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World Mayor Nominations 2021
Mansur Yavas, Mayor of Ankara, Turkey The 2021 World Mayor Prize and Commendations will be conferred on mayors who have been showing leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic and who are now aiming to make their cities more resilient economically, structurally, socially and environmentally. In fact: Stronger | Fairer | Greener. The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for mayors who have shown exceptional leadership skills but also, and more importantly, acted at all times with compassion towards those most affected by Covid-19. The pandemic has shown how vulnerable even the richest cities are when confronted with a disaster like Covid-19. Forward-looking city leaders will now begin to re-think how their communities can be better protected against future threats, both natural and man-made. Mansur Yavas, Mayor of Ankara, Turkey, has been shortlisted for the 2021 World Mayor Prize. |
FRONT PAGE About World Mayor City Mayors Foundation ![]() ![]() ![]() WORLD MAYOR 2021 - The Winners - The Project - The Finalists - The Shortlist - The Longlist - Selection criteria - Covid-19 - World Mayor history - World Mayor Sculpture - Poverty - Code of Ethics - Press & Media INTERVIEWS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte ESSAYS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Maire de Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino TESTIMONIALS - Mayor of Amsterdam - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Arnhem - Mayor of Bergamo - Mayor of Bogotá - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Buenos Aires - Mayor of Carmignano - Mayor of Cascais - Mayor of Compton - Mayor of Dantumadiel - Mayor of Freetown - Mayor of Grenoble - Mayor of Grigny - Mayor of Guarulhos - Mayor of Kuala Lumpur - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Mexico City - Mayor of Milan - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rostock - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte - Mayor of Warsaw WORLD MAYOR 2018 WORLD MAYOR 2016 WORLD MAYOR 2014 WORLD MAYOR 2012 WORLD MAYOR 2010 WORLD MAYOR 2008 WORLD MAYOR 2006 WORLD MAYOR 2005 WORLD MAYOR 2004 |
Nominations for Mansur Yavas Mayor of Ankara (Turkey) Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | Page 10 | Nominated by A. N., Ankara: Mansur Yavas is not just for me, but in the eyes of more then 80 million Turks the best mayor. He is: - Humanist as the word in real means. He helps/supports without questioning cultural, ethnic nor political back ground. Especially now during this pandemic time and winter he helps till the last penny with food, shelter, medical care and even crowd funding for stable income for the families. He does all of this even the central government tries to stop him with invented (non reall juristic reasons. Unfortunately the government (in person of a president, who calls himself a good religion person) sews him of illegal help! M. YAVAS has to declare to judges why he is helping sick, poor, jobless people. So I hope in this difficult time he will be chosen as the best mayor, which will help him to continue his charity as a real HUMAN! Nominated by Y., Ankara: I am a student in Ankara, even though I do not originally live in Ankara, I believe that I spent enough time in Ankara to see Mansur Yavas' work. First of all, we are in a pandemic process and these are hard times for everyone. Mr. Yavas was very sensitive about this situation, and he developed new projects in order to help poor people and artisans. The municipality helped those people by directly giving money or buying some things from them. As a specific example to this issue, Mr. Yavas' team helped some poor students to pay the fee for the university exam. In addition to this, Mansur Yavas started publishing council meetings and some of the tenders with live sessions. I believe these are some important steps that we do not see in many places for transparency. Mayor Yavas and his team are working on the many unfinished projects too. Additionaly, they are taking important steps on water shortage problem, such as the Çubuk 1 Dam. Also Mansur Yavas is developing a new afforestation project in order to make Ankara a green city. As a student who studies in Ankara, I believe that Mansur Yavas is highly qualified in his job, he knows how to reach people's hearts, and I think this is the most important thing of all. Nominated by S. Y., Ankara: Not only Ankara Metropolitan Mayor! A father who is with that poor and helpless people, • A farmer friend who provides seed, diesel, fertilizer and livestock support to the farmer who is in a difficult situation, • A student friend who distributes buses and hot soup to students who are trying to walk to his school in that cold weather, • Those students are an education hero who provides free internet to all villages so that they can receive a healthy education, • A conscientious person who made food aid available to all needy homes indiscriminately so that those mothers could serve hot meals to their children, • He is a big brother who provides discounted transportation to university students, • It is a monument of honesty that protects every penny of the city it manages by making all its tender transactions in a transparent and public manner, • The statesman who saved the money spent on meaningless places in those past periods and turned them into useful investments for the