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World Mayor Nominations 2021
Matús Vallo, Mayor of Bratislava, Slovakia The 20/21 World Mayor Prize and Commendations will be conferred on mayors who have been showing leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic and who are now aiming to make their cities more resilient economically, structurally, socially and environmentally. In fact: Stronger | Fairer | Greener. The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for mayors who have shown exceptional leadership skills but also, and more importantly, acted at all times with compassion towards those most affected by Covid-19. The pandemic has shown how vulnerable even the richest cities are when confronted with a disaster like Covid-19. Forward-looking city leaders will now begin to re-think how their communities can be better protected against future threats, both natural and man-made. Matús Vallo, Mayor of Bratislava, Slovakia, has been shortlisted for the 2021 World Mayor Prize. |
FRONT PAGE About World Mayor City Mayors Foundation ![]() ![]() ![]() WORLD MAYOR 2021 - The Winners - The Project - The Finalists - The Shortlist - The Longlist - Selection criteria - Covid-19 - World Mayor history - World Mayor Sculpture - Poverty - Code of Ethics - Press & Media INTERVIEWS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte ESSAYS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Maire de Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino TESTIMONIALS - Mayor of Amsterdam - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Arnhem - Mayor of Bergamo - Mayor of Bogotá - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Buenos Aires - Mayor of Carmignano - Mayor of Cascais - Mayor of Compton - Mayor of Dantumadiel - Mayor of Freetown - Mayor of Grenoble - Mayor of Grigny - Mayor of Guarulhos - Mayor of Kuala Lumpur - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Mexico City - Mayor of Milan - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rostock - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte - Mayor of Warsaw WORLD MAYOR 2018 WORLD MAYOR 2016 WORLD MAYOR 2014 WORLD MAYOR 2012 WORLD MAYOR 2010 WORLD MAYOR 2008 WORLD MAYOR 2006 WORLD MAYOR 2005 WORLD MAYOR 2004 |
Nominations for Matús Vallo Mayor of Bratislava (Slovakia) Page 1 | This page Nominated by Peter B., Bratislava: I would like to vote for Matus Vallo as the best world mayor. Well, basically he is already the best mayor of Bratislava or the whole cities in Slovakia we ever had. Every step he takes it goes so well. He does this job even as an architect he could earn a much higher salary. He likes the city and that job and that's why it works. He moved the things none of the other mayors can´t in ages. He fixes everything, coming withs an innovations and changing the city to the modern, developed city for citizens and tourists. All processes are super transparent. Government copied the steps after Bratislava how to deal with covid in testing and vaccinating. He is the sample for many people how it is possible to change things. Nominated by Michaele, Bratislava: Kudos to Matus Vallo for his amazing work in our city Bratislava! Since the 1st day in Mayor office he is showing citizens a professional approach in solving different city issues. I like how he and his team of experts have been taking care of billboard smog, illegal advertisement, building cycle paths, planting trees and flowers, cleaning the streets, improving public transportation, bringing different events to town, etc. I also like how he communicates with citizens through many channels (official city website, FB, Linkedin, Instagram) so we all can be informed immediately. He is trying to be a transparent politician what I appreciate the most. His transparency is also confirmed by an issued document of his achievements and in progress work after his 2-year Mayor period. Well done Mr. Vallo and keep going! Nominated by D S, Bratislava: I would like to vote for mayor Vallo! I was born in Bratislava and spent most of the time here. I lived abroad some time so I can compare other European capitals with our small village capital. And I can say that I am proud of Mr Vallo. Its the 1st time in 35 years that I have a feeling that something positive is happening in the city. He is in the position only for 2 years but already did a job of at least 10 years. I really appreciate his communication during covid. He covered goverment job. He could clearly communucate what goverment was not capable of. So citizens of Bratislava could undersrand from his posts and videos when we must go for testing, what lockdown means for us. Rules are changing every week and he publishes all the time clear instructions . He took care of homeless people, or construction workers who had covid and couldnt stay in the same accomodation with other colleagues and became homeless and ill. He built up civid village which help people in need. He has a passion for architecture and its beneficial for city. His team is managing numerous reconstruction projects of memorials, old city Spa, old pharmacy. He is green mayor, already planted over 10 000 trees and half million flowers. You cannot imagine what this means for post Soviet country where you see just grey everywhere . He is active in parking policy, supports and improves public transportation and works on construction of park & ride. He is anti-corrution mayor. His team reviewed activities and finances of city companies, reviewed many city non efficient contracts, set up a new city company which covers city services like cutting grass and snow management. New people have jobs and this city firm does better job than previous private companies. His team started buying buildings for social flats. Generally in Slovakia this is huge issue, social flats are non-existent and there are plenty poor people, single parents who just need this kind of living otherwise they will end up on streets... I need to add that I am not a politically active person, I never had interest on politician discussions and stuff like that. But activities of Mr Vallo are just really visible and are for benefit of people and are changing Bratislava into modern city if 21st century! Nominated by Patrik K., Bratislava: I would like to nominate Mr. Matús Vallo for the Mayor of the year. There are many reasons, among them is one which I would like to point out especially. It is the Quarantine village for homeless people, which was build for all who can not spend their quarantine anywhere. In the spring 2020 the City of Bratislava built unprecedented space for homeless people in Zlaté piesky (next to the lake). In the autumn 2020 the city moved the village to another space and raised its capacity in more steps up to 96 beds. Until now there was the peek of the pandemic in the village in the end of January with 87 people in one moment. Until the end of February there were more than 230 people staying in the quarantine village. 