Mayor Iñaki Azkuna, Bilbao, Spain

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Iñaki Azkuna
Mayor of Bilbao (Spain)
The winner and runner-ups of World Mayor 2012 will be chosen based on the number of nominations in relation to the size of their cities and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of testimonials received during this year's World Mayor Project. Below we publish a selection of comments received to date about WM nominee Iñaki Azkuna, Mayor of Bilbao, Spain. Mayor Azkuna has signed up to the City Mayors Code of Ethics.
Comment: My nomination goes to Iñaki Azkuna, Mayor of Bilbao. Within the diverse recognitions that he has received during his carer as Mayor and previously as Minister of Health in the Basque Government, I think that one of the most important at the personal level, has been the Decoration as Official of the Legion of Honour of the French Republic. It represents a recognition to the labour made by Mr. Azkuna in the promotion of culture between the Basque Country and France and that also represents a tribute to the transformation of Bilbao, a city that has been successful in renewing and reinventing itself after suffering the effect of the economic crisis that affected the industrial regions in Europe. (By R M, Bilbao)
Comment: Mr Azkuna has succeded in the total renovation of the city, from an industrial and grey city to a service oriented, modern, touristic, and liveable city. The city has become also a model of evolution, growing and finantial management, with zero-doubt situation. I'm proud of living in this city. (By Aritza A, Bilbao)
Comment: My vote is for Iñaki Azkuna. He has done an awesome work for our city: Bilbao. Bilbao was a few years ago an industrial city, with pollution, and without any kind of welfare. When all the industry broke, Bilbao suffered a terrible crisis, apart from the 83's floods wich let the old part of our city almost destroyed. The recovery was too expensive, taking into account the crisis-time. When Mr. Azkuna was appointed mayor that was more or less the city's situation. His management have became the city in a tourisitcal city, something unthinkable a few years before. Apart from that Iñaki have become the Bilbao's council in the unique in Spain without debt. He has won many prizes for that. On the other hand He is honest, confident and a fantastic person. And he's always smiling which gives an impression of closeness to the citizen. We all congratulate Mr. Azkuna for all his work. (By Andoni U K, Bilbao)
Comment: Yo creo que el Señor Azkuna se merece el premio a mejor alcalde del mundo, porque puedo asegurar que los ciudadanos a los que representa están orgullosos de su trabajo y de su persona.
Si hubieran visto ésta ciudad hace diez años y luego la comparasen con lo que es hoy gracias a su gestión (tanto de él como de su equipo) se les pondría una sonrisa en la cara y les entrarían unas ganas enormes de gritar: You are the champion. (By David, Bilbao)
Comment: Soy un bilbaino que no resido en Bilbao. Nunca se me hubiera ocurrido votar en ningún sitio, pero es el merecimiento de este Alcalde el que me hace votarle. Sin lugar a ninguna duda es el mejor alcalde que ha tenido Bilbao y de los pocos que puede haber. Es una persona que lo tiene todo: liderazgo, honestidad, cercanía a los ciudadanos, en resumen se preocupa por todo lo que ocurre en la ciudad y por todos sus ciudadanos. Ezkerrik asko eta zorionak. (By Juanjo P, Spain)
Comment: Iñaki Azkuna es el mejor alcalde del mundo,porque ha sabido recuperar y aumentar la grandeza de una ciudad industrial,arrasada por la crisis,ejemplo para otras muchas que están en circustancias parecidas.Con su energía,honradez,cercania,inteligencia,y ese amor por sus tradiciones,ha conseguido ser respetado por todos.!gora Iñaki¡ (By Begona, Spain)
