Mayor John F Cook, El Paso, USA

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John F Cook
Mayor of El Paso (USA)
The winner and runner-ups of World Mayor 2012 will be chosen based on the number of nominations in relation to the size of their cities and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of testimonials received during this year's World Mayor Project. Below we publish a selection of comments received to date about WM nominee John F Cook, Mayor of El Paso, USA. Mayor Cook has signed up to the City Mayors Code of Ethics.
Comment: It's always tough to stand up and say no to bigotry, especially when it‚s masquerading as Divine law being preached by religious leaders. I've known John Cook for more than thirteen years and have seen him more than once, defend what was right, even when it wasn't convenient to do so.
El Paso has always been a tolerant community but not by chance. Every fifty to sixty years, the faces of bigotry and hate raise their ugly heads, starting with the Ku Klux Klan attempting to take over the city in the 1920‚s to the fight for equality during the early 1960‚s.
But, fortunately, we've always seen a small group of leaders willing to fight back against the forces of evil, starting with Mayor R.M. Dudley in 1923 as he won election against a KKK candidate, taking a strong stand against the hate group and then Mayor Bert Williams who persuaded the City Council to approve the first anti-discrimination ordinance of its kind in Texas and possibly in the nation in 1962.
And now, fifty years later, we have Mayor John Cook, who together with a courageous group of city council members, has taken a strong stand against the faces of evil. Thank you Mayor Cook for continuing to show the world that El Paso will only close its doors to those that profess and teach hate and bigotry! (By David M, El Paso)
Comment: Although I’ve lived in El Paso for more than 20 years, I only recently met our mayor John Cook. Watching him interact with and listening to the people he was introduced to convinced me that I was in the presence of an extraordinary person. Extraordinary because he gave everybody he met the impression that they were more important than himself. I believe that he has more humanity and thus moral strength than most of the politicians who are currently running for office. (By Daniel S F, El Paso)
Comment: In a world where politicians of any persuasion believe that only glibness and deceit will win them votes, Mayor John Cook stands out for his sincerity and humility. He is a man who strives to do right by everyone. He stands for fairness and the belief that the weak in society deserve a helping hand. I strongly recommend Mayor Cook for the World Mayor Prize. (By Alistair C S, USA)
Comment: I have found John Cook to be a very patient indiviual. A quality that I think all people could use. (Bob E, USA)
Comment: Mayor John Cook is not only an extraordinarily dedicated leader, he is also a model citizen who never forgets his role in the community he serves. He and his wife are genuinely compassionate, generous and charitable. When a poorly-written (or deliberately deceptive) ordinance targeting same-sex partnerships passed, eliminating benefits for a number of city employees and retirees, Mayor Cook took action. Knowing controversy would ensue, he did the right thing and restored benefits to the affected individuals, thereby facing a recall election spearheaded by local fanatics, huge legal bills, and immeasurable stress. For this, and many other admirable aspects of his leadership, I nominate Mayor Cook for every available honor. (By Monica G, El Paso)
Comment: I am pleased to vote for John Cook of El Paso. He is a hard worker and he deserves this honor. He brings alot to El Paso to build the image of the city while finding ways to keep our city safe. (By Mary O, El Paso)
Comment: What are Mayor Cook's best attributes you ask? The answer is easy: Honesty, Vision, Integrity and Brave as hell! Together, he and his lovely wife have changed the face of El Paso forever! And that is a good thing! His shoes will be hard to fill.
What he lacks in "hair" he gains in talent as he picks a "mean guitar" and is a songwriter too much to everyone's enjoyment!
Keeps his cool in the line of fire- i mean REAL live ammunition coming across the border and lodging in the walls of city hall! That's the way it is "out in the west Texas town of El Paso".
The World Mayor Project could not go wrong in honoring this man who has given so much of himself to public service.
