Mayor Melih Gökçek, Ankara, Turkey

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Melih Gökçek
Mayor of Ankara (Turkey)
The winner and runner-ups of World Mayor 2012 will be chosen based on the number of nominations in relation to the size of their cities and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of testimonials received during this year's World Mayor Project. Below we publish a selection of comments received to date about WM nominee Melih Gökçek, Mayor of Ankara, Turkey. Mayor Gökçek has signed up to the City Mayors Code of Ethics.
It has come to our attention that a significant number of votes and testimonials submitted between 15 July and 2 August for the Mayor of Ankara were manipulated. They were deleted from the count.
Comment: Probably the most hatd working mayor Turkey has ever seen. I live in London and Mayor of London has got a lot to learn from Mayor of Ankara. He created a congestion free major city. His free of charge services to public is countless,air pollution is now a distant memory. I cant praise Mr Gokcek enough. He deserves the title. (By Kadir, Outside Turkey)
Comment: I support Mr. Gökçek, because he is hard-working. He has been a lot of service to Ankara. Ankara have changed thanks to her great. We thank him for his work and wish you continued success. (By Erdem B, Ankara)
Comment: I am living in Ankara and right now Mr Gökçek is the Mayor of the city. when considering his projects and the their results it is possible to say that actually he is the best as a governer of a capital city. roads, railways urban planing, any environmental issue I think he deserves to be chosen... (By Kamil, Ankara)
Comment: Sayin Melih GOKCEK,in Belediye Baskanligi doneminde Ankara inanilmaz bir gelisme yasadi.Daha yasanir sosyal alanlara kavustu.Cagdas,ferah ve yasamakdan gurur duydugumuz bir sehre sahip olduk.Sehirde yasayan her kesimden insanlarin ihtiyaclari dikkate alindi.Kendisini cok tesekkur edoyoruz.Bizim kalbimizda zaten o en birinci. (By Hatice M, Ankara)
Comment: He developed the city a lot. Now it is more like a European city. Protected environmental values and history of Ankara very well. He is not just a mayor, he is friend to all of us in the city. He listens to us,solves our problems and even accepts to his office. Very down to earth and hardworking. (By Can Turk, Ankara)
Comment: Melih Gokcek is the most popular mayor in Turkey. He has changed the capital city of Turkey, where you can see green places, parks.... Thank you very much, Melih Gokcek....(By Yusuf D, Ankara)
Comment: Monsieur Mélih Gökçek maire d'Ankara est un maire qui mérite de gagner ce concours car il à déjà prouvé qu'il était un homme d'Etat prêt à tout pour la bonne croissance et le développement de sa ville en étant réélu 4 fois de suite ce qui est un record ainsi méritant le plus le titre de world mayor 2012. (By Orbad, Outside Turkey)
Comment: I don't know what it is about him that makes me both love and hate him at same time. I am a right wing voter for as long as I could remember, as my entire family. So is the mayor. But that is not the that could attract me to him. Altough he has always been aright wing politican as well over past some 20 oddd years I have seen many instances that really would categorize him as someone in the middle and left winger as well. So it cant be just that he is conservative that I like him for. So perhabs it is something else. when you look at his political backround he has always been the black sheep in the family. To my knowledge this is his 4th poltical party (3 of them have been closed by courts for different reasons) and he was always the guy that was disliked or even perhabs feared the most in every party. always out spoken always leading never leaded. may be that is what attracts me to him. he has the guts to go all the way to end in what he beleives in. (By A N, Ankara)
Comment: Yapmis oldugu buyuk hizmetler ve ankarayi dunya sehri yaptigi icin. (By H M, Ankara)
Comment: The mayor is working hard and renovating face of our city. we can see charming recreation place and transportation network. and also he is doing a lot of activities. (By Kalomino, Ankara)
Comment: he really deserves the prize with his successes. (By Samet Ö, Turkey)
Comment: The traffic in Ankara was terrible, however after the underground roads were built the rate of traffic decreased. It used to take 1 hour to travel from one place to another but now it takes less than 20 minutes. (By Fadime A, Turkey)
Comment: In his time,as the Mayor of Ankara, there is a very large and good services in the field of urban planning. Generally we hear his succeses and results of his services. (By Bahadir, Outside Turkey)
Comment: Melih GÖKÇEK is one of the best mayor in the world and he changed Ankara as the most liveable city in Turkey with his friends.I send my best wishes to him to continue his works.Thanx for everything he made. (By Kemal, Ankara)
Comment: Ankara, the traffic was very bad. Underpasses and footbridges on the face of traffic flows has become seamless. 15 minutes-2 hours to go wherever you go Eskiden1 started.