Comment: I am sure that the other mayors that have being selected for the award have accomplished great things for their cities, but my vote goes to my mayor Iñaki Azkuna he has done great things for the city for over the past 12 years and even though his health is very delicate, he still keeps on working as hard as always for the city. Receiving this award would represent a perfect recognition to all the great work he has done along these years! (By Tristian, S, Bilbao)
Comment: Por su honestidad, su claridad de ideas y su cultura, ha hecho de Bilbao una gran ciudad. Además la transparencia de su gestión y no nos ha endeudado. (By M J S, Bilbao)
Comment: As a citizen from Bilbao, I would like to vote for Mr. Iñaki Azkuna for his important contribution in bringing back to Bilbao the image of a modern city that it always had. During his years of mandate he has been able to consolidate Bilbao as a city of services, by boosting new infrastructures such as the Guggenheim Museum, the Euskalduna Congress Hall, metro, etc. But furthermore, his management of the municipal recourses has being excellent. This has allowed that projects that were long-time ago forgotten -as for example the recovery of The Alhóndiga, as a Municipal Culture and Leisure Centre- could be initiated and successfully executed. He has also being able to conduct the transformation of degraded spaces in the city such as the Abandoibarra Area and both banks of the river, the last visible exponents of Bilbao‚s industrial past. For someone from Bilbao, to find tourists from all over the world looking a map of the city was no long ago something strange. However, today we are used to see them every day, and we are proud of our City. (By Igone, Bilbao)
Comment: I vote Iñaki because he is a clear example of honesty and transparency. He is always with a smile in his face and make us, the people of Bilbao, be more proud of our city. (By Unai, Bilbao)
Comment: Como ciudadana de Bilbao mi voto incondicional es para mi Alcalde - Iñaki Azkuna- un hombre que a lo largo de su dilatada trayectoria al servicio de nuestra comunidad, ha hecho que Bilbao suene en el mundo por los grandes proyectos llevados a cabo en la ciudad. Una ciudad que gracias a su mandato como Alcalde ha convertido o reconvertido en una ciudad industrial -en el pasado- en la preciosa ciudad que todo el mundo que la conoce o conoce después de varios años, sus comentarios son de admiración por su arquitectura clásica y sobre todo de vanguardia, en la que han dejado su sello prestigiosos arquitectos mundiales. Lo voto igualmente por su lado humano, que se sabe transmitir y ofrecer a todas las personas que se le acercan. Un hombre que se ha ganado el voto de muchos bilbainos que, a pesar de ser votantes de diferentes partidos políticos al del Sr. Azkuna, le han ofrecido su voto en homenaje a las grandes virtudes que le rodean, tanto en el desarrollo de su gestión como, repito, en el lado personal. Confío que el jurado tenga en cuenta estos comentarios y nos dé la alegría de elegir al Sr. Azkuna el Mejor Alcalde. Muchas gracias. (By María Luisa R G, Bilbao)
Comment: Para nada estoy de acuerdo con su partido, excluyente para los tiempos que corren, pero a pesar de que es un poco demagogo creo que es el mejor gestor que hemos tenido. Sería un bonito colofón a su carrera. Suerte. (By Maribel, Bilbao)
Comment: Buen Alcalde, buen gestor, buena persona. (By Itziar J, Bilbao)
Comment: Le doy mi voto porque considero que es el mejor Alcalde del Mundo el mas sano, y el mejor politico considero que cuando nos falte no puede haber sustitituto que le iguale. (By Andres C R, Bilbao)
Comment: Debe ser elegido el mejor alcalde del mundo:
- por su honestidad
- Porque gracias a él Bilbao es alabado en todos los países del mundo
- Por ser un buen gestor.
