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The 2023 World Mayor Prize and Awards will be conferred on mayors who have demonstrated that by listening to and working closely with the citizens of their own communities as well as by forming partnerships and friendships with towns and cities at home and across borders, cities can succeed where nations struggle. Mayors shortlisted for the World Mayor Prize have been commended for their humanity, local leadership and their ability to bring people together. Elke Kahr, Mayor of Graz, Austria, has been awarded the 2023 World Mayor Prize Commendations for Elke Kahr Mayor of Graz, Austria Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Commended by Dieter F., Graz Unsere Bürgermeisterin ist meiner Meinung nach ein echter Glücksfall für Graz! Sozial, kompetent und zudem überaus sympathisch! Jedenfalls (zusammen mit ihren Kollegen) eine durch und durch positive Ausnahmeerscheinung in der politischen Landschaft Österreichs (und wohl auch Europas). Mit freundlichen Grüßen Commended by Viktoria D., Graz Elke Kahr is for me the best mayor, because she is always open for really all concerns of all citizens, even if they are so small. She is never arrogant or dismissive and takes care to find a solution for every problem. I have never met a person who has so much energy as our mayor. I hereby support Elke Kahr in her election as the best mayor in the world. Commended by Ferdinand O., Graz Unsere Bürgermeisterin Frau Elke Kahr hat diese Auszeichnung zu Recht verdient, da Sie sich persönlich um die Anliegen der Grazer Bevölkerung kümmert und mit ihrem Engagement sehr viel Gutes bewirkt. Deshalb stimme ich für Sie. Commended by F., Graz Elke Kahr is the hope that it’s not just the real estate lobby that rules the city. Commended by Franz S., Graz Ich finde, dass ELKE KAHR als engagierteste Bürgermeisterinder Landeshauptstadt Graz/Austria die Auszeichnung als beste Bürgermeisterin der Welt verdient hat. I think that ELKE KAHR as the most committed mayor of the provincial capital Graz/Austria deserves the award as the best mayor in the world. Commended by Karin G., Graz Elke Kahr ist eine wunderbare Bürgermeisterin, ich schätze sie sehr, vor allem ihr Engagement im sozialen Bereich ist bemerkenswert! Commended by Gabriele S. K., Graz Elke Karhr ist die beste Bürgermeisterin, die Graz bekommen konnte! Commended by Brigitte K., Graz Eine humane, warmherzige Frau die viel für die Stadt Graz macht. Ich wünschte es gebe mehr solche Politiker. Die Welt wäre um Einiges friedlicher. Commended by Heinz and Manuela G., Graz Frau Elke Kahr: Danke für ihren unermüdlichen,menschlichen Einsatz, den sie mit Herz vergeben. Commended by Bettina L., Graz Guten Tag: Im Stadtblatt der KPÖ las ich von der Unterstützungsmöglichkeit mittels dieser Email. Ich möchte das hiermit tun. Auch in dem Wissen, nach einem Interview im Fernsehen, dass Frau Kahr sich über die Nominierung zwar gefreut hat, es ihr aber in ihrer Arbeit um andere (um nicht zu sagen wichtigere) Dinge geht. Und dafür wird sie von vielen sehr geschätzt. Vielen Dank, und gleichwohl toi toi toi Commended by Edeltraud F., Graz Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren. Ich unterstütze Frau Elke Kahr bei ihrer Nominierung zur Mayor of the year. Mit lieben Grüßen. Commended by Karl V., Graz I'd like to vote for Elke Kahr (Graz). I do live in Graz since a couple of decades. Although my personal situation would indicate that I'd vote for ÖVP (the conservative party), I voted for Elke Kahr and I actually was never prouder of my vote than before. Despite the smack of communist parties (that's a long story on its own), she leads a team of very trustworthy people who really do lead by example. Elke and her team create an environment where all kinds of people from all types of background understand that it's really a good idea to support the non-wealthy parts of your society in order to make a better city for everybody. Elke has a refreshing kind of manner when working with people or discussing with members of other parties. It's never personal, it's always about the city and the benefit of the greater good. Among my friends, we probably have nobody who is actually against the work of Elke Kahr. Quite the contrary. She was able to convince even her non-voters with her type of serving the city. We really need more politicians like her. Commended by Tamara Z., Graz Elke Kahr ist eine Politikerin mit Ehre und Anstand, die sich nicht kaufen lässt. Sie versucht Entscheidungen zum Wohle der Allgemeinheit zu treffen. Meiner Meinung nach ist sie eine Humanistin, die sich im Gegensatz zu anderen PolitikerInnen auch nie dazu hinreißen lässt, politische „Gegner“ verbal anzugreifen. Sie sollte ein Vorbild für viele andere Politikerinnen sein! Commended by Thomas P. Graz I highly recommend Mrs. Kahr, mayor of the city of Graz, to be elected as 'Mayor of the Year'. She changed much things for the better in the last years. You notice it in real life, where she is on your side: It's not only about the money that they collect in their party. Much more important: She listens to you and try to understand your