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World Mayor Nominations 2021
Claus Ruhe Madsen, Mayor of Rostock, Germany The 2021 World Mayor Prize and Commendations will be conferred on mayors who have been showing leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic and who are now aiming to make their cities more resilient economically, structurally, socially and environmentally. In fact: Stronger | Fairer | Greener. The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for mayors who have shown exceptional leadership skills but also, and more importantly, acted at all times with compassion towards those most affected by Covid-19. The pandemic has shown how vulnerable even the richest cities are when confronted with a disaster like Covid-19. Forward-looking city leaders will now begin to re-think how their communities can be better protected against future threats, both natural and man-made. Claus Ruhe Madsen, Mayor of Rostock, Germany, has been shortlisted for the 2021 World Mayor Prize. |
FRONT PAGE About World Mayor City Mayors Foundation ![]() ![]() ![]() WORLD MAYOR 2021 - The Winners - The Project - The Finalists - The Shortlist - The Longlist - Selection criteria - Covid-19 - World Mayor history - World Mayor Sculpture - Poverty - Code of Ethics - Press & Media INTERVIEWS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte ESSAYS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Maire de Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino TESTIMONIALS - Mayor of Amsterdam - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Arnhem - Mayor of Bergamo - Mayor of Bogotá - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Buenos Aires - Mayor of Carmignano - Mayor of Cascais - Mayor of Compton - Mayor of Dantumadiel - Mayor of Freetown - Mayor of Grenoble - Mayor of Grigny - Mayor of Guarulhos - Mayor of Kuala Lumpur - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Mexico City - Mayor of Milan - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rostock - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte - Mayor of Warsaw WORLD MAYOR 2018 WORLD MAYOR 2016 WORLD MAYOR 2014 WORLD MAYOR 2012 WORLD MAYOR 2010 WORLD MAYOR 2008 WORLD MAYOR 2006 WORLD MAYOR 2005 WORLD MAYOR 2004 |
Nominations for Claus Ruhe Madsen Mayor of Rostock (Germany) Page 1 | Page 2 | This page Nominated by Christine H.-B., Germany: Ich stimme für Claus Ruhe Madsen, • da er mit einem 360-Grad-Blick Rostock seit Anfang 2020 umsichtig und gleichzeitig mutig und aufmerksam durch die Pandemie führt! Aus der „Ferne“ (Bayern) betrachtet: • Im Schulterschluss mit dem Rostocker Einzelhandel, den Bürgern und der Industrie schafft er es offensichtlich Rostock und seine Bürger zu schützen… die niedrigen Zahlen sprechen Bände. • Gleichzeitig nimmt er jede Chance wahr gemeinsam mit allen Gruppen der Stadt den Umgang mit dem Virus und seinen Mutationen zu lernen und die Pandemie gleichzeitig einzudämmen. Für das Ziel größtmögliche Freiheiten zu erreichen und zu erhalten. Damit achtet und erhält er nicht nur die Freiheiten jedes einzelnen Bürgers, sondern auch die der Unternehmen und Einzelhändler. Mit dieser Art des Umgangs mit der Pandemie wird er und „seine“ Stadt Rostock • nicht nur zum Vorbild sondern gleichzeitig zum Ideengeber für andere Städte/Bürgermeister. Herr Madsen wird mittlerweile in Deutschland zum Katalysator für Veränderung: für neu denken und umdenken im Umgang mit der Pandemie! • Damit leistet er einen unermesslich wichtigen Beitrag für uns Menschen in Deutschland: Er drängt uns und vor allem unsere Politiker zum aktiven Umgang mit der Pandemie weg von der „Verwaltung“ der Pandemie! Deshalb stimme ich für Claus Ruhe Madsen und möchte mich auch an dieser Stelle für seinen sehr wichtigen Beitrag bedanken! Nominated by René G., Rostock: Dear jury, Claus Ruhe Madsen is a non-party entrepreneur who was directly elected 1.5 years ago by the overwhelming majority of the population in Rostock. Shortly after taking office, the COVID pandemic ran out and since that moment he has been one of the best crisis managers in Germany. Since then he has worked 16 hours a day and regularly gives statements on German television in which he also makes sympathetic advertising for the Hanseatic city of Rostock. All of Germany admires us for this courageous Dane. It has never happened before. Nominated by Antje H., Rostock: Claus Ruhe Madsen should be World Mayor 2021 because of his engagement and do-ability for the development of Rostock regarding digitalization, green traffic and first and foremost his involving and creative aproach to handle the Corona-crisis. He thinks and acts always in a wider perspective taken into account the life-ablity of the people in