Cory Booker, Mayor of Newark, NJ, was awarded 7th place in World Mayor 2010

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Comments in support of
Cory Booker
Mayor of Newark, NJ (USA)
The finalists for the 2010 World Mayor Prize were chosen on the number of nominations received and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of supporting statements. Below we publish a representative selection of comments received about Cory Booker, Mayor of Newark, NJ, USA.
Comment: I believe Cory Booker represents a new generation of leadership in the United States. Mayor Booker has served as a leader and has demonstrated that beauty can be found anywhere and he has lead a city that most Americans only know about it's violence - Mr. Booker has made us feel welcome to come to Newark and contribute to make the city great. I'm compelled to support Mr. Booker because I believe this man has literally provided a modern playbook for transforming Urban America. I'm impressed with not only how he has presented himself with the easy work - the most difficult part of his job is happening now with fiscal deficits and revenue challenges. I'm impressed with how Mr. Booker has remained positive and still makes himself available to his residents, even in these difficult times. Usually, politicians hide - not Mr. Booker. Mayor Cory A. Booker should be named World Mayor 2010. (By Janet F)
Comment: Mayor Booker's leadership, integrity, and determination are an inspiration. In a world where too often citizens must hold thier nose while they cast thier ballots, he is a politician whose character and intentions are unquestionable. He is truely the real deal. (By Casey O)
Comment: Mayor Cory Booker is the most inspirational, hardworking, down to earth, committed, and sympathetic mayors I know of. He seems to rarely sleep and he is constantly going out of his way to improve his city and respond to his city's citizens. (By Anthony M dM)
Comment: After years of corruption being the status quo in Newark, Cory Booker's tenure as Mayor is turning Newark around. He has finally balanced Newark's budget and did so without raising taxes. Through reentry programs for released criminals, education reform and an increase in the police force Booker has been significantly decreasing the amount of violent crime in the city since 2007. Last March was the first month in Newark without a murder since 1966. He was recently reelected and I look forward to what he accomplish in four more years. (By Joseph K)
Comment: He is sooo good. I went to the New Jersey Institute of Tech and the aura he brings when he speaks of Newark is so contagious not to mention the changes we have seen all around us. He loves the city and wants whats best for it. HE IS THE MAN. (By Babajide A)
Comment: Mayor Booker is the fiercest advocate for his city of any municipal leader I have met in my life. His energy level is unparalleled, and he is a visionary leader who puts in place progressive policy for his residents. Countless examples, including the creation of a prison re-entry initiative; doubling affordable housing in the city; tightening the city's fiscal belt in a difficult economic climate; driving down crime; and trying to strengthen families by tying the work of non-profits to the city are just a sliver of his many initiatives. (By Adler P)
Comment: One thing that really makes a good Mayor, and the first thing that impressed me about Mayor Cory Booker is that he cared enough about slum-lord issues to where he moved into a dwelling, just to see first-hand the improvements needed, and he took care of business. That's only 1 of many things that showed me that he cares. Show me another Mayor who is not afraid to live amongst his people, of all races. I don't live in New Jersey, but I have family there. I feel better knowing that Cory is there looking out for them. He gets much respect from California.....(By Angela M T)
Comment: I live just outside of the City of Newark and have been blessed to be in the midst of Mayor Booker on a few occassions. I find him to be a warm and sincere person. That is why I am voting for Cory Booker. Mayor Booker has demonstrated that he is committed to lowering the crime rate in Newark. Because of his leadership, the crime level has decreased. The influex of busineses to the area demonstrates that Newark is on the rise. Mayor Booker's signatory and Board membership on the Educational Equality Project demonstrates recognizes that the educational needs of children can be improved and is committed to equal educational opportunities. (By Gwendolyn C)
Comment: 5 years ago I avoided Newark like the plague. Now, my wife actually said "let's look at Newark" when deciding what areas near NYC we wanted to explore living in. Mayor Booker has done an amazing job not only with improving crime but revitalizing the city's spirit! (By Mark Weaver)