7 people had to be transported to the hospital. None has died. I, personally, had the chance to witness all the time the village as the emergency car driver, bringing the people to the village from shelters, hospitals, daily centres or simply from the streets…I work with the homeless people for more than 16 years (mostly doing theatre with them) but I can see that there was never such a care from the side of the City hall. That is why I nominate Matús Vallo for the Mayor of the year, Nominated by Martin S., Bratislava: I would like to cast my vote for our mayor of Bratislava Matus Vallo. He has brought professionalism into the office and set the highest standards for communications with the citizens, without ever using demagogy or other manipulating practices. Already before the elections, he created an elaborate plan and vision for Bratislava and brought together a whole team of professionals and candidates to the council, respected in their fields. I must admit I was so happy with him that I started working for the city for a smaller salary than before. My boss is a respected senior manager who used to be a CEO of a major company with a 10x salary and also came to work for the city just based on trust of the mayor. In terms of the pandemic, the mayor communicated and pushed for responsible behaviour from the very start, listening and following all the advice of the scientific community. As a part of the team, I had the opportunity to experience that no shortcuts were made and a lot of effort was put into executing difficult but correct decisions. An example of that was establishing a quarantine unit for homeless people, where they could come to live for a few days until tested negative for COVID. This project was unprecedented in the country and also won some award. I could continue further, but I believe that I already said enough. I am genuinely happy to finally see the city strive. This recognition would be a great boost for the mayor and also nice feedback for all the work of the team. Nominated by Hana K., Bratislava: I’d like to vote for Bratislava’s Matúsˇ Vallo, an architect who he’s not only brought some life back to a post-regime Bratislava, and has been pushing for more human-centric urbanism, but has also stepped up as a true leader during the Covid-19 crisis. During the pandemic, the city was under immense pressure by the government to facilitate communal testing and Matúsˇ Vallo has not only facilitated that, but also worked with NGOs to provide quarantine ‘city’ for the homeless. During his time, he’s adapted fast and stood up to the sudden challenges the situation has brought, but he and his team hasn’t forgotten the central promise they set out - to focus public spaces to be for people and their unique needs, to re-green the city and to challenge the collapsing parking politics and direct policies to focus on public transport, which, in the Slovak context has been a radical, and well important move. Nominated by Branko B., Bratislava: Mayor Matus Vallo came into the office with a clear plan he is now pursuing. He brought together many competent people respected in their fields who now work for the city. He managed the COVID pandemic very carefully avoiding easy non-functioning solutions and taking care of the weakest, for which he was even awarded a prize. Nominated by Ján S., Bratislava: Dobrý deň, som obyvateľ mesta Bratislava. Posielam hlas Matúšovi Vallovi pretože nielenže ma presvedčil v kampani pred voľbami, ale celým svojím následným konaním počas uplynulých dvoch rokov ma opakovane utvrdzuje v tom, že to bola dobrá voľba. Mal víziu, ktorú pretavil do plánu, a ten plán postupne so svojím tímom aj realizuje. Vnáša do rozhodovania systém a transparentnosť, získal pre mesto kvalitných ľudí, posunul komunikáciu s obyvateľmi mesta o niekoľko úrovní vyššie, pracuje s obrovským osobným nasadením. Začal riešiť aj veci ktoré sa roky zanedbávali (parkovacia politika, zeleň, nájomné bývanie, vizuálny smog). A skvelé je pod jeho vedením aj zvládanie aktuálnej koronakrízy. Konečne cítiť že mesto sa pohýna dopredu. Nominated by Haringova, Bratislava: Hlasujem za pana Valla,pretoze sa mi paci jeho pristup k nam obyvatelom hlavneho mesta,na facebook dava rozne vyzvy ,aby sme hlasovali za rôzne navrhy napr.hlasovali sme za farbu Stareho mosta,vytycil drevenymi kolikami kadial povedie elektrickova trasa v Petrzalke,parkovaciu politiku, dava hlasovat za rôzne projekty,a potom sa podla toho aj robi,zapaja takto Bratislavcanov do diania kazdodenneho zivota. Ale kde sa mi velmi pacil,bolo pri testoch na koronu,kde sam asistoval, Nominated by Barbora H., Bratislava: Pán Vallo si jednoznačne zaslúži môj hlas. To, so dokázal spraviť pre Bratislavu v tak krátkom čase je takmer neuveriteľné. Zlepšenie infraštruktúry - nová električková trať, obnova karloveskej radialy, cyklotrasy, zavedenie parkovacej politiky - konečne primátor, ktorý prichádza s reálnymi riešeniami (jeho predchodcovia iba udržiavali v meste status quo,ale do žiadnych inovácii sa púšťať nechceli). Moderné klimatizované autobusy a električky, lepšie než v mnohých bohatších mestách (napr. Viedeň či Praha). Vzhlad mesta - pán Vallo je sám architekt a je to vidno. Záleží mu na tom, aby bolo mesto pekné a príjemné pre život - pozrite sa,ako moderne vyzerajú nové Mlynské Nivy. Zároveň sa vysádza zeleň, revitalizuju parky a vytvárajú pešie zóny a zóny oddychu. Také niečo tu v Bratislave ešte nebolo - zbohom postkomunistické sivé mesto. Pán primátor bojuje aj proti čiernym stavbám a prestavbam - povolenie na stavbu už nedostane hocikto, kto má peniaze (to bola dovtedy krutá bratislavská realita). Pán primátor zároveň dáva obyvateľom mesta možnosť zúčastňovať sa na samotných projektoch mesta - môžme si napríklad zahlasovať za to, ktoré riešenia sa nám páči najviac. Plus o nových projektoch a dianí v meste sme informovaní aj prostredníctvom sociálnych sietí (napr. Facebookova skupina Matúš Vallo má rád Bratislavu) kde môžme písať svoje komentáre a nápady a pán primátor a jeho team nám na nej odpovedajú. V neposlednom rade by som chcela vyzdvihnúť to, ako pán primátor zvláda situáciu s corona vírusom. Celoplošné testovanie zvládnuté už tretí krát na jednotku, a to aj napriek tomu, za dva krát mal primátor na zorganizovanie testovania len pár dní. Kreatívne riešenia (napr. digitalizácia či použitie odstavených prostriedkov MHD ako odberných miest - na tom, kde som bola ja, nás p.Vallo prišiel osobne pozrieť - pýtal sa, ako dlho čakáme a na náš názor. Odbernému miestu, čo malo časový sklz a nestíhali, išiel pomahat). Ďakujem pánovi primátorovi za moderné a progresívne mesto, na ktoré môžem byť hrdá. Nominated by Samuel S., Bratislava: I am writing in support of Matúsˇ Vallo, the mayor of Bratislava, to become the best mayor. He is a real leader that knows when to take the lead and at the same time when allow others to contribute their part to the work. Previous mayors before Vallo failed to maintain a good financial situation in Bratislava, city administration was overloaded with unnecessary bureaucratic matters and institutions, administration was unable to adequately respond to emerging problems in the city. In just a year (2018-2019), Vallo managed to improve the financial situation of Bratislava, his team and co-workers set up new bureaucratic relations and institutions/policies which work much more efficiently than before. But the problem in Bratislava extended not only to financial affairs, the city lacked proper maintenance service, maintenance of roads and other critical infrastructure, and the city lacked urbanistic and environmental agenda. This all was changed and improved after Vallo and his team began working in 2018. In 2020 he again showcased his abilities of leadership when he and his administration (already on the verge of February and March) intercepted Covid-19 problems that would have come in the future. From that moment on, he fully committed to establish Bratislava that would be as safe from Covid-19 as possible. Recommendation to close schools, sanitisation of all public transports as well as other measures were introduced to keep citizens safe. Throughout the entire year, Vallo lobbied at the Ministry of Finance to gain financial aid from the state. He spent a lot of time travelling around ministries as he wished to inform citizens of Bratislava with the latest news. But Vallo and his team did not focus only on wealthy citizens; many provisional housing and quarantine centres have been established for citizens of lower class including homeless people who simply could not have stayed inside during the largest outbreak of the virus. Many public spaces, buildings and facilities have been turned into contemporary testing centres where people could test for Covid-19, which improved the overall screening of the pandemic within Bratislava. In November 2020, Vallo showed charisma when Slovak government introduced an idea of nationwide-scale Covid-19 testing and Bratislava's administration was already fully prepared for such a large and important project. Vallo again spent a lot of time travelling around ministries to gain as much information as possible. After the testing, it was proved that Vallo's measures within Bratislava were effective as Bratislava had one of the lowest number of infected people even though it is the largest and the most crowded city of Slovakia. In recent months, there have been many