service of his people, • A hero who reaches every citizen in need, to leave the door we did not knock during that Pandemic Period, • He is a Mayor who has given people clean water by replacing the Asbestos pipes, which have been drinking poisonous water for years, • A president who made his people breathe in traffic by making the intersections that had been causing people to suffer traffic for those years, economically and with less than half the cost of the previous periods, • A president who started the construction of 4,477 houses, whose houses were demolished as urban transformation for those years, but whose houses were not built for 20 years, and saved citizens from victimization, • A transparent mayor that broadcasts every business and purchase that the fifteenth does live, and submits them to the control of his people with reports. Nominated by Ö. E., Ankara: I have learned Mansur Yavas is a candidate for the World Mayor 2021. I would like to provide my support for him especially working to provide all the city resources almost equally where the weight is on the citizens with poor resources. One of the actions that strikes me is providing free internet to the villages without internet where children were unable to access to their online lectures due to pandemic. Nominated by E. B., Turkey: He is like a fresh breath to the Turkish youth. He helps to the people in need, fund their children's education, gives them supply food/coal and such as. He handles the crisis times such as blizzard/flood really well too. He helps the carpenters by giving them the dead trees so that they can create decorative sculptures for the city. He cares about the nature, he has projects like "Yesilin Baskenti (Capital of Green)" and he joined to the summit about Sustainable Water Policies done in İzmir. I don't live in Ankara but the love he has for the people and the youth can be seen from thousands of miles away. Nominated by H. Y., Ankara: Our Mayor of Ankara, Mr. Mansur Yavas, is going through a really successful and honest presidency process. First of all, the municipality broadcasts its tenders live on TV, transparently communicates all expenditures to the people of Ankara on its website. The previous president has a tender of 1 million Lira, the same job, the same company has 300 thousand Lira. These are jobs we are not used to. We have a president who is honest, who does not steal or do not, and does not sell parcels by parcel in Ankara, thank God. Mr. President is providing all kinds of assistance to the people of Ankara who are in a difficult situation, despite the obstacle of the opposition members in the Municipal Council. Pandemic example with help in the process of care measures and he did prove to be a president for all of Turkey. As the people of Ankara, we love Mansur Yavas very much. We think he deserves to be the best President of 2021. Nominated by D. Z., Ankara: First of all, Mayor Mansur has raised the hopes of us young people. As can be seen all over the world, we are going through a bad period. While we, as a young generation need someone to defend our rights. Mansur President is just the honest politician we yearn for. His works will be an example to the world. Transparency, accuracy and impartiality of the work are among the actions that make us really happy. It is a municipality that embraces everyone without discrimination of language, religion or race. I hope he will be the Presidential candidate of the Republic of Turkey. We love you so much President Mansur. Nominated by N. Y., Ankara: Mansur Yavas is the best mayor we've ever had comparing the previous ones. First of all, he corrected the mistakes of the previous administrations. He is doing a great job. He is not taking advantage of his authority because He's an honest man (Believe it or not - yes we needed that so badly.) Nominated by B. E., Ankara: Pandemi suresince ilk kez bir belediyeden sosyal yardim aldim.bu benim ve ailem icin buyuk bir olaydi. Bizi maddi manevi olarak ankara buyuksehir belediyesinin unutmadigini gorduk. Fabrikamiza senelerdir gelmeyen kar kureme ekipleri bir telefonla geldi. Bir mamakli olarak ilk kez ankarayla tanisacagiz. ANKARA BUYUKSEHİR Belediye baskanimiz MANSUR YAVAS i yaptigi hizmetlerden dolayi tesekkur ediyor ve sonuna kadar destekcisi olacagimizi bilmenizi istiyorum. Nominated by A. A., Ankara: l have been living in Ankara for 40 years and we had a very bad mayor untill last 2 year. Pervious mayor used Ankara sources for his and his relatives benefits end he used government's power against to people of Ankara. And finally we saved Ankara from him and now we love new mayor Mansur Yavas very much. City have changed quickly and it's more green and ecological city now. He solved many problems of the city like transportation, infrastructure and social aims etc. And finally l believe that our mayor Mansur Yavas deserves this reward and l totally sure that most of Ankara people think like this. Nominated by D., Ankara: Mansur Yavas¸ is amazing a man, because Mansur Yavas, who was subjected to various slanders before and after the election by the rival ruling party and its allies, provided food aid to everyone in need without discriminating any party supporters. provided internet access to • villages without internet access for distance education, and provided tablets and computers for children in need. • Mansur Yavaş purchased handmade food products produced by women and supported women producers. • Mansur Yavaş