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World Mayor
Elke Kahr, Mayor of
Graz, Austria

The 2023 World Mayor Prize and Awards will be conferred on mayors who have demonstrated that by listening to and working closely with the citizens of their own communities as well as by forming partnerships and friendships with towns and cities at home and across borders, cities can succeed where nations struggle. Mayors shortlisted for the World Mayor Prize have been commended for their humanity, local leadership and their ability to bring people together.

Elke Kahr, Mayor of Graz, Austria, has been awarded the 2023 World Mayor Prize

Commendations for
Elke Kahr
Mayor of Graz, Austria

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Commended by Bert P., Vienna Austria
As someone who has had the pleasure to know Elke Kahr personally for years, I could gain an insight into her activities as mayor of Graz and, before that, as a city councilor. Thus, on numerous occasions I have witnessed her tremendous dedication and social commitment in working for the well-being of the people in the city, above all for those in need.

As a researcher and teacher in peace and conflict studies, I am firmly convinced that for a community, a society, or any group of people to thrive and prosper, no one should be excluded and left behind. And this spirit is deeply reflected in Elke Kahr's work. Simply put, her party's credo sums it up: "Helping instead of talking." And this is what she and her fellow colleagues are doing, in the truest sense of the word, hands-on, every day. Therefore, Elke Kahr has all my admiration, and to me she is a role model for every mayor and, even more so, every leading politician around the world.

So I can only commend Elke Kahr for the 2023 World Mayor Prize and Awards.

Commended by Mario P., Kapfenberg, Austria
Hut ab vor Elke Kahr, wenn alle Politiker Österreichs in allem so handeln würden, wie sie als Bürgermeisterin von Graz, dann  wären sie als Politiker vertrauenswürdiger und die Welt vieler in unschuldiger Armut geratener Bürger Österreichs ginge es besser. Es sollten sich alle Politiker ein Beispiel an Elke Kahr nehmen. Darum steht sie auch durch ihr Handeln auf dieser World.

Commended by Karl D., Graz
Ich wünsche mir unsere Elke Kahr als Bürgermeisterin des Jahres. Sie ist und sollte ein Vorbild für alle Politiker sein, deren Bürger sie vertritt. Zeigen sie mir einen Politiker den sie in die augen schauen, und glauben der ist für mich da, hilft nach seinen aufrichtigen Möglichkeiten.

Elke Kahr ist und bleibt ein Ausnahmemensch !

Commended by Michael F., Graz
Elke Kahr is an outstanding person and a very rare breed of politician - She is a down to earth, honest and genuinely nice person, who really embodies her mantra "Helfen statt reden" which roughly translates to "Help instead of talking" or "Action! not words". Even while managing the second biggest city of Austria, she still makes time to listen to the problems of the "little people". In a world full of corrupt, self-centred carrierists, we need more people like Elke Kahr, who really care about the needs of all people and not just the needs of the "powerful" 1%. 

Commended by Hildegard U., Graz
Obwohl Frau Kahr von allen Oppositionsparteien bekämpft wird, bleibt sie ihrer Linie treu. Meines Erachtens die einzige Spitzenpolitikerin, die wirklich sozial tätig ist und einen Großteil ihres Gehalts für Bedürftige spendet. Außerdem ist sie menschlich für alle jederzeit ansprechbar und nie von oben herab. Ich bin sehr froh, daß wir sie haben.

Commended by Julia T., Berlin, Germany
In Berlin, too, everyone is talking about her and would like to have her here.

Commended by Ewald M., Vienna, Austria
I support Elke Kahr as I experienced her social work in Graz during and after my studies of physics at the University of Technology in Graz.

Not only did she a great job in helping people with low income to get an apartment to rent for a reasonable price but she also contributed money personally out of her salary as a city official.

Now, as the mayor of Graz, the second biggest city in Austria, she continues to act in a rather social way (in stark contrast to her predecessors) being a role model for the future. This is much needed, particularly in current times where the gap between wealthy and poor is increasing also in Europe.

Commended by Susi P., Graz
She totally deserves this award! She made Graz a better city. It’s a very beautiful community now! Good luck Mayor Kahr!