- Por llevar a Bilbao y al Athletic siempre en el corazón, y porque yo al igual que la mayoría de los bilbaínos, estoy orgullosa de nuestro alcalde, que a pesar de todas las zancadillas sigue ahí todos los días. Aupa Azkuna eta sorte on. Eskerrik asko. (By Carmen S, Bilbao)
Comment: Porque es el mejor alcalde del mundo! El mejor alcalde que ha tenido nunca Bilbao. (By Marian O, Bilbao)
Comment: Nunca Bilbao ha estado tan bella y tan limpia como ahora. Le hemos votado muchos bilbainos a él, no a su partido. Es una persona cercana que explica sus proyectos. Es un Alcalde de verdad, que se preocupa por su ciudad y sus ciudadanos. El mejor que ha tenido Bilbao. (By Elena V G, Bilbao)
Comment: It is an honour for me to nominate Iñaki Azkuna, Mayor of Bilbao to the World Mayor Award. I have had the opportunity to experience from the first hand the rapid and successful urban transformation process that the city has experienced during the last decade, going from an industrial based city to a modern, cultural and interesting city to visit and to live in. All of this has been possible, thanks to the ambitious vision that Mr. Azkuna has had to bet not only for big urban in the architectural field but for a holistic municipal strategy. (By E M, Bilbao)
Comment: El Señor Iñaki Azkuna es una gran persona, de una honestidad incuestionable, buen humor, muy alegre y socarron,cercano a las personas, firme cuando hay que serlo, muy valiente, perfecto representante del carácter bilbaino, muy claro en sus palabras, abierto de miras, siempre atento a lo que ocurre en la ciudad, esta en mil sitios a la vez. Estoy muy orgullosa de mi alcalde Azkuna, y es respetado por otros políticos,algo muy poco habitual. (By Mary P, Bilbao)
Comment: Por hacer de Bilbao una ciudad más habitable. Por su esfuerzo para recuperar las zonas verdes. Por haber logrado que Bilbao se conozca en el mundo, pero sobre todo por su gran humanidad, por su férrea voluntad y su capacidad para gestionar ante las adversidades. (By Maria L F, Bilbao)
Comment: He really loves bilbao and preserves our traditions and culture, but at the same time he supports a modern and new city. I admire him. (By Maria, Bilbao)
Comment: Apoyo la iniciativa para que el alcalde de Bilbao sea considerado el mejor del mundo. Gracias a sus años de gobierno y al trabajo de un equipo competente tenemos una ciudad que ha conseguido ser modelo mundial de revitalización urbana, de sostenibilidad y diseño y que ha recibido el premio considerado el Nobel de las ciudades; una ciudad que, pesar de la crisis económica es la única capital con deuda cero y que ha recibido el premio de la Unión Europea por su gestión económica en tiempos de crisis. Una ciudad de cultura y deporte, cuyos visitantes la consideran acogedora, limpia y de gente amable. Una ciudad cuyo alcalde es candidato al mejor de mundo. Una ciudad más allá del Museo Guggenheim, con 712 años de historia, con el tercer mejor museo de bellas artes de España, con una gastronomía reconocida mundialmente, con una tasa de delincuencia bajisima, con un anillo verde de montes que la rodean convertidos en lugar de descanso y deporte, con un fuerte componente ecológico. Una ciudad de música, con una temporada de ópera de renombre mundial, con un festival de música moderna BBKLive que se afianza en el escenario internacional y escala de cantantes y grupos famosos. Unas fiestas consideradas en votación popular como tesoro inmaterial y más valoradas que muchas otras más conocidas.En fin, creo que el señor Azkuna y nuestra ciudad merecemos este premio. (By Juan Manel A P, Bilbao)
Comment: Es una persona honrada y ha demostrado su capacidad y buen hacer como Mayor of Bilbao. (By Jasone B, Spain)
Comment: Iñaki Azkuna lleva 12 años en la Alcaldia de Bilbao. En este tiempo el cambio experimentado por la ciudad ha sido impresionante. Azkuna ha participado del mismo, aunque en buena medida se gestara durante la alcaldia de Josu Ortuondo. Nunca he votado al PNV, partido al que pertenece Azkuna, pero le considero un buen alcalde que sabe defender como nadie los intereses de mi querida ciudad. (By David N B, Bilbao)
Comment: Azkuna has renewed the city and created a peaceful and save city of its citizens. Life quality is considered the highest among spanish big towns and budget is strictly controlled by the financial municipal departament. Despite his awful illnes, cancer, he strongly directs the city council in order to make Bilbao a strategic urban area for business, pleasure and multiculturalism. (By Dario, Bilbao)
Comment: I think Iñaki Azkuna should be named the best mayor, in addition to its huge Humanity, Sympathy and Honesty, by the following attributes:
Bilbao was an industrial city. With economic developments in recent years the industry has closed and has succeeded Mr. Azkuna transform it into a city of services, known internationally.
