The annual World Mayor project aims to raise the profile of mayors worldwide as well as to honour those who have served their communities well and who have made contributions to the well-being of cities nationally and internationally. 2005 results

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The World Mayor Award

The 2005 results
Contest methodology
List of finalists
Mayor Rama writes - Mayor Bakoyannis replies
The World Mayor Award

Mayor of Athens
Mayor of Guatemala City
Mayor of Mississauga
Mayor of San Fernando
Mayor of San Francisco

Mayor of Athens
Mayor of Guatemala City
Mayor of Mississauga
Mayor of San Fernando
Mayor of Vienna

Comments on finalists from The Americas
Comments on finalists from Europe
Comments on finalists from Asia, Australia and Africa
Comments on Addis Ababa
Comments on Antananariva
Comments on Athens
Comments on Atlanta
Comments on Belo Horizonte
Comments on Bonn
Comments on Guatemala City
Comments on Karachi
Comments on London
Comments on Melbourne
Comments on Mississauga
Comments on Rio de Janeiro
Comments on Rome
Comments on San Fernando
Comments on San Francisco
Comments on Toronto
Comments on Vancouver
Comments on Vienna

Mayor of Addis Ababa
Mayor of Antananarivo
Mayor of Athens
Mayor of Belo Horizonte
Mayor of Bonn
Mayor of Ekaterinburg
Mayor of Guatemala City
Mayor of Innsbruck
Mayor of Karachi
Mayor of Kiev
Mayor of Melbourne
Mayor of Mississauga
Mayor of Munich
Mayor of Rhodes
Mayor of Rome
Mayor of Tshwane
Mayor of Vienna

The 2004 contest
List of all 2004 finalists
Edi Rama wins 2004 award
People ask - Edi Rama replies
Why we voted for the Mayor of Tirana
Why we voted for the Mayor of Mexico City
History of Tirana

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Comments in support
of short-listed mayors
The top 10 mayors in World Mayor 2005 were selected equally on the number of votes received and the quality and conviction of supporting statements. Below we publish an edited selection of comments received in support of mayors from The Americas.
Comments from The Americas | Comments from Europe | Comments from Asia, Australia and Africa |
| Belo Horizonte (Brazil) | Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) | Mississauga (Canada) | Montreal (Canada) | Toronto (Canada) | Vancouver (Canada) | Guatemala City (Guatemala) | Mexico City (Mexico) | Akron (USA) | Atlanta (USA) | Baltimore (USA) | Charleston (USA) | Chicago (USA) | New York City (USA) | San Francisco (USA) | Seattle (USA) | Tinley Park (USA) | Washington DC (USA) |
Fernando Damata Pimentel
Mayor of Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Comment: The search of social justice and high concern about good public administration are essential qualities for public agents. And the Mayor of Belo Horizonte has them.
More comments on Fernando Damata Pimentel, Mayor of Belo Horizonte
César Maia
Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Comment: The newly re-elected Mayor is one of Brazil’s genuine municipal leaders, He understands the day-to-day needs of Rio’s people as much as the importance of representing the city on the world stage.
More comments on César Maia, Mayor of Rio de Janeiro
Hazel McCallion
Mayor of Mississauga, Canada
Comment: Mayor McCallion has played a leading role for women in politics. She is the first woman to hold such significant positions as President of the Streetsville and District Chamber of Commerce; President of the Anglican Young Peoples' Association of Canada; Mayor of Streetsville and Mayor of Mississauga. She was chosen one of the American Women of the Year‚ in Who's Who of American Women (which refers to North American women). Mayor McCallion also holds Germany's highest individual honour, the Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, for her role in bringing German companies to Canada.
Comment: I visited Mississauga last December. The city is incredible. Congratulations to the people and the Mayor of Mississauga.
Comment: Mississauga is the safest, clean and most business friendly and economically stable city in the Greater Toronto Area due largely to the initiatives of Mayor McCallion.
More comments on Mayor Hazel McCallion, Mayor of Mississauga
Gérald Tremblay
Mayor of Montreal, Canada
Comment: The Mayor's achievements are well known all over the world. He is doing a great job in one of the best cities in the world. I was in Montreal not long ago. The city is awesome.
