Alvaro Arzú, Mayor of Guatemala City

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Alvaro Arzú
Mayor of Guatemala City (Guatemala)
The winner and runner-ups of World Mayor 2014 will be chosen based on the number of nominations in relation to the size of their cities and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of testimonials received during this year's World Mayor Project. Below we publish a selection of comments received to date about WM nominee Alvaro Arzú, Mayor of Guatemala City, Guatemala.
Comment: Alvaro Arzu's one of many achievement has been his contribution towards establishing order into the city, like the "transmetro" a municipal transportation that cost only Q1.00 per ride and you can go from north to south, transfers included without paying extra, it is secure and fast, he has dedicated a life time to public service a true public servant, He has revolutionized the way the city looks and feels thus improving the quality of life for those who live here, like infrastructure, paths reserved for bicycles, the improvement of parks an sidewalks. He is investing resources into making the poorest neighborhoods in the city a better place also changing the way people feel about there community by opening several schools like dance, music, acting and art academies in the city that are free of charge. I believe that Mayor Alvaro Arzu deserved to win the 2014 World Mayor Prize for making us proud to live in Guatemala city, making a city in a third world country feel like a first world city. (By Jorge M H, Guatemala City)
Comment: Razones para Votar por él:
Quiero emitir mi voto en favor del Alcalde Avaro Arzú, Alcalde de la Municipalidad de Guatemala, Guatemala. Ya que para mi es el Alcalde que se ha destacado por ser la guía para lograr que mi ciudad crezca en cuanto a su cultura, educación, transporte, infraestructura entre otros aspectos que hacen que nosotros como ciudadanos vivamos de la mejor manera en cuanto a la calidad de vida.
1. Dentro de sus funciones como Alcalde, ha demostrado su preocupación por el Ornato de la Ciudad, brindándonos una infraestructura adecuada para la circulación de automóviles, peatones, áreas de recreación y las famosas ciclo-vías, por mencionar algunas, estas han tenido un impacto positivo dentro de la estructura de mi ciudad ya que le ha dado una vista de una ciudad civilizada y sobre todo ordenada.
2. La educación ha sido fomentada para los ciudadanos ya que se ha apoyado con los programas sociales como las bibliotecas móviles, dentro de ello puedo enfatizar que el apoyo a la cultura de los ciudadanos, desde niños hasta adultos, ha creado que la ciudad cuente con recursos culturales muy valiosos que hacen que mi ciudad haya sido nombrada la Capital Iberoamericana de la Cultura para el año 2015. Dentro de ellas puedo mencionar las escuelas de arte, la sinfónica municipal, las escuelas de danza, por mencionar algunas.
3.La experiencia que ha tenido como funcionario publico, luego de ser Presidente de la República de Guatemala, ha creado en él, la sensibilidad con la ciudad, ya que conoce las necesidades de la ciudad, somos escuchados a través de las múltiples MiniMuni que operan en la mayoría de las zonas de la ciudad, en donde desarrollamos actividades de convivencia y gestiones municipales, contando con alcaldías auxiliares que son el contacto directo con nuestro Alcalde.
4. La implementación de los proyectos del Alcalde Arzu, van mas allá de lo que se puede imaginar, nos ha proporcionado un sistema de transporte por ejemplo que cubre una gran trayectoria, en donde nos proporciona un transporte seguro y confiable, brindándonos todos los medios para poder ser utilizado, con el objetivo de la regulación del transito de la ciudad y que poco a poco mi mejor opción de transporte sea el transporte publico como el transmetro. El proyecto cubre la totalidad del municipio de Guatemala y a la fecha ya se tiene contemplado cubrir la zona norte de la ciudad, por lo que me gustaría que él continuara con estos proyectos que benefician cada vez mas a la ciudadanía.
5. La atención a los vecinos de los servicios que se proporcionan dentro de las actividades municipales han mejorado increíblemente, brindándonos un espacio adecuado para cada gestión y el personal especializado para cada una de las gestiones, tales como los boletos de ornato, solvencias municipales, licencias de construcción, etc.
En coclusión estas son las principales razones por las que no dudo en votar por el Alcalde Arzu. (By Carlos Enrique D B, Guatemala City)
Comment: I support the candidacy of Mayor Álvaro Arzú for the World Major Prize, since he is passionate about developing our city to a place with better quality standards. He has provided Transmetro, a safe and efficient public transport, which has been of great benefit for our people. His whole life has been dedicated to true public service. He has been elected Mayor of Guatemala City 5 times. In between these terms he was elected President of the whole country. During his Presidency, a peace treaty was finally signed ending 36 years of armed conflict.
Guatemala city has changed substantially with Arzu: pedestrian zones, road infrastructure, especially the implementation of paths reserved exclusively for bicycles, the revitalization of parks and sidewalks, and the implementation of the Transmetro bus rapid transit system. Guatemala city has been granted as Ibero-Americas City of Culture for the year 2015. Upon receiving this award Guatemala City has won recognition as a city that shares a true belief in the role accessibility and development of cultural programs, play in helping cities thrive on the human level and Mayor Arzu has shown how it impacts the esteem and happiness of its inhabitants.
The city is notable for its cleanliness. Over 900 workers are collecting trash in the streets, making it a very clean city. There is a continuous process of recuperating public spaces, in order to give them back to the public, especially in depressed neighborhoods. These actions have added value to private property in the City. The Mayor has put special attention in sports. Twice a year the City organizes to marathons (10 km and 21 km) that are world known for its organization. Every month, there are night bicycle tours to the different boroughs, where more than 2,000 enthusiastic persons participate. I will add this link where is clearly shown the city's progress in the passed 20 years, reflection of his hard work. (By Johanna P, Guatemala City)
Comment: Sr. Arzú, me preocupa lo que vaya a suceder con mi ciudad cuando usted deje de ser alcalde. Será difícil encontrar a alguien con visión, con ideas, con innovación, con preparación y con experiencia suficiente para continuar con el progreso visiblemente logrado hasta ahora. El sentimiento por los animales, ademas del de niños y vías, es una característica de un país educado y preparado para cosas mayores, con esperanza de un verdadero desarrollo y competitividad a nivel internacional. Muchas personas ni siquiera entienden cuales funciones le competen a una municipalidad y cuales no, aunque no por eso se limiten a comentar en temas ajenos a su comprensión y educación.
