Syed Mustafa Kamal, Mayor of Karachi, was shortlisted for the 2010 World Mayor Prize

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Comments in support of
Syed Mustafa Kamal
Mayor of Karachi (Pakistan)
The finalists for the 2010 World Mayor Prize were chosen on the number of nominations received and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of supporting statements. Below we publish a representative selection of comments received about Syed Mustafa Kamal, Mayor of Karachi, Pakistan.
Comment: For the first time in the history of Pakistan Karachi really got a new, advance and wonderful look. It seemed like the budget for Karachi was honestly spent in the fields where it should always have been spent. Mustafa Kamal is a permanent need of not only for the seat of Karachi mayor but for the whole Pakistan. The prayers of the people who first time got waterline in their village would always be with him. (By S Z)
Comment: Mayor Kamal's experience is rather different than that of most American mayors. In a city that is politically volatile yet economically evolving, he does not control public services such as police forces, utilities, and transportation, and he must contend with an intricate central bureaucracy. Many of the issues he has tackled as mayor, such as terrorism and international aid, are traditionally more relevant to leaders governing nation-states rather than city officials. (By Numera)
Comment: Karachi should not be compared with other cities in the competition. Karachi gives 60-70% of the country economy by itself. The big city of the country with huge problems like terrorism, earth quacks, floods, corrupt leaders and the war against terrorism which reflect badly on country economy with a system leading to failure. In these conditions 36 years old Mustafa Kamal delivered the people of Karachi beyond their expectations in education, health, infrastructure, law and order enforcement, technology and most importantly social awareness among the people to rebuild and readjust their comfortable life in challenges. The city with no guarantee of life in past is currently going to compete the highest profile contest. Mustafa Kamal not only delivered his duties to the people of Karachi but he has presented himself as a role model for the future of Karachi and all mayors of world developing cities. (By Omer)
Comment: There was a matchless performance in our country. He set the highest standard of perforamnce in Pakistan. His performance gave a confidence to Pakistanis that our homeland can make a rapid progress. (By Akbar H)
Comment: I live in canada but when I visited my parents recently, I was amazed to see the development. My parents informed me it was Mustafa Kamal who worked day and night for the city. He made it possible in corrupt culture where people are used to fill their pockets. (By Mahum K)
Comment: Just look 5-6 years back, u will find a totally different Karachi. Within limited resources Mustafa kamal has totally transformed the outlook of the city in just 5-6 years. He deserves to be the no 1 Mayor of the world. (By Saadat)
Comment: Basically, Syed Mustafa Kamal has changed the shape of the City. He's personally there addressing each and every issue personally. I can actually go upto him and talk to him personally. I saw him twice and went for a hand shake and he never refuses or the security isn't too tight in the roughest cities in the world that i can't get to him. I love this guy. I hate the party he comes from as they have a bad history, but the Guy is Marvellous. I hope this vote counts as I live in Manchester and comparing the West and the amount of work he has done and the way tackles problems, he has won the hearts of even his enemies. I sure hope he wins. (By Fateh)
Comment: Karachi cannot be compared with any other city chosen for this competition, its the city which have struck by sceterian violence, religious violence and number of strikes in a month. Its the city which feeds almost 20 million people and among those 20 million approx. 5 million are Afghan migrants who were offered asylum during the Afghan Soviet war is one of is kind, and to manage this multicultural, and multi ethnic city is truly an amazing job. Not even this after being nominated for this award people in rest of country still won't support Mayor Kamal because he is the only person who have given back to he people of Karachi rather than sucking he blood of the people. (By Adnan K)
