Mayor Len Brown, Mayor of Auckland, New Zealand

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Len Brown
Mayor of Auckland (New Zealand)
The winner and runner-ups of World Mayor 2012 will be chosen based on the number of nominations in relation to the size of their cities and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of testimonials received during this year's World Mayor Project. Below we publish a selection of comments received to date about WM nominee Len Brown, Mayor of Auckland, New Zealand. Mayor Brown has signed up to the City Mayors Code of Ethics.
Comment: Len Brown was an amazing mayor when he was mayor of Manukau City. As the new supercity mayor he is outstanding. He treats everyone justly and fairly no matter who they are. He has done a tremendous job in bringing together the Supercity of Auckland New Zealand. (By M C, Auckland)
Comment: Mayor Len Brown is inspirational in his vision and enthusiasm for Auckland. He is unfailing in his optimism and cheering on of Auckland. He also highly impressed my husband who works at a very multi-cultural high school. During Mayor Len Brown's visit he sang to the students at the school assembly acapella in three different languages! We are very glad he is our mayor! (By Melanie C, Auckland)
Comment: Len has a bold and exciting vision for Auckland that I hope he will achieve. (By Damien D, Outside New Zealand)
Comment: Len Brown is a very hard working man - a mayor not a politician. (By Steven L, Auckland)
Comment: Mr Brown has been an inspirational and down to earth leader of our city through a period of monumental upheaval with the amalgamation into a 'supercity'. Mr Brown has constantaly been approachable and I have personally spoken with him on two occasions when he is out and about. He is also an inspiration for leadership of large multiracial and multiethnic communities, and he is an irreputable champion of equality. (By Kris B, Auckland)
Comment: Mayor Brown has shown outstanding leadership and vision. The Mayor has united Auckland and has been extremely accessible, regularly visiting communities throughout the city to gain a greater understanding of issues of local importance. (By Peter W, Auckland)
Comment: Man with a vision for a globally competitive Auckland. (By Andrew R, Auckland)
Comment: Trying hard and, as far as we can see, not corrupt, unlike his predecessor. He's an important rallying point for Auckland and while he's getting a lot wrong he still seems committed to what he was elected to do: improve Auckland's abysmal public transport. (Christopher T, Auckland)
Comment: While an incredibly humble and self-deprecating man, Len Brown also displays the authority and respect to lead a unified council through what has been the biggest merger of councils NZ has seen. As the first mayor of Auckland's Super-City (after a merger of West, South, Central & North Councils), he has managed an ignorant and rushed political directive from central government into what is now becoming a stable foundation for Auckland to become, in Len's own words, "The world's most liveable city". Many predictions were for a disastrous transition, but thanks to Len's perseverance, his ability to balance priorities, unify his council, and focus on listening to the citizens, it has so far been a great success! (By A R, Auckland)
Comment: Well, personally I like him but most importantly I agree with his decisions he makes. With the almalganmation of Auckland he was the only man that could be the glue that holds the ship together, structurally with sails up, steering it and navigating it where it needs to go. This new structure is imperfect but any structure can work if you have the right people in it. Len Brown is a persuasive debater but he also likes to hear the facts and follow a fair proccess. He has created alot of goodwill between the local boards and the Council controlled organisations. The form the council took and roles local boards had were upto the Mayor to decide, Len Brown was working and meeting people before the council was officially sworn in so the council could be up and running from day one.
Len Brown is an inclusive mayor, with great knowledge of Auckland, he set out to change the culture of how the former Auckland City council was run which was devisive and lacked transperancy.
Basically the council has run without hiccups. He had a 100 projects in 100 days list for his first 100 days which suggests to me he was aware of what projects were in the works and which new ones where needed to prevent the city from stagnating. The council could have easilly failed to meet tight deadlines placed upon it to furnish its annual plan, spatial plan, longterm plan, and Regional Land Transport Programme, with the unitary plan to be finalised and maybe others I don't know of.
