Thabo Manyoni, Mayor of Mangaun (Bloemfontein) South Africa

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Testimonials for
Thabo Manyoni
Mayor of Mangaung (Bloemfontein) South Africa
The winner and runner-ups of World Mayor 2014 will be chosen based on the number of nominations in relation to the size of their cities and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of testimonials received during this year's World Mayor Project. Below we publish a selection of comments received to date about WM nominee Thabo Manyoni, Mayor of Mangaung, South Africa.
Comment: Mr Thabo Manyoni since his appointment as the Excutive Mayor of Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality (MMM) has brought an immense stability and leadership that the city has been striving for for many many years. He took over an institution that was riddled with many challenges both at the political level and administration. His vast experience in both fields has assisted the institution to move forward and eventually become an institution where its employees and the community can rely on and be proud citizens of the city.
He is currently doing the same in making sure that many municipalities in South Africa and africa in general realises and take service delivery much more serious and commit themselves towards citizens empowerment, its a complex and very dedicated process that requires an extensive engagement and a dynamic leader such as him.
It my considerate view and opinion that with all that he has done and continuies to do qualifies him to be nominated as the 2014 World Mayor. (By Lele M, Bloemfontein)
Comment: I personally believe that Clr Thabo Manyoni deserves the award of a World Mayor because of his competence in running the Metro. Firstly the transition from a local municipality to a Metro municipality of the Mangaung municipality occurred in his term. The transition was smooth and without turbulence. The stability in the municipal area, meaning very little service delivery protests testify of the excellence of his administrative skills. He is very swift in addressing crises as they arise. There’s a time when we had a water crisis and he responded swiftly. In the process of addressing the issue he kept the communities affected informed of the progress.
Being a mayor is about serving people and he is a true servant of the people. He leads the metro with a vision that serves the people not himself. Regards. (By Loyiso M, Mangaung)
Comment: Mr. Thabo Manyoni deserves to be appointed once more again as 2014 World Mayor. I have got strong reasons behind my points;
1) He has proved himself as a committed citizen by changing the face of the Mangaung Metro on issues of infrastructure and tourism,
2) Briefly around tourism programmes as we all know that Bloemfontein is the birthplace of the ANC from 1910 when South Africa became a Union, the government took more and more control of Black peoples affairs,
3) Within the vicinity of Bloemfontein, the Mayor ensured that tourist attractions are properly renovated, upgraded by putting signage in areas like your Naval Hill where the statue of Nelson Mandela attracts thousands of tourist, Free State Youth Martyrs Monument, New Clare Township and etc.
4) The Metro has ensured adequate levels of public safety in road transport in order to maximize business opportunities and to regulate themselves incrementally to improve safety, reliability, quality and efficiency of services (By Mfundo N, Bloemfontein)
Comment: I really think Mr Manyoni should win this award, he has changed Motheo Municipality to become Mangaung Metro Municipality. With his hard work and dedication, passion that he put in his work, he is a motivation to his employees that is why Mangaung Metro it is today. Mangaung Metro its not the wealthiest municipality in South Africa but with the little money the municipality gets, Mr Manyoni invest it into the benefits of its residents, he is a great leader indeed, the leader that thinks for his followers but not himself. This award its a great opportunity for Mr Monyani to outshine himself in the world especially coming from the Free State Province. (By Modi M, Mangaung)
Comment: I would like to vote for Cllr Thabo Manyoni because he is a people person and he treats every body equal. Since he was elected as mayor at Mangaung, the metro has now reach world class services and it is the best metro in South Africa. Bloemfontein is the most attractive city for tourist. (By Mavis, Tumahole Parys)
Comment: I am a resident in Mangaung Municipality the only metro in the Free State province in South Africa, where the candidate in the first Executive Mayor, the National SALGA Chairperson The candidate has proven to be the most intelligent, smart and innovative person that made this municipality flourish even at SALGA he has made tremendous changes. Therefore I am voting for him to the title. (By Me V, Mangaung)
Comment: South Africa I m an employee at president hotel I vote for MAYor THABO MANYONI for what he has done for people of Managing n he changed the image of managing ,managing is better city now than before since Mr many on I took over the mayoral office so I don't have the reason to doubt him to win the prise for world mayor halala mayor many on I halal a for it keep it up good work never get tired to improve lives of mangaung residents. With kindly regards. (By Tj M, Bloemfontein)
