Albrecht Schröter, Mayor of Jena, Germany

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Albrecht Schröter
Mayor of Jena (Germany)
The winner and runner-ups of World Mayor 2014 will be chosen based on the number of nominations in relation to the size of their cities and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of testimonials received during this year's World Mayor Project. Below we publish a selection of comments received to date about WM nominee Albrecht Schröter, Mayor of Jena, Germany.
Comment: Albrecht Schröter ist ein beeindruckend menschennaher Bürgermeister. Für die Entwicklung seiner Stadt Jena hat er sehr viel bewirkt. Jedes Mal wenn ich die Stadt wieder besuche, staune ich darüber, wie schön sie geworden ist! Aus der ostdeutschen Bürgerbewegung kommend, ist er ein engagierter Demokrat, der nicht nur redet: Immer wieder haben wir uns bei Demonstrationen gegen Neonazi-Aufmärsche getroffen und gemeinsame Veranstaltungen gegen Rechtsextremismus gemacht. Er wäre ein würdiger World Mayer. (By Wolfgang Thierse, Bundestagspräsident a. D., Berlin, Germany)
Comment: I know Albrecht Schroeter for the last three decades. We were both ordained in 1984. Albrecht Schroeter played a prominent role in the Jena peace movement of the 1980s as well as in autumn 1989. The peaceful revolution in 1989 left a decisive impact on his life as it did equally on me. The freedom achieved was to be shaped and Albrecht Schroeter took responsibility. For the last 25 years I watched him engaged in shaping things courageously. The exceellent development of Jena as a city of science and light with many twin cities worldwide and home to a renowned university are further proof of Schroeter's peace-promoting activities. Jena was successful in developing and implementing an innovative image of the future based on a great tradition in humanities and in technology. I whole-heartedly congratulate Albrecht Schroeter on his nomination and wish him all success in the contest. (By Christine Lieberknecht, Erfurt, Prime Minister, of Thuringia, Germany)
Comment: Ladies and Gentlemen: My name is Wilfried Lang, I’ living in a small village close to Jena, Cospeda, which is incorporated to the city of Jena.
First of all let me express my surprise Dr. Albrecht Schröter has been selected as World Mayor nominee. But, if I think about I must say the nomination of Dr. Schröter is a wise decision of the responsible committee.
I know him for many years and I especially appreciate his courageous engagement for multicultural live and against neo-fascism. He always stands in the first row during demonstrations against “brown” attitude not just in Jena but in several other cities of Germany. Seeing 25 years back during the time of the political turnaround he also was very active to force political changes.
Beside this, as the Lord Mayor of Jena with it’s not easy to handle political structure, based on his tolerant persuasion he is able to bundle different political forces to one joint aim, at least for the most important decisions to lead Jena to a healthy, modern and liberal future. He empowers and motivate people to act as representatives of his city. He initiates and promotes networks in Jena between the industry, technology institutions, University, social and cultural organizations. He is able to convince people. The result, Jena is one of the cities in the eastern part of Germany which is crowing, Jena has a very efficiency infrastructure and offers best living conditions for all of it’s people. Jena has been a very young city. Albrecht Schröter is a worthy representative of the people of Jena and the city itself.
Congratulation, Dr. Albrecht Schröter, for your nomination to the World Mayor 2014, this even is a big success but now I wish you success for the forthcoming election. (By Wilfried Lang, Vice President, Carl Zeiss AG)
Comment: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren! Mein Name ist Martin Krautwurst und ich Unterstütze die Kandidatur von Dr. Albrecht Schröter als "woldmayor" ausdrück.
Ich bin derzeit im Auslandspfarramt in Meran im Südtirol (Italien) und konnte über mehrere Jahrzehnte Dr. Albrecht Schröter als Politiker, als Pfarrer und vor allem als Mensch kennen und schätzen lernen. Sein Leben, seine Arbeit und seine Gaben hat er immer den Menschen gewidmet, die seine Hilfe und Begleitung bedurften. Zu DDR-Zeiten war er Ansprechpartner für jene, die unter den politischen Verhältnissen litten und den Mut bewiesen auch die Stimme gegen das Unrechtssystem zu erheben. In der Wendezeit gehörte er zu den Bürgerrechtlern in unserer Stadt und unserem Land, welche die Veränderungen maßgeblich mit vorantrieben und begleiteten. Dabei ging er auch unbequeme Wege und legte den Finger auch auf Wunden, die man im "Einheitsjubel" gerne übersah.
Ich erinnere mich an Situationen, in denen er einer Familie zur Seite stand, die in Trauer war und auf Grund ihrer politischen Vergangenheit von der Öffentlichkeit ausgegrenzt und abgeschrieben war. An Familien auf der Flucht, denen er Asyl in der Jenaer Stadtkirche ermöglichte oder an die Kinder aus der strahlenverseuchten Region um Tschernobyl, denen er in seiner damaligen Gemeinde Zukunft ermöglichte. Albrecht Schröter steht auf dem Fundament des Glaubens und der christlichen Nächstenliebe, die er auch heute noch - trotz seiner beruflichen Verpflichtungen als Prediger den Menschen nahe bringt. Er hat sein Leben und Wirken in den Dienst der Menschen gestellt, das verdient Anerkennung und Respekt. (By Martin Krautwurst, Merano, Italy)
Comment: Ladies and Gentlemen, I hereby want to cast my vote for Mr. Dr. Albrecht Schröter as world mayor. I witnessed his personal development after the german reunion. Dr. Albrecht Schröter obvious took an active part in shaping the Town of Jena. As senior mayor of Jena as well as before his term he was capable to remarkably present Jena beyond the borders and made this place to a sustainable showpiece town of Germany. Next to his engagement his expertise for diverse topics around the town is above average.
He plays the role of the conductor who connects privat person, common good, social engagement, leisure time and sports, trade, industry and science. In addition to this fact, it is remarkable that he also finds time to demand civil courage of everybody to fight the right wing extremism. I also support Mr. Dr. Albrecht Schröter because of his open mind and his good touch to reality. He offers help and keeps track on things which got off the public focus. I witnessed several times that he apologised for mistakes in public which deserves my respect. His education as a theologist makes him capable to give comfort if its necessary. All in all he is a remarkable man who is always focused on his tasks and conviction. He is an excellent representer of our town of Jena. A person with his character together with his intention to act is not only good to lead a town but also to get honoured. (By Gerhard S, Jena)
Comment: I support the city mayor of Jena, Germany, Mr. Albrecht Schröter.
His commitment in the fight against right-wing extremism is truly admirable, as well as his mediation and diplomatic efforts between the peoples of Palestine and Israel through city partnerships, especially in these times of conflict in the Middle East. Mr. Schröter's endeavors for positive international relations have made Jena a symbol for communication, understanding and tolerance between peoples. The city thrives and continues to flourish under his democratic leadership; socially, economically as well as culturally. Best regards,
(By Steffen-Claudio Lemme, Member of the German Parliament (Bundestag), Berlin)
Comment: Mayor Albrecht Schroter from Jena it is one of the best friends for the City of Lugoj. We have an old and strong relation with Jena and this is because of Mr. Schroter. The city of Jena has been sending constantly help. Mayor Schroter was always close to us, and he always helped us as much as he can. We received from Jena busses, equipments, vehicles and money and he helped also our schools organizing summer camps free of charge for pupils with best results.
I have been in the City of Jena and I was impressed how Mr. Schroter made his city a beautiful place to live and work. Because of his ideas, today Jena is a desirable place and a good example for all the citizens of Europe.
I appreciate very much the way Mayor Albrecht Schroter has planned the development of his city and for all these reasons I’m offering him my total support. (By Prof. eng. Francisc Boldea
Mayor of Lugoj City, Romania)
Comment: Hola señores, voto por el Dr. Albrecht Schroterl, para otorgarle el premio de ALCALDE MAYOR de la Ciudad Jena Alemania, considerando los dones y características personales , honestinad, humildad, solidaridad para con los pueblos, es motivo de mi votación. Estoy y estaré con el siempre, es una persona muy noble. e inteligente capaz de representar en todo momento y lugar a con conciudanos. (By Carmen, San Marcos, Carazo, Nicaragua)
Comment: To interfere in the Middle East conflict concerning Israel/Palestine as a politician is a most delicate and difficult job in Germany, because the risk being denounced as an antisemite, especially if you do your job in an honest way, is very high. Albrecht Schröter has a high sensitivity in approaching this subject by respecting both sides of the conflict. He doesn`t hesitate to criticize the Israeli politics of occupation, but he stands up clearly against antisemitisme in all his forms. Her works on his local basis honestly for a just peace solution between Israel and Palestine, what is a very courageous job for a mayor in Germany. (By Ingrid R, Pfullingen, Germany)
Comment: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren: Bitte nehmen Sie mein Votom für den World Mayor Shortlist 2014 für den Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Jena in Thüringen Deutschland Herrn Albrecht Schröter entgegen.
