Mayor Ayodele Adebowale Adewale, Amuwo Odofin LG, Lagos, Nigeria

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Ayodele Adebowale Adewale
Mayor of Amuwo Odofin LG (Nigeria)
The winner and runner-ups of World Mayor 2012 will be chosen based on the number of nominations in relation to the size of their cities and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of testimonials received during this year's World Mayor Project. Below we publish a selection of comments received to date about WM nominee, Ayodele Adebowale Adewale Mayor of Amuwo Odofin LG, Nigeria.
Comment: Over the years, mayor Ayodele Adewale has proven to be a leader of great notable qualities,being elected twice as the local government chairman of his area,it has showed that his people including me believed in his most renowned administration.so i believe the World Mayor Prize should be awarded to him cause it is well deserved by the receipent.He has also been involved in planting trees and enlightening the constituents of actions that could reduce the effects of climate change,he has given the community an awesome look,making it one of the the best communities in lagos state. (By Oriaku B U)
Comment: Mayor Ayodele Adewale is a youthful mayor who has proven to the rest world that all the youth need is a platform to showcase the talent,birth their vision and be contribute their human capital to nationbuilding, Mr Ayo has proven in the last 5 years as shwon political will for the betterment of his people, his community and the future generation. I can only wish and pray he wins as this will send out a strong message to african leaders to give the youths a chance and give a sense of hope will emerge in the youths themselves. (By Abimbola, Amuwo Odofin)
Comment: Comrade Ayodele Adewale is a charismatic leader who's dynamic in nature, he's the best sutable for the position of WORLD MAYOR. (By Onyekachi E, Nigeria)
Comment: Ayodele has been one of our most profound charistmatic leader of our time, reconstructing roads and providing employment to youths has been 1 of his priorities, surviving from a hostile & corruptible enviroment, he's competent to keep us going under this much thrust. (By Demehin J, Nigeria)
Comment: I am voting for Mr Ayodele Adewale the mayor of Amuwo Odofin Local government because I have known him before he became elected as a ommunity leader, an activist for human rights and a pro gender ambassador,it came as no surprise that in this day, when many young men of his age(he is the youngest elected Chairman)are not committed to such labour, he has made it his bane. His local community which used to be slum like has been transformed in to a cosmopolitan city within the fastest growing mega city in Africa Lagos state.He has created an economic growth hub for the state.He has brought free healthcare, good roads, fuller citizen participation,security to the area and has increased the value of his local government. He is models himself by the standards of global leadership and democratic practices, he has diplomatic relations with mayors of Mexico and South Africa to mention a few. He is an emerging leader in Nigeria who no doubt will carry on the baton from the older generation. (By Dr Keziah A, Amuwo Odofin)
Comment: He is hardworking, self motivated, a frontliner, an environmental activist, a health advocationist and youth administrator. (By Adole A, Nigeria)
Comment: Great Man with an exemplary Life Style that is worth emulating. (By Yinka, Amunwo-Odofin)
Comment: He is a true champion for nature,he deserves it. (By Maxwell K, Outside Nigeria)
Comment: He is a very progressive leader. (By Antonio A, Nigeria)
Comment: There are many mayors in Nigeria who think development approach to governance doesn't pay.Every month,they siphoned allocation meant for developing their cities and communities into private bank accounts.The world will always honour those who commit their efforts to better the life of others through development-oriented projects and good management of resources,equality and equity.
Mr.Adewale has shown he can be trusted and as a mayor in Nigeria,he can live up to the expectation.I pray you finally clinch the exalted position. (By George, Amunwo-Odofin)
Comment: The Mayor of Amuwo Odofin has supported the work of Tosin Jegede Foundation. Supporting us however he can: giving us space to work, allowing us hold meetings. The administration of Amuwo Odofin gave us our first project in 2010. The Local government has again been the first local government to verbally commit to sponsorship for the 1Child 1Book Project, where we will be giving all children in Government run schools a storybook of their own. The Mayor has committed to assisting us reach key stakeholders to ensure our project runs successfully to achieve our target.
