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World Mayor Nominations 2021
Claus Ruhe Madsen, Mayor of Rostock, Germany The 2021 World Mayor Prize and Commendations will be conferred on mayors who have been showing leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic and who are now aiming to make their cities more resilient economically, structurally, socially and environmentally. In fact: Stronger | Fairer | Greener. The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for mayors who have shown exceptional leadership skills but also, and more importantly, acted at all times with compassion towards those most affected by Covid-19. The pandemic has shown how vulnerable even the richest cities are when confronted with a disaster like Covid-19. Forward-looking city leaders will now begin to re-think how their communities can be better protected against future threats, both natural and man-made. Claus Ruhe Madsen, Mayor of Rostock, Germany, has been shortlisted for the 2021 World Mayor Prize. |
FRONT PAGE About World Mayor City Mayors Foundation ![]() ![]() ![]() WORLD MAYOR 2021 - The Winners - The Project - The Finalists - The Shortlist - The Longlist - Selection criteria - Covid-19 - World Mayor history - World Mayor Sculpture - Poverty - Code of Ethics - Press & Media INTERVIEWS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte ESSAYS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Maire de Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino TESTIMONIALS - Mayor of Amsterdam - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Arnhem - Mayor of Bergamo - Mayor of Bogotá - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Buenos Aires - Mayor of Carmignano - Mayor of Cascais - Mayor of Compton - Mayor of Dantumadiel - Mayor of Freetown - Mayor of Grenoble - Mayor of Grigny - Mayor of Guarulhos - Mayor of Kuala Lumpur - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Mexico City - Mayor of Milan - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rostock - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte - Mayor of Warsaw WORLD MAYOR 2018 WORLD MAYOR 2016 WORLD MAYOR 2014 WORLD MAYOR 2012 WORLD MAYOR 2010 WORLD MAYOR 2008 WORLD MAYOR 2006 WORLD MAYOR 2005 WORLD MAYOR 2004 |
Nominations for Claus Ruhe Madsen Mayor of Rostock (Germany) Page 1 | This page | Page 3 Nominated by Eilhard M., Rostock: Being the first foreign mayor of a German city Claus Ruhe Madsen stands for learning from positive experience from other contries, for international exchange of people and ideas and for tolerance and respect in the lives of the residents of the Hanse- und Universitätsstadt Rostock. He is close to the citizen and unbureaucratic. He encourages all citizens to participate in decisions for the future of their hometown. His commitment applies an ecological development of the infrastructure, of public traffic with focus on car-free mobility by expansion of speedy bike lanes and promotion of local public transport, of climate neutral maritime economy (shipbuilding and port), of science in close connection with business, e.g. the nasdaq listed biotech company Centogene, of culture (music and theater) and of sport (soccer, swimming etc.). He carried out the most effective anti-Corona pandemic crisis management in Germany by early extensive testing and control of chains of infection. To this aim he fights vigorously for the introduction and use of the free of charge software “Luca” for contact tracking. Therefore, mayor Madsen should deserve the honor to be the World Mayor 2021. Challenges for Rostock: Defense of the title Fair Trade City, acquired for the first time in 2012. Tourist-friendly development of the Baltic seaside resort Warnemünde by nature conservation and coastal protection under the conditions of mass tourism, e.g. sustainable conservation of the dunes and attractive design of the central pier. Economically justifiable preparation and implementation of the federal horticultural show (BUGA) to be carried out in the year 2025. Construction of a new theater building after a 78 years long provisorium. Construction of a state archaeological museum on the bank of river Warnow, the currently most expensive museum building throughout Germany. Nominated by Tobias G., Rostock: Herr Madsen ist der beste Bürgermeister den man sich vorstellen kann. Er ist nicht der typische Politiker, sondern geht auch mal lieber den unkonventionellen Weg um schnell das richtige Ergebnis zu erreichen. Er handelt im Namen der Wirtschaft und der Bürger und nicht nur auf Rat irgendwelcher "Experten". Als Modellstadt in der Pandemie will er zusammen mit allen Rostockern den Weg aus der Krise aufzeigen. Rostock wird unter ihm durch das Großprojekt BUGA oder auch kleineren Projekten wie Smile City oder der Entwicklung zur Fahrradstadt zu einer smarten und ökologischen Stadt in der es sich noch mehr lohnt zu Leben oder sie als Tourist zu besuchen. Er möchte bestehende Prozesse vereinfachen und bürgerfreundlicher machen und so uns mehr Zeit schenken das Leben hier zu genießen. Sein Engagement für den Sport in der Stadt ist ebenfalls noch besonders lobenswert. Ich bin stolz einen solchen pragmatischen und hanseatisch sympathischen Bürgermeister zu haben. Nominated by Susan L. Germany: Mr Madsen is a newbie in politics as he was selling furniture before. He stands for „the different way“ in his Corona management for Rostock. He did it all together with all important institutions of Rostock, set on fast digitalization of all institutions and was never afraid to ask critical questions and said what he believes in. While everywhere in Germany the Corona numbers are about to increasing again, in Rostock they are stable since the beginning of the crisis and this weekend Rostock will have the first Soccer game with an audience since Lockdown in Germany. Nominated by Toni H., outside Germany: Mr. Madsen brings back the trust in politics due to his approach to being a politician close to the people. This sure is, to some extend, due to the fact that he comes from the people, having no track record of a political career and therefore not acting as one. He is a doer, not a talker - very appealing Rostock's citizens (and not only). Him being a Danish citizen in Northern Germany provides an element of diversity that is elementary and important in a region in (former East) Germany that is known for its resentment towards foreigners. I am currently not living in Rostock (but in Warsaw, Poland), but my parents are and some of my family is and that is why I still follow closely the development of Rostock. Mayor Madsen became popular in whole Germany during last months for his very effective and successful approach to the pandemics with Rostock having the lowest infection and death rate among all cities with that size. This is what he is recognized and will be remembered for most I guess. Nominated by Ulrike P., Rostock: Hello everyone, I'm voting for Mr Madsen today because he really has done a great job since he was elected. As the first ever elected non-German mayor he started great from day 1 and continued in doing so. He has worked hard to build streets for bicycles and to make our city more green all around. Since Covid started we had one of the lowest numbers in all Germany, earlier today we were at an incidence value of 18,5 while everywhere else in Germany the numbers are raising again, ours continue to lower. That is thanks to the work of our mayor who, early in the pandemic, started to talk to doctors and experts and took responsibility for all of us. I am very proud to have been voting for him because I don't think that the other local politicians would have been able to do what he has done.As you read above I am from Rostock, Germany myself so I kind of know what I'm talking about. Have a nice day Nominated by Pedra L., Germany: Wir haben einen tollen Bürgermeister, der ruhig und bestimmt gegen die Corona Pandemie vorgeht. Darum ist Rostock die Vorzeige-Stadt für ganz Deutschland. Das ruhiges Auftreten von Herrn Madsen und die Besonnenheit seiner Entscheidungen ist beispielhaft. Sein Engagement für die BUGA verbunden mit vielen nachhaltigen Ideen machen ihn zum Leuchtturm der Stadt. Es ist sicherlich von Vorteil, dass Herr Madsen keiner Partei angehört. MADSEN FOR BUNDESKANZLER gibt es ja schon, also nun auch Madsen als Welt-Bürgermeister Petra Ludwig Schweriner Straße 21b 18069 Rostock Ich bin gebürtige Bremerhavenerin und wohne erst seit 3 Wochen in Rostock. Nominated by Stefanie G., Rostock: I'm voting for Claus Ruhe Madsen, because he is the coolest boss the Rostock city council has ever had :) In addition, he has always thought of people throughout the corona crisis, sensible proposals for overcoming the pandemic and close to the people like never before. He is the viking of hearts Nominated by Erik W., Germany: My name is Erik and I live near Rostock. I think Mr. Madsen is the best Mayor because his leadership in the corona pandemic is excellent. He was one of the first people in Germany who uses digital applications to fight against the pandemic. He believes in possibilities to open the shops and rescue the economy. He is not a typical politician. He is a business owner. So he is thinking in new ways. The success proves him right. During corona Rostock never have had problems. Other cities in Germany can’t believe that Rostock is the city with the best corona-management... but it is. Because of this points I think Mr. Madsen should become the title “World Mayor 2021” Nominated by Kim S. W., Germany: Mayor Madsen has not only been a visionary in Germany, Europe and the world during this pandemic but has always been very positive and vocal about topics like climate change, a greener future for Rostock and youth empowerment. He is innovative, provides properly thought-out solutions and is also very clear about things he isn‘t able to provide or things he cannot do. Also, he has probably done the coolest election campaign in history by biking (!) around town talking to the people of Rostock instead of wasting time mobbing his opponents, starting up a podcast and selling socks with his face on. He gave regional politics a new sympathetic new face, he‘s someone that makes young people believe in a politican again and he genuinely did a very good job during the pandamic with developing new tech for contact chains and a testing policy beyond compare. Also he‘s just really funny. Big Bonus. Nominated by Rainer J., Rostock: Mayor Claus Ruhe Madsen of Rostock, Germany has done an outstanding job for his citizens during the pandemic. His foresight has saved some people's lives. He now also relies on proven technology to open the city at the end of the pandemic. He explains the steps to be taken to the citizens. He is the best mayor in the world for me. Nominated by Dorlit K. und Klaus B., Rochstock: Finden wir sehr gut,dass C.R. Madsen in der Auswahl für die Kürung des Welt-Bürgermeisters ist!! Ein ganz fähiger OB, den wir auch gewählt haben. Er hat alles, was ein OB braucht; Besonnenheit, Liebe zu seiner Stadt und seinen Bewohnern, hohe Intelligenz um auch die schwersten Probleme der derzeitigen Pandemie, gemeinsam mit seinen Mitarbeitern durchzustehen und auch neue Lösungen zu finden, gute Ideen, um die Stadt voran zu bringen; Was kann man von einem OB mehr wollen! Er ist einfach der Richtige! Wir wünschen ihm Gesundheit und Erfolg in jeder Hinsicht; ein weitsichtiger Mann, der den Titel verdient! Nominated by G. M., Rostock: I glad to share our Mayor achievements in Rostock Germany. During the lock period he handled many tasks with ease and calm. 1. We never been in red zone during lockdown period 2. He implemented lot of preventive measures and therefore the number of cases are less on our city from beginning. 3. Introduced digitisation and this helped everyone to operate and get the work in government offices. 