times that lies before us. It´s very good to have a Businessman on the top of our city! Nominated by Sylvia K., Germany: Er ist der Oberbürgermeister für die Menschen in seiner Stadt und das meine in wörtlich. In der Pandemie beweist er, dass eine klare Strategie, deren mutige Verfolgung, das Beibehalten des eingeschlagenen Kurses und der Fokus auf ein gemeinsames Ziel dazu führen, dass die Rostocker viel besser mit der Pandemie umgehen, als viele andere Städte der Republik. Claus Ruhe Madsen ist ein Role Model für Oberbürgermeister und Bürgermeister unseres Landes und weit darüber hinaus. Nominated by Florian J., Rostock: I live in Rostock and Claus (he likes to be called by his first name, which is very uncommon in Germany for such a position) is my Mayor. When he was put up for election he had a „digital Vision“ for Rostock. A lot of things need to be done on paper in Germany (e.g. getting a new passport) and he wanted to update all those processes by using apps or online-services. When COVID ‘arrived’ in Rostock he used his passion for digital solutions. He asked a local company to program an app to register at the local Health Department when you arrive there to be tested. Claus wants Rostock to be modern, digital and friendly. The most important reason why Claus should be World Mayor is his election in combination with the history of Rostock. Rostock was a racist place back in the days. On the 22th till 26th August 1992 migrants were attacked with Petrol bombs (Rostock-Lichtenhagen riots. In 2019, 27 years later, Rostock became the first big City in Germany electing a foreign Mayor and by that overcoming it’s own history. Nominated by Patrick W., Germany: Meine Stimme für Rostock und Claus Ruhe Madsen. Seine Tätigkeit in der Pandemie in Rostock ist ein leuchtendes Beispiel, wie ein Bürgermeister mit seinem Team und der Bevölkerung zusammen ein Gemeinwesen organisieren und flexibel und kreativ auf Herausforderungen reagieren kann. Das ist in Deutschland eine außergewöhnliche Leistung, weil das gesamte System Eigeninitiative und Übernahme von Verantwortung in den Regionen gar nicht mehr zulässt, sondern durch Überregulierung erstickt. Nominated by Monika C., Rostock: Bürgermeister Claus Ruhe Madsen hat mit großer Besonnenheit auf die ersten Corona Pandemiezeichen reagiert und so für Rostock eine langfristige niedrige Inzidenz von Corona Kranken bewirkt. Die Rostocker schätzen an ihm, dass er keine populistischen Sprechblasen von sich gibt, sondern den Bürgern seine Politik mit Herz und Verstanderklärt. Seine Verdienste sind die Umstrukturierung der Verwaltung mit dem Aufbau einer bürgernahen Digitalisierung.Außerdem die geplanten Großprojekte für Rostoch, die Bundesgartenschau mit Umgestaltung des Stadthafens und den Theaterneubau, unterstützend voranzutreiben. Daher sind die Rostocker Bürger ihm sehr dankbar und sind stolz, So einen Bürgermeister zu haben. Nominated by Stefan E., Germany: Claus Ruhe Madsen has proven to be different from 99,9% of politicians, and that in the best of ways. I don't plan to elaborate on the specific measures he has implemented, but on the attitude he has done it with. In his actions and stands he shows courage to not be liked or lose popularity. He is more concerned with the long term benefit of his citizens instead of his numbers of the voting polls. He is brave in striving for progress, development and creating a sense of community to stand against the pandemic. Instead of dividing through his politics and discrediting other politicians for what they do, he encourages discourse as the only thing he is fighting is the pandemic and not other parties or opinions. Instead of being certain about what is right or wrong and blaming others for disagreeing, he embraces the uncertainty of the situation by his willingness and eagerness to learn and share the learned. Instead of instilling fear and passivity he empowers and promotes sensible activity. With his approach he has both ensured maximum security of his citizens, as Rostock has some of the lowest number of cases/deaths and generated some of the modt innovative ideas and measures to cope with the pandemic. He strives to represent 100% of his citizens with all their fears, hopes and challenges and creates a context that brings out the best in human beings, unlike the hate, discreditation, blame, anger, repression and one sidedness of the common media discourse, which in Germany has been shockingly effective in dividing the population and bringing out the worst in people. Although living on the other side of the country I admire Claus Ruhe Madsen for his courage to lead with the interests of the people. It is people like him that are a fountain of hope in times of despair. I