Len Brown deserves to be World Mayor 2012 because he has laid the foundations for our city to grow, to prosper, to enjoy and be proud of. He has united the general public to go forward with a single vision, got buy in from the CCOs to be more transperant, formed a council that is working together and achieved a rates increase for this year that is one of the lowest in the country. The Rugby world cup was run well dispite some logistical issues, our new fleet of trains should help. Also Len Brown has done well to progress the City Rail Link as Aucklands core transport project. (By Jeremy, Auckland)
Comment: We were sitting at a cafe in Auckland last week and saw the major walk past. We called his name out and he came and sat down and had a quick chat with us about the things that he has been up to over the past few weeks. It was lovely to meet him, he was very personable and it was kind of him to take time out of his day to talk to us even with his busy schedule. (By Ana D, Auckland)
Comment: In a time of huge change for Auckland, Len Brown has lead a group of elected representatives from diverse and previously autonomous regions through a period where great changes in the legislation had to be passed according to a tight statutory timeframe. He has done this in such a conciliatory manner that the goal of a unified region is actually taking place without breakdowns or splits. He is a fair and good man. (Mary N P, Outside New Zealand)
Comment: Len Brown has always been a passionate person for the people and the city of Auckland. He is a very open and honest man who I have had the privilege to meet. Although I don't live in Auckland myself I know he has battled with the government at times to try and improve the cities problems, and that is not an easy task being up against a government that tries to block things that are necessary for a city the size of Auckland. I actually wish he was the Mayor of Christchurch, someone who would care about the people of Christchurch and prioritize the rebuild of our broken city starting with peoples homes and welfare. (By Sheryll S, Auckland)
Comment: Has a difficult job of trying to please everyone in a new city structure that merged a number of smaller cities that had their own mayors. He receives a lot of flak for his vision (because of costs). Basically, even though I didn't vote for him I think he's trying hard. And that deserves acknowledgement. (By David B K, Auckland)
Comment: Len is an incredible leader of Auckland Council-a new city which arose out of the merger of 8 councils and transformed into a very large operational unit with 1 governing body, 21 local boards and a Maori board. Achievements since November 2010 have been spectacular with substantial savings,reduced rate requirements and long term planning documents completed and approved within tight timeframes. His vision and that of the city residents is to achieve the worlds most liveable city-surely an aspirational goal! (By Dr Ian A, Auckland)
Comment: Len Brown on Auckland New Zealand is a courageous, honest and vibrant Mayor. He tackles the difficult tasks- to benefit the community not just while he is in term and is the leader, but for many generations to come. He has been the first mayor to progress much needed public transport obstacles, and to bring festivals celebrating diversity back into the city. He also hosted a fabulous Rugby World Cup. (By CVB, Auckland)
Comment: Len Brown has undertaken an impossible task. He has been the first Mayor of a council that was merged, against the majority of the peoples preference, from 8 councils into a single council.
He took the helm after a different group (The Auckland Transistion Authority) had spent a year throwing together (literally - no planning involved here!) a rough plan for a council based on a specific political ideaology with the mantra of "make it cheap" rather than "make it good".
Len has walked a difficult line to make a silk purse out of a sows ear. We still have a long way to go yet but you have to admit that he had a thankless, impossible task and has made good of it. (By S, Auckland)
Comment: I am voting for Mr Len Brown, Mayor of Auckland, New Zealand. Len is am amazing person, extremely approachable and very people and city orientated. It's not unusual to see him walking the streets of the inner city on a Saturday evening trying to reduce bad behaviour and encourage respectable conduct from all and sundry. His vision for Auckland to be the world's most livable city, to deliver this vision to Auckland and all its people will help every Aucklander achieve the opportunity for a prosperious future. Len is a humble and proud man and bringing this plan to life requires a deep committment. There will be many challenges ahead but collaboratively we can do this!! (By Gloria W, Auckland)
Comment: I am voting for Len Brown, Mayor of Auckland , NZ because I think he is a visionary who can see how fast our city is growing and what is going to happen in the future. He is planning for our future generations. If people in Auckland had listened to Sir Dove Myer Robinson when I was growing up, we may not have ended up paying as much for our transport system as what we are going to have to pay over the new few years. I think Len is planning ahead and I praise him for what he is doing and has done since he has become our mayor. (By Ngaire, Auckland)