Quiero añadir mi opinión sobre el funcionamiento del transmetro que es una excelente gestión, en foros centroamericanos de urbanismo, donde he entrado, todos coinciden de los diversos países en que la ciudad de Guatemala es la Metrópoli más bella del área y con un skyline de primera. Definitivamente ha invertido bastante en el tema del mejoramiento y embellecimiento urbano, los diversos programas tipo " pasos y pedales" o "trabajo por comida" a mejorado áreas verdes áreas deportivas mantenimiento y limpieza en las calles. No cabe duda que hay mucho trabajo por hacer por eso seguiré votando por usted.
Felicidades por el trabajo logrado y muchas gracias por no ser un payaso politiquero, porque de esos estamos hartos. (By Milca P L R, Guatemala City)
Comment: I support the candidacy of Mayor Álvaro Arzú for the World Major Prize, since he is passionate about developing our city to a place with better quality standards. He has provided Transmetro, a safe and efficient public transport, which has been of great benefit for our people. His whole life has been dedicated to true public service. He has been elected Mayor of Guatemala City 5 times. In between these terms he was elected President of the whole country. During his Presidency, a peace treaty was finally signed ending 36 years of armed conflict.
Guatemala city has changed substantially with Arzu: pedestrian zones, road infrastructure, especially the implementation of paths reserved exclusively for bicycles, the revitalization of parks and sidewalks, and the implementation of the Transmetro bus rapid transit system. Guatemala city has been granted as Ibero-Americas City of Culture for the year 2015. Upon receiving this award Guatemala City has won recognition as a city that shares a true belief in the role accessibility and development of cultural programs, play in helping cities thrive on the human level and Mayor Arzu has shown how it impacts the esteem and happiness of its inhabitants.
The city is notable for its cleanliness. Over 900 workers are collecting trash in the streets, making it a very clean city. There is a continuous process of recuperating public spaces, in order to give them back to the public, especially in depressed neighborhoods. These actions have added value to private property in the City. The Mayor has put special attention in sports. Twice a year the City organizes to marathons (10 km and 21 km) that are world known for its organization. Every month, there are night bicycle tours to the different boroughs, where more than 2,000 enthusiastic persons participate. I will add this link where is clearly shown the city's progress in the passed 20 years, reflection of his hard work. (By Johanna P, Guatemala City)
Comment: Buen día Señores de World Mayor:
Les escribo para votar por el Alcalde Álvaro Arzú, de la Ciudad de Guatemala, para el concurso del mejor Alcalde del mundo.
Las razones que tengo son las siguientes:
· Él ha impulsado el cambio en la sociedad a través de enseñar a niños (principalmente de áreas marginales), clases de música, arte, futbol, etc. Esto ha cambiado la vida de ellos pues en lugar de estar en la calle pueden practicar y exponer sus habilidades.
· Con los jardines infantiles brindan mucho más que educación a los niños las maestras se convierten casi en las madres de estos niños.
· Él se preocupa los la limpieza de las calles, jardinizando y renovando los parques.
· Para el adulto mayor le dan clases de floristería, cocina, dulces típicos, con esto regresan las tradiciones y la convivencia en la sociedad
· Con todo lo anterior no solo se preocupa por la infraestructura de la ciudad, él trabaja por sus habitantes y por qué tengan una mejor calidad de vida. (By Fernando C, Guatemala City)
Comment: My vote is for the Mayor of Guatemala City: Alvaro Arzú for the 2014 World Mayor Prize. Because I´m so grateful for his work. Through his management I have experienced many positive feelings.
Through the organization of the municipal event the 21k race Guatemala City began my love and passion for running. One thing to recognize is the interest of the Mayor to convey people the importance of health, the importance of physical activity. The running thrill of the 10K or 21K makes union with our parents, our brothers, our children, our families, our friends, our special persons.
Through the Transport "Transmetro" is safer and is more easy to go to our work, our homes and meeting places.
Through a "garden city" as he calls it, people can enjoy nature. Enjoy the scenery that is integrated into our lives and that makes our city look prettier.
It is important to recognize the humanitarian value of the Mayor Álvaro Arzú. He worries about poor people, older people, street children and all beings that need assistance. The charitable side of the Mayor to share during Christmas times the 'tamal" and “ponche” with the population. He conveys the real message of Christmas to the population. Being thankful with our life.
Sharing, being good people, respect and accept each other.
Is nice to have a city where you give value to culture, see how children are encouraged from an early age to love the cultural arts, to be good people.
It's nice to have a city with a territorial control. A neat and pleasant city. With appropriate services and make us live in harmony with each inhabitant.
On the grounds stated above my vote is for the Mr. Mayor of Guatemala City: Álvaro Arzú. Also because I think he has always been a man to admire. A positive leader. A man who conveys good values, values that make us good children of God, good citizens. Being admirable people. Do things with love, work with passion. Thanks Mr. Mayor for all his work, for your dedication and for making a wonderful Guatemala City. (By Olga M O A, Guatemala City)
Comment: Estimados Señores. Es un gusto saludarlos. El motivo del presente es para brindar mi total apoyo al actual alcalde municipal de la ciudad de Guatemala.
