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World Mayor Nominations 2021
Ahmed Marcouch, Mayor of Arnhem, Netherlands The 2021 World Mayor Prize and Commendations will be conferred on mayors who have been showing leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic and who are now aiming to make their cities more resilient economically, structurally, socially and environmentally. In fact: Stronger | Fairer | Greener. The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for mayors who have shown exceptional leadership skills but also, and more importantly, acted at all times with compassion towards those most affected by Covid-19. The pandemic has shown how vulnerable even the richest cities are when confronted with a disaster like Covid-19. Forward-looking city leaders will now begin to re-think how their communities can be better protected against future threats, both natural and man-made. Ahmed Marcouch, Mayor of Arnhem, Netherlands, has been shortlisted for the 2021 World Mayor Prize. |
FRONT PAGE About World Mayor City Mayors Foundation ![]() ![]() ![]() WORLD MAYOR 2021 - The Winners - The Project - The Finalists - The Shortlist - The Longlist - Selection criteria - Covid-19 - World Mayor history - World Mayor Sculpture - Poverty - Code of Ethics - Press & Media INTERVIEWS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte ESSAYS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Maire de Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino TESTIMONIALS - Mayor of Amsterdam - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Arnhem - Mayor of Bergamo - Mayor of Bogotá - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Buenos Aires - Mayor of Carmignano - Mayor of Cascais - Mayor of Compton - Mayor of Dantumadiel - Mayor of Freetown - Mayor of Grenoble - Mayor of Grigny - Mayor of Guarulhos - Mayor of Kuala Lumpur - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Mexico City - Mayor of Milan - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rostock - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte - Mayor of Warsaw WORLD MAYOR 2018 WORLD MAYOR 2016 WORLD MAYOR 2014 WORLD MAYOR 2012 WORLD MAYOR 2010 WORLD MAYOR 2008 WORLD MAYOR 2006 WORLD MAYOR 2005 WORLD MAYOR 2004 |
Nominations for Ahmed Marcouch Mayor of Arnhem (Netherlands) Page 1 | Page 2 Nominated by Kimberley H. G., Arnhem: My husband has lived in Arnhem all his life, and though he is deeply attached to his city he never felt any connection to the mayor or city council. This mayor changed that, he speaks to the people directly, is not afraid to do what needs to be done and is open and clear about what he wants and how he wants to achieve it. Also something that I don't know how much he is doing personally but is something that is develloping under his mayorship: In Holland the city is obliged to help people with a disability; provide help, but also make adjustments to homes to make it suitable for disabilities. In many cities it's a real struggle to get this help, but not in Arnhem. You get your own coach that knows your story (in some other cities you get a different one for every question, so annoying and waste of time/money!) and for the complicated questions they have a specialist team. We are now trying to find a suitable home, my husband had a huge stroke, and these people are wonderful. In the time we've been working for them, the city has doubled their team to make sure everyone has the time they need. Even though my husband is wheelchair bound, has aphasia and apraxia, we will be able to live together with our baby and participate in life as fully as possible. Nominated by Trudie R., Arnhem: Marcouch keeps the city safe from crime. He has special care for a lot social themes as fight against poorness, violence against girls/women, fight against radicalism etc. He is a connector between people not alone for de people in Arnhem but also in Holland. He inspires a lot of people. Nominated by Ade K., Arnhem: My vote is for the mayor of Arnhem Ahmed Marcouch. I know for sure, that he is the best mayor you can have. The mayor is concerned about the people in the city. Everywhere I go, I see him biking or walking in his casual clothes, just to be equavalent to the inhabitants from Arnhem. And thats the power of a mayor I guess. In de Corona crisis, the mayor send al the poor people in the city facemasks, so that everybody could be safe. Its a very kind man, who deserves this price . Nominated by Edmée B., Netherlands: Hereby I would like to vote for my mayor Marcouch. He shows the civilians of Arnhem how much he loves this city. This appreciation makes that the inhabitants become proud of their city and take care of their city. He shows his love by talking about small things, seeing the details that matter en being visable at the right moment. He is an example of the great things you can achieve in life. It is Not always easy to develop yourself with a foreigners background. His