Herr Schröter genießt durch sein Handeln für Begegnung, Verständigung im wirtschaftlichen wie im sozialen Bereich nicht nur Ansehen sondern den vollen Respekt.
Sein Ansehen genießt er nicht nur in Deutschland, wo er sich gegen Rechtsextremismus einsetzt, sondern in allen Partnerstädten die mit Jena verbunden sind.
Besonders möchte ich erwähnen und hervorheben Die wunderbare Beziehung nachj Beit Jala. Er bringt sich dort sehr ein.
Wir brauchen gerade in der heutigen Zeit Leuchttürme, die mit dem Nahen Osten freundschaftlich verbunden sind. Jena ist so ein Leichtturm dank des Wirkens des Oberbürgermeisters Schröter. Er hat diese Auszeichnung verdient. (By Georg Kuropka, LIONS International)
Comment: I do strongly support the Lord Mayor of Jena, Dr Albrecht Schröter, in his efforts to get awarded as World Mayor 2014! As the mayor of the middle size city of Jena, Mr Schröter and his team warmly received a Chinese regional development experts’ delegation last July and held discussions on urban innovation issues as well as on the support for SMEs. A great team-player, Mr Schröter was very committed to the meetings and arranged interesting field visits and matchmaking possibilities with representatives from research, business and civil society. Moreover, he and his team have developed vast cultural activities in China, setting up a 100-people orchestra from Jena that held several concerts in Guangzhou, China. Mr Schröter is not only a good cultural ambassador of Jena but only somebody who strongly supports internationalisation and truly recognises the chances that this bring to improving the livelihood of Jena’s citizens. (By Pablo Gándara, Trier, Germany)
Comment: Ladies and Gentlemen: Albrecht Schröter is an outstanding politician who deserves being declared World Mayor for a lot of reasons, the most important of which I would like to summarize:
Already in the times of the GDR-regime he was an upright fighter for human rights. Being a victim of communist politics not allowing him to study as a protestant pastor he is now acknowledged as one of the mayor leaders of the opposition in 1989 and even before. His role is considered to be bright and smart as well as reflective and substantial with a clear vision of how politics should work. He then was also one of the main persons to detect the fraud of elections initiated by the ruling party SED.
After a short period of membership in the party Demokratischer Aufbruch he became a member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, started to work as a local politician being in charge of social affairs, a topic which still is very important for him as Mayor of Jena.
What I really adore is his capability to bring together his focus on local issues while not forgetting the needs of international co-operation. His engagement in the contacts with sister-cities and partner-organizations in Nicaragua, Israel, Palestine, Eastern Europe and Russia is extremely efficient. Moreover, Erlangen being a sister-city of Jena since 1987, we co-operate with Albrecht Schröter in humanitarian and social projects in Nicaragua and Russia which gives us a lot of satisfaction.
Albrecht Schröter is, moreover, as a Mayor of a thriving city in Middle-Germany an excellent example for how the process of reunification can be managed. His expertise and experience are of great value for other colleagues, his success is a best practice example for them.
25 years after the Fall of the Wall Albrecht Schröter as one of the political heads of that historic event and as a politician who governs the process of reunification is the right person to be elected World Mayor 2014. (By Dr. Florian Janik, Mayor of Erlangen, Germany)
Comment: I vote for Dr. Albrecht Schröter who as head of his city was able, through action, to unify the prestigious history of the Napoleonic period and, the more recent one, the German reunification. He works every day to promote a future that is not a prisoner of the scars of the past; he is finally the holder of a strong desire to connect his city to the world through the development of practical exchanges with near realties or more distant ones as China. Finally, he is treasurer of the European Federation of Napoleonic Cities, an organization of elected officials in Europe who are active for a reconciled Europe. (By Jean Pierre Aresu, Adjoint au maire à la ville d’ Ajaccio, France)
Comment: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, als Vertreter der französischen Botschaft in Thüringen freue ich mich besonders über die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit, die dank des starken Engagements des Oberbürgermeisters von Jena die französische Botschaft, das Institut francais in Thüringen und die Stadt Jena verbindet.
1/ Dieses Jahr haben wir gemeinsam in der Metro von Paris an der gleichnamigen U-Bahnstation ein kulturelles Laserprojekt miteinander verwickelt: „Jena ist mehr als eine Schlacht!“ Der Zweck des Projektes war es, die Aufmerksamkeit der Fahrgäste der Metro (Einwohner der französischen Metropole und Touristen aus der ganzen Welt), dicht am Eiffelturm und nah dem Goethe Institut, auf Jena, als Stadt der Wissenschaft, der „grauen Zellen“, als Stadt der Studenten und der Jugend zu richten. 2 Monate lang konnten insgesamt 500.000 Fahrgäste sich über die Stadt Jena und ihre Vielseitigkeit informieren. Dieses Projekt war ein konkretes kulturelles Kommunikationsprojekt, das ermöglichte eine Profilierung der Stadt international.
2/ Als zweites bedeutendes Projekt, nenne ich die Einladung von Alfred GROSSER, wichtigem Mitwirker an der Vertiefung und Ausdehnung der deutsch-französischen Beziehungen, anläßlich der Vernissage in Jena einer vom Institut francais Thüringen organisierten Wanderausstellung zum Thema „Jean Monnet, Gründungsvater der Europäischen Union“. Mit diesem gemeinsamen Projekt hat der OB Schröter sein entschlossenes Engagement in Richtung Frieden in Europa und in der Welt erneut bezeugt. Die deutsch-französische Freundschaft gilt als hervorragendes Vorbild hinsichtlich der deutsch-polnischen Annäherung, aber darüber hinaus hinsichtlich des Friedensprozesses im Nahen Osten, den sich der OB Schröter seit Jahren zur Chefsache erklärt hat.
3/ Im Rahmen seiner Bemühungen zu diesem hohen Zweck, setzt der OB Schröter stark auf Frankreich als Partner. Die Partnerschaftsstadt Aubervilliers ist ein langjähriger Partner von Jena. Sie beteiligt sich auch an dieser Partnerschaftsinitiative nach Palästina und Israel. Die französische Botschaft, das Institut francais in Thüringen sind auch mit dabei.
Aus all diesen Gründen unterstützt Frankreich mit voller Kraft den OB, Herrn Dr.Albrecht SCHRÖTER, und wünscht ihm die Verleihung des Titels im Rahmen des Wettbewerbs „Worldmayor contest“! Mit meinen besten Grüßen, Bien cordialement, Best regards (By Bertrand L, France and Germany)
Comment: Support for Mr. Albrecht Schröter,
Mayor of the City of Jena (Germany),
for obtaining the Price World Mayor 2014
The undersigned Msgr. Alexandru Mesian, bishop of the Greek-Catholic Eparchy (in communion with Rome) of Lugoj, want to express through this writing my support and to offer my vote for Mr. Albrecht Schröter, Mayor of the city of Jena (Germany), for obtaining the price as World Mayor 2014.
We are happy and honored for having had the occasion to personally encounter Mr. Schröter in Lugoj, our city, and also in Jena, Mr. Mayor’s own city, where we were received with friendliness and gentleness, a treatment which was felt by all representatives of the religious and Christians communities from our city, among them our Church has always had the pleasure to be represented.
We consider Mr. Mayor Albrecht Schröter as a true friend of our city, Lugoj. He has demonstrated this friendship by the numerous donations made toward our city, contributions which were personally encouraged by Mayor Schröter and which have constituted a real support for many institutions in our town. I wish to mention among these contributions those offered to the municipal hospital, to the firemen squad, to the salubrity services Salprest and Meridian 22, to the Social Canteen and to many educational institutions in our city. Mr Schröter was personally involved in the organization and modernization of the local transportation and has supported the organization of holiday-campings for many students from our town with excellent study results.
While considering all these important contributions and the entire support offered to our city that deeply recommend the Mayor of Jena as a great administrator and leader of communities beyond the boarders of his own community and even of his country, we wish to support Mr. Mayor Albrecht Schröter to receive the price World Mayor 2014.
With respectful greetings, (By Alexandru Mesian, Lugoj, Bishop of Lugoj, Romania)
Comment: Dr. Albrecht Schröter played a decisive part still in October of 1989 in the former GDR in founding the organization „Democratic Awakening“ („Demokratischer Aufbruch“) and was spokesman of this association of courageous citizens in Jena.
His engaged and unselfish manner in the meantime 25 year ago - was an essential contribution to the political turning (Wende) in East Germany.
In the past years he was especially committed against the upcoming right-wing extremism in Germany. He was initiator of the movement „Communities against right-wing Extremism “, which is working successfully in many places.