Las razones por las cuales he decido manifestar mi apoyo son por los siguientes motivos:
• Es una persona que ha demostrado el amor que le tiene a la ciudad por lo que ha sabido administrar los recursos económicos obtenidos, y es por ello que durante muchos años hemos tenido los guatemaltecos una ciudad limpia y ordenada.
• Siempre está pensando en el bien común, en el bienestar del guatemalteco. Es por ello que siempre está implementando nuevas estrategias de trabajo en beneficio de los niños de la ciudad, principalmente en aquellos que no tienen la oportunidad de estar en un hogar integrado.
• Como guatemaltecos deseamos una ciudad próspera y bendecida, en donde ya no impere la violencia y la injusticia, sino que el amor de Dios no sólo en nuestras autorizades de gobierno sino que en toda la población. En donde nuestros niños que son el futuro del mañana tengan un nuevo amacer, en un ciudad de principios y valores. Por lo antes indicado, lo consideramos como el mejor alcalde que ha tenido nuestra ciudad de Guatemala en los últimos tiempos. (By Jorge M P Y, Guatemala City)
Comment: The mayor Alvaro Arzu should win the won for the support that gives to the young people and the worry to help families of few resources. Also the school and courses in art and music in all zones of the city. Other point to add is planting 1 million of trees in differents parks, avenues and streests. Manny acluiviements that he had got and to make the city of Guatemala innovate for us the Guatemalans. (By Ricardo B, Guatemala City)
Comment: As Mayor Alvaro Arzu has supported many important projects in our city, he created the city school for arts, supporting people that have enormous talents but not the economical conditions to educate themselves, he has created a better traffic police that has been trusted even to bring security to important international visitors including the president of the US. The "transmetro" a municipal transportation that cost only $0.12 per ride and you can go from south to north with transfer included, is secure and fast is another achievement, not less important we have a clean city, a city full of trees and flowers, no more people begging in the traffic lights, no more unattended children living in the streets with all the schools and day cares created by him and his wife to attend that sector. We are really lucky to have a mayor like him because since he is passionate about developing our city to a place with better quality standards. (By Hugo H, Guatemala City)
Comment: Lleva muchos años en el puesto y siempre ha demostrado su conciencia hacia los ciudadanos y su lucha por mejorar y modernizar la ciudad cada día, me gustaría destacar una obra social muy buena que tiene y es que para Navidad invita a todas las personas que no tienen con quien pasarla o aunque tengan que vayan en familia a celebrarlo con el y su familia dándoles de cenar y esperando la media noche junto a los ciudadanos diciendo que toda Guatemala somos una gran familia y todos luchamos unidos. Simplemente se ha ganado mi respeto y me gustaría mucho que gane. Muchas Gracias. (By Francesco G, Guatemala City)
Comment: I Would like to Vote for Alvaro Arzu since I have seen the good action for secure transportation, making our City a modern city with many good changes. Thanks (By Jose A, Guatemala City)
Comment: Buenas tardes. Es un gusto para mí, poder votar por el Alcalde Arzú de la Ciudad de Guatemala, por los siguientes motivos: La Ciudad de Guatemala no es solamente una ciudad más ordenada y limpia, es actualmente una Ciudad moderna, lo cual ha traído varios beneficios al país. El contar actualmente con una Ciudad con mejores calles y avenidas, pasos a desnivel, áreas recuperadas, un mejor transporte público, se interesa por resaltar la cultura y el arte, etc. ha demostrado que el Alcalde Arzú es un hombre que trabaja por su país y que tiene una visión que sólo permite progreso. Todo esto y más, ha dado a la Ciudad de Guatemala la posibilidad de ser reconocida mundialmente. (By Gabriela Flores d A, Guatemala City)
Comment: En cada niño que aprende a ejecutar un instrumento musical y forma parte de una orquesta multi étnica; en cada ciudadano que se desplaza con seguridad en el transporte público, gozando de acceso gratuito a las redes sociales; en cada uno de aquellos que rescatados de la calle son parte de un proyecto educativo; en cada vía peatonal para unificar el espíritu familiar; en cada maratón y pista de hielo; en cada jardín y monumento restaurado; en cada fuente funcional e iluminada; en cada policía de tránsito equipado; en cada ruta construida buscando mayor fluidez; en cada bandera que ondea devolviéndonos el orgullo patrio... vemos la huella de un hombre que, sin temor a innovar, tiene una clara visión y propósito de servicio...
Por la creación de un Casco Histórico como patrimonio de la ciudad y sobre todo, por haber logrado que de nuevo, nos sintamos cómodos de invitar y dar la bienvenida a quienes nos visitan y con placer decir: --"Esta es nuestra ciudad..."--, mi voto como el Mejor Alcalde del Mundo es para el Sr. Álvaro Arzú. (By Carlos N, Guatemala City)
Comment: Mi persona cree que el Alcalde Alvaro Arzu debe de ganar el reconociemiento a mejor Alcalde del Mundo por todo lo que ha logrado mejorar nuestra ciudad, tal merito ha sido gracias a su esfuerzo, que se logra ver en los trabajos de limpieza de las calles, jardización de areas verdes, recuperación de los parques, señalización e iluminacion de las calles y/o avenidas, además han realizado trabajos de acercamiento con las personas llevando a las colonias actividades culturales y deportivas, como por ejemplo, cine en tu barrio, feria en tu barrio, campeonatos de futboll para niños y jovenes, concierto de la sinfonia juvenil, ha realizado concursos de canto entre jovenes, trabajos de obra civil para el mejoramiento del transito como los pasos a desnivel. Tambien talleres gratuidos para seguir capacitando a las personas que asi lo deseen, y aun mas importante la imprementacion del transmetro que realmente mejoro la forma de movilizacion del trabajo al hogar y viseversa, el cual se mantiene con personal de seguridad en las unidades brindando asi confianza y seguridad a las personas al utilizarlo. (By Dany Fernando A G, Guatemala City)
Comment: Considero que el señor Alvaro Arzú debe de ganar el premio a mejor Alcalde, por la capacidad que ha demostrado en su administración. Ha impulsado programas y proyectos innovadores, como el transmetro, limpieza de la ciudad, jardinización de colonias y barrios, así como el servicio de agua de manera racionada y llega cada vez a más vecinos. Soy una ciudadana que se ha beneficiado en varias ocasiones de la buena atención al vecino. Debido a los cambios y mejoras que he observado, apoyo y apoyaría su continuidad en la alcaldía de la Ciudad de Guatemala. (By Linda d L R, Guatemala City)
Comment: He's changed our city completely and given all the citizens the opportunity to use public transportation, drivers to reach their jobs and homes with much more fluency and my most amazing thing Arzu has made is give young people the chance to ride a bike (provided by Mi Muni) to go to the university making it easier for them to assist to their classes!