charisma will have opened doors for him. When he speaks he makes connection, this will bring him probably even further in life. During COVID Marcouch keeps on supporting his civilians with visits, with true attention, help or just listening. Again, he knows what is wright to do. Keep the positive vibe, take care of eachother, telling us about the good things that are happening and the positive initiatives that are going on. During COVID our city had also some bad things in the national news. This are serious matters, to which is asked the most of a mayor. He takes it all with open armour and again, in connection to what is going on. So also in connection to the ‘bad’ side. It would really be amazing if Marcouch would receive this award. He turned down an interesting political job offer, just to stay mayor of this town. How great would it be if he got this amazing award. Choose Marcouch. Nominated by H. B., Arnhem: Ik wil.stem uitbrengen op burgermeester Marcouch. Meneer is zo betrokken bij de burgers van Arnhem. Ik lees zoveel goede dingen. Heb in het verleden een preek gehoord in de eusebiuskerk met een kerstviering. Wie zou dat verwachten van de islamitsche. En dat hij "tenten" sluit waar het niet pluis is. Luistert naar gezinnen met problemen etc. Laat hij de beste burgervader worden. Hij verdient het. Nominated by Tim S., Arnhem: I would like to vote for our mayor Ahmed Marcouch. He was not a mayor who was welcome from day one from a lot of citizens. Because of his background and nationality. (Not my vision btw). But from day one he was visible everywhere, very reachable and a proud mayor of our city! He stands for unity and makes every Arnhemmer proud of his/her city. He is undisputed now and everyone is hoping for more terms as a mayor. An example for everyone. Even in hard times. Besides that, he is not scared to show vulnerability and responsibility when things have gone wrong. A big vote for our mayor! Nominated by Kees L., Netherlands: Ahmed Marcouch showed excellent leadership during the whole of the pandemic.He showed all the time real concern for his fellow citizens, among others by writing a daily letter. At the same time he showed the population that being hard on crime can lead to safe streets en less abuse. During all of this he stayed sincere and very approachable.I once wrote him an email with a request and was immediately called back by himself. Wish we had this mayor in Amsterdam, the city where I live. Nominated by Arthur, Netherlands: Mayor Ahmed Marcouch started the year with a plea for an offensive of civility by investing in parts of the city and country where people are poorer, with less jobs, less education and where there is more crime. He reaffirmed this plea after corona hit because people in need were hit more then others and his city made a plan to invest through social progress, jobs and a local green deal. He then struck a deal with the province and the national government to help invest even more in neighborhoods that are the worst off. And together with 14 other mayors he started a coalition of mayors who ask political parties to invest in weaker neighborhoods for the next 20 years. Marcouch also writes a daily letter to his citizens through social media, newspaper and door to door to encourage them to carry on, be safe and healthy and to highlight initiatives in the city relating to the Coronacrisis. To thank teachers, who gone through a lot this year he sent al the teachers in his city a gift of chocolates and visited hospitals and nursing homes to thank the personal in person. The mayor started a campaign of awareness of women and children who were subjected to violence in the home during lockdown, generating a national and even international awareness. After islamistische terroristen attacks in France mayor Marcouch, himself only the second mayor of the Netherlands of Muslim faith, supported mayors in France, defended teachers and free speech, and said of the prophet Muhammed: if he lived today, he wanted to live in the free and fair western world like France. He does all this while leading the anti-corona efforts in 18 municipalities in his own region. We need more mayors like Marcouch. Nominated by G E, Arnhem: During this corona crisis our mayor has: - put the issue of violence against women and children during lockdown on the international agenda. - went out of is wat to get extra help for people in financial need. - wrote a daily letter to all his citizens highlighting civil social initiatives and giving hope to people. - presented a fair and green investment agenda to combat the economic downturn due to Covid that focuses on climate change, sustainability, jobs, business and youth - complimented business and youth that are a good role model to others during the pandemic - even made time to be a vocal supporter for the right to free speech and against oppression Nominated by Sanne, Arnhem: Especially during the Corona Crisis, Mayor Ahmed