Tri, Rismaharini, Mayor of Surabaya

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Tri Rismaharini (Risma)
Mayor of Surabaya (Indonesia)
The winner and runner-ups of World Mayor 2014 will be chosen based on the number of nominations in relation to the size of their cities and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of testimonials received during this year's World Mayor Project. Below we publish a selection of comments received to date about WM nominee Tri Rismaharini, Mayor of Surabaya, Indonesia.
Comment: Risma is the best figure in the Indonesian leader I've ever seen, Leading with the heart and dedication. Risma aware that her position as a major is a mandate from God that should be run as well as possible. Risma devote himself entirely with full sincerity to make the better of Surabaya city, not merely to rule from behind the desk, but went directly to see the problems of the people, then solved the problems. And everyone admits now Surabaya be cleaner, greener, and much more comfortable place to live. Free education for all children Surabaya, and also free health care for all people of Surabaya. I do believe that Risma could be an inspiration for other leaders in Indonesia, even in the world. (By Ahmad M, Surabaya)
Comment: I live at Surabaya since 2012 because I’m a student of Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. I don’t exactly remember on what year that I’d a vacation with my family to Surabaya, I believed that's a long time ago. But the only thing I’d remembered about Surabaya is the weather, that’s really hot during summer. We rarely see trees on streets. But when I came again *of course while under Mayor Risma’s lead*, it’s really different. Surabaya become a lovely city that has a lot of city parks. Not too bad as before, but that’s an amazing alteration. Mayor Risma has made Surabaya as a pleasant city not only for its citizen, but also the tourists and the people who live at Surabaya because of studying or work.
The reasons why she should win this World Mayor 2014 because she’s brave enough on closing the biggest prostitution localization in Southeast Asia at Surabaya “Dolly”; Surabaya had been changed, nearly become the cleanest city in Indonesia that have a lot of city parks; she’d done many things for the sake of the Surabaya and its citizen (even without any media); and her loves to Surabaya makes Surabaya citizen loves her though. I think that she’s a humble person, who truly cares and always listens on Surabaya citizen’s problems and offers solutions. Thanks for giving magical things on Surabaya that I can remember forever. It makes me have an aspiration being a mayor someday. Go, Fight, Win, Mayor Risma! (By Ghinadhia P A, Balikpapan)
Comment: Ibu Risma termasuk sosok pemimpin yang sangat memikirkan warga dan kotanya, Beliau benar-benar pikirkan perbaikan untuyk warga dan kotanya. Saya masuh takjub bahwa baru beberapa hari beliauy menjabat sebagai walikota Surabaya, beliau menemukan data bahwa daya tampung sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) negeri dan swasta (bila saya tidak keliru) jauh lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan jumlah lulusan sekolah dasar (SD), sehingga beliau berkesimpulan bahwa salah satu penyebab banyaknya angka siswa lulusan SD yang tidak melanjutkan ke SMP adalah karena mereka tidak mendapat disekolah Negeri yang mereka bisa bebas beaya. Dalam waktu singkat beliau lakukan koordinasi untuk merger sekolah-sekolah dasar yang kurang bagus dan beliau merger dan dibangunkan gedung untuk fasilitas kelas dan ditambah dengan fasilitas laboratorium yang diperlukan. Dan pembangunan sudah langsung dilaksanakan hanya sekitar 3 bulan setelah beliau menemukan data kurangnya daya tampung SMP itu. Demikian pendapat saya mengenai sosok Ibu Risma, Walikota Surabaya. (By Santi W, Surabaya)
Comment: I vote for Ibu Risma in 2014 World Mayor Prize because she is the Role model of what a Mayor should be by this far.
Surabaya needs a mayor like her. She has proved with her hard work, honesty, dignity and her earnestness to change Surabaya city to be the best city in Indonesia.
Bu Risma is an outstanding leader and has lots of capabilities that has changed Surabaya government into the next level.
These are evident what bu Risma has been done for Surabaya:
1. Surabaya flood has been overcame. It’s obviously seen from her seriously actions when she found the flood in the city she often directly went to the field to pull over the cause of the flood. I can’t find the kind of leader like her. She goes down until the bottom level to find the root cause and the constraint in the field.
2. Clean and good governance practices, although recently she hasn’t been supported by some of Legislatives that it’s so disappointing and embarrassing most of Surabaya people. But I believe the voice of Surabaya people will win the best one which is Ibu Risma.
3. Last but not least, she makes over many park area with beautiful plants and play grounds. Surabaya even more greener since she leads Surabaya that has started long before she becomes Surabaya Mayor.
Indonesia’s people needs Ibu Risma as a leader. I vote her for 2014 World Mayor Prize. I vote her for better Surabaya and better Indonesia. God bless Ibu Risma. (By Tribuana T, Surabaya)
Comment: Hi, my name elvi. I vote bu risma as world mayor. I born , grow up and lived in surabaya till now. When I so young surabaya is a big city with a lot of garbage strewn everywhere, especially in public area and in the river. But now I'm very proud as surabaya citizen, because surabaya already green and clean, as mayor bu risma have good leadership, strong women, have transparancy and the interesting one is bu risma build many public city garden for surabaya citizen so poor family also can spend their time on the weekend, many people really enjoy and love it.
Go go...bu risma....i proud of you bu.....(By Elvi, Surabaya)
Comment: I live on Sidoarjo near Surabaya, but I mostly go to Surabaya and the Name of Risma is familiar to me. Yes, she is the Mayor of Surabaya City. She is a woman, a mother, a hard worker, and environment keeper. I really impress with her when the Bungkul as the boast of Surabaya city park is destroyed by the Ice Cream day event. She was really angry to the committee of that event. It is because she directly keeps that park clean and become beautiful and get an achievement. She will never just stay at her office and enjoy the air conditioning there. Sometimes you will find she is on the edge of the road sweep the road with other janitor. Sometimes you will find her doing inspection in government office. Her appearance is really ordinary but inside her character and performance is incredible. She is our Mayor and Surabaya's Mother. Surabaya is on its way to the Glory under your reign. (By Fitra A, Sidoarjo)
Comment: I vote Mrs. Risma to get this prestigious awards because of :
1. Her action and creative inspiration in environment conservation to make up Surabaya City as Metropolis City being cleaner and more green than ever. All communities out of Surabaya City are very satisfying and enjoying their daily activities and life when they come into all place at Surabaya.
2. Her principal and acumen starting from to be On Time have successfully make over all state official of Surabaya City work performance better to delivering service toward communities.
3. A great of Taman Bungkul (Central Park of Surabaya City) and abolishment of prostitution in Dolly are two points that could be forgot by all people in Surabaya even in Indonesia, how big struggle that Mrs.Risma has within very complicated drama and dynamic things.