Our country is a beautiful place!! He enhances it's beauty and organizes all Mi Muni employees to be not only employees but to be proud of their work and keep our city clean!
He's not only a good Mayor he loves Guatemala and he loves to see it beautiful! (By Ximena M, Guatemala City)
Comment: Alvaro Arzu debería ganar al mejor alcalde 2014 debido a que durante todo el tiempo que lleva a cargo de la corporación municipal ha logrado hacer de Guatemala una ciudad limpia que todos lo visitantes que vienen al país se sorprenden de no encontrar basura tirada por las calles y de que esten jardinizadas.Otra cosa que considero importante tomar en cuenta es que todo el equipo municipal cuenta con una mística de trabajo que el ha impulsado, y es lo que hace que todos respondan al 100 por ciento por el municipio, haciendo que todos los que formamos parte de él nos sintamos orgullosos de Guatemala. Es una persona que ama el municipio y eso lo demuestra dedicándole todo el tiempo a el, en vez de estar retirado y dedicarse a sus negocios, prefiere seguir trabajando para Guatemala, porque tiene claro lo que quiere lograr en ella, sabe que falta trabajo y por eso no descansa. (By Carlos R C, Guatemala City)
Comment: He has done a lot of good work in many aspects of the human life. He has revitalized cultural activities in the city, such as singing festivals, orquestral music in neighborhoods, has sponsored music and arts in schools, Guatemala City has been nominated to be the Iberoamerican Cultural Capital for 2015, has organized a tv program called, Secrets of my City, where he raises awareness of the historic places of the city to the citizenry, he organizes municipal festivals in various neighborgoods, that include dancing, singing, ecotours, varied culirnary art forms, offers, and degustations, has involved the military in this activities to raise awareness of what their role is in a democractic society, they have stands where they s how people how they collaborate with the governments in rescue operations, such as with the use of cables to cross rivers when the bridges break, etc. He has revitilized the "Bomberos" team, or fire men, with better stations, equipment, capacitations, etc. He has capacitated the municipal transit police, so that they are more and more respected by the community and citizenry. They have easy to see clothing, so as for people to recognize them as professionals trying to organize transit in a professional and humanitarian way. They have touring style helmets, batons, and fluorescent clothing. There is an academy for them, so the job has been dignified considerably. He has ornamented the city very much, with family gardens, green pathways, for light transit, such as walking, biking, rollerskating, etc. Has supported the sports, with biking tours, marathons, etc. Has sanitized the city with better rain and wastewater collectdors. Has improved transit with a better transit system, called the "Transmetro", a system of articulated buses with exclusive rights of way, so as to resemble a train, but with the flexibility of the ways to be used with cars too if necessary, although they being resereved for the transmetro bus system. Overall the city services have improved, and the quality of life has been raised, and still has plans for more improvements. He has raised the pride of the guatemalan citizens and has overall represented us well in the city, with other majors in the area, and the world. He is not perfect but has done a good job as a politician, his career has beenn full of ideals, and the road has not been easy, for the political career was not very much respected during his time of evolution as a political leader. The leadership was militarized, was violent, and abusive, he has humanized that atmosphere, that ambiance. He has humanized the tough services, such waste collection and treatment. Although there is still much to do. There are many improvements in traffic infrastructure such as underpasses, stoplightihg, real time filming and traffic management overall. The city is becoming a better place to live as he says, a " Ciudad para Vivir" a city to live in. It is a large and populated city, and he has provided good political guidance and leadership, he is humane, idealistic and optimistic. He is not perfect, with many imperfections, but he is a good person that recognizes his mistakes and weaknesses.
I am a neighbor and citizen at zone 15 of Guatemala City, in the Vista Hermosa Neighborgood. My name is Luis Fernando Monroy Escamilla. I hope that this nomination helps all cities, towns, and populated areas around the world to become livable places where holistic wellness is the norm and the common ideal.
Comment: Alvaro Arzú has been a Mayor in a developing country but with a vision of a first world country. During his tenure he has implemented de BRT system TRANSMETRO offering a first class service to its citizens, a committed administrative team and maintaining a fee of $0.11 to help its users with their family income. Transmetro buses are in constant innovation, Euro V buses have been added to the actual fleet, and Major Arzú has also introduced pilot hybrid buses in order to integrate them to environmental improvement projects. Together with BRT Transmetro, our Major also introduced the first bicycle lane which is interconnected with the Municipal transport system for students of our Public University. Due to its overwhelming acceptance, more bicycle lanes have been introduced in different zones, and he has also bet to introduce soon the public bicycles as another service for our citizens.
Alvaro Arzú has various social programs for toddlers, children, young adults, women and elderly citizens with the purpose of promoting education and discipline through art, sports, schools, and cultural activities.
