Campbell Newman, Lord Mayor of Brisbane, was awarded 5th place in World Mayor 2010

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Comments on
Campbell Newman
Lord Mayor of Brisbane (Australia)
The finalists for the 2010 World Mayor Prize were chosen on the number of nominations received and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of supporting statements. Below we publish a representative selection of comments received about Campbell Newman, Lord Mayor of Brisbane, Australia.
Supporting comments:
Comment: Campbell Newman is what Australian's call a decent bloke. He has great vision and determination and has tackled the issues of a growing city with vigour when so many before him have put it all in the too hard basket. He is a person with great intellect and a can-do-attitude. Brisbane people have grown to respect and admire this Mayor who puts all of his energy and enthusiasm into the job. (By Carol R C)
Comment: Campbell Newman is the kind of person that I am proud to have as Mayor of my city. I am passionate about this city and its future. Campbell Newman shares this passion and combines it with a real ability to get things done. He is someone who, in a relatively short period of time, has made a real difference to our community, environment and transport system. Whether its because of the 2 million trees he is planting, the bushland he has saved, the new buses or tunnels, the legacy of his work will benefit this city for many decades to come. Campbell Newman is a politician who genuinely deserves his nick name, "Can Do". (By P M)
Comment: Cr Campbell Newman is a fantastic Mayor. What he has already achieved and his vision for our city are outstanding. His contribution to Brisbane's developmenmt will be widely acknowledged for years to come. (By C T)
Comment: Lord Mayor Campbell Newman has collaborated successfully with the State and Federal Goverments, and private enterprise to increase funding applied to transport solutions including new major raod wrks, as well as public transport corridors such as busways, bus stations and interchanges- while continuing to increase the bus and ferry fleet with 'clean air technology'. This has resulted in an integrated ticketing system for bus, rail and ferries and a large increase in the use of public transport, which has reduced traffic congestion and improved air quality. As well planning and construction of improved bikeways and the introduction of a 150 bike stations and 2000 bikes to hire wil increase the healthy travel options. Lord Mayor Campbell Newman has committed Council to purchasing 100% 'Green Power' to cover all of its activities, is over hafl-way to planting 2 million trees, is buying bushland and supporting property owners to maintain biodiversity and aiming for 40%
green space in the region. The council promters and maintains 'sister city ' relationships with at least 20 cities in the Asia Pacific region to share in both cultural and economic exchanges, promoting good will and sharing innovation and prosperity.
Most importantly though, Lord Mayor Campbell Newman conitnues to support scoial inclusion and equity programs- including support for the homeless, refugee claimants, subsidised housing schemes for low income earners, grants and professional support for minority communites and cultural activities that promote the benefits of the richness of the diversity of our many communities. This promotes social cohesion and a caring and supportive community where people look out for and look after each other so that hopefuuly noone 'falls the the cracks' and is left out. The Lord Mayors wife Lisa is prominent in supporting women's and young persons welfare. (By T M B-F)
Comment: Campbell Newman is dedicated to Brisbane and shows great vision, drive and determination to achieve his goal of making Brisbane a functional and pleasant city to live in. So many people are grateful for his hard work including both Labor and Liberal supporters. Campbell has the support of his wornderful wife and children and who better to judge the honesty of his dedication than his family. Campbell is a man of action and true to his word. He's getting things done for us who live in and love Brisbane. Yes he deserves to be voted the World Mayor 2010. (By Josie McK)
Comment: Campbell Newman has changed Brisbane from a tired country town into a beautiful riverside city. He is energetic, positive and a great communicator. (By Suzanne E B)
Comment: There is a feeling of confidence in Brisbane with Campbell Newman as the sitting Mayor. His background as a qualified Engineer provides him with the practical knowledge that enables him to act on projects both large and small, that he knows will benefit the city.
He is a genuinely nice person, a family man, a leader of integrity and a man who listens to what is said. He is also an optimist which is an important attribute.
In his first term of office he took up the challenge of being Lord Mayor with a Council which was not from his party and he handled the opposition and his critics with dignity.
