Antonio Ledezma, Mayor of Caracas, was awarded 6th place in World Mayor 2010

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Comments in support of
Antonio Ledezma
Mayor of Caracas, (Venezuela)
The finalists for the 2010 World Mayor Prize were chosen on the number of nominations received and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of supporting statements. Below we publish a representative selection of comments received about Antonio Ledezma, Mayor of Caracas, Venezuela.
Comment: Antonio Ledezma is an awesome man, He deserves this title and more. (By Andres L)
Comment: Mr. Ledezma has proven to be a honest man, and a dedicated public servant, who believes in democracy and human rights and fights everyday in the defense of those very important concepts which are often violated in this country.Being part of the opposition, makes it very difficult for a mayor or any public servant to get the job done, because the main government sabotages their work,but Mr. Ledezma "does his job" no matter what,which gives us, the people,hope for a better future for this country. We need more people like him in our country and in the world (By Ilce R)
Comment: Yo voto por Antonio Ledezma, no porque es venezolano, sino por sus sólidos principios morales, porque es un auténtico defensor de la democracia, es valiente, no se rinde ante las adversidades. Su honestidad y sinceridad son sus mayores virtudes. Ojalá Venezuela, tuviera muchos Antonio Ledezma. (By Lulyn R O)
Comment: This guy has faced all kind of unrespect against him, for the simple fact to belong of the opposition party, he's keeping his voice loud fighting against the biggest adventage of a corrupte goverment in permanent fight and using all it's state machinnery and power abusing. Leaders as him, like a sequoia tree is all the nowadays world needs (By Ale D V)
Comment: Ser Alcalde es una labor agotadora, pero lo es mas aún, cuando el esfuerzo debe ser compartido entre antender con esmero al ciudadano y resistir al poder destructivo de un estado forajido. Ledezma es un extraordinario Alcalde, acomete las dos "labores" con entrega y valentía. (By Augustin R)
Comment: A fantastic mayor who belives in democracy, freedom of speech in a country where those rights can cost you your life. (By Maigualida)
Comment: Far from having the necessary support from the federal authorities the legal budget for the city of Caracas was reduced to 5% (five per cent) of the amount legally established for the city. Shortly afterward one of the inconditional followers of the President was named to an illegally created job to rule important tasks traditionally handled by the legally elected mayor. Ledezma never gave up and has continued to perform an excellent job. (By Oswaldo R)
Comment: El Sr. Ledezma es un incansable trabajador, y a pesar de todos los obstáculo que se le han presentado, él continua con su trabajo, esto es algo que el régimen no le perdona, porque nadie en el gobierno tiene la hidalgía, preparación y entusiasmo, no sólo como Alcalde Mayor, sino en otros cargos que ha tenido en pasado. Muy merecido lo tendría si llegase a ganar como el mejor alcalde del mundo. Suerte Sr. Ledezma. (By Tina C)
Comment: He is a hard working man, he went an a hunger strike to demand attention from the OEA because the federal government stripped all obligations from his administration. With more people like him, Chavez would have no chance, too bad not all of our leaders are like him. (By Alejandra F)
Comment: Antonio Ledezma es un Alcalde electo democráticamente por los caraqueños, y su gestión es única en el mundo, ya que; en ninguna parte del mundo el gobierno nacional de una manera descarada trata de anular lo que hace el Alcalde en perjuicio de los habitantes de la capital del país, el gobierno nacional nombró una autoridad por encima del Alcalde, a fin de anular sus funciones, cambió las leyes para quitarle las competencias, persigue a los trabajadores, los detienen por reclamar sus derechos, lo despoja de edificios, hospitales, policías, bomberos, escuelas, parques, fundaciones de beneficio para la ciudad, entre otras. Este Alcalde ha tenido que llegar al extremo de hacer huelga de hambre en la OEA para que el gobierno nacional le enviara los recursos a fin pagarles a los trabajadores de la Alcaldía; Bombas de gases tóxicos, violencia, intimidación, persecución, cárcel, calumnias. Ha sido la receta aplicada por un gobierno de corte militar cuyo eslogan es "LA
MUERTE", esto es único en el mundo. Antonio Ledezma siempre confesando a Dios como su acompañante se sobrepone a todas esas adversidades en nombre de los caraqueños y no se detiene ni un solo día, es un trabajador incansable e ingenioso que encuentra cualquier abertura para innovar a favor de la ciudad, ganándose el respeto aun de sus adversarios. Es por eso que creo que es merecedor del titulo de ALCALDE DEL MUNDO es un poco mas cómodo ser el burgomaestre de una ciudad con recursos o sin persecución, pero cuando estos dos elementos se unen la gestión no es tan fácil, sobre todo si nada le hace perder el norte que es "CARACAS CIUDAD PARA LA VIDa" (By Josue C)
Comment: In a country where ALL public powers have been taken over by the President of the Republic, Antonio Ledezma stands up by his courage, integrity and determination to fight the violations that are continuously made to our national constitution, rule of law and basic rights that we Venezuelans born in democracy value so much, such as the FREEDOM TO DISSENT and the freedom to live in peace, safety and justice.