Comment: The 36-year-old Syed Mustafa Kamal governs a city that‚s more often in the news for religious violence than cosmopolitan ways. But the hard-charging Kamal is looking to change all that. He‚s courting foreign investment, encouraging international ties, and boosting the city‚s tourism. Kamal isn‚t shy about his goals: He has said he wants to turn Karachi into the 'next Dubai'. His Green Karachi project aims to plant thousands of trees in the city. (By Spenta)
Comment: People from every walk of life, particularly students and the working class have welcomed Kamal's point of view, that the development projects in the city are important because these have opened doors of livelihood for millions of daily wagers and sturdy labourers from all parts of the country. The employees and officers of the City District Government Karachi (CDGK) have also expressed their gratitude to Kamal for developing strategies for the sustainability of CDGK's stature, pertaining to development, social, education and health sectors. (By Sharon G)
Comment: Corruption is still prevailing in CDGK but Kamal has curbed it by 70 percent. That is why he was able to offer more funds for the development and social sites. (By Danish P)
Comment: Over viewing the development works of the City District Government Karachi (CDGK) in the last four years, This government was proud of completing almost 360 roads, 356 parks, 445 schools, 35 sports facilities, 16 cricket grounds, 145 health institutions, 373 transport related projects, 116 pedestrian bridges, and others. Besides, the works on almost 126 projects were going on, to be completed in the few months. The government has purchased 12 fir brigades including two snorkels while dozens of machineries for the Karachi Water and Sewerage Board (KWSB). CDGK has also introduced the Command and Control System; Complain Centre 1339, Karachi Development Funds and other projects for the first time in the history to facilitate the citizens of financial hub of the country. (By Azam)
Comment: City Government has set up an industrial and technical training institutes in collaboration with the private sector to provide job-oriented training to the unskilled youth. Technical Institute will bring a revolution in the field of technical education not only in Karachi but also in the whole province of Sindh. After completion of a 12 to 24 weeks course, a skilled individual would be able to earn a monthly salary of Rs.12,000/- (By Christopher)
Comment: I believe that Mayor Mustafa Kamal continues to make education and health one of his main priority. He has advanced the educational level of learning.He has transformed Karachi into a globally competitive community. (By Zebulun)
Comment: I Think Syed Mustafa Kamal is the best mayor in the world 2010. He has changed the face of Karachi,Pakistan. Despite very difficult times due to terrorism and financial crisis he has put Karachi on the map of the world due to his untiring efforts, leadership and vision. (By Asad B)
Comment: Mr. Kamal is truly an inspirational person. You have to consider the situation of Karachi when he took over to truly understand what he has achieved in his time as Mayor of city which is one of the biggest cities in the world.
I have a particular dislike for all politicians and government people in Pakistan mostly due to the fact that in a poor country all of them are busy making money for themselves while over 180 million people in Pakistan continue to struggle.
Mustafa Kamal was the first person who created a long term vision for the city and started delivering on promises. People have personally seen him on the roads during the monsoon season to help clean up the water. In his time Karachi has seen more development work carried out than all the other mayors and administrators put together.
Mr. Kamal in my eyes is someone who truly deserves this great honour and I hope that you will consider the circumstances that he had to work under as compared to the other honorable mayors in the list. He is a truly exceptional leader and the only politician in Pakistan who i admire. I hope that he will continue his work on a larger scale in Karachi and in Pakistan in the future. (By Omer G)
Comment: Mustafa Kamal Should win... Because he is the best mayor... He has made Karachi a small Switzerland...Every Karachiitte Or i would say Pakistani had left Any hope of construction in any part of the country before him... With such small number of resources and from a middle family background... the awesome work that he has done is really really commendable... Love u Mustafa Sir... We all wish u BESTEST OF LUCK... :) (By Sarah)