In this his second term he now has the majority and continues to move his ideas forward for the betterment of Brisbane.
His nickname 'Can Do' Campbell is an appropriate one. (By Janette B)
Comment: Campbell Newman is supportive of the arts in Brisbane. His wife I have met at my ballet school and is always lending a hand for charity events. His daughter is a delight to teach. Very much the leader I would want for Brisbane, Queensland and definately Australia. (By Lauren)
Comment: Before Campbell Newman came to power, Brisbane was a chocked filled city, that had an ageing fleet of buses which barely ran on time (even out of peak hour). Campbell has improved the Bus network in ways that have made up for 20 years of neglect! In addition, Campbell is building much needed roads, bikeways and making this city great once again. Campbell is the greatest thing to have happened to Brisbane for a long long time. I am traditional a Labor voter, however, with Campbells vision and forward thinking can do attitude, I'll never vote Labor again while he runs for Mayor. Go Campbell go! (By Graeme)
Comment: Campbell Newman has done more for the people of Brisbane than any other mayor since Clem Jones. He is an inspiration to the people of Brisbane. He is hard working and gets the job done. He has made improvements to Brisbane's infrastructure through providing the Clem7 tunnel, and the soon to open Go Between Bridge. He has many other infrastructure projects on the go and has also improved public transport here in Brisbane. Campbell Newman is the type of Mayor this city of Brisbane has needed for years! (By Debbie J)
Comment: A great Lord Mayor, Campbell has turned around the unreliable bus network with more buses (with aircon too), initiated a plan to tackle the awful congestion plaguing this city (even without the state government) and started restoration of our wonderful historic city hall (By C C)
Comment: Campbell recently delivered a speech to a cohort of young people and declared that the best thing about being the Lord Mayor, compared to higher offices of influence, is that the general mood, particularly from the citizens, that it's an apolitical position, that requires vision, commitment to the city, and what it treasures, and an ability to manage economic productivity and growth in a rapidly growing region. Campbell is doing all this and more! He told us he could do it, and he has proved he sure can! (By CJF)
Comment: Campbell Newman and his 'Can Do' approach to the city has delivered enormous benefits for Brisbane; better public transport, more and better roads, bridges and tunnels, public galleries and open spaces, walkways along the river and bikeways, the list just go on. He is passionate about the community, the city and it's people. He is a city leader who had a vision for a great world city which he is now turning into reality. I am proud to live in a city with him as Lord Mayor and strongly support him being voted World Mayor 2010. (By Chris O)
Comment: Campbell Newman has changed the face of Brisbane for the better. He is a worker for the people of Brisbane and wants to get things done. (By Jan T)
Comment: With his 'can do' attitude our Lord Mayor walks the talk! (By Steve M)
Comment: This guy is a walking miracle. Brisbane has never looked so good, had so much investment or been so vibrant. Nor have their been so many community programs and initiatives. He has reformed development laws, overhauled neighbourhood planning, fast-tracked billions in infrastructure development and promoted community events throughout Brisbane. Best of all, he actually gets things done! "Can Do" by name and by nature. (By Marty)
Comment: I vote for a different political party, but have to admit that Mr Newman has been an extremely effective, forward-looking mayor. (By Craig B)
Comment: Campbell Newman has done an amazing job as Mayor for Brisbane. He proves time again that his aim is to do the best for Brisbane and its people. I live on Queenslands Gold Coast and quite often find myself wishing that Campbell was mayor of the Gold Coast instead, just think what he could do for us! (By Leanne G)
Comment: Mayor Campbell Newman leads a team which consults extensively with the community. He plans ahead with long, mid and short term outcomes, & is the most motivating enthusiastic politician in Australia. His leadership is an positive example for anyone. (By Jenny N)
Comment: Campbell Newman has achieved amazing things in Brisbane. He is a true leader with a clear commitment and vision for our city. (By Debbie M)