Comment: Mayor Booker's passion and dedication have manifested themselves in ways no other politician would live. He lived in a housing project until it was torn down. He works around the clock. He is incredibly accessible to regular citizens, both in open houses and in real time via social networks. Many in the United States have completely given up on our failing post-industrial cities, and the citizens who live there. Not Mayor Booker. Intractable social, economic and political problems are no longer impossible. Mayor Booker's chosen task, turning Newark around, is bigger than any other mayor's, and he is doing an incredible job. (By Emily Gould)
Comment: Mr. Booker took over a very tough, down-and-out city with a corrupt administration. He has greatly reduced crime in the city; this past March was Newark's first murder-free month in 44 years. He has also been a consistent supporter of education. Mr. Booker grew up in the suburbs and was educated at Stanford, Oxford and Yale. He could easily have chosen a comfortable career as a lawyer in a safer environment, but instead has dedicated his career to helping the struggling city of Newark, with great success. (By Gordon L)
Comment: Cory Booker's done an amazing job. Newark was dysfunctional for a long time before he was elected.... Corruption, disappearance of affluent residents as they fled deteriorating situation, high murder rate, etc etc. It was a terrible place to live. With vision, passion and dedication he is leading an effort to revive Newark. He is a hands on Mayor. He takes responsibility when things go wrong. (By Lee D)
Comment: I was born in Newark NJ and raised close by. I lived through the eras of riots, corruption, and mayhem in Newark. Mayor Booker is the shining light that Newark needs to illuminate the way to revitalization. His progress has been remarkable. (By Ruth Calia S)
Comment: Mayor Booker is a leader unlike any other. He is motivated to make better the lives of the citizens of Newark by improving every inch of the city. He promotes the city to the rest of the country (and the world) and shows that reflection, compassion, and determination are key to achieving goals. I hope that Mayor Booker is one day President Booker. (By Jam Michael McD)
Comment: I live in the town next to Newark, and have been amazed with the work of Mayor Booker. He goes out on patrols at night himself to make sure the city is safe. He listens to complaints, he actually tries to solve problems, he makes jokes with Conan Obrien, he's incredibly intelligent, articulate, and compassionate. I wish he were our governor too, and hopefully someday our president. (By Jake S)
Comment: Cory Booker is the most dedicated, effective leader, who personally spends nights on rounds with the police, has hired top staff, and is showing incredible impact after only a short period of time. And under the hardest conditions in a city long neglected and abused, with high crime rates and high unemployment. He is turning around this city, reducing crime dramatically, creating new job opportunities, and greening his city to help serve both objectives. He is a true leader who inspires the city to come back to being what it can be. (By Aimee C)
Comment: He is the most engaging mayor I have seen. He responds immediately to his constituents' problems and fixes them right away. His quotes in Twitter are very inspirational. I wish all leaders could be like this honest and engaging. (By Chris V)
Comment: Look at what Mayor Booker has done for Newark. The numbers speak for themselves! The people love him. Crime is down. Hope is UP! People feel empowered and inspired. he leads by example. From the time he first ran for City Council until today, he walks with the people, not in front of them. His unconventional, grassroots, inclusive style of leadership gets all Newark citizens involved in solving the problems. He's one of a kind! (By Lori Y)
Comment: Mayor Booker is an amazing Mayor, Leader and I am honored to vote for him. He has made the city of Newark proud to work and live in again. Mr. Booker could work anywhere in the world he choses to run this city with all his heart and visions. I support him 100% in all that he does for my great city. (By JEB)
Comment: Mayor Booker has been a major inspiration to me and I don't even live anywhere near his city. He has shown incredible amounts of bravery and respect for the people of Newark. He is a true public servant and even more than that, a leader and a great role model. (By Jonathan)
Comment: Mayor Booker's accomplishments: Reduced crime, doubled affordable housing, attracted over $100 million in private investment/donations to the city, created lots of parks. This is a brilliant guy who gets things done. In 15 years he'll probably be U.S. president. (By B B)
Comment: As a lifetime New Yorker, Newark, N.J., while close by was always a place NOT TO GO for fear of being robbed or worst. Even after the bldg. of their art complex, it was still scary to venture into this wasteland called Newark. Since Mayor Booker has been in office, Neward has taken on a whole new aura, not only on the local and national arena but on the international stage as well. Mayor Booker is poised to be not only a local leader but a driving force in the national and international political arena. He has changed the culture of a city and will be a driving force in changing the culture of a nation. He is a young dynamic leader - well on his way. Kudos Mayor Booker (By J W)