Marcouch has been very devoted to his city and the people. Visiting companies and organisations, giving them support and really listening to them. Next to that, he also visits people living in the city that need his help and personally giving them that help instead of referring them to social security or the police for example. Since his appointment in 2017, he has been actively promoting a greener city. He actually wants to make Arnhem Europe's greenest city. All and all he is a mayor who is truly devoted to his city and wants nothing but making Arnhem a stronger, fairer and greener city. Nominated by Ellen G., Netherlands: Ahmed Marcouch is just what Arnhem needs. That's what I said to him when it was announced he was going to be the Mayor of the city I lived in for many years. I love Arnhem and I love Ahmed. He is fair and strict when needed. He has great compassion for all citizens especially the ones who need a bit more. He will never hesitate to take action when needed. He is able and willing tot talk with everyone. Not only he is 'our' Mayor (I consider Arnhem still as my town) he is also one of us. Challenges: More trees, less waste, less cars, more bikes and trams Nominated by Jan S., Arnhem: Hij is een man met veel energie en enthousiasme die tussen de Arnhemse burgers staat, betrokken is bij hun bezigheden en problemen, maar tegelijkertijd ook in staat is afstand te nemen en te houden om een goed bestuurder en leider van Arnhem te zijn. Een burgemeester die weet wanneer hij er moet zijn en ook op de achtergrond blijft waar dat nodig is. Challenges for Arnhem: Met inspraak van burgers bezien of de stad Arnhem sterker, sportiever en groener kan worden. Nog meer dan Arnhem nu al is. Nominated by Alida M., Arnhem: Ahmed Marcouch is an example for is all. He was far from born with a silver spoon in his mouth, couldn’t read nor write till the age of 12 when he moved from Marocco to the Netherlands. He is a very amiable man, and a fatherly figure for the inhabitants of Arnhem, yet he doesn’t hesitate to confront people who have wrong plans. Nominated by Gerjo W., Arnhem: Our mayor is socially engaged, stands up for the weakest, fights crime with a heavy hand. Is clear and honest in his communication. Think and act in the interest of its citizens, but also in the interest of the municipality. Takes its responsibility in both economic and social environment and, if necessary, does not shyi away from less popular measures. Top man! Nominated by R W., Arnhem: Hij is betrokken bij onze stad, zeker ook in coronatijd. Hij steekt de bevolking een hart onder de riem op fb, is bij incidenten in de stad ter plekke. Hij is moslim, maar schroomt niet om ook deze groep mensen aan te spreken op hun evt. gedrag daar waar nodig. Ook sluit hij coffeeshops, cafe‚s als daar redenen voor zijn. Hij is trots op onze stad en zijn inwoners! Hij is een doorzetter en is niet bang. Blij met hem! Nominated by Gea C., Arnhem: Mayor Marcouch is a man of strong leadership. He has a very good relationship with the citizens of Arnhem. Has made Arnhem greener the ever before. He loves his job as a mayor. He is devoted, affected and passionate. Nominated by CH H., Arnhem: I think our mayor never leaves the city, because when something happens, he is there. He is from Moroccan origine, but makes no differences. In these strange days, were so many people riot, he manages to keep his citizens aware and take care of each other. He is the example for most of us. I never hear people having problems with him being our mayor. He lives in an ordinary neighborhood and is active on Twitter to keep us informed. He is an example for all of us Nominated by Jeanne v d V., Arnhem: Mayor Marcouch is very involved with the citizens of Arnhem. Is clear in his communication. Knows how to lead the councilors and municipal council in his city. Knows how to intervene well with the police team at excesses in our city. But is also in for innovation. Nominated by Elen v d H., Arnhem: Als geboren en getogen Arnhemse, is dit de eerste burgemeester waarbij ik het gevoel heb dat hij echt betrokken is bij de inwoners van mijn stad. Hij werkt verbindend, wat voor een afkomst of religie ook. Juist in deze onzekere tijd straalt hij liefde kracht en positiviteit uit. Hij is zichtbaar en heel toegankelijk. Hoop dat hij nog lang Arnhems burgemeester mag zijn. Mede hierdoor vind ik dat hij in aanmerking moet komen voor de 20/21 World Mayor Prize. Nominated by Kees S., Arnhem: Mijnheer Marcouch is een van de beste burgervaders die ik heb meegemaakt en nog meemaak in Arnhem. Hij is betrokken, aanspreekbaar, kritisch en een aardige man. Heel veel mensen zijn weg van hem en ik dus ook. Ik hoop dat deze intelligente en sociale man nog erg lang in Arnhem blijft als burgemeester. En hij loopt gewoon in de stad rond en dat is ons grote goed in Arnhem. Ik schrijf dit mede namens de Heeren van Arnhem. Mr. Marcouch is one of the finest en best mayors I have met