Antonio Ledezma is a Venezuelan of unquestionable ethics and integrity; committed to defending the rights of ALL Venezuelans and to the rescue of our family and moral values; and has worked untirelessly in the fight for a more tolerant, just and decent future for our people.
Antonio Ledezma has been elected 3 times as the mayor or governor of Caracas, proving each time his managerial skills and public server vocation. Currently, his post as Caracas mayor is being obstaculized by the direct appointment of an unelected official.
In spite of the fact that HIS WORK IS BEING SABOTAGED, he can still show important achievements in the figh against crime and garbage collection, as well as in the recovery of schools, fight against the virus AH1N1, scholarships for 2600 students in agreement with universities, and others.
I would like to ask the City Mayors editorial board to choose Antonio Ledezma as the World Mayor 2010. Please take into account that, apart from working as the mayor of Caracas with almost no resources and against the inmense power of the President, he is fighting for our democracy, our liberties, and our rights. Please just think for a minute how difficult his job is - his family and his own safety are always in danger...and he is managing one of the most dangerous cities in the world, with no support from the central goverment. For sure the mayors of Australasia, North America, Europe and Dubai have a much easier job. (By GAR)
Comment: Antonio has fullfiled a marvelous job in Caracas, his has put The People before his owns interest, and want the best not only for Caracas, but for the all country. I really wish Antonio the best. (By Anais)
Comment: Es una persona integra y excelente gerente (By Augustin Perez C)
Comment: Antonio Ledezma ha soportado el agobio y el maltrato del gobierno venezolano, pues siendo él de la oposición ha resistido valientemente para continuar dentro de lo que puede, el ejercicio de sus funciones de Alcalde. (By Rafael R)
Comment: Es una persona maravillosa que ha sabido "torear" las embestidas del régimen de Chavez, aún cuando le han quitado todo recurso económico, encuentra la manera de realizar actividades en beneficio de la comunidad, no se ha cruzado de brazos. Chavez le ha quitado la oficina gubernamental, el presupuesto que le corresponde a la ciudad capital, la policía, los hospitales y toda competencia oficial; y él sigue trabajando con tesón, sin violentarse, que es lo que busca la dictadura, para llevarlo preso. Es admirable!!! Merece ganar (By T F)
Comment: Vote for Antonio Ledezma, Metropolitan of Caracas, Venezuela, the best in the world, for the following reasons:
1) has countered the attacks of the central government and quasi-dictatorial communist Hugo Chavez.
2) Although the central power of Hugo Chavez took his seat on the council, budget, police, police vehicles, and he named other authority, not constitutional, above it, has remained defending the right and justice for citizens.
3) had to resort to hunger strike to draw the attention of the OAS and sent a commission that found that they were violating human rights in Venezuela. (By José P)
Comment: Antonio Ledezma was elected mayor by popular vote for the most important city of Venezuela. The Venezuelan government has removed all the resources and expertise, but he has not ceased in their struggle to find solutions to all citizens in an atmosphere of tolerance and dialogue as it has always been characteristic of Venezuelans. (By Ronny A)
Comment: A pesar de los inconvenientes de Antonio Ledezma originados por los ppoliticos gubernamentales que estan solo dispuestos a parar a cualquiera que "lo quiere hacer bien", Ledezma ha persistido en sus propuestas para de verdad ejercer el cargo para lo que lo eligio es pueblo de Caracas. Felicitaciones senor Ledezma! Muy Bien Hecho ! (By Mabel C)
Comment: Es un líder que ha logrado mantenerse en condiciones altamente dificiles, las cuales no explicaré aquí, pues son de conocimiento mundial, a pesar de todo el boicot pues gobierno le corto todos los recursos para realizar su gestión lo cual el Alcalde Ledezma ha reclamado e informado,con firmeza pero sin agresión. Pese a estas circunstancias Nuestro Alcalde ha logrado presentar y ejecutar programas en beneficio de la comunidad: Apoyo a las Alcadias de todos los Municipios, creacion de Bibliotecas, dotacion para minusvalidos, programas de seguridad, recolección de desechos, programas de educación y cultura. Se mantiene constantemente en contacto con la comunidad escuchando a los ciudadanos con quienes se comunica con un lenguaje directo y sencillo. ÉL ES NUESTRO ALCALDE MAYOR! (By Dulce M F)
Comment: Ledezma has shown his love for Caracas and his enormous desire to improve conditions for all citizens. He has inspired all citizens despite difficult situation imposed by Venezuela's central government. He is a wonderful leader. (By Miguel)
