Marcelo Ebrard, Mayor of Mexico City, was awarded the 2010 World Mayor Prize

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Helen Zille and Marcelo Ebrard exchange letters

With Mayor of Mexico City
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On Mayor of Mexico City
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The World Mayor Award
Helen Zille thanks supporters
Mayors of Melbourne and Cape Town exchange letters

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The World Mayor Award
Dora Bakoyannis congratulates John So

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Comments in support of
Marcelo Ebrard
Mayor of Mexico City (Mexico)
The finalists for the 2010 World Mayor Prize were chosen on the number of nominations received and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of supporting statements. Below we publish a representative selection of comments received about Marcelo Ebrard, Mayor of Mexico City, Mexico.
Comment: My vote for Marcelo Ebrard, Mayor of Mexico City, is based on his great education and public administration experience combined with a great culture that allows him to dominate so many and complex subjects. Marcelo is a great humanist as He has shown it not only with policies of social welfare for the poorest, but by the individual treatment of affection, understanding and support that he has for all whose approach to him to express their problems and needs. In addition, he is a man able to make the most important decisions with immediate opportunity, but without leaving aside to listen, to study, to analyze, and to evaluate the justification and effects of them. To act thus, in a city of 9 million inhabitants, with a floating population of 4 more million than works, studies, or attend for other necessities, and doing it often, with financial limitations and multiple exigencies it is complex and difficult. He knows how to do it. My vote, without a doubt, is for him; the best mayor of the world. (By Manuel M)
Comment: Marcelo Ebrard has not only tackled some of Mexico City's long term problems such as traffic congestion, pollution, clean water distribution, and sanitation. He has been able to pass major legislation to enhance civil liberties and protect the rights of minorities. He has also smartly challenged some of Mexico's powerful interest groups in favor of the city's citizens. He is a smart and equitable governor. (By Rodrigo D V)
Comment: He has made major social progress in Mexico City (and by example, in the rest of Mexico) by promoting causes such as homosexual marriage, while I do not lean that way, I strongly believe that people of all Races, Social classes, Religions, Sexual orientations, etc. should have equal rights and Marcelo has strived to achieve such rights for everyone in Mexico City, I hope such progress extends to the rest of the country. (By Luis)
Comment: Mr. Ebrard is an excellent major, which has helped to keep dialog and unity in the Mexican left, but not compromised his political stance. At the same time, he has managed to solve city problems most considered impossible at the time: removing street pedlars from the city centre, expand the metro system and re-organise public transportation, and get a serious debate going about the political status of Mexico City. All of these while expanding the progressive social policies of the city to become the most liberal in Latin America. (By Ken A)
Comment: Porque se ha preocupado por la transparencia en las finanzas públicas, porque tengamos mejor transporte masivo, por nuestra salud, pero su prioridad es cuidar el medio ambiente. Es el mejor. (By Raquel R R)
Comment: Marcelo Ebrard is an excellent mayor who has prioritised basic needs of transportation, infrastructure and culture to the city. Under his tenure, our 12th line of the Mexico City subway is being built, as well as monumental work to transform several of our main thoroughfares into a central freeway system to facilitate traffic.
In culture he has used all spaces available to mount expositions, ranging from an extensive photographic temporary museum in our main square, to the ongoing international exposition of countries along our central boulevard, Reforma.