That’s all from me the spontaneous of three key points that hear Mrs.Risma name for the incredible moments and inspiration. (By Rikky S)
Comment: Ibu Risma works not only with her brain but also with her heart. She dedicates herself for the betterment of her people and the city of Surabaya. She puts her mind and energy to improve Surabaya in many aspects, environment, education, economy, tourism, creative industry, and many other. Some of her impressive initiatives for Surabaya are city beautification by building lots of parks, integrated mangrove project at East Coast of Surabaya, scholarships for the unfortunate students, Economic Heroes to foster SMEs, providing free shuttle bus for tourists to visit historical spots in Surabaya, bringing in Asia Fashion Week to Surabaya, etc. She invites and encourages private sectors to actively take part in building Surabaya together with her team. She really knows what she should do for a better Surabaya. She is very down to earth, approachable, very close to and loved by Surabaya people (even outside Surabaya!). She really deserves to be World Mayor 2014. (HS Jakarta)
Comment: Ibu Risma works not only with her brain but also with her heart. She dedicates herself for the betterment of her people and the city of Surabaya. She puts her mind and energy to improve Surabaya in many aspects, environment, education, economy, tourism, creative industry, and many other. Some of her impressive initiatives for Surabaya are city beautification by building lots of parks, integrated mangrove project at East Coast of Surabaya, scholarships for the unfortunate students, Economic Heroes to foster SMEs, providing free shuttle bus for tourists to visit historical spots in Surabaya, bringing in Asia Fashion Week to Surabaya, etc. She invites and encourages private sectors to actively take part in building Surabaya together with her team. She really knows what she should do for a better Surabaya. She is very down to earth, approachable, very close to and loved by Surabaya people (even outside Surabaya!). She really deserves to be World Mayor 2014. (By HS Jakarta)
Comment: I was born and have lived in Surabaya all my life. I've seen the real changes that she has brought to my city, even before she becomes our mayor. She worked in the city hall as the head of garden/trash department. She built so many green areas. No more gas stations in that areas. Surabaya becomes a green city.
When she has been chosen to be Surabaya's mayor, she tried to cut down the red tapes and big tax policy for big advertising board companies. Because of this, she made a lot of enemies and still do. For example, her policy to close down Dolly, a red district in Surabaya. I support her policy, not from religious point of view but from the location of Dolly which is in kampung (old housing area). There are so many children there, and she's trying to save them from living near/in the district. It's not good for their upbringing, and the mentality living near it.
She's so passionate about her believes to make this city and the people's lives better. Because of this, she get angry easily in public if things are not done correctly. But maybe Surabaya needs someone like that. She's the only mayor that can bring Surabaya as it is now. (By Ririn D L, Surabaya)
Comment: Tri Rismaharini or ibu Risma as her short nickname is truly a rare figure in Indonesia. It’s even more difficult to find such figure in the long history of Indonesia’s bureaucrat and politician. She came from public officer background and gaining more and more acknowledgement through her works in beautifying the city of Surabaya.
As a mayor, she shows a great deal of passion in fixing the city problems. Within couple months after elected as a mayor through direct public election, she dares to fight with central government to change the road and traffic roadmap. And apparently her decision to cancel the inner city highway and build the outer ring road is proven right. Even though Surabaya is not traffic free city, the traffic is split into more balance portion between East and Central Surabaya. Her next agenda is Wes outer ring road and commuter train to overcome the traffic in dense populated West Surabaya.
The other long lasting problem in Surabaya is flood. It’s been more than 10 years the city left without a solution. In her era, a lot of initiatives to clean up the sewers, rivers, box culvert installation was materialized. And I must admit the flood level has been reduced quite significantly in volume and time. While some flood can’t be avoided due to the heavy rain and causing bad traffic jam, rest assured you can find ibu Risma in the middle of the congested street with her rain coat helping the police to manage the traffic.
Something that we always proud of about Surabaya is the public parks. The setup and maintenance plus the facilities provided is highly appreciate by the public and it help to reduce the heat of Surabaya which can reach 40 degree Celcius in summer.
As a person, one of her biggest weakness is lack of political savvy. This weakness was exploited by her rivals to do black campaign and attacking her from that side. However, this weakness also can be seen as a strength when we look at the people support. Indonesian has been sceptic and sick of all the politician behaviors. With ibu Risma style, we see something different, a person who do something not for herself but for the goodness of the people and that win people’s heart.
In the other hand, her strength is she listen. Whenever she meets with her people, she always listen to the critics, suggestions, even cries. Because she listen, she has the guts to close the biggest “red light district” in Indonesia. Because she wants to listen, we can find her in the street at 6 am checking the sewers.
Ibu Risma has shown tremendous achievements, integrity, discipline and she put herself as an example. However, despite all of that, she’s still an Ibu, a mother for her family and a mother for people of Surabaya. As an Ibu, she also has lot of limititations, she’s not a super hero. But what matter the most, she has won Surabaya’s people heart and all of us will always stand by her side. (By Sugiharto H, Sidoarjo)
Comment: Hi, I am Saiful for Surabaya. I have been living in Surabaya for almost 20 years and experiencing 3 mayors period. The best period should be the last one when Bu Risma was elected as the first Woman becoming City mayor of beloved Surabaya. There has been substantive changes in how this city looks and managed. Several city garden was built and well maintained. Roads are well maintained, economy raise substantively. Floods that almost become “excused” events when the rainy season comes can be handled properly. A lot of improvements in public services has already became true as we look that as almost impossible thing could be done. Even there are a lot of challenges that she will face in the future, I believe bu Risma is still and will always in the right track and will be the ultimate choice of becoming the Mayor on the second period while she surely prepared her successor that will become her proven successful regeneration process and also legacy to this city. (By Saiful H, Surabaya)
Comment: I have known Rismaharini when she was still the head of Surabaya City Planning Department before she became Surabaya's Mayor. As the first female Mayor in Indonesia who was elected through a direct election system, she clearly shows that she can get difficult things done by using the right balance of authority and compassion.
I witnessed how she was able to motivate street children from the vicious circle of poverty not by sending them to the rehabilitation center but by giving understanding about the importance of education and making them go to school.
There are many other examples on how she balances between her assertiveness and her motherly touch. Her determination to close Surabaya's oldest prostitution complex was one of it (she even faced a strong opposition from her own political party). In the end, she did what many people thought was impossible to be done.
I don't live in Surabaya, but I can see that Surabaya is getting better every time I visit the city. Not only physically (getting cleaner and more orderly) but also mentally (the level of public awareness and participation in keeping Surabaya beautiful). I fully support Rismaharini as the candidate for the 2014 World Mayor Prize. (By Yos G, Jakarta)
Comment: The reasons why Ibu Risma should be the World Mayor 2014 are:
• She transform the Surabaya City by heart, she do it sincerely because she love the people;
• Significant increase in the number of public park and green areas;
• The economic empowerment program she initiated called “Surabaya Economy Heroes” is very successful on improving the micro, small and medium scale enterprises to create more jobs and economic values to the owner and society at large;
• She always on time, sometimes even arrive earlier than the opening time of an event;
• She managed to close down the biggest prostitution center (Dolly);
• She is a hard worker, strong leader, inspirational women….and she is a good mother and a loving wife.
She is one of few reasons why Indonesian shall not think that today we don’t have a great leader. (By Tias G A, Surabaya)
Comment: Maaf saya tidak bisa bahasa inggris,
Saya mendukung beliau menjadi Walikota terbaik dunia 2014, karena :
1. Beliau dalam menjalankan pemerintahan tidak hanya memberi perintah tapi memberikan contoh pada bawahannya
2. Dalam masa pemerintahannya, Surabaya berkembang sanggat maju.
3. Pemberdayaan warga surabaya diutamakan beliau.
4. Penataan kota surabaya menjadi lebih baik dan teratur
5. Menciptakan Pemerintahan yang bersih dan transparan
Hormat saya, (By Subiyantoro)
Comment: My name is Ari, I'm a student in Sydney, Australia. The reason why i choose Mayor Rismaharini as a winner for 2014 world mayor is i really appreciate of her hardworking, She changes Surabaya to be a beautiful city. I was surprised when i was going back to my country last year i saw a lot of changes in Surabaya, i can saw her hard work, effort and love that she put in she just not talk about her vision and mission for Surabaya but she did it in action, i always following the news About her, one thing that surprised me is last time there was a fire accident what she did is she was there helping the fire brigade to finish up the problem, also she is really close to the local people. Once again I vote her to be the 2014 world mayor.