Comment: El Alcalde Ledezma ha sido un luchador incansable contra las arbitrariedades de chavez, presidente que aunque Ledezma gano en elecciones su alcaldia, fue sacado de su oficina, se le nego el presupuesto para el trabajo y nombro a dedo otro alcalde para impedirle a Ledezma ejercer su trabajo. Ledezma respondio con educacion y siguio al frente sin recursos ayudando en lo poco o mucho que ha podido, siempre sin agachar la cabeza al tirano. Ha trabajado en forma incansable por la unidad de la oposicion a chavez, nunca en 11 anos se ha doblegado, ha puesto su vida en peligro, por eso y su trabajo como gobernador que fue de Caracas una vez merece ese reconocimiento. (By Rosalba P)
Comment: Antonio Ledezma.Alcalde legitimamente electo por el pueblo. Conocido trabajador pùblico que asume con gallardìa entusiasta sus responsabilidades, conocedor de sus funciones y alta sensibilidad social que lo lleva a estar en contacto con su pueblo.Buen Gerente,polìtico y estratega. (By Areani B)
Comment: Mr. Antonio Ledezma has figthed to honor his responsability as Mayor of Caracas against all kind of obstacles that Hugo Chavez´ dictatorship of 21 century, has used to affect him. Budget cuts, physical aggression to his office, verbal attacks and so, have used by Hugo Chavez to attack Mayor Ledezma and his collaborators and Mr. Ledezma has prevailed over that. In a world where responsabilty is a fading value, Mr. Ledezma is a man who really honor that word. Please recognize his efforts to give to all Caracas´ people and our sons a god city and better world (By Sergio M)
Comment: He is a very important man in the fight that venezuelan people is doing to keep democracy alive in Venezuela. He is working hard with very much dificulties. He should be the world mayor 2010 (By Andrés F)
Comment: I consider Ledezma deserves to win this award because all his courage and determination; besides, his has demostrated leadership and desires to continue working for the people of Caracas despite all the ilegal actions central Gov has taken against him (By FBT)
Comment: Mi voto por el Alcalde Mayor de Venezuela Antonio Ledezma es porque tendria muy bien merecido ese honor porque fue elegido por votacion popular en nuestro pais Venezuela y el gobierno le hizo una jugareta quitandole todo el poder y aun asi el continua trabajando para el pueblo venezolanmo VIVA ANTONIO LEDEZMA y que Dios lo ayude. (By Dra.Nelly R d O)
Comment: Ledezma deserves to be Mayor of the since he has been suffering prosecuetion and pressure from the central Government. Also, it is a huge challenge to be Mayor in oe of the most dangerous cities of the world. Good luck Antonio. (By Jose D C)
Comment: Con inteligencia y teson ha aportado innovacion y mejoras a la ciudad aun cuando tiene al presidente de la rep. atacandolo permanetemente y quitandole recursos. (By Beatrice)
Comment: Mr. Ledezma has figthed to honor his responsability as Mayor of Caracas against all kind of obstacles that Hugo Chavez´ dictatorship of 21 century, has used to affect him. Budget cuts, physical aggression to his office, verbal attacks and so, have used by Hugo Chavez to attack Mayor Ledezma and his collaborators and Mr. Ledezma has prevailed over that. In a world where responsabilty is a fading value, Mr. Ledezma is a man who really honor that word. Please recognize his efforts to give to all Caracas´ people and our sons a god city and better world. (By Chiquitin)
Comment: Antonio Ledezma is the Mayor of Caracas in Venezuela, he was elected by majority of vote. Although he has very little to no support from the central government (no budget, etc.) he has developped new and very creative ways to help the people of Caracas with programs in education, computers for schools located in low income areas of the city, keeping the city clean, vaccination programs. He has faced insults from the central government, personal agressions to him and his familly, but still he does not give up and works for his community. (By Judy E R)
Comment: Sin duda Antonio Ledezma es una de las figuras políticas más vapuleadas por el gobierno de Hugo Chávez durante su gestión y sin embargo no ha abandonado su cargo a pesar de los ataques y limitaciones que anticonstitucionalmente le han aplicado llegando al punto de menoscabar un cargo público de suma importancia para nuestra ciudad sólo por el hecho que no es partidario del gobierno oficial. (By Arturo M)
Comment: Ledezma has had to fight every single day on his position to introduce changes and improve the life of the people that live in Caracas. I know this is supposed to be his job but it becomes mission impossible when the president does whatever in his power to make sure you fail. For all his strength, for not giving up and showing that there's still hope for those of us who don't believe in Chavez' Revolution. (By Y C)
Comment: He is a great mayor because he has stood up to defend liberty and democracy risking his life in a country ruled by comunist president Chavez . And although the president has done everything possible to restrain him from doing his job he has done a great job as city mayor. (By Isabel B)
