Stuart Drummond, Mayor of Hartlepool, was awarded 10th place in World Mayor 2010

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Comments in support of
Stuart Drummond
Mayor of Hartlepool (UK)
The finalists for the 2010 World Mayor Prize were chosen on the number of nominations received and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of supporting statements. Below we publish a representative selection of comments received about Stuart Drummond, Mayor of Hartlepool, UK.
Comment: I fully endorse this nomination. Mayor Drummond demonstrates a passion for Hartlepool through his pragmatic approach, strong leadership and people focussed manner. He encourages all citizens to become actively involved in democratic processes valuing the contribution that can be made by every citizen as stakeholders in shaping the economic and social future of our town. (By Carol J)
Comment: Stuart Drummond is a down-to-earth regular guy who is growing into an a-political statesman of the very highest calibre. He is deeply committed to improving the lives and environment of the people of Hartlepool, an area of the UK which has suffered very harshly in the post-war decimation of heavy industrial production. (By Andrew B)
Comment: This man has no political axe to grind, he just wants what is best for the towns people. He's now on his third elected term which speaks volumes. (By Richard L)
Comment: Stuart has been a real mayor of the people. He understands local issues and is very proactive in bringing the people of the town together to help each other. (By Sam)
Comment: Stuart Drummond sums up everything Hartlepool stands for. He came to power on the back of a self-deprecating campaign as our football team's mascot, but then once in office has conducted himself in a manner which shows how much he respects the people he is so proud to represent. He is a credit to the town, and the fact he used to be a monkey mascot shows he has a sense of humour lacking in a lot of politicians! (By Myrix101)
Comment: Mayor Drummond has demonstrated beautifully that simple common sense and pragmatic logic are the core ingredients of good governance. Being separate from established politics and politicians, he has implemented policies sought by the electorate instead of long-held, and often out-of-date, ideological and dogmatic efforts by the established parties. The result is a dramatic improvement in Hartlepool's government and quality of life. (By Steve H)
Comment: From an implausible start to his role, elected in as the footbal club mascot, not working his way through a political system, Stuart Drummond quickly grasped the fundamentals of the role and delivered a step change for Hartlepool, an area formerly in decline. (By Kisthomson)
Comment: Stuart has a great pride in Hartlepool, the town has had many negative images of dereliction, low employment, crime and anti social behaviour etc portrayed over the years but this has changed with the help of Stewart and now people are aware of Hartlepool for all it has to offer such as a fantastic coastline and wet lands, great regeneration projects that have successfully turned the inner housing areas around, reductions in crime and anti social behaviour, a variety of community and residents groups are all active and encouraged and have lead to a great deal of community pride in the area. Stuart was successful in bringing the Tall Ships to Hartlepool this August, an opportunity that will give the world the chance to see how much Hartlepool has improved over the years.
The pride and passion that Stuart has for the town is outstanding and has defiantly helped improve the image and attract new people as well as maintaining the existing residents. I only hope his passion and commitment remains and that Hartlepool thrives even more in the future. (By Helen W)
Comment: Stuart faced a very steeplearning curve when he was elected Mayor and has mde a very good job of it even when faced with every possible obstacle put up by his opponents (By PAF)
Comment: A staunch supporter of local people and local businesses Stuart is tirelessly enthusiastic and has been an excellent representative for the town. He is passionate about his area and gives freely of his time and expertise, not least to local schools and colleges. I am delighted to see him short listed and beleive that he he would be an excellent candidate to be World Mayor. (By Julie R)
Comment: I have known him since he was 3(I am 67).He genuinely loves being in Harlepool. He did not allow the voter's decision to be influenced by the fact that he does not claim some of the expences he is entitled to claim. Also, he is able to separate political issues from his mayoral functions.
I 0nce encountered an elderly lady on a bus and asked her about their mayors. She said he is good and he always tries his best for the people. I know a couple from the elitist end of the social ladder. When asked for their opinion of their Mayor they remarked " we didn't think much of the monkey- we have changed our mind. He is excellent Mayor" To me they are very convincing. We were next door neighbours when Stuart was3. When he saw me he said: "I am Stuart Drummond. I am 3. Who are you?"
