Mayor Alfonso Sánchez Garza, Matamoros, Mexico

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Alfonso Sánchez Garza
Mayor of Matamoros (Mexico)
The winner and runner-ups of World Mayor 2012 will be chosen based on the number of nominations in relation to the size of their cities and, more importantly, on the persuasiveness and conviction of testimonials received during this year's World Mayor Project. Below we publish a selection of comments received to date about WM nominee Alfonso Sánchez Garza, Mayor of Matamoros, Mexico. Mayor Sánchez has signed up to the City Mayors Code of Ethics.
Comment: He is an outstanding mayor and a warm hearted leader for his peolple. Alfonso Sanchez has confronted what most would fear and improved safety, infrastructure, and the ways of the city. May he be blessed with this prize for his courage and committment for a better world. (By Ernesto A, Matamoros)
Comment: El Mayor Alfonso Sanchez Garza es una persona que atiende y resuelve con entuiasmo los problemas de Matamoros. Ha logrado promover a la ciudad en turismo, industria y las buenas relaciones con las ciudades vecinas, para un mejor desarrollo regional. (By Juan Martín, Matamaros)
Comment: As a local college student from the Tecnológico of Matamoros I am very excited about the new opportunities that are arriving to our city.
The recent discovery announced by PEMEX of new deepwater oil deposits in the Gulf of Mexico with estimated reserves of 75 million to 125 million barrels will be a great economic opportunity for us the local people. And thanks to Mayor Alfonso‚s devotion to the University students of Matamoros for promoting new Engeneering carrers that will facilitate the access to work for this promising project. I took the time to write here as this is a life opportunity that I will for ever be grateful for. (By Ricardo R, Matamoros)
Comment: It was outstanding to see how this beautiful city has been renewed in so little time!!The streets are now clean and tourism is now possible even when it is a city in a red zone. There is security, old people are strongly taken on count and they feel like they can help in the city‚s changes. Alfonso cares about every single habitant as if they are all his sons. I would like to have a Mayor like this in my city, where with too little, he‚s done too much!! (By Carlos D, Outside Mexico)
Comment: I work for an environmental agency in the United States and so have been aware of the work being done in Mexico across the border. Given all that they have to deal with, it is wonderful to hear of all the progress they are making for the health of the people there. (By Anita K, Outside Mexico)
Comment: I am proud to be a person from Matamoros and I lived and saw situations that had been sadness in this city, situations that had been heard in all the news of the world and that had been spoken of a insecurity and horrible in Matamoros, and when I noticed has been nominated in the world major I feel with the strong compromise of tell you why he have to win, I heard that we had to tell about a big building that he build or if he did a new law that benefice one group of people that dosen't been recognized of they rigths but not maybe my major didn't did that great actions, but the thing that he did and because I admired him is that he returns to all the citizens that hope that we have of a better future, the thing that ALfonso Sanchez Garza did in this city is return the smile to the children and that they can enjoy of the social places again with their family, the thing that he did is act with the example and goverment with the views of the citizens that he always invited the people in his speeches to build the Matamoros that we need and deserved and for that reason estimated friends of world major made a big change in the awareness of the citizens and for that and for my family I believe that Alfonso Sanchez Garza is the best Major of the world because he includes us to build the Matamoros of hope and humanity that we deserved to life, for me is the best thing or action that we can have besides a clean and beatiful city we are a city that we have to be admired for the good things that happens in these part of the world starting of the government of the Major Alfonso Sanchez Garza. (By Wendy G, Matamoros)
Comment: la iglesia maranatha le agradece su apoyo del material para la construcción de nuestro templo, recibido por parte de dios,edificar su casa de oración,donde un grupo de congregantes nos reunimos para bendecirle de antemano agradecemos su gesto y pedimos al dios todo poderoso su bendicicon , y protección para usted y su apreciable familia gracias. (By Tomasa M B, Matamoros)
Comment: El alcalde Alfonso Sánchez ha realizado muchos eventos en beneficio a la ciudad de Matamoros como fue el día del abuelito que se realizó en el mundo nuevo, en ese evento estuve presente como voluntariado ayudando a servir a los abuelitos. Estuvo muy padre porque se sintieron los abuelitos muy contentos y disfrutaron su festejo.