Commended by Erhard G., Graz
Ich wähle die Grazer Bürgermeisterin Elke Kahr zur Welt-Bürgermeisterin des Jahres, weil sie soziale und solidarische Pokitik macht.

Commended by Anna E., Graz
Ich unterstütze hiermit Bürgermeisterin Elke Kahr, für mich gehört sie zu der glaubhaftesten Politikerin. 

Commended by David A., Graz
Elke Kahr sollte Bürgermeisterin des Jahres werden, weil sie sich als EINZIGE Bürgermeisterin einer großen Stadt in Österreich gegen die ständigen Mietteuerungen gewehrt hat. Sie hat ihr persönliches Gehalt gekürzt, da sie nichts von überbezahlten Politiker*innen hält, sondern nutzt das überschüssige Geld lieber für ihre Bürger*innen. In einer Zeit, in der vielen Menschen die gesamte politische Landschaft korrupt und unvertrauenswürdig erscheint, reicht Elke Kahr den Grazer*innen eine helfende Hand von oben und spendet zumindest etwas Hoffnung! Oft hat man das Gefühl, den Politiker*innen geht es nur ums Geld, Frau Kahr geht es um die Menschen. 

Commended by Helmut P., Graz
As politician one of that rare species who is giving and not taking.

Commended by Kristian B., Graz
Hi there: After living nearly 50 years in Graz I have seen mayors come and go. But she is the first since ages that really cares about people. Not just voters, people. She and her party donate a good portion of their salary to help people who are in need. And she does that silently, not just making a „gesture“ in front of the media.

She has the ungrateful mission to repair the mess her predecessors left her but instead of complaining loudly like a normal politician would do she gets things done by doing her job. And I know of no mayor of a bigger city where you can make an appoint as a mere mortal and speak directly to her.

She may not always be able to help but at least she will try. It is refreshing to finally experience a politician that does not care about getting their coffers filled and a big job in private business after being voted out.

She cares about people, about the town she is governing and about honest days work for them. I heard of her before she became mayor and as far as I can tell she didn’t change a bit since then. Elke Kahr didn’t only earn my respect (and vote) but she gave me back hope that there is still good out there. And that feels incredible.

Commended by Judith J., Graz
Dank Elke Kahr bin ich voller Hoffnung, dass in Graz Gutes passiert, solange sie es beeinflussen kann. Ich möchte, dass sie weiß, dass wir zu schätzen wissen, wie einzigartig sie ist. Danke für all den Einsatz!

Commended by Christian F., Graz
Sie ist als Politikern nicht viel in den Medien vertreten. Sie macht einfach ihren Job.

Commended by Michael R., Vienna, Austria
I vote for Elke Kahr. She's making Graz livable again, a city which previously went through some poor management. I hope her influence and style of governance spreads to more cities within Austria and Europe.

Commended by Marco W., Graz
I‘m voting for Elke because she’s the most down to earth mayor of this planet. She actually listens to the people, she helps as much as she can, she gives up her own money to give to the less fortune. 

She‘s always there for her people. Even if you never met her, you can call her by her first name and she won’t mind. You can visit her at the city hall and she’ll listen to you and will do anything in her power to help you. No matter what it’s about. If you can’t pay your rent, she’ll give you the money. If you can‘t afford any food, she’ll give you food. She is always down to help when you need it. And she won’t judge you, she won’t think different about you, she will love you the way you are and help you every step ode your way.

In this sad world where everything and anything evolves around money, Elke is the one down to earth person fighting against it.

Commended by Kurt P., Graz
Sie kämpft als Bürgermeisterin der Stadt Graz für einer solidarische, weltoffene und zukunftsorientierte Gesellschaft. Deshalb stimme ich für Elke Kahr als „Bürgermeisterin des Jahres“.

Commended by Roman P., Austria
Ich kenne Elke Kahr nicht persönlich, aber was ich von ihr lese und höre und sehe,  scheint echt, aufrichtig, richtig und nicht von bedingungslosem Karrierewahn zu sein. Sie hat Verantwortung als Bürgermeisterin für die Stadt Graz übernommen, das heißt, sie hat großen Einfluss auf das Zusammenleben der Menschen dieser Stadt. Allein auf Grund der Wohnverhältnisse und Voraussetzungen und deren positiver Beeinflussung hat sie sich diese Auszeichnung verdient. 