Comment: Newman lives up to his 'can do' Campbell reputation. Brisbane has genuinely emerged under his leadership as Australia's new world city, and has experienced a cultural, culinary and retail revolution. He has tackled the issue of population growth head on with significant investment in infrastructure to support the growing needs of the city. And above all he is a highly visible and highly approachable Mayor who is in touch with his community and his team. (By Amanda B)
Comment: Mr Newman is an excellent Mayor and has done a terrific job building Brisbane. He has been challenged with Brisbane being the fastest growth area of Australia for a long period. He has delivered on-time and on-budget with major infrastructure program of new roads, bridges, tunnels, housing estates all with appealing designs. He continues to provide vision to Brisbane for future innovative projects to meet the growing needs of a fast growing city. Well done. (By David C)
Comment: Campbell Newman will be remembered in the future as someone with vision and a 'can do' approach, who has made Brisbane a better city. Unlike many non-partisan Councils in Australia, Campbell faces concerted attacks from a well organised party-political opposition (the Australian Labor Party). Despite these ongoing efforts to undermine him and tarnish his reputation for party-political reasons, he maintains the strong support of the wider Brisbane community. He was first elected in 2004 and was re-elected in 2008 with around 66% of the popular (city-wide) vote. This is a major achievement considering there are almost 1 million people eligible to vote in Brisbane. (By AJS)
Comment: Before Campbell Newman became mayor Brisbane was gridlocked and its leaders devoid of solutions. Mr Newman was elected for his brave new vision and since then, has exceeded expectations of what could be achieved with passion, determination and hard work. Even through the financial crisis, he continues to deliver. (Joel)
Comment: The only politician in Australia who sets politics aside and actually gets things done. Big on infrastructure and promotion of Brisbane. The PM and Premier should take note. (By Clayton K)
Comment: Being new to Australia I always saw the role of Lord Mayor as a defunct role with no representation. Campbell Newman has displayed the true advocacy of the city electorate to affect city wide changes, such as the world respected inner city busways, the cross city tunnel toll roads as well as embracing the much smaller laneway musical and arts culture and bicycle stations. From big to small, CN has put his reputation on the line to create a 'New World City' and I believe he can achieve it. (By James T)
Comment: Love his 'Can Do' Attitude - He has vision and he doesn't shy away from the big tasks. He is also likeable and has not got 'a big head'
Since coming to office, Brisbane has come ahead in leaps and bounds. (By Barbara M)
Comment: 'Can Do' Campbell is actively involved in so many worthwhile projects around Brisbane. From infrastructure and roads to offering free personal safety classes to residents. The city is ever improving under his leadership and not only with regards to immediate 'vote inspiring' actions but also long term initiatives. (By Carol)
Comment: An excellent representative for the people of Brisbane. A man or great integrity and able to inspire thers to work to the good of our city. (By Brian W)
Comment: Campbell Newman has really lived up to his name 'CAN DO'. He is arguably the best Lord Mayor that Australia has ever seen and I would say the World. In an age where politicians promise the world and deliver nothing, CAN DO delivers everything he promises and more. He is a rebuke to those who don't try their hardest in what they do - mediocre is not in his vocabulary. There is no doubt in my mind that even his critics will grudgingly admit in the future that he is the Best Lord Mayor in Australia and the world. (Nina S)
Comment: A Mayor with vision and commitment to act. A person who understands the commitment required to progress in this ever changing community. To make hard but fair decision. In touch with the community and willing to listen to any idea or suggestion that benefits the community as a whole now and into the future. A breath of fresh air. (By Alan P)
Comment: With a talent for harnessing the natural energy of the city, Campbell Newman has transformed Brisbane on a number of levels. His can-do, common sense approach means his outcomes are practical and pleasing. The city's roads are moving rapidly from unworkable to workable. A lively city culture is flourishing. He deserves acknowledgement. (By M J)
Comment: Campbell Newman has accomplished an enormous amount in Brisbane over the past years. I only wish he would run for state or federal parliament as the quality of politicians at that level in QLD and Australia are below average. (By Tim B)
