Giusy Nicolini, Mayor of Lampedusa, Italy

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The World Mayor Award
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Giusy Nicolini
Mayor of Lampedusa (Italy)
The winner and runner-ups of World Mayor 2014 will be chosen based on the number of nominations in relation to the size of their cities and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of testimonials received during this year's World Mayor Project. Below we publish a selection of comments received to date about WM nominee Giusy Nicolini, Mayor of Lampedusa, Italy.
Comment: In my opinion Giusy Nicolini should win the World Mayor Prize, because her efforts to help saving the lives of thousands and thousands of the poorest immigrants from hunger and drowning in the Mediterranean Sea and offering them efficient assistance, are just enormous. She stands up for the basic values common not only to Europe but to all cultures in the world. (By Ute W)
Comment: I live in Jena / Germany and as you know the major of this town is also a candidate for World Mayor 2014. But nevertheless I do vote for Giusy Nicolini, because she needs our support in her courageous fight against the ignorance - in Europe and in many other parts of the world - about all the tragedies near the Lampedusa's coastlines with African refugees. Electing Giusy Nicolini as World Mayor 2014 could be an eye-opener and might hopefully have an impact on finding solutions to prevent these human disasters. (By Juergen B, Jena)
Comment: I support Giusy Nicolini for the Award Mayor Prize for the passion, strength and humanity she is putting in handling the immigration catastrophe happening at Lampedusa island, in spite of the little efforts and at times indifference shown by European Union institutions and politicians. Without never forget her fellow citizens. (By Claudia F, Venice)
Comment: Votare lei per me significa riconoscere sia a lei in prima persona che a tutta la popolazione dell'isola l'enorme impegno per soccorrere i naufraghi del mediterraneo. In pochissimi fronteggiano una delle più grandi tragedie con estrema generosità. Sono commoventi nel loro impegno. (By Germana S, Milan)
Comment: I vote for Giusy Nicolini because few people like her could cope with such a disastrous humanitarian catastrophe like the one which has been affecting and is still affecting Lampedusa. (By Edoardo A, Beijing, China)
Comment: She succeeded in persuading her citizens that you must receive people escaping from war and poverty at their own risk. It was not easy because Lampedusa is a very small isle and had to receive thousands of persons alive but also ...dead, drowned in the sea between Africa and Europe! With their example Lampedusa and its mayor invite all cities to be open in these sad and egoistic times! (By Pinnucia S, Milan)
Comment: Sostengo il Sindaco Giusi Nicolini come World Mayor per lo sforzo che quotidianamente profonde per aiutare le migliaia di immigrati dall'annegamento dalla fame e dalle persecuzioni dei loro Paesi. La voto per il suo l'amore per l'ambiente e per le Pelagie. La voto perchè è siciliana come me. (By Pietro S)
Comment: Giusy Nicolini deserves the World Mayor Prize because of her big efforts to help saving the lives of thousands and thousands of the poorest immigrants from hunger and drowning in the Mediterranean Sea and offering them as much assistance as possible. (By Marilina A, Italy)
Comment: In my opinion Giusy Nicolini should win the World Mayor Prize, because her efforts to help to lead the action of the Lampedusa Citizen tho help and host thousands and thousands of the poorest immigrants from hunger and drowning in the Mediterranean Sea and offering them efficient assistance, are just enormous. She stands up for the basic values, common not only to Europe, but to all cultures in the world. (By Prof Federico B, Milan
Comment: Voto la candidatura di Giusi Nicolini a miglior Sindaco del mondo.
La conosco da 13 anni, quando con forza, passione, entusiasmo e coraggio dirigeva la "Riserva Naturale Orientata Isola di Lampedusa" e promuoveva il rispetto e la valorizzazione del patrimonio ambientale e naturalistico delle Pelagie. Persona leale, carismatica e disponibile, candidandosi a Sindaco ha saputo mettere la sua passione e l'amore per la sua isola a favore dei suoi concittadini, continuando a promuovere e valorizzare le bellezze naturali e ambientali delle Pelagie e portando in tutto il mondo l'esempio di Umanità che Lampedusa e i lampedusani hanno saputo dimostrare in questi anni. Con affetto e stima. (By Fabrizio R, Chieri)
Comment: Sostengo Giusi Nicolini come World Mayor per la passione e l'amore con i quali cerca di risolvere i problemi dei migranti, per l'impegno sulla salvaguardia e la gestione dell'ambiente. (By Marina M)
Comment: I support Mayor Nicolini because of her endless, total commitment in the welcoming and assistance of immigrants who every day arrive in Lampedusa Island from Africa, no matter the hard difficulties she has to face in doing that. She gives all of us and our new generations an incomparable message of human solidarity. Thanks a lot. (By Delia C, Cagliari)
Comment: I am an Italian citizen and I would like to support the mayor of Lampedusa for the 2014 edition of "World Mayor".