Macht und Mittel der Position eines Bürgermeisters für die Menschen einzusetzen, ist schon sehr rar geworden. Dann noch das Miteinander und die Lebensverhältnisse der Menschen zu verbessern, scheint ihr bisher sehr gelungen zu sein.

Abgesehen davon, noch eine Rarität, speziell in Österreich, ist sie in keine Skandale verwickelt.  So wie ich sie einschätze, wäre die Liste der Aufzählung der positiven Einschätzungen und Taten, unendlich lang.

Danke, dass es eine Frau Kahr in Österreich als Bürgermeisterin gibt.

Commended by Angelika, Graz
Mit Elke Kahr haben wir eine authentische Frau an der Spitze, der man ihr Engagement für die Menschen unserer Stadt einfach abnimmt. Bescheiden, hartnäckig, unkompliziert, sozial. So jemand muss endlich einmal vor den Vorhang! 

Commended by Johann H., Persenbeug, Austria
In Österreichs Politik läuft einiges verkehrt. Insbesondere ernsthafte Wahrnehmung der Sorgen, Probleme und Nöte vieler Menschen die sich abgehängt und ihr Dasein als zu  schubladisiert nach einschlägig angeheizten Klischees empfinden.

Elfriede Kahr und mit ihr der KPÖ gelang in Graz mit beispielgebendem Sozialprogramm und persönlichem Verzicht woran die Vertreter etablierter Parteien scheiterten. Wieder Vertrauen in die Politik als Problemlöser sozialer Brennpunkte wie leistbares Wohnen zu schaffen. Dazu den österreichweit vorherrschenden Empörungstrend zur rechtsextremen FPÖ in gemäßigte Bahnen zu lenken.

Commended by EE, Graz
Einer der wenig ehrlichen, aufrichtigen und nicht den Selbstzweck dienende Politikerin.

Commended by D. N., Graz
Elke sollte zur Bürgermeisterin des Jahres gewählt werden weil Sie immer für die Menschen da ist. Weil sie und das Team in der Partei seit Jahren sehr viele Überstunden an Arbeit investiert haben um politische Arbeit in Graz auf diese Art und Weise zu machen. Ich habe im August ein Praktikum absolviert bei der KPÖ in Graz und ich glaube das man den Einsatz all dieser Menschen am ehesten als unermüdlich beschreiben kann.

Commended by Andreas E., Brandenburg, Germany
Ich unterstütze ausdrücklich die Kandidatur von Elke Kahr als „World Mayor“.

Elke Kahr hat seit ihrer Wahl zur Bürgermeisterin in Graz/Österreich eine großartige Arbeit geleistet. Die Konzentration auf solche Themen wie sozial ausgewogenes und bezahlbares Wohnen, die Aktivitäten im Bereich der Pflege und ihr eigenes soziales Engagement durch den Verzicht auf einen großen Teil des Gehaltes zu Gunsten sozial benachteiligter Menschen sind meines Erachtens weltweit einmalig. Man könnte noch viele Gründe anführen, jedoch würde das sogar eine Laudatio sprengen.
Bitte wählen Sie Elke Kahr zum „World Mayor“…

Commended by Michaela S., Graz
I only just read about the mayor award and that my city‘s mayor, Elke Kahr from Graz, Austria, is nominated.

She truly deserves to win. She is the most modest a goal-oriented mayor a cory could possibly have. Not only does she really support the less fortunate (by many many hands-on initiatives and regulations), she and her entire party also donate most of their income to the poor. She always has an open ear for anyone.

If you were a single mother of three children with hardly any money and eg. a broken washing machine, you could actually come to her office and she would help you.

While, of course, doing the job of a mayor of a city that has been broke for decades because of the mayor we had before her.

What the citizens love most about her, I think, is her honesty and modesty. She is so humble, she never brags, never claims stuff that other politicians do, she doesn’t advertise her party in the papers for a lot of money and she would never ever lie.

