Peter Tennent, Mayor of New Plymouth, was awarded 9th place in World Mayor 2010

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The City Mayors Foundation
Comments in support of
Peter Tennent
Mayor of New Plymouth (New Zealand)
The finalists for the 2010 World Mayor Prize were chosen on the number of nominations received and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of supporting statements. Below we publish a representative selection of comments received about Peter Tennent, Mayor of New Plymouth, New Zealand.
Comment: He is approachable, has a can do attitude and has transformed New Plymouth into a very fantastic place to live and be proud of. He is passionate, driven and focused on what he sees to be best for the town. He seems to be ethical and transparent on issues that he has personal connections to and is so positive and supportive for all he comes into contact with. He is a fantastic asset to the community! If he could be replicated around the world, the world would be a more peaceful and happy place! (By J H )
Comment: Peter Tennent is a man of great vision and energy for New Plymouth. He has helped changed the mindset of many people to make New Plymouth a wonderful and vibrant place. (By Jonathan Y)
Comment: Great leader for New Plymouth. Pivotal in leading a positive and progressive image for New Plymouth at national and international level. (New Plymouth has won international top city awards under Peter's leadership. New Plymouth has become a major event destination for international artists in New Zealand. Elton John, Mark Knoffler, Fleetwood Mac, Santana, G Guitar) Very positive contribution in everything he has been involved with. Outstanding ambassador for our community over a long period. (By Mark H)
Comment: With Peter the answer is always yes! A dynamic, positive, encouraging, sincere, supportive and energising man - you cannot help but feel a buzz after spending time with him. Hugely generous with his time. Thoughtful, caring with very strong support from a lovely family he adores. We have been so lucky to have him as our Mayor as he has led, from the front, the development of our community into a progressive and vibrant place to live, work and play.
Peter can converse comfortably and sincerely with people from all walks of life - from Prime Minister to the person who empties the rubbish bin in his office to visiting international delegations!
I consistently hear phrases like "Wow - your Mayor is amazing", "He's great" or "What a fantastic guy" from people meeting him for the first time.
Peter has the ability to retain knowledge and can be discussing the in's and out's of the rating system one minute, to Council's investments the next, to water quality the next, to public safety the next ... often without pausing for breath.
New Plymouth is a small community at the bottom of the world - but thanks to Peter we are nationally (and internationally) prominent with connections all over the world. (By Julie S)
Peter is hugely passionate about New Plymouth and that passion has driven him in his role of Mayor to improve New Plymouth residents' quality of life. He will leave a legacy that will be talked about for many many years to come. (By
Comment: I have being away from New Plymouth at university for 5 years, and have always been of the opinion that I would seek employment away from where I grew up. New Plymouth though has grown so much, and I have now taken up full time employment here...this has a lot to do with the passion that Peter Tennent has to ensure the continued growth and vibrancy of this community. He has a 'can do' attitude, and this has been a major factor behind the vast number of things going the city's way (including world renowned artists and festivals). I found myself continually coming back for weekends when I wasn't residing here, and I'm so happy to be back! Fantastic mayor who cannot be replaced. (By GT)
Comment: Mr T has been the Rockstar mayor and advocate for New PLymouth and with current local body elections running now I havent met anyone who wishes him to stand down. We will miss you Pete you are leaving HUGE shoes that will never be fully filled (By Stu H)
Comment: Pete is an adrenalin shot for our city! His enthusiasm, positivity and charisma second to none! He has served our city faithfully. (By Karen M)
Comment: I was a fellow Councillor with Peter and helped with his Mayoral campaign. He was the right man at the right time for the job and has done an outstanding job for nine years. He should be standing for re-election but I understand why he is standing down. (By Peter James A)
Comment: Peter Tennent has had an emnormous effect on our community. His drive, passion and commitment to this community has been inspiring and has driven many successful changes that are making this community increasingly better to live in. He has driven changes that have brought our city forward without effecting the charm and lifestyle enjoyed by those who choose to live in a smaller city. (By T R)
Comment: Mayor Pete as he is affectionally known in Taranaki has a love for the city of New Plymouth, that goes beyond just being a member of the city, he truly loves New Plymouth and loves promoting our city and our wonderful province every chance he has. Peter's positive attitude and love he has for this city makes New Plymouth a city that is a great place to live. (By Chris B)
Comment: Ever since Peter Tennant became Mayor he has put our home town of New Plymouth (NZ) on the map. He has worked tirelessly & has the foresight when it comes to promoting New Plymouth. New Plymouth is all the more beautiful because of Peter Tennant. (By Lyneece E)
