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World Mayor Nominations 2021
Éric Piolle, Mayor of Grenoble, France The 2021 World Mayor Prize and Commendations will be conferred on mayors who have been showing leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic and who are now aiming to make their cities more resilient economically, structurally, socially and environmentally. In fact: Stronger | Fairer | Greener. The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for mayors who have shown exceptional leadership skills but also, and more importantly, acted at all times with compassion towards those most affected by Covid-19. The pandemic has shown how vulnerable even the richest cities are when confronted with a disaster like Covid-19. Forward-looking city leaders will now begin to re-think how their communities can be better protected against future threats, both natural and man-made. Éric Piolle, Mayor of Grenoble, France, has been shortlisted for the 2021 World Mayor Prize. |
FRONT PAGE About World Mayor City Mayors Foundation ![]() ![]() ![]() WORLD MAYOR 2021 - The Winners - The Project - The Finalists - The Shortlist - The Longlist - Selection criteria - Covid-19 - World Mayor history - World Mayor Sculpture - Poverty - Code of Ethics - Press & Media INTERVIEWS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte ESSAYS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Maire de Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino TESTIMONIALS - Mayor of Amsterdam - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Arnhem - Mayor of Bergamo - Mayor of Bogotá - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Buenos Aires - Mayor of Carmignano - Mayor of Cascais - Mayor of Compton - Mayor of Dantumadiel - Mayor of Freetown - Mayor of Grenoble - Mayor of Grigny - Mayor of Guarulhos - Mayor of Kuala Lumpur - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Mexico City - Mayor of Milan - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rostock - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte - Mayor of Warsaw WORLD MAYOR 2018 WORLD MAYOR 2016 WORLD MAYOR 2014 WORLD MAYOR 2012 WORLD MAYOR 2010 WORLD MAYOR 2008 WORLD MAYOR 2006 WORLD MAYOR 2005 WORLD MAYOR 2004 |
Nominations for Éric Piolle Mayor of Grenoble (France) Page 1 | Page 2 | Nominated by François O., Grenoble: I vote for Eric Piolle, mayor of GRENOBLE. I am living in Grenoble for many years, and could see the change since Eric reached the City Hall. We can now use our bicycles securely in the city due to many dedicated lanes. Since the stop of chemicals in parks abd gardens, we see also the nature more present in the city: squirrels, hedgehogs, woodpeckers, or swallows are back. The life here is less stressed now, even if there still are security problems to address. Air pollution is also a key issue in Grenoble since the city is surrounded by mountains, and the efforts to use transportation means different than cars begin to give results in the air quality. All decisions are made in discussions with citizen. This new profile of the city is very consistent with the background of Grenoble as a place for research and innovation, and very encouraging for the future Nominated by Françoise V., Grenoble: Je vote pour Éric Piolle un maire qui a du redonner du pouvoir d'agir aux citoyens et qui m'a dynamisé pour rejoindre l'action citoyenne et politique locale (sans occulter le volet national et universel!). Vous avez reçus d'excellents commentaires concernant ses mandats municipaux (rajouter son " ancienne vie " de militant et de conseiller régional qui l'ont motivé poussé par des amis qui ont dû déceler son esprit d'analyse, sa force de travail et sa capacité à rassembler). Grenoble est devenue réceptrice de nombreux événements et d'invités de marque qui ouvrent l'esprit de ses habitants sur des sujets majeurs ( environnement: ministre japonais // Fukushima, E.Morin // philosophie du risque//Hopkins...et j'en passe nous communiquant son appétit de savoir et de comprendre). Je vote pour lui car il dit : " Il faut être à tenir et non pas spectateur de la politique. Il faut monter en compétence. Et cerise on the cake !: Une ville propre c'est une ville qu'on ne salut pas!" Un maire en vélo, exemple pour tous et toutes, qui a su redonner de belles couleurs et insuffler une dynamique de rassemblement qui marquera son passage. Nominated by NF, France: I've lived in Grenoble for 17 years and left in 2011, but I come back frequently. I'm amazed by how much it changed in one mandate of Mayor Piolle and his team. The city is much nicer, and with his Chronovélo, sort of secured express way for bikes, the entire circulation has been re-thought, with much less cars and much more space for walking or cyclying. Grenoble is less polluted and much more agreeable. Since I don't live here anymore, I haven't seen much of his action, but my friends who still live there are convinced, that's why he has been brilliantly re-elected last summer! He