4. He is more supportive to the frontline warriors and boosted them to help the effected Patients. Nominated by Anna D., Germany I would like to vote for Mr Madsen. He is a very down-to-earth politician who really takes the worries of the citizens seriously and is very approachable. With a very logical, calm and reasonable Covid management he managed to keep the infections at bay far lowest level in Rostock compared to all the rest of Germany. He promotes technology to support with the Covid challenges, he fights for modest, but sufficient measures, with great success. Nominated by Arne D., Rostock: Mr. Madsen is an incredible mayor because he shows in hard times (corona) how you can act objective and successful without political boarders. Since more than 6 months the corona situation is great compared to the rest of Germany. So I cant imagine a better mayor then him! Nominated by C. B., Rostock: Ich gebe gern meine Stimme für Claus Ruhe Madsen ab. Er ist als parteiloser Oberbürgermeister von Rostock an keinen parteipolitischen Gehorsam gebunden und kann unabhängig entscheiden. Seine Entscheidungen für Rostock sind praktikabel und realitätsnah. Er hat mit dazu beigetragen, dass Rostock bisher gut durch die COVID-Pandemie gekommen ist und niedrige Inzidenzzahlen hat. Er spricht persönlich mit den Bürgern und erläutert seine Entscheidungen anschaulich, damit sie jeder nachvollziehen kann. Ich selbst lebe in Rostock und bin mit dem Oberbürgermeister und seinen Entscheidungen für die Entwicklung meiner Heimatstadt sehr zufrieden. Nominated by Udo F., Rostock We are living in Rostock scince 2000. And we always hat Problems with racism in Rostock. For me a Danish mayor is a symbol of/for all people in Rostock who fight against racism. Claus Ruhe Madsen is open minded, he wants to make our city modern, green, digitized like other great cities like Copenhagen. And he isnt only copying. He always remembers the ‘Soul’ of Rostock. And with his straight, goal oriented work he shows the world that he is brave enough to brake old rules, when they are obstructive. Like we could observe in the Covid 19 pandemic. He was risking his Job as a mayor, to find fast and effective solutions. Hard times need many more people like Claus Ruhe Madsen. Nominated by Maika W., Rostock: Durch Madsens Politik hat Rostock sehr geringe COVID Fallzahlen obwohl auch hier verstärkt getestet wird. Die Nachverfolgungszeiten sind erstaunlich kurz, so dass man sehr schnell nach dem Test sein Ergebnis kennt und entsprechend reagieren kann. Er versucht die Pandemie ganzheitlich zu betrachten und einen vernünftigen Kompromiss zwischen wirtschaftlichen, privaten und gesundheitlichen Interessen zu finden.Er ist seinen Bürgern sehr nahe und versucht transparent zu arbeiten. Nominated by Christoph N., Rostock: Rostock, eine Kleinstadt an der Ostsee, die zu Zeiten von Corona immer mehr ins Rampenlicht rückt, durch eine geringe Inzidenz und den Mut nach vorne zu schauen. An der Spitze, ein Oberbürgermeister, der zuvor keine Ahnung von Politik hatte. Und doch, meistert er seine Aufgaben zur vollen Zufriedenheit seiner Bürgerinnen und Bürger. Dabei hat er immer ein freundliches grinsen im Gesicht und ein offenes Ohr wenn man ihm über den Weg läuft.Er macht einen Spitzen Job und bleibt hoffentlich noch lange im Amt. Nominated by Beate A., Germany: I vote for Mayor Madsen, because - he stands personally for strong city leadership - he acts (as he is used to as an entrepreneur) and does not just administrate - he has a clear vision for his city - he has an outstanding personality - within Germany he is one of a few examples of modern, brave municipal politicians. His personality and his actions push the city of Rostock forward towards a prosperous future. Nominated by Wenke S., Rostock: I could Not wish for a better major than Claus Madsen. With via Danish calmness and his open kind of personality je is just amazing. During the pandemic he found solutions to live with Covid and Not against Covid. Our city has the lowest number of Covid infections comparing to Germany and that’s just the result of his Good work. But not just his handling with Covid was great and successful even though he managed that Rostock got the pleasure to Host the Bundesgartenschau (German garden show). To sum up he is just the best Major you could ask for. Nominated by Martin E., Rostock: Ich wähle Claus. Ich habe ihn bereits bei der Bürgermeisterwahl gewählt weil ich an Ihn u. seine Vorstellungen von der Entwicklung Rostocks überzeugt war u. bin. Er ist ein sehr ehrlicher charismatischer u. bürgernaher Oberbürgermeister der uns vorbildlich u. mit viel Erfolg durch die Pandemie gelotst hat. Die Infektionszahlen u. Erfolge geben ihm recht, wofür er nur natürlicherweise in aller Welt zur Zeit Anerkennung bekommt. Ich schätze sehr an Ihm sein Dänisches Temperament u. die damit verbundenen Charaktereigenschaften von denen wir uns manches abgucken könnten. Nominated by D. G., Rostock: Mr Madsen is an outstanding example for a passionate, hands-on, pro-active, down-to-earth, modern and inclusive mayor and communicator. He acted and acts, when everybody else was/is still assessing, thinking, cross-checking and even just waiting, by simply applying common sense and taking very seriously his responsibilities. He started COVID testing on a large scale, by simply using and optimizing current administrative and business/supplier structures. He optimized the structures and manpower of the local Gesundheitsamt, which made it possible to efficiently track all infections and thus break infection chains. And many more actions. "We should be smarter than the virus.", this statement of his stuck in my mind. I suppose what drives him is first of all being a participative citizen of our town, and least of all being a politician. There are a lot of other projects - other than the COVID combat - he is driving, leading the town of Rostock hopefully into an even brighter Future as a modern city. Nominated by Susanne S., Rostock: Claus R. Madsen hätte keinen schlimmeren Einstieg als OB aber auch keinen besseren haben können um sich und seine Qualitäten zu beweisen. Er sieht die Dinge aus der Sicht seiner Mitbürger und scheut keine Mühen die beste Lösung für alle zu finden. Er ist ehrlich, bodenständig und präsent, nicht nur ein Name oder Bild auf einem Wahlplakat. Er ist Rostock und zeigt wie es funktioniert. Nominated by Anne, Rostock: I'm Anne and I live in Rostock, Germany the City with Madsen as Mayor. I would vote for him, because he did his best to give us a life with Covid. At the beginning of Covid, he sent every person who works usually for him in the town hall to work for the health