stands for those values. The impact of her doings keep the hopes up for becoming a more peaceful, respectful and fair local society.
Also she raises her voice for global peace and improves city partnerships.

I am not a party member, but I have great respects for her way of leading the city. She always takes her time to talk to people in need personally, listens to the stories of elderly citizens, fights for better conditions in public housing, organizes a festival for everybody where she works herself and talks to the guests. Not to mention giving up the most part of her salary for those in need. That is only a few things, I cannot imagin how to manage with the schedule of a mayor. 

From my point of view it would be a truly earned honor for her to win this award. 

Commended by Julius H., Graz
Ich kann nur sagen, ich bin stolz auf sie.

Commended by Johanes, Z., Graz
Liebe Mitbürger: Elke Kahr ist ein absoluter Glücksfall für die Stadt Graz. Ihre Überzeugende jahrzehntelange Wohltätigkeit zugunsten einfacher Menschen ist herrausragend, und vielleicht bringt sie dadurch auch eine junge Generation näher an die zur Zeit so unbeliebte Politik heran. Mit guten Grüßen

Commended by Erich F., Graz
Liebes Team: Nachdem meine Frau drei Tage vor Ihrem 40sten Geburtstag plötzlich von einem Tag auf den anderen verstarb stand ich mit drei kleinen Kindern (2, 5 und 6 Jahre) alleine da.

Die zwei Buben hatten eine Entwicklungsverzögerung und brauchen spezielle Betreuung. Ich verdiente genug Geld um einen Teil für Betreuungseinrichtungen aufwenden zu können. Aber es stellte sich heraus, dass Bürokratische Hindernisse es nicht ermöglichten für alle eine Betreuung zu finden. 

Nachdem monatelang jede Behörde sich weigerte für die Tochter eine Lösung zu finden hat ein kurzes Gespräch mit Frau und Stadtrat Hohensinner es in dieser schweren Zeit ermöglicht die Hindernisse wegzuräumen, alle drei Kinder konnten eine Betreuung finden und ich konnte meinen Job finden.

Danke liebe Frau Elke Kahr, beste Bürgermeisterin der Welt. 

Commended by Martin S., Graz
To call the mayor a modern Robin Hood is a gross understatement. For she does not take from the rich and give to the poor, but takes a large part of her own salary and passes it on.

Commended by J. E., Graz
Sie muss gewinnen. Sie hilft jeden so gut wie es geht, Frau Kahr schaut nicht weg! 

Commended by Dr Alois W. R., Graz
I warmly approve the nomination of Elke Kahr to become mayor of the year. I really like her natural feminine appearance, and in my regard of a historian I’m impressed, that she really became wiser by the decline and collapse of the Sovjetunion. I wish her good luck!

Commended by Elisabeth L., Graz
Meinen aufrichtigen Respekt für das Vorbild von Frau Elke Kahr für ihren Einsatz für sozial bedürftige Menschen, für mehr soziale Gerechtigkeit und vor allem auch für ihr jahrelanges Teilen ihres Lohnes!!!

Commended by Ernst P., Graz
Ich bin kein Kommunist aber ich finde es toll das Frau Kahr sich nur €2,000 behält. 

Commended by Aurora H., Graz
I've never seen a Mayor, or a politician for that matter, to actually just straight up give away most of their income as a politician. I have no doubt that all of the Mayors on the shortlist have done good work for their city, but really putting other people, struggling people, poor people first, prioritising them higher than your own enrichment, that’s just so rare and incredible that she really deserves this award.

Commended by Richard W., Mortantsch, Austria
Politics is one of the dirtiest businesses in the world. Politicians line their pockets and usually don't care about the people (except during election campaigns).

Elke Kahr is the opposite: She doesn't make promises she can't keep and gives a large part of her salary to those in need! If we had more people like that, it would be too good to be true. And very important: This has nothing to do with left or right. This is humanity in action!

Politik ist eines der schmutzigsten Geschäfte auf der Welt. Politiker stopfen sich die Taschen voll und das Volk ist ihnen meistens egal (außer im Wahlkampf).