provided free seed and fertilizer support to farmers in Ankara and enabled them to produce. Later, he bought the products produced by these farmers and distributed them free of charge to those in need. He paid high prices to the farmers by excluding intermediaries from the farmers and the municipality, and by providing cheap food to the municipality, he managed to meet the food needs of more poor people. And offered many great services, you will have to put a lot of effort into learning these, because I am tired of writing. Nominated by U. O., Ankara: Mansur Yavas fully deserves to win this selection because he achieved a very strong result against all major problems that he faced against the autocratic regime in Turkey. And he is also a very decent and good personality. He shows very strong leadership for the solve of climate related issues and he is spreading his vision among the other mayors in Turkey, and abroad. Nominated by S. Y., Ankara: Mansur Yavas¸ is one of the most hardworking mayors in Turkey. During this pandemic, local tradesmen are troubling with economic problems. Mansur Yavas supported them, gave them jobs, encourage people to shop from them. He closed the current account deficit of the previous municipality. He made discounts for student's bills. And many more. I'm sorry i am not very good at English. But in this very dark days, he became our light and our hope for the future. Nominated by B. C., Ankara: I vote for Mansur Yavas because Yavas has received praise for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ankara, where he announced that wages for municipal workers would continue being paid and that street cats and dogs would continue to be fed despite the closure of restaurants and cafes. He has also been credited with substantially reducing the municipality's budget deficit by eradicating spending seen as 'wasteful'. Yavas¸ started his mayoral term by placing a freeze on the hiring of municipal personnel while investigations over corruption under the previous Justice and Development Party (AKP) continue. He also replaced two high-ranking municipal civil servants. He was also praised for ordering the statue of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in Ankara's Ulus district to be thoroughly cleaned, having been subject to years of negligence under previous mayors. On 13 April 2019, the AKP-controlled Ankara Municipal Council attempted to withdraw certain powers from the Mayor and delegate them to the council. Yavaş stated that the attempted power-grab was unlawful and went against the council's bylaws, using his executive power to reject the proposed changes. Yavaş also criticised the previous AKP council's preference to outsource municipal contracts to loss-making companies due to political preferences. Due to his work, he has received fame across Turkey. According to polls conducted within the country, if Yavaş faced President Erdoğan in an election, the Ankara mayor would win. Yavas¸ is widely praised for his effective and rapid "100-day plan" which saw news coverage in the whole of Turkey. Mansur Yavas ended the system of family or friends taking power, which was a practice used by the AKP. Yavas¸ believed Ankara was debt-ridden because of incompetent politicians who were put into power for their affiliations to the AKP rather than merit. Mansur Yavas¸ began a national charity project which would give bread to poor people in Turkey during the COVID-19 pandemic, but this was stopped by President Erdogan and AKP supporters attempted to hack the project. Mansur Yavas¸ made transportation in the metropolitan area of Ankara free during national and religious holidays. More famously, Yavas got rid of the luxury Jeeps and cars that were purchased for the Ankara office by Melih Gökçek . Instead, Mansur Yavas¸ had these Jeeps offered to couples getting married in Ankara for a day for free. In terms of transportation and infrastructure, Yavas¸ has criticised the AKP for "neglecting" the issue for "many years," and has since contacted various firms to construct and preserve bicycle routes and pedestrian pavements to encourage Ankara citizens to decrease fossil fuel emissions. Yavas¸ has invested into a trade fair in Ankara to rival Canton, the world's largest trade fair held in China, which would allow Ankara to host the world's largest trade fair. The condition of establishing solar energy and rainwater storage areas in new houses in the capital was imposed. A 50 per cent discount on the water was made in student houses. Since home projects required solar panels on them. Mansur Yavaş was praised for attending the victims of the 2020 Aegean Sea earthquake while President Erdogan went to Van instead to do a party conference. In late 2020, Yavas announced he will establish free internet in 928 villages in the Ankara province within 45 days. Nominated by G. G., Ankara: I am writing you from Ankara, Turkey. As a resident of Ankara, after Mansur Yavas selected, everything got better in our city. With both administrative transparency and the services he has provided, he shows the whole country how municipalism should be. Also, he made everyone smile with his support during the pandemic process. We stand behind our mayor until the end, as this is a solution to the problems we have had for years due to the old administration in this city. In my personal opinion, there is no one who deserves this award more than Mansur Yavas does. Nominated by Ö. K., Ankara: Sevgili belediye