As member of the Board of the Association of German Cities he supports actively the Middle East peace process.
As a logical consequence of this Dr. Schröter was honored on 17th November, 2011 with the „Award for courage against right-wing extremism, anti-Semitism and racism”. Fighting against these negative manifestations of mankind is the centre of his life. (By Hans-Reinhard and Christel R, Berlin, Germany)
Comment: Dr. Albrecht Schröter is a man of the deed and brings visions to life. Jena is also called "Munich of the East" or "lighthouse city". This reputation originates in its exceptional links between business, research, policy and quality of life.
Dr. Albrecht Schröter is a very passionate ambassador of Jena with a focus on the economy as well as the people. For many years now he is promoting Jena as a region of economic significance. In this context it is important to point out the establishment of the „Wirtschaftsförderung“ (Economic Development) as a main point of contact for entrepreneurs. This institution has become well established and is no longer indispensable. Parallel with his tenure grew the „Jenaer Bündnis für Familie“ (Jena Alliance for Families). Its main task is to strengthen a family-friendly environment in the city in order to establish a better work-life balance for its people. This also benefits the job market. Schröter is committed to a cosmopolitan Jena, a city in which all people can live well regardless of their heritage. In doing so he meets the current climate of the job market.
Jena’s companies have a strong demand for international professionals in various fields such as research, development or healthcare.
For professionals from abroad the quality of life along with a hospitable culture are driving factors for their decision to accept a job offer within the region. Jena certainly provides good conditions for this.
The key factors are clear and Jena has worked hard on being able serve these needs. Due to a strong economy, a good social system, short distances and the streamlining of skills into active networks, Jena is lively and vibrant city. Dr. Albrecht Schröter runs this city very well. Congratulations on his nomination and the best of luck to him. (By Birgit Becker, Chairwoman of the administration of business of the Agency for work Jena)
Comment: Über diese Nachricht habe ich mich sehr gefreut. Albrecht Schröder ist ein sehr guter Vorschlag für die World Mayor Wahl. Ich habe ihn stets als einen sehr engagierten Kommunalpolitiker kennengelernt, der neben den Interessen seiner Stadt Jena auch grundsätzliche Probleme in unserem schönen Thüringen und darüber hinaus anpackt. Er belässt es dabei nicht bei schönen Worten, sondern er ist ein Mann der Taten. Selbst unangenehme Themen werden von ihm stets mit deutlichen und aber fairen Worten angesprochen und auch Lösungswege aufgezeigt. Albrecht Schröder scheut sich nicht, auch innerhalb der kommunalen Familie den Spiegel hochzuhalten und schwierige Themen wie den kommunalen Finanzausgleich oder eine Gemeindegebietsreform anzugehen. Sein nachhaltiges Engagement gegen „Rechts“ ist für viele vorbildhaft. Zeigt er doch auf, dass man sich auch auf der lokalen Ebene solchem Treiben entgegenstellen kann. Albrecht Schröder setzt sich auch für eine engere Zusammenarbeit von deutschen, israelischen und palästinensischen Kommunen ein und leistet hiermit einen Beitrag zum Nahost-Friedensprozess. Verständigung einander verstehen beginnt immer vor Ort in den Gemeinden. Ein guter Vorschlag für die World Mayor Wahl, der voll unterstützt wird. Viel Glück (By Thomas L, Erfurt, Germany)
Comment: I want to support the nomination of Mr. Schroeter, the mayor of Jena in Germany, for the 2014 World Mayor Award.
Mr. Schroeter is well qualified for this award, since he not just internationally represents his city in an always excellent way and likeable manner, but is also very active in bringing people together and transporting unifying ideas. Jena has seven vibrant city partnerships with Lugoj (Romania), Porto (Portugal), Erlangen (Germany), Berkeley (USA), San Marcos (Nicaragua), Aubervilliers (France) and Beit Dschala (Palestine). This partnerships are not limited to official greeting notes; they are intented to bring people together and to help where necessary. For instance, with the strong support of the city council Jena citizens send poor families of Lugoj regularly donations of Christmas presents or invite their children for vacations in the German town. The local urban transport company donated buses and other rolling stock. As a member of the Deutscher Städtetag (society of German cities) and as the head of the Metropolregion Mitteldeutschland (a merger of the central German cities and regions) he is also thinking about boundaries.
Mr. Schroeter is very active against fascist ideologies. He takes on no account of himself. He finds clear words, where necessary, and personally takes part in demonstrations in the first row. It is no surprise that Jena thus has become a, despite it’s small size of just 100.000 inhabitants, very cosmopolitan city. If racists try to spread their seditious ideologies here, they are driven off by the strong resistance of the Jena citizens. When in 2005 the right-wing extremist NPD began, to organize their "Festival of Nations" with leading representatives of right-wing organizations from all over Europe and many bands of the international neo-Nazi music network Blood and Honour in Jena, it took just two years till the resistance was so high, that they had to leave the city. Later, in response to a series of murders of foreigners in 2011, the mayor initiated a concert that was directed against right-wing extremism and xenophobia, and was attended by over 40,000(!) guests. Today, there is actually no right-wing activity anymore left in the city.
I think, all this is extraordinary and would be well appreciated with the World Mayor Award. Please choose Mr. Schroeter. (By Olaf B, Jena)
Comment: Stimate Domnule Primar General Albrecht Schroter. În semn de recunoștință pentru sprijinul acordat orașului nostru, prin donații, prin dezvoltarea și modernizarea transportului local, prin organizarea de tabere școlare pentru elevii cu rezultate deosebite la învățătură, dorim să venim în sprijinul dumneavoastră acordându-vă votul nostru pentru câștigarea competiției ,,World Mayor 2014”. (By Madroane Petru, Director, Scoala Gimnaziala de Muzica "Filaret Barbu" Lugoj)
Comment: My name is Stragea Sorin and I am a member of the Romanian Parliament - Chamber of Deputies, Lugoj election zone. I would like to express my total support for the General Mayor of Jena, nominated on the final list of World Mayor 2014 competition. The City of Lugoj, for many years, it is twinned with the City of Jena, our city having a strong German community. I had the honour to meet Mr. Schroter several times. He is a special person, respected in his town, where he was also reelected, but also by his friends from the sister cities of Jena, same as Lugoj.
He is a good friend of our city and we owe him for his numerous donations for several public institutions from Lugoj: Hospital, Firefighters, Social canteen, Communal services (water, and waste water), Sanitation, public transport, education. For all this reasons and more other, I support him totally and I consider that hi is entitled to win this honorable award, World Mayor 2014. (By Sorin S, Lugoj, Romania)
Comment: Mein Ñame ist Jadallah Shihadeh. Den Buergermeister Albrecht Schroeter kenne ich seit Jahren, wo ich in Palaestina in der Lutherischej Kirche in Beit-Jala und in der Abrahams-Herberge gearbeitet habe. Zur Zeit wohne ich in Chile. Albrecht Schroeter ist ein guter Freund und Buergermeister . Er ist sehr engagiert fuer Palaestina und Israel und hat sich sehr fuer Friedensanliegens engagiert. Einen anderen als Weltbuergermeister kann ich kaum vorstellen. (By Jadallah Shihadeh, Chile)
Comment: Thanks Mayor Dr. Albrecht Schröter has become the city of Jena has become one of the leading business and science centers throughout the Federal Republic. In the states of the former GDR, the city of Jena leads to numerous rankings (business, science, education) or is with much larger cities such as Leipzig or Dresden par. In addition, a strong focus was placed on the issue of sustainable urban development and climate change adaptation. Again, Jena is one of the leading cities in Germany. Despite major infrastructural investments (education, economy, transport, recreation areas, etc.), the city has almost halved the debt in the last five years, and seeks the complete dismantling of all debts to. In my view, make these merits Dr. Albrecht Schröter World Mayor. (By Manuel M, Jena)
Comment: Dear Editors of World Mayor 2014. I would like to support the nomination of Albrecht Schroeter as World Mayor 2014.
His political and civil engagement deserves honouring beyond the boundaries of the fairly small city that Jena is. There are many angles that are worth highlighting, but I want to focus on 3 areas which I will briefly discuss hereafter.
(i) Firstly, his political engagement in the GDR. Schroeter experienced the downsides and risks of political engagement at a young age. Due to his political views he was denied the possibility to finish his school education and do his Baccaulaureat. This also meant that he was unable to take up a university degree at that time. Many young people in his situation might have chosen to keep quiet in order not to jeopardize their future but Schroeter held true to his principles, despite this resulting in personal setbacks.