I am proud to call him my friend. (By Y C, El Paso)
Comment: As an El Pasoan, I am proud to vote for my Mayor Cook! So grateful for his leadership, his vision for our great city, and standing up to bigotry. He's a good man and devoted to moving our city forward toward a greater tomorrow. (By Peggy K, El Paso)
Comment: I think John Cook should win this because he has stood up to what is right. He has fought for so many new positive differences in the city. He has made El Paso a better city and even America's safest city. That is what a mayor should do! (By Ivan B, El Paso)
Comment: I believe that only God can speak to others. Mayor Cook took a stand for the rights of all. You cannot legislate a person's sexuality or make children suffer because you do not want to support their unmarried parents. While I do not always agree with someone's choices, I agree with their right to make a choice. Isn't that why we are in America? A wise man once said to me "You cannot dictate someone else's sprituality." While I try to live a life in accordance what I think that God would want, I cannot deny others the right to live life as they feel they must. It is hard to live a different lifestyle from the norm. Mayor Cook sees the value of all people and fights for their rights against all odds. (By A B, El Paso)
Comment: El Paso is now succesful, in my opinion, because of him. Transportation seems to increase every year, thanks to his commitment in fixing this city. He listens to everyones concerns and showed that he does care for El Paso. He is very concern as well with our sister city, Juarez Mexico, such a great Mayor, I liked him since I was a 5th grader, now a freshmen in college. I have just seen improvment and growth every single year here. Thank you and i hope he gets recognized the way he should as becoming Mayor of the World. (By Mariana, El Paso)
Comment: Mayor Cook is a steadfast and capable leader who withstood withering attacks from Christian zealots trying to remove him from office for casting his tie-breaking vote in favor of retaining city employee insurance and other benefits for gay domestic partners of city employees. This action was necessary because marriage is required for city benefits and the State of Texas does not yet permit same sex marriage. By his resolute actions, Mayor Cook exhibits his firm belief in liberty and justice for all. (By Ron, El Paso)
Comment: I've known Mayor Cook for over a decade, he has risen from our city representatative to mayor,and has been reelected by a landslide-this is a testimonial of his excellent leadership and love of all people.
Despite these achievements he and his wife have found time to feed the poor and the homeless in our city. During the devastating storm of 2006 his undaunting leadership made the difference in helping to save many lives and property. He is not only a warmhearted person he is also our mayor par excellence. (By Rev. Lisle H D, El Paso)
Comment: A man who stands by his convictions and does not back down. Humble and treats everyone no matter who they are with respect and kindness. Has moved this city forward and made amazing progress and improvements. A visionary who is probably one of if not the Best Mayor this city has ever had (or at least since I have an aware adult) (By Marie, El Paso)
Comment: John Cook leads El Paso with ethics and a strong conscience. He donates to feed the poor and the homeless. He started a company to sell barbecue sauce with 100% of the profits going to feed the poor and the homeless. His conscience has caused the religious right to try and recall him from office and yet he persists in his efforts to provide decent and humane treatment to everyone. (By Lenny C, El Paso)
Comment: El Paso was ranked safest city in the us in 2011, considering we are right next to Cd Juarez the most violent city in the world, i think john cook has done a great job as far as security...also el paso was not really affected by the economic crisis, jobs are available and the city cintinues to grow more than ever! (By Pat M, El Paso)
Comment: Dedicated service on the board of the National League of Cities and on a federal border-security task force. Has overseen the adoption of the Paso Del Norte Group's Downtown Redevelopment Plan. US Army Veteran. Deeply involved in El Paso's community affairs, as a businessman, a teacher, coach, founder and member of the board of many civic and veterans' organizations. Achievements in human equality: broke a tie by voting to restore health benefits to gay and unmarried partners of city employees after their benefits were ended. (By CSV, El Paso)
Comment: John Cook has taken the city of El Paso to new levels, made it safe despite the violence of our "sister city" Juarez, and even the bus system was pushed by his administration to become one of the best in the nation! Plus, he stands up for human rights, regardless of race, creed, or any other social factor. An amazing mayor! (By Sean K, El Paso)
Comment: I have had the opportunity to work with Mayor Cook in his role as the President of the Texas Municipal League. He is a man of high standards and leads one of the most challenging cities in the country. (By Victor Gonzales, USA)
Comment: El Paso is my hometown and I keep up with the news there regularly. I was very impressed with Mayor Cook's stand to grant benefits to unmarried domestic partners, both gay and straight, in spite of the backlash that it would create. He took a principled stand for those who needed his assistance in providing for their families and refused to back down, even with the threat of a recall election to remove him from office. I feel that Mayor Cook represents the best that the Sun City has to offer not only our country, but our world. (By Jon dM, USA)