department. They worked hard to stop Covid in the best way. In the most time of Covid we had an incidence less than 50,only a few days higher. Now shops are open, he gave us a little bit life back. By help of Madsen the most shops use the Luca App to live easier with Covid. In the next weeks he will open the first Restaurants outside, it will bring us more comfort and fun back. We had an good time with Covid because of the good job of Madsen. Nominated by Christian S., Germany: Born and bred in Rostock, I studied in England and have lived for the last twenty years in Berlin. From a little distance, I noticed the election of Claus Ruhe Madsen two years ago with some pride as my home town was the first big city in Germany to have a foreign citizen as mayor. When the COVID 19 pandemic started a year ago, I noticed that Madsen started testing citizens very early in cooperation with a local company called Centogene. Over months and months, he has kept the infection rates very low. Recently, again at the forefront of German politics, Madsen demanded to introduce LUCA, a tracing app, that would avoid paperwork when giving names and addresses at restaurants and pubs. I hope that Madsen's plan to let some supporters of the football club FC Hansa back into the stadium will be safe and therefore role model for the whole of Germany. Nominated by Jenny S., Germany: I am living in Berlin and I am a bit jealous for the people in Rostock. He is handling the pandemic great and in several TV shows, he always is open, critical, sympathetic and always friendly, nevertheless he does not agree on every speaker. Nominated by Sabine S., Rostock: Mr Madsen assessed the situation correctly from the beginning and adapted the measures correctly to the respective situation. Without classic airs and graces, he kept the safety of the population in mind from day 1 and took measures to contain the pandemic. From a quick lockdown, to the simultaneous support of shopkeepers and the establishment of vaccination centres, to the implementation of tracking when measures were relaxed through app-controlled registration. His campaign: "a lion walks" has raised awareness among Rostock residents and reduced incidence to the lowest level in Germany. For me, one of the greatest politicians in the world. Nominated by Sven L., Hallo,Er ist pragmatisch, zukunftsorientiert und aufrichtig um das Wohl seiner Bürger bemüht ohne jeglichen politischen Gedanken zu verfolgen.Er ist das was man sich unter dem Wort Volksvertreter vorstellt.Und das nicht nur in seiner Stadt sondern auch für andere geht er medial voran und zeigt Alternativen aus seiner Stadt auf.Er geht Probleme auf eine logische und menschliche Art an und bedenkt dabei umfassende und nicht nur ausschließlich wissenschaftliche Aspekte.Für mich, der nicht in Rostock lebt einfach nur beeindruckend! Er schafft es einer Stadt, die vor nicht allzu langer Zeit noch durch Spaltungsprobleme und Rassismusprobleme mir im Gedächtnis war, Wörter wie Einigkeit, Solidarität und Stolz auf die Fahne zu schreiben.Ich lebe in Crailsheim, derzeit einer der Hotspots in Deutschland, und hoffe es mögen mehr Claus Ruhe Madsens vom Himmel direkt in die Rathäuser der Welt fallen. Nominated by Emanuel H., Rostock: Herr Madsen hat während der Pandemie ausgezeichnete Arbeit geleistet. Es wurde mitunter als erste Stadt alles abgeriegelt und soweit sicher gemacht. Rostock ist einer der Städte, die eine Wert von unter 20 in ganz Deutschland erreicht haben und stetig fallend. Ebenfalls hat Rostock als einzige Stadt in ganz Deutschland flächendeckend die luca-App eingeführt. Es sind wieder alle Läden geöffnet, sowie Schulen auch. Nominated by Catrin H., Germany: The mayor of Rostock (my old hometown) knows how to inspire the citizens and develop a translatable way to live in this pandemic, a good and healthy life. The infections-index is since the start of the pandemic always under 50 infections of 100.000 citizens for 7 days. Nominated by Philip H., Rostock: my name is Philip and live in Rostock. I am voting for Claus Ruhe Madsen as World Mayor because he has done a great service for Rostock since he took office. He made it by early interventions and clever measures that Rostock had a low incidence of infection throughout the Corona Pandemic. Thereby he was able to save many lifes. Best regards Nominated by Petra R., Germany: Herr Madsen ist der beste Bürgermeister, es kann und wird auf der ganzen Welt keinen besseren geben!!!! Und deshalb hat er den Preis verdient! Mit wie viel Verstand, Offenheit und Einfühlungsvermögen er die Stadt Rostock durch die Corona Pandemie geführt hat, ist bemerkenswert und die geringen Zahlen sprechen für sich. Sein Einsatz zum Wohl der Einwohner von Rostock ist herausragend und muss gewürdigt werden. Danke und herzliche Grüße Nominated by M. G., Rostock: He is probably the best major because he is authentic, he is not a real politician and he is extremely close to the local society. And the way he managed the Corona crisis could be a perfect blueprint for other cities and countries. Nominated by Michael B., Germany: I would vote for Mr. Ruhe Madsen because off his amazing skills and innovative actions in regards with the pandemic. He also reflects a huge amount of trust, clear words and broad understanding for every group of people in our society. He is actually the reason why I would consider moving to Rostock. I wish we would have more people like him in our politics, Especially in the top level of politics. I would vote for him if he was running for chancellor. Seriously. He would truly deserve this award. I wish him good luck. Nominated by Florian B., Rostock: My name is Florian Bölecke and I live in Rostock on the Baltic Sea in Germany. I give my vote to Mayor Claus Ruhe Madsen, because with his Corona policy he has shown that you can get through this pandemic with comparatively few restrictions. As far as I know, Rostock is also the first city in Germany where football fans can go back to the stadium. I give him the vote with all my heart, because only with his approval I was able to go into the delivery room when my two children were born in 2020. Nominated by Sarah B., Germany I support Claus