When the mayor of Ankara, Melih 2 square meters of green space per person, respectively. Although the two-fold increase in population, per capita now exceeds 18 square meters. Turkey is currently the greenest town center to Ankara. (By Mustafa, Turkey)
Comment: He really loves the country and the city.The city loces him,too.He's been the mayor of Ankara since 1994.He has lots of awards.I think his best work is 'Göksu Park' that he became the first in a with it. (By Pinar, Turkey)
Comment: Our city has so many new youth centers, which are established by Mayor Gökçek. In these centers the children and teenagers learn to do so many activities from playing games and musical instruments to playing sports. It is a safe and clean environment for our children. I feel very secure sending my children to these centers. I think Mayor Gökçek deserves to become a World Mayor for opening such places and placing importance to our children who are the people of the future. (By Mesut T, Ankara)
Comment: Ankarayi globallesen dunyaya hazirladigi icin seciyorum. (By Zeynep, Ankara)
Comment: He has a lots of good projects for ANKARA. he has made over city's face and the people live in Ankara like him because he is honest and good humoured. (By Iskender, Ankara)
Comment: Soz verdigi seyleri yapan birisi guveniyorum (By Zahide T, Turkey)
Comment: Yapmis oldugu buyuk hizmetler ve ankarayi dunya sehri yaptigi icin. (By Ahmet, Turkey)
Comment: We are supporting Mr.Melih Gokcek due to his support for the Turkish Olympics in Turkey. (By Huseyin, Turkey)
Comment: Cunku ben cocukken hava kirliliginden dolayi okuldan donuste islak mendili agzimiza burnumuza tutarak gelirdik. sonra universitede arabayla okula gidebilmek icin saatlerce trafikte vakit harcadok. simdi ise hem yesil hem rahat hem guzel bir sehir ankar. Tesekkurler baskan. (By Semih d, Ankara)
Comment: Caddeler ve yollar çok güzel oldu.Trafik sorunu yok park ve sosyal faaliyetleri çok iyi. (Outside Turkey)
Comment: He has changed everything in Ankara, making it an amazing city. (By Rana, Outside, Turkey)
Comment: Probably the best mayor in the world Melih Gökçek Turkey. (By Berk T, Ankara)
Comment: The city I was born in is getting more populer in european union. This is a success at all...(By Suzan K, Outside Turkey)
Comment: Ankaraya cok faydasi oldu daimi olmasi umidiyle (By Emir T, Ankara)
Comment: Because he is fearless,humble,humanist,plain spokenand really leader. (By AVVA, Turkey)
Comment: He has contributed vast energy into beauty of Ankara and changed the city outlook. (By OMT, Ankara)
Comment: Bir; ehre herseyini verebilen bir baskan yilmadan tükenmeden halka hizmeti hakka hizmet olarak gören bir baskan sehircilik anlayisina farkli bir yorum getirdi türkiyede. Fedekar baskana ankara halki da vefasini gosterip hayli zamandir onu basinda gormek istedi. (By Mehmet B, Turkey)
Comment: Melih Gokcek; Ankarada ya; ayanlarin hayatini güzelle; tirecek, kolaylastiracak bir cok sey yapt;. Hava kirliligini onledi, yollar, yesil alanlar vb yapt;. Halkla icice yasayarak, onlardan birisi oldugunu hissettirebiliyor. Samimi olarak daha iyi ne yapabiliriz diye dusunerek cal; san bir baskan. (By Gonul, Ankara)
Comment: Our city has so many new youth centers, which are established by Mayor Gökçek. In these centers the children and teenagers learn to do so many activities from playing games and musical instruments to playing sports. It is a safe and clean environment for our children. I feel very secure sending my children to these centers. I think Mayor Gökçek deserves to become a World Mayor for opening such places and placing importance to our children who are the people of the future. (By Salih A, Ankara)
Comment: He is the most hard working mayor in Ankara history. Please look at the photos of Ankara that were taken before and after him. He has dreams that he walks after them bravely. He is a clear minded and easy going person. (I lived in Ankara for 7 years) (By Aykutlu O, Outside Turkey)