Comment: He worked day a night and turned my city from from a garbage bin to a flower vase. He constructed under gournd water supply and dranage system from scratch and then built new long life roads of one of the world's biggest city (around 6000 sq.km), He built dozens of flyovers and under passes, parks, play grounds, sports academies etc. within 2-3 years and changed our lifes. He did beyond our expectations and without any blame of curruption that his biggest apponents admire him and salute him. This was not normal as we have history of currupt governments and polititians and he wrote new history. May be other mayors may have done more work, but in countries like us, it was impossible. (By Aali M)
Comment: Although lots of his contribution as a mayor of Karachi, I will mention a small true event which was taken place in front of my apartment. Last year some construction work was going on the drain which is in front of my flat. In night time when electricity was interrupted due to load shedding, unluckily a man fell into that drain. I was seeing the entire situation from my apartment. Immediately I dialed City District Help Line (1339) & requested them to switch on the light of Electric Poles so that rescue work can continue & within minutes they switched on all the lights. They replied so quickly I was amazed. That quick response was the evidence of commitment of him with his work. (By Syed D H)
Comment: This Mayor is young dynamic and a true representative of the people of karachi.While the whole nation is busy in fighting with the extremist elements and everyday bomb explosions ,he did not let the pace of development slowed down by working day and night 24/7 365.BRAVO!! (By Haider M)
Comment: Mustafa Kamal is done a great job for Karachi. Traffic jam is a very common probelm of the citizens of karachi and no one could resolve it or they did not want to do it. But he is the one who made this proble easy for the betterment of the citizens of karachi. He made many bridges and uder passes with storm water drainage system. In this regard i am very thankful to Mustafa Kamal and specially his leader Altaf Hussain who made the choice of Mustafa Kamal to be a mayor of karachi. Thanks (By Muhammad F)
Comment: I am a 3rd generation Karachite and also a media anchorperson/journalist from Pakistan. In the past many decades not a single mayor / leader has been as effective and successful in upgrading the infrastructure and implementing a farsighted development plan for the city as Syed Mustafa Kamal. In a short span of 5 year Mr. Kamal has upgraded the mamouth city of 20 million dwellers! He is our superhero!
(By Sidra I)
Comment: Managing and improving a city with 17 million plus people takes a special kind of person... one with inexhaustible energy, an ability to thin out-of-the-box and on his feet, and equally importantly the infectious enthusiasm for public service that motivates teamwork and gets things done. Mustafa Kamal has it all! he's been there and proved his worth, and if he wants a second shot at his old job, then he has my vote... Good luck to him. (By Adil A)
Comment: Mayor Syed Mustafa Kamal has dug up the entire city of Karachi in order to lay down a new sewage system for one of the oldest localities in the city. Defying inconvenience, cost constraints, political alignments and the influence of local gangs in this impoverished neighbourhood (Lyari), he has overcome all challenges to make our lives easier. He has built numerous new roads and we would welcome him with open arms if he were to return to Pakistan. (By Danish H)
Comment: Those who have seen 5 years before and have seen now can tell, this man has done simply fantastic and un beleivable. He has spent his days and nights for Karachi. (By Adnan M)
Comment: Syed Mustafa Kamal is the most dedicated and selfless mayor of the city. We haven't got such a mayor in the history of karachi. "A mayor who on the weekend's night (when everybody enjoys the weekend)sticks to his job and visit the projects and solve other issues which comes in his domain (eye witnessed myself)". Our most down to earth hero. I wish that we would have this man all the life with us as our true, honest, selfless, kind and an honest leader of the city or the country. (By Syed O R)
Comment: Mustafa Kamal is undoubtedly, one of the most popular Nazims of Karachi city. He has a huge following of both the young and old. He is greatly admired for his achievements. He has completely changed the map of Karachi city, by building roads, bridges, over passes, under passes, signal free corridors, and basically solving the huge traffic and congetion problem for the city of Karachi. He has connected countless villages with Karachi city and supplied them with fresh drinking water and good hospitals and staff. he has built schools and colleges in interior Sindh as well as within the city of Karachi. (By Jonathan)