Thank u Mayor Rismaharini (By Ari, Sydney, Australia)
Comment: Bonjour, Je suis une enfant de Surabaya qui vie maintenant en France. Depuis que Mme Risma est à la tête de Surabaya, j’ai pu voir le changement de Surabaya. Des changements formidables: une ville plus propre, plus verte et fleuri, fini les « kampungs » triste et salle … bien d’autres choses. Avec un cadre de vie agréable … les habitants de Surabaya deviennent aussi plus chaleureuses. Je suis très fière d’être un « arek Suroboyo ( enfant de Surabaya) ». Une « maire » formidable … c’est Risma. Alors pourquoi pas « thé world mayor 2014 ». (By Susanti P, France)
Comment: I have been lived in Surabaya for almost 19 years, I really can feel Bu Risma’ effects to Surabaya environment e.g. the city become so greenish, flower everywhere, clean, and as my home is nearby one of big river in Surabaya, it is nice to see the clean and enjoyable river view. In the weekend I also can enjoy public city garden nearby, free, where many elderly and kids play around happily.
Without having so much media expose, I can see that Bu Risma doing many thing for the sake of the city and citizen. As one of Surabaya citizen, my feeling that we have someone who really cares to Surabaya city is very strong. Thanks Bu Risma. You are truly an inspired public leader. (By Rina M, Surabaya)
Comment: Surabaya tanah kelahiran saya...surabaya kota yang membesarkan saya...jelas terasa sekali perbedaannya dan perkembangan dr kota yg sudah mulai indah sejak dipegang oleh bu risma..dgn tangan terampil bu risma bs menyulap kota ini jd super duper indah baik siang ato malam hari...bu risma pantas menjadi walikota terbaik...bu risma pantas menjadi pemimpin terbaik...bu risma pantas menjadi "ibu"nya surabaya...go bu risma...i love you full ibuk. (By A F, Surabaya)
Comment: I support the nomination of Ibu Risma for the 2014 World Mayor Prize as she is a leader who is humble, brings forward ethics in politics (transparency, good governance etc.), but is also a humble politician and mayor who truly cares for her city and citizens by engaging with the everyday people, listening to their problems and providing solutions. I have personally been with her in a CSR project and her sense of activism is really high and leads by example. Surabaya has really changed during her leadership and is the cleanest city in Indonesia. (By Nikolaos P, Jakarta)
Comment: The reason why I vote for Risma because Surabaya today is a lush green and clean sanctuary for its citizens, and for that I largely credit Risma, whose bold moves have changed the face of the city over the past three years. She has transformed 22 percent of the city’s 171 hectares into open green spaces, far above the rate of 14 percent achieved by Jakarta. Keputih, an area known as dump, is on its way to becoming a park of colorful flowers.
But the story of how she transformed the country’s second-largest city and trade hub of East Java is no fairy tale involving overnight magic. As a native of the city who shares the straight-talking trait of Surabayans, Risma solves problems on the spot with her own hands, which oftentimes involves quarreling with people.
She rolls up her sleeves to clean gutters, to follow clogged drainages and remove obstructions to prevent flooding. She sweeps the streets and crosses pedestrian bridges in the middle of a toll road to get things done. Risma is loved and loathed for her heavy-handed approach, considered effective in managing the rough nature of Surabaya’s denizens.
She also has shut down brothels and prostitution hubs in the city named Dolly, arguing their negative influences on children. The famous Dolly area has been closed down this year. BRAVO Risma! (By Nuke P)
Comment: I'm Aldi and live in Surabaya for period 2002-2006, 2012-2013 and now live in Bandung, Indonesia. Why Risma is one of the best Mayor?
- She always giving example by doing (role model, do less for more).
- She is a people leader not politician leader.
- Fight for people! Never give up for what she belief. (By Aldi, Bandung)
Comment: My name is Putri Cahyaning Bwananesia. I am 22 years old, an undergraduate student of Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya.
In the last 22 years, I've been living in Surabaya, Indonesia. Maybe you don't really know about Surabaya, but I'm gonna tell you a few things about my city, Surabaya.
Surabaya is one of the metropolitan city in Indonesia, the 2nd biggest city after Jakarta (Indonesia's capital). This big city also causes a big and complicated problems. One of the problems is prostitution. If you ask google about surabaya prostitution, then you will know about Dolly district. It is said that Dolly is the biggest prostitution place in South East Asia. In the past years, this place has known as the largest contributor for Surabaya's budget. But, on the other hand, this place also known for its history in human trafficking. Risma, as Mayor of Surabaya, has a big concern about it. She tried her best for stop this human trafficking cases in Dolly. After a long and tiring hardwork, she finally made it. In July 2014, Dolly is officially closed by Mayor of Surabaya. This decision causes pro's and contra's among Surabaya citizen, especially Dolly district's citizen. They against Risma's decision. But Risma convince them to change Dolly become Smart City. I think this is the biggest decision that she ever made for Surabaya.
Second thing about Surabaya is the weather. The weather is totally hot during summer. But Risma knows how to face it. She builds a lot of city parks in Surabaya. If you go walking in Surabaya, you will find a city park in every 5 kilometers. The biggest and the most beautiful park is Taman Bungkul (Bungkul Park), it is said that this park win the award for best park in Asia. Risma always keeps the city parks in a best condition for Surabaya citizen.