Bilbao for its industrial past was dirty and dark, under his management has become a garden, with excellent walks and gardens.
The buildings have many high quality and have been recovered, cleaning and repairing the facades, with their support.
Bilbao has made it a much nicer city to live, reducing traffic, improving public transport and expanding green areas.
For all my buttons give this excellent person and mayor.
En español:
Considero que Iñaki Azkuna debe ser nombrado el mejor Alcalde , además de por su enorme Humanidad, Simpatía y Honradez, por los siguientes atributos:
Bilbao era una ciudad industrial. Con las evoluciones económicas de los últimos años la industria se ha cerrado y el Sr. Azkuna ha conseguido transformala en una ciudad de Servicios, conocida a nivel internacional..
Bilbao por su pasado industrial era sucia y oscura, bajo su gestión la ha convertido en un jardín, con excelentes paseos y jardines.
Los edificios que tenemos, muchos y de gran calidad, se han recuperado, limpiando y reparando las fachadas, gracias a su apoyo.
Ha conseguido que Bilbao sea una ciudad mucho más agradable para vivir, reduciendo el tráfico rodado, mejorando los transportes públicos y ampliando las zonas verdes.
Por todo ello doy mi boto a esta excelente Persona y Alcalde. (By Javier G O, Bilbao)
Comment: Una gran persona un gran ser humano cercano a los ciudadanos y preocupado en regenerar su ciudad y hacerla mas bonita habitable y amable: Ha convertido Bilbao en una maravilla de ciudad tras una grave crisis. (By Alexander B O, Spain)
Comment: Gran humanidad,inagotable en el servicio público y sobre todo integrador al margen de partidismos;aún siendo nacionalista vasco. (By Alberto A, Bilbao)
Comment: For all of us in the Basque Country the figure of the Mayor of Bilbao ,Iñaki Azkuna is the garantie of Quality and Responsability . We are all grateful for his leading the city of Bilbao to the highest level in the means of peace and harmony . Esker mila Alkate Jauna. (By Begoña A, Bilbao)
Comment: Passion at work representing all citizens and leader to transform the city from an industrial polluted ugly place into a pleasant green and attractive city preserving the local culture and values with a clean balance sheet and no debt burden or deficit which is extremely uncommon these days. (Iker R, Outside Spain)
Comment: Iñaki Azkuna changed my city. Bilbao was poor and black city in, for example, 1990. Today is cosmopolitan city, clear city, and transparent city. There is not corruption. (By César del H, Bilbao)
Comment: Tenemos el ayuntamiento sin deuda, tansparente y austero. Un modelo a elegir y una ciudad en pleno y contínuo proceso de regeneración. ( Patricia M, Bilbao)
Comment: Mr. Azkuna has changed our city, Bilbao is now a modern, accessible and with all the comforts of a European city. Is a person with his people and who cares about small everyday needs, and also prepares the city for the future. I think it's a great mayor and he deserves the award. (By Matxalen C, Bilbao)
Comment: Iñaki Azkuna ha transformado una ciudad gris y oscura en una ciudad abierta al mundo y espectacular. Sin duda lo merece. Un alcalde y una ciudad que han obtenido premios infinidad de reconocimientos y para mi el mas importante es el premio a una gestion transparente de cara al ciudadano. Zorionak Iñaki, Felicidades. (By Iker O, Bilbao)
Comment: In my opinion, the Mayor of Bilbao is a strong candidate for receiving the World Mayor Award. Because Mr. Akuna's commitment to the citizens is to achieve the maximum social rate of return on the use of public resources, embodied in benefitting from quality services aimed at the real needs of the citizens. This entails efficiently providing the basic services entrusted to a municipality and dealing with the numerous needs of the different collectives and neighbourhoods of the city. And this all has to be done without neglecting the investments needed for the future development of the city, investments that have accounted for over 1,000 million euro of municipal funding over the last 8 years and reaching 'zero debt' in April 2011. (By L A, Spain)
Comment: Among his best qualities are honesty and transparency, a quality rare among politicians today, but also he is an example of improvement for people suffering from cancer. He is a man nearby, accessible, speaking openly and with a sense of humor "chirene" who conquered the very Sarita Montiel. (By Naia, Bilbao)
Comment: I would like to nominate as candidate, the Mayor of Bilbao, Mr. Iñaki Azkuna. The city of Bilbao has come a long way from the 1980s, when it was immersed in a profound crisis and decline, which it has managed to overcome almost thirty years later, reinventing itself as a city, and adapting to the new times.