Ruhe Madsen’s candidature for “worldmayor” since I am totally convinced by his strategies. His way of thinking obviously hit the spot in this remote but quite important Baltic seaport and is setting an example how to face a pandemic in a level-headed way. Not only is he able to unite several pressure groups, he is also very charismatic (not only because of his Danish origin) and made his way to the top by passing many different stages. I truly believe that with this title he could inspire even more other mayors, both in Germany and worldwide. Nominated by Torsten L., Rostock: I nominate Claus Ruhe Madsen because: • As Claus has no political background nor is he in a political party he can more freely act for the good of the City and its people. • With this open mindset he can challenge problems and projects to find the best solutions which others might struggle with because of their political affiliation. • At the beginning of the Covid Crisis he acted quickly and stopped big events which could have become mass spreading events. He established a testing campaign with a local medical company. I think we are still benefiting from that quick reaction to this date. Currently he is pushing forward a mobile phone app to ease tracking of Covid infections and allow local businesses to re-open while still keeping down infections. • He is taking forward the digitalisation of the local government and transforming it for the future. Beeing a cyclist himself he advances a Network of safe and dedicated bike lane• throughout the City. • With a Finnish wife, a Danish passport and being Mayor in a big German city he displays European integration and values at ist best. • For me he has the right balance of economic, social and ecological orientation to make Rostock a healthier, greener and stronger thriving city. I’m thankful he is our Mayor. Nomianted by Marcus J., Rostock: I vote for Claus Ruhe Madsen!! He is an inspiring man with a lot of powerful ideas that has brought him to national wide attention. And obviously even worldwide attention. He is trying new approaches on this pandemic that could be a model for the whole nation of Germany. I wish him all the best! Nominated by Yaroslav M., Rostock: Dear Sirs and Madames. I would like to suggest Madsen! After he was elected mayor, he accelerated many projects in a very short time. Many of these projects did not progress for several years. his leadership style is brilliant, doing more and chatting less. During the corona pandemic, it is the best in Germany. The city of Rostock has the lowest corona cases in Germany !! we are the first to open our shops and restaurants. At Madsen you can tell how quickly the city is developing !! Nominated by I. K., Rosotck: vote for Claus Ruhe Madsen....because when I moved to Rostock back in 2019. He was in the middle of his Mayor elections, and I saw him in my block Evershagen riding that funny promotional bike. He kindly said hello to me and my family and that moment for me was very heartwarming because i felt in Rostock like at home. I appreciate everything what he does for this City and his engagement. Ich drücke die Daumen für Herrn Klaus Nominated by Ilona J. Rostock: Ich stimme für Herrn Madsen, weil er sich u.a. sehr für ehrenamtlich engagierte Rostockerinnen und Rostocker einsetzt. So wird z.B. die Ehrenamts-Card weiterhin an die in den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen der Stadtgesellschaft Tätigen verliehen und ihre Arbeit auf diese Weise wertgeschätzt. Nominated by Anne K., Rostock: I'm from Rostock and I think Claus Ruhe-Madsen should be the worlds best mayor because he knows what's important for the city and for the citizens and that means all of us, not only the one with a big company. During the pandemic he tried to explain the government that it is important to see the kids also. They should do some sports, go to school and have a social life to become great adults. When the pandemic starts he was only six month in office as a mayor and he tried to see what happend in Rostock and what's best for the town. He was the first one who canceled a concert with 10000 people and from the first time he started coworking with a company for biotechnology, from Rostock, to produce tests for covid19. That's why we had no outbreak of infection in nurses home. The old people where protected. The government was against this step but for the city it was important to control the numbers of infections and our low numbers infection proofs the decision was the right one. We had never an incidence about 50. Only Rostock was able to hold the number of new infections low, in whole Germany. But Claus Ruhe-Madsen is not only a good mayor because of the coronavirus. He has big visions for Rostock and because of a big event, called "Bundes Gartenschau" the city gets the opportunity to grow up, to become modern and liveable for young people and families also. And every decision with protecting the climate. That are some of the reasons why Claus Ruhe-Madsen should be the best mayor of the world. He wants the best for the city and for the citizens also. And he is always transparent in his decisions. Nominated by Elvira W., Rostock: Hallo zusammen. Ich stimme für Claus Ruhe Madsen als bester Bürgermeister der Welt. Herr Madsen beschritt von Anfang neue Wege. Er denkt und handelt offen, hinterfragt Sachverhalte und Routine-Strukturen und brachte frischen Wind in die Köpfe und Räume des Rathauses von Rostock. Als erster Bürgermeister von Deutschland wendete er zu Beginn der CORONA-Pandemie konsequent das Infektionsschutzgesetz an und schloss die erste Schule (das Christophorus-Gymnasium). Viele andere Politiker trauten sich diesen Schritt noch nicht zu, wollten erst Abstimmungen und Erlasse abwarten… Herr Madsen zeigte Verantwortung und Entschlossenheit, und lag damit richtig. Worte folgten Taten und diese in verantwortungsvoller Sichtweise. Dennoch zeigt er Verständnis für die Nöte und Sorgen der Kunst- und Kultursparte, der Sportler sowie des Handels und der Gastronomie. Mit Fingerspitzengefühl, konstruktiven Ideen und Konsequenz wurden notwendige Pandemiemaßnahmen eingeführt und werden schrittweise auch wieder gelockert. Als