Comment: Our city has so many new youth centers, which are established by Mayor Gökçek. In these centers the children and teenagers learn to do so many activities from playing games and musical instruments to playing sports. It is a safe and clean environment for our children. I feel very secure sending my children to these centers. I think Mayor Gökçek deserves to become a World Mayor for opening such places and placing importance to our children who are the people of the future. (By Ahmet T A, Ankara)
Comment: He is a diligent major. He gives a particular attention to children and to create new green areas. (By E C, Ankara)
Comment: Very successful mayor is Melih Gökçek in Ankara, because he won 4 times election. Nobody won more than 1 time in Ankara before. (By Mustafa Ö, Ankara)
Comment: I live in Ankara and Melih Gökçek has been the mayor of Ankara for so many years.I remember how Ankara was before him -it was horrible.The air pollution, no parks, no underground system..etc. But now Ankara is one of the most modern cities in the world. He is very hardworking and he loves trying new things.He really deserves to be the mayor of the world. (By Selma T, Ankara)
Comment: He is the most popular mayor of the city. he has been doing so many important things to Capital City of Turkiye, Ankara and I think that he will do. Thank you very much to him. (By Ahmet H, Ankara)
Comment: He has done very succesfully project in Ankara. Ankara City has been modern city in his term. We have expecting more issue that Ankara needs as well. Now car traffic in Ankara should optimisation in short time at first. I support him and wish he will be World Mayor in 2012. (By Sakir, Ankara).
Comment: I believe Mayor Melih Gökçek deserves to be chosen as the World Mayor because I am a University student and every morning he gives us students free bread and soup breakfast every morning to those living in the area. This warm soup feels so good especially in the winter. (By A F K, Ankara)
Comment: I have lived in Ankara for the past 10 years and we are very pleased with Melih Gökçek's innovations and communication skills. He deserves the 2012 World Mayor award! (By Abdullah E, Ankara)
Comment: Ust uste secilerek rekor kiran Ayni zamanda ankarayi buyuk bir donusumle modern yasanmasi kolay bir baskent haline getirmistir yaptiklari sosyal ve kulturel projelerle ankara bir farkli guzel simdi. (By Hakan, H O, Ankara)
Comment: l am graduated from a university which is in Ankara. My family lives in small city but l chose to live in Ankara. Why l have decided to live in Ankara? Because of the well-done projects of mayor Mr.Melih GÖKÇEK.Let me tell you the projects.The Center for the children working in the street of Ankara.here is the link of this center.This is the first and the only one center in Turkey and in the world.This center teaches to the children engilish, math, diction, chess, using computer, folklore dance, sports like wrestling,boks,footboal.This center prevents the children from being the labour children and conveys the children go to school. In this center there is a barber,lunch time restaurant,bathrooms,place to wash the children clothes,a bus to bring the children from their house.These all services for free. Greater Ankara Municipality has the only one and the first "Children Parliamentary". (By A G S, Ankara)
Comment: Ankara is beautiful. And the mayor is responsible for great works,green places,infrastructure,traffic. In the 90's I visited Ankara and it was a slum.Now with Melih Gökcek it's a modern metropole. (By Zacharias, Outside Turkey)
Comment: He changed the city completely with his innovations. He is working very hard everyday to raise the reputation of the city and also working very clean.