The renovation of the city began with the construction of the emblematic Guggenheim Museum Bilbao and continued with major investments in infrastructures, including a new airport terminal, the Metro, the tram network, the La Alhóndiga cultural centre and the urban regeneration projects for the districts of Abandoibarra and Zorrozaurre, which are still ongoing. The success of Bilbao's transformation is largely attributed to the integrated and holistic approach to achieve economic, social and physical transformations of the Mayor of Bilbao.
His emphasis on environmental clean up, use of culture, internationalization and design, major improvements to the City's infrastructure, as well as the restoration of its historic areas have successfully rejuvenated the city. More significantly, the city has been able to connect investment in infrastructure with social integration.
The Mayor of Bilbao has shown that strong leadership and commitment to a systematic and long-term plan, based on solid processes and supporting infrastructures, are key factors to the success of a city's transformation. (By Nerea, Bilbao)
Comment: Es increible como ha cambiado la ciudad, de ser una ciudad gris ha pasado a ser una ciudad hermosa. Con la transformación de la ciudad se ha conseguido que se convierta en una ciudad de servicios, atractiva para el turista. (By Asier I, Bilbao)
Comment: Nomino a Iñaki Azkuna, un claro ejemplo de líder político con visión y comprometido con el bienestar de la ciudadanía. (By M A, outside Spain)
Comment: If there is a best Mayor in World, that is the Mayor of Bilbao. Because he has achieved to transform the city, turning it into a modern, dynamic and cultural city. In the 80s the city suffered a difficult time with the industrial crisis, which caused the closing of many companies and a high unemployment rate. However, everything has change, the city has been renewed. The Mayor of Bilbao has been able to lead and manage the transformation of the city, with an urban model that has become an international reference, generating worldwide interest and curiosity. Proof of it, are the diverse international awards and recognitions received by the city and the Mayor and the multiple visits that Bilbao receives yearly, from cities worldwide that want to know better Bilbao‚s transformation model and how it has been achieved. (By L C, Bilbao)
Comment: Soy una amama que piensa que pocos politicos se mantinen tantas legislaturas en el poder y encima le vota cada vez mas gente, esto ya por si solo demuestra el alcalde que es . Gracias señor Azkuna por ser honrado y parecerlo. (By Itziar U H,Bilbao)
Comment: Es un hombre abierto y directo hacia sus conciudadanos. Prudente en tiempos fáciles y... difíciles. Ademas de culto, tiene sentido del humor. Una excelente persona. (By J J U A, Bilbao).