Comment: Peter Tennent has been a staunch advocate for New plymouth and the province of Taranaki for many years and has delivered significant benefit to the province as a result of many community projects he has supported. Peter has a can do attitude and has been a strong supporter of a number of festivals and events that have been attracted to New Plymouth during his tenure. New Plymouth is truely a great place to live, it has a wonderful culture and feel about it. A large part of that is the result of Peter's positive attitude and drive to make New Plymouth a city that regularly over achieves on the world stage. (By Ross D)
Comment: I arrived in New Plymouth in 2007 with a family and no job. A local headmaster phoned Pete and told him of my situation and the response was don't let him leave Taranaki, get him to send me his CV. I then contacted a local business director and Pete had sent him my CV. My youngest child has had his chains on at a meet the Mayor event. Without a doubt Pete Tennent is connected to the people of this city and drives improvement for the people. He lives and breathes it with a passion. I have been here nearly 3 years and have only heard 2 people say anything bad about him and one of those were in opposition. This town is thee place to live with the numerous cost effective activities that are put on and the standard of facilities and alot of that is a leagcy of Pete driving the team. (By Calum)
Comment: For 9 years, Peter Tennent has been Mayor of New Plymouth, New Zealand, a city which has been fortunate to have been served by several fine mayors in the 60 years my family has lived here. Even in this distinguished company, Mr Tennent has stood out as a mayor with tremendous drive and enthusiasm to improve the quality of life for the citizens of this community - which has directly contributed to New Plymouth being awarded international plaudits, including the "Best and Most Liveable Community in the World" award in November 2008. (By Ken A)
Comment: Mayor Peter Tennent has captured the support of not only the Taranaki community but iwi/Hapu as well. His leadership, vision, honesty, integrity and humility is with out a doubt unquestionable. The recognition of New Plymouth City as the Best in the World in its population base and Sustainability etc is proof of leadership qualities. (By Billy T)
Comment: Peter has truley brought our community closer together and enabled us to achieve things we may have only dreamed of. we are very fortunate to have had his leadership and support over the past years. (By Melanie H)
Comment: Peter Tennent is a superb mix of confidence and humility. He has made a point of making himself visible and available as Mayor. Whatever he attends in the community he is always genuinely involved well prepared, interested and asks questions. He never pretends to be anything he isn't, is very up front about anything he doesn't know and is keen to explore new areas. He pays attention to individuals and groups travelling outside of the province or the country by enthusiastically encouraging and congratulating their achievement as ambassadors for Taranaki. I am not a personal friend of Peters but I feel I know him well from invitations interactions within the community. Peter is a brilliant Mayor and is fantastic for our communities longevity as a vibrant and exciting city to live in and visit. (By Frances R)
Comment: Peter has driven this community forward with a passion and vitality that is contagious. He has built on what previous mayors have done. He has very good business acumen that has proved valuable in his work also. The only downside to all of this is that to get ahead and create many wonderful facilities, someone has to pay for it and rates increases have been a bone of contention for many years. Some see the spending as frivolous and others see it as a necessity. Ultimately, Peter is doing the best he can to make his district the best in the world to live. (By Allen J)
Comment: Outstanding mayor, has changed New Plymouth from a sleepy back water to a vibrant town where Sir Elton John asks to come and play here. Mayor Pete is very charismatic and able to talk to any group of people from all walks of life. He is always willing to be involved in any community event no matter how small. (By Helen M)
Comment: Peter is an absolutley awsome person who is totally dedicated to our community. Peter and his wife Rosemary actually do care about all of us. They are not just not the Mayor or Mayoress, they are merely Peter and Rosemary, ordinary people doing an outstanding service to our community. Peter comes to our aged care facility at xmas time every year and spends quality time with our residents to answer all the their questions. Peter has not forgotten the elderly of our community who made us who we are and who he is and this I commend him on as many people forget the elderly who we need to value as they have brought us to where we are now. I am a provider of aged care and see that many people do not really value our aged people for their knowledge and past commitment to the community. Mayor Pete does value our aged and gets my vote and his wife Rosemary needs to be recognised also. I attended the citizen awards for our community the other night, it was an amazing night and both Peter and Rosemary were there and I personally felt that they where very very proud of the outstanding people of our community who made a personal commitment to make all lives enriched and valued by their efforts for our community. Peter and Rosemary did an outstanding event to recognise the value of the people that go the extra hard yards to make a differnce to us all and that event needs to be recognised.