Comment: I am nominating Mayor of Mangaung metro municipality Hounarable Thabo Manyoni for the world mayor award. He is phenomenal mayor that touched the lives of the residences of Mangaung city. He has tackled unemployment and reduced poverty to the lowest point since the dawn of democracy. He is also doing an outstanding job at boosting local business by empowering them with skills and resources. Weeks ago i attended his meeting of business people within the Mangaung region and was taken aback as he tabulated his infrastructural plan. He urged local entrepreneurs to participate in improvements of the city. I came to Mangaung for studying purposes but have now decided to reside permanently in his city. He gives not only those in Magaung hope but the country at large. I have never witnessed a mayor of such caliber in 23 years of my life time. It is always breath taking to see such leaders going extra miles in ensuring better life for all. I have traveled the world but never seen the warmth of the city like Mangaung. Please note that i am not from Mangaung and not sure if i meet the criteria for voting. Should it be the case that i do, I am voting for his execellency Hounarable Thabo Manyoni. (By Ditebogo T, Mangaung)
1. Seisa Ramabodu Stadium uplifting
2. Old locations in Mangaung are almost tarred roads or at least paved
3. Open door policy at his office
4. N8 Road houses & business project in process, this will bring services closer to people far away from Bloemfontein
5. Bloemfontein, the City of Roses is really clean compared to most in RSA
6. Statistics SA declared that fewer people die in the Free State Province. That means security is up to standards if the City is well managed, therefore boosts foreign investor confidence
7. Building of another world class stadium at another District in Parys
8. Lastly Cllr. Thabo Manyoni is always down to earth as well as a hard working servant of the people of the Free State Province. He's simply the best and very intelligent. He deserves the accolades since they are rebuilding from the imbalances caused by the former apartheid regime in South Africa. (By Benjamin T, Mangaung)
When he was a Mayor in Maluti~A~Phofung, we've seen no service delivery protests because he was so dedicated to his job as a Mayor. He prioritised service delivery and made sure that he wants to lead a happy and satisfied community. We never had an electricity crisis in his term as a mayor in Phuthaditjhaba like we do now.He is a down to earth individual who interacts with members of community despite their colour or backround. Even he was no longer Maluti~A~Phofung mayor, he came back to Phuthaditjhaba two years back, to donate blankets and had dinner with destitute elderly people (100) who now confides in the Old Age Home here in Qwa Qwa to show how much he cares about them. As the first Mayor, of first Metro in the Free State,I think this atticulates and filters back that he is the leader to be reckoned with and whose performance reflects his position as a Mayor.He has done well so far and deserve it. (By Mpembe M C, Phuthaditjhaba)
Comment: There are words that say " a great leader can only be seeing by the work of his hands", saying this is words is my way of honouring our mayor ( Mangaung Manyoni )for the great job he being doing not only as its his dutie as he occupied the seat but because of his passion, determination for change ..I am not going to write a long scenario but i will say he has proving to us that a great leader is of the works of his heart. (By Nketile T, Bloemfontein)
Comment: I, Honorable President and Director, of the Free State Broadcasting Organisation Community Television (FSBO TV) a Community radio and television broadcasting services mandated and established to meet the need of the previously disadvantaged communities in the Free State, as stipulated in the broadcasting act, of South Africa in terms of digital visual way.
With the purpose to supply, coordinate ,f acilitate,train,educate and regulate community radio and television stations in the province of Free State and across the border. I, Mr. Dilano L. do hereby Vote for the Councillor. Thabo Manyoni to be Awarded the prize hosted by the London-based City Mayors Foundation regarding his performance providing to the Communities not only in Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality, but both Free State province in general as an active Member of the leading political party.
I am humbly Honored to be a candidate nominating Mr. Thabo Manyoni he has the Vision, Passion and Skills to lead the City as a Mayor, i am Impressed with the service delivery he provide to the people he serve that shows the integrity and impact in the socio economic cycle by eradicating poverty, inequality and most of all unemployment. It is in my interest to meet up with mayor to further the discussion. On his availability should consider the fact of implementing the local community television station in the Free State province which will grant him more access of recognition not only in the Mangaung but in the republic of South Africa since well he is one of the two candidate nominated in the continent of Africa. (By Dilano L, Free State Province)
Comment: Ntate Manyoni is the best mayor ever,i remember last year one of the kids from my area didn't have matric farewell clothes,this boy doesn't have parents and he was good with his studies,i tried everything I can to get him clothes but couldn't get help,I was just worried that him not going to such and important event would break him and will fail his matric.