I am convinced that she made a great job by facing up the humanitarian emergency arisen in the last years in southern Italy, due to the continuous arrival to the Italian coasts of many boats from Africa.
She struggled in order to give visibility to the huge problems of these immigrants escaping from their personal ordeals, such as wars, economic and social instability, death of relatives...
She instisted in considering those people as human beings, and in giving them dignity and attention. At the same time, she tried as well to protect her own island and its population, which also has to coexist with this terrible reality.
She is a courageous woman, who put at the first spot values such as solidarity, support, care and attention to those who suffer.
In a world dominated by selfishness and brutal individualism, she is the one who has to win. (By Cristina C, Rome)
Comment: Sostengo Giusi Nicolini come World Mayor per la passione e l'amore con i quali cerca di risolvere i problemi dei migranti, per l'impegno sulla salvaguardia e la gestione dell'ambiente. (By Marina M)
Comment: I support Mayor Nicolini because of her endless, total commitment in the welcoming and assistance of immigrants who every day arrive in Lampedusa Island from Africa, no matter the hard difficulties she has to face in doing that. She gives all of us and our new generations an incomparable message of human solidarity. Thanks a lot. (By Delia C, Cagliari)
Comment: I vote for Giusy Nicolini (Mayor Lampedusa) for her social engagement. (By Loredana L, Dorna)
Comment: I vote Ms Nicolini for her commitment to improving immigrants conditions and her support and attention to environmental issues. Europe shall start from Lampedusa. (By Cristina R, Milan)
Comment: Giusy Nicolini showed, in her work and words about the problem of migration, great dignity and respect for humanity and she is inspiring deep fraternity between cultures. (By Dr Dario C, Trieste)
Comment: I'm proud to have in Italy a mayor like Nicolini. She manages an humanitarian emergency with competence and passion! (By Piera S, Naples)
Comment: I vote for Mayor Nicolini for her efforts to help saving the lives of thousands and thousands of the poorest immigrants (By Piero F, Dublin)
Comment: I support Nicolini's candidacy because I think she is a good person, she has a special personality, calm, accurate, determined and very active. She has a hard job in lampedusa with lots of people arriving in so difficult conditions. She has to organise their hosting but also guarantee the right services to tourists and the people living there. I have never met her or been there but I would like to. (By Antonella V, Milan)
Comment: She is dedicated to her aims for her community to the point of refusing careerist promises at national and international levels. Nicolini deserves the fist place in Europe and maybe the second or third in the world. (By Matteo)
Comment: I would like to vote for the Mayor of Lampedusa (Ms Giusy Nicolini) for her work in welcoming poor African immigrants to Europe and, in the process, saving numerous lives. (By Andrea B, Oxford)
Comment: Grande donna, coraggiosa, grande umanitá e senso civico (By Matecla, outside Italy)
Comment: Il mio voto per Giusy Nicolini è motivato dal mio apprezzamento per il suo operato civile, coraggioso e razionale che manifesta all'Europa e al mondo intero che cosa significa accogliere l'altro in difficoltà, senza pregiudizi e oltre gli impedimenti che il falso buon senso troppo spesso suggerisce. Giusy Nicolini dà una lezione di un valore etico e politico che oltrepassa ogni fede e ogni credenza. (By Maria G)
Comment: I vote for Giusy Nicolini because her good work in managing the migrants arrival from north Africa even in contrast with the central government policies. In spite of her political career, she refused the nomination as candidate in the last European election for staying with her people on the isle. (By Paolo C, Rome)
Comment: I choose Giusi Nicolisi because she is a great woman, brave, resourceful, determined, able to welcome the pope and express his opinion against the globalization indifference. able to give up to the European elections to stay in his country and pursue his goal. Lover of nature. (By Katia G)
Comment: I vote Nicolini because his efforts on behalf of refugees, She is mayor of the small island, she fight for a great cause. (By Anna M R, Milano)
Comment: I vote Giusi for what she says and what she does!! Don’t stop your faith! Bless you!! (By Massimiliano A)
