Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi, Perth, Australia

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Lisa Scaffidi
Lord Mayor of Perth (Australia)
The winner and runner-ups of World Mayor 2012 will be chosen based on the number of nominations in relation to the size of their cities and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of testimonials received during this year's World Mayor Project. Below we publish a selection of comments received to date about WM nominee Lisa Scaffidi, Lord Mayor of Perth, Australia. Mayor Scaffidi has signed up to the City Mayors Code of Ethics.
Comment: Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi is a liberal and progressive person with a great social and business conscience. She promotes multiculturalism, small business and social justice all at the same time when Perth is undergoing unprecedent economic and social change.The Mayor is better than many of WA's politicans who never deliver what they promise just like all politicans all over. (By Aziz K, Perth)
Comment: The glory of Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi is that she is everyone's lovely daughter, sister or neighbour, the smiling, joyful West Australian "girl next door", who has risen to high office through her ability and endeavour, always remaining "one of us", never becoming "one of them". Last year when the Queen departed Perth, probably for the last time, the media featured a superb iconic shot of the Lord Mayor wiping away a stray tear. That one honest tear did not just speak for us, it spoke from us, with great eloquence as only a woman could. Lisa Scaffidi demonstrates the exact reason why women must share in public office, along with men. A perfect candidate for World's Best Mayor. (By William G, Perth)
Comment: Perth is undergoing rapid change at an important time in our relatively short history. Lisa Scaffidi has the vision and the drive to make sure we not only make the most of our current opportunities but become a thriving city people love and are proud of on the world stage. For a long time it's been a case of status quo and resistance any new and bold ideas. I see Perth evolving under Lisa's stewardship to a dynamic city which is long overdue. I commend her strong character and leadership to make decisions with long term foresight as opposed to short term populism. Behind the scenes she's actively engaged with the cities around the world exploring ways that ensure a sustainable future. This can only be achieved by working together and learning from each other. I'm excited about Perth's future! (By Aaron W, Perth)
Comment: Ms Scaffidi is an incredibly inclusive Mayor. She does not play party politics in fact no-one I have spoken to could even hazard a guess as to her political persuasions, all she cares about is the welfare of the city and its residents and visitors. I am amazed at how much of her time Ms Scaffidi makes available to the people to support local charities, the arts, culture and business. It seems she is well liked by city staff and residents alike. Since her election as Mayor of the city of Perth, Ms Scaffidi has somehow managed to unite the people to gain more consensus for planning and activities and has received a great deal of support from all quarters of the community. (By James D, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi is a true example of the people of Perth, and is a just, fair, intelligent, and passionate leader - who engages with the community in a energetic and enagmatic fashion. She has a truly great vision for our remarkable city, and I believe she is the best person to deliver it. She has the courage to hold the government to account, and to work towards the BEST outcome for Perth, rather than the one that is best for her, or anybody else. That is the true task of a Mayor - and one that she accomplishes with grace, ease, and charm. I wish her every success in this competition - safe in the knowledge that it would do wonders for Perth, and for the international investment community. (By Andrew O'C, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi makes a positive impact on not just residents and visitors of Perth, Australia, but continues to inspire greatness in global cooperation throughout other countries. Here in the United States, I wish all mayors were as passionate, optimistic, and well-connected with a diverse group of people as Lisa Scaffidi is. (By Brad C, Outside Australia)
Comment: Lisa Scafiddi has displayed outstanding leadership as the city of Perth rapidly expands as a result of the mining boom in Western Australia. Her personable approach and attention to detail are her outstanding features as the city and state of WA surge forward at an ever expanding rate while her respect for all visitors and locals alike instils a resonant feeling of importance in themselves when associated with her. (By Dudley S, Perth)
Comment: I vote for Ms Scaffidi because I live in a city referred to as 'Dullsville', where the slightest change or modernisation creates public hysteria! Ms Scaffidi has proactively made our city more vibrant, modern and when my friends visit from the Eastern States I now proudly take them into the city to show them how its changed. (By Renae J, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi has made a fantastic impression on my family friends during her time as Mayor- we live in Perth city and have noted more family friendly festivals, events, small bar and restaurant developments- as well as some exciting large scale developments under way. All have contributed to the city of Perth becoming a more vibrant and international city. I love living in Perth now- as opposed to several years ago when it was a ghost town after business hours and weekends. Go Lisa! Very proud to have you as Mayor and live in Perth city. (By Matt H, Perth)
Comment: Lisa would be a very worthy recipient of this accolade. She is a true visionary with exceptional drive and enthusiasm who executes her duties with absolute charm. She has been a god send for our city. (By Paul H, Perth)
Comment: Although I now live in Perth, I had the opportunity to meet Ms Scaffidi while living in Houston, Texas. She is very committed and I think she has been most effective in raising the international profile of Perth. Now I am in Perth I have seen through the local media how well she manages city affairs and also keeps Perth in the news on a State and national level. (By S M, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi has been the most influential and game changing mayor Perth has ever seen. She has managed to take the most isolated city in the world and bring it into the spotlight of not just Australia but much of the Australasian region also, perhaps even the globe. Her tireless efforts, campaigns and ideas do not go un-noticed and 90% of Perth would back me up in saying that she has been not only a brilliant brain behind our cities growth, but also a beautiful face we are proud to show off to the world. WE LOVE YOU LISA! X (By Jordan M, Perth)
Comment: Ms Scaffidi has helped turn our city around from being a CBD only that had been let to fade badly by the previous long term mayor. Unfortunately there is a small number of people who are refusing to allow change - some of which are campaigning against Ms Scaffidi (via negative comments here) because of a State Government development that she has little say about. (By Shane, Perth)
Comment: Ms. Scaffidi is an incredibly approachable, friendly and forward thinking Lord Mayor who is doing her most to make Perth a city for living, and not just for tourism but for those who live here! Her efforts are highly recognized and praised throughout the community and she is highly deserving of the World Mayor title! Well done and thank you Ms. Scaffidi. (By J G, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi and her vision for the city of Perth has woken a sleeping giant and allowed the people of Western Australia to once again feel proud of our capital city. For the first time in many, many years there is real change that is drawing new crowds into Perth, rather than pushing them away - from Northbridge Piazza to the heritage district coming to life on St Georges Terrace, it's a wonderful new era inspired by a truly great leader in Lisa Scaffidi. (By Freocookster, Australia)
Comment: Perth has been an anti-development bastion for decades and there is now an imperative to create change by creating greater housing density & diversity, culture, arts and events. Mayor Scaffidi has shown real leadership in tackling these issues and changing the undercurrent psyche of Perth into a "can do" city with aspiration and soul. She is a living treasure and major asset for our city and state. We need her! (By J W, Perth)
Comment: Of all the dignified luminaries standing on the Anzac Day dais, Lord Mayor Lisa was the only one who really saw the little chap of six or so who was proudly marching, very formally dressed and with a wonderful sense of occasion. It was all over in three seconds; the intense eye contact, the lowering of her body, the explosive smile, and the wonderfully warm wave of her hand. Nothing else could so exquisitely have shown him that he mattered, despite his size, that he had earned respect, and despite his ethnic face, he was absolutely one of us. That's a lot of good to achieve in just three seconds, but excellent leadership is like that and everyone who saw her and the boy recognised her for what she is, and how she changed the role of Lord Mayor of Perth for the better.