also revitalized local democracy, he's the first to have introduced a local council of citizens randomly chosen to discuss Covid-19 and the appropriate measure to enforce. Eric Piolle leads the way. He was the first Green Mayor to be elected in a +100 000 people city. Through his actions, he has inspired across France, and most of the cities above 100 000 people have elected Green Mayors in the next election, like my new city of Lyon. I hope we'll do as well here, because until now I've seen friends of Lyon going to Grenoble rather than back! Nominated by Théophile P., France: Hi, I hereby support Eric Piolle for the World Mayor Prize. Having lived and studied in Grenoble for all my undergraduate and master studies, I witnessed how Grenoble changed from one of the most polluted cities in France to one of the most advanced metropolises in terms of climate change adaptation and mitigation, and environmental protection. He showed that ecology is not only a virtue, but can lead to real solutions based on policy-making. Nominated by Caro, Grenoble: Etant grenobloise, je vote pour notre maire. Il a inscrit notre ville parmi les ville en transition. Malgré toutes les difficultés dues à des opposants farouches, dont un ancien maire, il sait faire avancer les idées d'une ville écolo, en développant l'usage du vélo, les piétonisations, les plantations d'arbres et de verdure etc Il développe aussi la solidarité entre tous les habitants, chacun peut apporter son aide ou en bénéficier grâce à la page dédiée du site de la Ville. Grenoble est une ville agréable à habiter. E. Piolle peut en être remercié Nominated by A. M., Grenoble: Je vote pour le maire de Grenoble. J'habite Saint-Egrève, une petite ville à 8 km de Grenoble. J'utilise ses larges pistes cyclables. Il est précurseur dans sa mise en oeuvre de la participation citoyenne. Il a un programme écologique fort : nourriture des cantines scolaires, maraîchage en ville, jardins partagés...Il représente l'arc humanisme et vise à l'unité de la gauche verte et sociale dont on a tant besoin. Il n'entre pas dans le débat nauséabond actuel sur les personnes issues de l'immigration et qui est mené en vue des élections présidentielles. Merci à Eric Piolle pour toute l'énergie qu'il déploie au service de sa ville. Nominated by Bernadette S., Grenoble: Je vote pour Eric Piolle comme meilleur maire car j’apprécie beaucoup la qualité de vie à Grenoble. Eric Piolle a mis en place une politique écologique, entre autre de valorisation des déplacements en vélo et en transports en commun, qui rend la ville plus respirable. Il continue aussi la politique d’accessibilité aux personnes handicapée qui avait mis Grenoble au premier rang des villes accessibles en Europe. Durant cette difficile période de pandémie, beaucoup d’initiatives ont été mises en place pour aider les gens en grande difficulté (étudiants en particulier) et développer la solidarité. Nominated by C. L., Grenoble: Hello my name is Legrand, and i vote for Eric Piolle Grenoble Mayor,who changes the city paysage by constructing bike paths in the center of town and for a lot of others reason, no more bilboards polluting the city side, a lot of actions taken for the air and life quality, more gender or origins equit. I’m also proud that he is is the first ecologist Mayor of a city with more than 100 000 people, and the precursor of a" green wave "of elected mayors in France. Nominated by Benoît D., France: Je connais bien Grenoble. Depuis 2014 et sa première élection comme maire, Eric Piolle met en place, résolument, des politiques publiques pour répondre aux enjeux du réchauffement climatique, à l'urgence sociale et environnementale. Cela va de la lutte contre la surconsommation (forte diminution de la publicité dans l'espace public et bientôt dans les espaces privés en rapport avec le public) aux mobilités douce (ville cycliste) ou à l'énergie (prochaine autonomie de la ville en électricité issue de sources locales renouvelables), avec un fort volet social. Avec ces politiques, il a su embarquer avec lui de plus en plus d'habitantes et d'habitants de la ville, comme en témoigne sa facile réélection en 2020. La ville sera ainsi logiquement capitale verte de l'Europe en 2022. Face à la crise sanitaire, il a dans le même esprit et avec la même volonté, mis en place une Convention citoyenne COVID-19, instance consultative paritaire, une première en France, permettant d’adapter et d’améliorer la prise des décisions en associant les citoyens et les citoyennes de Grenoble. Un maire comme on en voudrait partout! Nominated by César B., France: I'm a student at Grenoble university and Eric Piolle is for me the best mayor of the world because of everything he did for the whole city and around. Thanks to him, the city is much more pleasant to live. He reintroduced biodiversity, he took care of the youth by assuring safe places next to schools, he got the prices of public transport reduced by more than 50% for students and its quality has been improved ! He brought more local and biological vegetables to the schools which is good for health and for local producers. I can't say everything he did (him and his team) but every friend of mine born or raise in Grenoble affirms that he did amazing job. I had to leave Grenoble last December to live in Paris. Even if Paris is a shining city, the recent evolution of Grenoble makes me think that I want to live in that city and I strongly believe we have the best mayor in the World. Nominated by Isabelle D., Grenoble: Bonjour à tous et toutes, Pourquoi Eric Piolle , le meilleur maire du monde ? • Un maire qui tient ses engagements, et qui vit en accord avec ce qu'il préconise • Un maire qui est en proche des grenoblois et implique les habitants (budgets participatifs) • une qualité de vie qui est mise en place: la ville est prise en.main pour faire place aux vélos, aux piétons . • Un maire qui fait des questions de mixités , des sujets de réflexion et non des sujets identitaires. • un maire qui ne se laisse pas "embobiner" par les politiques et qui se tient droit dans ses bottes • un maire qui a une vision politique et qui fait ce qu'il faut pour la mettre en place. • Grenoble prend un virage qui tient compte des urgences climatiques et démocratiques. c'est pourquoi je vote pour Eric Piolle, meilleur maire du monde , Nominated by Tristan, Grenoble: I vote for Éric Piol, Grenoble mayor as I honestly believe he's the only mayor I know who : • Has a strong green policy • Has a real political vision, which he is practically applying even when the choices he has to make are sometimes unpopular Nominated by J. M., Grenoble: Je voté en faveur de notre maire de Grenoble Éric Piolle. Moi je le considère comme le meilleur maire du monde depuis qu'il est devenu maire il a fait beaucoup des choses dans notre ville j'espère que celui qui vas gagner ce concours de meilleure maire du monde par ce que il a des qualités et de projets pour notre ville de Grenoble je souhaite qu'il gagne cette concours . Nominated by Tony L., France: I would like to vote for Eric Piolle because I have been very impressed by the energy he has deployed in order to serve his community. I live in a small city: Bernin in the vicinity of Grenoble. We often go to Grenoble and benefit very much from the enhancement of the city atmosphere and services. Eric Piolle has a very diverse background, he has been working the high tech industry before and then decided to invest his time in the local political system. His first decision when he became the mayor of Grenoble was to drastically decrease his mayor salary, showing a strong focus on the community interests as opposed to his own. He has initiated numerous projects with a very pragmatic approach, spending a lot of time listening to all the parties involved. Since I work in this sector ; I have been aware of projects involving the enhancement of numerous public as well as private buildings, bringing a better comfort to the inhabitants and at the same time improving the energy efficiency and adding solar power production. I also noticed that a very efficient project was setup in order to facilitate biking in the city including a network of bike lanes and a public sponsored bike renting service very well adopted by the large student community of Grenoble. Nominated by Sabrina V., Grenoble: I have been living in Grenoble for 20 years now and I would like to testimony about the changes I’ve seen in my city since Eric Piolle has been elected Mayor. This is about the place of the people that have changed, the fact that we have been empowered to propose and be listened. Sometime successfully, sometimes not, but at least there is a shift from the old fashioned political way where you were told "you have elected us, now we are in charge, let us manage and stay quiet". Thanks Nominated by Olivier R., Grenoble: J habite à côté de Grenoble et je peux vous dire que ce qui se passe à Grenoble est extraordinaire. Notre ville s’engage pour la neutralité carbone 2050 et y arrivera. • Autoroute à vélo • Cantine bio locale 2 repas végétarien par semaine • Zone à Faible Émission • Budget participatif • Et un maire toujours très présent avec une vie simple Nominated by Marion F., Grenoble: For the first time, a mayor listens to his inhabitants and involves them in the city's project. The city of Grenoble allowed us to restructure parks, where violence reigned. The inhabitants were able to participate and their ideas were accepted. Also, life is sweeter in Grenoble since Piolle has been mayor. We can travel everywhere by bike, we have sold our car. Thank you Eric Piolle !” Nominated by Margot B., Grenoble: I vote for my mayor Eric Piolle to be the best mayor in the world because all his actions are innovative and in favour of ecological transition. I am thinking, for example, of the participatory budget that takes place every year, with a budget of € 800,000. Nominated by Raffaele V., Grenoble: Since its election back in 2014, GREENoble has