intrigues and problems with communication of the Slovak government; people began to be confused and could not rely on the Government. In these moments of confusion Vallo stepped up and decided that Bratislava will become independent in Covid-19 measures from the Government. The city's administration set up its own facilities, testing centres, bought testers in order for citizens to be able to test themselves safely and independently from Governmental decisions. He took the lead in informing people about measures and restrictions - the website of Bratislava has its own site where all the measures are listed and explained -, at the same time, he himself informs the public and issues as he has been doing throughout the entire pandemic. Thus, he established himself as a reliable information source for all people who were confused by the Governmental information. Vallo never hesitated to make unpopular decisions during the pandemic, but made sure that people did not feel low-spirited during hard times of pandemic. Therefore, he allowed small-scale events when the numbers of cases were small, but did not hesitate to cancel planned events in case that numbers of infected rose. As far as I have read about pandemic situations in other cities, I must strongly state that Bratislava did not have any problematic or hectic period during 2020. What makes him and his team very special is that they never stopped progressing in important agendas even during the pandemic.City's maintenance, life as well as growth did not just stop because pandemic was the most important agenda and they did not have means to progres all agendas. Thus, maintenance works in Janko Králˇ park continued, maintenance of tram railroads continued, building social housing for people with low-income/homeless, public tenders as well as public procurement had continued for maintenance of historical complexes, facilities and the city continued to grow. Thus, I have to say that while Bratislava acted very safely during pandemic, life never truly stopped there, and at the moment is in very safe hands. It is all thanks to Matúš Vallo and his team, therefore I would like to reward them for their brilliant work with this vote for Vallo as the best mayor. Nominated by Barbara S., Bratislava: Dobry den, chcela by som podporit nasho BA starostu, Matusa Valla. Za jeho doterajsie posobenie si Bratislava v mnohych smeroch polepsila -zlepsenie infrastruktury na viacerych mieetach, parkovacia politika, rozbehnutie cyklotras, zlepsenie MHD, zachovanie Grosslingovych kupelov, lekarne Salvator, etc. Ako najvacsi vsak vidim jeho prinos v momentalnej pandemickej situacii. Podnika promptne kroky v zmysle ochrany vsetkych Bratislavcanov, zabezpecuje testovacie miesta, ako perfektny hodnotim napad otestovat vzorky pozit pacientov aj na britsky variant COVID 19. Posobi transparentne, zodpovedne, pracovite, za mna jednotka s hviezdickou. S pozdravom Nominated by Katarina K., Bratislava: I would like to vote for Mayor Vallo. There are many reasons why. First of all, Matúš Vallo is creating a city that I ever wanted to live in. He did a lot for a public space. He showed us that small, simple changes can have a big impact, with less money you can do much, everything is possible if you want, just do it, all you need is to care of things and people. In my opinion, he did much more for Bratislava in these few years than mayors before during the last 30 years. He is a strong, creative, apolitical leader. This is the leader of the future. Even during Covid pandemic he showed the ability to stand for the city and the people. He showed the ability to sort a lot of information and make a clear decision. Nominated by Lucia S., Bratislava: I’d love to vote for Matus Vallo as the World Mayor for several reasons. Would be probably easier to understand my motivation to do so when you’d know how things do (not) work here in our country but I’ll try to explain simply and briefly. First of all he’s a shocker when comparing to his predecessors. They seldom did something with wider insight and considering the needs of the community. The Mayor job was merely a display of status and a way of becoming a celebrity with impact (on own finance not on actual improvement of city life overall). Matus is different. It’s no Mr. Vallo. He’s Matus to the community. One of us. We call him Our Mayor and follow him on his FB page that translates as “Matus Vallo Loves Bratislava” (Matus Vallo ma Rad Bratislavu @vallo.primator). And it’s not a lie. The guy that is not just a mayor on the paper and in the paper. He’s THE Mayor with a clear purpose. To make this town a great one again. A town for happy living for all of us. And he’s working his (excuse my French) ass off! Instead of being all pathetic and emotional let me list a few exact reasons I love him and think he Is the best Mayor in the World: • He’s an Architect himself which makes him understand the functionality and possibilities of urban spaces (of course interlaced with needs of inhabitants) • Green areas in the city projects running and changes happening • Safer roads and paths in the city new paving and road reparations policy (never has been considered an important thing.. sadly, since urban infrastructure with chuck holes can not be safe) • A wide publication called The Plan of Bratislava gathered 76 experts and laid forward specific solutions to bring Bratislava back to life it deserves • Established project that created more than 900 sub projects improving the community areas in 20 towns • Tirelessly implements best practices from around the world • Parking policy implemented lowering the amount of car scraps in parking lots, new parking lots and ongoing improvements that are almost palpable • Focus on environment and green city initiatives tree planting, green areas, concrete zones changed to green chill out zones; identification of hot zones in the city and implementation of corrective steps (even more trees and green zones) • Immense city budget saving before often spent with lack of transparency and funds going to pockets of involved people • Covid “Our Only Vaccine is Discipline” campaign; intensive collaboration with other mayors and district heads; testing coverage in unused town transport vehicles; online tracking of testing spots with online registration enabled; • City transport improvement; reconstruction and better organization of line plans Overall to summarize his people skills: • Endless support of community and excellent communication skills helping people understand and understanding people at the same time; his accessibility and natural openness is a breath of fresh air • Oozing trust and humanity which has never been a feature of a Mayor before (Mayor has never been true citizen lover but Mayor fan making the most of the job to live long and prosper) Nominated by Tomas S., Bratislava: I will tell you my point of view regarding the service which, Matúš does for the citizens and the city. I have noticed Matúš before he became the Mayor of Bratislava. He, as an architect, tried to help Bratislava as a volunteer activist and when I listened to his arguments and explanations, I had a wish that this guy would be a really good leader for any city. "The dream" came true in 2018, Matúš became the mayor of Bratislava. Compared to other candidates he had a clear vision and a plan how to change Bratislava to be, for me nothing special, just a normal functional city. His plan was called Plan B as Bratislava. To be fair it was not just his plan, but due to his leadership he was able to unite a group of dedicated experts. He went to the election as independent candidate, but always highlighted that he is not alone. Independent group of people went to the election to be members of the city parliament under the name "Team Vallo". Matúš is mayor only two years. He is real Bratislava's patriot. He has proven expertise from architecture and urbanism. His living in world metropoles gives him an inspiration how "normal" cities should run. I didn't have any doubts about Matúš functional and "artistic" direction of future Bratislava. Bratislava established new institution called MIB (Metropolitný inštitút Bratislava - Metropolitan institute of Bratislava). For other cities probably an ordinary matter, but for Bratislava is a new very important institution. Thanks of this institute Bratislava can keeps its identity. All potential suppliers clearly know, in advance, what is expected. Bratislava push that requirements and follows it up. It is really important. You will know that you are still in Bratislava whether you are in the South, North, East or West part. Institute also follows up all challenges e.x.: climatic change and social changes. Project of 10.000 new trees, green areas, identical public design, try to "teach" and explain people to use public transport, make public transport more flexible, safe and much more other. While I didn't have any doubts about the above, I really appreciate that Matúš and his team started changes in managing of the companies where Bratislava has an interest. One thing is transparency. That is a must. Other thing is management. Due to audit of the contracts and then right decisions in companies, Bratislava was able to cut unnecessary costs. That is really important for me. Unexpected pandemic situation affected the whole world. Pragmatic and direct communication, explanation of the measures, help in range of possibilities of the city is important. Matúsˇ confronts challenges directly, which helps to face any unexpected situation. Very good quality. Bratislava works with data. People are able to measure performance. Matúš does an annual review every year. Then there is an open discussion. He has got never-ending patience to listen. Matúš talks to people, answers the questions - every citizen is important. He did it twice. This year online via Zoom. In the new era Bratislava became "a free" city after 1989. It is very sad to state that things, on the highest level, are moving right direction only last two. It is good sign that people like Matúš are interested to invest their expertise for the good of all fellow citizens. There could be more things to mention. Matúš does a great job. I believe that also other nominated Mayors does. In case that we could measure the real benefit for the cities then Matúš would be definitely very high in rankings. I whish him to fulfill Plan B. Step by step that is most important. Prize would be an award of all people under Matúš leadership. Nominated by Senta H., Bratislava: I am voting for Matúš Vallo, because I live in Bratislava and coz I travel up and down from here to Germany and Austria, I can compare not only what difference alone in Bratislava, but also with other towns and capitals. I am proud of our Mayor. The city is getting more ecologic, visually more pleasing and organised. Things are like magically working again or solutions are found, there are no comments in the news, like what only could be done, but things are changing and happening for real! This means, he is abel even now in this corona crisis, to manage to find money for everything, what other Mayors where not able to. He is present in the media, but he is not doing a big show, his projects are speaking for themself. I am a big fan of his work, so I am giving my vote for him. Nominated by Matej B., Bratislava: my vote goes to Mr. Matus Vallo because we have quite a few things in common: He loves Bratislava, just as I do and the citizens feel it. The sensitive way he approaches various aspects of life in the city just proves the point. As it usually goes with the "big" cities (Bratislava is only inhabited by mere 500k people, officially), the people from the outside just can't get to "like Bratislava" for various reasons. This seems to be turning for the better. Not only more and more people move in, but they are actually proud to be citizens of Bratislava. He is a former musician, just as I am. Matus puts heavy focus on the culture in the city and of the city. Thanks to his connections and understanding the cultural life in the city is flourishing. He is frank. The way Matus and the city communicates with the outer world is exceptional. Also, the "haters management" is handled very well. On top of that it is clearly visible Matus is very well organized, efficient, transparent, encloses himself with the best, like-minded people and is result-oriented. The output of the work of Matus and his team is visible since the day 1, throughout his term and not only few months/weeks before the election, as we experienced with some of his predecessors. Most importantly, Matus is able to unite various stakeholders (municipality chief and city districts mayors) to work together to achieve tangible goals. This is critical during the times of crisis, when the true leaders are born. Matus and his team are setting an example of great collaboration not only to governing bodies of other cities in Slovakia, but to the national government as well. I am grateful to be living in Bratislava during "Vallo era" and I hope the best is yet to come. For all that and more Matus deserves the title World Mayor for 2021. Nominated by Matej K., Bratislava: I'm a citizen of Bratislava from birth. There have been many mayors in the past, but Matus Vallo is the one that I'm really proud on, not only as a mayor, but as the politician. Matus Vallo gives me hope, trust, belief. I met him on several public presentations. The strongest experience was the one regarding introducing parking policy in Bratislava. You can imagine what resistance, he had to go through, from people used to park their cars wherever and whenever they wanted. Matus Vallo strongly, but clearly and calmly stated something like: "I don't like cars parked on the sidewalks with no or little space for pedestrian, mothers with strollers, or even disabled people to go on. Some rules are needed." All of these decisions are based on numbers and statistics. He also stated, the amount of registered cars in Bratislava is increasing. If we don't change anything we can expect traffic collapse and traffic jams. His values that I appreciate: Matus Vallo can stand up for his ideas what is good, useful, his ability to think ahead, ability to expect unecpected. And despite the resistance of people, he can stand up in front of the audience, look you into eyes and convinces you so, that there's no resistance anymore (or at least little so the change can be accepted in public as general rule). Not only the above makes him a good mayor. In one of those presentations very strong moment came when he was talking about homeless people and said how many homeless people suffer in winter and even none of them shouldn't be exposed to death. That was (even now) very touching. Because also now I see more and more what he and his team is doing. House units for homeless people were build during pandemic to protect them and provide home for them. Or in the first wave the city hall with help of volunteers provided food packages - food and face mask and disinfection. And not to forget to mention in this pandemic his field of study - architect - and capability to provide common life things like nice and new benches for Bratislava after negotiating with Prague city representatives. All of this makes him a really competent and good mayor and wish to have such a people all over Slovakia or even world to create better place for living. Thank you very much for this initiative. Nominated by Erik L., Bratislava: Bratislava is a matter of my heart. The city is changing dynamically. It becomes a modern beautiful metropolis for people from 0 to 100 years. The mayor is the engine of this change. Ecology, beauty, design are synonymous with our metropolis. I love this city and its modern look. Nominated by Adriana T., Bratislava: I vote Matus Vallo He make the best in critical time, bringing information in time of chaos. He make very quick and effective decisions and solutions in short time. Make perfect system of registration for covid testing (ordering and information system). He made special place for homelless people, where they can be during covid infection. He makes changes in Bratislava with heart. Finally, the mayor, who brings culture, art, functionality and service to the citizens. Want to make Bratislava more green and beauty with benefits for people who live