Elke Kahr ist das Gegenteil: Sie macht keine Versprechungen die sie nicht halten kann und gibt einen Großteil ihres Gehaltes jenen die in Not sind! Wenn wir mehr von solchen Menschen hätten, es wäre zu schön um wahr zu sein. Und sehr wichtig: Das hat mit Links oder Rechts gar nichts zu tun. Das ist gelebte Menschlichkeit!

Commended by Dietmar K., Graz
I am voting for her because of her outstanding social behaviour in harsh times full of greed and anger!

Commended by Kilian P., Graz
Es mögen sehr engagierte BürgermeisterInnen unter den KonkurentInnen Elke Kahrs sein. Dennoch wäre eine andere Wahl als Elke Kahr schlichtweg falsch. Sie ist und bleibt die beste Bürgermeisterin der Welt.

Commended by Petra Z., Graz
Elke Kahr stands with the people since many years. She did this already before she became our mayor. Every week she offers many consultation hours for people in the city who need help with paying all their costs for living and for their children in school. Many years before she became our mayor, she (and other colleagues of her party too) gave already a big part of her salary for the people in need. When there is a festival in the house of KPÖ in Graz she would also help to offer coffee. She is one of us people and that is what I honour so much with Elke. 

Commend ed by Barbara W., Graz
Dear ladies and gentleman: I want to give my support to mayor Elke Kahr. Sie brought a new form of politics to our country, that had been shaken by scandals and corruption through politicians over the past centuries.

She meets every citizen who wants to talk to her and really listens to the needs and problems of ordinary people. Thats why I think she really earns this title. 

Commended by Reinhard B., Graz
Ich unterstütze die Wahl von Elke Kahr zur Bürgermeisterin des Jahres. Ihr soziales Engagement ist ein wohltuender Kontrapunkt zur restlichen Politik in Graz.

Commended by Wolfgang D., Graz
Wegen Ihres jahrzehntelangen Einsatzes für sozial benachteiligte und Wertepolitik sowie vorbildliche Bescheidenheit haben Sie meine Stimme. 

Commended by Elisabeth L., Vienna, Austra
I support Elke Kahr from the bottom of my heart!

Commended by Florian P., Graz
Elke Kahr gets my vote for her down-to-earth politics, her authenticity and for the time, money and energy she keeps investing on a daily basis for people in need.

Commended by Walter T., Graz
Ich stimme für Elke Kahr. Als es mir vor einigen Jahren gesundheitlich schlecht ging (Gehirntumor), bekam ich unkompliziert Hilfe von ihr. Ich weiß nicht, wie ich damals meine Miete bezahlen hätte sollen, wenn mir die Frau Kahr nicht geholfen hätte.

Commended by Mc J., Graz
Elke Kahr war das Beste was Graz in den letzten Jahren passieren könnte. Sie hat, trotz der geerbten finanziellen Schwierigkeiten der Stadt (Korruption und dubiose Metro Pläne werden wohl nicht so leicht vergessen), frische Luft in die Stadt gebracht.

Ich bin mir sicher, dass alle anderen Kandidaten hier auch viel geleistet haben und den Preis verdienen. Aber meine Stimme geht an Elke Kahr, die in nur 2 Jahren Amtszeit die Stadt wiederbeleben könnte 

Commended by Dietmar K., Vienna,
I am voting for her because of her outstanding social behaviour in harsh times full of greed and anger!

Commended by Karl W., Graz
Ich unterstütze die Wahl von Frau Kahr zur „Bürgermeisterin des Jahres“. Sie geht mit Obdachlosen, Hausfrauen und Arbeitern ebenso offenherzig um wie mit dem Bundespräsidenten oder dem niederländisch Königspaar und vertritt eine soziale Politik in Graz. Zu alledem verzichtete und verzichtet sie auf einen wesentlichen Teil des Gehalts zugunsten von Bedürftigen und macht mit dieser ebenso von den anderen Mandataren ihrer Partei geübten Praxis auch ihre Mitstreiterinnen und Mitstreiter weniger anfällig für Korruption.

Commended by Martin H., Graz
Vielen Dank Elke Kahr, für eine Politik mit Herz und Verstand, mit Menschen für Menschen!