Rostocker zu wissen, seit Beginn der Pandemie eine der niedrigsten Inzidenzzahlen von Deutschland zu haben, ist ganz sicher auch seinem Tun zu verdanken. Es bestärkt die Rostocker, die Beschränkungen einzuhalten, die Zuversicht für Lockerungen nicht aufzugeben, und es erzeugt Stolz, ein Rostocker zu sein. Darum stimme ich für Claus Ruhe Madsen: Nominated by Christiane and Bern K., Germany: Dear Sirs and Madames, That is why we are voting for Mr. Claus Ruhe Madsen: Mr. Madsen is a mayor who does not wait long until something is decided in the government in Berlin, but does everything that is good for his citizens. Many politicians in Europe should follow Mr Madsen as an example. Nominated by Sven W., Germany: Hereby I vote for Claus Ruhe Madsen, Major of Rostock Germany. From my opinion he is representing the role model of a ‘world mayor’, as he is the Danish born and raised head of an German bigger city administration. So he is from the scratch an international person following the European idea. Beside that he has become more known in Germany for managing the COVID-pandemic following Rostock’s own rules against rules and opinions of state and republic and by that keeping the incidences small in ‘his’ city. From my knowledge he has achieved that different parties of Rostocks city parliament and a lot of ‘his’ citizens agree with his management. That makes him a world mayor for me! Nominated by Nicolas K., Rostock: I vote for Claus Ruhe Madsen because he has been the best mayor of Rostock for over 20 years. Because in one year he has already pushed and achieved many things that others only talk about. Because he values the people in the administration and can give them the right responsibility. Because he takes people with him in the COVID crisis and demonstrates good management. And because he needs even more media presence to promote his ideas and convictions. Nominated by Dandra W., Rostock: He is an independent candidate who finally brought some wind of change in the dusty mayor house & the administration of the city. His Corona measures been always focused at the kids & the sport, most important things in this pandemic, he lead the city with the lowest infection rate in the county & he doesn’t stop to improve the services of the city in all regards, not just Corona. Nominated by Tom M. Rostock: I have been living in Rostock since my birth for almost 30 years now. So I have a lot of “experience” when it comes to different mayors in our city and their style of leadership and accomplishments. But no one was like Claus Ruhe Madsen. His attitude and positive thinking led to a good change in Rostock. He focused on things that normal people with political background don’t come up with. It is notable that he has a different approach to matters because he was in the economy for many years. But on the same side he always pays attention to the people first (like a good leader in a company). I have a good feeling and I’m proud that Claus is our mayor for the upcoming future. His handling in the COVID crisis was key that we neither had high infections nor high deaths. If someone with so little experience in a political position makes such a big impact in a short time during a worldwide pandemic - I think that speaks for itself and therefore Claus is my nominee for the world mayor! Nominated by Andreas H., Germany: Er ist, um es schlicht zu sagen, der Bürgermeister, den sich ein klar denkender Mensch vorstellt. Seine fachliche Kompetenz und seine Empathie sind einzigartig, deshalb auch der Vorschlg. Ihn als Bundeskanzler, parteilos, das wäre für Deutschland der Hauptgewinn. Herr Madsen ist der Weltbürgermeister. Nominated by Anna K., Rostock: I voted for Claus Ruhe Madsen, Mayor of Rostock and this has a lot of reasons. Actually my home town is a different one, i am just in rostock for studying. It is a amazing warm welcome to come to Rostock and they give you the feeling off a second home just after arriving in the city. He is a mayor who is not only talking about what he wants to change. he is someone who really changes something. you can see that he really loves his city and wants to make a better city out of it for everyone in every age. Due to the Corona pandemic I am not sure if there was someone else who was that professional. he had a lot of very good ideas For example testing more than the government said you should do. then he was also a pioneer in so many ways. he visited a lot of TV shows in Germany and explained how he actually is working with the pandemic. everyone saw then what a professional major he is. A very important point it’s also, that he is someone who supports digitalization a lot. In Germany we have one new app which makes it easier to track the contact dates of people when they go for example in a restaurant and still with this app your own contact dates are safe. he supports this app since months and at the first day when the shops in Germany were open again every shop was prepared with this app for every customer to scan the code which makes everything easier and faster. on day one he had his whole town ready for the next step in the pandemic. And this all happened while our politicians in Berlin started to proof which app would be useful for this. Rostock was two steps in front of whole Germany. He did a really good job in the last two years especially with the Corona pandemic which shows if you are a really good major or not. and because he is really a good major, maybe the best, he should win the prize to show him recognition. And also he is not a part of a politician party which gives everyone the feeling that he likes to support the city and not his party. and with his funny and welcoming type of person he is not just a politician, he shows you that he is a human like everyone else Nominated by Thomas H., Germany: I vote for Claus Ruhe Madsen because he looks for things he can do rather than looking for things he can’t. He is a very practical man which is typical for the Danish people. He shows how to manage the pandemic successfully. He’s a blessing for Rostock. Unfortunately the federal government is not able to learn from him. Nominated by Stefanie K., Germany: Ich nominiere