Comment: Mayor Cook has been an excellent support of crime victims rights in Texas and the City of El Paso. He helped the Crime Victims' Rights Council of El Paso establish the Crime Victims' Memorial Reading Garden honoring the memory of victims of violent crime, including drunk driving crashes, and law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty from tyhe community of El Paso. This project was among the first in Texas and includes using public art, a city library and park together to bring attention to the consequences of violence and drunk driving in our community. The Crime Victims' Memorial Reading Garden is close to several public schools and includes benches and wifi for students to use their computers and tablets. Mayor Cook supported this project, as well as events bringing awareness and fundraising for agencies such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), Center Against Family Violence, STARS (El Paso's Rape Crisis Center, Advocacy Center for the Childre
n of El Paso, Child Crisis Center and others. His efforts in promoting these efforts help us to be the "Safest City in the United States", despite the violence in our neighboring city of Juarez, Mexico. Mayor Cook is a visionary leader who does a great job in promoting our city and improving the quality of life. (By Patrick T, El Paso)
Comment: Mayor John Cook has sacrificed greatly to protect the civil liberties and well-being of those in our community who have come under discriminatory attack from a hate group for their sexual orientation. He has placed himself under great personal financial hardship and subjected himself to personal attack from this group in order to stand-up for his principles and protect the citizens he was elected to serve. This is a man of high integrity and courage. (By MC, El Paso)
Comment: Despite my disagreements with this mayor, he has been a very progressive mayor for a state that embodies the contrary. In fact, the recall movements against him are because of his push for same-sex benefits for city employees. (By Esteban, El Paso)
Comment: Mayor Cook exemplifies what a Mayor should stand for and represent. He has faced adversity while defending his beliefs and the protection of what is fair for the people. He has made our city a better place to live and work in. He is also a family man that often spends time with his grandchildren or playing his guitar for elementary school children. His BBQ sauce is sold to make money to help the less fortunate. He also exemplifies "World Mayor" because of where El Paso sits geographically, neighbors Juarez Mexico and amidst all the issues there, our city is still rated first in the nation for "safest city" per its size. (By PJ, El Paso)
Comment: He chose equality for all, even when the majority of El Paso voters wanted to discriminate against gays and lesbians. Mayor Cook makes decisions based on what he believes to be right and just. (By Gilberto M, El Paso)
Comment: Mayor Cook is a principled man of faith who has been an outstanding figurehead for our city. He has defended our city's reputation when it has been attacked by others as unsafe because of its proximity to our sister city of Cd. Juarez, Mexico (In fact, the opposite is true. Under Mayor Cook, we have consistently been ranked among the safest large cities in the U.S.), he has proudly marketed our city's proud bi-national heritage (in his capacity on the board of the National League of Cities and while serving on a federal border-security task force), and -- at great personal expense -- he withstood criticism by affirming the worth of LGBT El Pasoans before a vocal minority in our city. I am so proud to have Mayor Cook representing El Paso. (By D C, El Paso)
Comment: Mayor Cook was first a member of the City Council. In this capacity, he was a strong, honest advocate for the Northeast part of our city, where it was considered little more than a bedroom for Fort Bliss. Today, he has proven to be an exceptionally honest man who stands up to incredible odds. Public corruption, drugs imported from Mexico and most of all, the will of the mean spirited. Mayor Cook has led a fight against a recall effort spearheaded by religious fanatics who would deny city health care insurance to domestic partners, certain retired persons and a host of others who have annoyed the fanatical base. Quietly, steadity Mayor Cook has worked constantly to defang these people who claim that they are lead by God. He is in his last term as decreed by City Charter but he hasn't stopped trying to make life in El Paso Texas as wonderful, equal and healthy as it can be. (By Margaret B, El Paso)
Comment: Mayor Cook is an honest and kind man. He listens to the people of El Paso and makes the right decisions even if it's a difficult one he does what's right for the people and the city of El Paso. (By Joe Morales, El Paso)
Comment: John Cook is one of the sweetest most caring men I know. He works so hard for the citezens of El Paso and I am so proud to call him our Mayor. He stood up for City employees when they were going to lose health benefits and fought hard against people who were bigots and hateful so hundreds of retired people wouldnt lose health benefits. He is constantly harrassed and continues to deal with the hateful people who wanted to take health benefits away from retired city employees. (By Amy M, El Paso)
Comment: John Cook has a human kindness that makes him a special person. He is very respectful to his fellow citizens and he is well known the effective work throughout West Texas. Many people including me respect him for his integrity and honesty. He should be the 2012 World Mayor for working so hard with all the issues in an effective way in a border city of the United States. (By Madelin G, USA)
Comment: Mayor Cook is an incredibly honorable man who stood up to law breaking bigots who wished to jam their religious beliefs down the populations throat. Mayor Cook got their recall efforts thrown out in court, and his efforts shined a light on the disgusting, and illegal practices of fundamentalist pastors, in their attempts to cross the line between church and state. (By G Jack K, El Paso)
Comment: Our city has been voted the safest city of its size in this country. Mayor Cook has been reelcted by a landslide and remains very polpular among all groups of our citizens. For many years he and his wife have been feeding the poor, the homeless and the despitute in the city.