here. He is our the best mayor ever Nominated by Rut E., Slovakia: I appreciate you spotlighting the challenging yet important work of mayors, working hard to keep their communities safe and prosperous across the globe. I would like to raise a voice on behalf of the mayor of Bratislava Matus Vallo who utilised progressive data-based policy making and strategic planning to harmonise and focus city development of the capital city Bratislava. He activated institutions and the social capital of communities to pro-actively support action focused on making the capital of Slovakia green, smart, resilient, service oriented, community focused and sensitive to the needs of the marginalised. During the pandemic he ensured services are available to quarantine and provide medical care to the homeless and systematically provided information to cater needs of diverse groups of residents trying to adapt to lockdowns, school closures and limited access to services. His team focused on making covid testing accessible to all, with creative measures such as Covid Testing Stations in buses. His team restored and further enlarged city parks, introduced green spaces under tramways across the city and launched a tree planting campaign 10.000 trees for Bratislava to support climate change adaptation of the city. There is much more that could be said of his contribution, but what I value most is his contribution to the spirit of a welcoming, respectful, modern city responding to the challenges of climate change, natural hazards and other threats while embracing diverse cultures and needs of its residents; cultivated by the city’s institutions under his leadership in difficult times and spilling over to its residents and visitors providing hope for the future of our city. Thank you for considering his nomination for the Award! Nominated by Michal T., Bratislava: I think Matus Vallo deserves the title best mayor in the world, because of how brilliant he managed the covid19 testing. We can also see improvements in our city wherever we look. His focus on public spaces will surely bring Bratislava higher in the list of European modern cities. Nominated by Andrej V., Bratislava: Mr Vallo has proven that cooperation is a feasible tool for progress even in environmnets spoiled by corruption. Clear communication, quick wins, relible sound opinions on larger politics however without deteriorating the local politics, cleaning of long-forbidden issues such as municipal enterprises locked by former regime, all done well. He embodies a new paradigm of public affairs approach in Slovakia together with the president of the Slovak Republic. He deserves to be internationally recognized. Nominated by Michal G., Bratislava: I would like to endorse Matúš Vallo as the best mayor Bratislava ever had. It is the first time we have a mayor here that had a comprehensive plan before the elections, that was made by people who are professionals in the topic and is actually being implemented. He had to brave through some unpopular decisions (tax increase after 20 years of status quo, parking policy for the whole town) and endure several reconstructions accumulated in the same time, completely crippling transportation across the town. On the top of that, in his first 2 years he revised agreements that have been made before him that were completely disadvantageous to Bratislava, even under anonymous threats aimed at him at the time. Beside this, he managed to get in motion several projects that have potential to be pride of our town, like town owned wellness and the first pharmacy in town that will be refurbished and reestablished. Also launching a process of changes to key public areas with sight on us - inhabitants of Bratislava. All that with minimal financial support from the government. He started to focus on public transport and you can see difference there, also launching projects for increase of ecological public transport. Also working on increasing the opportunities to use bike in our town. and all this with being recognised for his transparency in spending money of us, taxpayers. The main argument for this is his response to COVID19 crisis in past year. under his supervision was bratislava first town in Slovakia to iniciate precautions against covid (even before to slovakian government noticed it is time to do something), regular disinfection of public transport and public places, closing schools and and communicating the importance of being responsible to the public. when our central government decided to test whole population, he came up with changing busses from public transport to testing centres, making it very accessible and convenient to public and with no waiting time. For homeless people he started a quarantine district, creating places for treatment and slowing down the spread of disease. for seniors he initiated regular testing to avoid spread amongst the most vulnerable. All in all, I am proud to have a mayor like this in my home town, and also because it is such a huge difference to the mayors we had in the past, I would love to see him being recognised for this. That is why I took time to type this long email and hoep this will be taken into consideration. Nominated by Martina P., Bratislava: I would like to share my opinion, why Matus Vallo should win, first of all he is managing town during corona crisis so well. In chaos, caused by slovak government and with neverending nationwide testing, he is still able to manage so many public places, where people living in Bratislava can get tested themselves without waiting in queues (you can apply for test online) and he repeatedly helps to slow spreding of corona. He and his team also explains very clear the new rules, which are very often announced by governement incomprehensible and very late. He and his team always sum it up very well, very clear and it makes people less in stress in this hard time. And he is constatly trying to make our city greener, with less cars,and with more space for pedestrians, mothers with children and disabled people. He also improved the city transport and he is leading by example (eg he goes to work on a bike). He is also fighting asvertising smog in Bratislava and believe me, it is not easy in Slovakia. What is also important is that he support cultural and charity events and takes part in debates. He is also very active on social media, we can address him directly questions and ideas and he always answer, it is good for us, because we feel that Mr. Vallo listen to us and our ideas. He takes care of public spaces, reconstructs historic buildings that are of great value to the people and no one has cared for them yet. There is much more what I can write, but to make it short, he is very special man with a good heart, he is so human and it is very inportsnt especially in this time. he loves Bratislava and it is mirrored in his work. He is fighting for our city, but with grace. Nominated by Kristina P. A., Bratislava: Hi, I am citizen of Bratislava and I believe Vallo deserves this price without discusion. He is determined, doesnt give up and stays positive, although the mood and circumtances are difficult. Even before this pandemic hell, he has been the fresh air not only for the city, but the whole country because of his devotion and his autentic communication with us, citizens. He is not focused on conflicts, searches for solutions, and in the process he stays compasionate. I truly appriciate he talks to women and men (in our language it is different) and stays focused on what can be done. I like his drive for change and reshaping our city for people, to use it, to live it. Small changes makes the difference, public spaces, open and alive. During this crisis I hear a lot of voices saying that our mayor should coordinate the pandemic on state level, because Bratislava is predictable, coordinated, prepared and communicative. The rest of the country is opposite. There are a lot of examples illustrating to his ability to cooperate and trust people and his energy to inovate, make things better, that is why I think the price IS there for him. Nominated by Pavol V., Bratislava: why I think Mr. Vallo is the best mayor in the world is the fact that in two years he was able to do many times more stuff and all his predecessors altogether. There are few thing I would like to pinpoint: 1. He was able to get many clever and successful people into the city council and even young people are willing to work for the city just because they want to be part of the "Vision" that's becoming reality everyday. 