in my life. Good en social man. I hope he will stay for many years. Challenges for Arnhem: More green, more trees, less traffic, less cars etc. Nominated by Marcus V., Arnhem: The fairness within his beliefs are really strong, makes the city great again. I‚m proud to call him our Mayor. He‚s always behind his beliefs and always willing to fight for them, that makes him not only a great men but also a great mayor of our beautiful city. I strongly think he‚s makes a great difference in our local politics and see true that order is always on high regards, no matter what other people think of it or him. Just a great man. Challenges for Arnhem: Keep the faith in yourself and other in your city Nominated by Peter V., He is not only a mayor behind his desk. He is a very social and friendly man. Many times you find him in the street, talking with people. If something bad happens, he is there to comfort people. He is a moslem in originally catholic and protestant Netherlands. He dares to speak out against salafism. And, at the same time he's a strong and strict mayor. I live in Velp, a suburb of Arnhem, so he's not my mayor, but I really know him quite well. Nominated by Merel, Arnhem: Wat hebben wij een geweldige burgemeester in Arnhem. Ahmed Marcouch is heel betrokken en sociaal. Hij komt op voor mensen van elk geloof, elke afkomst en elke geaardheid. Hij is zorgzaam waar nodig en streng als het moet. Ik begrijp nu wat er met het woord burgervader bedoeld wordt. Onze burgermeester helpt ons met het bewaken van de veiligheid van Arnhem en al haar inwoners. Nominated by Henriette W., Arnhem: I think this mayor is the best that has happened to Arnhem. He is fair and smart and loves the city. I hope he gets things done to make Arnhem a green city with lots of green and space for its inhabitants. Challenges for Arnhem: Let nature do what it does best! Grow! Nominated by Rita O., Arnhem: Niet eerde een burgemeester meegemaakt die zo zichtbaar durft en wil zijn als dhr. Marcouch. Het sterkste van hem vind ik dat hij zich altijd als verbinder profileert en daarbij ook heel persoonlijk vanuit zijn geloof durft te spreken. Naar mijn idee brengt dit groepen die tegenover elkaar staan dichter bij elkaar. Het helpt ook te weten dat hij weet wat armoede is en dat hij ook uit eigen ervaring weet hoe het is om met achterstand te beginnen. Hij is instaat alle groepen in de samenleving op een respectvolle manier aan te spreken. Ik gun hem van harte deze titel. Nominated by Erwin Y., Arnhem: Een geweldige burgemeester. Geliefd bij alle Arnhemmers. Zet zich in voor veiligheid, jongeren, inclusiviteit. Is overal waar je hem verwacht, maar ook waar dat niet direct het geval is. Voorbeeld voor burgers, spreekt duidelijke taal. Ook een uitstekend voorbeeld voor andere burgemeesters. Daarom Moet Ahmed de wereldtitel krijgen. Nominated by Regina R., Arnhem: He is always approachablle and willing to fulfill also minor activities for uus as inhabitamts od Arnhem. He takes a strong point of view about criminality, big and small. Takes a strong opinion about the bad things of Islam, though he is a Muslim himself. He is a nice man. Challenges for Arnhem: More trees and plants in stead of stones in streets and gardens. Green roofs. Nominated by V., Netherlands: De heer Marcouch. een bijzondere aimabele man.Hij kan streng zijn waar nodig en hij kan warm en dichtbij zijn als men daar behoefte aan heeft. Zelf is hij Moslim en hij durft zich uit te spreken als er rondom Moslims onaangename kwesties zijn. ik woon in Huissen dichtbij Arnhem. Ik heb respect voor hem. Challenges for Arnhem: ik woon in de omgeving van Arnhem ik vind het belangrijk dat er goede fietsvergoeding is van omliggende plaatsen naar Arnhem toe. Nominated by Ted C., Arnhem: Mayor Marcouch is a man of strong leadership. He has a very good relationship with the citizens of Arnhem. Has made Arnhem greener the ever before. He loves his job as a mayor and everybody can see it almost every day because he shows up in the city very often and talks to the people. Nominated by Norma, Arnhem: Ahmed has a warm personality, he is approachable and knows how to connect people. He will speak out if necessary, but always with respect. He's also a very good writer. He places messages on social media regarding all different events. Especially now we're living in this strange world with asks a lot of resilience. His words are a way of comfort and encouragement. Almost a bit poetic at times, which softens the harsh reality. Together with his councilors he's working on a even more green environment. Nominated by Ineke v d ArnhemB., Arnhem Deze burgemeester is zeer betrokken en daadkrachtig bij moeilijke situaties en schroomt niet om daar daar maatregelen voor te nemen. Hij is altijd persoonlijk ter plaatse zowel bij leuke als moeilijke situaties en is de mens onder de mensen van onze stad. Kan me geen betere wensen. Nominated by Wilma, Arnhem: Ahmed Marcouch is een echte