It is an honor, in a country such as Guatemala to have a Major that doesn´t need an armoured vehicle or security staff to walk among our citizens in underprivileged areas, making him keep his feet on the ground.
Major Arzú´s continuous political trajectory, is the result of our citizens acceptance to his invaluable work of maintaining a clean and green city, as well as a high rate of private investment in construction, a BRT system, bicycle lanes, social development and environmental programs, the best symphony orchestra in our country, and 22 auxiliary majors who have helped him reach our citizens right to their door.
For all this effort and all the future plans he is planning , Alvaro Arzú should win the 2014 World Mayor Prize. Alessandra Lossau
Comment: I vote for Alvaro Arzu, as Mayor he has supported many important projects in our city, he created the city school for arts, supporting people that have enormous talents but not the economical conditions to educate themselves, he has created a better traffic police that has been trusted even to bring security to important international visitors including the president of the US. The "transmetro" a municipal transportation that cost only $0.12 per ride and you can go from south to north with transfer included, is secure and fast is another achievement, not less important we have a clean city, a city full of trees and flowers, no more people begging in the traffic lights, no more unattended children living in the streets with all the schools and day cares created by him and his wife to attend that sector. We are really lucky to have a mayor like him. (By Ana V,Guatemala City
Comment: En mi opinión el mejor alcalde de toda Guatemala Es Doc.Tono Coro. En los años que lleva como alcalde se ha visto el cambio y las grandes mejoras..
Sus logros:
• Uno de sus mayores logros en mi opinión es haber puesto la municipalidad de Santa Catarina Pinula libre deanalfabetismo. Para ellos Construyo 17 modernos edificios escolares con tecnología y bibliotecas al rededor de todo el municipio.
• Dio Agua potable al municipio construyendo 40 pozos de agua.
• Para evitar el problema de la lluvia en las calles y los emposamientos construyo red de drenajes y alcantarillas en todo el municipio.
• Se encarga del mantenimiento y la pavimentacion de las carreteras y calles.
• para poder atendernos mejor ademas de tener una Edificio de la municipalidad impecable y con buen servicio y gente capacitada.. creo las mini munis, los cuales son pequeños edificios alrededor e nuestra municipalidad para poder atender nuestras necesidades mas rápido para evitar ir tan lejos a su central.
• Ha hecho edificios importantes de ayuda a la sociedad como los son Hospitales, Bibliotecas, Guarderías,Mercados, Salones de Eventos sociales, Parques, Escuelas. Centros de Computación, centros de Capacitación , Polideportivos entre otros.
• Para agilizar el trafico diseño y construyo 4 pasos a desnivel, coloco policías de transito en lugares estratégicos en horas de trafico y carriles reversibles que se activan a ciertas horas para brindar un carril extra a la vía que lo necesite.
• Para mayor seguridad posemos cámaras de seguridad, transito y de velocidad.
• A generado Programas sociales para jóvenes, personas de la tercera edad
• Programas de capacitación y desarrollo para la mujer.
• Se a enfocado en la implementación de sistemas de recaudación de tasas, impuestas y arbitrios municipales que ha permitido aumentar los ingresos e inversiones en el municipio desde el año 2000.
• Si Queremos hablar de físicamente de nuestra municipio se ve mejor cada día, ya que se ha encargado de la siembra de hermosos arboles y flores; ademas de jardinizar parques y áreas publicas y de colocar estructuras que adornan nuestro municipio. Esto no solo adorna nuestro ambiente si no también ayuda a nuestro planeta.
Ademas de todos sus logros en lo personal donde yo vivo nos ayudado mucho dándonos iluminación eléctrica (ya que no poseímos postes de iluminación) y seguridad (hace unos 10 años o mas asaltaban mucho cuando estaba todavía en el colegio y me tocaba caminar y me daba miedo.. ahora en lo personal yo me siento mas segura)
Una de las cosas que me encanta ver es a los niños de la escuelita cerca de mi casa... ya que van con felicidad y cada vez veo que hay mas niños en lugar de menos.. Eso es algo bueno ya que nos dará un mejor futuro en nuestra sociedad. Para mi es el mejor alcalde de toda Guatemala no solo el mejor si no también el mas honesto y correcto, que es de lo mas importante que posee. Espero que lo consideren como el mejor alcalde de toda Guatemala. (By Ana G R F)
Comment: I support the candidacy of Mayor Álvaro Arzú for the World Major Prize, since he is passionate about developing our city to a place with better quality standards. He has provided Transmetro, a safe and efficient public transport, which has been of great benefit for our people. He is sincerely concerned about making the difference for many children that live in poor neighborhoods with deprived conditions. He supports a lot of sports and cultural activities. Besides, countless efforts to improve the city streets and public infrastructure have been made thanks to his administration in the City Hall. (By Karen S, Guatemala City)
Comment: I think that the Mayor Arzu, deserves the Prize because it is a person who has the vision to keep the city of Guatemala at the forefront as a metropolis that proud to all Guatemalans, this has worked tirelessly in carrying out various social programmes, such as the public transport system called TRANSMETRO, attention to children at risk from street, children's gardens, municipal clinics, school where young people can learn a trade, etc., in the cultural side has encouraged art in young people and children promoting dance and music through the municipal Youth Orchestra, in the case of the works which I admire is that his team is that you regardless of the time is night and day, are seen carrying out activities throughout the city, in the case of agents of transit, under the Sun or rain remain in their places of work, helping to give a better ordering the large number of vehicles circulating through the city daily, the squares and avenues are carefully maintained with flowers and cleaning that highlights, in the case of the streets since early of the day sees people sweeping and picking up the garbage falling for one reason or another in the same. (By L M L)
Comment: I think Alvaro Arzu's main achievement has been his unprecedented contribution towards establishing prestige in our public institutions and pride in our local identity through provision of efficient municipal basic services and outreach in cultural development.