Comment: Campbell Newman and his 'can do' approach to the city has delivered enormous benefits for Brisbane. I am proud to live in a city with him as Lord Mayor and strongly support him being voted World Mayor 2010. (By Matthew)
Comment: A brilliant man who is changing Brisbane for the better. I have never seen Brisbane looking so good and it is all because of the work of this great Lord Mayor. (By Nat K)
Comment: Campbell rocks like no other (By MD)
Comment: Campbell 'Can Do' Newman was my mayor in Brisbane before I moved away to Canberra. There are not many politicians who are the complete package, but Can Do is. He is passionate, enthusiastic, pro-active, positive, he is everywhere, and besides looking like he has just swallowed a carton of energy bars, he always has time for us in the streets, even if we are giving him grief at the time. Even better, he has responded to my friends and I every time we have ask him about issues that are important to us. That says he cares about us, and that Campbell is the real deal. And like his nickname says, he is a 'Can Do' mayor. He is, without doubt, the best mayor in the World, and daylight is second. (By Peter C)
Comment: Mr Newman is an excellent Mayor and has done a terrific job building Brisbane into a new world city. (By Pete)
Comment: Campbell has been a fantastic mayor for Brisbane. He has undertaken a massive building plan to make sure Brisbane has the infra structure it needs. (By Nick F)
Comment: "Can Do!" Campbell lives up to his name. (By Prancer)
Comment: Campbell is one of the most forward thinking mayors this town has had, he works tirelessly to improve the living standards in the largest Local Government in Australia. (By Matt O'R)
Comment: He's the 'Can Do' Mayor - for too long Brisbane has been left behind the rest of Australia - Lord Mayor Campbell Newman and his Adminstraton are out there working with the community and initiating many great improvements to our city and local suburbs. (By Julie M)
Comment: Has done so much for Brisbane. Public transport and roads are so much better now. (By Joel T)
Comment: A few years ago we had to make a decision where to invest in Australia. We chose Brisbane and can recommend the city to any company looking for an Australian base. Lord Mayor Campbell makes things happen. (By Robert C II)
Comment: A city leader who knows how to turn a vision into reality. (By Carol & Joe O)
Critical comments
Comment: We recommend nobody votes for Mr C Newman of Brisbane Australia because we believe he does not pass your standard of ethics, in that he does not assist the disabled properly. This attitude is not good for any Mayor, in fact if you have an award for the worst Mayor, we would like to nominate him. (By P Yeo)
Comment: You need to consider leaving a space to nominate that a Mayor is NOT suitable for a vote- Brisbane is rapidly becoming a miserable city in which to live - traffic is appalling and getting worse and the Mayor is hellbent on focussing only on tunnels and not on keeping the costs down or even reasonable, and services for the rates we pay are minimal and decreasing. A NO vote for Brisbane Mayor. (By Kirsten)
Comment: Campbell Newman is choking Brisbane to death with road tunnels and bridges proving he doesn't want Brisbane to be "of a smart thinking and easy living city" and "Brisbane an even better place to live" is why Campbell nomination should not even be accepted for the World Mayor Award. (By Kenneth V)

World Mayor
The City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank on urban affairs, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally. Mayors wishing to be considered for the Prize are asked to sign up to the City Mayors Code of Ethics.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. Winners receive the World Mayor Prize, while the first and second runners-up receive the World Mayor Commendation.
Winners and runners-up
2004 to 2010:
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City}; In third place - Walter Veltroni (Rome)
In 2005: Winner Dora Bakoyannis (Athens); Runner-up - Hazel McCallion (Mississauga); In third place - Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City)
In 2006: Winner John So (Melbourne); Runner up Job Cohen (Amsterdam); In third place - Stephen Reed (Harrisburg)
In 2008: Winner Helen Zille (Cape Town); Runner up - Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich); In third place - Leopoldo López (Chacao)
In 2010: Winner - Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City); First runner-up - Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City); Second runner-up - Domenico Lucano (Riace)