Comment: Bilbao has become a big city being one of the smalest one. The progress in last years is incredible. Eskerrik asko (thank you in basque language) Iñaki ! (By N A, Spain)
Comment: I do not vote for his political party but I will always vote for him because he is the best Mayor any citizen can ask for. He is one of us, not a politician. He really cares for our city and fights for it. (By Isabel G, Bilbao)
Comment: Es el mejor alcalde del mundo, ha convertido Bilbao en una ciudad preciosa, sin deudas, es decir, ha administrado bien el dinero público y encima ha logrado que todo el mundo conozca una ciudad como Bilbao. (By Arrate I P, Bilbao)
Comment: In my opinion, Iñaki Azkuna is an example for all the mayors in the world, an especially for the citicenship who live in Bilbao. (By Álvaro, Bilbao)
Comment: Por su claridad de palabra, cercanía, compromiso con el ciudadano, transparencia y dedicación en la mejora de la ciudad, no sólo urbanísticamente, sino también en lo relativo a las relaciones sociales y lucha contra las desigualdades entre vecinos. (By Helena B, Bilbao)
Comment: He´s made a good job, the city was transformed in few years and now we can be proud of it! His job is very dificult because not just be worried about the city but be worried about its citizens. Thank u Mayor! (By Bilboko H, Bilbao)
Comment: Es un gran hombre: honrado, honesto, responsable, con visión de futuro, preocupado por sus conciudadanos. Un gran gestor en donde esté, antes en Sanidad del Gobierno Vasco y ahora en la Alcaldía de Bilbao. (By Conchi M A, Bilbao)
Comment: Trabajador luchador hombre con ideas claras que no se deja intimidar por nadie que pueda restar la importancia que se merece su ciudad ni el trabajo del ayuntamiento. Hombre que escucha a la gente de su municipio y hace todo lo posible para sacar adelante dichas ideas formuladas por dichas personas ,uno de los pocos ayuntamientos grandes en españa que no debe nada a nadie, cuentas claras y limpias. (By Berezi T, Bilbao)
Comment: I´ve chosen Mr Azkuna because he has been Lord Mayor of our city for several years and he has done los of things to improve our city and there has never been any curruption about his doings. Although Spain is going through very difficult finantial problems, Iñaki Azkuna has managed to do lots of projects in our city and yet has not endebed the city. Iñaki Azkuna is a very honest man. (By Isabel S P U, Bilbao)
Comment: El Sr. Azcuna es un magnífico gestor y alcalde de Bilbao. Es muy querido por la gente. Muy claro hablando y dice lo que siente, independiente de lo que diga su partido (PNV). (By Mayte Y M, Bilbao)
Comment: He's great! He has made the best of Bilbao with his architectural interest and great use of economy. Having a walk through Bilbao feels great, everything is clean and peaceful. I love Bilbao, and I admire Iñaki Azkuna. (By Argiñe, Spain)

World Mayor
The City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank for local government, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: honesty, leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. The winner receives the artistically acclaimed World Mayor trophy, while the two runner-ups are given the World Mayor Commendation.
Mayors wishing to be considered for the World Mayor Prize will be asked to sign up to the City Mayors' Code of Ethics
Nominations were accepted until the 17 May 2012. A shortlist of 25 nominees was published on 18 June. Voting took place until 20 October . The winner of the 2012 World Mayor Prize and other results of the World Mayor Project were announced on 8 January 2013.
Winners and runners-up
2004 to 2012
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana, Albania); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City, Mexico); In third place: Walter Veltroni (Rome, Italy)
In 2005: Winner: Dora Bakoyannis (Athens, Greece); Runner-up: Hazel McCallion (Mississauga, Canada); In third place: Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City, Guatemala)
In 2006: Winner: John So (Melbourne, Australia); Runner up: Job Cohen (Amsterdam, Netherland); In third place: Stephen Reed (Harrisburg, USA)
In 2008: Winner: Helen Zille (Cape Town, South Africa); Runner up: Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich, Switzerland); In third place: Leopoldo López (Chacao, Venezuela)
In 2010: Winner: Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City, Mexico); Runner-up: Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City, USA); In third place: Domenico Lucano (Riace, Italy)
In 2012: Winner: Iñaki Azkuna (Bilbao, Spain); Runner-up: Lisa Scaffidi (Perth, Australia); In third place: Joko Widodo (Surakarta, Indonesia)