He was always smart. After 2 years we moved away from each other to different places. He is compassionate and intelligent, both intellectually and emotionally. (By Beena S)
Comment: Stuart Drummond is honest, hard-working and passionate. A town like Hartlepool, which is not blessed with the advantages of larger, more wealthy or more famous cities, needs someone of his calibre to help it progress. (By TW P)
Comment: The appointment of Stuart Drummond was seen initially as a pulicity stunt only. However, Stuart has grasped the reigns of Mayor and proved to be by far the most successful mayor the town has ever had. His love for the town, determination and positivity that he projects are infectious. People know that he is the real deal and this accolade/nomination is testament to his commitment to the people of Hartlepool. He has done a fantastic job. Long may it continue. (By Garrard D)
Comment: I know of Stuart from having worked in Hartlepool and think he has done an excellent job. He is not part of any political machine or establishment but has managed to gain a lot of good will from all sides and he has been much more effective than I would have expected. (By Carole R)
Comment: This man has done tremendous work for an area that needed a boost. Sometimes the North of England gets forgotten in favour of London and the South. It is good to have a committed Mayor to ensure the North is kept on the world map. (By Annette B)
Comment: Stuart has done an incredible job for Hartlepool; raising its profile both nationally and internationally. The pinacle of his achievements has been securing the Tall Ships Race for Hartlepool. (By DLW)
Comment: He has put this small North East town on the world map for the very best of reasons - how many others can say they have done that? (By Joan McT)
Comment: A man of the people for the people who has transformed this North Eastern outpost. (By Geoff N)
Comment: Mayor Drummond is an elected Mayor and he has worked tirelessly for the community of Hartlepool and this is highlighted by his unprecedented third term in post, demonstrating the utmost respect that the Community of Hartlepool have for him. He thoroughly deserves recognition of his achievements, and his nomination for World Mayor 2010. (By Christopher C)
Comment: Despite facing jibes and criticism when Stuart was first elected as mayor. He has proven that he is doing a job which is improving the quality of life for every resident in Hartlepool. The fact he has since won a further 2 elections proves he has the support of the town. The tall ships race which is due to come to the town in the near future is a massive achievement and of huge benefit to the town, both financially and improving the towns profile worldwide. Also some of the initiatives he has implemented such as 'operation clean sweep' have been a massive success and improved all of the poorest rundown areas of the town. (By Darren R)
Comment: Mr Drummond has worked hard to improve life in our town. Being an independant mayor he has worked hard to go round the antiquated policital system of the town and is a brilliant ambassador for Hartlepool. (By JammyD)
Comment: He gets my vote for listening to local people and only local people. He gives them what they want, not what someone from the outdated party system dictates. (By Dave S)
Comment: Stuart has come into local government in an unorthadox way but has take his opportunity to represent and provided leadership for Hartlepool locally nationally and internationally in a consensual, less political way. (By Phil T)
Comment: This guy is a total legend. How many of the other candidates used to dress up as a monkey to entertain the fans of a small third/fourth tier football club?! Let's be fair, there isn't really anyone else that deserves this more than Stuart!! (By Bluey)
Comment: A mayor in the athenian model, from the people, with no party agenda. (By Gareth P)
Comment: The thing with Stuart is that you feel he care about the town and it's people. He pushes and works hard to make improvements of which there have been many in recent times on Hartlepool. (By Matthew T)
Comment: His vision and determination to put Hartlepool on the map won us the prestigious Tall Ships race this year. Well done! (By Daniel B)
Comment: Continues to serve the interests of the people of the town as an independent mayor who is accountable and lead the project to bring the Tall Ships Race to the town this year; the largest event of its kind to ever be staged in the town. Fantastic for moral and the local economy. (By Andrew D)
Comment: He has done an amazing job in regenerating Hartlepool (By David M)
Comment: A lot of people thought the former Hartlepool United mascot was a joke choice, but as an independent mayor he has been excellent for the people of Hartlepool (By Mark H)
Comment: With no traditional political allegiance or dogma to restrict him Mayor Drummond has been able to do what is best for the Town he represents (Hartlepool). (By Alan E)
Comment: A joke when he first became mayor because he was a football club mascot, but he has worked tirelessly on behalf of the town since and is one of its greatest assets. (By Dave M)
Comment: Mr Drummond was elected as an antidote to normal politicians and has gone on to perform an excellent job as mayor so throughly deserves this award. (By Chris H)
Comment: He is a real town person and has a true love for the people of his town. He is the best mayor in the world ! (By David T)
Comment: Mayor Drummond has brought several new initiatives to the town of Hartlepool, including Operation Clean Sweep. This involves tidying up certain areas of the town that have become a bit of an eyesore in recent times and getting the local community involved to be proud of their town. One of the biggest achievements is bringing the forthcoming Tall Ships Races to the town which is set to be a great weekend helping boost local businesses. Stuart is very approachable and helps bridge the gap between the government and the residents of Hartlepool. (By K H)
Comment: Hard working local man who takes the job very seriously and trys to help ordinary people. (David W)
Comment: I think Stuart has amazed the people of Hartlepool in the way he has taken on this job, as our first elected Mayor, managing to fulfil his duties and still stay extremely popular with the people he represents, sometimes under difficult and challenging circumstances. (By Bev G)
Comment: Stuart Drummond is very worthy of this title. He has brought about many excellent changes for Hartlepool and it's people. He is a 'people' man and is dedicated to make a better life for eveyone. (By P Hope)
Comment: Has given the town a sense of Pride, brought international events to the area, and supported our Citizens with disabilities. (By Neil H)
Comment: Stuart Drummond has been a committed and hard-working mayor for Hartlepool, often against the odds. He has helped put the town on the map, and is always available to help or advise local people. (By Grabec)
Comment: A Hartlpool lad who broke the political mould. Initally politicians of all parties refused to work with him but he has risen above their pettiness. The electorate saw through this and he is now in his third term of office. He cares passionately about the town and it's people unlike other politicains who are in it for themselves.
Above all he does what he says.
Comment: Stuart has always had a passion for Hartlepool and it's people. He has the full support of the population. Everyone knows his name. One of his previous occupations was Hangus the Monkey. (Mascot of Hartlepool United Football club). He was passionate then and he is passionate now. (By Karen C)
Comment: Mayor Drummond is young, keen, enthusiastic, and very approachable for local people,he is out in the community all the time. His Council provides efficient and effective services, in partnership with local people and businesses. He is a fantastic ambassador for Hartlepool. (By Paul W)

World Mayor
The City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank on urban affairs, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally. Mayors wishing to be considered for the Prize are asked to sign up to the City Mayors Code of Ethics.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. Winners receive the World Mayor Prize, while the first and second runners-up receive the World Mayor Commendation.
Winners and runners-up
2004 to 2010:
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City}; In third place - Walter Veltroni (Rome)
In 2005: Winner Dora Bakoyannis (Athens); Runner-up - Hazel McCallion (Mississauga); In third place - Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City)
In 2006: Winner John So (Melbourne); Runner up Job Cohen (Amsterdam); In third place - Stephen Reed (Harrisburg)
In 2008: Winner Helen Zille (Cape Town); Runner up - Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich); In third place - Leopoldo López (Chacao)
In 2010: Winner - Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City); First runner-up - Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City); Second runner-up - Domenico Lucano (Riace)