Comment: Porque a pesar de todas las trabas e inconvenientes y sin recursos ha logrado mejorar el Distrito Metropolitano de Caracas en Venezuela. (By Celina d V)
Comment: El Alcalde que yo elegí!!! Por sus grandes convicciones, por su voluntad de trabajo, por el respeto que demuestra a nosotros los ciudadanos y habitantes de esta gran Ciudad:Caracas, por ser un caballero de la política... Mis respetos Sr. Alcalde Mayor (By Xiomara D)
Comment: Se merece star como el mejor alcalde del mundo, todo lo q ha tenido q hacer para seguir en el puesto q dignamente fue elegido por el pueblo caraqueño y para hacer valer sus derechos frente a un gobierno autoritario, antidemocratico, donde todos los poderes ( legislativo, justicia,electoral, etc) estan bajo las ordenes inmediatas del Golpista - presidente Hugo Chavez, q viola constantemente la Constitución,ojalá quede como el mejor alcalde. (By Yvenava)
Comment: Porque se lo merece, ya que le toca trabajar en contra de un Gobierno totalitario que nisiquiera le entrega recursos para poder sanear y trabajar en la ciudad de Caracas, y sobre todo le quitó la policia, los hospitales y todo lo que se le ha ocurrido y le impuso otra autoridad paralela que no ha hecho nada por la ciudad de Caracas (By O P)
Comment: He is a real democratic fighter against the dictator Hugo Chavez and has been prosecuted and humillated many times. If he wins, would be a great victory for the democracy in Venezuela. (By G G K)
Comment: Es uno de los politicos mas inteligente y honesto que he tratado e conocido, estoy segura que hara un buem papel a nivel mundial,es un senor recto , inteligente y con ideas nuevas y comprometedora. (By Marcia Regina d N)
Comment: Siendo el Alcalde Mayor de Caracas en un ambiente hostil como el que el Presidente Chavez y sus secuaces le proveen, esta tratando de ayudar a la gente de esta ciudad, a las personas oprimidas por este gobierno, trabajando con los pocos recursos que consigue y exponiendo su salud, como cuando hizo la huelga de hambre. (By Antonio G)
Comment: Because he had the courage to face adverse conditions at a national leader who has seized all power and not respect the decision of the people when he was elected Antonio Ledezma with an absolute majority. (By Carlos H)
Comment: For his perseverance in trying to fulfill his voters desires and necessities even after being asfixiated by the central government by leaving the mayor with a ridicule budget, and arbitrary placing a paralel and not people elected "mayor" or so called chief of the city in charge of an important budget and politically affiliated to the government party. (By Manuel P)
Comment: Ledezma is a fighter for Human Rights and Democracy. He is alone versus the evil Chavez, trying not to break and bend to the socialist tyran. This award would give the venezuelan democracy a most needed boost! (By Luis Z)
Comment: Mr. Ledezma has a very long political carrer always firm and constant to defend his ideas and projects toward his community. A serious leader and very hard worker. A person you can trust, honest! (ByAracelis O d G)
Comment: The most outstanding trait in Ledezma is his
courage. He is a democratic leader in an undemocratic pro-comunist country called Venezuela. In order to defend his ideas of freedom of speech, and to obtain the attention of the OEA (Organización de Estados Americanos) this brave man has received all types of humiliations fron Chavez, he is our mayor elected by the people and Chavez placed on top of him a puppet authority to leave Ledezma with no budget to rule, he went into a hunger strike to support the students who demanded the least respect for human rights, damaging his own healh in order to have the attention of Insulza, president of the Organization of american States, who at last was forced to face what Venezuela was going through. Iniatives as brave and daring as that of Ledezma is what we need in order to bring back respect, tolerance and unity in our suffering country. (By Ana B)
Comment: Mr Ledezma won the election and the results were certified by the electoral council. Chavez soon after said he did not recognize the democratic victory and violating the constitution appointed a figurehead puppet (By Sammy E)
Comment: Ledezma is a brave man who fights against the Hugo Chavez dictatorship, only within the Venezuelan Constitution. The government left him without finantial resources and without office. The government set up a brand new and ilegal "Unique Autority for Caracas" in order to overrule his position as a Mayor. But despite everything, HE GOES ON. He was on a hunger strike to obtain resources for the Mayorship workers. He really deserves to be the World Mayor 2010. Thanks. (By Rosibel T)
Comment: Ledezma es un hombre ejemplar en todos los sentidos.El ha desempeñado un rol importantísimo en la defensa de la democracia en Venezuela. Es un ciudadano de respetada ética y moral. Un ejemplar político de trayectoria recta. (By Zelia S B)