bas¸kanımız Mansur YAVAS bas¸kentimize ve burada yas¸ayan insanlarımıza hizmet etmek ve kent yas¸amının güzelles¸tirmek için inanılmaz bir çaba ve gayret içerisinde hizmet etmektedir. Özellik bu salgın döneminde yapmıs¸ oldug˘u insan odaklı çalıs¸malarıyla tüm ülkede taraflı tarafsız herkesin takdir ve sevgisini kazanmıs¸tır. Bu nedenle kendisi ulusal ve uluslararası her türlü ödülü almaya layık bir belediye bas¸kanıdır. Nominated by K. K., Ankara: I would like to vote for the Mr. Yavas. He has been fair to all citizens. He was never in a political discussion. We just seen him only on action. His effort for those who were suffering from the pandemic is appreciated Hope my vote will be valid and we will have him longer as a mayor. Nominated by T. H. Ankara: I live in Valencia, Spain, because of my job and I am originally from Ankara, Turkey, and I lived there for almost 30 years. I am still closely following what is going on in my hometown, so I think I can say a few words. I think Mansur Yavas should win the World Mayor Prize because of what he has accomplished in the management of the city by his visionary actions. He initiated big and successful campaigns which allowed hundreds of thousands of people to help those who needed them during the pandemic, since many people lost their jobs temporarily or permanently and they really could use some help. The importance of these campaigns could be better understood if you consider the extreme corruption of the central government of Turkey in which the Turkish people lost their beliefs. Similar campaigns initiated by the central government didn't get to collect a comparable amount of aid even though the biggest companies (in other words, the friends of the president) contributed a huge amount of money whereas Mansur Yavas's administration collected a great amount of money due to his reputation among the society. Needless to say that his administration saved billions of dollars in their budget by cutting off the corruption in the city and allowed this money to be distributed for better causes, like he constructed the first ever bike lanes, bought new city buses and initiated new metro lines to discourage people from using their own cars. His administration also provided a free disinfection service to the yellow cabs. He provided jobs to some of those who lost their job because of pandemic, like he hired the people with textile industry background to produce face coverings when there was a global mask shortage. He gave these masks away to the people on the public transport and encouraged people to wear masks in the public areas. If it is free, then there are less excuses! According to the recent public surveys, his support grew by almost up to 20% despite the disinformation has been done by his opponents using their considerable media power (the majority of the mainstream media is owned by the people directly connected to Erdogan's administration). He recently initiated another campaign in order to create small forest-like areas in Ankara. For this purpose, his administration launched a website where people can donate money to create 5 new green spaces across Ankara. I am sure the other candidates have also done great things for their cities, but Mr Yavas deserves this prize since he put his soul on helping his people and he accomplished many things for the public health. I am astonished that what can change if there is no corruption. Nominated by H. Z. U., Ankara: Hey I am Hale, greetings from Turkey. There are a few things I want to say. Mansur Yavas is a revolution for me. We loves him so much. He is the only leader who has been elected so far, who is very honest, cares about merit, takes his job seriously, does not segregate the society, does not make hate speech . There is a lot to say about his accomplishments, but paragraphs are not enough. In short, we feel very lucky that someone like Mansur Yavas¸ is our president. Have a good day. Nominated by E. Ö. Ankara: Mansur Yavaş should win this award because he helped citizens with poor financial situation during the COVID pandemic. He structured their water and electricity bills. During the pandemic, it has provided aid to the workplaces, musicians and the unemployed who could not work. He brought a bicycle path and an electric bus to Ankara. Ankara has become the country's second best student city. He made big discounts on bills and transportation for students. He made a “free soup in a cup” project for students who have morning classes in front of universities. He embraced the interests of young people and spoke with them live on Twitch. Both Ankara and also won the affection of Turkey. Nominated by T. Ö., Ankara: Our Mayor has a great personality. After taking office, he took student supporter attitude. During the pandemic, people who were unemployed and on unpaid leave were provided with money and food aid. He won the admiration of everyone with his transparent attitude towards corruption and made the city breathe. Most importantly, he showed that he thinks and listens to the new generation with his innovative attitudes that support young people. Nominated by E. C., Ankara: Mayor Mansur Yavas rushed to the aid of all people in Ankara during the pandemic process. He distributed free daily morning and evening meals to people with corona. He helped people who were left unemployed. He distributed free meals in front of hospitals. He has always been with the students and has set up guidance services for