The ability to see all people, to sincerely care about them, spontaneously relate to them, and bring them into the fold, has always marked leaders as being different, and worthy of unusual respect. I feel honoured to support Lisa Scaffidi's nomination for World's Best Mayor. (By Alexander H, Perth)
Comment: The population & economy of the city of Perth (indeed the whole of Western Australia) is expanding at an alarming rate and (as someone who has grown up here) I worry about the ability of the city's infrastructure to cope with the increased demand. Fortunately it seems that under Mayor Scaffidi‚'s stewardship the city has expanded in a controlled and managed way. As more people come here to live facilities are built just in time to cope with the strain yet without destroying too much of the city's historical character. (By W E, Perth)
Comment: Lisa has shown enormous initiative in the promotion of the city. Not only has the planning and infrastructure been attended to, but also the feel of the city. She has renewed the city CBD as a place of interest and activity for all citizens. She is not set on her own vision, but open to reasoned debate of other visions and implementing the best. The changes she has brought about have enormously enhanced the city, and the plans will continue this. A thoroughly professional approach to bettering the city for the citizens. (By Stuart P, Perth)
Comment: Esprimo questo voto per la signora, dall‚aspetto gentile e determinato, scaturisce non solo dal legame di sindaco di città gemellata con Vasto, ma, soprattutto dalla sua cordialità e dalla sua disponibilità. (By J, Outside Australia)
Comment: Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi has been a breath of fresh air for Perth - she's liberal, progressive, has a love for the arts and culture, and has revitalised the city centre. Clear winner. (By TS, Perth)
Comment: Brava, bella, intelligente, nel cosmopolita "pianeta" Australia unisce e fa convivere popoli e culture di tutto il mondo. BRAVA!!!! (By Luciano D'E, (Outside Australia)
Comment: Lisa is an intelligent, authentic leader who is committed to the community in Australia and particularly in Perth. A passionate woman with boundless energy and is very generous with her time and sharing knowledge. Its not often you meet someone and come away thinking they have a good soul. You do once you have met Lisa. (By Donny W, Australia)
Comment: good mayor, good relation with all italian community people in the world, intelligent public administrator, good and courteous person. (By Sandro C V, Outside Australia)
Comment: Fabulous visionary, supporter of the arts, progressive on development while maintaining a sense of history and connection to the past, dynamic and innovative has been instrumental in bringing a sense of vibrancy to the city. (By Melissa C, Perth)
Comment: I'm citizen of Vasto (Italy), sister city of Perth. I think Ms Scaffidi is the best example of mayor because she develops international relations between many races. (By Gionanni Di R, Outside Australia)
Comment: I am a business person in the city of Perth and councillor at the city of Perth. Lisa is our Lord Mayor a very hard working passionate and dedicated one at that. She sacrifices her personal life for the betterment of our city and is considered the Ambassador of Perth. She makes even the smallest person feel like the biggest! I thank God that we have someone who protects our city the way she does! I hope she wins! (By James L, Perth)
Comment: Lisa's leadership style has engaged both the people and businesses of Perth to realise that Perth can become one of the most livable cities in the world. She works collaboratively with the State Government, key business organisations such as the Chamber of Minerals and Energy, the Chamber of Commerce and Industray and the Committee for Perth together with the leaders of Business and Professional groups, small businesses and residents who truely believe in Perth's future. She has also stood up to those who either want no change or only their change. This takes character, fortitude, commitment and vision. I am very proud to add my vote in her support. (By Tony H, Perth)
Comment: As a business person it is heartwarming to see Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi being such a visionary. She is open minded woman with a varied interest of all level of people. In a short time she had brought so much vibrancy to the city. The city is getting bighter with more activity especially at night. Looking forward to the completion of so many upgrading projects that go on in the city that finally kicked off when she took over the Lord mayorship. Prior to that nothing moves in Perth. (By Lim W L, Perth)
Comment: I work with the City of Perth Lord Mayor almost on a daily basis and have done so since her election in 2007. She has been true to her platform of 'get Perth moving' through an energetic, strategic and proud approach to her City. She is a tireless ambassador for Perth at the national and international levels yet is highly approchable locally. Lisa is a continuous connector of people that faciliates positive outcomes for the city, its businesses and the community at large. As a catalyser and/or supporter of a number of city-making projects she has had some detractors yet within the business community she has strong support as a true leader of our city - for want of a better description she is our 'city mother'. (By Marion F, Australia)
Comment: I think it‚s great Lisa has been shortlisted for this award. She‚s providing real leadership on the World Energy Cities partnership which is supported by the resources sector, and is focused on making Perth a vibrant resources hub. I‚ve put in my vote for her because anything that draws attention to Perth as a global city to an international audience is a good thing. (By Reg H-S, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi is an excellent, excellent Mayor. She is committed to making Perth a better place for young people and her efforts have had visible changes. A lot of people my age used to want to leave Perth for more exciting places, but now more and more want to stay because of what Lisa has achieved- she is a hero! (By Liam B, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi; Why? Lisa works hard for this city called Perth. She's engaged and interacts with the people, the culture, the way of living, the important things the city NEEDS and WANTS. She's made this city grow to what it is today. Through positives and negatives of peoples thoughts and views. This woman is the woman for World Mayor. (By Matt J, Perth)
Comment: Perth has grown rapidly in economy and living standard. This city has successfully been serving as a hub for intensive mining operation in Western Australia. Basically when Australian talks about mining, Perth will be part of the discussion. Having said that, Perth maintains its high standard as one of most liveable cities in the world. (By FRS, Australia)
Comment: Perth is a notoriously staid, family oriented city that has changed very little over the past decades. Finally, we have a Lord Mayor who is passionate about bringing our city into the 21st century without losing its warmth and beauty but at the same time, encouraging growth with beautiful architects that is modern yet attractive. Ms Scaffidi hasn't forgotten about families and has ensured there are beautiful gardens and lots of family entertainment throughout the ci, particularly during school holidays. I have never been terribly interested in our city councillors but Ms Scaffidi's enthusiasm And love of our beautiful city should be applauded. She appears to be a gracious intelligent woman. (By Marilyn N, Perth)
Comment: She has done a tremendous amout of work for the City of Perth and she gives her time to anyone. A true fact is that Lisa is the ony Mayor that I have ever seen that has made the City progress. Also she does NOT get involved in politics and gets on with the JOB that she was voted to do in the FIRST place. (By Frank F, Perth)
Comment: Mayor Scaffidi will leave a lasting legacy that the people of Perth can be proud of. You only get one of these people every so often. She is making the most of it, and for the better of our city and people. Thank you! (By Richi T, Perth)
Comment: Inspiring leader and a brilliant ambassador for our city. (By Paul A H, Perth)
Comment: The best & most progressive mayor our city has ever seen. She is a strong, thoughtful and respectful individual who leads our city from the front. Lisa encourages ideas & discussion on all platforms to make our city a better place for residents & visitors. Thank you Lisa for your devotion & continuing hard work. (By Brock W, Perth)
Comment: Lisa is a breath of fresh air bringing innovative ideas to the table. Very likeable,down to earth an intelligent warm person with empathy and imagination. (By Jaleana, Perth)
Comment: Ms Scaffidi has most notably been a significant catalyst for the revitalisation of the Perth City centre. She has become the image of the new Perth and its aspirations for the coming years as it matures and develops into a truly global city. (By MDA, Perth)
Comment: Our Lord Mayor (Lisa Scaffidi) does an excellent job, just what Perth has been needing for decades, she has modern ideas, and has a heart of Gold. Keep up the good work. (By Barbara E, Perth)
Comment: Dear Lisa, (Lord Mayor) you are doing a fantastic job, upgrading Perth to a very beautiful city, or it will be, if the knockers would let you, stick to your guns, You are a lovely lady, very generous, everyone I talk to love you and think you are doing a great job.