Otra actividad que ha realizado es el torneo de pesca que se realizó en la playa Bagdad para que los amantes de la pesca se divirtieran un buen rato claro pasándola muy padre con su familia. Ese evento estuvo muy padre y mucho más para todos los pescadores que se relajaron un buen rato y aparte de todo eso se pudo convivir más tiempo, logrando la unión familiar.
Otro evento que me encanto demasiado fue cuando decoraron la plaza en navidad, fue lo más bonito, las luces tan coloridas llamaban la atención de todos los niños y hasta de los adultos, toda la gente se quedaba fascinada de tantas cosas que había en las decoraciones y no eran decoraciones chiquitas eran a tamaño humano o hasta muchísimo más grandes.
Quería agradecer por realizar tantas actividades para que las familias matamorences puedan disfrutar momentos y beneficios para una mejor vida. Espero y siga realizando actividades para el bien de los ciudadanos para que toda la gente siga igual de contenta y satisfecha con el trabajo que hasta hoy a realizado. (By Norma X, Matamors)
Comment: I would like to share with the World Mayor Organization one of the outstanding achievements Mayor Alfonso has recently done for the people. One of his greatest momentums during his administration is implementing a program called: Audiencia Publica (Public Audience) where every Thursday, he receives any citizen that wishes to speak to him in an open forum. This action has significantly raised his popularity because of the immediate response he gives to every petition.
Without any doubt Alfonso Sanchez is a peoples person who has returned the honor and pride to all Matamorenses. (By Irma I, Matamoros)
Comment: Considero al Presidente Municipal Alfonso Sanchez como una persona con vision y con buenas intenciones de hacer que nuestra ciudad sea un mejor lugar donde vivir. Lo considero una persona con muy buenas intenciones y que quiere mucho a Matamoros. (By J Fernando F, Matamoros)
Comment: El Mayor Sanchez Garza es una persona muy confiable y transparente en el ejercicio de su trabajo y administración, no existe discriminación de ninguna indole, su administración se a basado en la cercanía con la gente y de puertas abiertas.
Gracias a su trabajo se a tenido un avanze significativo en:
-Atención a personas de escasos recursos.
-Mejoramiento de los espacios recreativos de la ciudad para el esparcimiento de las familias.
-Se esta modernizando y agilizando toda la administración pública con el proyecto de creación de la ventanilla única.
-Los jóvenes tienen mayor impulso en el deporte.
-La capacitación de los cuerpos policiacos del municipio para brindar una mejor protección a la ciudadanía.
-Mejora de la infraestructura vial. (By Emilio S L, Matamoros)
Comment: Mi admiración por el Ing.Victor Alfonso Sáncehz Garza, es por su trayectoria humanista, al ser el fundador de Instituto Oftamológico, donde ha beneficiado a miles de personas, así como al desempeño que tiene como Presidente Municipal, al desarrollar Políticas Públicas para el apoyo de las Mujeres, a quienes considera elementales en el fortalecimiento de las familias. (By Namjara, Matamoros)
Comment: Estoy muy agradecido con el Sr. Alcalde Alfonso Sánchez Garza, ya que gracias a el la marcha de la diversidad sexual tuvo gran éxito en la ciudad, demostrando que es un alcalde para todas las personas sin que haya discriminación de ninguna índole, y eso me hace sentir que en esta ciudad ya se esta acabando con la homofobia en la administración municipal, me siento incluido y que mi voz vale. (By Maximno O, Matamoros)
Comment: Para mi es uno de los mejores alcaldes que ha tenido la ciudad, es admirable la labor que ha venido desempeñando desde el inicio de su administración. Por que si se realiza un comparativo de como se encuentra la ciudad actualmente a como él la recibió se nota una mejoría impresionante. Honestamente yo no soy militante ni partidario del partido al que él pertenece (PRI); pero en un futuro si el Ingeniero Alfonso se postula a un cargo público tengan la seguridad que contaría con mi voto. (By Urbano R, Matamoros)
Comment: Alfonso Sanchez en un hombre que ha brindado todo su apoyo para conseguir los recursos para pavimentacion de calles, proporcionar servicios basicos para el bienestar en zonas de extrema pobreza de la ciudad. Tambien ha trabajado mucho para llevar agua potable y drenaje a zonas que lo requerian desde hace mucho tiempo. Su capacidad para obtener recursos es muy notable y esto ha beneficiado a muchas personas pobres. Muchos ciudadanos se han beneficiado con el Progrmama de lentes gratuitos por varios años, en especial los mayores de edad. Personalmente opino que Alfonso Sanchez es una persona integra y con valores humanos muy altos, que dia con dia se esfuerza por resolver la problematica de la ciudad. (By Minerva K G, Matamoros)