Comment: The usual mentality of people of Pakistan about the personnel of any government department is "all are thief", "they just don't care about people", "they are doing mischief in their department", "they are exploiting tax money" etc. etc., this mentality has been present in this country for the last 60 years.... But since this young man had taken the responsibility of Mayor of Karachi, this city transformed tremendously. He resolved the long pending issues of transportation, built overhead bridges (fly overs) (about which village people of Pakistan thinks that they are in some other country), underpasses, signal free corridors, a person who used to travel from home to office in an hour, that hour has been cut short to half an hour, all the major link roads in Karachi and road of small towns have also been made under his supervision. You don't have to take my words on this, just inquire about Mustafa Kamal in Karachi and you will listen only positive things about him. Chief Justice of Pakistan also admired Mustafa Kamal for his efforts and what he has done in Karachi. (By Ahmed)
Comment: I think he has done a great job for the people of Karachi. He has given them hope and believe to people in Pakistan that good things can happen if people remain positive and hard working. I strongly feel that he has been able to transform peoples live through his project "I own Karachi" into positive thinkers (By Nabeel A)
Comment: I acknowledge tireless efforts of Mr. Mustafa Kamal, mayor of Karachi. Theres a long list but I would like to share one occassion during rains 2005 a storm came to Karachi, situation was made worse because of drainage problems. After that storm he left no stone unturned to make improvements to drainage system of Karachi and repair works of roads. Next year when heavy rains came to Karachi drainage system was in perfect shape and no sooner did it start to rain all volunteers from his political party came on roads in that storm and were helping people and every thing was so organized, I have not words to admire Mr. Mustafa Kamal for those arrangements. This is only one event, however the entire list is very long. (By Noman H)
Comment: Mr.Mustafa Kamal is the most dynamic, energytic and active person. He took personnel interest in complete major project of city Karachi while he was mayor of Karachi. He completely changed the shape of city. I dream each and every notable personnlity of my country be like Mustafa Kamal. (By Muhammad K)
Comment: I come from Karachi and have relocated to UK last year to pursue higher studies and before that had been living in the city for the last 20 years. The development that has taken place in the city in the last 4 years is more than what took place in the last 20 to 30 years. (By Bilal A A)
Comment: Syed Mustafa Kamal changed the face of Karachi drastically. Not even the greatest critics can deny that fact. In a country full of dishonest politicians and a list of broken promises, Mustafa Kamal outshines as probably the only few leaders we've had who honestly works towards progress, in building up a nation with a proper infrastructure. (By Huda A)
Comment: The former mayor, Syed Mustafa Kamal has achieved the respect not only from all Karachiites but from all Pakistanis and he surely deserves to be known as world best mayor because he had done for the city and Pakistan which had never been done before in last 60 years. Because of him, there were so much investment in the city and Pakistan. I am sorry if this isn't the achievement then what it is. Was it possible by some ordinary hard working labour. I don't think so, being a Karachiite, I consider Mustafa Kamal not only my city hero but Pakistan's hero and would like to see every admirer of him voting for him in this contest. (By Adhiman)
Comment: He is a man with principle, with conviction, with determination and with much love and passion to improve the lives of his constituents, especially the underprivileged. He's one of the most awarded personalities in the whole country for being dynamic, intelligent and a brilliant leader in the world of politics. He's a man with a big heart, easy to work with. (By Ismail)
Comment: In Pakistan it‚s a common perception that if you are honest with your work it is nearly impossible for you to survive and as it is said that "to dream is easy, to work is also easy but it‚s really difficult to work according to your dreams". Syed Mustufa Kamal Mayor of Karachi is one of those influential people who said that „I have a dream and I will achieve it‰ and surely he has shown how to achieve your dreams when your vision is clear. (By Arsalan S)