2. The number of people in Slovakia with the mindset "I think...and you don't have truth no matter what you say" is so huge you wouldn't believe it. Mr. Vallo is able to do countless meetings and meet the agreement with these people. It's really unique and it takes a huge amount of self discipline and communication skills. 3. During the pandemic our government made several nationwide testings. Those testings, which were organized by state, were made people stand in the rows for several hours, administration and medics didn't have enough material etc. Complete mess. The one testing, which was organized by the cities, was great. No rows, no waiting, everything went smoothly. And the mayor was able to prepare it in the matter of days! 4. Last but not least, every citizen is informed about what's happening. Covid information, public transport information, construction works in the city, etc. Level of communication is excellent even with unpopular decisions. I know nobody who disagreed with some restrictions or canceled events when the Mayor explained his decisions. He's not afraid to admit when something goes wrong nor let people know when things are going good. He replies to people's messages on facebook and he's interested in people's opinion. To us, citizens, it's a huge change. Imagine, you travel by walk, with bare feet your whole life and since the 2018 elections, you get a luxury car with a private driver. Such change we feel in the city. Nominated by Veronika H., Bratislava: I would like to vote for Matus Vallo. I live in Bratislava - in the city center, Slovakia. There are multiple reasons I consider him as a far best mayor in a history of our city: -when implementing a new parking policy (which was needed already for a long time and he did it once he started) - he had multiple discussions with people in every part of the city, replying to all the people's questions and situations. Also his team addressed all different situations. It looks like finally parking policy will be done until the end. Very unpopular but very important. - his team improved very much, how the greenery in the city is taken care of. Everytime, we find information, e.g. why some trees are being removed and how they will be replaced. A lot of greenery was added, and some wrong parking was removed. - few most important squares in the city center were turned into more safe, and architecturally much better places for all (not just cars, but pedestrians, mothers, walking people, people working around, tourists, ..) -his team planned the new tram line in the city center - again, very unpopular but very reasonable. In general, his team is focusing on fighting with climate change and the planning the future of the city, how to improve public transport to cars, which drivers do not like, but it is very important. In all events organized by a city, finally everybody is obliged to use compostable / more ecological cups etc. -most important: during COVID situation, the city was taking all the important measures ahead of the state, and they provided a possibility of comfortable accessible and safe COVID testing for everybody who needed/wanted it within extremely short time (in great cooperation with all mayors of the city districts). E.g. I have found out that I needed a test, I have visited a city webpage to sign in, the place near me was free for that time and in 10 minutes, I had my test done. I received SMS and email with the results, so very safe, fast and comfortable. They communicated the important messages since the beginning of the pandemic and they did it very well (in comparison with the state). They assured safe public transport and support for those who needed it (elderly, homeless people, ..). - they did a new police station in Obchodna street, which was considered unsafe during weekend nights, and now it is much better. -the city is communicating with developers, but not agreeing on everything, which I really like, too. -I like the fact that I find everything important on the web and facebook of the city, and that the communication is clear and fair. I guess I covered all most important points, but probably there will be some more, Nominated by Zuzana S., Bratislava: Prečo by sa mal Matúš Vallo stať najlepším starostom sveta? Matúš Vallo už druhý rok riadi mesto s obrovským nasadením. Nepoľavil ani počas pandémie. Práve naopak. Okamžite zameral svoju pozornosť na tých najzraniteľnejších, a to seniorov a ľudí bez domova. Pravidelne informuje občanov o tom, čo sa v meste deje a nie je toho veru málo. Od kedy nastúpil do úradu, pohlo sa veľa vecí, napr. sa zlepšila kvalita cestovania v mestskej hromadnej doprave, dochádza k odstraňovaniu vizuálneho smogu, vysádza sa množstvo nových stromov, zlepšuje sa údržba komunikácií, vylepšil sa proces verejného obstarávania a mnoho ďalšieho. Vidno, že mu na meste záleží a má jasnú víziu ako zlepšiť život v Bratislave. Nominated by Jakub F., Bratislava: Mr. Matúš Vallo is finally the right man in the right place, and I mean across the entire political sphere of our country since the establishment of an independent Slovak state. I would like to mention a few reasons for the nomination: - he came on the scene with the team of professionals and he has a will to finally do something positive with the city where he grew up - progressive approach to city management, thanks to his team also - founded the Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava, which is really helping form city infrastructure with common sense - withstood the negative reactions of indifferent individuals, trolls and competitors Nominated by Jozef M., outside Slovakia: I'd like to support Matus Vallo in the contest for the best mayor in the world by giving him my vote and to share with you my experience with him. I believe he is the first mayor in a long long time who loves the city and who has a real interest in making Bratislava a better place to live and to visit and not doing this only for his own profit (as it always happens in this country). I dont live any more in Bratislava, however I used to live there and I watch closely the development both in Slovakia and its capital with many xof my friends and family members living there. He is a modern person who is well travelled and tries to apply and offer novelties and new technologies into managing the city of Bratislava and to all the inhabitants and visitors. He is an architect who lived abroad who understands the city also from the technical point of view and who generally always likes to take over things that he has seen that work in other places and that can be of value in Bratislava too. The transparency of administering the city has increased enormously. The citizens know what his plans and vision are, how much progress has been made and what are his new projects. He informs the population about everything on a regular basis and annually he holds a longer meeting summarising what has been done over the year, what did not work well and asks directly the citizens for feedback, critics and ideas for the future. It is impressive how many things have changed over two years! With quick fixes the centre is again very welcoming, full of life and restricts cars to drive all over, the public space simply belongs to the citizens again. His team is not afraid to send into a court local mafiosos who would think are invulnerable, he started to fight also with illegal advertisements, crime, illegal construction sites and tycoons who were misusing previous mayors or using legislative gaps to abuse the city and its funds and many, many things got corrected and many dishonest businessmen had to back off - fortunately and finally. He leads by example in many things - be it by using a bike or cancelling a parking lot for his team and giving it to people or dismissing people in his