am sure all other nomiated mayors are doing an outstanding job as well, so thank you for giving a platform to these special individuals. May there be more like those, who inspire us and bring out the best in us. Thank you for your efforts and work! Nominated by Jana, Germany: Claus Ruhe Madsen has got an unconventional attitude to things especially to bureaucracy. This is very useful during Corona Pandemic. The number of corona cases in Rostock is very low. Madsen stands up to the state government to fight for the right of the citizens and retailers to return from the lockdown, hence there is no reason to keep every shop and cultural facilities shut. Madsen invents modern devices such as the Luca App in order to gain experience and to improve contact tracing. Madsen never claims achievements for himself but is always aware that a good leadership needs a good administrative background and citizens who cooperate, especially during the Corona Pandemic. Nominated by Detlef K., Rostock: Claus Ruhe Madsen in my opinion and awareness deserves it really, really to have the title MAYOR, because he has a clarity about his role as mayor. He looks for solutions and he tries to implement them also under the difficult conditions in these days, when he is convinced of the solution. He has clear perspectives on many different topics and to has a deep interest to learn and recognise the needs of the citizens of the city that he took the responsibility for. He shows up with clear speech and signals out of his role as mayor. For me he is visible as a „character-person", a politician, as a human, a man with charisma and who is really in charge for the citizens, business-people, children, elder people, etc. in his city. Nominated by Bea, Rostock: thank you that you set our mayor Claus Ruhe Madsen on your list. He is a perfect leader through the pandemic. He reacted so quickly in March 2020 that we have very low numbers of covid 19 patients all the time. Nearly nothing. He is the first foreign mayor position of a big German city. He comes from Denmark. And he brought us lightness into Rostock. His slogan is: "Rostock- a smile city." He wants that we Germans have more happiness and it is true. We have more lightness and joy in our city now. We feel very proud of him. He sits in a lot of television talks and tells the politicians what to do. And a lot of people in all Germany sayed: "Oh, we want to have this honest, funny and wise man as our "Bundeskanzler". I am very happy to have him in our city. Our theatre was destroyed during the World War II and now we have a small house where our theatre is in. A lot of mayors before him told us that they would like to have a real theatre but there is no money. He said: I will do it! And now there are a lot of real plans, not only for the theater. For more bicycle lanes, for a "Bundesgartenschau"(federal garden show) etc. I hope we will have him a long time as a mayor in our city. Nominated by Jens M., Rostock: In the worst crisis for decades, Mr. Madsen managed to significantly reduce the incidence in his city with pragmatic and intelligent solutions, and to inspire and encourage the citizens. This has made him a role model in Germany. In difficult times in thou, it brings the people's trust in politics again. Only a few are currently able to do that. Mr. Madsen is a politician that people need! Nominated by Franka L. Germany: Sehr geehrter Herr Madsen, Sie sind derzeit einer der wenigen Lichtblicke im allgemeinen politischen Geschehen. Während unsere parteizugehörigen Politiker die Pandemie und unser Land, wie im Mittelalter führen, zeigen Sie mit persönlichem Einsatz, Durchsetzungsvermögen und Intelligenz Wege auf, welche jeder klar und der Zukunft zugewandter Mitbürger nachvollziehen kann. Machen Sie unbedingt weiter so und ich hoffe sehr, Sie bald auf breiterer politischer Ebene zu sehen. Ich habe gerne und mit Überzeugung für Sie mein Voting abgegeben. Nominated by Lena E., Rostock: I live in Rostock, Germany. Madsen truly is the world's best mayor. He’s the reason for our low numbers of Coronavirus cases throughout this pandemic. He acted fast and still is a pioneer by seizing revolutionary measurements. For example, he is the first mayor in Germany to implement the Luca app extensively. Thereby, Madsen is a mayor made by people and not by politics. He’s always honest and close to the citizens. Even before he was mayor, he showed complete commitment to Rostock’s citizens. For instance, I once interviewed him in school for his business success and he helped my parents (they have a local business here) out without even asking. Seems like he has his eyes and ears all over the place. But he is also very committed to the environment. I’ve