Comment: Our mayor is a real peoples mayor, with a strong vision for realising the capability of our city as the worlds most liveable city. He has the mana to really REPRESENT all the diverse peoples of our city, and because of the size and growth potential of our city what we do and how well we do it will influence the growth and development of our beautiful country as a whole. (By Georgie W, Auckland)
Comment: A Mayor with vision has worked tirelessly to command the support of several ethnicity of people living harmonously and making Auckland the most liveable city in the world. (By Nitya R, Auckland)
Comment: Len Brown has led a team of people to amalgamate six local councils into one regional council. Len Brown has ensured the old local council areas have maintained their uniqueness while 'pulling' the region together. Len Brown has used his experience as mayor of the most diverse ethnic make up of the 'old' Manukau City Council to our new Auckland City Council. He is always advocating for the region on a national and internaltional level, he has inherited some real issues from the old councils and is proactively addressing them. He is inclusive and a great ambassador for our region and country. (By Suzanne B, Auckland)
Comment: The mayor brings youthful enthusiasm and commitment to the poor and working classes to his work. He is approachable and ewndeavours to meet the people of Auckland on every possible occasion. (By Colin, Auckland)
Comment: Len Brown led the former Mannukau city into an amazing turnaround of optimism and practical functionality. He then took on the superheroic task of leading the newly formed Auckland city, which was a combination of four regional cities; this was a merger which had been "forced" on the region by central government much against the wishes of the vast majority of the residents. There was a great deal of negativity, but Len Brown has managed in quick time to turn this around. We still encounter issues, but we know that Len is on our side, and will fight in our corner for the important things. He even manages to have clinics all around the greater city to meet anyone who comes in off the street to give their opinions, and he handles them all gracefully and tactfully. (By Liddy, Auckland)
Comment: Mayor Len Brown has been a fantastic leader for Auckland since a major amalgamation of 8 local / regional councils into one super city council. He has the ability to pull people round the table and reach a happy compromise. He can relate to all levels and groups of society and has a regular presence in many communities across our city. He is approachable, relatable, visionary, collaborative, consultative, and has a great singing voice! He is a man of the people, and is particularly good at protecting the rights of the most vulnerable across our city. He has been a great mayor and I hope he wins the next elections. (By Toni D, Auckland)
Comment: Len Brown is Auckland's first mayor to have real vision for the city. He casts aside the politics and gets urban planning projects acheived. People previously disinterested in their city's progress are now seeing that Auckland can become a world class, internationally competitive and progressive city. (By Kimberley, Auckland)
Comment: I appreciate Len's vision for Auckland and his 'outside the square' philosophy for projects now and in the future to benefit us all plus future generations also. He is also very approachable and has no qualms about standing alongside all New Zealanders, he is not on a pedastal. His enthusiasm and warm genuine personality shine through. He is also an excellent public speaker, researchs the topic well before speaking and is well loved and admired for his singing in public. (By Margaret E, Auckland)
Comment: Outstanding ability to bridge political divides and speak out bravely for the disadvantaged. Has brought a new vision to building a truly modern city after years of no infrastructural planning nor development. He is proving to be the first mayor since the 1960's to see a real future vision and actually get on with doing things. He is a good orator and brings humour and compassion to the office of mayor. (Peter S, Auckland)
Comment: Len Brown has united a widely diverse,new
'Supercity' of 1.4 million people with good humour, much tact and tolerance and has displayed a real vision for a sustainable future. He headed Auckland which hosted most of the Rugby World Cup matches in 2011 - a superb event- yet keeps in mind the ordinary people of his city and works towards a fairer rates system for all. I am proud to have Len Brown as the Mayor of Auckland NZ. (By Glenys G, Auckland)
Comment: Mayor Brown is a passionate and visionary mayor. He has a vision for this city and a comprehensive plan to get us there. He's pulled our city from 5 smaller to 1 supercity and he's prepared to stand up to central government for the direction he and we the people believe should be going. He has a 60,000 vote mandate (big in a city of just over 1 million people) (By Philippa, Auckland)
Comment: Len Brown is a Mayor for all the people - is at home in church with the Polynesian people and joining with them and doesn't ever forget them in his role as Mayor and the other ethnic communities - other Mayors didn't ever come out to South Auckland. (By L M, Auckland)
Comment: He has championed our new spatial plan with liveability as a key component. We are transforming our city into a better place including regaining our waterfront for the people of Auckland. Brown is pushing for more effective public transport including a city rail loop to help with getting people into using sustainable modes of transport. Our city is a place of change with Len Browns face marked all over it. (By Samantha McC, Auckland)