A mayor who understands the needs and potential of the city, and maximising his resources to the very most, I am proud to support him as mayor of the city I love! (By Cesar)
Comment: He is trying to tackle pollution and security in one of the biggest and most conflictive cities in the world. Congratulations! (By Blanca)
Comment: If Marcelo Ebrard wins 20 million people and I will be very happy. (By Coria)
Comment: Marcelo Ebrard is a mayor with vision, that is worried about the sustainability of the city, and has worked towards it. His major acomplishments have been in the area of public transportation, multimodal transportation and alternative means of transportation. (By Josune A)
Comment: Con política social de su gobierno ha impulsado el apoyo a los adultos mayores, a discapacitados y a los ciudadanos de escasos recursos económicos. Asimismo, sus iniciativas de gobierno han propiciado mejoras a la Ciudad de México, incluyendo obras públicas que coadyuvan a que haya fuentes de empleo, mejoren los medios de transporte público y la calidad de vida de los habitantes de la Ciudad. (By Migues N R)
Comment: Mr. Ebrard has shown true lidership in the complex economical, social and political environment of the largest city in the world. (By J L M)
Comment: Mr Ebrard is the best mayor because in Mexico City, one of the must complex cities of the world, which governance is reached only by means of a political will very strong, honesty and very social orientation. He is one of the very few politicians to have these virtudes in the world. (By G G D)
Comment: El lic. Marcelo Ebrard ha tenido un excelente desempeño gobernando la Ciudad de México, ya que ha aplicado los recursos económicos en el desarrollo de la infraestructura de la ciudad ya programas sociales de gran relevancia como son ayuda adultos mayores, becas a estudiantes, uniformes, útiles escoalres, etc. (By Héctor C L)
Comment: He has work with great ideas for the city, lots of work with the needy, well planned infrastructure (By Alfredo C)
Comment: He has shown concern for the city's wide social gap and has acted accordingly through social programs that help narrow this social gap. One example is the Prepa Si where high school students are paid for their good grades and has resulted in a substantial number of students staying in school. He has also shown a strong will to improve the city's transportation issues by expanding the Metro system and the Metrobus system, which won a prestigious Environmental Award from Harvard University in 2009. Overall the quality of life has improved in the city I live on, Mexico City. (By F L)
Comment: Mayor Ebrard has been working very hard to make many changes in the biggest and largest city of the world in infrastructure, security and houses for poor people for better living of all the people of Mexico City. (By Hiram F C B)
Comment: A person of character and decision, doing the correct thing not the popular ones. (By Lorenzo Q)
Comment: Es un hombre inteligente y sea preocupado mucho por su sociedad, a sido en lo personal un buen gobernante que se preocupa por sus habitantes y lo más importante trata de erradicar la pobreza generando fuentes de trabajo y programas sociales entre otras cosas buenas que ha generado y sin dudarlo le doy mi voto. (By Vanessa)
Comment: Marcelo Ebrard is very commited with the environment and with the rights of minorities. (By Cecilia N)
Comment: I vote for Mr. Marcelo Ebrard, first as the best prime minister I have had, both as a leader but as a human being. He has been among the few who has been concerned with women, especially single women, like me, has programs for that, I thank him I have a steady job, which has prompted us and does so with the example, his work staff is made by women and that encourages us to move forward. It has been concerned and so enable us to be a better public servants. Before my grandmother died this year, provides economic aid and that made her very happy he was happy to share sometimes even a cake that she bought with the financial assistance and shared with his grandchildren and children, gave us happiness. My kids (16) and (21) years have known and enjoyed various events which has helped them be young, healthy and united with my family. For this and many other things I vote for him. (By Dinorah S)
Comment: I think he is the best worldmayor. We can see his important results and performance. (By Salomón S)
Comment: Me parece que es un excelente lider, con ideas y acciones, innovadoras, sobre todo para él es claro que impulsar la educación, la ciencia y la tecnología, son el motor que impulsará al país para ser competitivo, y alcanzar una estabilidad económica; además de atender cuestiones de medio ambiente y la parte social. (By Angélica D)
Comment: Marcelo is an intelligent person. He's always creating new social programs in order to decrease poberty, and through all of the programs you can see how the GDP increases thanks to the investment and innovation in Mexico City. (By Sergio A)