Good luck. (By Penny L, Perth)
Comment: Lisa has instilled an air of confidence into Perth. Confidence into small business. Confidence into the people and confidence into what has always viewed itself as a big country town. Perth has changed forever under her guidance and put it on track.
Some locals still view Perth through their reminiscing eyes of 1965. Times have changed, the population has exploded and critical infrastructure is required. Lisa has listened to what the majority of people here have been asking for, for decades, and supported large scale development of lands that a vocal few protest against.
Her office door is always open to listen to anybody with an idea. Not al ideas are great, however she listens with patience and takes all on its merits, never quick to dismiss without a taking a good look at it.
The job of a mayor is to be the face of a city and drive it forward. She has done this with pride, positivity and confidence. (By Ryan, Perth)
Comment: Lord Mayor Scaffidi from the City of Perth Western Australia is truly passionate about her city. She is transforming Perth into a vibrant and exciting city with the development of new projects especially the city to now be connected to the Swan River by way of the Perth Waterfront Development. (By Sharyn K di F, Australia)
Comment: Lisa has a great vision for our city. Her leadership has seen a real revitalisation of areas in our city. There are some major changes happening and it is an exciting time to be living in Perth. (By Andreas K, Perth)
Comment: The city of Perth Australia is in an exciting phase of it's development with many projects planned over the next few years. Lisa Scaffidi has a great vision for our city and I am very pleased that she will be our Mayor during this exciting phase. She is very personable and approachable and has a real passion and love of our city. (By Sean A S, Perth)
Comment: Lisa is a a very friendly and caring mayor. She is an ambassador between Perth of Australia and Chengdu of China. We love her charming smile and wish her the best luck with World Mayor 2012. (By Xiaoxu D, Outside Australia)
Comment: Lisa has done much to tackle many of the basic issues that her predecessors didnt seem to be bothered with. With the changing face of our capital city and the exciting projects now under way, such as the Perth City Link and Elizabeth Quay, as well as the great amount of private development that is being generated by the resources-driven economy. It really is an evolutionary time for Perth and this part of our world. Well done Lisa. (By Ivan A, Australia)
Comment: Lisa is charismatic, very proactive and gets the job done with a smile. She is extremely professional and is somebody to aspire to. The city has changed under Lisa's leadership and I now feel proud to be part of the Perth business district. (By Donna R, Perth)
Comment: The City of Perth has come of age, it is vibrant and progressive and there is now and exciting interchange between business and residents with modern facilities. The Mayor and her team deserve every accolade in the world for what they have done for the poeple of Perth. (By Aldo, G, Perth)
Comment: Lord Mayor Lisa Scafiddi of Perth is an outstanding example of what a mayor should be. As a City, Perth in Wesytern Australia is undergoing an enoumous transition, driven by one of the World's most dynamic resource booms. LM Scafiddi manages to combine the highly developmed skills of a town planner with the instincts of a socaially conscious and caring human being. The almost instantly accessibility to all advocates and residents is legendary. On a frenetic whirl of resources development, she maintains a highly balanced sense of the needs of the Citie's residents, beyond this. Her public committment and support in particular, of local scientific research places her in a unique catagory. Her publicly avowed stance that Perth and the State of WA is a World-class centre of scientific develpment and not just a 'large mine' clearly demonstrates the breath of her vision for her Community. We think she is unique in her role and has redefined the office of the Lord Mayor itself. Her re-election in 2011 with such an overwhelming majority, speaks for itself! LM Scafiddi clearly deserves to be elected World Mayor on the basis of her achievements within a particularly volatile and socially frenetic phase of the development of Perth, which under her 'watch' is becoming one of the most dynamis and attrractive destinations on the Planet. (By C & J S, Perth)
Comment: In her time as Mayor of Perth, Lisa Scaffidi has implemented plans and projects that have had a tremendous positive impact on our city. The transformation is incredible from an aestetic perspective, and the impact it has on daily living is profound. Our City is now starting to look and feel like the first world cosmopolitan city that it is. On top of that, Lisa has a wonderful nature and is very apporachable; engaging directly with the people and getting involved in issues of importance to all of us. (By Billeagh M, Perth)
Comment: Ms Scaffidi has shown herself to be a woman and, most importantly, a Mayor of the people. She has turned around the opinions of many people from Perth being a dull hick town to being a vibrant and livable city. Ms Scaffidi is the sort of Lord Mayor all prominent capital cities should be looking for and nuturing. I believe that she is more than worthy of this award. (By Peter D, Australia)
Comment: As a small business owner working in the IT Indusry, really admire what a wonderful job Lisa has done in promoting Perth to overseas markets which helps our business grow as Perth is now highly recognised as a City of growth, a place to invest and a place to welcome new business opportunities. (By YaZoogle, Australia)
Comment: I have met the Lord Mayor and been a visitor at some Council meetings where her clear insight and ideals for the City's development are clearly evident in many ways. Lisa Scaffidi is energetic and heads a council dedicated to improving Perth's infrastructure, amenities, environment,with a view to making it a good city to work in and to visit. I understand that good cities encourage good citizens, and this aspect is clearly in the Lord Mayor's sights too. (By Walter J P, Perth)
Comment: I vote Lisa as the best Lord Mayor in the World.I have never witnessed such devotion and passion to Perth.I have visited Perth twice now.I first met Lisa Scaffidi in 2009 and now she is a wonderful friend.Her energy & enthusiasm for her City of Perth is outstanding.The town of Perth has developed so efficiently I don't think anyone could do that job as well as Lisa.I think she should be Lord Mayor for life!! If I was able to move country,it would be Perth without doubt, because of her. (By Jennie B-T, Outside Australia)
Comment: I come from a back ground with little education and an unstable abusive family. And I have never had a good roll model or really one caring person to encourage and inspire me to be a better person until I meet the Lord Mayor of Perth, Lisa Scaffidi.