In short, Risma has made Surabaya as a pleasant city for its citizen. She loves Surabaya with all of her heart and Surabaya citizen loves her. We're impressed by her hardworking for Surabaya, for making this city awesome. She is very smart, brave, strong, and kind-hearted. Even though there are some people who threaten or intimidate her because of her hardwork for Surabaya, she will never give up to continue her job to makes Surabaya better. We're so proud of her and we'll always support her. (By Putri C B, Surabaya)
Comment: Saya tinggal di surabaya, bu risma sejauh yang saya tahu, beliau sangat luar biasa dalam menjalankan tugasnya sebagai walikota surabaya. Beliau begitu ikhlas dalam memberikan pengabdiannya untuk masyarakat kota surabaya, tidak kenal lelah dan memberikan seluruh waktunya, selama 4 tahun berjalan dalam kepemimpinan beliau banyak sekali pengorbanan yang telah diberikan. Hal yang susah dilakukan oleh orang lain yaitu beliau lebih memilih tugasnya sebagai walikota daripada kepentingan pribadi atau keluarga. Dalam keadaan sakitpun bahkan setelah 1 hari operasi patah tangan (disebabkan beliau terpeleset sewaktu kerja bakti membersihkan sungai diperkampungan) beliau masih saja bekerja memikirkan menjadikan kota surabaya lebih baik bagi masyarakatnya. Beliau mengganggap pegawai pemerintah kota surabaya sebagai saudara dan teman, tidak ada jarak dan sangat kekeluargaan. kepada masyarakat kurang mampupun beliau sangat peduli, di mobil dinas selalu terdapat beras, gula, minyak goreng yang diperuntukkan untuk orang miskin. Sangat banyak dan luar biasa yang telah dilakukan beliau. Dan alasan saya memilih beliau kenapa layak menjadi world mayor 2014 yaitu karena totalitas beliau dalam memberikan seluruh kemampuanya bagi masyarakat surabaya tanpa memperdulikan kepentingan pribadi. (By Febri, Surabaya)
Comment: I choose Risma because she is the pioneer of the one who can manage the cities and create beautiful parks and garden inside the Surabaya. (By Gagah W, Balikpapan)
Comment: She is a smart, brave, disipline and firm woman leader. When Surabaya is in her lead, Surabaya had been changing, from good an clean city arrangement, as well as the existance of supportive public transportation. She has designed city parks in sby which one of them has become one of the best city parks in Asia pacific. As a leader, she is not reluctant to directly get involved, to hhelp cleaning water santiation, sweeping the street helping police in arranging The traffic. The most stunning movement is brave enough to close the biggest prostitution localization in southeast asia "Dolly" ,to be more dignified surabaya. As it is well acknowledged that closing prostitution localization has never been easy n full of thread but she did it. There are many more that she has done for Surbaya. For these reasons, she deserves to be granted as the best major in the world and i voted for her. (By Rizky P P, Surabaya)
Comment: First thing first, I was born in Surabaya and now I 'm living here with my big family. My parents, my grandparents, and my great grandparents also living in Surabaya though we have Holland's descent. Mrs. Risma has brought so much thing better to Surabaya. There are so many achievement such as Adipura Award, The 2013 Asian Townscape from United Nations ASIA for The Bungkul Garden. And the most brave thing she did was closed the biggest prostitution locatization in Southeast Asia. I never thought that a woman could do those magical things and there's so many hope we put on her and I'm a firm believer she can do it without any doubt. Mrs. Risma is an modern liberal mayor ever! I'm proud of her. (By Ayu K, Surabaya)
Comment: I support her to be the World Mayor 2014, because of 5 reasons:
1. She is far from any news about corruption.
2. She likes to get in touch, to be close and work together with
people. I once saw her helping gardeners do their job in a public park
in Surabaya, her city.
3. She is inspirational. She said on Huffington Post that to become a mayor was not just about solving a flood problem or
all that, but about helping the people to develop and be successful.
4.She implemented the country's first completely transparent,
e-procurement system, which I think could definitely reduce budget malpractices.
5.She loves Surabaya.
I sincerely wish she would win the award. (By F F F, Mojokerta, East Java)
Comment: Why she must win the world mayor prize? Because she makes Surabaya become a wonderful city just in 2-3 years!! Surabaya become a green city, with a lot of mini park that make surabaya not jist a metropolitan city with many mall, but also a suoer city with many park that usefull to us. Not just a park, she even put a flower on the lamp in the street so we could see many beautiful flower in the road. She's so responsibility. Oneday a ice cream made an event that cause a park in a road had broken and looks horrible, as a good mayor, Risma angry to all the event crew in the park and she said that she will take this problem to the police if the company wont make this park beautiful again. Risma don't just angry and make the company pay this trouble, Risma help the gardener re-plant the flower in that time too!!! She help waters the flower and plant them. She is awesome!!! She must win the world mayor prize!!! She is the best mayor in Indonesiaa! (By Jessica A K, Surabaya)
Comment: I choose Mrs Tri Rismaharini from Surabaya, Indonesia to be the best mayor in the world, because she is not only a good mother in her family but also she become a hero to people of Surabaya with all the capabilities that she has now been transformed into a city of Surabaya clean and perform better in all areas. Mrs Risma is an example of RA Kartini's successor. With all his courage and intelligence make her an inspiration for women in Indonesia today. (By Intannia S R)
Comment: Sorry, I use Indonesian
Alasan saya mendukung Tri Rismaharini adalah masalah doli. Doli merupakan salah satu daerah pelacuran terbesar di Asia. Tri Rismaharini berani menutup lokalisasi pelacuran tersebut walaupun mendapat hujatan dan tentangan dari para penghuni lokalisasi pelacuran. Tri Rismaharini berani mempertaruhkan nyawanya demi kepentingan masyarakat Surabaya yaitu mencegah menularnya HIV AIDS dari lokalisasi pelacuran doli tersebut. Demikian alasan saya mendukung Surabaya Risma. (By Terima K)
Comment: I dont speak in English. I am Sorry to. Ibu Tri Risma Harini telah melakukan perubahan besar terhadap Surabaya City. Baik sarana umum, pendidikan, sosial, lingkungan,dan sebagainya. dalam sarana umum beliau dapat menanggulangi dengan bertahap atas kemacetan surabaya. pendidikan di kota surabaya mulai dari tingkat SD-SMP-SMA (Negeri) gratis. dalam lingkungan kontribusi beliau sangatlah besar. mulai dari kampung, sekolah, jalanan beliau merubahnya. Surabaya Green & Clean, Surabaya Eco School itulah contoh keberhasilan beliau dalam lingkungan. Hingga dapat membuat kota wisata lingkungan di Jambangan,Margorukun. Bahkan Wakil Presiden Bpk. Boediono dan Perwakilan ASEAN dan Asia banyak berkunjung ke surabaya karena berhasil dalam lingkungan 2015 Masa Jabatan Ibu Tri Risma Harini akan berakhir. Saya berkiinginan beliau menjabat kembali masa jabatan 2015-2020. Saya bangga dengan Bu Risma dan Saya akan Dukung beliau menjadi World Best Mayor 2014. (By Faisal, Surabaya)
Comment: Mayor Tri Rismaharini deserves as the best city of the world in this year. Besides her success in developing Surabaya environment become more humanity city to live, she is also concern to push people live Surabaya to have better achievement.
She facilitate better business environment with employing advance IT to ease any business requirements. She endorse and facilitate student to study more intensely to reach their dream. And one of her applauded achievement is closed Surabaya red districs, which is already more than 50 year exist, while providing the prostitute and other people who earn money related to this dirty business with such amount of insentive to setup alternative legal business.
All of her achiements motivate other city mayors in Indonesia to follow her steps, while at the same time she is open wide her arms to other city mayors to cooperate and to share as well as exchange experience. Go..go...go Risma. (By Budi, Tangerang Selatan)
Comment: I have so many reasons why I vote Mrs. Risma in this thing.
I respect her for what she have done to us, Surabaya citizen. She is dedicated to her works and what can she do to people. She renovated urban facilities such as parks, and she care about people, especially they who was working as prostitute. I still remember the news about her anger because the plants on the park she renovated were destroyed by the people who wants free ice cream. She was mad at the time, but I know it was because her heart was broken when she saw the facility she renovated was destroyed. She's never ashamed or afraid when she must go to the dirty areas and get her clothes dirty.
She is also care about people, since she handled so many prostitution cases especially women trafficking. She cares about women's right, she cares about our futures, she cares about everything a woman can do in our life. In my eyes, her personality is flawless.
Also, she was an alumni of ITS as an architect. I idolize her not because I am an architecture student, but because I know she can do much for us. The are so many reasons why I vote her, and reasons why you should give her that first place.
I would like to appreciate her works, especially since I live in Surabaya too, that is why I want to give her my right to vote her.