life situation. The help with words, contacts, information - it's helpful in situations. There is always an open door (and e-mail box). Commended by Thomas S., Graz Elke Kahr always has an open ear for the concerns of her citizens. I myself work in the social sector and hear again and again from clients that they are listened to by Elke Kahr in her role as mayor, taken seriously, supported without red tape and given further information to solve their problem. Elke Kahr has always been known for her humanity and openness towards people who are usually overlooked by politicians. It is great to see that the residents of the city of Graz rewarded Elke Kahr's years of work by electing her as mayor. So much humanity in a political office is impressive and makes one proud to be a citizen of the city of Graz. Commended by Thomas N., Graz I strongly support Elke Kahr as a candidate for World Mayor. Her work for the local communities throughout the years is well known and her success in the last election, did not change anything in her support for those who need it the most. Instead of initiating expensive landmark-projects, her administration is concentrating on bicycle- and public transport-infrastructure, as well as public funded apartment buildings. Commended by Christian R., Graz I want to give my support to mayor Elke Kahr. She has her ears and heart by the people since many years. Even before she became the mayor. She ended the greedy lobbying and believes in the importance of a humanitarian community and lives this attitude as a role-model herself. She is one of us people and understands the struggle of daily life. Every week she offers (very uncomplicated) a lot her time for people who need help or consultation. Since many years she and other colleagues of her party gave a big part of her salary for the people in need. Commended by Elena G., Graz I am so happy to hear Elke has been nominated. Even before she became mayor of our city she was the one doing most of the social projects to help out those in need. Since she took over, she didn't change one bit - and that is absolutely positive! Elke is already sharing her very own resources and she always encourages those in need to reach out, even if they are not from Graz. Commended by Stephanie S., Graz Elke Kahr and her team donate a large part of their income to people in need. Most politicians just talk Elke Kahr actually helps. Anyone can make an appointment to see her and ask for help. The previous mayor talked about improving public transport. Elke Kahr actually did. Commended by Nina W., Graz Ich bin seit meiner Geburt eine Grazerin und sehr stolz auf unsere Bürgermeisterin! Sie gibt alles für unsere Stadt, nicht nur im Dienst der Bürgermeisterin sondern auch privat hat sie für jeden ein offenes Ohr! Ich würde mich sehr freuen wenn sie diesen Titel tragen darf da sie es absolut verdient hätte! Commended by Sarah K., Graz I vote for Elke Kahr because she is very close to the people and treats everyone equally. She is appreciative and has already done a lot in Graz and supported socially relevant issues and institutions. Commended by Martin S., Graz As a student living in Graz, I say since Elke Kahr took over as mayor a lot of things start to change in the right direction. Years before mistakes were made by wasting tax money, emphasizing car traffic and let companies build whatever they wanted. The normal people were often forgotten. Since she is mayor, I see advances in applying more greenery in housing, investing in public infrastructure and bike lanes and an overall good job. That’s’ why i think she would deserve to be the world mayor. Commended by Christopher M. Vienna, Austria This morning, I saw Elke Kahr, the Mayor of Graz, handing out a breakfast bag to a homeless person in the centre of Graz. There were no cameras involved in any of this. It was not staged, just pure honesty and kindness to other people. My name is Christopher M. and I was born in Graz, Austria but live in Vienna. Commended by Fritz T., Graz As a citizen of Graz I would recommend Elke. She was voted in to make a change and she kept her word. As a mayor u can reach her as a citizen easy and her help reaches those who need it. It makes me proud that our city made a change which nobody believed in but her hard work over the years got her to the spot where she's supposed to be. Thank you for considering her as it's well deserved! Commended by Christoph S., Graz She is super different than any other politician I've ever know. She's helpful to everybody and not just to people with money. Commended by Hannes S., Graz Dear Sirs and Madams, even if I might be biased because I live in Graz, I strongly recommend you to elect Elke Kahr for mayor of the year due to her countless contributions to the increase of quality of life for the citizens of Graz. Thank you! Commended by Stefan S., Graz Elke Kahr definitely deserves this Honour. Her biggest achievement for me is the long overdue expanding of the local bike network, which saw no progress during the years of her predecessor. Commended by Valentina T., Graz I support Elke Kahr for The World Mayor Award 2023, because