She has been so supportive and made a massive impact on my life. I am now at university and believe in myself which is something new to me. I have confidence that I can achieve what ever I want to if I work hard at it (the attitude Lisa has imbued in me).
I think Lisa should be World Mayor because she cares about every aspect in our city, right down to the people in it, and right down to the small people like myself.
She always makes time for everyone and she works so hard.
She has a certain glow about her, as if she is an angle, inspiriting and guiding people to care about themselves as well as the future of our city.
She truely is heaven sent and we need more people like her in the world, because if everyone was like her, the world would be a better place. (By Jesse M, Perth)
Comment: Lisa is a passionate and energetic Lord Mayor who is pro city growth and developments that are changing the face of Perth and creating more vitality, amenity and delivering more liveability to the capital city. She is very easy going, and good for communicating. She has very internationalized vision and is gaining Perth many international exchanges and collaborations. Lisa is very proud of the depth of medical research and key science projects that are putting Perth and WA on the world stage. (By Zhou Y U, Outside Australia)
Comment: Lisa is always friendly and extremely approachable. She has also made must massive advancements for the City of Perth (By Kirsty E, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi deserves to win as she's the best!! As Patron of the Friendship Force of Perth she has supported us in many ways. She always makes welcomes our overseas ambassadors by hosting a civic reception in their honour. She was also instrumental in Perth FF being granted an area of land on the East Perth Foreshore to promote our club. (By S B, Perth)
Comment: Miss Scaffidi has demonstrated great leadership, inspiration & motivation to the people of Perth, and people who work with her and for her. She has achieved so much more than any of her predecessors since I moved to live in Perth, Western Australia 36 yrs ago. She and her team is transforming Perth to become a world-class city. I'm very proud of her and her achievements. (By J C H, Perth)
Comment: The Rod Evans Centre Senior Citizens Centre would like to vote Lisa as World Mayor because she has a unique understanding of community needs whether it is older or younger. Lisa is a vibrant personality and well accepted by all age groups. Lisa is always looking for ways to improve the City of Perth, its buildings and surroundings and inspires others to enhance the most isolated city if the world. (By Tina, S, Perth)
Comment: Lisa has worked tirelessly for the betterment of the City to make it a more livable and exiting place to live and work.She is very proactive and approachable and is not fearfull of giving her oppinion as she is passional about Perth. (By Al S, Perth)
Comment: Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi is a great role model to every girl and women. She shows passion and love for everything she does and works for. Perth is growing because of all the love, time and effort shown by Lisa. (By Steph, Perth)
Comment: Our lord mayor gets the job done. What u see is what u get a very hard working lord mayor of Perth. (By Connie A, Perth)
Comment: Hi. I graduated from the ibs and also studied in Perth for a year. I love Perth so I personally visit there many times. When I visited last month, was with my 2 years and we loved the playground in kings park. now I'm thinking about going back there and want my daughter to go to school there. looking forward to meeting you in the future. (By Liz, Outside Australia)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi as mayor has been a turning point for the City of Perth. Her personal vibrancy and love of the city has been reflected in the growth and excitement felt as the population engages with our great city more than ever before. Her determination has paid off, and will continue to do so for many years to come. (By Kylee S, Perth)
Comment: Lisa has instilled an air of confidence back into the city. Perth was born as a rough and tumble British colony in 1829. A "can do" attitude has always been a character trait here, however under Lisa's leadership, and during some unprecedented boom times, she had given the city confidence in itself, confidence to express itself and confidence in its residents and business owners that the future.....both immediate and long term, are extremely bright. The renaissance is here. (By Ryan Z, Perth)
Comment: Lisa is a role model for women and girls in the capital city of an exceptionally large State of Australia. Western Australia is larger in geographic terms than many other countries around the world. Her role encompasses the challenges and opportunities of a very fast growing economic and population centre, and she is doing a fabulous job. (By Councillor Barbara A, Australia)
Comment: Congratulations Lisa on making it to this stage, just rewards for the vision and direction you have given our City Perth, the most isolated in Australia. Thank you. (By Rudy P, Perth)
Comment: Lisa's collaborative and inclusive approach to governing the city of Perth has made Perth a much more vibrant and interesting city; a city where its citizens feel empowered to take ownership of. Before Lisa's time, Perth was widely regarded as a provincial backwater; a place where people only went to for work before commuting back to the suburbs. Since Lisa was elected in 2007, the city has experienced a doubling of the permanent residential population, 40% growth in the amount of office space as well as a 30% increase in the amount of retail on offer (Property Council of Australia, 2011). On top of all of this, entertainment options have increased significantly, with over two dozen new small bars, a redeveloped Cultural Centre and city square as well as new festivals, including a fringe festival, redesigned festival of Perth and the William Street festivals. Lisa has worked very hard in promoting Perth, both overseas and interstate as a city of education, business and opportunity. Over the longer term, I can only see Perth continuing to increase in vitality with the City Link and Waterfront projects, both of which are now fully under construction. Lisa has successfully lobbied two state governments as well as the federal government for funding of these major redevelopments, and continues to be an avid supporter of these projects. I truly believe that Lisa deserves the title of World Mayor based on this long list of achievements in a relatively short time frame, as well as her ongoing efforts in transforming Perth in to a world class city. (By Michael D L, Perth)
Comment: This is NOT an attempt to vote twice, rather an addendum to my earlier comment.Most amazing aspect of Lisa Scaffidi is her energy. She has done more to promote Perth and Western Australia inside five years than all the previous office holders combined.... Thank you,Lisa. (By Ron W, Perth)
Comment: The Mayor of Perth is a tireless worker on behalf of the people of Perth, she has just won a second four year term and the list of projects she has seen to completion is too numerous to list here,enough to say its been a very busy four years for her. I commend her to you most heartly. (By John Mc, Perth)
Comment: Ms Scaffidi has done an amazing job on getting rid of the Dullsville tag and is capable of steering Perth in the right, sustainable direction amidst the population boom. (By Alex, Outside Australia)
Comment: I came to Perth in 2009 and I must say that in 3 years and half I saw this City taking considerable development in various aspects. Perth has been and is growing very fast and if you look at all the new exciting projects like the Perth Arena, the whole Perth City Link project, Cycle Plan, The Waterfront, the redevelopment of the new cultural centre and all the other amazing upcoming ones, Perth is surely the fastest growing city in Australia and this is all happening concretely due to the hard work of our mayor Lisa Scaffidi. She has made a great impact on the whole City and its people and I think she deserves to be awarded the 2012 World Mayor Prize. (By Didier B, Perth)
Comment: I am delighted to be able to vote for Lisa Scaffidi to become the 2012 World Mayor.