Comment: Democratically ellected, he was stripped from his post, offices and 90% of his budget as Mayor by the ruler Hugo Chávez because he si the strongest leader in the opposition, though he has continued the social work expected from him with the sole support of individuals and the private enterprise and with outstanding results. (By Alfonso R)
Comment: El Alcalde Antonio Ledezma fue elegido democráticamente ganando;ha estado trabajando sin un presupuesto porque el gobierno de Hugo Chavez le ha quitado todas las competencias solo que el Alcalde esta luchando contra viento y marea. Tiene suficientes mérito para ganarse esto (By Anaty K d A)
Comment: En esta dificil situacion que atraviesa nuestra querida Venezuela, ha tratado de ser un Alcalde para todos los habitantes de nuestra maltratada ciudad capital A pesar que el gobierno nacional le niega los recursos economicos y le ha quitado competencias, aun asi, trabaja y se preocupa por su poblacion. (By C)
Comment: Mr. Ledezma has done a great job against all odds what with the government unconstitutionally putting a higher authority above him and taking away funds from his office in order to make it really difficult to achieve anything. (By Marina L)
Comment: I hereby endorse Mr. Antonio Ledezma for his commitment to democracy and in favor of the people of Venezuela, and specially de City of Caracas, his city. (By Guillermo R B)
Comment: Mr. Ledezma has been nothing short of a magician despite the fact that the Federal Government top brass and most particularly its leader and head of the Venezuelan revolution Hugo Chavez his sworn enemy have done everything possible to undermine his work. (By Tony)
Comment: Porque me parece que le fue arrebatada su autoridad por parte del gobierno de turno en Venezuela, después de haber sido escogido por el pueblo de la ciudad de Caracas como Alcalde mayor de la ciudad. (By Elvia)
Comment: Es un luchador incansable de los derechos de los ciudadanos, democratico a carta cabal y haciendo una muy buena gestion en la alcaldia a pesar de tener un gobierno dictatorial que ha intentado por todos los medios de anularlo como alcalde (By Zulms R)
Comment: Ledezma es un alcalde electo por el pueblo de Caracas que lucha valientemente por dar a los ciudadanos los servicios que requieren, a pesar de haber sido despojado de los recursos que le corresponden por el gobierno corrupto de Venezuela. (By Luisa V A)
Comment: Es un excelente Alcalde, a pesar de la guerra sucia que le a hecho el gobierno de Chavez montando una alcaldia paralela y negandole los recursos él sigue trabajando por que Caracas sea una ciudad mas digna (By Andrica)
Comment: Dr. Antonio ledezma es un servidor público a toda prueba, apesar del acorralamiento sistemático impuesto por el régimen Rojo en querer atarles las manos y de esa manera convertirlo en un jarrón chino ante el universo quienes lo elegimos democraticamente como Alcalde Mayor, apesar de todos los atropellos interpuestos tales como; desalojo de su despacho de la sede de la Alcaldia Mayor, creación de autoridades paralelas interpuestas por el regimen, de esa manera, queriendo quitarle sus espacios de maniobra debido que el Dr. Ledezma no comulga con el régimen. le eleminaron los presupuestos y asignaciones económicas como Alcaldia Mayor, le secuestraron la Policia Metropolitana, los Bomberos, Hospitales, Escuelas. Apesar de todo esto, sigue con perseverancia, vocación de servicio, con coraje y valentia apegado a la ley y sus ordenanzas con tenacidad y desvelo, trabajando por los desposeidos en los barrios de Caracas, brindandoles lo poco que le queda como asignación en ayudarles, todo esto, con el concurso de las alcaldias de la oposición del área metropolitana y por su preocupación por Caracas, y si estuvieramos verdaderamante dentro de una democrácia representativa, Caracas fuera otra y nó con el desastre en que la han convertido estos Rojos. Apesar de todo el Dr. Ledezma, lo ha hecho bien...lástima que no tengamos en Caracas cinco Ledezmas como él. (By Caraqueno)
Comment: A democrat in all senses of the word who works for the benetit of all Venezuelans regardless of all political and social conditions of his country where comunism is being tried to be imposed (By Luis C)
Comment: Mr. Ledezma was elected in an election by a mayority of the population of Caracas. He has done a wonderful job within the illegal limitations imposed by the government of Hugo Chavez. Mr. Ledezma needs the support of the people of Venezuela and those outside the country. (By Sigrid A)
Comment: Our Mayor Antonio Ledezma is a real hero. He was elected to office by Caracas´citizens tired of the corruption of Chavez' officials. Then, Hugo Chavez gave him a coup d' Etat and named a woman above Ledezma and gave her all the money that is supposed to go to Ledezma's office. In spite of this he has managed to do a lot for Caracas. I admire him very very much. (By Ana Teresa BdM)
Comment: Good Luck to you Ledezma, keep fighting for your believes. You are one of the very few politicians in Venezuela that deserves an award. (By Maria P)