I know this e-mail should be filled with 'why do you vote for this person' answer and I don't know if Mrs. Risma will read this or not, but, in the end of this e-mail, I want to say thank you, Mrs. Risma, for your works. Please, never give up on what you're doing now. I never meet you but I hope if you read this, you'll know how you mean so much to people who respects you. There is no words can describe how your works for us. Thank you and stay blessed, dear Mrs. Risma! (By August A, Surabaya)
Comment: Hello my name is Dicky, I live in Medan-North Sumatera. And I am 21 years of age. Here I want to vote Mrs Tri Rismaharini as the World Major 2014. I vote her because I've saw and heard about many things that she has done for people in Surabaya. Commonly, she closed the biggest localization in South East Asian that is "Dolly", it took a lot of controversials acts from many people that work in this localization. But gently Tri Risma could make a changing. She looked this problems not only from the social aspects but the most important is the fate of the children that lived around that localization area for many years even since they born. This condition made her very sad as a mother. She didn't close it without any solutions, she gived so many solutions for womens that work there, Tri Risma gived them many home industrial trainings, funds, and motivation. The other one is that she always brings those tools in her car when she go everywhere:lever, sweep, trash box; she brings those kind of tools for controlling the water canal over the road she passed. She also brings many packages of sugar and rice to dividing them to the poor people she met. She is very closed to her peolple, kind, and smart. Thanks. (By Dicky N)
Comment: Hello I m from Nepal and I vote for 'Bu Risma' because of her strong determination and dedication towards surabaya. As she is responsible for the green city with disciplined citizen and a strong infrastructure. I personally experience all these being there at Surabaya for few days. Thank you (By Amrit A K)
Comment: I hereby give Mayor Risma a recommendation as World Mayor 2014. I have lived in this city since i was born, thus she is the strongest leader i've ever known. She put education and human development into her first priority, the two things that our city needs. She is also willingly to stand forward against prostitution and woman trafficking. Nevertheless, she encourages her people to put their best effort to preserve their surroundings. hope many mayors in our country can carry on the leadership value as Mayor Risma does. (By Ganis B, Surabaya)
Comment: Good morning. My name is Christian. I was born in Surabaya and live in Surabaya until now. Surabaya is a nice city to live. Mayor Risma has working so hard to make this city better.
1. She always care about environment. She makes Surabaya full of green area.
2. She is the one and only mayor that have enough courage to close dolly in Surabaya. (dolly is the biggest prostitution place in south east Asia)
3. She makes this city drainage better with box culvert.
I'm so proud to have a mayor like mayor Risma. She's the best mayor I've ever know. Thanks mayor. (By Christian S, Surabaya)
Comment: Mayor Risma is an amazing woman. In this country with high issue of corruption, she just thought that citizen in Surabaya must live happily, get education, etc. Honestly, it's so hard to find the leader like her in Indonesia. She doesn't have an obsession to get higher position (like president or governor), she doesn't care about how people say about her. She just only want to make Surabaya and people in it live peacefully no poverty. (By Irha, Indonesia)
Comment: Bu (Mrs) Risma, dedicates all her life to serve the city. Good policies, right act and consistency have made this city much better under her leadership. Why I write 'dedicate her life'? She even took very risky (for her) non popular policies that eventually works well. For instance she refuses inner city toll construction suggestion from central government that this refusal is supported by many experts from universities.
What I like very much from her thought is that the development must initiated from the human. This means human resource development is no. 1 priority. Evidence can be seen by the decreasing number of under-aged beggar on the streets.
Recently, she has closed the biggest prostitution localization in the city, Dolly (people said that it was the biggest in SE Asia). The commercial sex workers are planned to be given skills and better jobs to live their life up. Risma said that she was ready to die as this closure faced strong rejection.
City park solution is a good thought as well. City parks create green area for the city and free recreation spots for the citizens. City parks also provide space for people to gather; children, teenagers, even senior citizens; poor, average, and rich. This is very good idea I think.
She is not hesitant to give a hand to help tackling city's problems right on the spot. Surabaya now turns into very comfortable city to live where citizens are proud of their city and this pride brings additional spirit to their life. I love Surabaya and Bu Risma makes me love it more. (By Vito R N)
Comment: Bu Risma is not corrupt in a country where most politicians are corrupt. That is already a very big achievement, especially in Indonesia. Other than that, she also transforms Surabaya into a clean and friendly city that won lots of awards. (By Michael A, Jakarta)
Comment: Tri Rismaharini or also known as 'Bu Risma' is the most inspiring person in Surabaya. After winning the election, she brought the positive differences to Surabaya. In her hand, Surabaya wins many achievements in the field of environment and economic. A construction of city park is her main concern. It makes Surabaya being healthier and more comfortable city. (By Abiyyu, Surabaya)
Comment: Risma is more than just a mayor for us, Surabaya people. She is mother of Surabaya, she treat people likely her children. Doing good things for us even some of just can't stop complaining.
It is actually hard for her to work with 'people' of todays local and national government who mostly are corrupt. But she still fighting for us until no media can hide her good works from media exposure.
Her concept about Surabaya is lovable. We people used not to dream high before she became mayor, but today, i could bravely dream that this city could be much better than Jakarta or Kuala Lumpur. All that she is doing make us believe that there is a hope. There are lot of changes to this city since her leading.
At the end, i'm just hoping so much that Ibu Risma will find courage to finish this period and would like to be elected once more. Few months again we'll have new president, i believe he will support your good plans. We love you Ibu! (By Inez)
Comment: I vote for her, because she is the only one woman mayor in Indonesia who is brave enough to close a famous prostitution place called Dolly in Surabaya (which has been existing for almost a century). She's even ready to take the worst risk like dead, for closing that place. She's also known for her integrity and the real works for Surabaya. I'm not a citizen of Surabaya but I've been there few times. (By Ivanna B)
Comment: I think she is the next iron lady after Margaret Thatcher, she has provide a girl can lead anything and change everything such as a corruption in Surabaya and make over surabaya to reach a high levels city in Indonesia, she made a flowers park in every strategic places etc, and 1 thing I guess the big achievement she ever made is to destroy the big prostitution in southeast Indonesia, the prostitution place also know as Gang Dolly she made a command to closed that place and have a plan to make over Gang Dolly to be a better place, such as have a plan to build a functional building in that place, in the 1st floor Market 2nd floor Electronic shops 3rd floor children garden and etc. make a new garden flowers. Im just proud of her its because too hard to find a quality leader in Indonesia and she has prove it Indonesia have her and in the short time she is has became a influential people in Indonesia. (By Tri Daniel A S)
Comment: I have ten reason why Risma should be the winner of the 2014 World Mayor Prize:
1.She could close "Dolly Lane" as the the biggest place of prostitution in Southeast Asia, and gave the sex workers a guarantee to get a good job for them.
2.She could make "The Bungkul Garden" get The 2013 Asian Townscape Award from United Nations in Asia.
3.She can lead The 2nd Biggest Metropolitan in Indonesia so well.
4.She could make Surabaya free of jam.
5.She never related in cases Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism.
6.She made "Empire Place" as The 1st Wedding Mall in Indonesia
7.She desired to leave her family just for leading Surabaya to be the best city.
8.She could make Surabaya get The Adipura Award on category Metropolitan City, at 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014 in Indonesia.
9.She is nice, humility, smart, and assertive person.
10.Tri Rismaharini is The 1st Woman who is being Mayor in Surabaya. (By Nurrahman S, Indonesia)
Comment: I vote for her, because she is the only one woman mayor in Indonesia who's brave enough to close a famous prostitution place called Dolly in Surabaya (which has been existing for almost a century). She's even ready to take the worst risk like dead, for closing that place. She's also known for her integrity and the real works for Surabaya. I'm not a citizen of Surabaya but i've been there few times.
