Mayor Régis Labeaume, Québec City, Canada

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Régis Labeaume
Mayor of Québec City (Canada)
The winner and runner-ups of World Mayor 2012 will be chosen based on the number of nominations in relation to the size of their cities and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of testimonials received during this year's World Mayor Project. Below we publish a selection of comments received to date about WM nominee Régis Labeaume, Mayor of Québec City, Canada. Mayor Labeaume has signed up to the City Mayors Code of Ethics.
Comment: I sincerely hope that Mayor Régis Labeaume of Quebec City, will be elected as the Best mayor in the world. It is indeed a mayor who cares about the welfare of the people of his city. He is also the mayor of all generations, young and old. He is ever present, whether it be sports, arts, culture, as in all aspects of daily life of his City. He makes us proud and that is why he has a very strong support from the majority of the population in the projects he undertakes. Good luck Mr. Labeaume! A Great Man! (By Isabelle L, Canada)
Comment: This mayor seems to have won the hearts and minds of his countrymen in Quebec City. (By Chris H, Canada)
Comment: Le maire Labeaume considère entièrement sa population avant de prendre une décision. Lorsqu'un dossier promis déroge de sa voie, le maire Labeaume n'hésite pas à sortir publiquement pour manifester son mécontentement. Le maire Labeaume travail corps et âme. Son horaire est très chargé du matin au soir. C'est un homme dévoué à 100% pour sa population. Très émotif et très animé, Régis sera fier de remporter l'honneur de "world best mayor". Soyez sans crainte, il prendra soin de bien positionner son prix dans notre vieille capitale. (By Nordique, Quebec)
Comment: Mon maire est un homme franc et direct, comme on en voit plus. La plus part sont achetable mais pas lui, il est trop fiers d`être honnête. Tout ce qu`il pense et promet c`est pour le bien de sa ville et des citoyens.On est très heureux d`être réprésentés par un homme aussi fanatique pour faire de sa ville la plus belle et la plus sécuritaire du monde.Il veut en faire la ville la plus visitée au monde. vive notre maire...(By Jacques J, Quebec)
Comment: I wish he would be mayor in Montreal! (By Carole C, Canada)
Comment: C'est un homme dynamique quia une vision a long terme pour sa ville et prend les moyens pour y parvenir bravo. (By Yvon DB, Quebec)
Comment: Il est le emeilleur. (By Pierre D, Quebec)
Comment: Labeaume me donne le gout de m'interesser d'avantage a la politique et on peut facilement voir qu'il est un homme bon qui représente bien le peuple quebecois c'est pour quoi il mérite de gagné. (By Jessie T, Quebec)
Comment: Quebec city is a fun city and the people are very friendly and helpful to tourist. I left my wallet behind in the bus and the driver,when found it, returned to the hotel and returned it to me. he would not accept a reward. (By Tony R, Outside Canada)
Comment: M. Labeaume, Vous prenez les moyens pour arriver à vos fins et ça me plaît! (By Daniel M, Canada)
Comment: The Mayor of the City of Quebec in Canada named Regis Labeaume deserves the title of Best mayor in the world. Why, simply because he is a true man, who says honestly what he thinks and works in the interest of his citizens. He is a man who constantly has new ideas to make known Quebec City all over the world. I hope that he will be awarded the title of Best Mayor in the world 2012! (By Diane G, Canada)
Comment: C'est un fonceur! (By Renaud A, Canada)
Comment: Le maire Lebeaume est un homme qui ne représente pas seulement que sa ville, mais toute la province de Québec aussi.Il n'a pas la langue dans sa poche et il est très simple. Il nous a mis dans la 'map'.Il a fait venir des événements chez nous, des événements internationnaux. (By Elyse, Outside Canada)
Comment: Mayor Lebeaume is the most tgrusted public figure in Canada. (By René C, Quebec)
Comment: While Quebec and Canada face inaction cynicism, Régis Labeaume has brought an atmosphere of confidence and hope in Québec City. He has several projects for our city, which is the capital city of French America. Above all, he has the boldness and the experience to lead those projects. In fact, he has been involved in politics and business for decades before being elected. For exemple, in the years to come, the urban planning in Québec will be much more sustainable and modern than before (ex. densification, collective transportations, green spaces, etc.) Regis has also the project to build a tramway and many bycicle paths (some of them are already in construction) for both citizens and visitors. Since his election, Regis has built or renovated several sports centers and libraries. In consequence, he can be considered as a real guardian of culture and public health. (By J P LP, Quebec City)
Comment: Because of Labeaume, I created a new word: Tri-Cloned !
I wish Labeaume would be "Tri-Cloned": mayor of Quebec City, Prime Minister of Province of Quebec and Prime of Canada !