He organized and coordinates the Mayor' 100 Teens, they have all maintained high academic standards, are involved as volunteers in helping our seniors in the community. He has been the leader of the Southwest Region of the Unied States of America and has colaborated over the years with the mayors in our sister city of Ciudad Juarez, MX. (By Lisle H D, El Paso)
Comment: He has stood firmly for what is right in the face of homophobes and bigots. He has represented our city admirably around the US. (By Billie J H, El Paso)
Comment: In 2005, Mayor Cook ran for office overturning the incumbent's 1/4 million dollar campaign chest with a budget of $35,000 to victory. The Mayor and his admintration has been at the helm of city improvements in: mass transit, park upgrades, downtown revitalization, storm water utility, housing the hurricane refugees, transportation and economic development. Mayor Cook has a gift and talent for bridge-building and uniting people from all levels of government and socio-economic backgrounds to forge solutions. He visits with students and teachers,has established a reading club and also a program to recognize teenagers who do well in school and serve the community. He has a heart for the homeless and hungry, serving a monthly meal at one of the local shelters and established a foundation where the proceeds are distributed to the shelters for food purchases. He is well respected at the Texas Municipal League, National League of Cities, Border Mayors Association, wh
ere he has been selected to serve. He is a thoughtful,wise and respectful person. Mayor Cook listens well, has depth and ethical standards. He is not afraid to tackle issues or problems. He is proud and supportive of his family, staff, and constituents. Mayor Cook has a positive, joyful outlook on life! (By Norma A C, El Paso)
Comment: John Cook has been one of the most effective mayors El Paso has ever had. He leads not only with his intellect but his heart. He does what is right for the people of El Paso. I greatly admire Mayor John Cook. (By Colleen, El Paso)
Comment: As a heterosexual man who has had many friends who are gay or lesbian over many years I admire and appreciate his courageous and honest support of the LGBT community. (By Carl A F, El Paso)
Comment: One might think how a man develops this kind of caring nature for people. John has always used as his guiding force in his daily life and in the way that he runs the City of El Paso. He learned his love for others through his family life. His parents shared the love of serving others in need. As a family of nine, the Cook family had little to spare, but they helped those in need and adopted immigrant families who came into the city and helped them to get on their feet. John saw this and learned that we are called to service.
His love for his community started as a young man in NYC. He created the first Boy Scout troop for special needs children. His cousin had special needs and when he volunteered at the center he asked what he could do to help these children. As a Boy Scout for many years, he thought that they would enjoy the opportunity to earn badges and feel the same pride that he had to wear that uniform. He had the same pride of his county when he wore the US uniform during the war. He innately feels that peace is best for all, however, when he was called to fight during the war, he served his country well. He went to Vietnam and fought for his country. He learned the Vietnamese language and was a great asset to the US forces because of his ability to communicate with the people of Vietnam. While there, he was always surrounded by locals especially the children. When he returned from the war, he continued to serve, his community in New Milford, Connecticut.
When he moved to El Paso, Texas in 1971, he committed his life to his young family and the El Paso Community. He was often found at many community events where he would sing and entertain the crowds. His eyes were always open to the needs of the community. His business contacts gave him a feel for the affluent community around him, but his service to the community was always focused on the needs of those who were not blessed with wealth, health or the basic needs that most of us enjoy each day.