(By Anon, Outside Turkey)
Comment: During the Melih Gokcek term, Ankara the capital city of Turkey, became one of the most developed city in the Europe. Lots of foreign visitors are coming now to Ankara and appriciate the development in the city. (By Nurullah S Y, Ankara)
Comment: I have lived in the most developed country of the world but have not seen a center for just women. I recently moved to Turkey and found that there is a Women‚s center in every neighborhood for just women. I was so happy that there is a place just for us women. A place where we can exercise, swim and learn to dance in the privacy of just women, learn English, computers and painting, plus a lot more activities. Thanks to Mayor Gökçek for opening these centers, He deserves to be voted the World Major. (By Ö K Y, Ankara)
Comment: mayor of the capital of Turkey. I don't like his political view, but he works a lot for us. (By Y Y, Ankara)
Comment: Ankarayi guzel bir sehir yaptigi icin. (By Hasan AYVAT, Ankara)
Comment: Very hard worker and well done organisator! (By Ekrem , Outside Turkey)
Comment: He is organizing very special projects for Ankara. (By Yesim D, Turkey)
Comment: He is a very successful mayor. Due to his work Ankara has become better. (By Mustafa Balci, Outside Turkey)
Comment: He reconstructed the city according to a real capital... He is a very powerful mayor and also he is the most frightening person for the oppositon parties. (By Mkebjk, Turkey)
Comment: When I gone in Ankara first time in 1994 as research assistant, there were a lot of problem in Ankara. The problems were solved by M. Gokcek. Thank you very much his successful studies. (By Semihat T, Ankara)
Comment: I believe Mayor Melih Gökçek deserves to be chosen as the World Mayor because he use his power in his country's policity to do most of investmen in Ankara. He is so clever who is so struggle aganist who they are. also when he decide to do something in his city that he never feared someone else. No one can stop him. Actually i wacht his city, what is going on there. (By Omer, Outside Turkey)
Comment: I was in Ankara last year, and this guy has a really good job pre argues! (By Kelly Westerlaken, Outside Turkey)
Comment: I voted for Melih Gökçek from Turkey, I have seen Ankara before him, and couldn't even dream of the cities current situation. he worked really hard, and managed to get Ankara from a village to a capital. (By Merve, Turkey)
Comment: He has done some a lot for Ankara. Perhaps, a lot more may have been done. However, one should take the fact into consideration that Turkey has been dealing with internal terrorist conundrums so most of GDP goes to army and protection instead of spending on cities and developments. despite that, I think the mayor of Ankara has been able to achieve a lot as well as Istanbul which is not on the list. (By Yasin S, Turkey)
Comment: He finished the shanty settlements and he open- space area....melih gokcek is a very eager beaver. (By Omer V, Ankara)
Comment: I follow his political life and services for more than 20 years and I can say that I see achievements realized whenever I go to Turkey's capital city. (By Mumtaz A, Turkey)
Comment: He is really hardworking person.if you tweet him he answers you,and if you have a problem he gives you information. (By Abdullah G, Ankara)
Comment: He is a best mayor. Rverody likes his work in Turkey. (By Ramazan T, Outside Turkey)
Comment: Mr Melih Gokcek has changed the city from suburb to a modern face. (By Halil O, Outside Turkey)
Comment: Mr Melih Gokcek is Mayor of Ankara as winner of a couple of election periods. As well as his attitude for positive projects for the City Image; his awareness for the social welfare are never practiced by any other mayors who now follow his policies. (By Ahmet K, Ankara)
Comment: Mayor Gokcek has changed Ankara`s view completely. He has created a modern and wonderful city with his services.We are thankful to him. (By Abdush, Ankara)