burgervader; is zeer betrokken bij alle inwoners. Hij durft zaken te benoemen en op te pakken die gevoelig liggen. Het is een man die werkelijk met iedereen kan praten. Arnhem is blij met hem! Nominated by P R., Arnhem: This mayor is really involved with the citizens. He is personal and always available. During the Corona Virus he support his city but also when there is some crisis he support the people personal no matter what time or day. He responds personal messages and has a charismatic attitude. Nominated by Arend v d W., Arnhem: A very committed mayor. He is a mayor for all citizens. Great crime fighter. Also presents himself in a good way on Instagram and LinkedIn. It‚s the first mayor who is presenting himself as a real mayor. Nominated by Dimmie v R., Arnhem: Meneer Marcouch is een heel aimabele man die goed zichtbaar is in de stad. Hij neemt zich geen blad voor de mond en weet van aanpakken. Gezien zijn geschiedenis van jongetje tot burgervader, het is een vechter en een doorzetter, Het is met recht een burgervader Nominated by Marianne, Netherlands: Ahmed Marcouch is een integere, betrokken burgemeester. Hij heeft het niet hoog in zijn bol, maar reageert adequaat op allerlei situaties. Als er iets ergs gebeurt in de stad is hij er voor de betrokken mensen. Ik ben verhuisd vanuit Arnhem naar een andere stad maar ik zou willen dat hij hier ook burgemeester werd of minister president van Nederland. Hij is echt een goede man, die zie je niet veel meer in dit soort posities. Nominated by Marten M. Arnhem: Ahmed Marcouch is a mayor who I very visible amongst the citizens of Arnhem, he is very active on social media and almost daily shares his thoughts and words of wisdom and comfort. He is a real father of the citizens. Always very honest and direct. He's not afraid to criticize anyone who discriminates or excludes anyone else in society. He's very visible as a mayor, always present when we need him as a leader or for comfort in hard times. He's the first Mayor of Arnhem who is a Muslim, but also the first mayor who also defends the rights of the LGBTQI community. No mayor before made me feel so proud being a citizen of Arnhem as Ahmed does. I hope he will stay mayor of Arnhem for a long time. Nominated by Emma, Arnhem: Ahmed Marcouch is a mayor who tries to make people feel connected, to their community, their city and other people. Ahmed Marcouch has strong values and beliefs, about being there for one another. You know he has those values, because he actually talks about it. During the pandemic, he writes blogs, with elements of his own life and experiences, to reach out to people and give people hope, strength and the feeling of solidarity / 'togetherness'. During every crisis, he shows up. The fire during newyears eve, he showed up and reached out to the families, schools and communities. When horrible acts of violence happen, he shows up and speaks out. But also on happier days, he is visible and shares everyone's happiness. He visits schools, supports teachers and encourages kids and youths to develop themselves. He is a mayor who actually wants to make the city stronger, by supporting the citizens. He is all for humanity, also by setting the example himself. He deserves an award for this. Nominated by Sally d. W. B., Arnhem: I have never had a mayor who‚s this compassionate and caring. His own religion doesn’t make him biased, on the contrary, he succeeds to include all people no matter their religion or worldview. Though many people had their reservations at first because he‚s a Muslim, he‚s now respected and well liked by most of us Arnhem people. He is from simple decent and worked his way up by sheer determination and passion. He is stern when needed, but can be lenient too. If you have a problem, he‚s easy to reach and willing to help you. He also chooses to live among the regular people rather than in a villa befitting his station. He is a leader and guider and he’s always where he’s needed most. Nominated by G. S.: Burgemeester Marcouch is een zeer aimabele man en zeer betrokken bij alle wijken in de stad. Is ook enorm betrokken bij de bewoners en naar mijn inziens ook de bewoners met hem. Hij zet zich veel in voor alle sociale aspecten waarmee je in een middelgrote stad te maken krijg. Voor mij de beste/fijnste burgemeester die ik in de 54 jaar heb meegemaakt. Ik hoop dat hij nog lang in Arnhem als burgervader blijft. Nominated by Franklin, Arnhem: Because I don’t think he should win the ‘World Mayor’ award. I think we should make him the Mayor of the World. Ahmed Marcouch makes the world a better place. Like a musketeer, „one for all and all for one!