since she was elected, she tries to make Graz a more liveable city for all people. Not only for the more wealthy population. From public transport to affordable accommodation and a more green city. Her humble approach to people is also mentionable. E.g. donating a part of her salary. Commended by Severin H., Graz Ladies and Gentlemen of the World Major Foundation! I would like to express my strong support for Mayor Elke Kahr of Graz, Styria, Austria as a candidate for World Mayor of 2023. Mrs. Kahr has established herself as one of the most outstanding mayors in the world through her remarkable leadership and commitment to the community and citizens of Graz. Her field of priorities as expanding social services, building community residential buildings, and so on, are showing us her vision for an inclusive and fair city, a city where you like to live. With a humanistic approach she stands for all people of Graz, not for the rich people only. She is a person of action and tirelessly she is developing the system to include the poor in the city landscape. She seeks open dialogue with people of the city of Graz and is available for everyone anytime to talk to. She works for common good. She is authentic and up to her task. Commended by Johannes S. Graz and Freiburg, Germany I want to express my support for Elke Kahr to be awarded the 2023 World Mayor Prize because she is a politician unlike any other. I remember crying out with joy when I heard that her party had won the municipal election, and my hopes have not been disappointed. Since Elke Kahr has assumed office as mayor, Graz is an entirely different city, a friendly, welcoming, modern and socially just city that serves the interest of the people. In these politically trying times, it is an invaluable source of comfort to see my home city with such an amazing government. Elke Kahr deserves all the prizes you can give to her. Commended by Ingeborg H., Salzburg, Austria Elke Kahr ist eine tolle Bürgermeisterin, die auf Augenhöhe und kollegial mit ihrer Vizebürgermeisterin Judith Schwentner/Grüne zusammenarbeitet. Eine Zukunftskoalition, die Klimaschutz und Sozialpolitik zusammenführt ! Commended by Jenny M., Berlin, Germany Ich unterstütze die Wahl von Elke Kahr zur Bürgermeisterin des Jahres, da sie mit ihrer Politik ein Vorbild für Kommunalpolitiker weltweit ist, indem sie mit ihrem Handeln deutlich macht, dass sie Politik für die Menschen macht. Allein Spenden und Almosen können nicht Inhalt von Politik sein. Elke Kahr hat sich seit über 10 Jahren auf konsequente Weise für das elementarste Bedürfnis der Menschen, das Wohnen, eingesetzt. Aber auch in anderen Ressorts und nun als Bürgermeisterin von Graz nutzt sie die Möglichkeiten dieses Amtes in der Stadt so, dass die Lebensbedingungen von Menschen verbessert werden. Es ist in der heutigen Zeit kaum vorstellbar, dass es noch Politiker wie Elke Kahr gibt, die ihre Macht nicht missbrauchen, sondern uneigennützig, transparent und vor allem ihr Amt im Sinne ihrer politischen Überzeugung glaubwürdig und vertrauensfördernd ausfüllen. Elke Kahr hat es mehr als verdient, Bürgermeisterin des Jahres 2023 zu werden. Commended by Daniela M., Graz Elke Kahr deserves the honor of becoming a world mayor more than any other politician I can think of. She is down-to-earth and represents integrity and transparency in a time where both of these qualities unfortunately seem to be lacking in many politicians. She has been serving the city for almost four decades and I’ve met her personally at a street festival in my neighborhood which she also supported financially, and she once helped me with issues in my rental contract during her office hour. She has always given away most of her salary (!) to people in need and even as a mayor is always there if people need her. I haven’t been to her mayor’s office yet, but I have heard that regular people who ask for an appointment sometimes get it on the same day if it fits in her schedule. I think this is wonderful and stands for a future-oriented way of being a politician working for and with the people. A real inspiration to me as a young women (27). In my eyes she truly deserves to be called the best mayor in the world! Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | For your information: The World Mayor Project, organised by the philanthropic City Mayors Foundation since 2004, has no connection with any city or organisation and is run on strictly non-commercial lines. Sponsorships, advertising, subscriptions, donations or any other kind of revenue are NOT sought and will be rejected, if offered. Privacy: All personal information you provide us with will be treated in strict confidence. Your email addresses will NOT be passed on to any third parties. Also, we do NOT collect data by cookies or other hidden means. Please contact us if you have any further questions. Please insert 'World Mayor 2023' in the subject line of any email. © Copyright: All content of the City Mayors and World Mayor websites is protected by worldwide copyright. Please contact us if you wish to use any material from the City Mayors, World Mayor or Women Mayors websites. |