He is the best, YESSSSSSSS !!!! (By Michel C, Quebec)
Comment: Un visionnaire qui inspire la population. Transparent et intègre il représente ce que l on attente d un chef. Il contraste avec notre caste politique provinciale. Il nous donne l espoir de croire de nouveau en la democratie (By Dany T, Quebec)
Comment: Mr Labeaume is just the most inspiring human being! In just a couple of years, Quebec City has become the most fun and dynamic place to live! He listens to his citizens and always do his best to make everyone satisfied. He's so loved by every citizen, he is just like a rockstar to us!! Good luck to our very special mayor! (By Stephanie P, Quebec)
Comment: Since his arrival as a mayor, Quebec City is waking up. The Mayor decided to invest in many projects to create dynamism in cultural and business activities and to decrease administration expenses. It's simply a hat-trick. Before him, the city was sad, with no proud to be quebecers. Now, the citizen of other cities in the french province (Quebec) dream to have a mayor like him. Congratulation Mr Labeaume, you're simply the best. (By Benoît D, Quebec)
Comment: C'est un maire étonnant,il a tellement de courage pour oser s'attaquer au problème en boulversant les principes. C'est un véritable chef d'entreprise avant d'être un politicien. Son style est unique, il plait ou il ne plait pas mais personne n'est indifférent. Régis fait et dit tout haut ce que tout le monde pense tout bas, et beaucoup de maires et de politiciens l'admire et voudrait être comme lui, avec sa population qui l'appuis presque unanimement. Il fait du bien à notre moral. En quelques années, il fait avancer la ville de 10 ans, tellement il est dynamique, motivé, positif, visionnaire. C'est un maire qui va avoir marqué l'histoire de la ville de Québec, mais aussi de la province de Québec, c'est certain ! on vous aime monsieur Labeaume et vous méritez l'honneur de gagner le titre de meilleur maire au monde. (By I P, Quebec)
Comment: He's the best mayor in the World! He's the best mayor Quebec city never had. Good luck Mr. Labeaume! I'm proud of you. Keep your good work, we need you. (By Sylvain F, Quebec)
Comment: C'est un maire qui pense énormément à ses citoyens. Il a fait de Québec une ville respecté et crédible à travers le monde. Il a plein de nouveaux projets pour augmenter la qualité de vie des Québécois. C'est un bon maire qui mérite ce prix ! (By Guillaume, Outside Canada)
Comment: I have voted for M. Labaume for multiple reason. He is energetic and charismatic. He took a city that was a historical tourist trap without real view of the futur and made it in THE city people look at when speaking about a great city in the province of Quebec. M. Labaume show that he know where he want Quebec City to be in the futur and was able to make is citizen want it. He speak without the common political mumbi jumbo and make it a point of honor to be himself. (By Eric V, Quebec)
Comment: Mr. Labeaume dreams of a better Quebec City. He highly succeeded in giving the population is proud back, by implenting a series of events to attrack tourists and to put the city on the map.
He isn't the typical politician, as he do not hesitate to give his thoughts and he does not fear ballots, so he's not acting in a way of influencing them. We like his honesty and hard work. (By Phil D, Quebec)
Comment: Good day :(i'm a French person) My first job was in enterprice of Mr Régis Labeaume, boss. I was his secretary with 2 others bosses. He did me a chance because i did'nt have any experience. He was always happy, humanist. I noticed that he was working very hard and he encouraged me a lot. As you suppose, I knew him many years before he was the Quebec Mayor. Since is a mayor, Quebec is now well-known with many sport activities, with projects. The economy is better and people are more helpful and very important word for our city, PROUD. He is interesting also to young people : I mean children. He went to see them in their classes and asked them questions. This mayor likes JUSTICE for his people. I'm proud to say, he was my first boss and now he is the Mayor of Quebec. (By MT, Quebec City)
Comment: This mayor is the heart of his population. He brings back the proudest to be a quebec city citizen. He is not affraid by the opposition and if he did a mistake he will take the blame for it. A politician style that we miss so much in this province. (By Pierre-Luc, Canada)
Comment: Mister Labeaume is a smart man. This man is very special with people. He is not a snob. He likes to ear our opinion. He is honest, straight. We love that super man. (By Ruth B, Canada)
Comment: M.Labeaume is the mayor since 2007 and since then, Quebec City and the cities close to it has evolved. The mayor brought a new whisper to our dearly city that as put us on prefer destination for tourist like never we've been before. Even if i'm not a resident of Quebec city, i live on the south shore of it and i can assure you that the decisions that he took as improve the life of us, the neighbours.
But the one thing that i like the most of this man is his determination and the way he act in a non-political way. He's not like those politicians who's making promises just for grabing votes. When he says something, he's doing it. He's in control of his city and and manage Quebec City like an entreprise. That means that he's not spending money for nothing and when he does well, there's gonna be profits coming from those expenses.