never seen so many trees planted in one year. There are tons of other examples. I remember his election campaign slogan was like “move/change Rostock”. I feel it now. Because of him we have more freedom than other cities in this time but at the same time the lowest case numbers of Covid. There are more projects than ever before. We have a mayor that is caring at an eye level: honest, unbureaucratic, selfless, hard working and always thinking one step ahead. Also, Madsen is the first Danish mayor in Germany, which should be an example for a cosmopolitan world. Simply said: Madsen is a mayor for all - not just the citizens of Rostock - and therefore should be rewarded for setting the best example. Nominated by Susanne R. K., Rostock: Hallo, Herr Madsen ist mein Bürgermeister. Ich lebe mein ganzes Leben schon in Rostock und habe Herrn Madsen gewählt. Er setzt sich für die Bürger der Stadt ein und das 100%ig. Während der Corona Pandemie hat er immer und schnell die richtigen Entscheidungen getroffen. Und er tat dies von Anfang an. Rostock hat die beste Inzidenz von Deutschland. Das auch Dank Herrn Madsen.Er ist ein wunderbarer Bürgermeister in einer wunderbaren Stadt mit wunderbaren Menschen. Madsen for worldmayor!!!! Nominated by Jörn-Jakob R., outside Germany: I vote for Mayor Claus Ruhe Madsen from Rostock as world mayor. As a former citizen from Rostock currently living in Brussels (Belgium), I believe he has done a fantastic job guiding Rostock through the pandemic with consistently lower infection rates than the rest of the country by acting fast and decisive but also pragmatic. He has also overhauled and modernised the city administration, which is responding very fast and efficient to online requests. Nominated by Michael den H., Germany: During the Covid-19 pandemic there has been only one town in Germany with constantly low cifers: Rostock. Meanwhile, the whole country is wondering: How is it possible? What did the people of Rostock do better during the last twelve months? It is obvious: The Danish mayor Claus Ruhe Madsen makes a difference. At an early stage of the pandemic in Europe, at a time when hardly anybody in German politics took the CoronaVirus for serious, Claus Ruhe Madsen acted: He cancelled events, shut down public life and sent his staff into home office where possible. The time Rostock won by these measures he used well: Together with a test lab in town, Madsen had the whole administration, police, fire brigades, old people's homes and other critical areas tested within shortest time. First he was considered exotic for his testing strategy. Meanwhile, months later, many other towns Germany dopted this approach. Besides this, he found allies to organize an effective digital contact tracing system and have it implemented. Not so easy with the reliable, thoroughly, but sometimes inflexible German bureaucracy! Also with this Rostock is now to become an innovative example country-wide. He has a strategic view upon both sides of how to deal with the pandemic: On the one hand to keep the virus under strict control; on the other hand to prepare a long-term path back to normality. With his unconventional, pragmatic and mindful approach, Claus Ruhe Madsen managed to mobilize broad support for his way to fight the coronavirus. As a former managing director of a furniture company, he is a hard working organizer and decision-maker, but also a teamworker with a hands-on mentality: a clear mind with a big heart. He never claims success for himself, but, with a benevolent speech, shares it with his co-workers and the people around. Whenever he appeared on TV during the last months, he always praised the people in his administration and his beloved citizens of the town he immigrated into. During his little free time, he is the trainer of a handball team of kids. Nominated by Tobias G., Rostock: Claus Ruhe Madsen has established a vision called "smile city" for the city of Rostock. I am living in Rostock (Germany) which is a beautiful city. However, many of my fellow students left this city after they graduated. The reason is that they do not see attractive job opportunities. I believe that we need new approaches to create the future. Clause Ruhe Madsen has shown his pragmatic hands-on mentality during the Covid-19 pandemic. Rostock has one of the lowest infection numbers in Germany. Yesterday we had the first football game in Germany with 777 visitors in the stadium. Good hygiene concepts made this possible. You can feel that the inhabitants hold together in Rostock in order to get out of this pandemic. If we successfully manage this I am convinced that Rostock is getting back stronger. With Claus Ruhe Madsen we have the right captain (with