In the late 1980s, he was key part of the civil movement that pressed for democratic (but peaceful) change in the GDR - a movement that ultimately led to the reunification of Germany. Schroeter was one of the founders of the political grouping "Demokratischer Aufbruch" and acted as their local representative for Jena. However, after the fall of the wall, when the grouping decided to join with the conservative party CDU, he left the organisation, as he did not feel that they were representing his views. Once again, he acted according to his values and principles, despite this resulting in upheaval for him personally and among his social peers and networks.
(ii) Secondly, his engagement in the reappraisal of Jewish history and his fight against right extremist ideas. During GDR times, Schroeter founded an association with the aim of reappraisal of the history of Jews and their prosecution in Jena. After the reunification, he has been active in the fight against Nazi and right extremist ideas and actions. For instance, he created the initiative "Kommunen gegen Rechtsextremismus" that joins together cities and towns across central Germany and aims to fight right extremist groups and ideas, as well as providing practical support for the towns where right extremist groups hold a parade or demonstration.
The importance of this engagement against right extremism can't be underestimated, especially as it emerged in 2011 that the neo-Nazi terror group National Socialist Underground had been founded in Jena.
(iii) Thirdly, his engagement aimed at the reconciliation of religions and faith movements. Schroeter himself is a practising Christian and used to be a pastor before going into politics full-time. Despite his personal religious conviction, he has been active in trying to achieve reconciliation between different faiths and political conflicts linked to religious differences. For instance, he is part of the executive committee of the German City Network, and his main role is to support the Middle-East-Peace-Process by organising city level exchanges between German, Israeli and Palestinian towns and cities. Moreover, he has contributed a significant body of research to the subject of reconciliation within Christian faith groupings, in particular between the New Apostolic Church and the Apostolic Church.
These are just some of the examples of his ongoing commitment and engagement across a range of political and civil issues. In a part of Germany where people often either tend towards idealising the GDR past or choose to sympathise with right extremist views, he has chosen to act, rather than complain, not thinking selfishly, but working towards the improvement of our society - at a local, national and international level. I hope that these arguments will help make the case for his election as World Mayor 2014. (By Ulrike C, London, UK)
Comment: I voted for Albrecht Schröter as World Mayor because I'm from Beit Jala / Palestine and I know that Mr. Schröter has made many efforts for the Palestinian to improve their situation and support the peace process in the Israelian-Palestinian conflict. Being a citizen of Jena now, I know him as well as a very helpful, understanding and couraged politician who takes serious the problems of the people and who has visions for the future of his citizens and of the people in other parts of the world, especially in Palestine. (By Vera O, Biet Jala, Palestine)
Comment: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren: Mein Name ist Heike Taubert. Ich bin Mitglied des Thüringer Landtages und Ministerin für Soziales, Familie und Gesundheit im Freistaat Thüringen. Ich kenne Herrn Albrecht Schröter seit vielen Jahren als aktiven Streiter für die Rechte von Menschen mit Benachteiligungen. Als Oberbürgermeister seiner Stadt Jena ist er Vorbild bei der Umsetzung des Inklusionsgedankens der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention. Er unterstützt mit zahlreichen Projekten Menschen in besonderen Lebenslagen, um ihnen beste Bedingungen, Schulbildung und Ausbildung als praktische Unterstützung zu ermöglichen.
Besonders aber ist sein Einsatz gegen Rassismus, Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Antisemitismus.
Hier ist er Vorbild für Mitbürgerinnen und Mitbürger, Initiativen und Verbände, für Toleranz und Weltoffenheit zu kämpfen. Deshalb unterstütze ich mit meinem Votum Herrn Albrecht Schröter zur Wahl des worldmayer 2014. (By Heike Taubert, Erfurt, Germany)
Comment: Liebe Jury! Ich freue mich auf die Möglichkeit der Nominierung und bin stolz auf eine Persönlichkeit in Thüringen welche in der Lage ist für die Stadt und das erweiterte Umfeld von Jena perspektivisch und für die nachkommenden Generationen zu denken und auch zu handeln. Ich wünschte mir weitere solche Menschen für die Gestaltung der Gegenwart und der Zukunft in Thüringen. (By Karl H, Hermsdorf, Germany)
Comment: When Albrecht Schröter became Mayor of Jena, I was manager of a local company and obviously very interested in who our new Mayor was going to be. I found out that he had been a very brave man in the years prior to the German reunification, which was taking place at that time. As a Lutheran priest, he had the reputation of being an opponent of the Communist regime, and this resulted in many young people gathering at his house to ask for help or just talk. It must have been then that he decided to let the people of Jena know how the local government was treating them by setting out to prove that the authorities and ruling Communist Party were faking the results of local elections. He and his students later found out that the official results were not even close to the way people had actually voted. Albrecht Schröter’s activities came to the attention of the ruling Communist Party and, of course, the Stasi. If the course of history had not changed, Albrecht Schröter’s story would have come to an untimely end. (By Alexander v W, Lyss, Switzerland)
Comment: I have spent nearly 22 years in Jena and I know Dr. Albrecht Schröter from the beginning of my stay in Jena. What me impressed first, was his acting in mai 1989, when the fakes of the DDR - elections took place. He was one of the person, who strongly fought against it and tried to make it public in spite of possible personal consequences like repression and disadvantages at work. The second is his fighting against racism and neonazism by building networks against it and taking part in actions in Jena ( preventing "Fest der Völker"), Dresden and other places. The third is his engagement to promote the cooperation between a lot of twin-cities and other cities or regions even those of Israel and Palestina.Without him a lot of projects especially between north and south and between rich and poor regions could not have been realized. Knowing the big luck that the city of Jena had in it's development after the reunification between East and West germany, he immediately decided to let the poorer regions participate and to support them. Last but not least he is a man in a leading position, who did not lose or give up his belonging to the common people, his emphasis, his capacity of listening to the people and his humour and cheerfulness, which perhaps is founded in his deep christian belief and conviction. So I vote for him to be world mayor of 2014! (By Alfred W, Jena)
Comment: I’ve been living and studying in Jena for three years. As a history student, I am often faced with the history and policy of the city and certainly with the right-wing extremists closely linked to. Many of my friends I’ve met in Jena aren’t from Germany. There are so many different cultures which clash in the university city. But all the time I spend with them in Jena, I never witnessed a confrontation like an attack or provocation of any right-wing extremists. Furthermore I think it goes without saying that the situation eased over time and I believe in the work of our mayor Albrecht Schröder, who does a great deal for the city to combat right-wing extremism and to begin with a process of awareness-raising. In a certain way, it’s due to him and that’s why I would like to vote for the mayor of Jena as the “world mayor”. (By Corinna M, Jena)
Comment: I was very glad to hear about the nomination of Dr. Albrecht Schröter as World Mayor 2014. I hereby like to take the opportunity to support Dr. Schröter’s nomination.
Jena is a modern and dynamic city with a strong relation to science. Jena was awarded the title “Stadt der Wissenschaften” (science city) in 2008. Jena is nationally and internationally particularly well known for high class optics and photonics research and development. In the past two decades Jena became the “Optical Valley” of Germany characterized by both its strong optics research structure and a large amount of companies like worldwide known ones as Carl Zeiss or Schott which are located in Jena. Dr. Schröter always strives to support and strengthen Jena as a center of research and science.
As Mayor of Jena he took vigorous efforts to develop our city as an international center of research and science. Thus, Jena is welcoming guest from all over the world every year and hosts international students, research fellows and scientists. In the bygone years and under the administration of Dr. Schröter possibilities and requirements for international guests to come to Jena, to live and work here were strengthened. In cooperation with the administrative departments, the universities, research institutes as well as the citizens a great welcome cultural has grown. Due to the multifarious exchange programs in cooperation with partner cities in four continents mutual understanding between different cultures is strongly promoted. Thanks to the efforts of Dr. Schröter Jena is a place that acts out pluralism, intercultural and international exchange.