Comment: I chose Mayor Tri Rismaharini (Risma) from Surabaya, Indonesia for the Best Mayor in the World, because she is a hardworker, brave, and humble, second best mayor after Jokowi (former Mayor of Solo, Indonesia). She has been working so hard to bring order to Surabaya. For example, Dolly as a prostitution area in Surabaya were demolished for good. The reason behind the demolition was not just because of prostitution itself, but also it leads to child trafficking, HIV spreading disease, and the city image also. Risma is very down-to-earth and humble, she rarely sit in her office for the whole day. Risma usually make visits to places or people in need, without thinking twice. She is a kind of people that every country needs, the one who does not think about the salary, money, and politics, and only work, work and work for better future of their people. Surabaya is very lucky to have her as a mayor. (By Paramita E, Indonesia)
Comment: I live in Malang, a city near Surabaya. My childhood memories of Surabaya were hot, messy, and dirty city. At those times, news about Surabaya flood and polluted river weren't surprising. In 2008 to 2013, I lived in Surabaya because I have to study in a university there. However, I saw with my own eyes, Mrs. Risma worked so hard to change the image of Surabaya. She made her people participated in some competitions in order to create 'green and clean' environment. She also built some beautiful public parks. Now, I can see Surabaya under the new light. A beautiful light that also influences my own city. Thank you, Bu Risma, you've become our inspiration. (By Raditya, W N)
Comment: I live in Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia. I choose Risma to be the best World Mayor because she serves with her heart, honesty, in the purest form of humanity. She bets her safety to defend the people. She is the bravest woman mayor and the most sincere one. The world doesn't only need a clever and firm leader. The world needs a leader that is sincere too. A sincerity from the heart to serve the people, city, country. Because people only connected to leader from honesty that makes people can trust them. And Risma is the answer. Thanks for letting me vote for her. (By Lisa)
Comment: She closed the largest protitution site in south east asean named "dolly" The prostitution site was the notorious among the people. The "dolly" are exist from colonial era, none of our government could shut it down, but then Tri Rismaharini, decide to close it for the sake of human right, eventhough in dolly has been backed up with so many "gangster" but she still close it no matter what.
She had to win the major of the year, anything about her is a good news. Everything she did is only for the people, even she risk her life to give everything for her people in Surabaya.
Not only her act about dolly. She often on the road helping people when there were a shutdown of traffic light, she clean the drainage with her own hand. She often lead the firefighter when they trying to shut the fire off. I am irawan, and I am surabaya citizen. I testify everything Risma do with my own eyes, we are proud of her.(True mother of Surabaya)
Comment: Mayor Risma’s attention to the city landscape development of Surabaya has risen up many parks across the city in a relatively short period. Flowers and gardens scattered over the city parks. It transforms the "hot Surabaya" into a beautiful one.
The name of Ms. Risma burst to the surface when she persistently refused on down-town toll-road development in Surabaya city. Nearly oust her from office the mayor by the impeachment of the local-parliament, suppoted by all political parties including her own supporting party, Ms Risma finally successfully rescued by Central Government through Minister of Home Affairs approach.
Her achievements on combat poverty and protect children is also remarkable. Housewives are informally trained to do home-business, so as to take care of her kids while making money possible, and creating playgrounds for families in many city parks.
Her current achievement that stands out is closing the brothel to protect disorders in children. This action has actually been taken place before for another 20's localization. The latter has become a hot news topic because it involves "Dolly", the largest brothel across the Southeast Asia area. Ms Risma successfully reduce the public resistance elegantly through her intensive and strategic communication.
Over all, the Surabaya people love Ms Risma, for her courage and concern to undertake the responsibilities as mayor.Ms Risma also has long been a national icon next to Mr Joko Widodo. Rumors says Ms Risma will take a position in Jakarta when Mr Joko Widodo won the Presidential election.(By Ga L, Indonesia)
Comment: Risma is the Role Model for other major in Indonesia. She always be the first when a problem raised. If she can't solve the problem right away, she is there to listen her people. She made surabaya becoming a green city with lots of beautiful city garden I.e Bungkul Garden, sakura trees etc. People loves to walk between buildings because it has full of trees everywhere with clean and wide sideways for pedestrian. Last month there is a one day promo on free ice cream from a vendor at one of the city garden. Thousands of people coming and ruin the garden. She was so upset and stopped the event. She was so mad because the people destroyed the garden. So she ordered to rebuild the garden and every day she worked there to repair the garden within few days. She force the vendor to go for the court in destroying public facility. I'd love to have Risma be the best major for not only Indonesian cities, but also other cities in the world. (By Ratna A)
Comment: There has been no shutdown of a red-light district that has stirred such national controversy and aroused the international media’s curiosity as has that of Dolly, dubbed the largest brothel in Southeast Asia, in the East Java provincial capital of Surabaya.
Even though the vast prostitution complex has been officially closed, the media glare remains because many of the thousands of sex workers, pimps, brothel owners and others who rely on the flesh trade for their livelihood remain defiant.
To show they’re not bluffing, many brothels are still open despite the official order of closure issued on Wednesday night. Their resistance has provoked Mayor Tri Rismaharini (known as Risma) to threaten legal action against them. She has given them until the end of the upcoming fasting month to comply with the shutdown. (By A R Z)
Comment: Please support Mayor Tri Rismaharini (Risma), Surabaya, Indonesia to be the winner of the 2014 world mayor because even she is a woman but she shows the courages, wisdom ,honesty and firmness that every woman should have. She is the picture of Indonesian woman should be.
She made Surabaya green by making a big and beautiful garden. Once she was mad because one of Ice cream company has broken down the plants over there because it wanted to break the record as the large ice cream distribution. She was very mad and speak firmly that the company must pay all the damages caused by them.
She is very concerned too about the education and welfare of her people. A couple weeks ago, she just closed the largest prostitution in Asia Pacific, named gang dolly. She did it because she is concern about the women that do prostitution for living and all the children that living in such neighbourhood. There is a pros and cons about it. In one side, dolly give a lot of revenue for the city, but in other hand, it is not only a taboo bussiness but it is also unhealthy because they can be infected by AIDS and other illnesses. She said that prostitution is not the only solution to earn a living, so that he pushed it to be closed. What a brave action I think. (By Fricillia J H, Jakarta)
Comment: Tri Rismaharini is one of the best Mayor in Indonesia, besides ex-Mayor Joko Widodo (Jokowi, Solo city; now governor of Jakarta city), newly elected Mayor Ridwan Kamil (Bandung city, formerly world known architect), ex-Mayor Amran Nur (Sawahlunto city, West Sumatera), ex-Mayor Herman Sutrisno (Banjar City, West Java).
Comment: Why I nominate her as the next world Mayor? First, she was the first mayor woman who won mayor election in Indonesia. In her hand, Mayor Tri Rismarini whose formerly a public servant can change the face of Surabaya in many aspects and gained so many awards for the city. She also called by "WAGIMAN" or "Walikota Gila Taman" (public park-minded Mayor) due her efforts to build & rejuvenate city parks, such as Taman Bungkul (Bungkul Park), Taman Bawean (Bawean Park), Taman Undaan (Undaan Park), etc.