entrepreneurial mindset) on board for a promising future of our city. That is the reason why I nominate him for the world mayor 2021. Nominated by Peter K., Rostock: Ich stimme für Klaus Ruhe Madsen, weil er als parteiunabhängiger Unternehmer Probleme erkennt, Lösungen sucht, findet und vor allem auch konsequent und schnell umsetzt. Diese Lösungen sind alle ausschließlich daran orientiert, die Stadt Rostock sowie alle Bürger voran zu bringen. Ich wünsche mir sehr viel mehr solche "Macher" in der aktuellen Politiklandschaft. Weiter so Herr Madsen!!! Nominated by Katrin S., Rostock: Claus acts decisively, pragmatically, effectively and empathically. He communicates clearly and honestly. He lends a hand. He has good ideas and implements them even against resistance. He trusts people and wants to turn them into responsible supporters instead of patronizing them. He acts quickly and purposefully. He does something instead of just talking. He didn't lose any time when everything seemed to be good, but used the time and prepared himself for the foreseeable problems.Early lockdown, good test strategy, App App Luca for contact tracking, digitization and strengthening the health department7-day incidence only on one day over 50 Nominated by Christian K., Rostock: Ich bin Rostocker seit Geburt an. Und man kann positiv gespannt in die Zukunft der Stadt blicken. Claus ist ein Mensch, der seine dänischen Wurzeln nicht vergessen hat und stets den menschlichen, sozialen Blickwinkel nicht verliert! Als Unternehmer, der seit September 2019 erst in der Politik tätig ist, macht er seine Arbeit in der Pandemie besser als die gesamte Bundesregierung! Er fordert & gibt Ehrlichkeit in dieser Situation vor. Sein Ziel Rostock als Vorzeigestadt zu etablieren hat er bisher gut umgesetzt. Seine Vision der Stadt birgt viele interessante Projekte. Wobei er dabei nicht vergisst, die Einwohner der Stadt durch gewünschte Selbstbeteiligung mitzunehmen. Im Rahmen der BUGA 2025 hat jeder Bürger die Möglichkeit seine Ideen & Meinungen zu äußern. Die Themen Wohnen, Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalität werden wohl seine prägende Arbeiten sein. Nominated by M. P.-W., Rostock: I don't know how this works exactly and my mother tongue is not English. I'll try my best and hope you'll understand what i want to say. Rostock is a very important city for our rural region and important for me, because my husband works there in a big company. At the beginning of Covid I was a bit scared for him, because he works with many, many people from different countries and cultures. The company itself handled not very well while this crisis (my opinion). But the mayor of Rostock acted fast and adequate with different rules for companies and the citizens. for example Rostock was one of the first City using a special App for tracking contacts. Now all this works out very well. Rostock is one of the few cities in Germany with long-term low case numbers. and that is a big deal, because our country has much Problems with fighting against Covid - to much discussion without real results. And because he is acting like this, I am less scared for my husband. and that's my personal reason why I want to support him! Nominated by Evelyn K., Germany: Ich stimme für Herrn Madsen, weil er seit seiner Wahl zum Bürgermeister versucht, in Rostock Veränderungen in Gang zu bringen, die mehr Modernität in die gesamte Stadtentwicklung zu bringen. Dabei gelingt es ihm in hervorragender Weise, die Bürger der Stadt für seine Ideen zu begeistern. Seit Beginn der Corona-Pandemie hat sich sein Schwerpunkt verlagert: Er informiert sich genauestens über erfolgreiche Strategien in anderen Ländern und Städten, wie es einerseits gelingt, möglichst viele Leben zu retten, andererseits aber auch die Freiheiten zu ermöglichen, die die jeweilige Situation zulässt. Sein engagiertes Handeln hat die Bürger in Rostock gut beschützt und verhindert, dass Corona zahlreiche Opfer findet. Die Zahlen der Infizierten und Toten sind viel geringer als anderswo. Und jetzt versucht er, mit fundierten Mitteln die vorsichtige Öffnung des normalen Lebens, ohne das Infektionsrisiko ansteigen zu lassen. Für sein Engagement bei Tag und Nacht, seinen Mut, innovative Wege zu gehen und seinen Erfolg dabei, den Kontakt zu den Bürgern aufrecht zu erhalten, verdient er es, World Mayor 2021 zu werden. Meine über 80jährige Mutter lebt in Rostock, ich stamme aus dieser Stadt und wohne jetzt in Niedersachsen in Deutschland. Über die sozialen Netzwerke kann ich direkt mit Herrn Madsen kommunizieren und erhalte direkt von ihm auch Antworten. Das ist keinesfalls selbstverständlich! Nominated by Niclas, Rostock: At first I have to say that I love it to live in