I asked my sister to please help me meet Ntate Manyoni and she made us an appointment with him,but without us even meeting him when he heard the boy story he gave him money to buy things he needed,till this day the boy has never stopped talking about his special day and he passed his finals with a happy heart.
Thanx to Ntate Manyoni for lifting the boy spirit. (By Mamahlomola M, Bloemfontein)
Comment: I nominate Executive Mayor Thabo Manyoni to win 2014 World Mayor Prize,because in his reign as Mayor, he has for the first time in the history of Government of FS, included the church as a part of Government, interacted with us the church,promised us sites as a church and some churches have received their sites. Visited different churches including ours and impacted communities.
Mayor also involve small business people in his meetings, he engaged with us without discretion and his doors are always open for the community.
Lastly Mayor Manyoni has involved Communities in his Strategic Development, all stake holders and all communities have seen our streets changing and being renamed to enhance Democracy. There are Developments in our streets ,roads are being renewed are also Projects on the Pipeline to make our lives easier like the airport Project and the Train Project. (By Mamokebe Ellen T, Bloemfontein)
Comment: I believe Councillor Manyoni deserves the World Mayor award because he as brought change in the lives of the ordinary citizens of Mnagaung through evident service delivery initiatives. Amongs other things, upon resuming his duties as the Executive Mayor, he realised that water shortage will be a challenge in the next three to four years then he planned the building of a bigger reservoir to ensure uninterrupted supply of water to the communities of Mangaung at large.
He has implemented a number of service delivery projects to enhance the lives of the people. For example, he has built toilets in Thaba Nchu, a number of streets of Mangaung are being paved or tarred. (By Gauta N, Mangaung)
Comment: The reasons why I am voting for Mr. Manyoni: He is a man of passion. He motivates those he is leading to be productive in what they are doing. He is leading a great city in South Africa which is Bloemfontein. As a leader, he knows how to communicate with all stakeholders irrespective of their political affiliation. He is a decisive leader, who respects human rights. He commits himself in whatever he does. As a team leader, he is exemplary in his conduct. He deserves to be nominated in the world mayors list and I hereby request that he be nominated as the number one world mayor. (By Gordon K L, Hartswater SA)
Comment: I support the nomination of Mr Manyoni as the best Mayor of the world , He improved the life of Mangaung people and he maintains the Mangaung City to its best. Unlike other Mayors who put all the money to new establishment and forget to do maintainace to the existing infrasture. The mayor of Mangaung is really by improving the basic needs of our people. He has a passion for the old people, the youth and the business people make Mangaung better place to invest in. Mr Mayor Managung is always passionate about development rather than enriching the individuals with zero tolerance to corruption. (By Happy T, Bloemfontein)
Comment: The following are reasons I support Manyoni for World Mayor 2014:
• 1. Infrastructure - there has been major improvements in infrastructure represented by roads, revamped international airport, and housing. The rate of growth has been massive and the city has responded well by supplying bulk infrastructure (water, electricity, sanitation).
• 2. Tourism - the city enjoys, after Cape Town and Durban, the highest leisure related tourism. It is the host to Makhufe Cultural Festival which has grown to be the largest of its kind in Africa and at the same level as Montreux Jazz Festival in terms of organisation. This has boosted growth in tourism in the city and therefore jobs.
• 3. Sports - the city is home to premier league teams in rugby (Cheetas); soccer (Bloemfontein Celtics); and cricket (Knights). This has boosted sports tourism.
• 4. Political Climate - the city is home to the University of Free State - which encountered a racial incident in its residence, The Reitz, whereby 4 white students made black cleaners drink their urine. The incident had the potential to lead to massive race riots. But the vice chancellor - Prof Jonathan Jansen with the support of the city (by maintaining law & order) turned the whole episode into an opportunity for improving race relations through reconciliation. This is Nelson Mandela's legacy.
5. Conference Capacity - the city hosted the 2012 centenary (100) celebrations of the ruling party - the African National Congress (ANC) in January and the party's elective conference in December. The experience was very positive for those who attended and proved the city's capacity to host large conferences with over 30 000 visitors.