Comment: Exelente alcalde de la ciudad de México. Esta desempeñando Con Ética su administración Pública. La ciudad de México es Millones Una Ciudad Con Habitantes de, ademas de Sus Visitantes (Turistas, Empresarios, mandatarios, etc) así como Millones de Personas que Todos Los Días acuden a la Ciudad Por Motivos de Trabajo. PARA TODOS y TODAS existen Servicios Públicos, Atención con Calidad de calidez, existe buena Organización y Orden en la Gran Ciudad mexicana; Transporte, salud, educación, Vivienda, Empleo, medios de Comunicación, Libertad de Expresión, promoción del arte, la cultura y la Recreación sana. exelentes Programas Sociales en TODAS LAS Dependencias del Gobierno del DF, El Lic.. Marcelo ha logrado "grandes Ebrart Apoyos a la Ciudadanía en Materia de Promoción, Defensa y Actualización de los Derechos Humanos Con la Participación de todos los Ciudadanos. Nuestros Niños y Jóvenes de la Ciudad puden Acceder al "derecho de Una Educación de Calidad y garantizada, PU
EDE cualquier persona acceder Médica Inmediata Atención Social, visibles Son Los Logros en materia de Seguridad, existe Transparencia en Administración la Ciudadanía PUEDE ACCEDER a información de la Transparencia Pública, Con visión de Futuro, equidad, Igualdad, inclusión, solidaridad, es exelente gobernante de la ciudad de México. (By Carmen T A)
Comment: Es un estadista con gran vision de fututo y del papel que juega la ciencia y la tenología en el desarrollo de la Ciudad y el país. (By Ana Maria R)
Comment: Ebrard has initiated important progrems in order to cope with Mexico City long time problems. (By Sergio S)
Comment: Mayor Ebrard has made really good improvements in my city, he supports education in an outstanding way, providing children with school supplies, uniforms, school shoes, breakfasts and lunchs. (By Ana K)
Comment: Su trayectoria, visión, liderazgo, profesionalismo y entrega es por demás impresionante, en todo momento ha visto por el medio ambiente a nivel mundial, por la implementación y buen uso de la tecnología para resolver temas de la sociedad en la que vivimos. (By Arturo)
Comment: I vote to Marcelo Ebrard because he is the first mayor in our city that really improve changes about gender points, he is convice about that democratic goverment, democratic city and citizeship start with protect the rights of women. (By Rosa Elena B D)
Comment: With regard to the nomination of Marcelo Ebrad Causabon for the title of "World Mayor this year"; consider it won that distinction, because it is a person with human quality and political capacity, showing it to the complex and diverse issues has faced successfully in this great city, Mexico City, Federal District considered among the most populated in the world.
Its programmes and policies to support and social development to short, medium and long term, have allowed in society that governs the birth of a new confidence and hope for a good, even under a limited budget, without prejudice to its sensitivity by seeking humanitarian equality and equitable opportunities for gender management.
Certainly some personal is the ideal candidate to receive this award. (By José Pedro V B)
Comment: I really like that he is making this city more bike friendly (By Leo)
Comment: Marcelo Ebrard has been a great governor and has channeled its public and economic politic to benefit the habitants of this city, with social programs properly structured and proper administration of public resources. Has greatly the transport and infraestructure sector of the City of Mexico, which has population of 20 million habitants. (By Rosario G P)
Comment: I think he`s the first mayor who cares about poor peopleis very important for this city because they are the most. also I think he is the first mayor that cares about the enviroment apllying the Mexico`s City Plan Verde (By Alfonso A C)
Comment: He has made bicyles an alternative, he's given priority to public transportation, he's been responsible and proactive in face of the many challenges in health, security and disaster prevention. (By Octavia de C)
Comment: The mayor of Mexico City has implemented a robust social protection network to attain equity within the city, while at the same time has implemented an ambitious green agenda to help the city cope with global warming. (By JOM)
Comment: Mr. Marcelo Ebrard is the world's best mayor (By Carlos N)
Comment: Marcelo Ebrard is a good mayor, he is responsable, honorable and he wants a good life for all the mexican people (By Jorge R)
Comment: He is the best mayor that the world might have, which is a person who cares to help a better world, concerned about the environment and our coexistence with nature in one of the largest cities with urban conflict, gradually taking success in all his deeds. (By César E V M)