Comment: He is a very successful personality. Ankara became to a clean and secure city during his term of office. (By Anton S, Outside Turkey)
Comment: Er ist bester Bürgermeister auf der Weld weil er sehr viel für seine Stadt Ankara arbeitet. Obwohl ich andere Stadt also Zonguldak seit jahrelang gewoht habe, finde ich ihm bester Bürgermeister. Ich kenne schon gut Ankara, wie altere Ankara Bürgermeister war, garnichtst gemacht haben. (By legende67, Outside Turkey)
Comment: It's very important person for Ankara and Turkey. He did a lot of good things for citizen who live in Ankara. (By Emrah B, Ankara)
Comment: Cultural and social activities, urban transformations, the upper and lower building activities, recreational areas, projects on the example of Turkey, which collects the work of the admiration of foreign delegations, Ankara "European Capital" status to catapult from seeing the success of the Metropolitan Mayor Melih Gokcek not. Thank you President. (By Selman Uçar, Turkey)
Comment: I am living in Ankara. He did great jobs and completed lots of unfinished projects. He also created lots of parks and greenery spaces all around the city. Moreover, he works for city planing too. Replaning the city centrum and historical areas, either it is good or bad, should be consider as an improvement. (By J. B. B., Ankara)
Comment: Melih Gokcek is an outstanding mayor and he has transformed Ankara. In terms of traffic density recreation areas and cleanliness the people in Ankara are thankful to him. (By Mustafa M, Ankara)
Comment: Firstly I have to say that Mr. Gökçek has been the mayor of Ankara for approximately 25 years. According to me and also democracy this situation shows that people in Ankara is pleased with him and his service. A few years ago, there was a water source problem in Ankara and Mr. Gökçek solve this problem in a short time. Once upon the time in Ankara another big problem like everywhere was traffic jam. He also solved this problem by bridges, subways etc. Perhaps these are done everywhere but I don’t think in a time as short as like him. (By LU, Ankara)
Comment: Intelligent. rational. wiser. determined. combative. helpful. installed information. (By Hüseyin G, Turkey)
Comment: In my opinion among the past, present and future ones, Melih Gökçek is the best. Just to understand this you should see Ankara before and after. (By Hilmi K, Turkey)
Comment: Mr Gokcek is a great mayor. He deserves to be a world mayor. (By Captain Gurdag, Outside Turkey)
Comment: Sayin Melih gokcek baskanligi doneminde Ankara'da esi benzeri gorulmamis gelismelere imza attigi kanaatindeyim. Ve daha bircok katkisinin da olacagini dusunuyorum. (By Yakaza, Turkey)
Comment: City is organized by him in a modern and well planned manner. Now he is working on transformation of rural areas to modern houses. well done and go ahead (By Gok, Turkey)
Critical comments
Comment: I even don’t know how to start this e-mail but as an individual who believes such an award must be given to who really deserves, who is a hard working mayor with dignity and honesty. I am a 22 year old university student from Ankara, Turkey, and I am ashamed to say that the mayor of my city, Melih Gökçek, who is finalist under Asia region does not even deserve to be on this list and here is why. While I was checking a website to check out bus hours I have suddenly saw a notice about this competition, World Mayor, listed as news on the page. When I investigated it, I have, unfortunately, saw that the pages was describing how to vote for him step by step, but shamefully giving 3 made-up / ready-to-use English comment samples to be filled in the form. Not only those comments are imaginary and wrong, but also the page suggests users to write a one like that, as the editors, care about the truthfulness of the comment. Well the issue is the pre-made comments as you can note (screenshot and link is attached) and as many people can’t speak or write in English, they would probably just pick a one and fill the form with one of those.