Claus Ruhe Madson. Ich selbst lebe in Lemgo. Das liegt in Nordrhein Westfalen. Also weit weg von Rostock. Ich beobachte den Rostocker Bürgermeister in den Medien und sozialen Netzwerken und bin sehr beeindruckt von seinem Umgang mit der COVID 19-Pandemie. Ich bin beeindruckt von seiner Kreativität, seiner Aufrichtigkeit, seiner Bodenständigkeit, seiner bürgernahen Präsenz, sein Verständnis für jeden ‘kleinen Mann’ und jede ‘kleine Frau’. Man merkt in seiner Arbeit, dass er dieser mit Herzblut nachgeht. Was mich jedoch am aller meisten beeindruckt, ist die Ehrlichkeit, mit der er den Menschen begegnet. Das ist eine Eigenschaft, die ich mir von jedem Politiker wünsche, aber noch nie bei einem Politiker erlebt habe. Ich selbst leite ein kleines, familiäres Fitnessstudio in Lemgo, bin verheiratet, habe zwei Kinder und zwei Hunde. Seit knapp einem halben Jahr ist mein Studio jetzt schon im Kampf gegen die Pandemie geschlossen. Ich versuche alles um meinen Mitgliedern trotzdem Leistungen zur Verfügung zu stellen und meine Mitarbeiter durch diese Zeit zu bringen. Bisher erfolgreich ohne Kurzarbeit. Ich leiste damit „Großes“ (für meine Verhältnisse) und bekomme von unseren ansässigen Politikern kein offenes Ohr oder Verständnis ausgedrückt. Vielmehr habe ich hier einen Bürgermeister und einen Landrat, die mir über ihre Vorzimmerdamen mitteilen lassen, dass sie ihre Beitragszahlungen einstellen, da ich keine Leistung erbringe. Ich wünsche mir mehr Menschen wie Claus Ruhe Madson. Denn selbst ich, aus der Ferne, habe so viel Vertrauen in ihn, dass ich sagen kann: er würde meine Leistung zu schätzen wissen. Die Werte die er lebt, sind die Werte, die ich meinen Kindern vermittel. Für Claus Ruhe Madson steht im Sportpunkt immer ein Kaffee bereit. Nominated by Mario T., Germany: Dear Sir or Madam, I come from a small town near Rostock and am the head coach of a purely goalball club: the RGC Hansa. Goalball is a sport for the blind and visually impaired and is played in Rostock also with people without a handicap. I choose Claus Ruhe Madsen for his commitment to sport, to the city, especially during the severe pandemic. Nominated by Regine K., Rostock: Der Bürgermeister von Rostock ist ein in sich ruhender Mann, der in der Pandemie immer den Blick nach vorn gerichtet hat sowie Tests und Impfungen für einen Großteil der Beschäftigten im Sozialwesen angeregt und abgesichert hat. In öffentlichen Diskussionen hat er seine Entscheidungen und auch den Sonderweg von Rostock offen vertreten. Im Rahmen seiner Tätigkeit als Bürgermeister strebt er nach seiner Wahl ein fahrradfreundlicheres und damit zukunftsfähigeres Rostock an, was ich sehr begrüße. Für diese Umsetzung drücke ich die Daumen. Nominated by Yasmin S. D., Rostock: I choose Claus Ruhe Madsen because he is not just Mayor. He is an entrepreneur, handball trainer, family man, citizen of the city of Rostock and innovative and solution-oriented. Claus can be spoken to by everyone, he listens, accepts and acts. He ordered the lockdown for Rostock when we had four infected people. A pandemic can only be stopped by a lockdown before it occurs. He acts and communicates, He uses his network of contacts to get us out of this situation. Claus works hard and a lot and.has heart and mind, typically Scandinavian. I am personally very proud of our mayor. Nominated by Wanda H., Rostock: Claus Ruhe Madsen is the Mayor of Rostock, Germany, in which I come to live now since 12 years. His mandate started right before the pandemic and he his fighting the virus at first sight without leaving the people out of focus. his Slogan: „we need to fight the virus not the people.“ says it all. He ordered a lockdown in the very first beginning of the pandemic, where it is most effective. Infection numbers stayed lower ever since compared to the rest of the country. He ordered lots of testing! He enhanced the personal of necessary authorities. Facilities for children and education stayed open, promoting kids health and allowed parents to work! Great job! Nominated by K. H. R., Rostock: Herr Madsen ist kein typischer Politiker. Er ist sozial und fachlich so kompetent, wie noch kein Bürgermeister in Rostock zuvor. Er bringt frischen Wind in unsere Mauern und zeigt uns allen einen neuen Weg aus der Corona-Krise. Er führt unsere Stadt kontrolliert zurück in die Normalität unter Zusammenarbeit vieler Einrichtungen und Organisationen. Er ist sehr emphatisch und sympathisch, eben kein typischer Politiker.. Nominated by Heinz H., Germany: I live part time in Rostock. I know Rostock as a place to make a live for everyone. A friendly city at the Baltic Sea. A historic city as well. But even it's a touristic place and the largest city of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern you don't must have fear about over-gentrification or building ugly houses just for touristic purposes. Beside that Claus Ruhe Madsen handles the corona crisis in a good way his innovative in all others issues concerning him as well. He has a good sight to set priorities and he knows what counts: At first a good live for all citizens of this wonderful city. Nominated by Laura H., Germany: Hello from Germany! Definitely Mr Madsen deserves the World Mayor Award. Rostock is my hometown and I’ve never had so many positive changes in a short time. Actually I live in Lüneburg but I follow him on social media and my friends and family keeping me updated! He’s holding the numbers down during the pandemic, he uses innovative ideas like the Luca App to get the chance to open everything so everyone can help stop the pandemic - don’t know why every city or country is doing this already?! He wants to make my hometown more mobile and innovative, and don’t forget, he’s the first foreign mayor in Germany - which is also good for the Reputation of the city. Nominated by Ronald W., Rostock: I live in Rostock for many years, nearly my entire life. In 2019 we elected a new major. For the first time in history of Germany a non-German became major of a larger city (more than 100.000 inhabitants) which made me very proud. He is not member of a party and therefore not subordinated to any party interests. As a Danish born man he established a small