high school graduates to consult. During the pandemic period, he provided free aid to people who lost their jobs and had insufficient financial means. These are just a few of the hundreds of things he has done. Everyone living in Turkey (regardless of race) hear his respect and love. Old or young, supporting or not supporting him, Turkish or foreign, female or male; helps everyone and be by your side. Besides being a good mayor, he’s a really good person. You only need to spend a week in Ankara to realize that he is the best mayor in the world. In politics, it is very rare for the opposition party to support you, and yes, Mansur Yavas¸ has done that too. We witnessed how well he did his job in extraordinary situations such as a pandemic. Therefore, we have full faith and confidence in him. He shares every job he does on his website. Thus, it informs the public. It is also in contact with all segments of the public. He uses all aspects of social media to get the opinions of young people. It includes both young people and other people's opinions in the management and thus creates a 100% democratic environment. I sincerely believe that he deserves this award. I will be looking forward to the result... Nominated by A. B. E., Turkey: Mansur Yavaş'a oy veriyorum çünkü değişimi getirdiğini görebiliyoruz. Ben Ankara dışında yaşamama rağmen onun bu ödülde en az diğer adaylar kadar hakkı olduğunu düşünüyorum. Nedenine gelecek olursak ülkemizin en önemli iki şehrinden biri olan Ankara'yı kendi kendine yetebilen bir hale getirmesi ve adil bir yönetim anlayışıyla haksız kazançların önüne geçip maddi olanaklar yaratması, bu olanakları da bütün dünyanın covid-19 gibi bir salgın döneminden geçerken Ankara halkına yardım olarak döndürebilmesi bence takdire şayan. Ve ayrıca yaptığı işlere baktığımız zaman bizlere de örnek olması,geleceğe daha da ümitli bir bakış açısı kazandırması ve gücümüzü kendimizden almamız gerektiğini bir kez daha hatırlatması da ne kadar iyi bir önder olduğunu göstermektedir. Okuduğunuz için teşekkürler.. Nominated by S. S., Ankara: Munsur Yavas is the only mayor I've witnessed working honestly. We finally got a mayor who really works. As everyone living in Ankara knows and expresses, he deserves to be best. Nominated by H. K., Ankara: Mansur Yavas¸ defined a new mayor for our country in terms of both character and service in a period when the municipalities in the country were ineffective in terms of service and were accused of bribery allegations.I think Mansur Yavas is worthy of this award both for his actions and his character. Nominated by Y. C., Ankara: 2021 Dünya Belediye Başkanı olarak Ankara Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı Sayın Mansur Yavaş Beyi destekliyoruz. Ankara Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanının yürütmüş olduğu sosyal belediyecilik anlayışı ve pandemi sürecinde ki desteklerini başarılı buluyoruz. Ankara halkı olarak Sayın Başkanın dürüstlüğünü ve güvenilir bir kişi olmasını beğeniyoruz. Nominated by T. I., Ankara: As a student who lives in Ankara and studied in Middle East Technical University. I really like to live in Ankara. Mansur Yavas is a president who is working hard for students. The president before him removed district busses which we were using to transport between campus and the city center. But Mansur Yavas¸ brought them back and he also added a new ring bus to our campus. In the winter of 2020 he started a hot soup service in Metro Stations of Ankara. Municipality gave us free hot soup in campuses and some other Metro Stations on cold days for students and workers. He also started a project for cheap transportation for students. We are using metro and busses 200 times for 60 TL's (7 dollars these days). To conclude Mansur Yavas¸ is a great president for his citizens and students. I'm voting for him in this competition. Nominated by M. E., Ankara: President Mansur Yavaş supported the professional group, which was struggling during the pandemic process, for example, to buy and sell products from farmers. It became the 2nd most preferred university city in the country by providing great convenience to students. I can say that Ankara is doing its best to make it more developed and livable. Nominated by F. Ö., Ankara: Hello. President Mansur Yavas¸ has taken all kinds of measures for healthy transportation during the Covid period. Commercial taxis are sprayed every week. Free masks and disinfectants are distributed weekly to taxi and bus stops. It provided internet for students who do not have internet at home and are studying distance education. These are what I know and remember now. As a woman, I feel more confident under President Mansur Yavas. His fairness and honesty gives us confidence. Transparently sharing all of its works also strengthens our trust. Nominated by E. G., Turkey: Turkish especially people miss the transparency in Turkey because of the Erdogan's bad governance. Mansur Yavas know that and he believes in justice. Also, he awarded the most transparency mayor of the world in 2020 according to International Transparency Association. Nominated by A. B., Ankara: Before Yavas, Ankara has seen some serious problems like extreme corruption, mayor illegally monitoring almost the whole city with dedicated camera web connecting to his house (which revealed after the election of Mansur) and city hall taking a financial bath. Right now, not only city hall makes monthly profit, but also every tender is open to public