Comment: Works against impossible odds, without a budget - taken away illegally by the Chavez government. In spite of it all, he gets results and solves problems in Caracas, improving our way of life. Simply amazing. (By George R)
Comment: We vote for Ledezma as best Mayor because although the central government has taken all the money out form his office, he still is working with absolute enthusiasm and doing things for the people and the society in a democratic and form way. (By Maria d F)
Comment: I vote for Antonio Ledezma of Venezuela as a mayor that deserves the title of World Mayor 2010. Antonio Ledezma won with the vote of the people the election of Mayor of Distrito Libertador in Caracas, Venezuela, as candidate opossing tue curret regime of President Hugo Chaves a leftlist who doet not reconize the legistic election with mayority votes of the people. He was not allowed to govern in his Distict deprived of the necessary funds to fullfil his mission. However Ledezma never surrendered and without the central goverment support he has been fullfiling his respponsability as eelected mayor. (By Arnoldo A)
Comment: Considero que es un muy buen alcalde a pesar que Presidente Hugo Chavez le quito casi todos los recursos. El Alcalde Mayor Antonio Ledesma sigue trabajando con las uñas para todo el pueblo de la gran Caracas (By Pedro C)
Comment: Ha hecho su trabajo como Alcalde Mayor, a pesar de todas las agresiones y los obstáculos que le ha colocado el presidente Chávez. Es un hombre valiente que piensa en su ciudad y en la gente que la habita. Merece este reconocimiento (By Ruth R)
Comment: Our Caracas Mayor, Mr. Antonio Ledezma, was elected with a very high percentage of votes vs. the official Government candidate. As he is a political opposition party member,the Central Government has cut all kind of supports and funds,which legally he deserves. Nevertheless
he is doing the best as none of his previous Mayors did it. He is a very responsable person, honest and completely dedicated to his people. Also,on 1996/2000 he was elected Caracas Mayor, with a extraordinary performance. (By Mario A V)
Comment: Antonio Ledezma es un alcalde democrático que ha sido acosado por el régimen de Hugo Chavez. Con valentía tiene que luchar cada día por mantenerse como el Alcalde Mayor electo por el pueblo de Caracas en medio de todas las arbitrariedades imaginables que emanan del autoritarismo presidencial. (By Nancy M)
Comment: As mayor of my home town Caracas Mr. Ledezma has gained my outmost admiration and gratitude. Against all odds, with his competences and resources hijacked by a politically aggressive central government, Mr Ledezma has managed not only to stay at his post but also to positively deliver solutions for the City. It would have been easier to give up than to carry on. His office has become both that of a civil servant and a symbol of democratic resistance. (By Roberto R)
Comment: Mr. Ledezma has shown all these years of an oprobious regime of Hugo Chávez to be a democrat in all senses. He is there for the people regardless of their poloticial inclination (By Carolina L)
Comment: Ser un Alcalde como Ledezma en la Venezuela que camina hacia la dictadura de Hugo Chavez es sin duda un acto de valentía democrática que merece ser premiado. (By Cedhot A)
Comment: Being a real politician is one of the toughest vocations I know of. A vocational politician is a person that feels professionally satisfied by continuously pursuing the well being of his community. Since my memory extent Mayor Antonio Ledezma has been known for a successful administration in the 80s and 90s. Lately, he has being elected by the people of Caracas as his Mayor. However, Legislative and Executive branches of the Venezuelan government created a similar new office, appointed a new head and transferred to this new office all the funds that were formerly assigned to Caracas Mayor‚s office, leaving Mr. Ledezma without a physical place and much lesser budget to run his administration. In spite of finding himself virtually without resources, Mayor Ledezma has managed to run his administration and provide services to Caracas citizens. Most of Caracas citizens not only recognize Mr. Ledezma as his Mayor but also consider him an example of not giving up and carrying on with duties although circumstances and limitations. (By Juan V M)
Comment: Sr. Ledezma, soy un caraqueño de 14 años de edad y siento mucha admiración por usted y por lo que ha hecho por mejorar nuestro país. Le reconozco su valor por realizar aquella huelga de hambre para proteger los derechos de los trabajadores de la alcaldía. Gracias por acordarse de los ciudadanos. (By Alejandro)
Comment: Antonio Ledezma Alcalde Mayor del Area Metropolitana de Caracas, es un hombre capaz y tenaz que continua desempeñando su cargo a pesar de los impedimentos de toda indole que ha interpuesto el gobierno no democratico de Hugo Chavez. Ledezma resiste al abuso e infracciones constitucionales en que incurre el gobierno amparado este en que detenta las armas, tiene el monopolio de la fuerza y acabo con la separacion de poderes en Venezuela. (By Maria S S P C)