‰ I‚m proud of him as a mayor and as a human being. Nominated by Louis B., Netherlands: Born and raised in Arnhem on July 20, 1946, a month later after the nominaties of Chris Matser as Mayor of this city. Crisis time immediately after the war. Matser stood for it and turned the violated Arnhem into a vibranr (and green) city again. It is now a Corona crisis and now Arnhem also has a Mayor who is there for the city and its inhabitants, who acts strictly if necessary, does not distinguish who or what you are, always has a listening ear and acts accordingly, is proud of ' its' green city and does a lot for it. Present in all media with clear points of view. In short, a wonderfully connecting Mayor who stands out and deserves a big compliment. First of all, please. (Now I live 20 km outside Arnhem but I am often there, read and follow everything about this wonderfully beautiful and cosy city!) Nominated by Coby, Arnhem: Achmed hoort gewoon bij de stad, hij is overal te zien en te horen en heeft vooral een mening. Hij heeft een brede werkervaring en daardoor begrijpt hij veel en leeft zich in. Hij staat voor een uitspraak en legt dat rustig en duidelijk uit. In de Corona tijd schreef hij dagelijks een hoopgevend stuk op Facebook, waar hij zeer om gewaardeerd werd, 100 likes was geen uitzondering. Maar hij bezoekt verpleeghuizen, waar mensen dood gingen, de horeca, de scholen, maar ook mensen op straat. Zit ook regelmatig bij tv programma dit is nog nooit eerder geweest bij een Arnhemse burgemeester. Staat achter allochtone meiden die thuis verstoten worden. Kortom een top vent met een tomeloze energie, Arnhem houdt van van deze burgervader. Geef hem deze eretitel!!! Challenges for Arnhem: Een open burgemeester die verder kijkt dan zijn eigen stad en zich profileert Nominated by W. T., Netherlands: Ahmed Marcouch deed al hele goede dingen voor Amsterdam toen hij wethouder was van Amsterdam. Hij is echt de buurt vader, rolmodel van vele jongeren. En hij zorgt voor veiligheid in de buurt. Nu hij burgemeester is van Arnhem doet hij precies wat nodig is voor een stad. Dat is Arnhem veiligheid, diversiteit en leefbaarheid geven. Waar nodig is, spreekt hij mensen aan. Hij luistert naar zijn stad. Hij laat aan de stad zien dat hij er is. Hij durft mensen te confronteren. Hij zet mensen aan het denken. Hij geeft Arnhemmers de ruimte om te ontplooiing. Hij is echt een rolmodel van een burgervader die iedere stad nodig heeft. Ook al woon ik nu in Amsterdam, maar een geboren Arnhemse Meisje ben ik wel jaloers om onze Arnhemse Burgemeester. Voor deze burgemeester zal ik weer in Arnhem willen wonen. Ahmed Marcouch is de burgemeester met een warme hart en een sterk verstand. Nominated by Anouschka O., Arnhem: Ahmed Marcouch connects people, from every religion or background. He makes me proud to live in Arnhem. In every situation ( also Corona) he is A true leader. Very very commited to everything that happens in our city. Never in my 53 years of living in Arnhem I would have considered to vote for A mayor, but he deserves making the effort. Nominated by Hilda G., Arnhem: Ahmed Marcouch laat als burgervader adequaat leiderschap zien. Hij is streng maar ook daadkrachtig daar waar nodig. Hij oprecht betrokken wanneer er sprake is van emotionele impact op de stad. Hij s laagdrempelig en komt op voor de zwakkeren in de samenleving en hij heeft een duidelijke visie op welzijn en welbevinden voor de burgers in Arnhem.Bovendien is hij alert op signalen in de samenleving en daarmee ook indirect voor signalen in Arnhem zoals discriminatie en racisme. Kortom een fantastische burgermeester waar we trots op zijn! Nominated by Gerdine, Netherlands: Zeer ervaren politicus met veel gevoel voor de menselijke maat en voor rechtvaardigheid. Leefbaarheid van de stad en omgeving staat hoog op zijn prioriteitenlijst en hij aarzelt niet daarvoor impopulaire maatregelen te nemen, maar staat zeer open voor positieve support. Als voorzitter van de veiligheidsregio Gelderland-midden toont hij leiderschap tijdens de Covid pandemie. Nominated by Ilona B., Arnhem: He is a very involved mayor and he makes me feel a bit more safe in this city. he has spoken out about very different topics such as acceptance of multiracial marriages, and shows his involvement during the coronavirus towards elder people, he closed several cafe's and restaurants after suspicious circumstances right away and i think he is doing everything within his power to make Arnhem a better place. Challenges for Arnhem: I hope he can stay a mayor of this city forever, nobody is a miracle worker but he is getting close :) Nominated by Marlies M., Arnhem: For the first time I am aware of having a mayor in my town. Ahmed Marcouch is very active on social media with stories that make people feel like he is there for the people. When possible, he shows up to meet people that have faced adversity. But also he's available for children or people with good ideas for the city. He has a strong moral compass and shares his ideas about safety, companionship, entrepreneurship, acceptance of all kinds of people and opennes to all kinds of religions. I think he is a good example for everyone in the city. Challenges for Arnhem: I don't have concrete ideas about this right now, but I do believe that a