His whole life has been dedicated to true public service. He has been elected Mayor of Guatemala City 5 times. In between these terms he was elected President of the whole country. During his Presidency, a peace treaty was finally signed ending 36 years of armed conflict.
Guatemala city has changed substantially with Arzu: pedestrian zones, road infrastructure, especially the implementation of paths reserved exclusively for bicycles, the revitalization of parks and sidewalks, and the implementation of the Transmetro bus rapid transit system.
Guatemala city with Arzu also has experienced important recent social changes. Coverage of public domestic services (water, street lighting, and street cleaning) has increased and efforts have been made to include the poorest neighborhoods.
Public space has been greatly improved from 2004-2014. It went from being nobody‚s place, without serious attention of the administration, appropriated for anyone‚s private use and without any consideration for human beings, to become the space par excellence of the city.
In addition to the maintenance of the projects already implemented, Guatemala city is experiencing a renaissance, Alvaro Arzu has an uncompromising belief that investing in culture and the arts, makes a great contribution to human development, because it promotes values like creativity, diversity, preservation of tradition and identity, resulting in a more dignified way of human life in the city.
It can be seen that because the infrastructure and cultural activities Mayor Arzu has instituted unprecedented opportunities are now accesible to people who never dreamed it could be part of their lives.
Concretely he has established several dance, music, acting and art academies many of which are in the inner city that are free of charge and have been operating year-round for the past 8 years. Benefiting thousands an thousands of young people and and their families.
Now, art is everywhere in this city where exciting events happen all year long. From dance to music to theatre to ballet to film, not only are all forms represented, but they all showcase the city‚s signature creativity, energy and passion. What‚s more, the city‚s calendar overflows with incredible entertainment spanning all disciplines all year long. Performing arts festivals organized by the municipality are held throughout the year in the 22 districts of the city, much to the delight of local patrons.
Guatemala city has been granted as Ibero-Americas City of Culture for the year 2015. Upon receiving this award Guatemala City has won recognition as a city that shares a true belief in the role accessibility and development of cultural programs, play in helping cities thrive on the human level and Mayor Arzu has shown how it impacts the esteem and happiness of its inhabitants.
I believe that Mayor Alvaro Arzu deserved to win the 2014 World Mayor Prize for his extraordinary efforts to make cultural development, a part of health and social development in Guatemala City, and the key to transforming the lives of previously marginalized citizens. (By Reny B, Guatemala City)
Comment: Alvaro Arzu is an example of public service to all of us young adults. Its incredilbe to see all of the work he has done in our city and in our coutry. Especially now as a mayor Alvaro Arzu has dignified what a public service is in our City and has encourage in all of us the desire to serve our City and our country following his example of a life devoted to public service with hard work and passion for fighting for a better City to give our children to live in one day in the future.
Alvaro Arzu has brought self respect back to our city and citizens with modern services and infrastructure. We can find in the city hall technology at the service of all of the citizens, the SAP system has been established for all of the transactions done in the city hall, iso certifications for some of its most imporant office and all of this done to serve us the citizens better and better each time.Excellence in public service is a model that Alvaro Arzu has brought to our city.
Our city, as all of the cities in the world, has a problem with security and eduaction and for this problem the mayor Arzu has taken actions in investing in Art and Education for the children and youth of our city. All of this is seen as actions trying to restore the values that have been lost in our city population. All of this is done by mayor Arzu trying to help guatemalan youth to fight violence with art and eduaction. Its impressive to see scarce resource kids and adults playing the violin and guitars in the municipal orchestra in the middle of our parks bringing art to our city and to their lifes and homes.
I firmly believe this will reduces violence and crime in low-income neighborhoods by training youths and has transformed the city into open-air galleries and with this mayor Arzu is positively restoring our communities.
This has earned the city the recognition as Ibero-Americas City of Culture for the year 2015 and this for our city is extraordinary and makes us very proud.
For me Alvaro Arzu is a Mayor and a leader that has inspired many young people to dedicate their time and effort in making the City of a Guatemala the City we want to live in the City we want our kids to live in. All of this is why Alvaro Arzu deserves to win the Prize for World Mayor 2014 (By Anajoyce, Guatemala City)
Comment: Creo que el Alcalde Alvaro Arzú, es el mejor alcalde a nivel mundial, porque se ha preocupado en educar y culturalizar a las personas que habitan y que visitan la ciudad en temas de muchísima importancia como la educación vial y nos hace consciencia para que no viajemos solos en un vehículo sino que podamos ayudarnos unos a otros viajando en el mismo vehículo, la importacia de la limpieza de las calles, el cuidado del agua potable, el amor al planeta invitandonos a sembrar árboles y a cuidar los jardines de la ciudad, nos ha brindado cultura a traves de las afamadas escuelas de pintura, música, escultura, etc... Le ha dado su lugar a las mujeres apoyandolas en proyectos que generen ingresos para sus hogares y cuidando a sus hijos en lo que ellas trabajan y aprenden. También ha orientado sus esfuerzos en la juventud a traves de las escuelas talleres en las que se les enseña a los jóvenes algun trabajo como herrería, carpintería, albañilería, etc
Creo que es el mejor Alcalde y lo considero una bendición de Dios para nuestro país, pues es de los pocos verdaderos líderes a nivel mundial que se han destacado por convertir la voluntad de los habitantes en una responsabilidad por hacer bien las cosas y lograr que nuestro país salga adelante. (By Maria del COG)