When he worked on the City Council as the Northeast City Council, man he hosted community get togethers in areas that many people never dared to go with food and music for the poorer community. He wanted to share their stories and their lives. Then he went back to city council and he would try to make changes that would support the needs all people in the community. Once he became mayor, along with his wife, he created a feed the hungry campaign for all those who needed support in the city and surrounding areas. He has tried to get others to respect the city he loves so deeply. As he has traveled in the US and Mexico, he educates everyone he meets about the beautiful City El Paso. His service to the National League of Cities, and his commitment to the border communities has made a major impact on the people of the El Paso Area. His involvement in the city has been part of his family life. He children and grandchildren have been raised to think about the city and its people. They all donate time and service to the city. It is that same commitment that he gives the City of El Paso each day. John Cook is an amazing individual who is truly deserving of this award. (By Joan K, USA)
Comment: I believe that John Cook should be the World Mayor 2012 because of his excellent job in the city and for the work he has done in the city and the respect he has earned from his citizens. (By Benjamin G, USA)
Comment: Mayor Cook is honest and truthful. He is not afraid to stand up for what is right no matter what the personal cost to him He is a true humanitarian. He and his wife feed the needy every month. He hosts a Thanksging for thouands of needy every year. He supports the youth in his community. He is often called the people's mayor. I call him brother and the finest man I have know along with my father who was a WWII veteran. (By Edna B, USA)
Comment: Mayor Cook's stand on equal rights for everyone including gay and lesbians has been a great struggle facing over conservative opposition. He should be commended. His stand has protected health care coverage for many people, gay, lesbian and straight alike. (By Jay W, El Paso)
Comment: He is the mayor of my hometown, El Paso is the safest city in america, has the best business and engineering college for hispanics in america, and el paso offers the most employment for a city of this size. Also El Paso is increasingly becoming a cool place for artists to come and perform at. (By AAA, USA)
Comment: Thank you for standing up against bigotry in our city. The wolf tried to hide in sheepskin but as our shepherd you unveiled him. (By Chris F, El Paso)
Comment: Mayor John Cook has committed himself to keep our city safe. Our economy stayed strong over the past few years and we have kept a lot of families in their homes. (By Flip, El Paso)
Comment: John Cook deserves this award for several reasons. He has been a very honest politician since before becoming mayor. He has not been one to give in easily to pressure; he constantly stands up for what he believes in. For example, quite recently a religious group in our city was trying to eject him from office for reinstating health benefits for unmarried partners of city employees; the people affected included common law spouses and LGBT persons, among others. This religious group took it upon themselves to launch an illegally-promoted recall election solely because they didn't want the LGBT people affected to receive health insurance. Mayor Cook fought this issue out in front of City Council and the Courts and eventually succeeded in keeping his office and that of 2 city representatives who were also targeted. Another thing I greatly admire in Mayor Cook is that he takes a proactive role in fighting homelessness in our city. With Señor John's BBQ Sauce, he helps
raise funds to fight homelessness nationwide. His personal support for the Feeding the Nation's Homeless truly makes a difference in this border community and shows the citizens of El Paso that he is committed to helping this city rise to its full potential. Lastly, John Cook is a humble, good-natured man who plays guitar on his spare time, and laughs at the jokes local radio stations make about his artistic endeavors. (By Elisabeth O, El Paso)
Comment: His fairness and belief in equality for all when voting to restore health benefits to all unmarried and gay couples working for the city; His courage in standing up to bigotry when attacked by religious zealots who want him recalled, his forward-thinking manners when it comes to moving our city forward and his willingness to work to make our city a shining example of graciousness and beauty in the desert. (By Tony R, El Paso)
Comment: Mayor Cook has changed this city for the better in the last seven years, than the last three mayors combined. His loves El Paso, and El Paso loves him. Always putting his city first, Mayor Cook has hosted his anual Thanksgiving dinner for the less fortunate every Thanksgiving Day. He also started "Mayors Top 100 Teens," where 100 El Paso teens are recognized every year. He changed our old abandoned downtown into a new one. With more opportunity. (By Ceasar T, El Paso)
Comment: Mayor John Cook should win. His background speaks for itself. No matter what, he always put his city first. Mayor Cook is the best Mayor in the world. (By Ceasar T, El Paso)
Comment: John Cook has done an awesome job, he is very down to earth and has always been concerned about our city. He was also a great District Representative. (By Abigail M-T, El Paso)