Due to his continuous commitment for Jena and its citizens, I hope Dr. Schröter will be awarded as World Mayor 2014.Sincerely (By Prof Dr Jürgen P, Jena)
Comment: I give my vote to Albrecht Schröter for World Mayor because in my opinion he fits the description of a "Mayor for the World" perfectly. He has given the city of Jena a wonderful image for people like myself from Scotland, through his humanity in issues that affect this turbulent world we live in. He has shown that Jena is not an "little" obscure part of East Germany anymore but an example of positive involvement in world affairs such as raising awareness of world politics which affect us all. I see him as Jena's Bill Clinton, a man of charisma who can speak up and lead, an honest, friendly, artististic and motivating personality. An exception to the restricted politicians of today! (By Bob R, Munich, Germany)
Comment: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur World Major Nominierung für Deutschland! Weltoffenheit ist nicht alles, es gehört Mut dazu. Albrecht Schröter nutzt viele private und politische Möglichkeiten als Ventil für Toleranz, Partnerschaft und Freundschaft. Er zieht voran, wenn es gegen Hass und Ungerechtigkeit geht und er schmiedet Bündnisse im In-und Ausland für seine Stadt Jena. (By Anneliese S, Vierzehnheiligen, Germany)
Comment: My vote for Albrecht Schröter to be the Worldmayor: Albrecht Schröter is the most kind, credible, honest and gifted human being known by me. His brilliant sense of perception allows him to analyse situations and problems like a flash and according to his wide knowledge finds solutions based on facts and figures. In addition to this he is able to listen carefully not only to the majority but also to the minority and to measure and weigh the different points of view in his manner and understanding of real democracy. In this mediative process and seeking not only best but also fair solutions he reaches the goal that different parties keep in friendly touch and in peace. And this he practices in his town Jena but also in further difficult situations of towns and countries in the Middle East. Not to forget his genius sense of humour which makes even laugh his opponents. For this reasons he is the Worldmayor and I vote for him only.(By Walter B, Oberentfelden, Switzerland)
Comment: I vote for Dr. Albrecht Schröter who as head of his city was able, through action, to unify the prestigious history of the Napoleonic period and, the more recent one, the German reunification. He works every day to promote a future that is not a prisoner of the scars of the past; he is finally the holder of a strong desire to connect his city to the world through the development of practical exchanges with near realties or more distant ones as China. Finally, he is treasurer of the European Federation of Napoleonic Cities, an organization of elected officials in Europe who are active for a reconciled Europe. (By Charles Bonaparte, head of the European Federation of Napoleonic cities ( 50 cities over 10 European countries), former vice mayor of Ajaccio, France (65 000 inhabitants)
Comment:: We hereby vote for Dr. Albrecht Schröter, Senior Mayor of Jena, Germany, as `World Mayor`/World`s Best Mayor`. As Senior Mayor he represents his and our City with a great deal of personal commitment and competence.
Dr. Albrecht Schröter is known for always lending a sympathetic ear to all People living in Jena, meeting their requests and concerns in a personal, friendly, open-harted and insightful manner.
Evan during the time of the communist dictatorship in the eastern part of Germany he did his work as a civil rights activist, theologian, and counsellor with a lot of commitment, standing up especialy for he victims of the power-holders of the time.
After the peaceful Revolution of 1989, he committed himself strongly of the Installation of a democratic constitution and the relevant structures in order to comprehensively establish and secure the political adherence to human rights. (By Dr. E. and G. M, Jena)
Comment: Ich schlage vor, Herrn Dr. Albrecht Schröter, Oberbürgermeister in Jena, zum Welt-Bürgermeister zu wählen.
Obwohl ich in Berlin wohne, verfolge ich aus privaten Gründen regelmäßig die Kulturszene in Jena und stelle dabei fest, dass Herr Dr. Schröter sich in vorbildlicher Weise insbesondere um die Belange der Jenaer Philharmonie kümmert und versucht, sie zu fördern. (By Ingrid S, Berlin)
Comment: I support Mayor Dr. Albrecht Schröter, Jena, Germany, as World Mayor. Mayor Schröter has vinculated his City of Jena with one of the worldwide most important regions: Near East. To overcome the decades lasting conflicts, specially between Israel and the Palestinians is indispensable for the future of all cities in the world and specially for children and youth to meet a future in peace. Mayor Schröter worked to establish a city twinning between Jena and Beit Jala near Bethlehem in Palestine, and I personally could feel, during the signing of the agreement in Beit Jala, how the people apreciate this testimony of solidarity. Only few German comunities have such relations with palestinian cities. Good governement ist networking between all people which work for peace and understanding, and so Mayor Schröter tryes to include israelian comuinities as well as the city of Aubervillier in France. In his function in the German organisation of Local Governements he encourages other german mayors to do the same. His firm conviction of unconditional respect for human rights, freedom and responsability guides his daily work for his community Jena. Not only the citizens of Jena, but also in Israel and in the occupied palestinian territories will be proud, when Mayor Schröter is declared World Mayor 2014. (By Axel B, Bergish Gladbach, Germany)
Comment: Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, we both - Bärbel and Johannes - Hermsdorf near Jena vote for Albrecht Schröter: he was a leading person during time of change in 1989, he was active in peaceful revolution in former GDR and he was one of the most responsible people in Jena during "peaceful" demonstrations in the city of Jena. After change he helped to develop the city of Jena in spite of very difficult conditions into a leading town in the Federal Republic of Germany in the fields of science and economy, he extravagated the boarders between different parties for the collective good of all people. People feel well there in their town. Albrecht Schröter helped to do so. (By Bärbel D and Johannes F, Hermsdorf, Germany)
Comment: As a mayor of Beit Jala - Bethlehem- Palestine and throughout me direct relation with Dr. Albrecht Schroter - Mayor of Jena - Germany I noticed his love to people and his deep attention to serve them as we'll as his active and hard work for a world peace. (By Raji Zeidan, Mayor, Palestine)
Comment: I believe that Mayor Albrecht Schröter, Jena, Germany deserve to win. I respect and appreciate his efforts to create an atmosphere of cooperation in a special model of four areas Germany, France, Israel and Palestine. This raises hope in our heart, that there is a chance, thanks to people like him, for a bright future in the Middle East. We look forward to get to know and learn more of the many advantages of his City and the world of science within it. Human development depends on the progress and science, and he serve as inspiration to us all. I wish him many years, as much as he will be elected, to serve the residents of his city and strengthen the relationship between the German nation to Israelis and between the residents of Jena and Hagilboa. (By Daniel Atar, Mayor of the Hagilboa Regional Council, Israel)
Comment: I fully support Mayor Albrecht Schröter candidacy. Through the twinning we have successfully put in place between the cities of Jena and Aubervilliers, Mayor Schroder has, without question, brought great cultural enhancement to my city. His career, experience and strong convictions make him a committed and exemplary mayor who fully embodies the qualities required of the World Mayor. (By Pascal Beaudet, Mayor of Aubervilliers, France)
Comment: Soviel ehrliches und klares Engagement für die Bürger einer Stadt und gegen alle Versuche der Ausgrenzung und für eine Vielfalt und den Reichtum der Kultur dringt auch weit über Jenas Grenzen. Deshalb unterstütze ich die Kandidatur des Jenaer Oberbürgermeisters für den worldmayor und halte es für ein weltweit wichtiges Zeichen, ihn auf diese Weise auszuzeichnen! (By Prof Ulfrid K, Radebeul, Germany)
Comment: I vote for Dr. Albrecht Schröter who as head of his city was able, through action, to unify the prestigious history of the Napoleonic period and, the more recent one, the German reunification. He works every day to promote a future that is not a prisoner of the scars of the past; he is finally the holder of a strong desire to connect his city to the world through the development of practical exchanges with near realties or more distant ones as China. Finally, he is treasurer of the European Federation of Napoleonic Cities, an organization of elected officials in Europe who are active for a reconciled Europe.
Additionally he is taking concrete steps to open the city of Jena to the world by supporting 10 different town twins all over the world. He cares a lot about the international exchange of culture, working methods and education. The town twins are based on a strong civil support that he is encouraging. He is very active in the Israelian - Palestinian approach by encouraging a trilateral town twinning. (By Anja S, Jena)
Comment: Ich kenne Albrecht Schröter seit Jahrzehnten, insbesondere als ich bis 1992 in Jena lebte und arbeitete. Ganz besonders in den Zeiten der Restriktionen durch die SED-Herrschaft war er ein konsequenter Streiter für die Freiheit der Religionsausübung und die grundsätzlichen Menschenrechte. Dank seiner persönlichen Integrität, seiner fundierten humanistisch-wissenschaftlichen Ausbildung und besonders seiner Persönlichkeit ist es zu danken, dass er nach der politischen Wende, die in Jena von ihm mit gestaltet wurde, zur lokalen führenden politischen Kraft wurde. Jena, als meine Geburtsstadt, bleibt meine Heimat mit der ich fest verwurzelt bin. Ich bin stolz, dass Jena einen Bürgermeister wie Dr. Albrecht Schröter gewählt hat. Regelmäßig verfolge ich auch die Aktivitäten des Oberbürgermeisters und freue mich über die lokalen und regionalen Erfolge in Jena Deshalb stimme ich für Albrecht Schröter als „World Mayor“.. (By Prof Dr Harald L S, Munich)
Comment: Dr. Albrecht Schröter very much deserved the title of a world mayor because he brought the sense of solidarity to our town. (By Ralf H and 30 others, Jena)
Comment: Dr. Schröter is the best mayor we ever had, without him we wouldn`t have so strong relations with many other cities, in Germany and the world, in France, Palestine, Nicaragua, and and. He really deserves that title (By R H, Jena)
Comment: He is a great Major, I had the opportunity to know him, he is very humble and he worries about important things in life such as environment problems, poor peoples’ problems, and he acts, not only speaks and he support his words with actions. (By Roberto V C, Carazo, Nicaragua)
Comment: I would like to nominate Dr. Albrecht Schröter, mayor of Jena as World Mayor.