Comment: Hace algunos dias visite la ciudad de Matamoros, Mexico y disfrute de su historia, playas, arte culinario, pero lo que mas me impresionó fue su atractivo ornato, el mantenimiento impecable de sus calles y la conservación de sus monumentos historicos como la Catedral, el Palacio Municipal y los Museos de Casamata y de Arte Contemporaneo. Al conversar con las personas oriundas de la ciudad, estas me manifestaron que en gran medida esa belleza se debia a la preocupación permanente y trabajo tesonero que realizaba su actual alcalde Alfonso Sánchez Garza, al que ademas calificaron como un tipo cercano, carismatico y progresista. He regresado a España con una muy buena impresión de la ciudad y de la administración edilicia de la Invicta, Leal y Heroica Matamoros como le llaman sus vecinos. ¡Enhorabuena! (By Luis L, Outside Mexico)
Comment: Quiero agradecer profundamente todo lo que ha hecho por la ciudadanía en esta ciudad H. Matamoros, Tmaualipas. pero en especial la dedicación y apoyo que ha brindado a la juventud a través de diversos eventos educativos, culturales y recreativos que han hecho a las nuevas generaciones emprendedoras.
En el año 2011 fuí participe de un concurso en el que usted llevó a acabo a través del Instituto Municipal de Atención a la Juventud (IMAJ) en dónde cientes de jóvenes estusiastas proyectaron su pensar, su conocimiento y sus inquietudes a través de un cortometraje, fué una experiencia inolvidable y un evento muy bien organizado. Es por eso y por muchas cosas más que agradezco profundamente su atención hacia nosotros los jóvenes, me da mucho gusto y orgullo el saber que usted Ing. esté aquí participando, es el resultado de todo su empeño y colaboración que ha tenido por la ciudad de Matamoros, en mí nombre y de muchos jóvenes usted gane o no gane este reconocimiento, sin duda alguna es el mejor Alcalde del mundo. (Garcia G, Matamoros)
Comment: When you talk about Mayor Alfonso Sanchez you talk about a patient and intelligent man, who thinks clearly, and most of all: a down to earth person ... A Man who loves and listens to the human being. He knows that his efforts should prevail, he has never forgotten his proposals, it is clear he planned his actions for our region. I've got much benefit from his actions, I am a single mother and he helped me by placing my son in a primary close to my work, in order to avoid the cost of school transport. It was amazing how unhesitatingly he supported me once I told him my problem..... Mayors like him no longer exist...(By Monica L C, Matamoros)
Comment: Con acciones de gobierno comprprobables, teniendo como premisa fundamentel el bien común, Alfonso Sánchez Garza, un hombre joven y carismático, es el mejor alcalde que la ciudad de Matamoros y el estado de Tamaulipas, México, ha tenido desde hace más de 30 años que tengo memoria de conocerlos. (By Oscar F R, Matamoros)
Comment: Es un alcalde joven que está haciendo un gran trabajo a favor de nuestra ciudad y sus habitantes, con programas sociales y el desarrollo de infraestructura urbana, así como creando las condiciones para el establecimiento de empresas y la creación del empleo. El rubro de la seguridad pública también ha sido atendido a pesar que falta mayor apoyo y coordinación de los otros niveles de gobierno, estatal y federal. (By Juan Carlos O C, Matamoros)
Comment: Se ve un hombre sencillo, con aspiraciones, que pretende hacer bien las cosas a beneficio de la ciudad... por su origen empresarial la confianza esta puesta en el para la generación de inversión y por ende del empleo que tanta falta hace. (By Dan A, Matamoros)
Comment: Pues puedo decir que a sido buen presidente y que hasta ahorita. Todo va tranquilo con el y su administracion. (By Ali, Matamoros)
Comment: Es una gran presidente, apoya mucho a la ciudadania. (By Pedro L, Outside Mexico)
Comment: My grandmother had eye surgery thanks to Mayor of Matamoros, Mexico and she is now very happy with "her new eyes" as she says. (By Phillip T R, Outside Mexico)
Comment: He is one of the best Mayors we have, he looks for a better enviroment around us, giving free internet among a lot of public parks, He deserve to be the best Mayor on heart. (By Mayor d l G, Matamoros)
Comment: Gracias por todo su apoyo, y por la beca que atraves de a Dirección de Educación mi hijo ha recibido durante este año y esperamos nos siga ayudando. Que Dios lo Bendiga. (By Elizabeth H, Matamoros)
Comment: Alfonso Sánchez Garza ha dado a la administración municipal de Matamoros un sentido humano. Trabaja con decisión en la atención de los problemas de la ciudad y está proyectando una imagen positiva de esta región, generando el orgullo y sentido de pertenencia de sus gobernador. (By Angel, Matamoros)