Comment: He has done an excellent work in public transport and in defending Mexico City against the unfair fiscal arrangement. (By Emilio)
Comment: This is the best world mayor because has been extremly supportive infrastructure of the city and was able to control social conflicts (By Joel P)
Comment: He has ability to do many thing with little resources, all intended are ment for thouse who need it. (By Evangelina I J)
Comment: Marcelo Ebrard has rules a very complicated city, wich is full of different interests and political forces. Being from a diferent party of federal goverment, Marcelo has known being a mayor for the most progressive city of the country, with policies as to allow abortion, to fight smoker in public places, to allocate a ecological agenda, to enforce social benefits for the poorest with a small unemployment welfare, economical support for the elder, free medical services for who does not have social security, etc. Marcelo is fighting to keep mexico city as a modern city in the global world, even when all the political context does not offers anything but reistence. (By Pos Y)
Comment: My vote is for Marcelo Ebrard since until today as governor of Mexico City has held office for a great way, no doubt. (By Alin A)
Comment: He has a strong a defined vision, passion and skills to make Mexico City an incredible place to live in, work in and visit. (By Antonio E)
Comment: I think Marcelo Ebrard is really care about climate change and mexico city's sustentability (By Angelica P)
Comment: El Lic. Marcelo Ebrad Casaubon es un funcionario publico integro y honesto que busca siempre el beneficio social, economico del Distrito Federal de esta gran Ciudad de México. (By Francisco E H)
Comment: Por su programa social y sevicio a los ciudadanos, por un México con más oportunidades. (By Juan M)
Comment: Los programas sociales instituidos, la lucha contra la inseguridad y el crimen organizado, así como por la nueva imagen y rescate de las zonas históricas y tradicionales de nuestra ciudad. (By J Roberto P G)
Comment: I consider Marcelo Ebrard as the best mayor of the world because he is innovative and proactive, a humanist who never quits his goals and does even the impossible to achieve them. My vote is for Marcelo Ebrard because he has totally demonstrated his commitment with the well-being of the city and every day works to solve the main needs of the city, with special emphasis in the social policies that contemplate the poorest population (economic support to single mothers and elder persons, scholarships, gratuitous medical services, sport activities for the young people), the Public Security (anti-corruption policies, use of technology, training and incentive to police), and improvement of hiway infrastructure (public transportation system: metrobus, subway, bridges, cycle paths) (By Vanessa M E)
Comment: Porque ha implementado programas sociales para proteger a los grupos sociales más vulnerables como lo son las personas de la tercera edad y madres solteras. (By José A G M)
Comment: Ha implementado buenos programas de ayuda social a los sectores mas desprotegidos, madres solteras y personas de la tercera edad. (By José A G M)
Comment: Es El Primer gobernante en Los Últimos 20 Años Que ha trabajado Haciendo Ciudad, preocupado Por Obras Que DURANTE muchos sí tenian Año En El abandono del procedimiento y no solo de Obras Por párr simpatía Política. (By M Antonio I)
Comment: Es un excelente gobernador, interesado en resolver los problemas principales que demanda la ciudad de México Distrito Federal (By Miguel T)
Comment: He is the best mayor in mexico city he was creating many estrategies of develpment, health, social campaigns, etc VIVA MARCELO! (By Alba)

World Mayor
The City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank on urban affairs, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally. Mayors wishing to be considered for the Prize are asked to sign up to the City Mayors Code of Ethics.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. Winners receive the World Mayor Prize, while the first and second runners-up receive the World Mayor Commendation.
Winners and runners-up
2004 to 2010:
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City}; In third place - Walter Veltroni (Rome)
In 2005: Winner Dora Bakoyannis (Athens); Runner-up - Hazel McCallion (Mississauga); In third place - Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City)
In 2006: Winner John So (Melbourne); Runner up Job Cohen (Amsterdam); In third place - Stephen Reed (Harrisburg)
In 2008: Winner Helen Zille (Cape Town); Runner up - Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich); In third place - Leopoldo López (Chacao)
In 2010: Winner - Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City); First runner-up - Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City); Second runner-up - Domenico Lucano (Riace)