He is a peaceful person that makes him a wonderful leader and negotiator. It is these attributes that the world needs in the light of increasing aggression and anger. Especially in a position as worldmayor. Mister Schröter has got five kids and has been a protestant pastor before he entered politics. He is also a very sympathetic and empathic person. (By Hanka F, Leipzig)
Comment: Dear Worldmayor Foundation Team,
thank you so much for having Mr. Albrecht Schröter in the finalist round of World Mayor 2014. That is a great honor for our city, its residents and our mayor.
Born in Jena, I know Mr. Schröter since 1987. I was a young girl that time and joined a community of young people at our little church around the corner. Mr. Schröter was the reverend of that church, understood and supported us as young members of the church and society in giving us the "Room for Our Own" to think, work and discuss our believe in a more democratic live as the former GDR offered us that time. What would have become of me, then I would not have enjoyed this space for free thought?
Now he is our mayor for a couple of years and I see how clearly he still follows this way: His work as mayor is seen and felt focused on local development and international networking: for democracy, against anti-democratic movements and for the peaceful coexistence of all. I am deeply convinced that it is exactly what this world needs. Especially now. I really wish that his work may be honoured as World Mayor 2014 being an example for all the mayors and politicians of the world. Thanks for giving this chance. (By Uta T, Jena)
Comment: Albrecht is my favorite candidate of World Mayor! I support the candidacy because Albrecht is incredibly strong for people engaged in distress: he supports his heart and soul Jena’s sister city San Marcos in Nicaragua, is committed to climate protection, is an absolutely correct type and tries again and again when there is dispute as arbitrator and friend of all parties to get the best for everyone and especially for our city of Jena. That is why I support him. (By Sandra H, Jena)
Comment: I met the Mayor Albrecht Schröter from Jena, Germany on a great event in the Romanian town of Lugoј for the holiday Ruga lugozhana. With the mayor we meet several times but biggest impression about him left me his openness for cooperation between the city Kriva Palanka R. Macedonia and the city of Jena Germany, his positive attitude, reflected in many fields, and even more in the assistance that he offer to Kriva Palanka to overcome some problems encountered in daily operations. I think that the mayor Schröter deserves the award for World Mayor because his communication skills, openness, enthusiasm, democratic orientation and other personal characteristics, characteristics as a human leader. (By Igor Dodevski - Municipality Kriva Palanka, R. Macedonia Advisor for representing and legal affairs)
Comment: Dear Friends in the world majors jury: I recommend to vote for Albrecht Schröter, the major of easterngerman town Jena, for the World Mayor Prize in 2014.
Already in 2007, when only a few people in Germany could imagine, how deep right wing organisations (i.E. the terrororganisation called „Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund“ and others) would shatter the german society, he insisted to use possibilities of society und also personal ones, to fight against rightwing activities. So he made an established right wing-Music-Festival in Jena called „Fest der Völker/Rock für Deutschland“ history and brought ordinary people and authorities together in her engagement against right wing extremism. Not at least he startet in 2009 to establish a Network of german towns/local authorities against rigt wing extremism. With warm regrets and best wishes for all nominies (By Friedemann B, Berlin)
Comment: Ich unterstütze Dr. Albrecht Schröter im internationalen Wettbewerb um den „Welt-Bürgermeister. Nicht weil er der einzige Kandidat aus Deutschland ist, sondern weil sich der Jenaer Oberbürgermeister für ein weltoffenes Jena einsetzt und unermüdlich gegen Rechtsextremismus und jegliche Art von Diskriminierung kämpft. Das thüringische Jena hat eine hervorragende Universität, vereint die verschiedensten Lebenskulturen und kann auf eine moderne Wirtschaftsentwicklung verweisen. Den neusten Erfolg dieser Stadt zeigen die aktuellen Statistiken: Jena ist bundesweit absoluter Spitzenreiter beim Elterngeld für Väter - jeder zweite Vater bezog dort Elterngeld. (By Manuela S, Berlin)
Comment: Dear Editorial Board, I would like to support the nomination of Albrecht Schroeter to become World Mayor 2014.
Although he is the Mayor of a small city like Jena, his engagement goes beyond the local area, to address wider issues of German and even international concern. Despite having served as a minister at state-level government and having been the Mayor of Jena for 8 years now, he remains approachable, interested and engaged in local concerns and affairs.
However, in supporting his nomination I would like to emphasise his role in the peaceful demonstrations that led to the fall of the wall in 1989. In his role as a pastor at the time, he provided active support to the democratic movement and civilians involved in it, as well as being a founding member of the political grouping Democratischer Aufbruch himself.
Another point to highlight is his political engagement against anti-Semitism and right-wing extremism. For instance, he brought into a being a network of German cities that aims to prevent neo-Nazi demonstrations and provides mutual support in the case of them happening. He has always been active in supporting culture in the city, as well as dedicating much of his work (especially in his role as pastor) to the youth.
I hope these arguments will support his election. (By Ulrike L, Jena)
Comment: Our current mayor Albrecht Schröter is one of the important East German pastors who uncovered and publicized the election fraud of the SED-Regime before the fall of the Berlin Wall. In the local elections held in the GDR in the spring of 1989, he organized a group of young adults to independently observe and document the vote tallying at polling locations so that the fraudulence of the official results could be proven statistically. The publication of this critique was unbelievably courageous within the context of the SED-Regime and it represents a critical step towards the fall of the GDR system and ultimately, German reunification. This was Albrecht Schröters first great achievement as a “grass roots” political organizer.
Today we can be proud to have Albrecht Schröter as our mayor. Jena is a blooming and bustling city, full of life and rich in scientific research and creativity. Cultural heritage is maintained, while new forms of culture are sponsored. Historical architecture is renovated, while new housing is created (renovation, new buildings) and new buildings for science, research and medical services are constructed.
Children and teenagers are focused on through improvements in education and sports, as well as the elderly with their desire for appreciation and needs for care. Albrecht Schröter does a great job in keeping all these aspects of urban live in balance.
He is educated, eloquent and represents the university town of Jena competently and passionately on all different levels. He remains close and connected to the people and supports the weaker members of society by providing for social care institutions and promoting both professional and volunteer workers within these institutions.
Of course, it is part of the mayor’s role to negotiate compromises and to stand by them. However, Albrecht Schröter allows no compromise when it comes to right-wing extremism, anti-Semitism or xenophobia. He consistently joins protest marches against right-wing extremism in Jena (or also in other cities!). He has also researched the fate of Jewish people during the Nazi period and has published a book on the history of Jews in Jena. Jena is now a city in which foreigners are welcome. We hope that Dr. Albrecht Schröter will be able to lead and represent our city for many years to come. (By Dr. Heidrun G, Jena)
Comment: I support the nomination of Jena's mayor Dr. Albrecht Schröter because of his passionate support of music in his city. Germany is the only country in the world to boast of such a wealth of classical music ensembles and orchestras. Unfortunately this "monument of culture", Germany's amazing orchestra landscape, is now crumbling away before our very eyes. Orchestras are folding, being merged, taking huge cuts - and the trend goes on, like an epidemic. Germany needs people like Albrecht Schröter to fight for this incredible musical heritage, unparalled in the world. This, along with his exceptional integrity and committment in social issues, are reason enough to grant him this award. (By M M, Freiburg, Germany)
Comment: Dear all: I vote for OB Dr. Schröter, because he positioned the eastern German city of Jena in the still difficult period of changes after unification of Germany as a well knows site of industry, lifelines and science. In a territory threatened of demographic change and loss of population he assured growth and welfare to the city. Dr. Schröter is a distinguished member of the board of German Cities Association DST. (By Thomas K, Berlin, Germany)
Comment: I'd like to recommend Mr. Schröter to win your competition because he is a great mentor for the cultural life in his city. Mr. Schröter supports especially the orchestra of his city-the Jena Philharmonic which makes the cultural life of that part of Germany very interesting and alive. That's why Mr. Schröter deserves that prize!
Best regards. (By Miryam N, Jena)
Comment: My reasons: In times where culture is being deleted by politicians to save a little money, there is a mayor in Germany who loves music and culture and supports both with all his power! In Rostock for example there is a mayor who wants to destroy the theatre structure in Rostock in deleting the dance company and the whole music theatre: that is a shame. But the great guy in Jena does the opposite: more culture for a better educated society! (By Rainer S, Uckermark, Germany)
Comment: What Mr. Albrecht Schröter has achieved in the last decade is just remarkable, if not outstanding.