as every one now can watch these tenders through live broadcasts. Yavas really values transparency and accountability policies. Moreover, there are various cases where Yavas exposed the previous mayor and his team stealing from the city budget. He also sold the private cars as he likes coming work with buses anyway. Ankara hasn't seen a mayor like him for the last 20 years and I would be really happy if he wins this election. Nominated by N. M., Turkey: I would like to vote for Mansur Yavas, The Mayor of Ankara, Turkey in the World Mayor Contest. I'm Necati, 34 years old male from Istanbul. I work as a communications director in a shipyard based on Istanbul, Turkey. Even if there had been Istanbul Mayor as a participant in your contest, I would vote for Mr. Yavas anyway as his leadership even touches the outer most points of Turkey. Either in the pandemic period or in the normal times, he is the one who I expect something real for a better future for Turkey and the world. He is honest, transparent, direct speaker and country lover who does all the work for the public, not for himself. It has been a long time that I haven't been feeling attached this much to a politician. He's a real public server, true animal and human lover. I hope he never lets us down and he definitely deserves the title of the Mayor of World! Nominated by B. N., Ankara: I am 17 years old and I am a student live in Ankara. Ankara Metropolitan Mayor Mansur Yavas gives financial and moral support to me and students of the same age as me during this pandemic period, so I think he should win the World Mayor Award. Nominated by Elmas, Ankara: I live in Ankara. I am Elmas. Mansur Yavas is the mayor of the city of Ankara. He has not been privileged to anyone since he took office in the election. All the people of Ankara admire him for fighting bribery. It accelerated road and intersection construction works in the city. He made a planning for everywhere with heavy traffic. It decided to make aid with money for poor citizens who receive food aid from the municipality. It uses the municipal budget for the benefit of the city. It detects and corrects previous wrong practices. I love my mayor very much. Nominated by B. A., Turkey: I support Mansur Yavaş because he did not hinder his responsibilities and continued to progress throughout the pandemic process. During the process, he paid off previous debts. He has proven all the work he has done so the public knows where the money is going. He's also very good at keeping up with the new generation. He listens to people's problems and solves them. The municipality is more frugal now and does not waste people's taxes in vain. He is trying to turn Ankara, which was buried in concrete by the previous municipality, to green. I think Mansur Yavas has brought a new breath to management, so I support him and appreciate his work. Nominated by Göksu K., Ankara: I am living in Ankara for almost 5 years. While I was living here, I saw 3 different mayors in Ankara. I can surely say that Mr. Yavas was the best of all actually he is the best mayor in Turkey. He made so many improvments in Ankara. During the pandemic, he helped students who are living in districts of Ankara and do not have the equipments for distance learning, he provided internet and computer / tablet assistance, which are the number one and two requirements for distance education. An aid campaign was organized for 6 million people with water debt and unable to pay. All this debt with the help of many donors from Turkey was closed. Another success of the campaign in Turkey was given Iftar for people who need help with this campaign during Ramadan. Mr. Yavas, who has many successes that I cannot count yet, will continue his successes from now on. Nominated by Erkan, Ankara: Hello my name is Erkan I live in ANKARA Firstly mayor Mansur Yavas is very kind and fair person . • He take the city last election from old mayor while city spend 750 million dolar for fake dino park, • He is going municipality building with bus .. • He doesnt spend money for riduculs things • He did spend for poor people like paid bill also students loan , • my opinion he is fair person in the world • we are thinking he will be president of turkey • he lead to covid pandemic problem his city • he deserve the this award • i hope he will win • goodluck and thank you Nominated by O., Ankara: Transparency, everybody's president and hardworker. Three words for description of Mansur Yavas¸. He was mayor of Beypazarı which is a small town in Ankara. Mansur Yavas¸ made Beypazarı a tourism location and now he is trying to do this for Ankara. This is new for Ankara because other mayors are just building some ridiculous things. Mansur Yavas¸ stopped that and now he is making our city beautiful. Dont wasting our money to unreal things. Every bid live on social media with that there is no corruption. While in pandemic with Mansur Yavas' order the villages which is outside of the Ankara gets free internet and thats huge because right now we are educating half online.This students are can study now. Not finished. Ankara became a student friendly city. Water bills for half amount, free bus beside some universties and more... Nominated by A. A., Turkey: There are many reasons for Mansur Yavas to win, but the biggest reasons are mainly Transparency, understanding and spending their taxes on the public road. In addition, he won the hearts of everyone, from young to old, as mayor. It has taken