She also declares to alleviate poverty & prostitution with closing Gang Dolly, a "large & old prostitution center" in Surabaya. Under her leadership, Surabaya also won the trophy Adipura three times (2011, 2012, and 2013) for metropolis city categories. Adipura is national award for city cleanliness & all of its aspects. With so much support from her citizen & almost the country, I believe she can continue her job although she had political pressure recently. (By Noni G, Indonesia)
Comment: Before being elected mayor, Risma has been head and Sanitation Department ( DKP ) and the head of the Surabaya City Planning until 2010 . In her tenure at DKP , even up to now the Mayor of Surabaya , Surabaya became more beautiful than before , greener and fresher . A series of garden city built in the era of Tri Risma is the restoration of the park on Highway Darmo hump with the concept of an all - in-one entertainment park , park at the roundabout Dolog , Undaan parks and gardens in Bawean , and in some other places that were once dead now each evening filled with residents of Surabaya . In addition Risma also credited with the concept of building a modern pedestrian path along the way Basuki Rahmat then continued until the road Tunjungan , Blauran , and Commander Sudirman . Under her leadership as well, Surabaya City won the trophy three times Adipura ie 2011, 2012 , and 2013 categories metropolis . In addition , Tri Risma leadership also brings Surabaya is the best participation in Asia-Pacific in 2012 Citynet version for the success of the city government and citizen participation in environmental management . In October 2013 under the leadership of Surabaya was awarded the Asia - Pacific region, Government Future Awards 2013 in two fields at once that data centers and digital inclusion set aside 800 cities across the Asia Pacific. (By Kurnia A W, Surabaya)
Tri Rismaharini already built the city of Surabaya be greener than ever. she built many parks, gardens and built many of the dead became alive again. she also dismantle the construction market that is not in accordance with the procedures firmly, in her reign, she has received many awards from the Indonesian government in cleanliness, beauty, and si
gnificant urban development. she was the first female mayor in Surabaya ever, and he is the leader of the most assertive woman, straightforward, and clear in its leadership
Comment: In a very corrupt context, her unwavering resolve to wholeheartedly serve the citizens of Surabaya is legendary. Her conviction and integrity have redefined what true leadership is in a country that has suffered tremendously from its toxic leaders. She has the moral courage to fight corrupt investors, thugs, and fellow officials, often at the risk of her and her family safety, while shows a motherly individualized care towards the poor and the needy. (By Sen S, Outside Indonesia)
Comment: Bu Risma, that is the common name that Surabaya citizen call her. Mrs.Risma is the first woman mayor in Surabaya. Since she was elected, Mrs. Risma show her best work to change Surabaya. She often took to the streets to sweep the streets, managing the traffic jam, clean the gutters in order to avoid flood because of heavy rain. She did that things by herself, without any mayor's bodyguard. Even, many people didn't realize that their mayor was cleaning the street.
She likes park, so she has built many park in Surabaya. She has one argument when she built a park, she said "if rich people can have entertainment in department store,i will build many beautiful park for the poor, so all people in Surabaya have each place to spend their time".
She also built e-procurement,so all procurement of goods and services can be known transparently and accountable.
Surabaya can get many achievement because of Mrs.Risma. Bungkul Park get achievement The 2013 Asian Townscape Award from United Nation. And also her government, get achievement Asian-Pacific Future Government 2013 form United Nation. In 3 years of her leadership, Surabaya can get achievement from UN, so she deserve to be the world's best mayor. (By Oscar R, Surabaya)
Comment: Tri Rismaharini often talks of the need to govern not only for the people but also with the people. “A city must be first and foremost be a home for its citizens.” She learnt from the experience of other fast-growing cities in Asia and Europe that massive new developments can alienate people. The Mayor is therefore keen to match built development with social programmes. (By Rachmat W, Surabaya)
Comment: Mayor Risma’s policy has been to make the most of empty land and open spaces. There are now eleven major parks in Surabaya, all with different themes. There are parks like Friendship Park (Taman Persahabatan), Expression Park (Taman Ekspresi), Skating and BMX Park (Taman Skate & BMX) and Flora Park (Taman Flora). Many parks also provide Wi-Fi access and include libraries, fitness and other sports facilities. Surabaya has also enlarged other open spaces such as cemeteries so that they serve as water absorption space ˆ unlike Jakarta, the city had not had any serious flooding for three years has added green lanes along main roads and created city forests. (By Sendy P, Surabaya)
Comment: She is not corrupt in a country where most politicians are corrupt. That is already a very big achievement, especially in Indonesia. Other than that, she also transforms Surabaya into a clean and friendly city that won lots of awards. (By Daud, Indonesia)
Comment: Surabaya today is a lush green and clean sanctuary for its citizens, and for that they largely credit their mayor Tri Rismaharini, whose bold moves have changed the face of the city over the past three years.
An architect and city planner by training, she has transformed 22 percent of the city‚s 171 hectares into open green spaces, far above the rate of 14 percent achieved by Jakarta. Keputih, an area known as dump, is on its way to becoming a park of colorful flowers.
But the story of how she transformed the country‚s second-largest city and trade hub of East Java is no fairy tale involving overnight magic. As a native of the city who shares the straight-talking trait of Surabayans, Risma solves problems on the spot with her own hands, which oftentimes involves quarrelling with people.
She rolls up her sleeves to clean gutters, to follow clogged drainages and remove obstructions to prevent flooding. She sweeps the streets and crosses pedestrian bridges in the middle of a toll road to get things done.
The 52-year-old woman is loved and loathed for her heavy-handed approach, considered effective in managing the rough nature of Surabaya‚s denizens.
Her latest test is to save Surabaya Zoo, where poor management has caused the death of scores of animals over the past two years. Businesspeople have proposed converting the zoo‚s land into a hotel and restaurant, but she has rejected the plan, arguing that the zoo is the icon and pride of the city.
However, she had run out of ideas on how to deal with the deaths of the zoo‚s animals and suspecting corruption, Risma has reported the zoo to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). (By Joseph G, Indonesia)
Comment: Mayor Risma is a type of leader who only think and act for the benefit of people. For example, in order to avoid flood to the city, she involve directly in controlling watergate. He also active to give advice his subordinate by directly involve in the front line or just give direction through her handy talky with call sign "surya 1". Yet only less than three years lead city of Surabaya, Mayor Risma has successfully in clearing up the river, help poor youngster to continue the education, eradicate prostitution by also giving education and training to former prostitute. (By Bewe, Indonesia)
Comment: Since Ms Risma became mayor, Surabaya has won a number of awards including the ASEAN Environmentally Sustainable City Award 2012 and the Adipura Kencana, the highest environmental awards in Indonesia. The Mayor herself was named as one of the ten most inspiring women 2013 by Forbes Indonesia. Forbes praised her for defeating a government plan to build a toll road through the city and instead introduce plans for a monorail and tram system. (By Rachmad P, Surabaya)
Comment: I have some reasons as below :
1. She has given her best for the city.
2. She is honest and not selfish.
3. She is not NATO (No Action Talk Only) mayor!!
And.., please ask the Surabaya people, and they will agree absolutely with my reasons. I myself was born on Surabaya. Although I live in Taipei City, but I always back to my home town every year. I'm really so proud of her. (By Deyantono, Taiwan)
Comment: She is a brave woman, always think how to make the people can work or do something not jobless. Her daily activity go to the field early morning everyday to meet her people for check and make sure everything is ok. The most important thing that she is not a corruptor which a very very rare find clean bureaucrate like her in around Indonesia. (By Welly H H, Indonesia)
Comment: Tri Rismaharini deserve the 2014 world mayor prize because she is a hard worker not only work behind the desk but also work to the field. and in 3 years being mayor in Surabaya, she can got 51 achievements so it can prove that Tri Rismaharini deserve for 2014 world mayor prize. (By Irk, Indonesia)
Comment: I live in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. I’m 21 years old and I am a university student at Bandung Institute of Technology.