Rostock. Claus Ruhe Madsen is a perfect example to show how you can react the Corona-virus. For everybody he is an idol. He has a visions which take the city further (not only Corona). One of the biggest points - in my opinion - is to take the digitalism a chance! #smartcity. I hope you unterstand my words. My English is not the best Nominated by Britta S., Germany: I would definitely vote for Mr. Madsen as a world mayor because of his outstanding engagement in COVID-19 times. By this he not only saved the lives of many citizens of Rostock, but he also gave hope to a whole country by his outspoken manner. Absolutely adorable! Nominated by Andrea, Rostock: Ich wähle unseren Rostocker Oberbürgermeister Claus Ruhe Madsen zum World Mayor, weil er anders als alle anderen Politiker in Deutschland einfach anfängt und macht anstatt erst viel zu reden und abzuwarten. Herr Madsen bleibt immer Mensch, ist einer von uns, meistens mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht und versucht seinen Rostocker Bürgern, wie er sie selber nennt, alles zu ermöglichen, was das Leben einfacher und vor allem auch unbürokratischer macht. Er spricht verständlich für alle Bürger, geht mit allen Mitteln, die er ermöglichen kann, schnell und unbürokratisch gegen die Corona-Pandemie vor und vergisst dabei nicht die Sorgen der Menschen. Er ist das beste Beispiel für Politiker, mit denen wie man diese kaputte Welt wieder in Ordnung bringen kann. Nominated by Christian V., Rostock: With his fresh and unorthodox attitude Claus Ruhe Madsen has brought a new energy to this town. He is full of ideas for the future development of Rostock in terms of digitalization, attraction of businesses, tourism and more importantly improving every day life for its citizens. He has acted fast and decisive during the Corona pandemic, making Rostock a role model for other German cities on how to deal with the current crisis. Mr. Madsen would therefore be a well-deserved World Mayor. Nominated by Kerstin, Rostock: Mr. Madsen is the first foreign mayor in a German city. It contributes to the expansion of culture and to conveying values. He is acting very foresighted during the current pandemic and for the benefits of the citizens . He cares about people and not just about money. He is also characterized by his foresight and his closeness to the citizens. He can be contacted at any time and will answer as soon as possible.Mr Madsen has protected citizens in the pandemic at all times. He has taken necessary measures, such as closing all localities and shops, but he has not lost the sight of the local economy. Rostock is one of the first cities in Germany where people can go shopping relatively normally again, as Mr Madsen has made sure that an app is used in Rostock to avoid and track the virus.He has taken full responsibility for his actions and the city. Nominated by Manuel G., Rotock: Claus acted immediately, when he saw what was coming. He managed it, to hold Rostock under the 7-day-incidence threshhold of 50 permanently. He communicates clear and open minded - he hears, sees and feels what the citizens of Rostock need, to follow the way of beating covid. He took helping hands and implemented all necessary - even against resistance. He trusts in his citizens and wants to turn them into responsible supporters instead of patronizing them. He organized an early lockdown, a good test strategy, LucaApp for contact tracking, digitization and strengthening the health department Nominated by Mirko B., Rostock: I'd like to vote for Claus Ruhe Madsen. This is for the following resaons: He provides leadership for us citizens during the pandemic. And unless the politicians on Federal or State level, he does that by providing optimism and taking the people with him. He is a role model for the people. He is with his administration protecting the town and its citizens effectivily from Covid-19 (incidence level in Rostock were never higher than 50), but he is also right from the beginning dealing with Covid-20 (the psychological and social implications of the pandemic). And the longer the pandemic goes, the higher are these implications. Our German politicans tend to overregulate and prohibit everything and lockdown the society. But Claus is a welcome opposite of that. He is using a scientific approach and wants to find out, what works with the virus and what not. He is offensively engaging in Rostock becoming a pilot region for new measures in reducing the restrictions of freedom rights, but at the same time effectively fighting the pandemic. With Claus in the driver seat I am optimistic that we all can deal with this pandemic. We need more Claus' in our governments and administrations. Page 1 | Page 2 | This page |