its place as the brother of the young and the brother of the elderly in every step of the society. His studies have taken Ankara forward 100 years. Mansur deserves to win precision. Nominated by G. Ö., Ankara: I'm a 25 year old woman living in Turkey. I'd like to keep it brief ; The reasons why I think Mansur Yavas is the best Mayor is because He made us believe again, He made us dream again, He showed us there's someone who understands us, He puts his effort to reach our hearts.. I'm not going to mention about improvements of city - He gave us HOPE.. (In this corrupted country ) Nominated by E. C., Ankara: Ankarayı, kültürel olarak hiçbir değer taşımayan dinozor heykellerinden, nereye gittiği hiç belli olmayan gelirlerden ve ankarayı parsel parsel satan belediye başkanlarından almayı başaran Mansur Yavaş, geldiği ilk günden beri her gün çalıştı. Daha gencim ama benim ve birçok kişinin ortak görüşü cumhur başkanı olması. Daha önce görülmemiş şeyler yaptı. Bence günümüzün Atatürkü. İngilizcem çok iyi olmadığı için türkçe yazmak zorunda kaldım. Bunun için özür dilerim Nominated by D. S., Turkey: First of all Mansur Yavas is exhibits how to be useful to the public.He doesn’t put his own interests before the needs of the people like other leaders in our country.He appeals to people of all views.He’s not talking idly, he’s doing his job.The whole country loves him, including the city he ruled.WE WANT HIM TO BE PRESIDENT!!! Nominated by E. A., Ankara: Hello, greetings from Ankara. Firstly I'm sorry to my bad English but i will try to explain how Mansur Yavas is very good and respectfull person is. • He didn't get rent from businesses during the pandemic also postponed electricity and water bills what used in homes for many months. • He distributed soup and bread for healtcare workers in front of the hospital in the early hours. • He announced the cost of all services for Ankara so he hung up posters so we can seem all of them. • It held the auctions by broadcasting live. He strives to do everthing transparently and fairly. Ankara is a city with steppe soil structure. He promoting all the public by organizing campaigns to get green city and he also does it. • He completed the projects whose tenders were incompleted and put them into servise for poor and old people for a very very cheap fee. • He is the most beautiful person that happened to Ankara after a long time. We love him so much! Thanks all of you, wish all you best. Nominated by I. P., Ankara: He is the only ray of hope left for the youth of Turkey. He is an honest man and actually loves his city/country and works really hard. If he doesn't run for president or is not elected, I am leaving my country. He is the best mayor and is going to be so much more in the future. Nominated by H. Z., Ankara: He made countless projects and regulations for the people of Ankara. Even if I don’t live in the capitol, I know he is working hard and he makes his best for the benefits of Citizens of Ankara. After, previous mayor’s bad administration he is trying to do more things but also he need to fix the problems which previous mayor left for him. Also he understand the young people’s problem and he is not ignore these population. Because all of these reasons he should win the Prize. Nominated by Y. K., Ankara: Mansur Yavaş, In our country, where there is a lot of discrimination on sectarian and ethnic origin, it has followed a unifying and respectful attitude.Recep Tayyip Erdogan informed the public about municipal expenditures, although his government was denied the right to appoint to municipal companies due to his opposition. It has performed economically and successfully since the day it worked due to the corruption in its period. I hope we can see it in better places in the future. I greet you with my best regards and wish you healthy days. Nominated by M. Y., Ankara: Dear jury, first of all sorry for my bad english. Mansur Yavas is the GOAT of all time. I hope he will become a president of TURKEY one day. He is fair, funny and very very friendly. Help poor people, help streets animal and explain all municipality spending to people. We love too much him. Nominated by S. S., Turkey: He has won the trust and love of the public through his work since taking office. His fair approach and emphasis on development are very valuable. The only winner of this award is Mansur Yavas. Nominated by S. G., Ankara: Ankara has been developed by Mansur Yavas. Actually, at the beginning I had doubt about him. However, now there’s no doubt that he will be all Turkish people’s president Nominated by S. Z., Turkey: In Turkey, especially people working in municipal affairs are so unreliable. They are allegedly involved in corruption. But Mansur YAVAS because self before the corruption and inequality are revealed one by one, all of Turkey, millions of people from all political views and confidence loved him too. Nominated by D. D., Ankara: I want to vote for Mayor Mansur Yavas. I am living at Ankara/Turkey. First of all he is a nice person. He helped the students who dont have enought money to have internet and reach the education system. You know pandemi is the biggest problem. Also he helped the old people send fiod to their home because it was forbidden to go out for them for their health. He spends Ankara's money so carefully and we can see everything about the spends. He is so friendly so the people works with him. We feel safe and we know that if anyone needs help they will be