The local government is active in every area of development. This can be seen from the new face of the local government secretariat, to the improvements to remote communities and the various social and community building events the local government runs.
The Local government has decided to focus on doing its bit in the large community of Amuwo Odofin on reducing the effects of climate change. The local government has been involved in planting trees and enlightening the constituents of actions that could increase the effects of climate change. (By Tosin, J, Amuwo Odofin)
Comment: He is a Man of Vision and his Administration has brought about quite a number of positive change in the Local Community.
Comment: The leadership and visionary style of the mayor is so wonderful and beyond immagination and that earned him the second term in office.H e is also so passionate about the enviroment which also earned him the best enviromentally friendly local government twice in 2009 and 2010.It is the only local government of the 774 local government in Nigeria that has a climate change unit which preoccupies itself with climate change advocacy and the strategies of adaptation and mitigation in combatting its effect. (By Kafilat O, Amuwo Odofin)
Comment: I was in Nigeria and was marvelled at Mayor Ayodele Adewale Adebowale's achievement in areas of Enviroment,Health and Education.To crown it all,the moment i declared my present to him in his local government,he gave me all the necessary protection and security while around and aside that he has this leadersship quality. (By Khola A M, Outside Nigeria)
Comment: The mayor is very passionate about the environment and as such since he assumed office in 2008, he has created a great awareness on the need for a cleaner and greener environment.one of his first assignments on assuming office was to create a green club, the club has planted thousands of trees and flowers in our city, which are tended and nurtured on a daily basis. In the council's secretariat, there is a waste separation bin which encourages recycling, a way of saving the climate. the council has also organized the first climate change summit and has continued to support climate change exchange programmes.
the council's premises is also beautifully lit at night with solar lamps.
above all, there is a climate change unit, a first of it's kind in any local council in Lagos state.
If voted the 2012 world mayor, i believe he will contribute more especially as the world is paying a lot of attention to our climate. (By Dorothy E, Amuwo Odofin)
Comment: Mayor Adewale has demostrated good leadership quality of a listeninig leader since inception of office.He sincerely possesed good administrative skill which has made it possible for him to flow well with the technocrats and impact on the psyche of staffs for the better.The local government has been peaceful because of his conciousness on security and investment in this area.Secu rity gadgets has been provided for all community leaders for easy information and communication,more security patrol vehicles has been bought for the policy and community police is fortified.Because of the cosmopolitan nature of this city,the mayor is carrying all the ethnic nationalities along so has to foster hamonious relationship within the various ethnic group that made of the local.Also,social values are hightened in the city (By Ogunbadejo K O, Amuwo Odofin)

World Mayor
The City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank for local government, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: honesty, leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. The winner receives the artistically acclaimed World Mayor trophy, while the two runner-ups are given the World Mayor Commendation.
Mayors wishing to be considered for the World Mayor Prize will be asked to sign up to the City Mayors' Code of Ethics
Nominations were accepted until the 17 May 2012. A shortlist of 25 nominees was published on 18 June. Voting took place until 20 October . The winner of the 2012 World Mayor Prize and other results of the World Mayor Project were announced on 8 January 2013.
Winners and runners-up 2004 to 2012
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana, Albania); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City, Mexico); In third place: Walter Veltroni (Rome, Italy)
In 2005: Winner: Dora Bakoyannis (Athens, Greece); Runner-up: Hazel McCallion (Mississauga, Canada); In third place: Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City, Guatemala)
In 2006: Winner: John So (Melbourne, Australia); Runner up: Job Cohen (Amsterdam, Netherland); In third place: Stephen Reed (Harrisburg, USA)
In 2008: Winner: Helen Zille (Cape Town, South Africa); Runner up: Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich, Switzerland); In third place: Leopoldo López (Chacao, Venezuela)
In 2010: Winner: Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City, Mexico); Runner-up: Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City, USA); In third place: Domenico Lucano (Riace, Italy)
In 2012: Winner: Iñaki Azkuna (Bilbao, Spain); Runner-up: Lisa Scaffidi (Perth, Australia); In third place: Joko Widodo (Surakarta, Indonesia)