6. Liveable city - the crime rate is low compared to other cities and has a good school system producing good results each year.
7. Leadership - Manyoni was appointed against the backdrop of major internal corruption allegations. Under his leadership, he has restored the culture of clean government. He is a humble man who is not the news but the city is the news.
8. Economic Development - South Africa has a high unemployment rate especially amongst the youth. The city established development programmes such as the Expanded Public Works and Urban Renewal which are labour intensive and thus created job opportunities.
• 9. Integrated Development - unlike most cities of the world, Mangaung has a major agricultural economy and therefore rural element. In growing the city, their development plans as compared to all cities in South Africa has been the best at accommodating the rural & agricultural aspect of the city. This means having for example clinics, schools, transport and other services for residents in the rural part of the city as opposed to trying to force urbanization.
10. Affordable city - it is the cheapest city to live in South Africa. Property growth has been strong but without making it impossible for first time buyers to afford a house. This is one of the major factors that retains young professionals in the city because they have a great quality of life at an affordable level. (By Malose K)
Comment: I hereby wish to nominate my Executive Mayor Thabo Manyoni for the World Mayor Award 2014.
• 1. Outstanding contributions to his community: Ntate Manyoni has enabled the citizens of Mangaung to reclaim their dignity from the shackles of our Apartheid past of racial segregation, oppression, no housing, no social amenities, irrelevant and racially motivated urban development and settlements. The citizens of Mangaung now have access to state funded housing and or human settlements, social amenities, current and future human settlement developments that are geared towards breaching the racial divide of the past where black people were only settled in areas that are very far from their work places. The people of Bloemfontein, Botshabelo and Thaba Nchu can now envision a future where the distance between these 3 towns will be breached by developments on the N8 Corridor
• 2. Developed a vision for urban living and work that is relevant to towns and cities across the world. Mangaung citizens can today say our City is lead and being taken on a developmental path that is based on international best practices evident of the fact that under the leadership of Mr Manyoni this City is indeed on the move towards being a world class African City recognisable within an oceans of Cities of the world
• 3. Mangaung “as a globally safe and attractive city to work, invest and live in” and visit. The historical heritage of our City has taken centre stage in positioning our City as a place in Africa and the world where anyone can Live, Work, Play, Visit and Invest
This is among others why I ask the Committee to reward and recognise our City's visionary leadership by bestowing Ntate Manyoni with the World Mayor 2014 award. (By Kenny D, Bloemfontein)
Comment: I would like to nominate the Mayor of Mangaung, Thabo Manyoni. He is a visionary Mayor whom his efforts to development the Metropolitan has ignited a lot of opportunities towards the creation of jobs in the community through business forums and strategic partnerships with the business people. Above all he has a passion of developing his community. (By Anesu T, Bloemfontein)
Comment: Mayor Thabo Manyoni is a leader who leads by example. He engages the community in all the programmes of the Municipality. When there is a new project the Leadership of the Municipality will engage the affected communities and take them to their confidence, by going to wards, to the local and regional radio stations to discuss issues affecting the community. He is the perfect example of a leader to be nominated as a World Mayor. Under his leadership, the Municipality that was a local municipality has been upgraded to be a Metropolitan Municipality. (By Pascoe S M, Bloemfontein)
Comment: I nominate Mayor Moses Thabo Manyoni for this award because since he took over the office he has save this council, before he took the office the municipality was bankrupt and there’s were no stability in the municipality and non-performance and no service delivery and unhappiness of the employees an community.
But since he took over he have turn the council around because of his strategic approach and commitment and show loyalty to the people of Mangaung and the Free State, and more confidence that this council will go forward and achieve a lot under his leadership.
Under his leadership, the Municipality moved from Auditor General report of Disclaimer to Un-qualified report. It goes without saying that the Executive Mayor has the community and officials interests at heart and the rule of law.