Comment: I support the candidacy of Alvaro Arzú for the World Mayor Award 2014 because his capability as state man is widely proven in Guatemala. He has been Mayor of the city for four periods of four years each. The first period as Mayor was before he was President of Guatemala and since 2004 he has been elected Mayor of the city three times in a row. During these administration periods he has modernized the city implementing among other actions, an efficient and reliable public transportation system "Transmetro",building under and overpass ways, establishing legal certainty to investors. He has also recuperated and revitalized emblematic areas in the city to promote citizen encounter. (By Conrado D)
Comment: El señor alcalde, ha hecho de la capital una tacita de plata, pues ahora tenemos areas verdes, calles,calzadas y avenidas más limpias, los grupos de limpieza que ha organizado, ha puesto ha estudiar a los niños que sus papas trabajan en el relleno sanitario. ha quitado a niños y niñas de la calle y les ha enseñado un oficio. ha ilu- minado calles, los carriles reversibles los cuales ha ayudado a descongestionar el trafico.la infraestructura,viaductos-pasarelas. el paseo de la sexta ha dejado paso al peatón. Por mi parte no quisiera que dejara la municipalidad pues no hemos tenido a ningún alcalde que se preocupe tanto por embellecer la capital y preocuparse por el vecino. (By Marta, Guatemala City)
Comment: Alvaro Arzu has shown that all of his projects are integrated and focus to build a better city. Within the public transportation he has provided access to a safe and reliable public transportation for citizens. Transmetro mobilizes more than two hundred thousand people daily inside the city. This project has also included bike as another transportation, helping the environment by reducing the amount of pollution and greenhouse gass emissions generated each day. This initiatives has promote sens of belonging to sustainable city. (By Diego B)
Comment: I want to support the candidacy of Mayor Alvaro Arzu since he revolutionized the urban transport system in the city of Guatemala, through the introduction of the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) reducing travel times, energy consumption, harmful to the environment emissions, benefiting and dignifying more than 76% of the total population in Guatemala that utiiliza public transport. his vision and leadership make me feel part of a city that proposes changes to the future and to provide opportunities for those who live in it. (By Eddy M)
Comment: I grant my vote to Alvaro Arzu because Guatemala City has changed substantially with Arzu: pedestrian zones, road infraestructure, especially the implementation of paths reserved exclusivelly for bicycles, the revitalization of parks and sidewalks, and the implementation of the Transmetro bus rapid transit system. But I will grant him a sole recognition upon the fact that he is implementingnew urban policies that are transforming the way we are going to live in Guatemala City, creating a city in which its habitants are going to live comfortable and safe. (By Luis Pedro B Q)
Comment: Alvaro Arzú is a non-stop hard working person. He has established changes throughout the city in many different areas. One of this areas is art and culture, not only promotion and events but also in establishing academies of dance, music, acting and art. He believes and understands development, so he gives equal opportunities to reduce the inequalities that we suffer. This gives the people not only events, but they can learn art, which contributes to their personal development. We have literally thousands of new artist everywhere. Artistic development creates an important change in our reality. This promotes values in them and dignifies each person. He believes and understands development, so he gives equal opportunities to people to reduce the inequalities, so this programs are available to all especially marginalized populations. From the art and with it, the city has experienced an evolution not only in the infrastructure but in the people. (By Maria Isabel H)
Comment: I am supporting Avaro Arzu mayor of Guatemala because in the area of infrastructure, Guatemala City has grown tremendously, constructing and maintaining roads, bridges, undeparths both for main as well as secondary roads, improving and adding new public lighting and water systems; increasing the BRT lines of its transportation system (TRANSMETRO) from one in 2008 to three in 2014 and recuperating its parks and public spaces to make a more pedestrian like city.
The city is notable for its cleanliness. Over 900 workers are collecting trash in the streets, making it a very clean city. There is a continuous process of recuperating public spaces, in order to give them back to the public, especially in depressed neighborhoods. These actions have added value to private property in the City. The Mayor has put special attention in sports. Twice a year the City organizes to marathons (10 km and 21 km) that are world known for its organization. Every month, there are night bicycle tours to the different boroughs, where more than 2,000 enthusiastic persons participate. (By Allessandra G)
Comment: In proposing Alvaro Arzu for the 2014 WORLD MAYOR PRIZE, I do it because I do believe that his work in Guatemala City has been exemplary. Arzu was elected mayor for the period 1986 to 1990, and after that he was president of the republic from 1996 to 2000. He currently serves as mayor having been elected again in 2004, this being his third consecutive term. I do believe that his greatest achievement, is that under his leadership the citizens of Guatemala City are able to have access to better services that allows for a better quality of life; structured to be effective now and in the future. Arzu can be seen every day executing strong leadership, encouraging city employees to work diligently to provide drinking water, garbage collection, sewage treatment, road maintenance, fire protection and many other programs and services. (By Jonatan M)
Comment: I believe that the Mayor Alvaro Arzu deserves the World Mayor Prize.
1) A person who has benefited thousands of Guatemalans, turning the city of Guatemala, in many improvements since we lived in a very precarious city, The Guatemalan as aware of the need for Guatemalans deserve better our city has modernized .
2) He has generated thousands of jobs, to follow up on the projects, so that keeps our city well, such is the case transmetro transport, with excellent transport organization, worthy of every human being.
3) A cleaner city, at night go've seen watering the green areas of the city have also seen gardeners, people haciando the city, and thousands of others involved in improving diudad.
4) Maintain roads in good condition, also the order of the tracks of roads with the cops of Emetra, to order the vehicular traffic.
5) You have created social programs, which helps children and teen street homelessness, sexual exploitation, violence, hunger, crime and neglect even his own family. The wife of the capital's mayor, Patricia de Arzu, aware that the foundations of society are forged within a united family and who fears God, created in 2004 Care Centres for Children and Adolescents at Risk Street.