Comment: Len Brown has taken Auckland City through the single biggest governance change the city has ever seen. Under the charter from the government to centralise five separate councils into one, fully functioning government body. It is a big job, and it took a brave man to put his hand up to lead it. (By P K, Auckland)
Comment: Len Brown is passionate about our City and connected to all its people - from all points on the socio-economic continuum. Having been the Mayor of Manukau City prior to the reformation of local government, his roots are in working class Auckland. So he brings a socially responsible perspective to the Council table while having the electoral courage to make some tough commercial decisions too. I see him wandering the streets of Auckland on his own - taking in the Art Gallery, talking to people - clearly doing his own research. Another example of this having-a-look-for-himself approach is his accompanying police on Friday and Saturday nights to investigate the extent of the drinking issue in the Central City. After a couple of tours, he has decided to go out and have a look on his own - without an entourage - to get a real, connected look to inform his understanding. He lives for making a difference for Auckland and regardless of what your view of his politics, there is no doubt that he is an inspirational, committed leader of this new city of ours. (By L S, Auckland)
Comment: He is the best around. He is a man of good vision and creativity. He is trying to make Auckland the most liveable city in the world with affordable rates, strong economy, healthy and safety environment. Currently he is working on all this and I am pretty sure with his handwork he will succeed in it. (By Ton J I, Auckland)
Comment: He is a great people's person with the community's interest at heart and has been a great advocate for creating a safer more sustainable Auckland. (By U B C, Auckland)
Comment: Len Brown is taking the City in a much needed direction focussed on liveability, eco-city principles and sustainability. We still have a ways to go, but he has been setting this direction importantly. He is inclusive in his approach- has Mayor in the chair sessions around our region, and is managing the politics of a recent amalgamation of 7 smaller councils into this new council very well. (By Carl C, Auckland)
Comment: Absolutely deserves this award- is putting his heart and soul into making Auckland NZ the most liveable city in the world. as a result we all win and we love and thank him for doing that for us. (Jo B, Auckland)
Comment: I sometimes work in Auckland and have seen Mayor Brown walking down Queen Street on a couple of occaisions. Always stops and chats to people - very approachable and down-to-earth individual. He has a clear vision and high expectations for Auckland - he really wants Auckland to be the best place in the world to live. (Peter N, New Zealand)
Comment: Len Brown is the first Mayor of the Auckland Council. He believes Auckland can be the most liveable city in the world, a city that delivers a strong economy with fair rates for all its people, a clean, healthy and safe environment our children will be proud to live in, better public transport to get our people moving, and strong communities with strong local democracy. (By E S, Auckland)
Comment: I work for Auckland Council and vote our Mayor as the best in Australasia. I have seen him in action at Council meetings and know him to be a man of integrity, vision and wisdom. Uniting Auckland's Legacy Council's is a HUGE achievement, we still have work to do but we're well on the way. Well done Len, I hope you win! (By MichelleD, Auckland)
Comment: Len Brown gives his time, enthusiasm and commitment unstintingly to his work and for Aucklanders. His vision for the most livable city is well understood and supported. His leadership has ensured that the council has achieved astonishing progress in amalgamating numerous councils, then redefining and achieving common goals for one Auckland. Len gives local government a good name. (By Glenda B, Auckland)
Comment: Go Len!!!! What an amazing man and a great role model for us all! To overcome such huge health issues and become healthy and a wonderful positive leader for those of us who hail from the beautiful city of Auckland New Zealand. (By Lisa B C, Outside New Zealand)
Comment: Mr Len Brown is such a down to earth and relateable person, it is a surprise to see him taking the train like the rest of us! He is doing an awesome job as mayor of Auckland! (By Nicola, Auckland)
Comment: Here is a rare politician who values people and keeps in touch with them, listens to them! Imagine personally investigating a drinking problem among youth by going out amongst them at 4 in the morning in the heart of town! This was no publicity stunt...drunk kids don't remember who's around...and probably don't vote! He was the determining influence in bringing a split liberal and conservative Council together on 15 December 2011 in voting to make Auckland a Peace City. He just stands for what he believes in in a kind and firm way listening to the small voice within, walking his AKL and honoring people from all walks of life! (By Sherry, Auckland)
Comment: Len Brown has been a mayor who has truly represented his people during a period when auckland has simultaneously become an integrated super city planning for a long term future, while also representing his cities views with success with a government whose views have sometimes been contradictory. He has come across as a man who really cares. (By Sonya C, New Zealand)