I believe that her personality is one of kind and very, very untypical of a poltician especially in Austria.

After she won the election, the losing party would slaughter her in the media, make fun of her, denunciate her, and they havent even fully stopped. But she keeps her cool. She does not say bad things about other people.

I really hope that her way of doing her job is going to influence other politicians. The award would help doing that.

Commended by Stefan K., Graz
I vote for Elke Kahr as world mayor.

She and her party are so integrated in graz's society like no other politician ever could.

When i see her taking walks through graz, she is getting recognized by a lot of people, oftern you will hear an exicted "Oh hello misses kahr!" but more commonly people refer to her as simply "elke". they want to talk to her or even want to take photos with her. i asked her once if that makes her feel like a rockstar and she answered promplty: "i'm not a rockstar, i'm not a famous person performing and talking down from a stage to people who payed to see me, i have daily conversations with everyone i meet, i am building relationships, not with voters but everyone who lives in our city, i care about everyone. everyone else is on the same level as i am and i couldn't think of any other way to make politics then with the common people and for the common people, and that of course can only work out if you know them, listen to their needs and let them have"

I think this says so much about her, not only as a politician but as a fellow human that is open, friendly and wants to help everyone wherever she can.

Commended by Lukian G., Graz
Mrs. Elke Kahr is a very unique mayor, because she is coming from a different political point and party than most of the other mayors in the world (KPÖ, Communist Party of Austria) and thus implements generally another thinking into her politics, which is a huge benefit for the Grazer and Austrian people.

This is directly seen for example in the fact that she gives 75% of her income as a major to people who need it the most: She spends money on bills for housing, living costs, food, etc., underlining her lived solidarity that also influenced the solidaric usuality of her party very positively.

Austrians want and need more KPÖ and Elke Kahr represents a great success of the party political communist, solidaric left in a country with a big discrepancy between rich and poor.

Commended by Gerhard K., Eisenstadt, Austria
Ich nominiere Elke Kahr, weil sie ein bescheidener und sozialer Mensch ist und weil sie Menschen zusammenbringt und nicht spaltet.

Commended by Herwig E., Graz
Elke Kahr should be honoured, because she, as her predecessor as head of the comunist party of Graz, Ernest Kaltenegger, always stood up for the people in need, those who had no lobby behind them and who until then hardly had a voice in our city administration.

Before being elected mayor she was part of the traffic administration and vice mayor. She turned the direction of Graz towards a green city, finally promoting the building of more tram lines.

Her excellent work was honoured by the citizens with a great increase in votes during the last elections. She is a lighthouse of left-wing politics!

Commended by Bärbel T., Graz
Elke Kahr, die jetzige Bürgermeisterin von Graz, sticht schon seit Jahren als Gemeindepolitikerin mit ihrem Tun, ihrer sozialen Haltung, Fairness und Respekt gegenüber JEDEM Menschen, hervor! Ihre Wahl zur Grazer Bürgermeisterin hat nun ihren positiven Wirkungsbereich vergrößert. Ich bin stolz, diese Frau gewählt zu haben!

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The City Mayors Foundation
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Tel: +44 20 8439 7978
The World Mayor Project was conceived in 2004 by the City Mayors Foundation to raise the profile of mayors worldwide and honour those who have contributed exceptionally to local and urban affairs. Mayors must carry out their duties selflessly and beyond reproach. The Project has no association with any city or organisation and is run on philanthropic lines. Any kind of revenue is NOT sought and will be rejected if offered. DETAILS

Winners of the World Mayor Prize since 2004: Edi Rama, Tirana (2004); Dora Bakoyannis, Athens (2005); John So, Melbourne (2006); Helen Zille, Cape Town (2008); Marcelo Ebrard, Mexico City (2010); Iñaki Azkuna, Bilbao (2012); Naheed Nenshi, Calgary (2014); Bart Somers, Mechelen (2016); Valeria Mancinelli, Ancona (2018); Ahmed Aboutaleb, Rotterdam (2021); Philippe Rio, Grigny (2021); Elke Kahr, Graz (2023) DETAILS