Comment: Mayor Ledezma has been deprived from all resources by the Chavez Dictatorship and nevertheless he has struggle and managed to chalenge and maintain the city. Venezuela and Latinamerica need more leadership like the one Ledezma is providing. (By Carlos P C)
Comment: To be a mayor in Venezuela without a cent of dollar and with a goverment totally opposed to democratic ideal, definetely it is not an easy task. Ledezma has done an excellent work in Metropolitan Caracas area, and the people who living there know very well this situation. His contributions to enforce the fragile democracy have been invaluable. Respecting the work that other mayors have done in their respectively cities, I think that Ledezma might deserve this designation in order to encourage those persons who is fighting alone against to injustice. Viva la democracia! (By Gustavo C)
Comment: I´m happy that Antonio Ledezma is in this list, from so many World Mayor. He deserve it, is working so hard; although the government makes it harder to him. Because they don´t give any money to get done things, to see clean and better look the city of Caracas. So, he is working with not much money in the big area of Caracas...(By Maria Elena T E)
Comment: He's the best mayor of the world and he fights for our Human Rights in Venezuela, I love him! Democracy & Liberty for Venezuela! (By Mar GHM)
Comment: He is an honest DEMOCRAT and struggling Mayor. He works very hard for the respect of the human rights in these very difficult times that Venezuela is going through. I am very proud of Antonio Ledezma (By Lili B d N)
Comment: Antonio Ledezma is doing his job as Metropolitan Mayor of Caracas in spite of Chávez efforts to minimize his budget, his political profile and the impact of his deeds in favour of the capital of Venezuela. (By Fundamemoria)
Comment: Debe ganar por ser una persona luchadora, sin importar los poco recursos que el gobierno le ofrece, sin desvnecer antes las adversidades, por ayudarnos en todo momento (al pueblo), por siempre dar la cara y luchar por sus ideales y no por posicionamiento politico. Felicidades Alcalde, ha llegado lejos y seguro que apenas es el comienzo de tantas frutos cosechados. Mi gran admiracion por su carrera politica. (By Vanessa)
Comment: The mere fact of being nominated shows that Ledzma's work has not been and never will be in vain. Venezuela, needs many Ledezma. (By Ilmary I P R)
Comment: He deserves get this nomination. He is being working hard and against all obstacles the government places on his way. Bravo Ledezma! (By Maria Olga G)
Comment: I consider Mr Ledezma is an incredible mayor, who fight every day for the city of Caracas and its citizens without any help from de national government. He's doing a great job! (By M G)
Comment: Antonio Ledezma ganó legitimamente su posición como alcalde y fue despojado de casi todos sus derechos como tal y a pesar de eso lucha con lo que puede por y para la democracia y libertad de Venezuela (By Rosanna N)
Comment: El Alcalde Ledezma ha dado a todos los venezolanos suficientes muestras de coraje y amor por la ciudad, pues pese a los escollos puestos por el poder central ha extendido su mano para ayudar a los caraqueños y hacernos la ciudad un poco más humana. (By Marieugenia M)
Comment: My name is Elena, I live in Miami-USA. I am from Valencia Venezuela. I believe he is an excellent mayor, and he has been passing throut difficult situations as mayor having the president Chavez as his number 1 enemig, but he maintain all his integrity doing his best as a mayor and for the people. (By Elena C)
Comment: This men is just one of the few Democrats in Venezuela that still have a goverment job. Was elected for the Venezuelan people and the Regime could not do anything about it. (By Miram F)
Comment: Antonio Ledezma has been the best Caracas Mayor ever and he does not even has an office to work in. Also, the President Chavez tried tto take everything away from him. (By Ali L)
Comment: HA realizado una serie de acciones dentro del área metropolitana de Caracas, sin recursos, el gobierno central se los despojó de manera fraudelenta, pero él ha llevado a cabo su gestión sin decaer o abandonar sectores prioritarios como vilaidad, educación,esparcimiento. Da ejemplo de gestión en crisis, y anima a la comunidad de seguir trabajando en la contingencia. (By Vidal S)
Comment: Despite the efforts of the president to block every move of Ledezma, he has managed to work with the little he has to improve a some areas such as education and health for the poor in Caracas. (By Alberto C)
Comment: Es un Luchador social hombre aguerrido preparado academicamente, excelente persona, sencillo y muy humano le duele su pueblo lo admiro mucho (By Brigida)
Comment: Antonio Ledezma exelente gerente y gran representante del pueblo que lo eligio y ha sabido resistir los embates del regimen de gobierno venezolano que lo ha perseguido y ha violado la constitucion de la republica para quitarle sus competencias como Alcalde... ES EL MEJOR (By Olga Rosa G)