Comment: New Zealand is small, but compassionate and hard working. Len Brown is the poster child for this. An example is the effort and dedication provided by him for the Rugby World Cup. GO LEN BROWN. (By Da, Auckland)
Comment: Len took over the mayoralty of Auckland just after a complete restructuring of the local governance for the city. In his encounters with the national administration, he has stood up for the interests of the city and its wide-ranging multicultural population with dignity and strength, putting people first. It has been a tough juggling act within a system where powerful interests often conflict with people values but he continues to hold to his principles. (By C. B, Auckland)
Comment: Len Brown is an amazing individual. He has had a lot on his plate since he became mayor of the Supercity, but I think he's handled it well. He cares a lot about the youth of Auckland: I remember him coming to my high school when he was only Mayor of Manukau and did a rap he'd written himself! He is also my friend on Facebook, He is a genuinely good person who also knows how to have a laugh. (By Shrut, Auckland)
Comment: After one of the biggest mergers of Local government organisations in the Southern Hemisphere creating the largest SuperCity in the region Mayor Len Brown has led this change well and has establsihed a foundation and a long term direction to Transform Auckland in record time. He is also a People's Mayor. (By Nalar M, Auckland)
Comment: Len Brown is a fantastic mayor for Auckland, New Zealand. He is inclusive, approachable and genuinely listens to people. He is non-authoritarian and collaborative. He is able to relate to a wide range of Aucklanders. I am very grateful to have him as my mayor. I think it is fantastic that he is a contender in the world mayoral competition. (By Katinka G, Auckland)
Comment: Len Brown will go out of his way to meet the people and work towards creating a city with great public amenities and transport system even if it means going against the present political party who are trying to squeeze him out by not giving funds for the railway system necessary for the city's future. (By Grant T, Auckland)
Comment: Len has done an excellent job in difficult conditions as he leads a newly amalgamated council through their first term. The council has a clear vision and Len has pushed his Auckland plan to ensure a long term vision for Auckland is pursued. Has performed strongly in difficult conditions against the odds. (By PCR, Auckland)
Comment: Len Brown has the vision and determination which will help him, along with his team, ensure that the new Auckland City Council will make New Zealand and the South Pacific Proud. They will continue to integrate all the different cultures to enhance our already vibrant multicultrual community, while providing a healthy environment to live in. (By Yvonne T, Auckland)
Comment: Mayor Len Brown has been a fantastic supporter of School Travel Plans promoting active forms of transport to and from school to the benfit of everyone. (By Linda P, Auckland)
Comment: Len Brown cares for the progress of Auckland without cost to its more vulnerable citizens. He is an advocate for citizen empowered change to take Auckland forward to be the best city in the Pacific. He ensures that our city especially as home for the largest Polynesian grouping values the aspirations of all our citizens. (By J M H, Auckland)
Comment: He is a great mayor who has great ideas for Auckland. He is down-to-earth and makes sure he knows the citizens of Auckland by walking around the city and talking to them. And he is able to make good decisions for the city and communicates well with the governement. He is making Auckland modern at the same time as keeping its uniqueness - something very important for New Zealanders! (By TCC, Auckland)
Comment: He's done good things for this city despite the current governments complete lack of support enabling the city to grow and support the current and future populous. (By Albi, Auckland)
Comment: Len Brown is doing a spectacular job of establishing a new 'supercity' in Auckland. This is no mean feat as Mayor Brown is the inaugural mayor of a consolidated city that has brought together many smaller cities and boroughs. To establish such a large entity without falling foul of divisive politics and diverse political agendas is a huge task. Mayor Brown is aiming to make Auckland one of the world's most liveable cities - a very honourable goal towards which he is methodically making progress. He is ably handling relationships, media, central government, visibility, progress on goals and missions and much more. All this sits atop serious health issues only a few short years ago. (By Linda, Auckland)
Comment: So every now and then, Mayor Brown takes his chair out of the office and into the city square, plonks it down, and sits in it. Go over and have a chat if you want to talk with him about something. (By MLO, Auckland)
Comment: Very positive, enthusiastic, and supportive of community projects. (By Hayley C, Auckland)
Comment: A friendly guy who came from nothing to become a lawyer then mayor of Manakau and now Auckland, Len looks after his city and helps out the youth and the elderly. (By Graham F, Auckland)
Comment: Mayor Len Brown is our Smokefree Champion and is creating a future with less cancer by making Auckland Smokefree. (By Amanda K, Auckland)
Comment: Fantastic energective and full of ccan do attitude. Great supporter of sustainable transport initiatives such as schools travel plan programme, walking school buses and developing a cycling culture in the Auckland region! (By Mayur C, Auckland)