By the way Pete needs Rosemary in order to be the great team mates that they are. (By Patricia W)
Comment: Mayor Pete has united the city with his enthusiasm, positivety and can do attitude. New Plymouth has earned international accolades, been the host of international sporting events, Megastar artists and musicians and can now boast many world class facilities thanks to his efforts over the last ten years. He will be impossible to replace. (By T H)
Comment: Mayor Peter Tennent is absolutely positive about New Plymouth and breeds confidence and optimism for the future of our region, which during his period as Mayor has gone ahead in leaps and bounds as reflected in achieving wonderful amenities for all ages in our community - cultural,recreational nd business opportunities. Peter is a wonderful "people's person" with a great ability to relate to all cultures, ages, gender on their level and make them feel comfortable and important. Peter is sensitive to the protocols and values of the "Tangata Whenua" the Maori people of our wonderful country and endeavours to ensure they are consulted and acknowledged particualrly in relation to the environmental and cultural matters. He spares no effort in visiting the elderly in the many Rest Homes; the students at the schools; hosting diverse groups in the civic chambers. Peter is never too busy to take a telephone call or see people in his office. This definitely is the "best liveable community in the world of its size" thanks in no small way to Mayor Peter Tennent and his capacity to listen to the "ordinary person in the street". (By Kim MacL)
Comment: Pete Tennent has been a supportive, innovative and charasmatic mayor of New Plymouth who has put our small province on the map. Well done to him and all the best for his nomination as best mayor in the world. (By Zanetta H)
Comment: I believe Mayor Peter Tennant has been a fantastic mayor for New Plymouth, NZ. His contributions to our city and region have been amazing, and he is the strongest supporter of the region. (By Philippa)
Comment: I would like to show my support for Peter Tennent Mayor of New Plymouth. He has shown a remarkable ability and imagination in his job as mayor over the last 9 years. (By Elaine S)
Comment: I was fortunate to work on the Tutunui Project on the waterfront of New Plymouth with Peter Tennent as mayor and found his incredible passion and enthusiasm for the region contagious. He has a vision for the region as a whole and always has time for his voters. From young through to the elderly he has ensured this city is world class in it's services and standard of living. New Plymouth is a place like no other and Tennent is a man of great vision. (By Mark S)
Comment: Peter has great vision and huge levels of enthusiasm and drive which we calls on in his ongoing quest to make New Plymouth a vibrant and exciting community to live and play in. He is absolutely passionate about and committed to the well being and development of New Plymouth and surrounding areas. (By Rob J)
Comment: Mayor Peter tennent is an outstaanding M AYOR. He has the ability to turnall negatives into positives and galvanise support in the community for projects. His 9 years in office has ensured that New Plymouth is the best city of it size in which to live in the WORLD. (By L R B)
Comment: Peter Tennent leads by example and inspires those around him to always do their best - this makes him an ideal Mayor. Although I currently live on the other side of the world (London) I've never felt more connected to or proud of my "home town" since Peter came to the helm. Our Mayor has a truly global reach and works hard to keep us ex-pats "in the loop." I believe New Plymouth will be the destination of choice for so many of us when we finally return home. For those abroad indefinitely, New Plymouth has friends in every corner of the world who not only wish it well but are eager to contribute to its success. (By Karen B)