Comment: Gérald Tremblay is a very progressive, conciliatory mayor in a recently amalgamated city. He has shown great sensitivity to the area's diverse communities, and to the preservation of the heritage of this world-class city.
Comment: Mr Tremblay truelly deserves to win because he has put Montreal back on track after a decade and a half of downward spiral. He the 1st mayor since Drapeau to do anything good for the city. Even he doesn't win, Montreal allready won!
David Miller
Mayor of Toronto, Canada
Comment: David Miller is a refreshing figure in politics today in Toronto. He is selfless, caring, and involved in all aspects of life in Toronto. Many "Torontonians" feel that Mr Miller is making genuine efforts to restore Toronto to its past glory, and I feel that he is someone who would hold the title of "World Mayor" with honour, dignity, and respect.
More comments on David Miller, Mayor of Toronto
Larry Campbell
Mayor of Vancouver, Canada
Comment: The Mayor listens to Vancouverites regardless of their political persuasion. He insists that the problems of cities are equal in importance to provincial and federal concerns and that municipal, provincial and federal government must work together to accomplish results for all Canadians. He welcomes public meetings at the city hall on many issues. He is a hands-on Mayor. I nominate Larry Campbell because of his compassion. Our previous Prime Minister once said, you can tell the success of a community by how it treats its most vulnerable. I know Larry Campbell will continue to defend their interests.
Comment: The Mayor helped to bring the 2010 Olympic Winter Games to Vancouver. He also successfully manages one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Comment: Vancouver is one of the most socially, economically and environmentally sustainable cities in the world and Mayor Campbell has not only carried on this tradition of a well run city, but has striven to make it even better.
More comments on Mayor Campbell
Alvaro Arzu
Mayor of Guatemala City
Comment: Mr. Alvaro Arzu has worked in the public realm for a major portion of his life and has served Guatemalans for many years. He has been very successful in uniting the strengths of the public sector with those of the private sector so as to affect a change in Guatemala City. Some of the biggest advancements Guatemala City has seen have been under his first term as Mayor, his term as President of the country and now again during his second term as Mayor.
Despite the feeling of helplessness in Guatemala, many individuals recognize and praise Mr. Alvaro Arzu for his efforts and successes. Individuals give comments such as "Arzu is one of the few guys who really works and gets things done. Not like the other guys." In a land (not to mention a continent) where corruption, bureaucracy, violence and indifference tend to be the norm, Arzu stands out as someone who truly uses the resources around him to accomplish the task
More comments on Alvaro Arzu, Mayor of Guatemala City
Andrés Manuel López Obrador
Mayor of Mexico City, Mexico
Comment: To find an honest Mayor in Mexico these days is difficult, but Mr. Andrés M. López Obrador has shown us both honesty and intelligence in his actions. Since he was elected governor (Mayor) of Mexico City, one of the largest cities in the world, he has built modern highways and interchanges that connect the principal avenues in the city. Such things have helped in two ways - they have helped to dramatically decrease the traffic in those areas and they have also reactivated the construction industry, helping to reduce the high rates of unemployment in that industry. Public works of that magnitude have not been seen in Mexico City for 50 years. The governors before him were comfortably just remodelling the 50-year-old avenues, but Mr. López Obrador built better and more modern avenues, adequate for the high population growth. He made all of these public works with public resources, but he also called on private industry to participate in looking for the good and in development of the community. In the social area, he has sent initiatives to the Legislative Branch that give direct and indirect economic resources to those people that due to their economic situations require government help (the handicapped, elderly people, etc.). Fortunately, those initiatives have been accepted and are now law. For these things I would give my vote to Mr. López Obrador. I think he deserves to win an award for all of the goodwill that he has transformed into good works.
Comment: Andrés Manuel López Obrador is the best Mayor in the history of Mexico City and in the history of this country. He doesn’t rob like most other Mexican mayors and presidents. He has built a new Mexico City. He is honest and helpful. And the opinion polls do not lie - most people want him to become President.
Comment: Lopez Obrador has been the first political figure I have admired in my very short life I am 19. From the moment he stepped into office, he proposed and created social programmes to benefit the most needy (and often rejected) people in society, i.e. single mothers, elderly, children, etc. He has built more than sixteen high schools in the city. He renewed Mexico’s forgotten Historical Center. He built a second floor the Peripheral Way.