become a real model for all French cities! Piolle and his team represent the transition towards a new vision for cities and for the whole society. One of his first measure was to replace several advertising panels by planting new trees. Nominated by Alexis V., Grenoble: Pour moi - Il est le premier en France à avoir adopté les principes de villes en transition de Rob Hopkins à si grande échelle - Son succès a contribué à rendre l'alternative écologiste crédible Nominated by Sophie R., France: I used to live in Grenoble, from year 2000 to year 2019. Eric Piolle is the best mayor we had since Hubert Dubedout. He is fully engaged in environment and eco-citizenship. He made Grenoble one of the first ecologically concerned city. Tree planting, roads for cycling, solar electricity on public buildings, and is also very socially concerned, by promoting solidarity, and helping every people to be responsable citizen. Grenoble is also very much concerned by education and sport for everybody. Nominated by Yann M. France: Eric Piolle est un maire écologiste et humaniste. Proche du terrain, il a su allier dynamisme économique et réalisme écologique. Nominated by Kylian C., Grenoble: Bonjour, je pense Eric Piolle le plus meritant au vu de ses efforts pour rendre Grenoble, ville très dense et polluee, plus durable. Nominated by Marc S., Grenoble: Je vote pour Eric Piolle et son action en tant que maire de Grenoble pour une ville plus résiliente, plus écolo et plus durable à l'heure du dérèglement climatique. Nominated by Frank D., outside France: As an inhabitant of the city of Antwerp, Belgium, I would love to have a mayor like Eric Piolle, who seems to put people and planet before the short term profits that wreck our precious earth. Nominated by Pascale C., Grenoble: Je soutiens la candidature d'Éric Piolle car il a transformé la circulation dans la ville en favorisant le vélo, il a supprimé les panneaux publicitaires et il a lancé le mouvement écologiste " une certaine idée de demain". Nominated by Loïc, France: I am not from Grenoble but happened to spend some times there and meet a few time with Eric Piolle. My testimonial is therefore more oriented on the person of Eric Piolle. This man is not only the mayor of a greater and greater city. He is a person of conviction whose actions are globally focused on ecological efficiency and social improvement. He really cares for people and their environment and put all his energy (and he’s got a lot) on this. From a distance he is doing a great job for his city but his concern is also national and I would say global. He is typically the person implementing the «Act local / think global» strategy and he is inspiring a great number of cities all around France. Nominated by Arno, France: I do vote for Eric because Grenoble-city has been highly informative towards social, climate-change and COVID issues and because he strives to foster real local democracy which, in the framework of the french centralized and presidential institutions, is quite a challenge. And also because he was re-elected with a huge result that shows his efforts have been effective I guess. Nominated by Marine T., Grenoble: Courage, humility and ecology: A beautiful cocktail that we need now! Nominated by Philippe E. C., France: Eric Piolle is the best major of the world because he works for both ecology and solidarity. Nominated by Philippe G-B., France: I vote for Eric Piolle because since 2014, he shows the way of a great future : • reduction of ads in streets • developement of bus and tramway lines • increase of life comfort in Grenoble (even rights electors come back in city town of Grenoble) • shared governance with several political sensibilities • participatory budgets... Nominated by Fabien M., Grenoble: I live in Grenoble and I believe that Eric Piolle is a compelling candidate for the title of best Mayor of the World. I have been working in the previous council (2014-2020) that was running the city. I can write how he has changed the city, but his most important achievement is that he succeeded Grenoble to be designated European Green Capital for 2022 at his first attempt when many cities have tried several times. The European Commission recognized that Grenoble indeed fulfilled 11 of the 12 criteria used to make the short-list. Environment - 1,500 apartment in a poor neighborhood (La Villeneuve) renovated and not destroyed • 50% organic & local meals and 2 vegetarian meals / week for the children eating at school • Pedestrianization of the city downtown making Grenoble the first city for pedestrian (12% of public space is reserved for pedestrian) • Stop artificialization for agricultural land • Air pollution control (2nd rank according to Greenpeace) • 320 km cycle path, 40km bike super highway, Grenoble 1st city for bike use to go to work • Grenoble switched in 2016 to a road policy that limits speed up to 30km/h. • Grenoble designated Green Capital EU 2022 Solidarity: • Migrant welcome platform in order to list