Comment: I was fortunate that Mayor Peter Tennent chose me as his Deputy and so for the past three years it has been like a roller coaster ride for me. His energy, passion and vision wrapped up with a very assured 'we can do this' attitude has delivered outstanding results for this authority. His daily routine is often 12-14 hours long and his weekly diary leaves him little spare time. His sense of humour, cheerfulness and vitality never seems to wane. On top of this,he is a caring and loving family man who finds time to give his attention to their needs. Whilst you may think my comments are biased, I am 20 years his senior and have to say his competencies and dedication to the issues he faces are outstanding. I have never met or worked with such an extraordinary person before. I wish him all the best. (By Alex M)
Comment: A man of vision and unbounded enthusiasm for his job and his community, his energy is boundless and infectious. Our living environment has been improved to the point of saying 'THIS is our City and THIS is a City like no other" ..He will be a hard act to follow!!! (By Tony H)
Comment: I have to second the words of Alex Matheson because this truly does describe Peters contribution "His enthusiasm and all-round vision for New Plymouth District are outstanding, and in my view his energy to enable that vision to come to fruition is second to none." I think he truly deserves to be the Mayor of the World! (Joanne D)
Comment: I have never known some one to show so much enthusiaism for a conitinued length of time. During his successful term as New Plymouths Mayor he has always shown a unique passion always striving to better one of the best places in the world. Pete leads by example and is a great role model for any youth growing up in New Plymouth. If he does not win this competition I‚m pretty sure it‚s rigged. (By P Y)
Comment: Peter Tennent is a great speaker who connects at a very personal level with the city population. He is the most enthusiastic promoter and information sharer you will ever get, treating his role in much the way he has in building his own business to the level success it is in the region. (By Ruakere H)
Comment: Mayor Pete is the BEST Thing that has happened to New Plymouth and Taranaki. He the best promoter of our city and province. Recently at our local Western Institute of Technology graduation he made every one in the theatre "Ambassadors of the City" he always gives credit back to the residents of his city for any awards the city has been recognised with. For Pete to be nominated is a fantastic honour for him and our city - putting us on the world stage yet again. AWESOME (By Marz)
Comment: Comment: He has energy to burn and never stops promoting our City. It does not matter who he is talking to young or old, black or white, Peter Tennent takes time out for everyone, he is very very approachable and has a genuine heart to see our city grow. He is a great Mayor and a breath of fresh air in our part of the world he is very deserving of being voted the best Mayor award. (By David Q)
Comment: The importance of community pride can never be under estimated. During the time of Peter Tennent's mayoralty our community has developed an enormous pride and self-belief. His leadership, his positivity and his ability to make progress has led us to become New Zealand's top town and one of the most liveable cities in the world. And what makes it all the more special - he gives the credit to us, the people who live here. (By Barbara)
Comment: Peter Tennett should be World Mayor because of his commitment to preserving cultural heritage as evidenced by the Puke Ariki Centre. (By Margaret R)
Comment: Peter Tennant has displayed amazing talents in being a politician a business man a humanitarian as well as a leader of integrity and foresight.
He has shown positive leadership and positive solutions in the face of economic challenges.
He is the peoples mayor
he is the businessman's mayor
he is a community mayor
He has put New Plymouth onto the world stage and yet is a community of only 100,000 people.
I have seen him working in China setting up sister cities relationships and I have seen him helping a small local community.