Ms Scaffidi is a people person with a wide range of contacts in all levels of her diverse community.
Above all, Ms Scaffidi is outstanding in her ability to combine her vision for the the development of her cityof Perth, coupled with a notable helping of good common sense, a clear recognition of the city's present realities and her adroitness in the management of business through her council. Always accessable, she has a very strong commitment to the promotion of the city's youth tied to the realistic monitoring of their progress.
Federally, Ms Scaffidi has been (and continues to be) strongly articulate in arguing for federal funding for key projects for her city and state. Equally, she is a strong champion of the third level of government within Australia's system of federation.
Internationally, she has proven to be a vigorous and successful promoter of new opportunities to foster increases in international economic opportunities and trade developments for her city of Perth, her state and for Australia. She sees clearly the benefits and advantages for Perth in leveraging these developing opportunities from much larger market places than Perth can access now. In this context, she devopes considerable energy in maintaining, broadening and enhancing Perth's sister-city relationship with Chen Du, the major city of Sichuan provence in China (a provence that has a population of more than 85,000,000 people) (By Geoff S, Australia)
Comment: Lisa demonstrates the World Mayor Prize requirements with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. Lisa, as the first female mayor of Perth, is an inspirational role model to other young women, of whom more are needed in our local government. (By Kristina, Perth)
Comment: In her time as Lord Mayor Lisa has led and conributed to consederable change and improved vitality in the City. She has been a change agent whose impact has been profound. Her enthusiasm has been infectious. She has brought others along with her and effectively silenced the naysayers. Perth is a very different City to that which she inherited when she became Lord Mayor. As Deputy Chair of the Committtee for Perth which is focused on Perth becoming a world class city I could no have asked for a better ally in pursuit of that goal. (By John A, Perth)
Comment: Our Lord Mayor is an amazing woman. She is an example for woman all over the world that women make equally as good a leaders as men. Perhaps even better ones. She has achieved great things for this City in the short period of time that she has held office and is not driven by her ego but her true love and desire to see this City become a destination that sits in high regard on the world stage. (By Tabetha B, Perth)
Comment: Lisa deserves the recognition for all she does for the community of Perth. Her passions to improve the lives of youth, so they are respected, equal to others, have a voice and opportunities in the city. Lisa is also deadicated to improving the lives of people with disabilities, families and carers by promoting accessibility, inclusive and particpation in the community and promoting the disability voices and messages by been one of 21 ambassadors to promote and advocate for others. She deserves recognition as a women promoting rights for all including women. She believes all deserve access, inclusive and to be proud to live in a great city and country. Lisa does so much for so many indivudals, organisations and her city, always going beyond her call of duty, often in her own time to make sure everyone is ok and listened too. She is an amazing women. Thank you Lisa for everything and all the very best with this highly deserved nomination. Im proud to know you. (By Melissa N)
Comment: She had transform Perth into a vibrant multicultural cosmopolitan city. She attrcated lot of investors to invest in development projects. I have been watching the city for more than 10 years now. Perth is now really a clean & green city thanks to Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi's tireless contribution. (By Sharif A, Perth)
Comment: I vote for Lisa Scaffidi as the Worlds' Best Lord Mayor as she is the best Lord Mayor that we ever had in the City of Perth. She is a world class leader with a great vision for the City of Perth. She speaks her mind and follow her intuition. I've seen the exciting changes in Perth since Lisa became our Lord Mayor. A lot of infrastructure is happening at the moment to revitalize the City of Perth like the City railway link, the foreshore link 'Elisabeth Quay & the Perth Arena. We love everything that Lisa is doing to make the City of Perth vibrant, exciting & a great city to work & live life. (By Emmie, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi is the best ambassador that a capital city could hope for. She has brought new life to the city council and has a modern aproach to creating a vibrant and interesting city that we can all be proud of. The days of the Perth CBD being a ghost town at night and on weekends are over! Under her stewardship the city has been transformed into a place of great interest to a wide range of people which benefits business, locals and the increasing number of visitors. Council vision is clear and doing business under such a regime is a pleasure. I think her key achievement is convincing the state goverment to finally commit to the City Link Project which will reunite Northbridge and the City. I think her pursuit of cultural endeavours gives us all a reason to recreate in the city at a time when Perth is a key player on the world stage by virtue of the state's natural resources. Lisa's passion and commitment is obvious and her integrity above reproach. She is committed to fighting bureaucreatic battles with other government agencies and departments when necessary, but is equally prepared to work with them to deliver her vision.I strongly recommend Lisa for the position of World Mayor. (By Ben R, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi is re-inventing the image and office of Lord Mayor; no longer an "ivory tower" concept, but a source of inspiration that prompts epiphanies and positive action. Lisa is changing the face not only of Perth, but of Western Australia; and giving more confidence to women wherever she goes, at home & overseas. Thank you. (By Ron W, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi is a fantastic mayor. She has implemented and overseen many new projects for the city of Perth. She has broken the stereotype of Perth being a 'boring' city and paved the way for Perth to really become a great city. I've met Lisa quite a few times and have heard her speak on various occasions. She is extremely personable, honest and friendly. It would be great to see Lisa Scaffidi win World Mayor 2012 as she well and truly deserves it. It would also be an extremely positive thing for the city of Perth. We are often forgotten on the West Coast of Australia and I would love to see Perth recognised for having such a fantastic Mayor. (By Katrina, Perth)
Comment: Hello, Ms.Lisa! My name is Mutsuko, English name is Ellie, from Minami Academy IBS Language Institute in Kagoshima! I heard from Izumi that you are selected for the top 25 of candidates for this project! I visited your city 3 years ago, and I saw a lot of beauties of Perth fascinated me! I promise I'll go back (and visit Izumi and my host family) to the beautiful city, Perth, once more again in near future. Thank you so much for being our sister city! (By Mutsuko E K, Outside Australia)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi is a fantastic mayor and an innovative and involved leader for Perth growing into an exciting hub on the West Coast of Australia. (By Judith C, Perth)
Comment: Lisa is the best mayor ever. Having come back from a big city to Perth a few years ago, I was upset with the 'dullness' of Perth. Since Lisa has stepped into the position there have been more late night events, art exhibitions, festivals, cafe's, bars, bespoke stores, abandoned and ugly spaces given over to artistic and intelligent groups, invigorated cultural centres and a genuine feeling that Perth has responded to the needs of the community rather then our massive conservative mining sector. Well done! (By Moya T, Perth)