I am ashamed to be a citizen of this city, and I am ashamed him to be our mayor. Forget about the discrimination he causes LGBT people to face, this page and screenshots prove the fact that he can do everything just to win, just to brag about later on. I do strongly believe it is my duty to notify you about this, and invite you to investigate the sample comments and directions of how-to-use on the page including the fact that not everyone knows how to write in English. (By A A, Ankara)
Comment: Dear World Mayor Team: Melih Gökçek should be eliminated from the 2012 World Mayor Prize. If you really believe in ethics in governmental areas, please take my message into consideration. Just today, there had been a dent during the metro construction, which continues for over 15 years in Ankara. One citizen is lost and one of the major roads is under risk of collapse. Furthermore, this is not the first incident happening in Ankara, because of our mayor's actions. There is a strong public opposition towards Melih Gökçek and his decisions. Thank you, (By Tugce T, Ankara)
Comment: I'm not sure who is the best mayor in whole Asia, but I'm sure of one thing that Melih Gökçek, the mayor of Ankara, is one of the worst mayors that a city and its residents has ever seen. He turned a modern city of 20 years ago into a undeveloped, ugly one by building silly overhead crossings all over the city, placing silly cartoon characters which are not in line with the history of the city. Moreover, and which is even worse and misluck of Ankara that he used and is still using his power his position in order to illegally own hundreds of buildings and real properties which are impossible for him to afford with his monthly wage. Thank you for your consideration. (By Umut B Oe, Ankara)
Comment: Well Done. The worst Mayor of the World Mr. Melih Gokcek is in the woting list. We are waiting for metro more than 10 years. Last month, One of the main roads has collapsed and one citizen died due to Mr. Gokcek. We have the worst transportation system. He is very rude to Ankara citizens. He will get some votes due to religious reasons. Thanks. I hope next time, you will find better candidate from Turkey. (By Cagatay Dengiz, Ankara)
Comment: I'm from Turkey, Ankara. Melih Gökçek is the worst! (By Swanchico, Ankara)
Comment: I would like to state my disappointment about your selection Melih Gökçek as a candidate. May be you haven't heard his famous swearwords and nasty ideas against the woman and modern life+art. Do you have any high ideas and provision for human being. I condemn you for supporting hidden enemies of the civilization. You may be happy with jot having such mayors...Thanks for supporting underdevelopment in this region. (By Önder Ö, Ankara)

World Mayor
The City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank for local government, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: honesty, leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. The winner receives the artistically acclaimed World Mayor trophy, while the two runner-ups are given the World Mayor Commendation.
Mayors wishing to be considered for the World Mayor Prize will be asked to sign up to the City Mayors' Code of Ethics
Nominations were accepted until the 17 May 2012. A shortlist of 25 nominees was published on 18 June. Voting took place until 20 October . The winner of the 2012 World Mayor Prize and other results of the World Mayor Project were announced on 8 January 2013.
Winners and runners-up
2004 to 2012
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana, Albania); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City, Mexico); In third place: Walter Veltroni (Rome, Italy)
In 2005: Winner: Dora Bakoyannis (Athens, Greece); Runner-up: Hazel McCallion (Mississauga, Canada); In third place: Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City, Guatemala)
In 2006: Winner: John So (Melbourne, Australia); Runner up: Job Cohen (Amsterdam, Netherland); In third place: Stephen Reed (Harrisburg, USA)
In 2008: Winner: Helen Zille (Cape Town, South Africa); Runner up: Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich, Switzerland); In third place: Leopoldo López (Chacao, Venezuela)
In 2010: Winner: Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City, Mexico); Runner-up: Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City, USA); In third place: Domenico Lucano (Riace, Italy)
In 2012: Winner: Iñaki Azkuna (Bilbao, Spain); Runner-up: Lisa Scaffidi (Perth, Australia); In third place: Joko Widodo (Surakarta, Indonesia)