I’m living in Munich, Germany and Jena is one of a few East-German cities where I obtain positive news. After the turmoil of the German reunification and the massive structural changes that took place, Jena has mastered the challenges well and is frequently top rated in various city and regional comparison. Such an achievement does not just pass by, such an achievement is a result of hard work of the people, the economy and the administration of Jena.
Although I live in Munich, I am originated from Gera, a city close by Jena, which is equally in size. And I would like to draw a small comparison between the two cities, because the development of both cities is very different. To say it in a few words; Jena rises, Gera falls.
Before German reunification, Gera has been the city favored by the overall political system at the time. Gera has had a stronger economy compared to Jena and was one and a half times the size of Jena.
However, it’s due to both cities administration that decided about the prospects of both cities. And the Jena’s administration, which Mr. Albrecht Schröter leads, is smart in governing the city.
The Administration of Jena knows how to attract investors, how to do the right things at a time, understand businesses needs and create a business friendly atmosphere, which is the root for all development. That said, it is done in line with respecting public interest and maintaining individual rights. If you walk through Jena today, you experience a positive mood, an open minded society, which is young and dynamic. This is not only Mr. Albrecht Schröter’s personal achievement, but he heads this administration for such a long time and gives his shape. Being born in Gera, I know how important it is to have the right decision makers on the very top. (By Ronny F, Munich, Germany)
Comment: Albrecht Schröter is a vivid defender of democracy and human rights. May it be his relentless support of anti-nationalism protest or his commitment to protect asylum-seekers and integrate immigrants, to name but a few, he is determined to treat every individual the same. This reflects also on his work in the town-hall, where he has been striving for consensus whenever possible, without sticking to the party line too much. After all, he is a role model for modern and progressive leadership and fully deserves to be the World Mayor of 2014. (By Karsten H, Oxford)
Comment: Mein Name ist Jürgen Ehrlich, Bürgermeister der Gemeinde Sundhausen. Ich habe den Kollegen Schröter bei diversen Veranstaltungen des Landes Thüringen und des Gemeinde und Städtebundes Thüringen kennen gelernt. In meiner 30-jährigen Dienstzeit als Bürgermeister ist mir selten ein Amtskollege begegnet der in seinen Diskussionsbeiträgen erkennen lies das er mit Herz für seine Bevölkerung in seiner Stadt und darüber hinaus einsteht. Hiermit stimme ich für seine Nominierung herzlichen Glückwunsch Kollege Schröder
Mit freundlichen Grüßen (By Jürgen Ehrlich)
Comment: I vote for Dr. Albrecht Schröter, because he is a mayor, who is very engaged not only in Jena, but in the world. He stands for a multicultural live and is engaged against neofascism. Everytime if some people of fascistic orientation want make a meeting, he stands in the first front of democratic people who try to stop them! (By Reinhard V, Jena)
Comment: I am more then happy to see Dr. Schroeter under the finalists of your renown award. Meaning to all of us who are living in German cities related to Palestine and the solidarity with the suffering people, peace loving population in Palestine and Israel are admiring his engagement and personal support to city diplomacy. If there is someone to be awarded for his outstanding efforts, it is Dr. Albrecht Schroeter, Thanks for proposing him. (By Ulrich N, East Jerusalem)
Comment: I stronly support the nomination of Jena's lord mayor Dr. Albrecht Schröter to obtain the title "World Mayor" from the following reasons:
1) During the time of GDR, i.e. before the year 1990, in particular during the peaceful revolution in Eastern Germany (political turning, "Wende"), he was active in the fist line to force political changes.
His commitment during the communist era focused primarily on the church youth work. He (as myself) was on October 1, 1989 Co-founder of the Democratic Awakening ('Demokratischer Aufbruch' - DA) in Berlin and the spokesman in Jena. He left that party in March 1990 (as also I did in January 1990) as a consequence of the merger of DA, DSU and CDU. Until March 1990 Responsible Schröter was at the "round table" in Jena for questions of renewal in health care. In October 1990, Schröter joined the SDP (founded in October 1989), later SPD. Since 1990 he is a member of the Jena Town Council for the social democratic party SPD (I also, but only until 1994, but as a non-party member in the DA/CDU group). Here, I highly recognized his prudent and wise poltical action to establish democratic structures during the "hot" very early after time of "Wende" and German reunification.
2) From 2000 to 2006, he was Head of the Department of Social Affairs and Culture of the city of Jena. Jena has reached a high in social and cultural level. He supported in this function as well as today as Jena's lord mayer the wide range of cultural activities in our town, e.g. the 'Jena Philharmonie' and "Kulturarena" with international artists as well as socio-cultural groups
3) I also highly appreciate his activities outsite, national and international. Since 2010 Albrecht Schröter is a member of the board of the German Association of Cities. There he is committed above all to support the Middle East peace process through closer cooperation of German, Israeli and Palestinian communities. Schröter committed against extreme right (neo-Nazis). He called in 2009 the initiative "communities against right" to life, which established a network medium German communities in the fight against neo-Nazis and has the mutual support of cities in Nazi marches to the destination. Albrecht Schröter received 17 November 2011 the "Award for courage against right-wing extremism, anti-Semitism and racism.", The "Sponsors Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe" thus honoring the longstanding commitment of the head of Jena city against neo-Nazis.
He personally supports different internationa partnerships of towns: Lugoj (Romania), Beit Jala (Israel), San Marcos (Nicaragua), Aubervilliers (France), Guangzhou (China), Wladimir (Russia), Berkely (USA), Porto (Portugal). In partular, the partnership between Jdena and San Marcos is very lively and vital and enshrined in Jena's citizenship.
The town Jena supports refugees with new buildings and decentral accomodation, currently for refugees mainly from Syria. Also, these activites are supported by Albrecht Schröter.
4) Schröter is a committed evangelical Christian who is strongly committed to ecumenism. In 1996 he was graduated with the thesis "The Catholic Apostolic Church in Germany and the 'case Geyer'" and thus delivered from the first scientific presentation of European history of the Catholic Apostolic Church and the emergence of the New Apostolic Church. To date, this work is regarded as a standard work and provides an important source of information, many hitherto unknown documents and research results. He also wrote articles in the "Encyclopedia new religious groups, scenes and worldviews" and "Jews in Jena". (By Dr Reinhard G, Jena)
Comment: Liebe Jury von Worldmayor,
Ich wohne in Jena und bin Schülerin. Ich stimme für Albrecht Schröter, weil er unsere Stadt zu der gemacht hat, die sie jetzt ist. Eine Stadt mit Zukunft, mit Bildung und mit einer toleranten, zufriedenen Bevölkerung. Jena ist eine junge Stadt, und dies schätzt Herr Schröter indem er Schulen, Projekte und unsere Universität fördert und stets am Ball bleibt. Das ist mir persönlich auch sehr wichtig und Herr Schröter macht seine Arbeit äußerst gut. Doch auch wenn unser Bürgermeister viel beschäftigt und immer bemüht ist, das Beste zu tun, ist und bleibt er auch nur ein Mensch und das hat er schon öfters gezeigt. Dies gibt der Bevölkerung immer ein gutes Gefühl und stärkt den Zusammenhalt. Als Beispiel möchte ich unseren Jena-Film (das Happy Video) nennen. Ein Großteil Jenas wirkte in diesem Video mit und auch unser Bürgermeister konnte es sich am Ende nicht nehmen lassen, selbst vor der Kamera zu tanzen...In diesem Sinne stimme ich für Albrecht Schröter (By Alena, Jena)
Comment: It is thanks to him for explicit engagement in a democracy and liberality in GDR. After that he engaged for communication in the best sense inside an outside of Germany, long over the general tasks of a mayor. He has merits in the process of coming to terms with the past, that means an important contribution in international understanding. I support the idea to promote Albrecht Schröter for World Mayor. (By Matthias H, Jena)
Comment: Albrecht Schröter is a person who knows politics by personal experiences of lack concerning the social-political life in freedom, justice and peace. Her knows what it means to survive in a society who needed serious reforms and helped to promote them in the Seventies and Eighties. He is rooted in an Christian way of live which is on the opposite of fanatics and intolerance. With the courage of a man who trusts in the goodness of God and in the good will of most different people he accomplishes a service to the civil society looking for politicians who struggle for a healthy economy which helps the disadvantaged people where ever they are to be found. Personally I appreciate his trust and promptness in treating friends and political adversaries without any dishonesties. He has everything to become later in his carrier president of the German Federal Republic. There is no better choice. Thank you. (By Klaus H, Koblenz)
Comment: I have spent nearly 20 years in Jena (now I’m living in Erfurt) and I know Albrecht Schröter from my former work as Public Relations Manager of Jenoptik AG (a Jena based company). I like him very much and I would like to vote for him as “World Major” because of the following reasons:
He is honest and fair and he acts (if necessary) immediately without many questions and doubts concerning bureaucratic constraints . I remember of the big concert “against right” with the well known German singer Udo Lindenberg.