Comment: He is very dyanmic and committed.hard working and have excellant follow ups of the development jobs carried out in his city. He has fast-tracked the pace of service delivery and the provision of basic services. He has turned Karachi into one of the top city in the world.During 4 years tenure of his Meyorship of Karachi city ( City Nazim)he brought many passitive changes in the city and managed to build many flyovers /underpasses and roads to make ease in traffic flow of the city which saved the citizens from cumbersome traffic jams and saved their precious time. He uplifted Karachi city visibility by making prks for the citizens for healthy atmosphare. He has managed to reduce water shortage problem of the city and some good works .He has an excellant leadership skill. (By Muhammad T)
Comment: Best Mayor in Pakistan History. He changed the Karachi map by point of city devolepment. We do appriciate his efforts, hard work and his time that he spend to inspect personally at under construction site in order to make sure time and quality managment keys were followed. He full filled his commetments that he mad with the citizens. He never hide him self to ignore city circumstences when citizens needed him either it was any terrorist atack or bed weather attack. We found him with all help / supports that citizens needed. (By M Ishaque)
Comment: He has totally changed Karachi since I last was there in 3 years he has advanced the city and made things change in a corrupted city where things were not done and with him being there he gets things done and if not he goes and work with the crew to do the work. (By Sadia K)
Comment: The Mayor of Karachi,Mr. Mustafa Kamal has done wonders in-reference to the work and assignments, he has completed in shortest possible time and resources. He is a self made man and belongs to poor family but he had worked selflessly. He deserves every love, respect and appreciation. Thank you Mr. Mustafa Kamal, Thank you so much. God bless you. (By the Deputy Secretary, NLA, Cabinet Division, Government of Pakistan)
Comment: Mustafa kamal is the best because he developed the city without a big amount of money he dont hav much money but still he works he rocks he is the best mayor. (By Hunk)
Comment: At his time every one was equal, He treated every person in a very special manner whether he is Hindu or christian or any body from different Muslims Fikra ( shia, Sunni, Bohri ahle hadees etc) (By Raheela)
Comment: What Mr Kamal has done is no less than a miracle. With the limited resources he had in a city torn with ethnic violence, the 7th highest population in the world, extreme poverty around and a history of over budget projects never being completed, this guy has proven that if you put your heart and mind into serving yoru city, nothing can come in the way. Way to go Mr Kamal, we are proud of you. (By Ashar A)
Comment: Syed Mustafa Kamal is one of the best mayor in the world and he is fully eligible to be chosen as world mayor 2010. he is from a middle class family like majority of common citizen of Karachi and pakistan so he very much knew about the problem which a common man faced specially in under develop country like Pakistan.He performed his duties regardless of day and night with full dedication,sincerity and devotion .I pray him all the best wishes for his and his party's future. Well done Mustafa Kamal. (By Kashan H S)
Comment: Mustafa Kamal is the best City mayor in the history of pakistan. He set an example how a man in the presence of major issues can drive the city progress I salute Mustafa Kamal for his services to Karachi city and try to improve the life of common person. (By Shahid)
Comment: Mustafa Kamal became the Mayor of Karachi, largest city of Pakistan on October, 2005. It was his attitude and commitment to the citizens of Karachi that has made him such a dynamic leader. His belief that the city of Karachi can compete in the global arena with the leading developing cities of the world has made him a champion of undertaking projects, developments and finishing them in record time. The challenges to run a city like Karachi were very high and he had a tall order to fulfill. He successfully built a very good team around him and then very diligently divided the challenges faced by the citizens of Karachi into different teams.
Mustafa Kamal led City District Government Karachi (CDGK) completed 2,496 projects in the city during the last four years while work on 126 mega projects was still under way.
The International Standardization Organization (ISO) Geneva has granted ISO certification 9001 to City Government Karachi for providing best services to its citizens.
Mustafa Kamal was praised by the Supreme Court of Pakistan for his efforts to make Karachi a mega city and to carry out relief operations.