Comment: gracias por las aportaciones en la educación. (By Lizeth S, Outside Mexico)
Comment: Excellent, humanitary and with an amazing view of the future, helping world people. (By Viridiana D H, Matamoros)
Comment: Por ser un presidente que siempre esta cerca de su gente y con gran sesibilidad a todos lo grupos vulnerables, pero sobre todo que respalda continuamente a todo su equipo de trabajo a ser ejemplo en transparencia para aplicar los programas a la comunidad. (By Maria Lucia C G, Matamoros)
Comment: Es un alcalde muy cercano a la gente, que su calidez incluso lo llevo a crear un instituto donde las personas con problemas visuales reciben atención medica gratuita, a muchos abuelitos les ha dado una nueva oportunidad de valerse por si mismo con esta atención.
Fortalecer a las familias no solo es un lema de gobierno es una realidad que vivimos los Matamorenses. (By Sedas N, Matamoros)
Comment: The man has done an outstanding job for the city. Considering the the last few mayors the city has had have only robbed money from the city, and that the current governor has not done anything special for the state, it is really impressive how much of a good work he has done. Previous mayors limited themselves to pave some streets, whereas this man destined resources to restore parks, improve the city traffic by remodeling the main street of the city, implemented free wireless internet in some of the most visited places, rebuild the local police force, created job opportunities for the people and even reduced the violence in the city compared to previous administrations. Even with the history and rumors that surround his political party, the man manages to work not just properly, but to do so the best way a mayor from a "small" can. (By Jesus R, Matamoros)
Comment: Excelente trabajo en Matamoros, hay mucho manos inseguridad y más industria, por lo tanto empleos. (By Gabriela P, Mexico)
Comment: There is a big fish in a small pond that you must hear about. This person is not headlined in international news nor is he typing his thoughts in Twitter. In reality, this man is making life better for thousands of people one day at a time. His name is captivating the hearts through his ongoing efforts to those he serves and lives he improves. He is Alfonso Sanchez Garza.
A country that has five of the ten most dangerous cities in the world must by a tough place to be a mayor. Especially in a state where mayors, candidates for office, chief of police, and innocent civilians are notoriously murdered and violently manipulated. The adversity that my city has gone through has been tough, especially for its citizens. We underwent serious financial issued due to an unforeseen economic, political, social, and moral crisis this past decade. Those who dared rule continued impoverishing the land by placing their own financial interests ahead of the city's. This went on for several terms in office until one man stood up for the sake of change. The vision, determination, and audacity of Sanchez Garza has generated spectacular result that have injected hope amongst his people.
There is something great happening in Matamoros
• For the first time in Matamoros history, the government approved the most amazing project that is: to restore the most visited public places by converting them in eco friendly environment cleaning and treating our ponds water, building modern architecture innovative designed parks. Furthermore, this will provide shade in summer and wind protection in winter and enhance privacy all while increasing real estate values at the same time.
• The honor of singlehandedly decreasing the murder rate and violence by 65% in a city is a task for the brave. Sanchez Garza has put a considerable amount of energy, inorder top ut an end to all the violence in this town.
• Free Wireless Internet access subsidized by the the government in Social Program: Vive Matamoros: The 17 most visited public areas offer turistic information and free wireless internet access subsidized by the local government in order to grant the communities an opportunity to reunite themselves by encouraging them to interact with each other.
• Every couple in the city is invited to get their papers together so that they can get married with a judge without any cost. This is another social program that has been going on throughout the city encouraging, new, old and every couple to get married. Furthermore, this administration is "thinking out of the box" to send positive vibes with great actions involving the families to believe in a different Matamoros!