In the year 2000, a pitiful, shameful, and vicious campaign was launched from the Presidency to overrule and send Lopez Obrador to jail. For more than three years, we stood by his side, watching him overcome with dignity and capability the ridiculous attempts to throw him out of his office (and prevent him from running for President). The astonishing public resistance which followed, led by some of Mexico’s most distinguished thinkers and personalities, culminated on 24 May 2005, when over 1.2 million people gathered in the Historical Center, to protest and reclaim democracy. Never before had Mexico seen such a display of passion and devotion to one person. And needless to say; Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has earned it
Comment: I nominate Andrés Manuel López Obrador because he has made many good changes. He has supported the poor people, the elderly and has implemented an austere regime that brings in more money for the city so he needs less money from the federal government and he can run all his projects with it. He has collected more taxes than any government of Mexico ever did because of the people trust in his rule. I hope he will win the World Major 2005 title. I'm sorry about my poor English.
Comment: Andrés Manuel López Obrador provides students from kindergarten through junior high school with free school supplies such as books, pens, and pencils. He has also authorized the construction of an elevated highway for the benefit of the millions of citizens who own a car in Mexico City. He provides the elderly with credit in the form of a card, which allows them to buy food at their convenience. He also provided low or no interest credit for individuals who wanted to build a house or improve their current home. But most importantly, he leads a very humble lifestyle. He lives in a small apartment, (with no luxuries) and drives a used Nissan Tsuru. He is indeed very dedicated to his job, and this is why I nominate the Mayor of Mexico City for the World Mayor 2005 award.
Donald L Plusquellic
Mayor of Akron, Ohio, USA
Comment: Mayor Plusquellic, longest mandated Mayor of Akron, 18 years, was and had the extraordinary force to get the city "new born" from the industrial rubber city, Plusquellic, outgoing president of the US mayor conference, saved his city from a compleet decline and brought Akron to one of USA most innovative and dynamic cities.
Shirley Franklin
Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Comment: Ms Franklin has always presented a very calm yet powerful demeanour ever since taking office. The best interests of the City of Atlanta is always at her heart. She even took a pay cut when she was sworn in. I think Mayor Franklin is an excellent leader, Mayor, and will hopefully be President one day.
More comment in support of Shirley Franklin, Mayor of Atlanta
Martin O’Malley
Mayor of Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Comment: Baltimore has had a great turnaround in terms of being attractive to tourists. The great job that the the Mayor has done to incorporate culture, history, and tradition, with modern aesthetic beauty earns the right to be World Mayor. If all cities could create a balance of all these aspects, we would have such a great planet.
Comment: Mayor O'Malley is a passionate mayor who believes in working with his constitutents.He has the carisma necessary to make people BELIEVE in him and themselves. He took a stand on Homeland Security in our local cities and the fact that we need more money to protect the citizens,against terrorism, and now natural disasters. He has been instrumental in enhancing Baltimore through economic development. He is well traveled and has become known worldwide. My vote is for Mayor O'Malley.
Comment: The Mayor directed efforts and energy of his administration towards making Baltimore a safer, cleaner city, a better place for children and a more attractive place for investment.
Comment: Baltimore is an old-fashioned city in all the good ways--wonderful neighborhoods, great art collections, lively street scene. But until Mayor O'Malley came along, it seemed as if no one was willing to tackle the root causes of crime or poverty here. Mayor O'Malley has done more than just "send in the cops"--he cares about why children are having trouble in school, why families in the lower-income areas are in trouble, why teens and young men resort to crime over jobs. These are problems common to any large city. Baltimore is fortunate to have an uncommon mayor. Under Mayor O'Malley, Baltimoreans face falling crime rates, education scores and graduation rates are rising, and those wonderful neighborhoods where folks sit out on the stoop in the evening and join in neighborhood chats and games are getting even better. He has reached out to people from neighboring Washington, DC to learn about the benefits of his city, bringing in new residents and new money to renovate homes and enrich the community. Baltimore was a good city before Mayor O'Malley--now, it's GREAT!