the welcome offer of the inhabitants • Provision of 400 homeless accommodation places whereas in France it is the role of the government • Anti-eviction order in order to make sure that a solution is found before the lodging eviction • subscription 50% decrease for the Transport of 18-25 year old citizens, the category who is the less revenue making Grenoble one of the cheapest city in terms of public transportation • Canteen meals cheaper than 0.8€/meal for the 30% of schoolchildren whose family have less revenue • Mur-Mur2: insulation of housing program, particularly in social housing, to reduce the cost of energy for the poorest (instead of giving money) • The 1st cubic meter of water is free Local democracy: • The International Observatory on Participatory Democracy (IOPD) has chosen Grenoble to organize its 20th annually International Conference to discuss and reflect on the state of participatory democracy in the world because of all the projects that have been done in Grenoble. • Participatory budgets open to over 16s and all residents including foreigners (projects and votes) • Citizen can call out the city council if 2000 signatures are reached (canceled by the administrative court because “too far ahead” of the law) • Public work site sites open to the public participation (associations and citizens) • young volunteering projects to enhance their commitment to society and their autonomy • a dedicated place managed by young people themselves: the Transfo Economy: • Rigorous management of the town hall budget (avoids bankruptcy) • Control of a colossal debt inherited from 2014 • Very attractive territory for the industrial companies People: • Young (48 years old), new political generation, coming from the civil society • Early social commitment (homework help, defense of undocumented migrants, especially families) Politics • Concrete experience in managing a city (Mayor of Grenoble) and successfully re-elected with 47% in the 1st round in 2020 • Radical, up to environmental issues (30km/h, stop advertising, carbon neutrality 2050) and social issues (400 housing places for homeless & migrants + solidarity pricing + anti eviction decree) • Effective: Grenoble designated Green Capital by the EU, explosion of soft mobility, transformation of the city center. • Courage: choice to renovate schools (40% of the investment) rather than a stadium, suppression of advertising • Ethics: 25% reduction in the allowances of elected officials, no more mayor car or drivers, he moves only by bike I have been working with him for 6 years before I decided to go back to my professional life and I strongly think that Eric Piolle deserves to be designated as the World Mayor for 2021 Nominated by Philippe C., France: Éric Piolle is the best major of the world because he works for both ecology and solidarity. Nominated by Michael T., France: Aujourd’hui j ai décidé de voter pour Eric Piolle car il a su fédérer des personnes venant de milieux différents afin de mettre les énergies au profit d une ville et de ses habitant.e.s. Il préfère créer une ville vivable plutôt qu’ une ville monde. Il a compris que l écologie fonctionne avec le social. Nominated by Claire K., Grenoble: Bonjour, j’ai travaillé pendant six ans comme élue dans l’équipe d’Éric Piolle . Cet homme est infatigable, très structuré, et il a un courage dans l’action que je n’imaginais même pas possible, ayant fréquenté d’autres personnalités politiques. Sa qualité principale n’est cependant pas strictement politique mais plus largement humaine : il aime les êtres humains petits et grands qu’elle que soient leurs conditions d’existence et leur place dans ce monde . Il aime vraiment la nature quel que soit son état et redoute, autant que nous toutes, la dégradation du vivant, les maladies les pollutions. Mais ces difficultés ne freinent pas sa douceur et sa joie de vivre, au contraire . Quel maire responsable! Votez pour lui Nominated by Marie N., Grenoble: I vote for Éric piolle as thé n'est mayor in the World because od thé environnemental ans social changes. Best air, less noise, public energy, abc buildings Nominated by Odile B., Vincent C. and Théo F., Grenoble: Eric Piolle is the best mayor in the world because, in 6 years, Grenoble has been recognized as a major European leader in environmental and social transition becoming the next European Green Capital! • Because Grenoble is the French champion of cycling • Because Grenoble is of the 1st the first in terms of organic and local food served in the school canteens • Because Grenoble has been most innovative in term of COVID19 management combining health and democracy: 150 drawn citizens worked with him to get through the crisis in the best conditions! - between 2010 and 2018 cycling increased by 50% - Metro-velo is the largest public bike-renting in France - 2 tons of vegetables were produced last year in the municipal horticultural center, covering 10% of the city's catering needs - the city of Grenoble has installed 12 beehives that give 160kg of honey per year (over the 18km2 of the town) - major air pollutants have decreased over the last 10 years: -49% NO2, -25% PM10, -56% PM2.5 - 49% of the waste is composted or transformed into backfill materials for construction sites and 43% is converted into energy - he is experimenting new innovative construction combining environmental and social objectives. For exemple: ABC building is the 1st autonomous building in France. 