We can heal this city from every evil action that has taken place because our children deserve a harmonious environment! (By Jorge A, Matamaros)
Comment: This mayor has given to our city free internet access in some areas, (By Ricardo C, Matamoros)
Comment: Mayor Sanches is a humane man with great vision. He has a courage to take into his hands a destroyed city and turn it into what we live now a more calm environment, a more prosperous environment without losing that humility that all great leaders need. (By NN, Matamoros)
Comment: A very honest and down to earth man who has the will to serve and keep on helping even though it is not easy in mexico at this time. He recieved a endebted city and has fix it economy and still keep helping the people. (By Jose G, Matamoros)
Critical comments:
Comment: I'm from Matamoros, Mexico but I decided to vote for the mayor of Rio and not for my mayor simply because I do not believe Sanchez deserves the award. Cartel violence in Matamoros was not "singlehandedly" reduced by Sanchez; it was an effort done primarily by the Federal government, not by the municipality. In addition, we're behind in infrastructure if we compare Matamoros with Reynosa. (By JAH, Matamoros)
Comment: Aunque vivo en la misma ciudad que el Alcalde Alfonso Sanchez mi voto fue para el representante de Rio de Janeiro, por que para mi es inconcebible que el señor Sanchez permita que en sus dependencias. De Gobierno haya empleados que no desquiten el sueldo que ganan...como la maestra Norma Morales, dizque empleada del instituto de la mujer, como es posible que tenga un cargo publico cuando ella tiene tiempo completo como maestra en la secundaria donde estudia mi hijo (secundaria 7)? Para mi eso no es justo por que elka esta ocupando un empleo que a otra persona le haria mas falta. (By Rubi S, Matamoros)
Comment: This city is full of drug cartels. (By Gerardo C, Matamoros)
Comment: ALFONSO SANCHEZ does not even meet the preamble of the World Mayor Code of ethics. Citizens on Matamoros are far from being happy, secure and prosperous, drug cartels run the city and local law enforcement is virtually zero; kidnappings and extortion are the order of the day. Mr. Sanchez municipal structure is highly incompetent. Matamoros police and traffic wardens are the vivid examples of misconduct of public servants. (By Citizen of Matamoros, Matamoros)

World Mayor
The City Mayors Foundation, the international think tank for local government, organises the World Mayor Project and awards the World Mayor Prize. The Prize, which has been given since 2004, honours mayors with the vision, passion and skills to make their cities incredible places to live in, work in and visit. The World Mayor Project aims to show what outstanding mayors can achieve and raise their profiles nationally and internationally.
The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for city leaders who excel in qualities like: honesty, leadership and vision, management abilities and integrity, social and economic awareness, ability to provide security and to protect the environment as well as the will and ability to foster good relations between communities from different cultural, racial and social backgrounds. The winner receives the artistically acclaimed World Mayor trophy, while the two runner-ups are given the World Mayor Commendation.
Mayors wishing to be considered for the World Mayor Prize will be asked to sign up to the City Mayors' Code of Ethics
Nominations were accepted until the 17 May 2012. A shortlist of 25 nominees was published on 18 June. Voting took place until 20 October . The winner of the 2012 World Mayor Prize and other results of the World Mayor Project were announced on 8 January 2013.
Winners and runners-up
2004 to 2012
In 2004: Winner: Edi Rama (Tirana, Albania); Runner-up: Andrés Manuel López Obrador (Mexico City, Mexico); In third place: Walter Veltroni (Rome, Italy)
In 2005: Winner: Dora Bakoyannis (Athens, Greece); Runner-up: Hazel McCallion (Mississauga, Canada); In third place: Alvaro Arzú (Guatemala City, Guatemala)
In 2006: Winner: John So (Melbourne, Australia); Runner up: Job Cohen (Amsterdam, Netherland); In third place: Stephen Reed (Harrisburg, USA)
In 2008: Winner: Helen Zille (Cape Town, South Africa); Runner up: Elmar Ledergerber (Zurich, Switzerland); In third place: Leopoldo López (Chacao, Venezuela)
In 2010: Winner: Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico City, Mexico); Runner-up: Mick Cornett (Oklahoma City, USA); In third place: Domenico Lucano (Riace, Italy)
In 2012: Winner: Iñaki Azkuna (Bilbao, Spain); Runner-up: Lisa Scaffidi (Perth, Australia); In third place: Joko Widodo (Surakarta, Indonesia)