good mental and emotional health and having basic needs provided, give room for creative and loving ideas. I'd like to see that basic human needs like health care, education and nutrition will be organized in healthy systems. Nominated by Elly, Netherlands: Mayor Marcouch is a committed person who does not shy away from difficult situations, such as Islam. Admiration how he has developed as a person. Is open to everyone's opinion and is strong in personal contact. Not sensitive to status or origin. Nominated by Theo B., Netherlands: Ahmed Marcouch is the best mayor in the world because: - He does not discriminate in people regardless of color, religion, orientation or background. - He is a mayor for literally every inhabitant of the city and this clearly shows in his daily routine. - He promotes Arnhem in a more than excellent way as a beautiful and pleasant city to live in. - He strongly defends Dutch values in word and deed, regardless of the person with whom or where he has the discussion. - He opens stands for other people's opinion and handles it carefully. - He has empathy that is highly appreciated in both positive and negative events. Nominated by Marieke M., Arnhem: Our mayor understands the need for good communication in every situation, in our city but also in the rest of our country, and is verder good at it. He is a very positive person, always the first to show up to support others. I hope that he will be our mayor for a long time and wish that there are more like him for other cities. Challenges for Arnhem: Our mayor is very committed to make our green city even more green. I trust in him and his plans for the future. Nominated by A. R., Arnhem: New years eve 2020 there was a tragegedy in Arnhem. A fathersday and son died in an elevator surfing a fire in an marge appartement building. The fire started because 2 teenagers acted careless with firework. The mayor was a true father with compassion both for the family of the victims, the neighbourhood and the young teenagers. Proud of our mayor! Nominated by Irma V., Netherlands: I agree with other nominations for Achmed Marcouch, mayor of Arnhem. He was met with a lot of scepicism. A man from Amsterdam, Moroccan descent. What has he to look for in this province town? But he quickly learned about Arnhem, it's history and his inhabitants. And acts fairly, has a strong opinion and thinks further than other people. For instance: he was the first one to point attention to victims of domestic violence during lockdown. Not only locally, but on national television. I don't think any place in the world can wish itself a better mayor. And I don't even live in Arnhem anymore.. Nominated by Brouwers, Netherlands: Mr Marcouch is a perfect Mayor. He coms up for all the people in his town. HE is a very good communicator to the pole of his town. He is strong en direct if it is necessary. Nominated by Margaretha, Arnhem: The mayor has a clear vision for the city of Arnhem. Everybody is important, no matter what colour, race, gender. He is very empathic, is visible in the city and uses social media in the best way possible. He is very strong in connecting people. People feel heard. At the same time he is firm on what goes wrong. An ideal mayor and a very pleasant person. Challenges for Arnhem: More people like mayor Ahmed Marcouch would make the world a better place. Nominated by Reinie J., Netherlands: De burgemeester toont zich betrokken,hoe hij meeleeft met ondernemers die daar van te lijden hebben,tijdens de cronatijd en zich uit durft te spreken over het salafisme, in welke stroming van de islam, zelf moslim een gevaar voor de samenleving ziet. Nominated by Leny W v K., Arnhem: Hele fijne betrokken ,burgervader in vele situaties tijdens het corona virus ziet hij hoe moeilijk ondernemers het hebben ,als mensen het moeilijk hebben met bijvoorbeeld hoe om te gaan met verschillende instanties steek hij een helpende hand toe ,zulke burgervaders die moet je met een lampje zoeken.TOP TOP Nominated by Roos K., Arnhem: He is a connector between all citizens af Arnhem. He is always thoughtful and caring. He is aware of all important dates of all religions in the city and other important festivities and cultural events and addresses the envolvedcommunitypersonally. But he is also firm and adequate when it comes to criminals and problematic youth. He is liberal and progressive and social and makes me feel proud of our small city in the east of a small country. Challenges for Arnhem: More trees, lesser mowing... so easy and effective. Nominated by Marisca, Arnhem: Mayor Marcouch has been connecting with the entire community of Arnhem from the moment he arrived. He discusses all relevant topics on his social media, and does not shy away when mistakes need to be discussed. His view on the importance of education is also very clear, he encourages kids to seize all opportunities and find their talent. Finally, during the covid pandemic, he offers