there. There is so much thing to tell and i think that you will learn by the help of other people's mails. I am sure. Nominated by M. K., Ankara: İn March 2019 we chose Mansur Yavaş for Ankara municipality. He hard working for Ankara until now, and in our opinion he will hard working. For example I'm a student at University of Hacettepe, until 2019 we haven't subscription ticket, when the Mr. Mansur Yavaş has chosen to municipality he put into practice it. We like him. İn our opinion he best mayor of the world. Yours truly. Nominated by E. C., Ankara: Uzun yıllar sonra ülkemizde aktif görev yapan adalet duygusu yüksek, objektif ve haksızlığa kim olursa olsun tahammül göstermeyen tek liderdir. Allah nasip ederse geleceğimizin Cumhurbaşkanıdır. Yaptığınız oylamada oyum MANSUR YAVAŞ ındır. Anasının ak sütü gibi helal olsun. Nominated by M. Y., Ankara: He is the only one reliable mayor in our country. He does all the council session online so this means we have chance to follow whats going on in the council. He is very clear, he explains all the things, that he does, clearly. Nominated by M. G., Ankara: Ankara with his many activities Mansur pandemic period has helped the poorest segments of the population, millions of these events is a pioneer in the support of people in Turkey were found. He also helped a friend's poor neighbor 2 hours after I reported it. He's a true hero. Nominated by S. H. G., Ankara: Mansu Yavaş has managed the budget in such an efficient way that all the Ankara people congralutes him since the beginning of his mayoralty. He works for Ankara doubtlessly. With his mayoralty Ankara people are more hopeful about their futures... Nominated by Can B. H., Turkey: I'm a citizen of Turkish Repiblic. I'm living in Istanbul but im currently at Ankara for a work about 1 months. Im following Mr Mansur Yavaş about his works in Ankara and i think he is doing a great job out there ! Nominated by M., Ankara: I was very proud when I heard of Mansur Yavaş's candidacy. I'm not aware of other candidates but projects of Mr.Yavas are really creative and help many people, including artisans, citizens who lost their income, during lockdown. Also he provided free Internet access to villages for Online Education. It must be responsibility of the government but they didnt. As i said before, I don't know what other candidates do but Yavas did things above expectations Nominated by Fatma, Turkey: Firstly let me introduce myself. I am Fatma and i am twenty. I dont live in Ankara but i know what you do Mansur Yavas. I follow his on Twitch,Twitter and Instagram. I am proud of he. He made innovations and regulations in many areas. He gave us hope that Turkey is worse today. I hope he made new innovations and regulastions. He is very humble but i hope he becomes president. We love him. Turkey's people proud of he. Nominated by B., C. and H. A., Ankara: Mr. Mansur Yavas is the most worthy person to win this award with the devoted work he has shown since the day he took office. From the moment he took office, he fought against corruption within the framework of the principle of transparency and received everyone's appreciation. During the pandemic, he gave great support to the people of Ankara both financially and morally. It has carried out important projects to beautify Ankara and make people's lives easier. There is no other person worthy of this award more than him. Nominated by A. Y., Ankara: Ever since Mansur Yavas was elected as the mayor, you can feel the tranquility in the city. Ankara has always been a grey city for most. I used to visit Ankara when I was little and later since high school I have been living in it. Maybe because of my child memories Ankara was green for me. Since high school I saw the grey parts of Ankara but it seems to me that Ankara is getting greener everyday since Mansur Yavas. I hope he will be a mayor for another term. Nominated by E. A., Ankara: Mansur başkanımız herkese eşit davranarak, şeffaf belediyecilik yapmış hepimizin gönlünde taht kurmuştur. Bu ödülün tek sahibi Mansur başkanımızdır. Pandemi boyunca kimseyi zor durumda bırakmamıştır. O iyi ki var Nominated by B. S., Ankara: We call Mansur Yavas as Mansur Yavas. "AŞK" means in English "Love". Mansur Yavas is not just mayor of Ankara. He is the mayor of all Turkey. He has all the good things that a person should have! He is fair, benevolent, sympathetic... If I try to write all his good things, you may have to read this email forever :) Best regards from heart of Anatolia Nominated by I. S., outside Turkey: Because of his transparant policy to let every citizen know how evety coin is spend. He saved millions of lira’s and is succesful in winning hidden corruption. He supports the poor people of the city, and the closed businesses in the city. it is a modest persons going by bus to work and sold almost all private cars of the municipalty to save money. He brought free internet to many villages so that childeren could attend to online school courses. He is focussed on delivering service to the people instead of being in media and promoting itself.-- Nominated by B. K., outside Turkey: Mansur yavas is the best. He tell the people the management about the monney begore him. We can trust him Nominated by Halima, outside Turkey: I vote for Mayor Mansur! Dear Mayor thank you for representing the Turkish people with dignity! Thank you for making the world better place. Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | Page 10 | |