I cast my vote unconditionally and positively so that councillor Manyoni will win this award for the people of South Africa and made our late Dr N.R.Mandela and other leaders proud. (By Benjamin M M)
Comment: The Executive Mayor, Cllr Manyoni is very dedicated to his work and very passionate about the Environment. He is working towards attaining his vision announced during his inaugural speech in 2011 where he envisioned Mangaung as a globally safe and attractive city to work, invest and live in. In everything he is doing you can pick up that he is really following that vision in that he is hands on. Every time he makes a speech he does not forget to remind citizens to reduce, reuse and recycle waste. He is always in the forefront of cleaning campaigns and would go door to door explaining to citizens why they should not be littering. He is literally walking the talk! (By G P T, Bloemfontein)
Comment: This is my support for the Nomination of Mangaung Metro , Counsillor Manyoni as the Outstanding Mayor for Africa.
Councillor Manyoni spearheaded the transition of of Mangaung Local Municipality into a Metro. This he did by providing leadership ensuring that he understood the needs of the community , human capital required to meet those needs , as well as financial resources required.
Through the Inter-governmental relation framework he ensures that the three spheres of Government not only work together to meet the Metros needs but also pooled their resources togeteher.
Mangaung Munipacipality was struggling financially on take over but over the last three years it is in a good financial position that Provincial Treasury gate it the go ahead to source money from the Market in order to fast track its programmes.
The city is a hive of activity with projects addressing various needs be they Housing , Roads , Water and Sanitation , Tourism , Environmental etc.
In his recent Budget Speech the prioritizing of the above projects took centre stage , coupled with various Pro Poor initiatives like Free Basic Electricity to Water etc. Not all only that housing developments are also targeted to the Middle class that do not qualify for Government housing and Private sector loans...Indeed the city is for Everyone, All classes and races
Indeed the Mayor deserves the accolades of the Best Mayor in Africa especially considering that not only is he the Metros Mayor but he also leads the South African local Authorities as the Chairperson of SALGA. (By Moeketsi L, Bloemfontein)
Comment: I support Thabo Manyoni for the following reasons:
• 1. In Africa we are engulfed with huge social scourge of poverty through youth unemployment, HIV/Aids and underdevelopment. Our mayor since his election to the mayoral role, has been vocal in curbing these unpleasant social ills, he, Councillor Manyoni introduced robust and supported practical methods such as voluntary HIV/aids testing underpinned by home-based-care to the underprivileged.
• 2. Manyoni, through his BUSINESS FORUM has strategically partnered business community with public sector, and, this process has developed relationships symbiotically around communities in our country. Youth from many communities have benefited internships, business mentoring, skills development and many more opportunities.
• 3. With our history tells a horrible story of underdevelopment in many parts o country. The majority of our Communities are still faced with a lack of shelter, poor road and infrastructure development, inadequate electrification and an alarming ineffective water and sanitary supply.
Through SALGA " South African Local Government Association" we have seen Councilor Manyoni enforcing many municipalities around Africa to table transparent budgets that are people centered in that communities are able participate in their formations.
A sad tale in our country is largely on sanitation and water supply. Many communities still use " the bucket system" for sanitation. This system was introduced during the apartheid era as means by the old government to deprive other communities of clean health. Councilor Manyoni is passionate to see the End in use of this system. He has tirelessly called investments and made audible called to both national government and other government institutions at make adequate budgets towards building effective sewage system and good water supply in many impoverished or underdeveloped sectors of our communities.
• 4. Under his leadership, we have seen many municipalities able to produce clean financial audits. Manyoni, has been vocal about corruption, unsavory business relations and other underhand beneficiations. He always encourage and emphasizes private sector to do good-clean business with the state in order to eliminate misuse or squandering of public sector funds.
Clearly his leadership style speaks volume about as a future leader who is people centered and caring for their rights!
With the above in mind, I cannot think of any other reason of not nominating his excellency Councilor Thabo Moses Manyoni as the successful world mayor 2014. (By Kagisho L L)
Comment: I hereby vote and support Executive Mayor Manyoni for his excellent work done in the past years he is been in the office and wish him prosperous year ahead in deliverance of services to Bloemfontein Community under his leadership. (By Nelson S, Bloemfontein)
Comment: Executive Mayor, Cllr Thabo Manyoni made an impact in the city, we have witnessed many developments in our city such as:
• Eradication of bucket system in Thabanchu and Botshabelo. Many households now have access to decent toilet facilities.
• Road rehabilitation.
• Visibility of traffic law enforcement improved.
The list is very long, above all, we thank him for community meetings he has been calling, where he involves the people, again fastracking of all the city developments.