A rare talent to have someone who can work with the top entrepreneur of the world yet handle the problems of an individual in the local community
What a leader. (By Gavin M F)
Comment: He has amazing personality, is always friendly, is very willing to talk to ANY one in town - even invited a new citizen of New Plymouth over for dinner once! I have interviewed him for new stories, and he is approachable and welcoming. And of course the things he has done for New Plymouth is amazing! People who go back to New Plymouth after time away always comment on how much different the city is. (By Kim L)
Comment: New Plymouth has a mayor who has been absolutely fantastic during his last 8 1/2 years in office. He has shown great leadership, compassion, enthusiasm and commitment. He ALWAYS shows up to support the New Plymouth community. I defintiely think he should be awarded World Mayor 2010 (By Arun C).
Comment: Pete is very popular with young people. He encourges youth initiatives to be an important project with the council's community development. All the best Pete. (By Anupama)
Comment: During Peter Tennent's nine years as Mayor, New Plymouth District has changed substantially. We have gone from a quiet part of New Zealand with an economy that endured boom and bust cycles, to a place that is outward-looking, vibrant, innovative and willing to solve the hard social problems in our community. Mayor Tennent would say that this is the result of the Council, businesses, community groups and individuals working together - but very little of that cooperative work would have happened without Mayor Pete's leadership and enthusiasm.
Mayor Pete combines business acumen, immense positivity and a belief that a community can achieve any goal that it sets itself. He is a 'no limits' man and sees no reason why our small community can't attract huge one-off concerts by the superstars of music, help a small Pacific Island nation grow into a better manager of its community, or help resolve a 150-year-old grievance between the Crown and a local Maori tribe - all of which have been accomplished.
Mayor Pete has been called a 'cheerleader' for New Plymouth, Taranaki and New Zealand. What isn't as readily recognised is that his unrelenting positivity has created an environment that inspires others to dream big and achieve.
A tangible result of Mayor Pete's leadership is the naming of New Plymouth as the best city of its size in the world by the UN-backed Liveable Communities (LivCom) Awards in 2008. It was the first time in LivCom's history that the 'whole city' award was given at the gold-medal level.
Peter Tennent's Mayoralty has has energised our community. He has helped change the face of New Plymouth District and has set us up for a very strong future, and he certainly deserves to be recognised for his achievements. (By D M)
Comment: Peter does a great job, with a good manner. A fine representative of our city. (Chris W)
Comment: New Plymouth is a small city on the world stage but Peter Tennent has given the city pride. He is an amazing ambassador... ALWAYS promoting the assets of the town and it's people. He is passionate about the community and no matter shere you see him, he has time to talk and invest in people. The town has flourished under his leadership with amazing environment etc but mostly it's the sense that the people of New Plymouth are the greatest in the world and live in the best place in the world that are the legacy of his terms in leadership. He is a truly worthy recipient of this award as he has raised the morale and profile of the city he serves so well. (By Sue)
Comment: We are so proud of our Mayor and he is very proud of us. Taranaki is a much better place because of the enthusiasm and foresight of Pete Tennent and we are lucky to have him. (By Linda P)
Comment: "Mayor Pete" is the kind of mayor every city should have. Though we are summer residents of New Plymouth, New Zealand, he always has time for a warm, sincere, heartfelt "Welcome Home" when we return to New Zealand,from another Plymouth in the USA,as we have for 20 years. He really cares about his city and the people in it, be they locals or from half way around the world, and his leadership in civic matters reflects the man Peter Tennent is. We endorse him for this Mayor of the World title, as the Mayor who leads and builds with the respect of his people, and has kept the city growing despite the difficult economic times. (By David & Jane H)
Comment: Peter Tennent has brought New Plymouth, Taranaki into the lime light of the world. He is extremely passionate and excited about living here himself. He brings a vibrancy and an expectation for people to be proud of being 'taranakites'. Good luck Pete. (By Coreen J)
Comment: Peter Tennent deserves to win this award. Since being elected Mayor in 2001, then re-elected in 2004 and 2007, he has worked tirelessly to promote the New Plymouth District. He has been a true leader, inspiring and encouraging, and always available to listen to any citizen who has a problem. When criticised, he has been honest in his own defence, never trying to shift the blame on to someone else.