Comment: Ever since I watched the documentary "Street Fight", I have been intrigued by the Cory Booker and his passion for the city of Newark. From that moment, I have watched and read about his efforts to make Newark a great community. Cory Booker is a passionate, visionary advocate who represents the ideal model of a politician. I fully support the nomination of Cory Booker as World Mayor 2010. (By Candace)
Comment: I do not live in Newark, but I know the work Mayor Booker is doing has dramatically changed the city and its perception around the country. Mayor Booker not only inspires his citizens to actively engage to make their neighborhood better, but he also inspires citizens around the country to make a different in their community. He is a leader is fighting issues of social justice and is my role model. (By Baxter S)
Comment: After seeing the documentary Street Fight, and then subsequent reading on Mr. Booker, I believe he's done the most incredible job of turning an out-of-control city around. He's truly committed to Newark, and seems like a wonderful person. (By Michael P)
Comment: Mr. Booker has taken on one of the greatest challenges in our nation: to rebuild a city that has been hurting for decades. (By Ben McF)
Comment: He has transformed one of the most dangerous cities in New Jersey to a blooming metropolitan. Crime is at its lowest and the city is amazing. Mr. Booker is the ideal Mayor!! (By Halley)
Comment: He has done great things for Newark and has greatly reduced crime. He is brining the city back from years of corruption and neglect. The city is now in the news for good things more than bad. (By Cameron W)
Comment: Mayor Booker is more than a political mayor. He's inspirational,very approachable, and very hands on!
I love my Mayor! (By Cassandra)
Comment: Cory Booker has turned the city of Newark around. A city that has lived in the face of corruption and danger for nearly 50 years is finally becoming a reputable cornerstone of New Jersey. (Howie T)
Comment: He has done alot to remove crime from the city. Newark is now a decent place to live in, work in, and play in. (By Cliff)
Comment: Cory Booker is amazing. He draws energy from some supernatural source. The documentary series Brick city shows his intellect, but also his genuine ability to connect with people and their daily lives and issues. (By Jess Z)
Comment: Mayor Booker is an amazing human who rescued Newark from neglect and personally helped the exiguous police force there. (By NB)
Comment: Mayor Booker far exceeds any living leaders expectations! Go Newark! (By SAS)
Comment: Mayor Booker really cares for the city of Newark and its residents. He has changed the corruption of the city from the pass mayor Sharpe James. He has started a health reform for the people in the city because many people could not afford medicine. Almost 40% of the people living in Newark live under the poverty line and is one of the most dangerous cities in America. (By Michael P)
Comment: I attended a lecture by this mayor at NYU last year and I was impressed with his technique of setting high standards, accountability and increasing communication throughout his city in order to reduce crime and raise the standard of living. (By A P)
Comment: Cory Booker has done what he said he would do from the very begining. It's only going to get better in Newark as long as he is in office. (By Tone L)
Comment: If there were more mayors and leaders like him this our US would have a lot less problems...supports his public safety 100% (By Kevin)
Comment: Really great hands-on work in Newark. A mentality you don't see often in the U.S.A. (By Lynn)

World Mayor
The City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank on urban affairs, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally. Mayors wishing to be considered for the Prize are asked to sign up to the City Mayors Code of Ethics.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. Winners receive the World Mayor Prize, while the first and second runners-up receive the World Mayor Commendation.
Winners and runners-up
2004 to 2010:
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City}; In third place - Walter Veltroni (Rome)
In 2005: Winner Dora Bakoyannis (Athens); Runner-up - Hazel McCallion (Mississauga); In third place - Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City)
In 2006: Winner John So (Melbourne); Runner up Job Cohen (Amsterdam); In third place - Stephen Reed (Harrisburg)
In 2008: Winner Helen Zille (Cape Town); Runner up - Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich); In third place - Leopoldo López (Chacao)
In 2010: Winner - Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City); First runner-up - Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City); Second runner-up - Domenico Lucano (Riace)