Comment: Our Lord Mayor displays an approach to the City which seeks to improve the City, set the City apart and market the City to the rest of the world. Our Lord Mayor supports the progress of Perth while also supporting those less fortunate through affordable housing, charitable work etc. Our Lord Mayor displays only the best interests of Perth regardless of politics. Our Lord Mayor is a worthy winner of this title. (By Peter S)
Comment: West Australia is a fast moving and growing community which needs to balance the values of business development and community needs. I believe Lisa Scaffidi successfully promotes and nurtures these values and provides the leadership for the younger generation of women to follow her lead, in being consultative, communicative and accessible. A woman in her stride is not a person denied. (By Kac McF, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi has been outstanding for Perth. Turning around a history and culture of "No we can't" to "Yes we can!". She is inclusive and supports minority causes for the betterment of everyone in our community. Lisa has no airs and graces, she gets on with the job and connects with all levels of society. She would be a worthy winner of World Mayor 2012! (By Jonathan H, Perth)
Comment: As the first female Mayor of Perth Lisa has done a great job in proving that women are equal to the task and promoting the need for better gender equity in local government. (By Helen H, Perth)
Comment: Ms Scaffidi came to our work function as a guest speaker and I was really impressed with her. The City has never looked better and the infrastructure in general has a clear long term plan for improvement. I believe a lot of this is due to her vision and work. (By Cara-Leigh P, Perth)
Comment: Ms Lisa Scaffidi brings a breath of fresh air to the previously stale city of Perth. She has and continues to implement fantastic new schemes, cultural, as well as infrastructural aimed at creating a more unified city for Perth residents and business. It is through these schemes that Perth is the thriving economic hot spot it is drawing significant interest from many overseas investors. As a Perth resident we are very proud of her. (By Simon P, Perth)
Comment: Lisa is apolitical and is passionate about everything (minor and major issues)which affect the lives of thoses within the City of Perth. She is available at all times to the media. Lisa is not afraid to stand up to the Premier of our state when the need arises. I have never heard a negative criticism of her. (By Max S, Perth)
Comment: Living in Perth, Western Australia, I am fortunate enough to experience first hand the incredible effect Lisa Scaffidi has had on our beautiful city. Lisa is able to see the big picture and works towards making it a city for all ..... tourists, locals, visitors, workers and especially families. Well done Lisa and best wishes. (By Diane T, Perth)
Comment: What I need from a Lord Mayor is someone who gets involved in the community. Not just at cocktail parties and morning teas but at street and grassroots level. Ms Scaffidi gets involved in the community. At schools, at homeless and charity functions and in the early morning and late at night. (By Kenley, Perth)
Comment: I live outside the city, but when I went into town, and suffered inconvenience due to my disability, I was able to contact her directly to make her aware of the problem, and she responded personally, quickly, and appropriately to my concerns. Unheard of if any government official. (By Graham, Australia)
Comment: Lisa is making a huge difference to Perth bringing a great focus on developing the city for arts business and inner city living. For the past 20 yrs nothing happened in Perth yet Lisa has breathed fresh air and ideas to the city. Love the foreshore development city art and developing Perth as a city of excitement. Best mayor I have ever experienced. (By Paul McA, Perth)
Comment: Met Lisa at the AMCHAM event in Houston earlier this year. Fantastic lady, very passionate about Australia and in particular Perth. Good luck. (Paul S, Australia)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi is a progressive, hard working mayor with a strong vision for Perth which she articulates with skill and grace. She is consultative in her process and has contributed an enormous amount to the culture of our city, the lifestyle of its people, and it's future. (By Melissa C, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi has won both the love and respect of most of the city of Perth's residents because of the can-do attitude and forward thinking of this valiant lady. I appreciate the breadth of her knowledge and foresight. (By Isobel McM, Perth)
Comment: As an employee of the City of Perth I would like to comment that Lisa Scaffidi is an outstanding leader. She openly communicates with staff at all levels whenever she meets them and makes all members of staff feel valued. As a woman, I believe her leadership style has socked it to the stuffy old men of the past who wouldn't give the staff the time of day. (By Judith M S, Perth)
Comment: Lisa has done an amazing job of creating and executing an exciting vision of Perth as a vibrant future looking city. From large scale projects like sinking of the railway and development of the foreshore to small initiatives like revamping the old laneways with restaurants and clubs. (By Robert Y, Perth)
Comment: Mayor Scaffidi is a visionary and is moving Perth from the most remote capital city in the world to the most visited capital city and putting us on the map. I am proud of the work she and the City of Perth are doing for the people. (By Lisa H, Perth)
Comment: Lisa is an absolute gem! She's enthusiastic, friendly, visionary & brilliant. She has been & continues to be an instrumental driver & facilitator of perhaps the most exciting & important period of change in the Perth CBD since its founding. Go Lisa! (By Luke C, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi has outstanding representational skills and is always happy to set aside time to meet people visiting from overseas. She never fails to set the right tone with her presenations on Perth. She is an unfailing ambassador for our wonderful city. I have been part of delegations of business representatives led by Lisa Scaffidi and have been impressed by her ability to relate to others and ensure that people received a wonderful impression of Perth. Most importantly however she is a warm and generous person who helps others. (By Kerry G S, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi is an outstanding mayor for Perth. She is the first woman to win that position because she is both visionary and practical. Most of all, her commtment to community organisations has been appreciated by all. (By Mary C G, Perth)
Comment: Promotion of the City of Perth as a world class City, continuous improvements to the facilities within the City, fantastic free events held in the City, exceptional skills with handling the media and she is well known and always visible, supports various charities and allows events to be held in the City to assist these in raising money. (By Stella C S, Perth)
Comment: Ms Scaffidi has a very personable interest in improving the lives of ordinary people. She is strong and directed , a compassionate leader with excellent communicative skills. She is warm, considerate and passionately embraces and promotes the interests of a broad range of cultures in our community not only by creation the facilities for arts and recreation but skillfully creates a sense of belonging to community and a feeling of well being for our residents and visitors alike. (By K C F, Perth)
Comment: I know her - she is an inspiring leader and great person. (By Andrew B, Perth)
Comment: Lisa has led new energy in the City of Perth and encouraged all of us to contribute to making Perth the best city on the planet. Her personal leadership and friendly personality makes her a fabulous asset in our community. She is without ego -just a person committed to making our community a better place to live for us all. (By Ian S, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi continues to impress me with the way she is improving the City of Perth to be one of the best places in the world to work, live and enjoy. Her commitment to environmental sustainability is genuine and while the City has a way to go in this area, she is definitely steering the City in the right direction. (Jenny C, Perth)