6) Within the social programs that are also like me: Municipal libraries helping education, children's gardens or nurseries also called to help working parents, also helping the elderly which is called adult project greater, Municipal Office woman this project is to help women to learn different trades so that they can defend life by organizing sports events such as marathons, steps and pedals for families on weekends will recreate, sports tournaments, fairs for the family to enjoy and recreate, supporting health, and finally I love when decorating Christmas town, vibe is a very nice atmosphere.
7) Support the singers, athletes and others.
It has changed our city for good, although a few do not like, but most if we like because we like to live in a clean city, is an example to follow because what it does in heart, every day I give thanks to God for having people who care about others, I love my city I'm happy. (By Williams G)
Comment: Mayor Arzú has provided oportunities in education and arts for young people and children in the understanding that this issues develop capabilities for life. This are some of the actions he has implemented to promote the city to live in. I am so proud to live in the today's Guatemala city. (By German B.)
Comment: I consider Alvaro Arzu should win the World Mayor 2014 award, because he has shown he is a leader who can manage his team to get the city to the future and the right develop for its citizens, he is providing access to a modern, safe and cheap public transportation (BRT system) and building bike lanes for a more sustainable mobility for the city. (David R, Guatemala City)
Comment: Some people would think that there are no good mayors because people think all is corruption but mayor Álvaro has changed Guatemala City, one big change he has been doing is the transmetro, Its like a train but with wheels and It have change all Guatemalans life style, Other things that i have seen doing Its the repairs of streets when You see him no tv hes telling us what changes will do on the future Guatemala. And another important thing to tell is not only Mayor Álvaro but also the good, prepared and workers people that makes his team the best that Guatemala have in all these years passed. Indeed people claim Other political period then You can see why people vote for him and his team. (By Jhonatan L, Guatemala City)
Comment: I consider Alvaro Arzu should win the World Mayor 2014 Award because he has dedicated many years to public service. He started at the very young age serving people who where very poor by implementing projects in marginalize communities. As mayor he has not forgotten people in need and has established a very strong social agenda in the city, he believes that though education sports and cultural opportunities we can reduce the poverty gap. Since he was president of the country up to his Administration as Mayor he has changed the lives of many people by given them real opportunities to improve their quality of life. (By Keving A)
Comment: I consider he should win the World Mayor 2014 Award because he has dedicated many years to public service. He started at the very young age serving people who where very poor by implementing projects in marginalize communities. As mayor he has not forgotten people in need and has established a very strong social agenda in the city, he believes that though education sports and cultural opportunities we can reduce the poverty gap. Since he was president of the country up to his Administration as Mayor he has changed the lives of many people by given them real opportunities to improve their quality of life. (By Jeff C, Guatemala City)
Comment: I believe Alvaro Arzú is the best mayor because he promotes sports as a main part of education and has implemented football schools, organizes runs and bicycle tours as strategy to identify and be proud of the City we live in. It has made the Municipality the first institution to give spaces for extreme sports such as skating, inline skating, longboard, BMX, slack line, and outdoor workouts. (By Diego C)
Comment: Mayor Arzu has to be elected because he has a vision that is not centered on infrastructure but on people. The city has developed projects for the people, like the 600 young adults that are learning English in order to help them get a job at the booming industry of call centers. (By Alessandra G, Guatemala City)
Comment: The Transmetro is wonderful in Guatemala City. The Mayor Arzú make great work in the public transportation. (By Ricardo F F, Guatemala City)
Comment: Mayor Arzu has improved a new way of transportation within the city, TRANSMETRO is accesible to everyone, at a very low price, secure, efficient, punctual, safe, and fast. Well done! (By Ana L P, Guatemala City)

World Mayor
The philanthropic City Mayors Foundation awards the World Mayor Prize every two years to a mayor who has made outstanding contributions to his / her community and has developed a vision for urban living and working that is relevant to towns and cities across the world. The Prize has been awarded since 2004.
Anyone voting for a mayor is also asked to consider whether his / her candidate is likely to agree to the City Mayors Code of Ethics. Mayors wishing to be considered for the World Mayor Prize will be asked to sign up to the Code.
Votes must be accompanied by a thoughtful supporting statement.
2014/15 Timetable
First-round nominations were accepted until the middle of May 2014. A longlist of 121 candidates was published on 22 May. A shortlist of 26 nominees was announced on 18 June 2014. A second round of voting will take place between now and the middle of October. The winner of the 2014 World Mayor Prize and other results of the World Mayor Project were announced on 3 February 2015.
The philanthropic City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank on urban affairs, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. Mayors wishing to be considered for the World Mayor Prize will be asked to sign up to the City Mayors Code of Ethics.
The winner receives the artistically acclaimed World Mayor trophy, while the runner-up is given the World Mayor Commendation.
Winners and runners-up
2004 to 2014
In 2014: Winner: Naheed Nenshi (Calgary, Canada); First runner-up: Daniël Termont (Ghent, Belgium); Second runner-up: Tri Rismaharini (Surabaya, Indonesia)
In 2012: Winner: Iñaki Azkuna (Bilbao, Spain); Runner-up: Lisa Scaffidi (Perth, Australia); In third place: Joko Widodo (Surakarta, Indonesia)
In 2010: Winner: Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City, Mexico); Runner-up: Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City, USA); In third place: Domenico Lucano (Riace, Italy)
In 2008: Winner: Helen Zille (Cape Town, South Africa); Runner up: Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich, Switzerland); In third place: Leopoldo López (Chacao, Venezuela)
In 2006: Winner: John So (Melbourne, Australia); Runner up: Job Cohen (Amsterdam, Netherland); In third place: Stephen Reed (Harrisburg, USA)
In 2005: Winner: Dora Bakoyannis (Athens, Greece); Runner-up: Hazel McCallion (Mississauga, Canada); In third place: Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City, Guatemala)
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana, Albania); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City, Mexico); In third place: Walter Veltroni (Rome, Italy)