wider team who might have been touched by any affair. He also shows he is not perfect and is surrounded by specialist who are better in certain areas and is happy to be advised. He likes to get feedback on his work and likes to improve. I lived in Bratislava for two years (before he came into the office) and it was OK but I also was happy to move out. Now, every time I come back from abroad and visit Bratislava, I see huge improvements in all aspects and would not mind actually moving in again! He is truly with passion and always selflessly doing all his best to make Bratislava a better place! One last (objective) evidence is that my girlfriend from Switzerland who never liked the city is now amazed by the progress and cool things the city offers:). Nominated by Patrik M., Bratislava: I vote Mayor Vallo for 2021 World Mayor Prize. Even before he became mayor of Bratislava two years ago, he was a city activist and made a comprehensive plan along with a team of experts to change the city for the better. Now in his position as a mayor he is actively following his plan which focuses on modern city development, green policies, public transport, innovations, culture and social life. He is also changing the corrupt climate that was standard for the office in past terms by making transparent tenders and deals. His most valuable skill is clear communication with citizens which was an essential part in managing the covid crisis which the state government failed to do, taking the initiative by providing fast measures to stop the spread of the virus, helping homeless communities and making informative campaigns. It resulted in much slower spread of the virus in the city than expected by experts. In just two years of Mayor Vallo`s leadership the city has visibly changed for the better and is on the right track to continue doing so in the future. Nominated by Greta S., outside Slovakia: I'd like to nominate M. Vallo because he is a tolerant mayor with great values. Bratislava looks so much nicer, greener. Finally some mayor who really made some visible changes for the inhabitants. He is dealing with Covid much better than the country itself. He is active in trying to make everything easier whether we are speaking of covid testing, homelessness, etc. Since he is an architect/urbanist, he understands how important public spaces and/or community are. He is also trying to live a green life as we all can see and with his car, parking, transportation policy he is trying to help the environment and also the city that ignored this for so long. Nominated by Barbora A., Bratislava: I would like to give my voice to Matúš Vallo, the mayor of Bratislava, Slovakia. Whole my family, we are so happy to have him in this function in these strange times - Corona crisis. He is so smart, clever, wise, have a great people around him. His communication is so empathetic, he speaks clearly and calm. We need this. Can ´t imagine our lives without him. Seriously. So thankful we have him. Hope he will win! Fingers crossed. Nominated by Magdalena M., Bratislava: I believe he is to be the city mayor of the year thanks to following achievements: - systematic coronavirus approach - mobile testing in unused public buses, solving homeless and covid issue - eco thinking - planting thousands of trees including fruit trees, supporting cyclists community with new cycle roads -challenging real estate developers to develop real estate standards -being able to get rid of the billboards in the city - representative behavior and continuous education in city mayor matters Nominated by Veronika C., currently outside Slovakia: I think Matus Vallo presents some of the most competent leadership I have witnessed in my home of Bratislava and is the most accomplished politician in the history of our city. I could hardly list all the improvements but let me list a few of them that I can quickly think of: 1. Nothing is left to mere chance, this guy had a 304-page book prepared on improvements for Bratislava in various areas ALREADY when he was just running for the office 2. Fast, consistent and transparent communication on all possible channels, patiently taking time to explain the matters of interest and listening to what people have to say - related to covid but any other topic as well. 3. Improved traffic with the extension of trams and plan for reducing the number of cars commuting to the city daily, which causes major issues (or used to when people actually went to work) 4. Establishment of Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava, urban planning became stricter in favour of the city's citizens with stronger strategic conception. The institute has multiple projects planned related to building new parks, bee meadows and improving public spaces 5. Collaboration with experts in the respective areas, NGOs and other stakeholders involved in the projects 6. Interest in the city aesthetics, revitalization of public spaces, planting green areas and ESPECIALLY the consistent effort to remove the visual smog caused by a large number of advertising boards. 7. His administration organised a covid "quarantine home" for homeless people when they get infected, from the city funds already in the beginning of the pandemic and increased its capacity multiple times throughout the last year 8. Initiative to plant 10k new trees in the city of Bratislava and general interest in green solutions; one great example from summer 2020 when mosquitoes were -as always- overpopulated and people were naturally very annoyed. Yet, Matus refused to use the chemical aerial spraying, and instead pushed for an eco-friendly option, although it requires more active effort and is not as effective for certain locations/types of mosquitos. 9. While the country needed to go through nationwide testing, due to the orders of the government, Matus Vallo's organisation created extra spots for people to get tested, so that the people can complete the test quickly without queuing in the cold for hours with increased risk of getting infected Matus Vallo did not inherit a well-run city that just needs a few minor tweaks in selected areas to get better. There is so much to improve and change, in matters that have been neglected for years. Some of which require an in-depth change of established processes and thinking and persistent the fight with corruption, underfunding and law that does not work in favour of the progressive change. He managed to improve more in the past two years than some of the previous mayors together and all of that without complaining why things cannot be done or complaining about other incompetent people in the government that he needs to work with, which is why his communication is so praised in the time of toxic and chaotic statements people get from the national government. I do not want to pretend to understand how the city management works, but from a citizen's point of view, it just feels Matus has 32 hours in a day instead the 24 everyone else has and I hope gets to govern this city for many more years. Thanks for recording my vote. Nominated by Martina, Bratislava: I would like to vote for Vallo as the best mayor due to several reasons. Living in Bratislava for many years, i have never been so “involved” in what is happening. The information flow plays crucial place in management of the current crisis. The worst part is that we do not know what will happen tomorrow. Vallo and team provide information in clear way, interacts with people via social media, reacts to any issue or national requirement promptly. I really do feel that Vallo cares about us, he was step ahead and created rescue town for homeless people. I need to say, there is very bad time, but apart from dealing with Covid, Vallo did not forget about ecology, renovation of parks and many other activities. I know there is not one person behind it, although without strong, initiative leader this would not be possible. I am very proud Vallo is my mayor. :) Nominated by Jan M., Bratislava: Life in Bratislava had been improving only very slowly over the last 20 years. Some mayors were corrupt, others incompetent or ineffective, and all of them constrained by the city budget: compared to