Comment: I lived in Baltimore for 6 months in 2001. In those 6 months, I was taken aback by Mayor O'Malley's thorough, genuine and most importantly, POSITIVE influence not just on the city infrastructure, but on the People themselves. His grounded, centered attitude and sincere connection to his citizens are model qualities for world leaders. Some people live in a city for their whole life and never make a difference or feel a bond. Mayor O'Malley has made more than a difference, and has inspired more than a bond, even to people who are not life-long Baltimoreans.
Comment: A future President of the USA!
Comment: Martin O’Malley has encouraged neighbourhoods in an impoverished major city with high crime and drug rates to take back the streets. He is a high-energy guy, who rides with trash collectors, works with storm drain cleaners, and speaks to students, teachers, and parents about their part in improving education in an under funded school system.
Comment: The Mayor rebuilt a beautiful city and brought many of residents back to live here.
Comment: Mayor O'Malley is not afraid to roll up his sleeves and attack the problems at hand. He has made the diversity of our great city one of his primary focuses. He is a fantastic motivator, and the growth our city is experiencing as a result of his leadership is phenomenal.
Comment: The Mayor has a lot of energy and is working hard on the crime problem in our city. He is also promoting the city worldwide. He succeeded in getting the Miss USA Pageant brought to Maryland.
Comment: The Mayor sees even the lowliest of drug users as citizens who are capable of invigorating themselves to take care of their families and their communities. He has introduced and implemented existing innovative ideas like Project 5000 to tackle blighted properties, Citi-Stat to foster accountability, Baltimore Rising, to connect at-risk youth with strong mentors, and the Super Spring Thing to promote cleaner and more liveable communities. He has also brought a spirit of volunteerism, giving back to the municipality.
Comment: Martin O'Malley is a principled man who is concerned about the most needy in Baltimore and with a focus on cleaning up Baltimore. He is a true Democrat who speaks the unvarnished truth.
Comment: The Mayor has done more to combat crime and drug violence/trafficking than any prior Mayor in Baltimore. He has worked across race lines, and connected to a broad diversity of the citizens of Baltimore. He's also just a genuinely nice person who seems to connect with ‘the people’.
Joseph P. Riley
Mayor of Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Comment: During Mayor Riley's long term, he has continued to find creative solutions to the wide variety of city problems - with attention to all citizens and the detalis that make things special. His dedication resulted in the inclusion of pedestrian and bike lanes for the new bridge in Charleston. He has demonstrated the same dedication to affordable housing, the arts, and childrens programs. He is truly the best mayor in the USA. I can't compare to others in The Americas. Shirley Franklin will be just as good in a few more years!
Comment: Mayor Joseph P. Riley is widely considered one of the most visionary and highly effective governmental leaders in America. First elected Mayor of Charleston, South Carolina, in December, 1975, Mayor Riley is serving an unprecedented eighth term. Under his leadership, Charleston has increased its commitment to racial harmony and progress, achieved a substantial decrease in crime, experienced a remarkable revitalization of its historic downtown business district, seen the creation and growth of Spoleto Festival U.S.A., built Waterfront Park, developed nationally-acclaimed affordable housing, and experienced unprecedented growth in Charleston's size and population. Mayor Riley has led a city government with an impressive record of innovation in public safety, housing, arts and culture, children's issues, the creation of park and other public spaces, and economic revitalization and development. The City of Charleston is recognized as one of the most liveable and progressive cities in the United States.
Through his lifetime of experience in Charleston, Mayor Riley has become a leading expert on urban design and liveability issues and is a frequent speaker across the country on these topics. He was a founder of the Mayors' Institute for City Design (MICD) and has provided critical urban design support to over 250 Mayors across America. Mayor Riley received the 1994 Thomas Jefferson Award from the American Institute of Architects for Public Architecture for “his exceptional leadership and 'Jeffersonian' vision in redefining the promise and, ultimately the future, of our nation and its cities.” In 1997, he received the Seaside Prize from the Seaside Institute for exemplary leadership and contributions to high-quality urban design throughout America. The American Society of Landscape Architects named him an Honorary Member for his leadership and vision.
Richard Daley
Mayor of Chicago, Illinois, USA
Chicago: Despite the scandals which may have overcome Mayor Daley's administration, he maintains Chicago as a world class city and he continues to improve it.
Comment: Mayor Daley has re-vitalized the inner city bringing suburbanites back and keeping young people from heading to the suburbs
Comment: Daley rocks, just like his Daddy. Daley is Chicago!