but fine Scandinavian furniture company which is unique. Because of his independence he is able not to follow the official line and goes his own way, not only during the pandemic but also in figure out, how a city like Rostock with many tourist, students and quite strong economy can develop in the future. For instance the support of (bicycle) mobility. This takes a while. Too long the officials in Germany, in Rostock too, did too less for bicycles and too much for cars. He brings up new ideas how it could work and people of Rostock play a part in figuration our social and cultural live. As already mentioned he is open for new ideas in organizing and developing the city, for instance he supports ‘tiny houses. as an alternative way of live in crowded cities. Because of all the opponents mainly in the government but also in local administration he is a huge symbol against bureaucracy and progress of society. I really would appreciate to consider him as a world major. Nominated by Niklas Z., Rostock: Mr. Madsen is a very competent young man. he leads Rostock brilliantly through the corona pandemic, he acts right. Madsen brings fresh and new wind as mayor and has just great ideas how to move Rostock. That’s his slogan and he puts it into perfect use. He brings in new and innovative ideas. He simply cares about a lot of things and therefore deserves the award. We haven't had a mayor this brilliant in a long time. I live in Germany and live in the most beautiful city in the world. Rostock! Nominated by Georgiy M., Germany: I would very much like to nominate Mr. Madsen as World Mayor. He was one of the few politicians in Germany who showed excellent leadership in the pandemic and proved that politicians can also perform very well. Unfortunately, this is not a given in Germany at the moment. Nominated by Anne P., Rostock: Claus Ruhe Madsen for WORLD MAYOR 2021! He leads Rostock, my university city, than any other mayor in Germany. Rostock had always and constantly a very low incidence rate and now he fights for our rights to gain our freedom back and to live a normal life. During this process he never seams careless or thoughtless, he is not endangering our health. But he is aware about all the negative results of this lockdown: psychological issues, economic crisis,..... And so he tries really hard to find a solution, a midway for everybody, considering every possibility. And for that I'm very grateful. And hopeful to get a nearly normal student life soon, meeting new people, exchange ideas and create new solutions. Having fun and enjoying life again. We only have this one. So yeah, everybody here in Germany and around the world could take a leaf out of his book Nominated by Patricius D., Rostock: Endlich ein Bürgermeister, der auch die junge Generation anspricht. Madsen bringt Rostock wirklich voran und sorgt für ein entspanntes und digitales Klima in Rostock. Seine Auftritte im Fernsehen und Social Media sind solide, ehrlich und sympathisch. Nominated by Nicolas H., Rostock: Claus Ruhe Madsen hat in Zeiten der Corona Pandemie eine klare führungslinie behalten, will dass es in Rostock diesbezüglich auch vorran geht er kümmert sich um die Bewegung der Stadt getreu seinem Motto Rostock bewegen, er will das unser Fußball Club wieder vor Fans spielen darf und all sowas. Dazu bringt er Rostock in vielen Punkten vorran was Image angeht er kümmert sich um viel und das macht er auch gut. Er ist sehr Symphatisch und geht auf die Bedürfnisse von uns ein und guckt was er machen kann. Ich bin Froh Ihn als Bürgermeister zu haben. Nominated by Tanja P. Germany: i‘m voting for Mr. Madsen. He is from Rostock in the North of Germany. I‘m living in the south-west part of Germany but I saw him on TV discussing solutions for the period during COVID-19. I‘m very fascinated by him, cause he‘s engagement is really fabulous. He‘s promoting and testing the Luca-App that intense I think as the only one here being noticed and he‘s trying to help us all to look forward for solution to live within the Virus and not just hang in from one lockdown to another. I’ve studied political and social sciences and I can really only recommend him to win the title of the best mayor. Nominated by Enrico A., Rostock: Seine bürgerfreundliche und offene Art hat ihm in den letzten Wochen in ganz Deutschland jede Menge Sympathiepunkte eingebracht. Einige könnten sich den Dänen sogar als Bundeskanzler oder Bundespräsidenten vorstellen. Unter seiner Führung hat die Stadt ein klar verständliches Konzept entwickelt, um die Zahl der Corona-Infektionen so niedrig wie möglich zu halten und sein Einsatz für die Bundesgartenschau (Buga) 2025 Nominated by Grit S., Germany: I vote for Claus Ruhe Madsen! An authentic, open-minded mayor who makes Rostock known not only in Germany during the pandemic! Nominated by Marianne A., Germany: Ich gebe meine Stimme für unseren Oberbürgermeister Claus Ruhe Madsen weil er sich für unsere Stadt und damit für uns als Einwohner und Bürger der Stadt Rostock mit all seiner Kraft einsetzt. Er gibt alles für die Gesundheit der Bürger jetzt während der Corona-Pandemie und setzt seinen Ideenreichtum für die Weiterentwicklung unserer Heimatstadt ein. Mit ihm haben wir einen Bürgermeister mit Einfühlungsvermögen und Zukunftsvisionen mit dem wir auch die Herausforderungen des Klimawandels meistern werden. Nominated by D. G., Rostock: Ich stimme für meinen Bürgermeister Klaus Ruhe Madsen. Er ist bei jung und Alt beliebt, er setzt sich für seine Stadt und deren Bürger ein. So ein Bürgermeister ist nah am Menschen und einfach beliebt. In der Corona Pandemie, setzt er sich sehr stark und mit verständlichen Worten für die Bürger dieser Stadt ein. Er hat sinnvolle und nachvollziehbare Visionen. Einfach gesagt er ist ein Bürgermeister, den man einfach lieben muss. Nominated by Gudrun P. Rostock: Ich gebe meine Stimme zum besten Bürgermeister der Welt dem Bürgermeister Claus Ruhe Madsen.Trotz vieler Widerstände und großen Stolpersteinen zu Beginn der Pandemie hat er seine Pläne zur Bekämpfung des Virus mit Erfolg umgesetzt. Seine Zukunftspläne für die Stadt Rostock bringen unsere Stadt ein riesen großes Stück voran. Page 1 | This page | Page 3 |