Commended by Renate M., Graz
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren: Ich lebe seit über 40 Jahren in der Stadt Graz mit derzeit gut 300.000 Bürgern.
Seit überraschenderweise Elke Kahr die Wahl gewonnen hat, hat sich in unserer Stadt sehr vieles für die Bewohner zum Positiven verändert. Es wurde mehr auf die Umwelt und die Menschen, die in der Stadt leben, geschaut. Irgendwie hat man das Gefühl, dass Frau Kahr (und auch ihr Team) mehr das Gemeinwohl als den Eigennutz lebt.
Ihre unaufgeregte Art - Eitelkeit und Selbstdarstellung sind ihr fremd - und die ehrlichen Aussagen, werden von vielen Menschen als überaus wohltuend empfunden.
Die perfekte Welt kann sie uns auch nicht bieten, aber das Geld der Stadt wird durchaus in sinnvolle, für die Zukunft äußerst notwendige Projekte gesteckt.
Es ist sehr angenehm Sie als Bürgermeisterin zu haben. Meine Stimme als Worldmayor hat sie auf jeden Fall! Mit besten Grüßen

Commended by Peter O., Graz
Liebe Fr. Kahr! Die Welt wäre eine bessere, wenn es mehr „Elke Kahrs“ geben würde. Vielen Dank für ihr Engagement.

Commended by Wolfgang E., Ulrichskirchen, Austria
Ich halte Frau Kahr für eine extrem wichtige Persönlichkeit, da sie genau jene Eigenschaften, welche der modernen Politik oft fehlen, Autentizität und klare einfache Grundsätze, gepaart mit dem Verzicht auf den materiellen Höhenflug, vorbildlich lebt!

Commended by NC, Thal, Austria
Elke Kahr thoroughly deserves this nomination. She leads a coalition of socialists, greens and communists who are working so hard to make Graz a great city for all its residents, not just the rich. Providing affordable housing is central to her administration‘s policies.

Commended by Doris T., Graz
Elke Kahr would be a real World Mayor, but not only for her „Robin Hood Politics“. She has always an open ear and also open eyes for all people of Graz and for every problem. Her door in the mayor’s office is every day open and she take time to listen. She stays close to us with her head and her heart. This is wonderful!

Commended by Vinko W., Graz
Elke Kahr agiert sehr vorbildlich zu aller Zufriedenheit der Gemeindebürger und sollte auf jeden Fall mit dieser international renommierten Auszeichnung gewürdigt werden. 

Commended by Erich G., Graz
Sie ist genauso bürgernahe und am Menschen interessiert geblieben, wie vorher! Sie nimmt sich Zeit und leitet persönlich Hilfe in die Wege.

Commended by Max T., Graz
Dear Sir or Madam: I have the good fortune to know Ms. Kahr for some time already. Thus, I can say that even before her time as mayor, she appeared as a kind, modest and, above all, extremely wise and thoughtful woman. Her being mayor has been a blessing since the years of the conservative government in Graz, which brought many things, fortunately not everything, within the city development to the bad. I follow her every step with great interest and am convinced that she is a great mayor - even more: female politicians of her calibre are extremely rare these days!

Therefore, I am very much in favour of her winning the election! Best regards from Graz,

Commended by Maksi G., Graz
She is a down-to-earth person. Last year, when I was at a culture club, at a concert, she was working at the bar. If anybody had had a problem or wanted to talk, she took the time and just gave attention to everybody. A lovely person and a very kind mayor of our small city.

Commended by Catharina Cazan
Thanks to her great politic, Graz is a better place. She started now and hopefully the rest of Austria will also go her path. She is also a very warm-hearted person which is very rare these days in the high political field. I hope she will win.

Commended by Alexander B., Grax
I hereby confirm my support for the Mayor of the City Graz Elke Kahr for the World Mayor voting. Through her sincere, grassroots manner, she has finally elevated the livability of my hometown after years of mismanagement by the Styrian People's Party. Instead of planning castles in the air, policies are being pursued for the people. It is wonderfully different from what I was allowed to experience in my young life. I fully support this strong woman in politics and would find it great to award her with the World’s best Mayor Award.