Comment: Mayor Brown is a godly and humble man who has steered his city through the greatest changes (into a supercity) ever seen in a New Zealand community. When you are speaking with him he is able to make you feel as though you are though you are the only person in a crowd of thousands that he is personally interested in. In every sense he is a man of the people. (By Peter B, New Zealand)
Comment: Len Brown is a mayor for all the people, and shows his love every day in attending diverse (ethically and socio economically) community events. He is an active Mayor for Peace and fights for much needed public transport for the new super city. He promotes Auckland tirelessly as the world's most livable city with a vibrant economy, a multi cultural population and a fabulous place to live. (By Dale H, Auckland)
Comment: Len Brown has the unusual ability to unite people. Auckland is an extremely diverse city; less than half its population were born in New Zealand, and he has proven his ability to work with and inspire people of all cultures. Before becoming the first mayor of a Greater Auckland, Mr Brown was mayor of Manuaku, an area which had two extremely diverse major groups (white and privileged, and brown and underprivileged) and he created for the first time in its 30 year history a united and satisfied city. (I don't live in Manukau, but in another of the small cities which preceded Greater Auckland). Also it has just been made public that his Manukau city was the best managed and least debt-burdened of the five small cities which have become Auckland. (By Barbara J, Auckland)
Comment: Mayor Len Brown is deserving of the World Mayor title for his passionate leadership and vision for the future. The first elected mayor after a regional amalgamation of several council's to create the Auckland 'supercity', Mayor Brown has been steadfast with his vision to make Auckland the world's most liveable city. He is achieving this with bold investment into Auckland with progressive transportation initiatives (CBD rail loop) and urban redevelopment at the great waterfront. Mayor Brown's leadership supports Auckland as a significant economic destination for global investment as witnessed during the very successful hosting of the 2011 Rugby World Cup. Mayor Len Brown deserves the World Mayor title. (By Alan G, Auckland)
Critical comments
Comment: NO WAY should Len Brown be on this list. He wants to have his pet projects which will increase the rates that householders pay. He is a spend spend spend and tax mayor. (By Peter B, New Zealand)
Comment: Len Brown is interested only in the ethnic constituency that elected him - Maori and Pacific Islanders, he cares nothing for European New Zealnders nor our culture, even if he is one himself . He takes multiculturalism so seriously that it has created a racial divide.
A recent example of his unworthiness was The Queen's Diamond Jubilee which passed through Auckland without so much as a whimper; no mayoral leadership or significant civic event to commemorate or celebrate the amazing achievement of our head of state. The mayor's neglect of this important milestone indicates to me he is not worthy.
If this man is so popular why is it that he had to literally ask - top prize for cringeworthy behaviour - for a round of applause from the audience made up of members of the public who had gathered to witness the reopening of Auckland's historic Tepid Baths as he began his speech at the official opening?
Len Brown is a populist plain and simple. He offers a divisive, unaffordable vision for this city. I recommend strongly that he is not awarded the 'Best Mayor' title for it would be a travesty. (By David, Auckland)

World Mayor
The City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank for local government, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: honesty, leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. The winner receives the artistically acclaimed World Mayor trophy, while the two runner-ups are given the World Mayor Commendation.
Mayors wishing to be considered for the World Mayor Prize will be asked to sign up to the City Mayors' Code of Ethics
Nominations were accepted until the 17 May 2012. A shortlist of 25 nominees was published on 18 June. Voting took place until 20 October . The winner of the 2012 World Mayor Prize and other results of the World Mayor Project were announced on 8 January 2013.
Winners and runners-up
2004 to 2012
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana, Albania); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City, Mexico); In third place: Walter Veltroni (Rome, Italy)
In 2005: Winner: Dora Bakoyannis (Athens, Greece); Runner-up: Hazel McCallion (Mississauga, Canada); In third place: Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City, Guatemala)
In 2006: Winner: John So (Melbourne, Australia); Runner up: Job Cohen (Amsterdam, Netherland); In third place: Stephen Reed (Harrisburg, USA)
In 2008: Winner: Helen Zille (Cape Town, South Africa); Runner up: Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich, Switzerland); In third place: Leopoldo López (Chacao, Venezuela)
In 2010: Winner: Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City, Mexico); Runner-up: Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City, USA); In third place: Domenico Lucano (Riace, Italy)
In 2012: Winner: Iñaki Azkuna (Bilbao, Spain); Runner-up: Lisa Scaffidi (Perth, Australia); In third place: Joko Widodo (Surakarta, Indonesia)