30% of the flats are social flats. Nominated by Brigitte L., Grenoble: I vote for Éric Piolle mayor of Grenoble, great ecologist and man of conviction, because he acts each day for coping with climate change , taking care of the Earth and ils inhabitants, and upraising solidarityBL Nominated by Robin P A, France: I decided to support Éric Piolle for this award for several reasons. I am French but I am not from Grenoble. I'm not from his city, but in France, since he became mayor in 2014, he has been acting for the environment and for the good of all residents. Widely re-elected in 2020, he was able to tackle the pandemic with strength and responsiveness. Indeed, as part of the management of the health crisis that we are going through, the City of Grenoble wished to consult the inhabitants, caregivers, traders, all local actors on the measures implemented to live with COVID-19. The COVID-19 Citizens' Convention decided by Éric Piolle is a joint and experimental consultative body making it possible to adapt and improve decision-making by involving citizens. In a world more anxiety-provoking than ever, where democracy is often called into question, this fabulous impetus for local democracy in the midst of a global pandemic is an incredible political tool. In addition to its collective and united management of the pandemic, its city Grenoble was elected European Green Capital 2022. Éric Piolle and his team act for the well-being of residents by prioritizing the fight against global warming, a better health environment and egalitarian management of situations. Even though Grenoble is not a big city, Eric Piolle amply deserves this award. Nominated by Paul D., France: After 6 years in power, Eric Piolle has won the prize of European Green Capital 2022. He has shown that a pragmatic and radical ecologic transition is possible, at a local level. In a world threatened by climate change, he is one of the world leader who brings Hope, in those troubled times, as populism is growing in France and Europe. He is not a political professional (he was an engineer in the industry before) and he is simple in his way of life : he has reduced the way of life and the expenses of the politicians of Grenoble, and he moves in Grenoble on a bike. He is a normal person, close to his citizens. A politician like everyone should be. That is why the corrupted and rich politicians who live with the public money of the people and corrupted politicians fear him. He is the threat to their way of life. He is the ethical politician they never were. Nominated by Nicolas M., Grenoble: Hello I voting for Eric Because is making ecology in center of political choices of the city. That make him for me the best mayor in France. We are so slow to act. But he does his part very bravely facing opposition. And have a good arguments. Work with people Concertation And we work all together for the best Nominated by Amel Z., Grenoble: My vote for Eric Piolle is especially a recognition of his commitment and courage to transform first able his city but also our modern society which has reached its limits. Our word is changing and we must rethink the meaning of our life and the becoming of our planet. Eric Piolle carries an interesting vision of the word of tomorrow. Nominated by Florence S., France: I vote for Eric Piolle because he did a lot of great things for Grenoble. I share completely his point of view regarding the way to limit car traffic and to promote the use of bicycle in town. In other way I am fighting against all things which are not really necessary to improve our way of life in respect of the nature and climate. He is a good mayor since he was re-elected with a very good score. I share his ideas, his pragmatism. I support him to become President of the French Republic in 2022. Nominated by Nadège R., France: Eric Piolle est le premier maire français a avoir entrepris une politique enthousiasmante qui réponde aux enjeux sociétaux et climatiques d'aujourd'hui. Il a su faire ses preuves lors d'un premier mandat, ses électeurs ont été encore plus nombreux lors de sa réélection, car il a su montrer que les mesures qu'il prenait étaient les bonnes. Cette élection a eu lieu lors de la crise COVID, et il a su, pour ses habitants se montrer à la hauteur des enjeux. Il sait à la fois être pragmatique mais aussi enthousiasmant, avec une écologie qui donne de l'espoir. Beaucoup de municipalités françaises prennent Grenoble comme modèle. A titre personnel, il me redonne espoir en l'action politique Page 1 | Page 2 | |