cities of similar size in Europe (even Eastern one), Bratislava's budget is only about a half. But that should not stop the local government from doing their activities properly; not those that they decide to undertake. For long years past, the city tolerated shoddy work on all levels. So-called barrierless crossings contained steps amounting to 3 cm and lamp poles were put straight into the middle of sidewalks; local lawmaking sessions were plagued by rows between mayors and legislators leading to endless disputes, trees were being cut all over the city for doubtful reasons, developers were easily bypassing regulations by relaxing the living standards for apartments and legalizing buildings after they were finished, with barely any amenities and related infrastructure; several city properties were sold or demolished in a suspicious manner, and some buildings protected as cultural heritage were destroyed in the process; sidewalks were routinely blocked by cars overlooked by the city police force, plans for biking routes were shelved indefinitely (not a single magistrate employee responsible for cycling development under the previous mayor!, now we have a couple of them fully devoted to the task, and related citizen initiatives are no longer ignored), and city forests were plundered by excessive harvesting benefiting certain well-connected people. Most of this has stopped within a year after Vallo became a mayor. I think that his most valuable trait is his attitude towards details (not surprising for an architect). No longer is shoddy work funded by the city passed over. It won't happen again that a road has the surface replaced, but all the enhancement opportunities are wasted, as happened near my home just before the election. Now cycling paths are springing up along roads, new or safer pedestrian crossings are built, car traffic is reduced in favor of public transport (I can confirm this as a driver: trams do have precedence). Some of those are just quick fixes and will have to be replaced eventually, but they come cheap and the amount is a pleasant surprise considering what has (not) been achieved over the last decade. Renowned architects now have a say on both larger and smaller city initiatives, and while we are seeing the results only in projections yet, the first projects will be finished within a year or two. Having worked with large-scale commercial real estate developers as an architect, Vallo also understands that one does not fight the developers, but cooperates with them. Previous mayors typically fought them in words, but overlooked their misdeeds in acts, or even assisted them in certain cases. Citizen groups now devote their time to devising projects for improving city life and local surroundings, often in cooperation with the magistrate, instead of trying to block rogue developers from doing damage. One of the criticisms of M. Vallo is that he raised real estate taxes. He did, something like 50%, but the taxes are way too low anyway: before the raise, the tax was about 10 euro per room of a flat per year, cca one dinner in a mid-level restaurant. Another one is that he increased costs by hiring too many clerks and employees. But the problem is not that we have more employees, but that there were not enough people before, and lots of the city agenda was just ignored or postponed indefinitely (as the examples of having no cycling coordinator and no one overseeing the city-owned companies demonstrate). The damage caused by neglect amounts to tens of millions, way more than the cost of the people dealing with the matters. The communication by the city is also vastly improved. It might be at least partially attributed to "building a media image", as naysayers argue, but most of the communication that comes my way actually just states what has been done (e.g. 50% of city forests have been made no-harvesting zones, or images of a playground made of local wood, and of roads that have been repaired and redesigned so and so) and what is planned to be done. One of the best things is the hope Vallo brought. There is a ton of work to be done within the city, and his two years as a mayor have barely made a dent, but there is hope visible within the ranks of city employees, and also among citizens, legislators and officials in most of the city districts. Also, this hope is not just some post-election victory euphoria; things are actually getting done. For example, there is a stretch of road used especially by cyclists, which was not maintained for two decades. I tried to argue with various city officials over several years to make them fix it, but to no avail; they all claimed they are not in authority to do anything. Within a year of Vallo's "reign", the road was paved anew. I believe that some corruption has already been stopped within the businesses managed by the city (waste collecting etc.), but it is not visible in the numbers yet; undoing years of neglect in governance will take time. Bratislava's response to the covid pandemic also shines. The local officials pioneered closing of schools in March 2020, before the state government reacted in any meaningful way to the pandemic. We have the best system for antigen testing; the difference is especially remarkable when compared to what the state government was able to provide (we don't have hours-long waiting lines anymore, nor do we need to wait for results; registering for chosen times slots and result reporting is all seamlessly accomplished online, and public transport vehicles are used for the testing, which is a perfect use for an otherwise idled resource). The support for quarantined homeless people is also impressive, I don't know of any other city in Slovakia offering accommodation and support for about a hundred of them (though they also have fewer homeless people). Nominated by Filip S., Bratislava: Reasons why I think that Matúš Vallo should win? There are so many of them. He is perfectly dealing with this Covid-19 situation. Communicating profesionaly, honestly and as fast as possible. He’s open minded guy, who is also an musician (playing on bass guitar in one of the best slovakian band), architekt (have done so many great projects in Bratislava and in Slovakia in general). I personally know few people who are working in his team and they all still talk very nice about him, and it confirms me in my opinion. His vison for Bratislava is to be a multicultural city located close to Wien, Budapest and Prague, which is small but pretty nice with so many pedestrian’s zones, parks, nice buildings, less cars and more bikes, sport areas, etc. I’m almost 32 year man, living in Bratislava for my whole life. I had a girlfriend, 6 months old daughter, dog and we have 2 cars in the family. My parents and my girlfriend’s parents are also living in Bratislava. And we all say, that is the first Mayor in such a long time, who is doing not something but so much for this City. To be honest, I can imagine him to be the Prime minister, or even The president of Slovakia Critical comments Critical comment by S. P., Bratislava: Nesúhlasím, dôvody: 1. Zvýšenie svojho platu na ca 6 048 EUR/mes. a s tým aj platy jeho podriadených 2. Zvy´sˇenie daní z nehnutelˇnosti o 100% , aby bolo na zvy´sˇené platy 3. Zriadenie Metroplolitného inštitútu a teplé miestečká pre zopár architektov za dane Bratislavčanov. Výsledky inštitútu sú chabé. 4. Presadzovanie električkovej trasy pred novým Národným divadlom. Takéto trasovanie a vybudovanie na svoje náklady predložila finančná skupina J&T Real Estate. Poslanci za primátora pána Nesrovnala takéto riešenie zamietli. Tak prečo je teraz Magistrát za ale už za peniaze daňovníkov či peniaze EÚ? 5. Premenovanie časti námestia SNP napriek protestom verejnosti. Na taký významný dátum ako je 17.november je v Bratislave vhodnejších viacero námestí. 6. Katastrofálna dopravná situácia v meste (čiastočne to rieši pandémia) 7. Výber ľudí do mestských podnikov, napr. do mestských lesov menovaný riaditeľ vzdelaním elektrotechnik a informatik 8. Zakúpenie "ekologických" autobusov za desiatky tisíc EUR z Nemecka , rok výroby 1993 To je niekoľko dôvodov, prečo môj hlas nášmu primátorovi nedám Page 1 | This page |