Comment: The Mayor has kept Chicago as one of the major cities of the world and has made it even more of a major city. He has introduced parks and greenery to beautify Chicago and believes strongly in the city.
Comment: Greening the cities parks and vacant lots. Placing hydrogen fuel pumping stations on major routes to encourage residents to use environmentally safe, hybrid vehicles.
Comment: Chicago - "The City that Works" and always has under the Daley administrations.
Comment: The Mayor did a great job creating the Millennium Park.
Comment: The Mayor turned the city’s parks into thriving and safe places for younger people.
Comment: The Mr Daley has brought down crime in the city of Chicago and has beautified the city in many different ways. He is very environmentally conscious, establishing parks and having cleaning days, as well as introducing the use of the ‘Blue Bag’ for recycling.
Michael R Bloomberg
Mayor of New York City, NY, USA
Comment: Mayor Bloomberg has introduced a management policy from the top down to encourage a balanced budget, accountability of public employees and a city that welcomes visitors of all creeds, nationalities, religions, disabilities. He has also encouraged both visitors and those who live or work in the city to have an open line of feedback to those responsible for actions or policies.
Comment: Mayor Bloomberg is no ordinary man. A billionaire who became a politician and was very succesful in doing so, is no small achievement. He's a moderate Republican in a predominantly democratic city and he has the respect from left and right. He'll be re-elected and he has a brilliant future ahead of him.
Comment: I am a resident of New York City, and have been very impressed by the way Mayor Bloomberg has dealt with what was a very difficult situation, economically and other-wise, when he took office. A real leader, not afraid to make unpopular decisions when he feels they are right.
Comment: Mayor Bloomberg has shown hiomself to be a progressive thinker and motivator by addressing the present needs of NYC as well as formulating realistic goals and plans for the city's future.
Comment: Being a black man in NYC is hard enough, but being a black man from another country working in a field where being white and American comes first. All other boroughs outside Manhattan were always neglected even at Sept 11. Mr. Bloomberg has stood with all races and economic levels when no one ever stood up for us.
Crime, joblessness and an ability to never given up on anyone in any situation has words so well for him that I can say NYC especially the outer boroughs are safe with all the services that would have only been in Manhattan. Living for three months on business in several other countries and maintaining friendships with other people there I can say we have it the jackpot on a man deserving of every accolades.
Comment: Michael Bloomberg is a man of conviction and courage. I'm proud to have him as my mayor.
Comment: Mayor Bloombergh has improved the quality of life for all New Yorkers by continuing the policies of Mayor Guiliani after 9/11/01. He has been instrumental in getting NYC back together with his "the city is a corporation and a business" mentality and treating all NYCrs like employees that deserve attention. The introduction of the 311 services allow us to gain information without disrupting our emergency service personel. Thank you Mayor Bloomberg!
Comment: Mayor Bloomberg is an even handed, balanced and pragmatic Mayor who has given up his lucrative business career in order to serve the largest US city, which he does very effectively.
Comment: Mayor Bloomberg has decidedly chosen to operate New York City as a business. As a result, he has disregarded feelings, opinions and emotions to restore New York's economic, educational and entertainment prominence in the United States. He has managed the city's budget in such a way that he creates a surplus, even when it doesn't seem possible. He has made New York much more financially stable than it has ever been, in all the years that I can remember. He definitely deserves this nomination and I will definitely vote for his re-election.
Gavin Newsom
Mayor of San Francisco, California, USA
Comment: Mayor Newsom is truly in touch with what the majority of his constituents want. He is making every attempt to clean up San Francisco by working with his team to come up with innovative solutions to the problems this city faces. Mayor Newsom isn't afraid to go out into the community to get a first-hand look at day-to-day life in San Francisco and talk to residents about what their needs are. He is kind, intelligent and completely dedicated to his job as Mayor.
More comments in support of Gavin Newsom, Mayor of San Francisco
Greg J Nickels
Mayor of Seattle, Washington, USA
Comment: I nominate him for World Mayor 2005 for his ‘Climate Protection Agreement’, which he has initiated and has had the Mayors of 114 other American cities follow his example. He is someone who actually believes that something can be done to protect the environment so that our children will have clean air to breathe.