As far as he is cool, the city Jena remains a certain kind of coolness. This will mean, that things are easier possible than in other comparable cities. I like the “Long night of sciences”, Kulturarena, different student parties. In Jena you could find a easy going live together with young and old, rich and less rich, student and manager, Germans and other nations without any problems. And the main thing is: The understanding is honest and impartial.
He is enthusiastic for many things and one of the rare people in high positions which could show real happiness. It would be really great for my old hometown Jena one of the best cities in Germany! (By Katrin L, Erfurt)
Comment: We woudl like to give our vote for World Mayor to Abrecht Schröter, the Mayor of the City Jena in Germany.
He is Mayor who is very close to the people of the town and supports the local businesses, does a lot for families, eductaion and much more.
His Engagement against the right wing extremism and his fight for is very outstanding and so important in these times. Thats why he absolutely deserves and shoudl earn this award. Thanks a lot and many greetings from Jena. (By Renate P and Manuela B P, Jena)
Comment: Lord Mayor Dr.Albrecht Schroeter has been in office serving the city of Jena for three terms. As a trained theologian, he has the ability to bring the different representatives of the sozial, economic and environmental thinking together, to resolve contradictions by with persuasion. The city of Jena and its surroundings have experienced an upswing under his leadership, owing to a combination of economic policies, scientific research and university programs. Lord Mayor Dr. Schroeter is active at both the local and international levels in efforts to foster communication between cultures and has been recognized for his work to combat right wing extremism. (By A G, Jena)
Comment: Unser Oberbürgermeister hat es verdient als Weltbürgermeister ausgezeichnet zu werden. Er setzt sich gegen Rechtsextremismus und für ein weltoffenes Jena ein. Er redet nicht nur, er handelt. Er leitet die Stadt mit gutem Geschick, bleibt auf Augenhöhe mit dem Bürger und ist auch als Bürger der Stadt erlebbar. Ich bin zwar kein Befürworter seiner Partei, wähle ihn aber immer als Oberbürgermeister. (By Gundula K, Jena)
Comment: I'd like to vote for Jena's mayor Albrecht Schröter as the World Mayor. Jena is a still growing city in terms of population, especially students, university belongings and economics. Jena develops strategies to be attractive for lots of modern companies, e.g. like software developers. Jena has always been a university city and Mr. Schröter knows to use this as Jenas advantage. Besides the economics Mr. Schröter does a very good job in communication through all different kinds of Jena's citizens. He manages to have an increasing part of referendums in Jena so that all inhabitants have the chance to influence the cities development.
Mr. Schröter also keeps Sports in focus. Hence, Jena has modern football and basketball stadiums, public pools and lots of leisure time options.
I very much appreciate Mr. Schröters work and would like to announce him the world mayor 2014. (By Christina W, Jena)
Comment: Dear Jury, I support the candidacy of Mayor Schröter , because:
• he promoted and started a cities-network against racism in Germany
• he used his influence to promote co-operation between cities of Germany and Israel for reconciliation
• he initiated round-tables and networks in Jena with stakeholders of civil society, for actions and demonstrations to take a stand against racism and showing Jena as a plural, liberal and open city. (By Daniela S, Berlin)
Comment: I vote for Dr. Albrecht Schröter as World mayor because:
• He combines political force with empathy
• Fights against right wing extremism
• Empowers people caring for others
• Motivates volunteering
• Supports innovation for a dementia friendly city
• Is open, clear, honest, against corruption
(By Dr Michael O, Jena_
Comment: I vote for Dr. Schroeter, on the reason of his great engagment for Peace in Near East (Local Diplomacy in the field of City to City Cooperation) and against Neo-Nazis in Germany and in Europe (in 2012 he got the German-Award for Civilcourage from the Jewish Congregation of Berlin). His City is very successful in modern structures, living condition and
economical development). He decreased the arreas of the city, so that Jena will do not have debts latest in 2020. His personality is very motivating for the inhabitants and the member of his staff. (Gustav Heeger, Jena)
Comment: Albrecht Schröter should be elected for the Mayor of the year because of his engagement for civil rights and peoples rights in the city of Jena and in Germany.
Schröter took part in the peace movement in Jena around the „Wende“ and was strongly connected to social and cultural politics in the town of Jena.
As a personal story I can say he bought me a guitar bag when I was looking for a cheap guitar in a local music shop, because he thought that it is better to have one and not to carry the guitar without it. I didn’t even know him. :-)
Schröter always took a stand against right extremist positions and demonstrations throughout his time as a mayor: When in certain years the Neonazi-Festival „Fest der Völker“ was scheduled in Jena he called up the people of Jena to demonstrate against this festival and was among the demonstrators in the first line. He found creative ways for blocking the festival such as: letting local musical artist occupy every single place suitable for the nazi demonstration to perform anti racist acts and to force the nazi-festival to an remote place. (Here is to say that the town could not just forbid the „Fest der Völker“, although they tried, as because of legal reasons and a court decision allowing for the Festival). His way of protest forced the Festival out of Jena after two years. Schröter managed this situation in a respectful and respectable manner.
Schröter was and is also present on demonstrations against neo nazi events in East Germany, most notably the right wing demonstrations in Dresden at the 13th of February, when the Neo Nazi groups use the anniversary of the bombing of Dresden as an occasion for racist and negationist views. Because of his commitment to social togetherness and antiracist dedication, Albrecht Schröter deserves the nomination for the „Mayor of the year“ and in my opinion he also deserves to be elected. (By Martin H, Jena)
Comment: I support Albrecht Schröter, mayor of Jena. His commitment for all the people, especially the students in Jena, is amazing. When I studied in Jena from 2006-2012 I always had a good impression of him. He is focussed on the interculturalness of this great city Jena and tries to support everyone. (By Veronika S, Berlin)
Comment: Wir möchten Hr. Schröter für sein Engagement gegen "Rechts" danken, er hat hier großes für Jena aber auch für Dresden und die ganze Region geleistet. Vielen Dank, Weiter so. (By Rainer and Henriette P, Jena)
Comment: I vote for Mr. Schröter, because he is committed to peace in our country and in his community. instead of attacks he uses mediation and support. He is also a committed advocate for democracy and courage against Neo-Nazis in our country. he tries to accept people with different opinions and to mediate between them. In conflict between Israel and Palestine he taught with the help of various friends from the policy. he tries to understand each other and to create respect between people. His city of Jena he has helped international recognition and respect. He is a man of peace. (By M H)

World Mayor
The philanthropic City Mayors Foundation awards the World Mayor Prize every two years to a mayor who has made outstanding contributions to his / her community and has developed a vision for urban living and working that is relevant to towns and cities across the world. The Prize has been awarded since 2004.
Anyone voting for a mayor is also asked to consider whether his / her candidate is likely to agree to the City Mayors Code of Ethics. Mayors wishing to be considered for the World Mayor Prize will be asked to sign up to the Code.
Votes must be accompanied by a thoughtful supporting statement.
2014/15 Timetable
First-round nominations were accepted until the middle of May 2014. A longlist of 121 candidates was published on 22 May. A shortlist of 26 nominees was announced on 18 June 2014. A second round of voting will take place between now and the middle of October. The winner of the 2014 World Mayor Prize and other results of the World Mayor Project were announced on 3 February 2015.
The philanthropic City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank on urban affairs, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. Mayors wishing to be considered for the World Mayor Prize will be asked to sign up to the City Mayors Code of Ethics.
The winner receives the artistically acclaimed World Mayor trophy, while the runner-up is given the World Mayor Commendation.
Winners and runners-up
2004 to 2014
In 2014: Winner: Naheed Nenshi (Calgary, Canada); First runner-up: Daniël Termont (Ghent, Belgium); Second runner-up: Tri Rismaharini (Surabaya, Indonesia)
In 2012: Winner: Iñaki Azkuna (Bilbao, Spain); Runner-up: Lisa Scaffidi (Perth, Australia); In third place: Joko Widodo (Surakarta, Indonesia)
In 2010: Winner: Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City, Mexico); Runner-up: Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City, USA); In third place: Domenico Lucano (Riace, Italy)
In 2008: Winner: Helen Zille (Cape Town, South Africa); Runner up: Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich, Switzerland); In third place: Leopoldo López (Chacao, Venezuela)
In 2006: Winner: John So (Melbourne, Australia); Runner up: Job Cohen (Amsterdam, Netherland); In third place: Stephen Reed (Harrisburg, USA)
In 2005: Winner: Dora Bakoyannis (Athens, Greece); Runner-up: Hazel McCallion (Mississauga, Canada); In third place: Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City, Guatemala)
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana, Albania); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City, Mexico); In third place: Walter Veltroni (Rome, Italy)