Comment: I vote for Ntate. Thabo Manyoni. Because of his wonderful work that he has done in Mangaung. And Ntate Manyoni is the best mayor and he loves working with people. God has blessed the city of Mangaung With Ntate Thabo Manyoni. And also he is doing good things creating jobs building parks and other things. (By Tebogo N, Mangaung)
Comment: The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision. It's got to be a vision you articulate clearly and forcefully on every occasion. You cannot blow an uncertain trumpet. Mayor Manyoni certainly has a vision and has uplifted the beautiful city of Mangaung in so many ways. Therefore I do guarantee that he will make the best "world mayor". (By Belina B)
Comment: My reasons of nominating Mayor Thabo Manyoni are based on the following principles :
• 1) He poses a high degree of Ubuntu ( tolerance amongst his community without status):
• 2) He championed the formalization of rural settlements for people of almost 60 000 in Qwa Qwa in the Free State who were living under squalor conditions to be transformed into formal areas whereby water, sewer, roads, electricity and housing are being constructed for the betterment of the people. The idea have touched so many families who in turn realized the better life and income benefit of the property values. The developments are still in progress and will also integrate the broadband network in proving the community connectivity into the ICT use.
• 3) He also championed for the first time in the Free State the development of 1050 Social Housing Development for Rental purposes for people earning between $141,91 - $697,67. The development have attracted so many families that more developments are required to accommodate almost 5000 tenants. The development is located in Mangaung Metro.
• 4) Within his term of Office he currently championed the developments of approximately 15000 Mixed Housing Development whereby all housing types, community facilities, business opportunities will be created within a radius of 10km. These developments will change the lives of the people to better by accessing to the clean water, green energy, insulated housing types, land tenure in line with the South African Constitution and create many more temporal and sustainable jobs.
• 5) These developments will inject almost $1,4 b into Mangaung Metro economic fiscal. These developments are done in conjunction with the willing Private Sector and the Community at large.
My recommendation are true reflection of work facilitated and supported by Mayor Thabo Manyoni and have and are improving the lives of the ordinary people. (By Motsamai M, Alberton, SA)

World Mayor
The philanthropic City Mayors Foundation awards the World Mayor Prize every two years to a mayor who has made outstanding contributions to his / her community and has developed a vision for urban living and working that is relevant to towns and cities across the world. The Prize has been awarded since 2004.
Anyone voting for a mayor is also asked to consider whether his / her candidate is likely to agree to the City Mayors Code of Ethics. Mayors wishing to be considered for the World Mayor Prize will be asked to sign up to the Code.
Votes must be accompanied by a thoughtful supporting statement.
2014/15 Timetable
First-round nominations were accepted until the middle of May 2014. A longlist of 121 candidates was published on 22 May. A shortlist of 26 nominees was announced on 18 June 2014. A second round of voting will take place between now and the middle of October. The winner of the 2014 World Mayor Prize and other results of the World Mayor Project were announced on 3 February 2015.
The philanthropic City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank on urban affairs, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. Mayors wishing to be considered for the World Mayor Prize will be asked to sign up to the City Mayors Code of Ethics.
The winner receives the artistically acclaimed World Mayor trophy, while the runner-up is given the World Mayor Commendation.
Winners and runners-up
2004 to 2014
In 2014: Winner: Naheed Nenshi (Calgary, Canada); First runner-up: Daniël Termont (Ghent, Belgium); Second runner-up: Tri Rismaharini (Surabaya, Indonesia)
In 2012: Winner: Iñaki Azkuna (Bilbao, Spain); Runner-up: Lisa Scaffidi (Perth, Australia); In third place: Joko Widodo (Surakarta, Indonesia)
In 2010: Winner: Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City, Mexico); Runner-up: Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City, USA); In third place: Domenico Lucano (Riace, Italy)
In 2008: Winner: Helen Zille (Cape Town, South Africa); Runner up: Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich, Switzerland); In third place: Leopoldo López (Chacao, Venezuela)
In 2006: Winner: John So (Melbourne, Australia); Runner up: Job Cohen (Amsterdam, Netherland); In third place: Stephen Reed (Harrisburg, USA)
In 2005: Winner: Dora Bakoyannis (Athens, Greece); Runner-up: Hazel McCallion (Mississauga, Canada); In third place: Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City, Guatemala)
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana, Albania); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City, Mexico); In third place: Walter Veltroni (Rome, Italy)