Comment: He stood up against people who were trying to take away basic rights from one group of people, led a smart growth endeavor in the city and stands up for El Paso whenever there is negative press about our great city. (By Jorge, El Paso)
Critical comments
Comment: I noted in the El Paso Times that John Cook was being considered for the World Mayor Prize and am outraged because this mayor overturned a vote by the people of El Paso. We have a low voter output and now many people are saying that there is no point in voting if the mayor can overturn our vote. Please take this into consideration when you are appraising this man. A recall was instituted and the may fought it mightly contesting legal voters for the purpose that some churchee were collecting signatures. Many people here have very strong feelings on this matter. (By Mildred G, El Paso)
Comment: Mayor John Cook has fought so many fights with such fierceness that El Paso has never seen in a mayor. He fought against the Asarco smelter being reopened, he fought for the rights of the lgbt employees of the city for their right to healthcare, and most recently fought along the city to bring back a world championship boxing match the recently aired on HBO that had been cancelled due to the misconception and flat out ignorance people have towards the city of El Paso. The city of El Paso has grown and modernized by leaps and bounds due to this man that will be greatly missed and adored when his time as our mayor comes to an end. (By Jules E, El Paso)
Comment: Yes, Mayor Cook has seen many new and invigorationg changes to El Paso sine he was elected. But I do believe that he mis-stepped his authority when he over-rode the will of the majority of El Paso voters in the election. There were other ways to get this set right without denying the voting rights of the people of El Paso. Maybe there was a misunderstanding in the wording of the initiative, but that could have been put up for vote at a later time. I look at his action as an appeasement to those that stood to gain from his action. Please, think of the overturned vote issue, and allow it to weigh in, and, as an important issue, to our way of life, as what was gained by his action. Thank you. (By Richard, El Paso)
Comment: A mayor should represent the people of his city. At minimum a mayor should at least play like he's listening to the consituents. With over 38,000 voters expressing their position that our city should honor and respect traditional family values and not violate our Texas State Constitution, Mayor Cook of El Paso, TX was the deciding vote on the City Council, that overturned the majority of the voters in that vote for Family Values. Please don't even consider Mayor Cook as a person who represents a model mayor. He is far from that as he's led the city in a very divisive and destructive use of the tax payers money. I vote NO to this anti-democracy, anti-American right to have their votes matter mayor. (By D F Y, El Paso)
Comment: Do NOT consider Mayor Cook from El Paso, Texas. He is servent of the people and our right to vote was violated because he went against the peoples wishes. American is a govt BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE. (By Tom K, El Paso)
Comment: I am astonished that John F. Cook, Mayor of El Paso, TX is included in this contest. He uses our tax dollars for his own vendetta to oust a corporation that could have provided many, many jobs in our city. He also disrespects the will of the people by overturning our vote and telling us we don't know what we are doing. Sorry...no confidence in this man. (By K M, El Paso)

World Mayor
The City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank for local government, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: honesty, leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. The winner receives the artistically acclaimed World Mayor trophy, while the two runner-ups are given the World Mayor Commendation.
Mayors wishing to be considered for the World Mayor Prize will be asked to sign up to the City Mayors' Code of Ethics
Nominations were accepted until the 17 May 2012. A shortlist of 25 nominees was published on 18 June. Voting took place until 20 October . The winner of the 2012 World Mayor Prize and other results of the World Mayor Project were announced on 8 January 2013.
Winners and runners-up
2004 to 2012
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana, Albania); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City, Mexico); In third place: Walter Veltroni (Rome, Italy)
In 2005: Winner: Dora Bakoyannis (Athens, Greece); Runner-up: Hazel McCallion (Mississauga, Canada); In third place: Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City, Guatemala)
In 2006: Winner: John So (Melbourne, Australia); Runner up: Job Cohen (Amsterdam, Netherland); In third place: Stephen Reed (Harrisburg, USA)
In 2008: Winner: Helen Zille (Cape Town, South Africa); Runner up: Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich, Switzerland); In third place: Leopoldo López (Chacao, Venezuela)
In 2010: Winner: Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City, Mexico); Runner-up: Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City, USA); In third place: Domenico Lucano (Riace, Italy)
In 2012: Winner: Iñaki Azkuna (Bilbao, Spain); Runner-up: Lisa Scaffidi (Perth, Australia); In third place: Joko Widodo (Surakarta, Indonesia)