In short for the people of karachi he is the hero and very good example for other politicians as well. (Muhammad I K)
Comment: I have chosen SYED MUSTAFA KAMAL.he turned karachi overnight in a city but before it wasnt a city..great person,always active..he love his city more than himself..what he has done for that i must say that he should be nominated for the worlds best mayor..thanks alot to our beloved mayor of karachi..SYED MUSTAFA KAMAL...he has done kamal...in English it means miracle...(By Arsalan I)
Comment: Brilliant work done by him within very short time. facilitated his people by providing them ease and comfortable city in terms of traveling, outing, disaster recovery like heavy rains etc, he is one of the famous citizen of Pakistan. (By M K)
Comment: A country full of corruption and lawlessnes and in the largest city came a Mayor, with his limited powers and resources. Unlike in the West, the Mayor of Karachi does'nt have control over many branches of the Govt. Including Police besides his revenues are limited. But he started working with those Governmental Departments that comes under the Mayor, then to waste his tenure by showing his helplessness. He Initiated a keep your City clean drive then went on building better sanitation system throughout the City, he Improved the city's Zoo and Parks. He went on a spree of road improvement and built Fly-overs and Bridges for better flow of traffic, which was gridlocked mostly in the daytime, he Improved the water and drainage systems and the Nation on the whole felt that someone in this country is trying to do something, and keeping public Interest above his own. he started on a quest to serve as an elected public servent and set this as an example for the others to f
ollow. I pray for him and his family and wish him all the success in his future endevoures, God bless him. Thank You. (By Salah A)
Comment: I voted for Pakistan's mayor Mr. Syed Mustafa Kamal because he developed country with very limited resources and in very less time he totally changed the shape of the country including, roads, parks, bridges & underpasses and many more in short he is the best among all the above...Damn impressive personality !! (By Ammad A K)
Comment: With the strong background of political party, the citizen of the 3rd world country, thats mean limited resources, his performance is tremendous, Keep going MQM and keep going Mustafa Kamal. (By Hussain Z)
Comment: He has been the most hardworking and intelligent of our lot of politicians. Apart from that he has done what previous mayors and nazims couldnt do in all this years in Karachi, one of the biggest metropolitans of the world. He has tried his best in chaging the dynamics and infrastructure of the city for the betterment of karachiites. (By Huzefa A)
Comment: First time in the history of pakistan particularly at karachi a young man dedicately exercise his efforts with team work to bring karachi in compare to developed city although pakistan is poor & underdevelopment.It is Mr.KAMAL who changed the city with chain of development within short span of time i.e. 4 yars ,a city with population of 20M. (By Syed M J A)
Comment: Mr. Mustafa Kamal is a dynamic, hardworking, young and result oriented person. He worked in very difficult situation and made possible the things which were beyond imaginition in the short period of time. He is the true presentative of the people of Karachi. (By Raees A K)
Comment: I believe that Mayor Mustafa Kamal was a really Honest & sincere Mayor of Karachi. I am a citizen of Karachi & I know that we never seen such improvements in very short time period what Mustafa Kamal did. His Planing & Management was awsome. We Believe that he is the only one who can be a World Best Mayor. (By Umair K)
Comment: Mustafa Kamal changed the face of the Karachi, I read in the newspapers about him that he was remained engaged in development activities round the clock, and he hardly complete his sleep.
Dispite political hurdals he continued his job without intruption, and never loose his patience. According to my knowledge he is the only Pakistani he did plenty of devlopment job in a short time. I recommend him as best mayor of the world, (Waqar A)

World Mayor
The City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank on urban affairs, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally. Mayors wishing to be considered for the Prize are asked to sign up to the City Mayors Code of Ethics.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. Winners receive the World Mayor Prize, while the first and second runners-up receive the World Mayor Commendation.
Winners and runners-up
2004 to 2010:
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City}; In third place - Walter Veltroni (Rome)
In 2005: Winner Dora Bakoyannis (Athens); Runner-up - Hazel McCallion (Mississauga); In third place - Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City)
In 2006: Winner John So (Melbourne); Runner up Job Cohen (Amsterdam); In third place - Stephen Reed (Harrisburg)
In 2008: Winner Helen Zille (Cape Town); Runner up - Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich); In third place - Leopoldo López (Chacao)
In 2010: Winner - Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City); First runner-up - Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City); Second runner-up - Domenico Lucano (Riace)