Now he has shown his commitment to the democratic process by his intention to stand down at the next election. After nine years in office, he states that it is time for a new face at the top of the Council table. (By Fern R)
Comment: Peter Tennent is a hard working mayor who has a great passion for our city of New Plymouth. He has done alot for his community & because of his great efforts, he has raised our city to great hights. New Plymouth has been named New Zealands top city & is the number one city with a population of 25,000-75,000. It is my honest opinion that Mayor Peter Tennent should be granted this great honour. (By Ryan P)
Comment: Mayor Pete has an enthusiasim that is contagious and this has been instrumental in effecting change in our city of New Plymouth (By Tabitha W)
Comment: Mr Tennent is a hard working mayor and New Plymouth has become a beautiful place to live with all the great developments he has pushed for. (By Val)
Comment: Peter Tennant has made a huge difference to New Plymouth and how it is viewed internationally. The city used to be viewed as alittle provincial town but is now seen as a vibrant city thanks to "Mayor Pete" (By J M)
Comment: Pete has been an absolute asset to our community, he is vibrant, motivated, enthusiastic and is the perfect PR person for New Plymouth. It is a real shame he is not standing at this year's elections for a further term (By Jane H)
Comment: Vibrant, community focused mayor who goes that extra mile to promote New plymouth and to ensure the best of opportunities and services are available where ever possible. (By Peter J H)
Comment: Peter Tennant has really put New Plymouth on the world map - he and his family work tirelessly to promote, support and develop the people of Taranaki. There is no better Mayor! (By Linda C)
Comment: You could not find a better Mayor, advocate for our wonderful city, nor person than Mayor Pete. He has time for everyone, no matter what your "title" is and he has done incredible things for our city. (By Debbie L)
Comment: Peter Tennent is a Mayor of effervescence and just fizzes along buzzing about the virtues of living in New Plymouth. He never hesitates to put our city before the world at every chance he gets. If no "chance" comes along, then he will make one. He has made a very big impact upon the residents of New Plymouth, being very approachable and listens to everyone who wants to talk to him. No matter the problem be it with council services, ideas or whatever, he will listen. (By Bryan B)
Comment: Peter is the ultimate mayor as he is the biggest advocate for the Taranaki district. He has been a big factor in getting the region recognised as one of the best places in the world to live. His passion of sport, the arts and various community groups makes him the best mayor in the world bar none. (By Guy H)
Comment: Our city has blossomed during Peter Tennents tenure as Mayor due to his vision for a wholesome, inclusive, forward moving city and his tireless promotion of the wonderful assests we have here. He is genuinely welcoming to visitors, participates in every event he possibly can and always thanks the citizens for their contributions. Through him we all feel a sense of belonging and pride in our city, never more so than when, in 2008, through his leadership, we recieved an award for the most liveable city in the world.
He is an outstanding Mayor who over the past 9 years has worked tirelessly for the benefit of all who live in New Plymouth and the development of our beautiful city. (By Di B)
Comment: Peter's vision and passion for New Plymouth is inspiring on a community and a personal level. His energy, enthusiasm and positivity is a great unifying force for good for our community and is achievements while in office have been immense. Little old New Plymouth has been recognised at a global level (through a UN-run competetion) as the best small city in the world, which I believe would not have been possible without Pete at the helm. (By Kevin G)
Comment: Hi, I think he is the most colour-blind, warm hearted and people orientated human being. He goes beyond and above the call of duty for his city and people. We love you Mayor Pete. (By J M F)
Comment: By far and away the best ambassadorial, innovative and welcoming host a city could ask for. Mayor Tennent has travelled far and wide to recruit specialist workers, from around the world, to the city, to build the economy and maintain local employment. He has worked tirelessly to integrate all areas of the community, building coherence and a warm sense of neighbourhood. Bringing together partners from corporate and NFP Organisations, Mayor Tennent has built New Plymouth into a global success. During his administration the city has been named as one of best places in the world to live, in an environment-based competition endorsed by the United Nations.