Commended by Alois S., Graz
Mit Respekt für die erlebbare Haltung und Umsetzung möchte ich meine Achtung ausdrücken.

Commended by Karl T., Graz
Die rumpelstilzhaften Wutanfälle der schlechten Verlierer-Parteien zeugen von der guten Arbeit der Grazer Stadtregierung mit Elke Kahr.

Commended by Dr Josef W., Graz
Frau Kahr ist bei den Menschen und für die Menschen. Graz als Stadt für Menschenrechte erhielte noch größere Bekanntheit.

Commended by Sonja H., Graz
Elke Kahr ist das Herz der Stadt. 

Commended by Josef S., Graz
Weil sie wieder Menschlichkeit in die Stadt brachte.

Commended by Gabriel M., Graz
Dear Mayor-of-the-year-Team: I am glad to hear that Elke Kahr is nominated for mayor of the year, I can only say, as a resident of Graz, it‘s the best what could happen to this beautiful city and its people.

She truly works non-stop with the deepest, honest and authentic motivation of making life better for all(!) people, regardless of where or what they come from. A politician whom you can trustfully believe what she says, working hard and untiringly for others, especially those in struggling situations.

Not in the spotlight, however shining more than all populist demagogues that you can find in nearly every political party and times. Close to the people, open hearted in means of acting, not talking, she personates in my opinion a true antipole to selfish, money-, fame- and power-driven self-seekers and is an inspiration for how to organise a democratic society, that gives hope for the future, even in either personally or globally dramatic times, full of crisis. A social, thoughtful and consistent manager, a simply great person and a role model hopefully to other politicians, but definitely to the „small (wo)man“. 

Thank you and all the best for your decision. Probably not an easy one.

Commended by Jonathan K., Graz
Elke Kahr has been an amazing major for the past years and an amazing and tireless worker for all people of Graz for the past decades. I can strongly recommend picking her!

Commended by Carola R., Vasoldsberg near Graz
Elke Kahr is an outstanding personality. She consequently follows her heart, but she also has a realistic view on the situation in her beautiful city Graz. She acts quietly, without populism, but she ACTS. I am very impressed by her performance.

Commended by Patrick R., Graz
Elke showed this country how sustainable and people friendly politics can be. She really deserved to win this title 

Commended by Ernst D., Graz
Elke Kahr hat als Grazer Bürgermeisterin eines im Sinn: dass es den Bürger:innen in ihrer Stadt gut geht. Daher soll Elke Kahr Worldmayor 2023 werden.

Commended by Ingrid H., Graz
Frau Kahr versucht trotz Schwierigkeiten immer eine praktikable Lösung zu finden und stellt sich, so gut es geht, auf die Seite der Schwächeren.
Sie ist eine gute Wahl!

Commended by Waltraud G., Graz
Ich unterstütze Frau Elke Kahr bei der Wahl zur Bürgermeisterin des Jahres 2023 mit meiner Stimme!

Commended by Dominik A. S., Graz
Our major Elke Kahr definitely deserves the title world major due to her selflessness and green politics!

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The City Mayors Foundation
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Tel: +44 20 8439 7978
The World Mayor Project was conceived in 2004 by the City Mayors Foundation to raise the profile of mayors worldwide and honour those who have contributed exceptionally to local and urban affairs. Mayors must carry out their duties selflessly and beyond reproach. The Project has no association with any city or organisation and is run on philanthropic lines. Any kind of revenue is NOT sought and will be rejected if offered. DETAILS

Winners of the World Mayor Prize since 2004: Edi Rama, Tirana (2004); Dora Bakoyannis, Athens (2005); John So, Melbourne (2006); Helen Zille, Cape Town (2008); Marcelo Ebrard, Mexico City (2010); Iñaki Azkuna, Bilbao (2012); Naheed Nenshi, Calgary (2014); Bart Somers, Mechelen (2016); Valeria Mancinelli, Ancona (2018); Ahmed Aboutaleb, Rotterdam (2021); Philippe Rio, Grigny (2021); Elke Kahr, Graz (2023) DETAILS