M.Labeaume manage Quebec City with priority and i'm convince that he's not the mayor of our city just to get a juicy pay check. He's there fod the same reason as us, he's there because he love this city.
I really hope that Régis Labeaume will be voted Best Mayor because all of the efforts he putted into our beloved city. He deserve this honor. (By Robert B, Canada)
Comment: Everybody loves that wonderful man. I want to support him. He worth to be named the best mayor in the world. (By Adrien F, Canada)
Comment: With a strong carreer as a business man, Mr Labeaume took a business approach to manage Quebec City, inciting everyone, city workers as well as citizens, to be the best person and contributor to the quality of life they can be. this was a nice thought but it works and makes the city a dynamic place to work, live culture and sports, and a safe city to raise children. People like that and show it cnstantly with a support vote close to 80%. We definigly feel good in Quebec City and this chage came with Régis Labeaume. He is certainly a new kind of mayor and many could take good inspiratin from him. (By Marie M, Canada)
Comment: Régis Labeaume est un maire extrordinaire qui s'occupe de sa ville et de sa population. Et il met la ville de quebec sur la carte. (By Francois H, Quebec City)
Comment: Mr Labaume should be considered for the world mayor prize because since he has been in place the general ambiance and economy has evolved towards great positiveness. The city wasn't affected a lot from the economical crisis... and the attitude of the mayor and his way of running the city has a lot to do with it. BEST OF LUCK MR LABAUME !!! (By Jean H, Canada)
Comment: He rocks !!! He's not afraid to give his opinion, nor of the ridiculous one!!! He defends its city against winds and tides. And, he takes part regularly in a journalistic emission of public television relating to the politque one which I adore: Infoman. Moreover, it fights for the return of a team of hockey in the beautiful town of Quebec!!! (By Genevieve N, Canada)
Comment: I have lived in the City of Quebec since 1960 and he is the first mayor who really works for his, our city. Since he has been mayor, Quebec city is on "the map". He really lives and works in Quebec and he works at least 6 days a week. He really deserve the title. (By Dr Aylmer B, Quebec City)
Comment: Regis Labeaume est un maire que l,on pourrait décrire comme un serviteur du peuple. La classe moyenne est importante pour lui. Il a un style progressiste et sa vision de la ville de Québec est de la rendre toujours meilleure. Il ne fait pas l,unanimité, il dérange et est un vrai "raging bull". Ses réalisations depuis 2007 sont impressionantes. Il est le parfait prototype du maire des années 2000...(By Pops, Quebec City)
Comment: Mayor R. Labeaume is a driving force in the development of our community. He has given the city a name respected all over the world. He has given every citizen of Quebec city a sense of belonging and pride. Thank you Regis for who you are and what you do. (By Gilles V, Quebec City)
Comment: The best Mayor in the World? C`est une personne attachante,honnête, un fonceur,un visionnaire, un avant-gardiste. Québec est la Capitale de la Province de Québec, une des villes les plus sécuritaire en Amérique du Nord. Ce Maire m'a fait davantage aimer ma Ville etma Ville deviendra très bientôt la Plus Belle Ville en Amérique. Et ce Maire, mon Maire est fière de la présenter au monde entier et avec raisons. Welcome in Quebec City! Labeaume, La Ville, Ma Ville. (By Robert L, Quebec City)
Comment: The citizens of Quebec are very proud of their city since Mr Labaume has been elected as mayor. He initiated many projects that attracted countless of new citizens, visitors and internationaly renowned people,(artists,politicians.... The city of Quebec is very well managed:lowest rate of unemployment among canadian cities,close control on munipal expenses, well managed urban planning and transportation facilities, environment protection... Among international envents he brought in Quebec : Red Bull Crash Ice Competition, Quebec Summer Festival with such as artists as Paul Mcartney, Madonna,Rod Stewart, Celine Dion... (By Y E D, Quebec City)
Comment: The mayor did not hesitate to speak his mind aloud even though this may interfere with some people and for me it is an excellent quality. And thanks to Regis Labeaume Quebec City can still dream and hope for a return to an NHL team. If ever a dream come true, Mr. Labeaume has everything a successful exploit. Long live our mayor! (By Jennifer, Quebec City)
Comment: Here in Quebec we have a very energetic mayor who does a lot for his citizens and our visibility across Canada and the world. He is capable of addressing important issues in the right way and I am very satisfied with his services and contribution to our community. (By Nicole, Quebec City)
Comment: He is the one and only mayor of Quebec City I know who is not afraid of his opinions. Furthermore, he is also the instigator of many huge projects - as the multifunctional center for a new hockey team - and he is always willing and I do believe in a man like him all the way. (By Odiloe C, Canada)
Comment: Of all the mayoyrs in the Province he is the most active one, he is very involved with the population and the business community as well. He is very loyal to is people and is not influenced by political pressures, he speaks is mind and fufills is promises. (By Jean René G, Canada)