Edward Zabrocki
Mayor of Tinley Park, Illinois, USA
Comment: Dear qualification board, I am a Polish supersonic pilot with a big international field experience. During my officer's duty as a United Nations Military observe in the former Republic of Yugoslav and an OSCE monitor I met numerous nice and smart people. However, I had a big pleasure to became a guest in the of the most beautiful town in the world I have ever been to. It was Tinley Park in Illinois. I have to say that Mr. Edward Zabrocki's hospitality didn't know any limits. Moreover, as a citizen of Poland I felt little bewildered in the United States, but Mr. Zabrocki helped me to feel comfortable even 10, 000 km away from Warsaw. This was in 1997 and I appreciate it even now very much. Eventually, I am sure he is one of the best men of the world and he fully deserve to become the "World Mayor 2005".
Comment: Mayor Ed Zabrocki of Tinley Park is truly a World Mayor. In a community that encompasses ethnic groups from around the world, Mayor Ed is admired and supported by all ethnic groups because he works for his citizens, not his special interests. Tinley Park is currently hosting about 100 evacuees from Katrine at the "State of Hope" that was Mayor Ed's project. Whether it is large or small, he is involved in what is important to his Community, I am proud to cast a vote for Edward Zabrocki as World Mayor 2005
Comment: 1. Mayor Zabrocki has provided steadfast and progressive leadership in the Chicago Southland for over 25 years...a success record analysed in depth by the University of Chicago as an example of good Mayoral leadership.
2. Mayor Zabrocki has presided over and provided guidance while Tinley Park, now 55,000 people, became one of the fastest growing cities in the nation...yet making sure that the municipal tax rate has NOT been increased since 1971.
3. Mayor Zabrocki has provided leadership to make Tinley Park a healthy and financially strong (highest credit rating in the region) community boasting diversity in population and diversity in economy. Thanks to Mayor Zabrocki's policies, Tinley Park is one of the few Midwestern cities with the combined healthy economy of manufacturing, distribution, education, office, hospitality, retail, and government services.
4. Internationalism - Mayor Zabrocki has instituted policies to insure that Tinley Park is an active Sister City with Buedingen, Germany, and Mallow, Ireland, and promotes international trade with local manufacturers.
Comment: Ed Zabrocki has made a world of changes to his community. He has served with great distinction. On the 2005 World Mayor short list, he is one of ten US mayors and one of two Illinois mayors. In my view he is not one of ten or one of two, he is the only logical choice for World Mayor.
Comment: I chose Mayor Zabrocki because I am a resident of Tinley Park. I am amazed at the progress my village has made in the 7 years I have lived here. I would NEVER move, there is no need. The schools are wonderful, the property of values are excellent and the stores in the village are numerous!! There are family events throughout the year on Oak Park Avenue: the Blockparty, Autumn Festival, and Santa Claus. The park district has a new facility that offers classes to the whole community at very reasonable prices. The new library is state of the art!! In October the village will welcome a Super Target! I don't even know where the nearest Super Target is!! We have a great leader that helps our community to strive to be its best in with both it corporate and residential citizens!!!
Comment: Ed Zabrocki has worked tirelessly to put our once sleepy town on the map. The village is well run and still growing.
Comment: Mayor Ed is a respected and dedicated regional leader, who has achieved great things for his community and the entire Chicago southland. It doesn't matter what country, all Mayors should be caring, honest, and dedicated to high quality government. Nobody epitomizes all the best of being a Mayor more than Mayor Ed Zabrocki. And I believe the University of Chicago actually uses his proven style and record (over the past 25 years) as an example of the How to be a ‘Great Mayor’. I hope you will consider Mayor Ed for this award. He deserves it...and above all he is the type of Mayor for all the world's Mayor's to emulate.
Comment: Mayor Ed Zabrocki is the most caring, humble and forward thinking elected official I have ever met. He exemplifies all of the attributes sought in an elected leader: the courage of his convictions; the belief in what his community can and will achieve and the ability to implement the plans to assure the achievement of the desired goals; recognition of each employee or volunteer who works for the Village; availability to talk with and address the needs of the citizens which he serves; and an understanding of the needs of the Village as it relates to the surrounding communities,the State of Illinois and the international position within the world.