Comment: Lisa is a great Lord Mayor she has lifted the profile of our wonderful City worldwide. She has done great things to encourage our young people in Perth and has re invigorated the actual City of Perth making it a vibrant and real living city that local people want to go to. (By Cheryl F, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi is in her second term of office and has been highly successful with her progressive thinking and fresh approach. She has applied her energies in being accessible and connecting with both communities and business groups. She has been in the forefront in the promotion of the development of the Perth Foreshore and promotion of the required infrastructure and facilities of Perth (a rapidly expanding capital city in one of the world‚s fastest growing economic zones). (By Richard E, Perth)
Comment: Great community involvement and fantastic arts programs such as the Festival of Perth. The look and feel of Perth has been enhanced by better traffic management in the CBD and the development of community spaces. (By Kerryn B, Perth)
Comment: During her tenure as Lord Mayor of Perth (the capital of Western Australia and, arguably, the most dynamic of the Australian states), Lisa has done, and continues to do, an outstanding job as its elected leader. In the face of criticism from vested interests and those sections of the community who routinely oppose any form of change, Lisa has introduced and championed several very exciting new development projects - some of which are currently being constructed within the bounds of the City of Perth and the others soon to commence construction. She has been (and continues to be) highly instrumental in making the City of Perth a very attractive place - both in which to live to to do business. (By Barry R J, Perth)
Comment: Lisa has been a fantastic mayor for our remote city. Under her leadership the city has become a more vibrant hub and a city worth living in. Her continued support and drive to create Perth as a world city is inspiring. (By Jonathan R, Perth)
Comment: Lisa has been the most progressive Mayor that Perth has seen. She is consultative and really knows what her constituents want. Perth has developed expotentially since she has been Mayor and there is now life in what was once considered a back water town. (By Sara K, Perth)
Comment: A visionary Lord Mayor who has overseen a transformation of the City of Perth. She has strong community and business support as well as extremely strong support from all of the staff at the City of Perth. (By Grant B, Perth)
Comment: My school visited the Perth Mayor unexpectedly on a school trip and, even though Ms Scaffidi was extremely busy, she put aside a large amount of time to talk to our class about what she did as mayor. She is a lovely woman and I definitely think she should be the World Mayor for 2012. (By Madison G, Perth)
Comment: Lisa has led the City of Perth through some of the most challenging times. The boom in resources such as oil and gas and iron ore in the state of Western Australia has presented some very difficult problems in meeting the demand for services. Along side of this is the expectation that large iconic developments and the City's ambitious strategic plan will continue has required unique leadership. Lisa has shown grace and great intelligence to unify what could have been a difficult set of stakeholders. (By Peter T, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi has added a new vibrancy to the City of Perth with her tireless work with councillors and government to ensure that new innovatives keep appearing. She has made amazing progress and has been focused on this task for some years. A wonderful job! (By Audrey R, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi has immensely revived the inner city of Perth with a variety of measures: Christmas markets, night food markets during the summer months; free concerts and theatre on open air stages throughout the city; rejuvenated public places and parks and made the inner city not only a vibrant precinct but also a safer place to be at night. It is a joy to go to the city now at night with a smorgasboard of choices.(By DAS, Perth)
Comment: Lisa is a wonderful ambassador for Perth and for Australia. She is a dedicated and hardworking mayor with her city and her people in her heart. (By Jo, M, Perth)
Comment: It is extremely rare for people in politics not to be motivated by ego. Lisa is totally genuine in her selfless desire to improve Perth and make a difference. She also has a real interest in everyone she meets and make you feel special. She also is a tireless worker highly organized sensibly pragmatic and is not afraid to make hard decisions and make her point of view. (By Brad S, Perth)
Comment: Our Mayor Lisa Scaffidi is proud of our city, its heritage as well as its future. She is involved and active and eloquently promotes Perth as the place to be. She is friendly and interested in all activities involving our city. (By Sue P, Perth)
Comment: Having had the honor of meeting Mayor Lisa Scaffidi, I would describe her as the quintessential representative of the people. Her beautiful down to earth personality, diplomatic approach and passion for serving the city of Perth have left me in awe of the leader she is. (By Graeme C, Perth)
Comment: Ms Scaffidi is a leader and visionary. She has introduced some progressive initiatives to the City. One being a housing project for low income city workers. Her views for the City are global which is a welcome change to the usual viewpoint of past mayors which was parochial. She is a hardworking, tenacious and approachable person, who is able to relate to people from all walks of life. (By Nila C, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi is a Young and Innovative Lord Mayor, and this is indicative with the many exciting new changes that our lovely City is seeing and experiencing. She is very personable and caring. Vote our Lord Mayor of the City of Perth, Lisa Scaffidi! (By Anna C, Perth)
Comment: Famously dubbed 'dullsville' before Ms Scaffidi's rise to the position, Lisa has played a catalytic role in turning Perth's image around. People on the streets are now commenting that Perth is getting more and more exciting, and the best is yet to come. I am always shocked to receive personal responses to messages sent to Lisa, she is accessible, warm, diplomatic, forward-thinking, extremely energetic and an inspiration to all West Australians. (By Daniel M, Perth)
Comment: The Lord Mayor of Perth is an extremely pleasant and driven woman who is constantly getting things for the entire state of Western Australia. She has been instrumental in bringing about a cultural renaissance and breathing new life into the City. The city now has a new performing arts centre, library, museum, dozens of new art galleries, and a new small bar scene. (By Liam, Australia)
Comment: Lisa is an enthusiastic and passionate supporter of a shift in perception of what Perth can be and can become: a vibrant, dynamic city that is second to none and a major player on the Indian Ocean shores. Her vision is flawless and her energy is contagious, trying to eliminate that sense of geographic isolation that has burdened this place for a long time. (By Stefano C, Perth)
Critical comments
Comment: I am certainly NOT voting FOR Lisa Scaffidi. With her as mayor Perth went from one of the cheapest capitals in the world to being in the top 20 most expensive, and rising. At least 1300 people are now sleeping on the streets every night in this small city, unheard of in previous decades. She is overseeing the wholesale destruction of large areas of natural beauty and replacing it with a concrete jungle including the city foreshore and Perth arena area. The city has been in a semi-permanent traffic gridlock for the years that she has been mayor. Violence and assaults in the city have increased. No action is taken to deal with the excessive noise from concerts and other events. (By Perthboy, Perth)