Comment: Labeaume is the best mayor I knew since I have lived here; he creates passion and desire to be imitated by his citizens (even those of Montreal); he say what he makes and makes what he said; he talks with enthusiasm and pride; he receives very good attention of alls medias of Quebec and too Canada. (By Hélène D, Quebec City)
Comment: Quebec City is among the 10 most beautifull cities in the world. A French town, European style in America. Régis Labeaume is popular, proud, energic and young enough to lead a city like Québec. He's unique too. Thank you. (By Jacques C, Quebec City)
Comment: Mr Labeaume is the best! Quebec is revived with him. He has a wonderful vision and managment abilities. Now Quebec city is so atttractive for us and visitors. Thank you Mr Labeaume, we appreciate you a lot. (By Dominique G, Quebec City)
Comment: Mayor Labaume is so special and very much loved by almost everyone in his city. He is very hot. I would like to have one like him in my city on Levis just in front Quebec City. He made on Quebec a great city when it was 400th anniversary of the city in 2008. It was the best year of my life. I lived great evenments all year long. Excuse my english I'm a french canadian. I wish the mayor good luck for his nomination for the world best mayor. (By Jocelyne P, Quebec City)
Comment: Notre maire dépasse la façon de faire de tous les anciens maires. Il n'a pas peur de faire les choses autrement, ce qui fait avancer les choses. Il ose ce que personne n'avait fait avant. Couper dans la fonction publique etc...Il a depuis son élection upgrader l'image de la Ville de Québec en y amenant des compétions internationales comme le crashed bull ice, etc. (By Claudette R, Quebec City)
Comment: - Best Mayor in Quebec City since a long time !
- Appreciate his love for his city
- We noted the changings the moment he arrived
to the City Hall
- I am proud to say everywhere he is our mayor
- Did a lot of changings as promised
- Honest, sincere, dynamic, jovial, courageous,
compatissant, recognised as responsible for
his actions, work hard for his electors, etc,
etc... I could continue a lot of qualities !
- He can be sure to have my vote to the next
election !!! (By Lucille M, Quebec City)
Comment: C'est un maire très dynamique qui a le souci de faire progresser la magnifique Ville de Québec dans les domaines culturel, sportif et touristique. Il a le souci de rendre la Ville de Québec de plus en plus attrayante pour ses résidents et ses nombreux visiteurs qui viennent admirer ses charmes européens dans une Ville de 404 ans en Amérique du Nord. Les Québécois l'adorent et il mériterait d'être récompensé. (By Diane, Quebec City)
Critical comments:
Comment: The mayor can claim some remarkable achievements. He is the only Canadian mayor of recent times to have obtained hundreds of millions of dollars of public money for the exclusive profit of a future professional sports team and a media conglomerate: Quebecor. It is possibly the largest transfer of public money into private hands of recent times in Canada.
In doing this he contravened many laws but managed to have the National Assembly pass a special law which grants him an amnesty on all counts. This is something which Berlusconi himself was unable to achieve.
During his tenure the city's debt has risen by 30% and will have risen by 50% in 2015. This is an achievement which no other mayor of recent times can claim.
Finally, he attained all this while retaining a very high level of popularity. He is a master of populist communications.

World Mayor
The City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank for local government, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: honesty, leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. The winner receives the artistically acclaimed World Mayor trophy, while the two runner-ups are given the World Mayor Commendation.
Mayors wishing to be considered for the World Mayor Prize will be asked to sign up to the City Mayors' Code of Ethics
Nominations were accepted until the 17 May 2012. A shortlist of 25 nominees was published on 18 June. Voting took place until 20 October . The winner of the 2012 World Mayor Prize and other results of the World Mayor Project were announced on 8 January 2013.
Winners and runners-up
2004 to 2012
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana, Albania); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City, Mexico); In third place: Walter Veltroni (Rome, Italy)
In 2005: Winner: Dora Bakoyannis (Athens, Greece); Runner-up: Hazel McCallion (Mississauga, Canada); In third place: Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City, Guatemala)
In 2006: Winner: John So (Melbourne, Australia); Runner up: Job Cohen (Amsterdam, Netherland); In third place: Stephen Reed (Harrisburg, USA)
In 2008: Winner: Helen Zille (Cape Town, South Africa); Runner up: Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich, Switzerland); In third place: Leopoldo López (Chacao, Venezuela)
In 2010: Winner: Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City, Mexico); Runner-up: Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City, USA); In third place: Domenico Lucano (Riace, Italy)
In 2012: Winner: Iñaki Azkuna (Bilbao, Spain); Runner-up: Lisa Scaffidi (Perth, Australia); In third place: Joko Widodo (Surakarta, Indonesia)