Comment: I want to vote for Antonio Ledezma because ia democratic Mayor and lover of the freedom in Venezuela! (By Oscar)
Comment: I am from Caracas, but I live in exile in the U.S. I have seen the courage of Ledezma, who in spite of having been deprived by Chavez of his legitimate right to fully govern Caracas, has done more than possible. (By Elio C A)
Comment: Es un gran Alcalde trabajador por la ciudad y fue elegido por el pueblo,le an quitado muchas derechosy funciones propias de la Alcaldia. (By Dalia S)
Comment: Ledezma is a major who is fighting constantly against the comunism set by President Chaves and is trying with limited resources to solve the social problems of Caracas city which is the most dangerous capital city in Latin America. (By JD)
Comment: Ledezma has had the budget for Municipal works for Caracas, gripped away 'for other works'. The salary for his employees has been chipped away, threats have happened to anyone who challenges the injustices named - and more. Yet he goes on. A brave warrior. (By Lalaki)
Comment Even though the mayor has been stripped naked of all means (budget) and some of his competences have been taken away from him, he has showed the capacity to do a lot with very little. (By Al G)
Comment: Mr Ledezma was elected by a vast majority of hte electors and as he belongs to the opposition, the Venezuelan president that do not behave as a democrat, created a new charge with a member of his politic party thet is in a upper position and blocks all the budget and plans of Mr Ledezma for working in the democratic elected process. Despite this situatiion Mr Ledezama has behaved as a brave defendant of the democratic principles and despite all kund of shortages and blocking of his rights has done an excelent work in favor of the Caracas population as a whole. His lection would means a strong support for the democratic principles and call the world attention to the rest of the world about the violation of democratic principles in Venezuela. (By H R P C)
Comment: Mr. Antinio Ledesma is the best mayor of Latin America. El senor Ledesma es un verdadero servidor de corazon con su pueblo, que Dios lo proteja. (By Julio G)
Comment: Ledezma is a great mayor and human being!! Even though he is "block" for the president Chávez he had not given up!!! He deserves this prize!!! (By Jfls)
Comment: A man fighting a totalitarian, autocratic, comunist regime in Venezuela, which when their candidate did not win the election to Mayor, the government introduced another paralel line with their own person at the head, taking away most of the powers and control of the democratically elected Mayor Ledezma. (By John M)
Comment: He has inprooved the quality of living even though the government has robbed him of 98% of the city's budget. (By Daniel C)
Comment: La batalla que lleva, el alcalde ledezma es admirable cuando tiene un gobierno en su contra (By Hectorollarves)
Comment: Considero que el Alcalde Antonio Ledezma ha resultado ser un excelente alcalde Mayor para la ciudad de Caracas a pesar de tener pocos recursos. (By Wilfredo R)
Comment: Excelente democrata alcalde de la ciudad de Caracas (By Lucas Del M R)
Comment: He works very hard despite the fact that the goverment remove the budget and the power he had, (By Erika V)
Comment: Ha hecho un gran trabajo, aun asi el presidente de Venezuela no lo deja ttrabajar con la libertad que deberia (By Cathy)
Comment: He is struggling against the Chávez's dictator Government...is not an easy job in a country full of injustice and political revenge against anything mean FREEDOM. (By Miguel)
Comment: 100% support for Mayor Antonio Ledezma. A good human being and excellent mayor. (By Talma M)
Comment: El mérito de Antonio Ledezma es luchar y hacer gestión a pesar de los saboteos y obstaculos que le pone el propio gobierno de Venezuela, quien se autoproclama como Socialista. (By Deborah)

World Mayor
The City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank on urban affairs, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally. Mayors wishing to be considered for the Prize are asked to sign up to the City Mayors Code of Ethics.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. Winners receive the World Mayor Prize, while the first and second runners-up receive the World Mayor Commendation.
Winners and runners-up
2004 to 2010:
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City}; In third place - Walter Veltroni (Rome)
In 2005: Winner Dora Bakoyannis (Athens); Runner-up - Hazel McCallion (Mississauga); In third place - Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City)
In 2006: Winner John So (Melbourne); Runner up Job Cohen (Amsterdam); In third place - Stephen Reed (Harrisburg)
In 2008: Winner Helen Zille (Cape Town); Runner up - Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich); In third place - Leopoldo López (Chacao)
In 2010: Winner - Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City); First runner-up - Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City); Second runner-up - Domenico Lucano (Riace)