Comment: I dont think Lisa Scaffidi should be world mayor as she is very rude and patronising to anyone who dosn't agree with her "vision". She and her councillors have let down the citizens of Perth by giving away public recreational land to developors who have since destroyed a heritage listed building and chopped down almost every tree so they can build nine office towers. (By AB, Perth)
Comment: I do not support Lisa Scaffidi, mayor of Perth Western Australia for Lord Mayor 2012. Her self-image is more important than that of her city. She has enthusiastically promoted the current 'plastic makeover' of Perth's famous Swan River waterfront which has divided the community due to the planned crass, inappropriate over-development of the area. I do not support a mayor who purportedly canvassed votes for this award. (By RDW, Perth)
Comment: My is a vote against Lisa Scaffidi and her shocking destruction of Perth city foreshore. (By A J, Perth)
Comment: NOT a Person to support. Her shortcomings include supporting UGLY property development in the cental city lacking any empathy with the surrounding beautiful riverfront and outstanding natural beauty. Scaffidi lacks consideration for the broader community. The complete OPPOSITE of Mayoral vision and leadership that The City Mayors Foundation seeks to encourage. (By Stuart, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi has presided over the City of Perth, and during her tenure has allowed crime to increase with Perth now recognised as the City most likely for people to be attacked, especially at night. For most of the population, the city is a "no-go" zone. The roads are a mess, parking is impossible and overpriced, and food is one of the highest priced in the world. Perth also has a reputation of demolishing old classic building to make way for square glass structures - another "Tar and Cement" song could be created based on Perth alone. Lisa has been a disaster as the Mayor. (By Professor, Perth)
Comment: This is a strong negative vote for Lisa Scaffidi - she does not seem to understand that she and her council have a fundamental responsibility to obtain the best value for money - which is OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY (ratepayers) rather than hers. Several years ago Scaffidi was the primary proponent of spending $1m of ratepayers and taxpayers funds on an atomic clock - an abject waste of 'public' money! Conversely, she was disinterested in saving council spending on maintenance by redesigning roadside bus shelters to avoid the gutters filling up with leaves and water then rusting out. Go figure! (Disgusted, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi has ruined Perth's iconic foreshore. Instead of magnificent open space and 100 year old trees she is in the process of cutting down all the trees to make way for skyscrapers and a traffic jam that will last a century. If she is the best Mayor in the world the others must be a bunch of duds. (By N A S, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi is currently presiding over what I consider an outrageous misuse of heritage land within the City of Perth in Western Australia - stifling democratic discussion of the topic and forcing through a development which destroys our cultural history, our traffic system and our budget. Lisa Scaffidi is, in my opinion, a disgrace to the democratic process and certainly would not be a worthy recipient of this award. (By Julie, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi has failed to listen and respond to protect Perth city foreshore from inappropriate development. A pristine and historic river front with wide expanses of public land and beautiful old trees has been bulldozed to make way for a small marina that will be in the shade of apartment blocks. Another Melbourne docklands?? Awful. She also seems to be supporting the failed rent a bike scheme that is the laughing stock of Melbournians. (By EJFC, Perth)
Comment: I am very disappointed in the Mayor of Perth, Lisa Scaffidi, because a Foreshore Development Plan was approved during the last two years. This is a really bad plan that has already seen the destruction of ten heritage listed 115 year old moreton bay and port jackson trees. The Esplanade, which is an open grassed area, near the Swan River and is Heritage listed also, given to the people of Perth for recreation for ever, is to be sold to private developers. This is reclaimed land and 9 towers are to be built around an inlet. These towers will be 25 to 36 storeys high.
To enable the inlet to be built Riverside Drive will be cut and 20,000 -30,000 cars a day diverted through the central business district. This will cause traffic chaos. Anyone who takes a clear common sense look at the plan can see how faulty it is.
I attended a meeting where Lisa Scaffidi presided and our proposals, comments and questions were not duly considered. We were treated like unruly children. She kept the time unusually short for such a big issue that will ruin Perth that is known for its beautiful foreshore.
The construction time for this project is 10-20 years of disruption to city businesses and tourism.It will only benefit the developers.
It will not enhance our currently beautiful and gracious city of Perth on the Swan River. In fact the River will be polluted from dredging and silting up of the inlet.No consideration has been taken of rising sea and river levels.
I do not consider Ms Lisa Scaffidi as worthy of this award. (By Melanie C, Perth)
Comment: Lisa has done a lot of good things for Perth but just lately she has gone down in my estimation. The Lord Mayor is supporting a skyscraper style waterfront development in a heritage precinct in Perth-thousands of people in Perth and the surrounds want a rethink on the proposal and Lisa is not listening...already a hundred year old tree has been destroyed and heritage tearooms demolished. (By Jennifer H, Perth)
Comment: Lisa Scaffidi is the Mayor of Perth who has failed to listen to the people of Perth and the State of WA who care about our environment. In particular she has supported the destruction of 160 year old avenues of Morton Bay Fig trees on our Riverside and access roads. She supports a development that might be appropriate in Dubia but is not what the people of Perth want. Our planning system is no longer democratic and Ms Scaffidi in her failure to address the imbalance where developers get heard above the people has failed as a democratic mayor. Mass protests are not being heard. (By Juliet A, Perth)

World Mayor
The City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank for local government, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: honesty, leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. The winner receives the artistically acclaimed World Mayor trophy, while the two runner-ups are given the World Mayor Commendation.
Mayors wishing to be considered for the World Mayor Prize will be asked to sign up to the City Mayors' Code of Ethics
Nominations were accepted until the 17 May 2012. A shortlist of 25 nominees was published on 18 June. Voting took place until 20 October . The winner of the 2012 World Mayor Prize and other results of the World Mayor Project were announced on 8 January 2013.
Winners and runners-up
2004 to 2012
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana, Albania); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City, Mexico); In third place: Walter Veltroni (Rome, Italy)
In 2005: Winner: Dora Bakoyannis (Athens, Greece); Runner-up: Hazel McCallion (Mississauga, Canada); In third place: Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City, Guatemala)
In 2006: Winner: John So (Melbourne, Australia); Runner up: Job Cohen (Amsterdam, Netherland); In third place: Stephen Reed (Harrisburg, USA)
In 2008: Winner: Helen Zille (Cape Town, South Africa); Runner up: Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich, Switzerland); In third place: Leopoldo López (Chacao, Venezuela)
In 2010: Winner: Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City, Mexico); Runner-up: Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City, USA); In third place: Domenico Lucano (Riace, Italy)
In 2012: Winner: Iñaki Azkuna (Bilbao, Spain); Runner-up: Lisa Scaffidi (Perth, Australia); In third place: Joko Widodo (Surakarta, Indonesia)