Whilst I refer to him by his official title - Im sure if he saw this he would say 'call me Peter' (By Mike)
Comment: I don't live in New Plymouth but know of Mr Peter Tennant by his exceptional skills at communicating his vision to people. His committment to community projects not just in New plymouth but thoroughout New Zealand via his Sister City responsibilities brings credit back onto New Plymouth. Peter Tennant is a mayor who has done a lot over many years to raise the quality of the city as a desirable place to live in New Zealand. Well done and good luck, (By Francis M)
Comment: Our Mayor, Peter Tennent, deserves every acolade going due to his dedication and committment to New Plymouth city and its residents. We are all very proud of the achievements that have been fulfilled for the district over the nine years that he has been mayor. (By Diane G)
Comment: Peter Tennent has been an incredible mayor for the last nine years. He is an advocate for our city and promotes it with such a contagious zeal and enthusiasm! Mr. Tennent has really raised the profile of New Plymouth in his time as mayor. It is almost entirely his input that has made New Plymouth the best city for its size in the entire world, and the Archbishop of York's visit to New Plymouth in March brought nothing but good publicity to the city. Mr Tennent can take all of the credit for his work. I was present at O'Shea Shield this year, and he promoted New Plymouth to Catholic Schools from around the country int the most energetic, enthusiastic and genuine manner possible. A lot of the students that I talked to afterwards felt really moved by his devotion and passion for our city, and as a result, have really enjoyed New Plymouth as a destination spot! Mr Tennent is heartily involved in every event in New Plymouth, and brings a brightness and a joy that inspire us all. Thank you so much fo the last nine years that you have given us all. (By B P)
Comment: Mr Tennent has New Plymouth City sincerely at heart. He is upbeat and up front about his enthusiasm for New Plymouth. As a result our city has galloped foreward in the last 10 years with a:
*fantastic sea front walkway
• A world class Heritage centre, resource centre, library and Museum combination - Puke Ariki
• An internationally recognised contemporary art gallery - Govett Brewester
• A very exciting partnership with the local Maori iwi through the Museum Puke Ariki
• A smart clean cared for city environment
• A well informed community through publications and open forums.
• His upbeat attitudes have fosterd a very supportive and enthusiastic communty.
• Peopkle comment about the positive and exciting changes which have taken place in growing a somewhat uninspiring city into one with vibrancy and people commenting how they enjoy coming to New Plymouth because it is an exciting and interesting place! (By Adrienne N)
Comment: Mr Tennent has done a fab job in looking after New Plymouth and putting 'us' on the map. He is truely passionate about 'the naki' (By Grace B)
Comment: Peter's positive can-do leadership is reflected in numerous achievements during his tenure as mayor, both at local regional level and through international recognition of New Plymouth City as the gold award liveable communities winner,under the UN's environmental recognition programme for Cities up to 75,000 population. (By Rod M)
Comment: I lived in New Plymouth when Peter was the Mayor- he did a fine job promoting New Plymouth to the World. It is a more beautiful and happening city under his leadership. He deserves the win! (By Monica C)
Comment: Mayor Peter Tennent excels in Leadership, and integrity while his Vision and management of his City continually achieves through his constant finger on the pulse and get up and go attitude...This is what takes so many of the right people to the places they need to be to see New Plymouth where it is today! (By Don & Margaret B)

World Mayor
The City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank on urban affairs, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally. Mayors wishing to be considered for the Prize are asked to sign up to the City Mayors Code of Ethics.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. Winners receive the World Mayor Prize, while the first and second runners-up receive the World Mayor Commendation.
Winners and runners-up
2004 to 2010:
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City}; In third place - Walter Veltroni (Rome)
In 2005: Winner Dora Bakoyannis (Athens); Runner-up - Hazel McCallion (Mississauga); In third place - Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City)
In 2006: Winner John So (Melbourne); Runner up Job Cohen (Amsterdam); In third place - Stephen Reed (Harrisburg)
In 2008: Winner Helen Zille (Cape Town); Runner up - Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich); In third place - Leopoldo López (Chacao)
In 2010: Winner - Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City); First runner-up - Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City); Second runner-up - Domenico Lucano (Riace)