Comment: I support Giusy Nicolini for the 2014 World Mayor Prize because, having met her in Lampedusa I can witness her endless efforts to promote a culture of dialogue and welcome through the collaboration between public institutions and civil society organizations. (By Paolo D, Rome)
Comment: Per la passione civile che mette per i Lampedusani e per i migranti. Raro esempio di amministratore locale che opera in situazione disastrata. Raro esempio di politica "di genere " (By Paola A)
Comment: I vote for Giusy Nicolini, Mayor of Lampedusa, owing to her efforts to give assistance to thousands of immigrants coming to the Island of Lampedusa, a tiny island where every day arrive boats full of people in search of a better life. In spite of insufficient local facilities, Mayor Nicolini keeps struggling in order to give assistance to those poor people. She really deserves the World Mayor Prize! (By Elda E, Monza)
Comment: There's one extraordinary good reason to vote for her: Lampedusa is a beautiful and very small island, which in the last years has become the landing place of desperate migrants coming from the poorest countries in the world.
She works almost alone, as UE government doesn't think this could be a european affair, together with Lampedusa people, to give help, relief and a hope to these poor creatures. (By Stefania L, Milan)
Comment: I support Giusy Nicolini because with his work reminds us to STAY HUMAN. In African villages always greet the guest, because they hope that one day their children are welcome. Giusy Nicolini makes me proud to be Italian. (By Maria S, Vincenza)
Comment: Vote for Mrs Nicolini. She gave a legal Footprint to Lampedusa. Her respect for environment and for people coming from deseas and wars makes Mrs Nicolini the best Mayor of the world. (By Antonio T, Siracusa

World Mayor
The philanthropic City Mayors Foundation awards the World Mayor Prize every two years to a mayor who has made outstanding contributions to his / her community and has developed a vision for urban living and working that is relevant to towns and cities across the world. The Prize has been awarded since 2004.
Anyone voting for a mayor is also asked to consider whether his / her candidate is likely to agree to the City Mayors Code of Ethics. Mayors wishing to be considered for the World Mayor Prize will be asked to sign up to the Code.
Votes must be accompanied by a thoughtful supporting statement.
2014/15 Timetable
First-round nominations were accepted until the middle of May 2014. A longlist of 121 candidates was published on 22 May. A shortlist of 26 nominees was announced on 18 June 2014. A second round of voting will take place between now and the middle of October. The winner of the 2014 World Mayor Prize and other results of the World Mayor Project were announced on 3 February 2015.
The philanthropic City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank on urban affairs, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. Mayors wishing to be considered for the World Mayor Prize will be asked to sign up to the City Mayors Code of Ethics.
The winner receives the artistically acclaimed World Mayor trophy, while the runner-up is given the World Mayor Commendation.
Winners and runners-up
2004 to 2014
In 2014: Winner: Naheed Nenshi (Calgary, Canada); First runner-up: Daniël Termont (Ghent, Belgium); Second runner-up: Tri Rismaharini (Surabaya, Indonesia)
In 2012: Winner: Iñaki Azkuna (Bilbao, Spain); Runner-up: Lisa Scaffidi (Perth, Australia); In third place: Joko Widodo (Surakarta, Indonesia)
In 2010: Winner: Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City, Mexico); Runner-up: Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City, USA); In third place: Domenico Lucano (Riace, Italy)
In 2008: Winner: Helen Zille (Cape Town, South Africa); Runner up: Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich, Switzerland); In third place: Leopoldo López (Chacao, Venezuela)
In 2006: Winner: John So (Melbourne, Australia); Runner up: Job Cohen (Amsterdam, Netherland); In third place: Stephen Reed (Harrisburg, USA)
In 2005: Winner: Dora Bakoyannis (Athens, Greece); Runner-up: Hazel McCallion (Mississauga, Canada); In third place: Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City, Guatemala)
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana, Albania); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City, Mexico); In third place: Walter Veltroni (Rome, Italy)