I’m going to support “Mayor Tri Rismaharini (Risma), Surabaya, Indonesia” in World Mayor Prize 2014. I think Risma is the best mayor in Indonesia, Risma is not only leading and managing the city but she also becomes a role model for all the people in Surabaya. Risma is not an ambitious person that’s what I much like from her, she is very humble, responsible, tough, and bold.
Now Risma is struggling to seal all the prostitution localization in Surabaya, as we know Surabaya is one of the metropolitan city in Indonesia which is prostitution thrives. For 4 years since Risma takes the mayor position of Surabaya I think this is the biggest challenge that she faces ever. I think Risma is the only one mayor in Indonesia that is brave to seal the prostitution localization, Risma never gives up. She tries all the approach to seal the prostitution, Risma visit all the prostitute girls, she gives understanding to them what they’re doing now is totally wrong, Risma provides new jobs for them so they can leave their prostitution job. She is not only a bold leader but also sometimes become a wise mother for all the people. I hope Risma can become one of the best mayor in World Mayor Prize 2014. (By Randy T, Indonesia)
Comment: Surabaya is now changing to be a nice city in Indonesia. I've been there several times. Before Ms. Tri Rismaharini became mayor of this heroes city, this city IMO isnt a good city and also had a bad bureaucracy. But now, there's a movement. She defends and protects poor people, always think that "my people is my priority". (Tommy P S, Indonesia)
Comment: I have a sister school relationship with SMAN5 Surabaya. Hence, every year since 2010 I have visited Surabaya with students and every year I am increasingly impressed by the positive outcomes for Surabaya since her Mayorship. Tri Rismaharini not only talks; she actually puts her beliefs into practice. She quite literally 'gets her hands dirty' by planting trees quietly on her own with no fanfare. Her environmental projects are outstanding with equally outstanding results in such a short time. Ibu Tri you have my utmost respect. (By Vicki R, USA)
Comment: Tri Rismaharini successfully turned Surabaya into a pedestrian and child friendly city. Made Surabaya look a million times better than Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. Ongoing efforts to develop and upgrade the city's infrastructure have made Surabaya appealing to both domestic and foreign investors. (By S.S., Indonesia)
Comment: Today, Surabaya has a new hero in the form of its hands-on mayor, Tri Rismaharini, who is breathing new life into the city. Better known as Ibu Risma (Mother Risma) Surabaya’s mayor is part of a rising generation of new leaders, empowered by the decentralization of authority across Indonesia and ready to seize the reins of national leadership.
At her direction, brothels have been converted into kindergartens and old gas station lots into playgrounds. Banners bearing anti-littering slogans hang throughout the city, winning Surabaya a dozen environmental awards as a pioneering eco-city while inspiring the local populace: last year, Surabaya was named the city with the best public participation in Asia Pacific.
Though parks are her passion, Risma speaks proudly of her administration‚s program to provide free education and health care for the underprivileged ˜ all the while streamlining the city‚s bureaucracy to eliminate inefficiency. The daughter of small business owners, Risma travels widely to other cities to study successful public innovations, adopting improved streetlights from Berlin and better teaching techniques from Seoul.
One of her main goals is to develop not just the city’s infrastructure and economy, but also its people, through education and awareness programs, spending 35 percent of Surabaya‚s budget on education, far higher than the national standard.
Risma has forged important partnerships with the private sector, and is savvy navigating the country’s bureaucracy. On just her second day in office, Risma visited Indonesia’s vice president to discuss a critical port development project that had languished for decades. Despite repeated efforts to brush her off, Risma refused to leave the office until they agreed to begin construction.
It is creative ideas like these that have helped boost Surabaya‚s economic growth to over 7.5 percent since Risma took office in 2010, while earning her Globe Asia‚s prestigious 2012 Women Leader Award. (By Koko W, Surabaya)
Comment: She is a strong woman, the best leader in Indonesia. She makes Surabaya greener, cleaner, more beautiful, more human; She empower poor people, disabled, homeless, elderly people to get their best quality as a human...She love her people very much. (By Ilyani S, Indonesia)
Comment: Bu Risma adalah salah satu walikota terbaik di Indonesia. Dalam wawancaranya pada program "Mata Najwa" di Metro TV, Bu Risma mengungkapkan segenap keluh kesahnya selama ia menjadi walikota Surabaya. Surabaya memiliki satu tempat prostitusi yang sangat besar dan terkenal di seluruh dunia. Bu Risma ingin mengubah pandangan masyarakat tentang dunia prostitusi di Surabaya. Anda bisa melihat tayangan mengenai Tri Rismaharini ini di youtube, dengan kata pencarian "Metro TV Walikota Surabaya". Terima kasih atas pertimbangannya. (By Annisa, Indonesia)

World Mayor
The philanthropic City Mayors Foundation awards the World Mayor Prize every two years to a mayor who has made outstanding contributions to his / her community and has developed a vision for urban living and working that is relevant to towns and cities across the world. The Prize has been awarded since 2004.
Anyone voting for a mayor is also asked to consider whether his / her candidate is likely to agree to the City Mayors Code of Ethics. Mayors wishing to be considered for the World Mayor Prize will be asked to sign up to the Code.
Votes must be accompanied by a thoughtful supporting statement.
2014/15 Timetable
First-round nominations were accepted until the middle of May 2014. A longlist of 121 candidates was published on 22 May. A shortlist of 26 nominees was announced on 18 June 2014. A second round of voting will take place between now and the middle of October. The winner of the 2014 World Mayor Prize and other results of the World Mayor Project were announced on 3 February 2015.
The philanthropic City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank on urban affairs, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. Mayors wishing to be considered for the World Mayor Prize will be asked to sign up to the City Mayors Code of Ethics.
The winner receives the artistically acclaimed World Mayor trophy, while the runner-up is given the World Mayor Commendation.
Winners and runners-up
2004 to 2014
In 2014: Winner: Naheed Nenshi (Calgary, Canada); First runner-up: Daniël Termont (Ghent, Belgium); Second runner-up: Tri Rismaharini (Surabaya, Indonesia)
In 2012: Winner: Iñaki Azkuna (Bilbao, Spain); Runner-up: Lisa Scaffidi (Perth, Australia); In third place: Joko Widodo (Surakarta, Indonesia)
In 2010: Winner: Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City, Mexico); Runner-up: Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City, USA); In third place: Domenico Lucano (Riace, Italy)
In 2008: Winner: Helen Zille (Cape Town, South Africa); Runner up: Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich, Switzerland); In third place: Leopoldo López (Chacao, Venezuela)
In 2006: Winner: John So (Melbourne, Australia); Runner up: Job Cohen (Amsterdam, Netherland); In third place: Stephen Reed (Harrisburg, USA)
In 2005: Winner: Dora Bakoyannis (Athens, Greece); Runner-up: Hazel McCallion (Mississauga, Canada); In third place: Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City, Guatemala)
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana, Albania); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City, Mexico); In third place: Walter Veltroni (Rome, Italy)