perspective and hope. Nominated by P C N, Arnhem: Onze burgemeester is de meest betrokken burgemeester die je je kunt voorstellen. Hij heeft zichzelf daardoor enorm snel bij het merendeel van de inwoners zeer geliefd gemaakt. Hij spreekt duidelijk zijn mening uit over openbare orde en veiligheidskwesties en maakt geen onderscheid in seksuele geaardheid, geloof, levensovertuiging of ras. Hij is een echte burgervader voor iedereen in Arnhem. Nominated by Petra S., Arnhem: A man, raised by his grandmother, aware of difficulties by ggrowing up. He made it himself, worked hard and always stood in the middle of the people not above them. Everyone dares to speak to him, he's friendly and takes descisions. When the schools were in lockdown because of Corona, he put a message on facebook for all the children at Arnhem scools, to encourage them to go on. In a language children would understand. A great man, leader, human, he deserves this honour like no one else. Nominated by Frank S. Arnhem: Arnhem Mayor Marcouch has a great positive attitude towards every religion, sex and lifestyle. He is the best mayor next to Rotterdam‚s mayor. He made the national news quite a few times, this because Mr Marcouch was born in Marokko and not everyone was happy with a ‘foreign’ Mayor. PVV (Party for Freedom) chairman Geert Wilders even came to Arnhem to protest against Marcouch becoming a mayor. He even made a banner that said: “No Arnhemmistan, we are losing our country!” The city of Arnhem places a job opening for the mayoralty and 21 people responded. Marcouch was chosen out of the bunch. As member of PvdA (Labour Party) he was a member of the House of Representatives of the States General from 2010 to 2017. Before that, between 2006 to 2010 he was chairman of the Slotervaart district in Amsterdam. So far, in my opinion, our mayor does a good job. He is very approachable and social. He accepted anyone to become his Facebook friend and live streams loads of events that he attends. A modern, 2.0 mayor! Nominated by Rob V. Arnhem: I do not know anyone who has the qualities to connect people as the Mayor of Arnhem has. He is very active on social media, writing stories to support certain groups within his city. He even writes poems about his city. Very empathetic, but at the same time he dares to stick his neck out and dares to use strong words to fight un-justice. A very important figure also to break the gab between Islam and society. He even dares to be critical on group within the Islam, like extreme Salafism. In the corona-crisis he personally seeks contact with people who are affected by the crisis. And also he is very much concerned about sustainability and sticks his neck out. Really, if some mayor can be an example of what a mayor can be, then he is the perfect example. Challenges: Make the city friendlier for cyclists. We already have a large infrastructure of cycle-paths. Arnhem has also made the decision to turn 10% of the pavements and concrete into green areas. This, in order to make the city less vulnerable to increasing heat and to absorb rainwater better. Also in implementing green energy-sources Arnhem is far ahead of many cities. I personally think that the energy-transition is not fair to people with lower income. People with electric cars benefit way more than people who cannot afford these cars. There are high subsidies to help buying these electric cars. But still only the rich can buy these. That is unfair and should change into an other system. And re-structuring the electricity-network for these cars has to be paid by poorer people too. Same for solar-panel. Only people with large roof/houses and home-owners can afford these and also they manage to get subsidies for it. The whole systems behind the energy-transition has to be! re-thought in order to make it fairer. Nominated by Carl v. B., Netherlands: Ahmed Marcouch has been a mayor for all the people in Arnhem. When he became mayor in 2017, there was considerable opposition towards a Muslim mayor, particularly from right-wing parties. But he has shown no favouritism to any group. For him, everybody is an Arnhemer first and foremost. During the Covid-19 pandemic he has shown leadership and empathy towards those who became infected. Nominated by Jan de R., Netherlands: Ahmed Marcouch is a Mayer, with a Marocaine background. However he is a tough Mayer who does not hesitate to maintain law and order, especially under the immigrant community. He had courage and speaks loudly about integration. Furthermore, he maintains rules in case of COVID 19. One of the best Mayors of the Netherlands. Nominated by Susanne, Arnhem, Netherlands: Arnhem Mayor Marcouch is harsh when he needs to. Ungoing when he can. He wants to build our nice green town up again with all our citizens. His vision: “Sorrow. Joy. Resilience. Together we move forward.” Nominated by Yvonne v. d. B., Arnhem: Ij is betrokken maar ook zeer vastberaden bij problemen Page 1 | Page 2 |