Mayor Ed Zabrocki, of Tinley Park, USA deserves to be named World Mayor 2005 for his visionary ability to improve the economic staus of his Village without raising taxes; for providing leadership in reaching out to international governments via the Sister City Program (Buedingen, Germany and Mallow, Ireland) and for safeguarding the rights and liberties of the citizens of his community and their place within the world.
Thank you Mayor Ed for your leadership!
Comment: Mayor Ed is a great Mayor and a wonderful man. For over 20 years, he has been active in supporting the citizens. He and First Lady Emily are always there for our fighting soldiers, our active youth organizations, our businesses, and our families in time of grief and in time of joy. No wonder he is recognized as one of the Top Mayors in the Midwest. Chicago can have Mayor Daley....we'll keep our great Mayor Zabrocki. What a guy!
Comment: I am proud to give more supportive comments for Mayor Ed Zabrocki. Tinley Park was recently named "The Best Community in the Region" based on a newspaper poll. Those of us who live here know that much of our success and great quality of life is due to outstanding leadership provided by our Mayor Ed Zabrocki and other trustees. Over 25 years of super and caring leadership that has made this a fantastic city to work and live. All Mayors around the world can learn from Ed Zabrocki's style of quality policy-making, teamwork, cooperation, and listening to the people. What a wonderful man!
Comment: I heard that Mayor Ed (as we respectfully call him) has been nominated. This is great. Mayor Ed has been a fantastic leader in the Chicago region for over 25 years. Above all, he has provided the leadership, policies, and planning to insure that Tinley Park has the best reputation for quality of life and business strength in the region. This has at times been difficult, because the south and southwest region of Chicago have encountered major economic distress over the past 40 years...but Mayor Ed has helped take charge, built a team, communicated progress, and kept Tinley Park among the shining stars not just in Metro Chicago, but the entire Midwestern United States.
Comment: It is great to hear that Ed has been nominated for this award. Ed Zabrocki is the epitome of what an elected official should be. He has been Mayor of fast-growing Tinley Park, Illinois, for almost 25 years and helped insure that the community has developed with diversity, strength, sustainability, business support, and a high quality of life.
Every step of the way, Ed has demonstrated a commitment to learning from other Mayors and other cities, and working with leaders throughout the region to solve problems and best serve our citizens. Ed should be considered for World Mayor because he promotes leadership, cooperation, caring, knowledge, and a commitment to policy not politics.
Anthony Williams
Mayor of Washington, DC, USA
Comment: Anthony Williams has to struggle against the powerful US Congress to make Washington DC a real American city instead of a 'colony' ruled by the US Congress. Most people who live in Washington DC support our Mayor's efforts. We are tired of the US Congress interfering with our local democratic rights (eg the recent attempt by Congress to repeal DC's local gun laws.) I hope that the selection of Mayor Williams will call world attention to the treatment of the citizens of the U.S. capital, especially the fact that we have no voting representative in our national government.
Comment: Having once been a resident of Washington DC - I am now living in Annapolis, MD and working in Washington, DC - I have seen Mayor Williams bring change to blighted areas by eradicating old drug infested dwellings and replacing them with moderate income dwellings for those who are willing to comply with rules for residency. The roads are maintained a lot better since my stay in the District (From 1995-1998). He has brought the city and district out of the red financially and I commend him for that. He had brought in quality people to help him achieve his goal and dreams for the city of Washington. He even brought baseball back to the the capital!!!
Comment: Mayor Williams has really changed Washington DC. He had vision. He started tax abatement for homebuyers and other incentives to attract surburbias to move to DC hence increasing city revenue. Crime is down based on his youth initiative, He looks out for low income resideents while continuing to improve the ecomony of DC. DC government was in total disarray before Mayor Williams. He helped DC grow as its Finance Officer. He has now brought the same enthusiasm to mayoral office.
Comment: Anthony Williams has single handedly turned Washington DC from a town ridiculed by late-night comedians into a shining city on the hill. He rejuvenated downtown, brought baseball back after years of absence, and most importantly, kept the city operating when it was in financial dire straits. His only uncompleted task? Restoring voting right for the district's citizens.
Comment: The Mayor has turned the city around from a declining metropolitan area to a world class city. As Mayor, Mr Williams has restored DC's bond rating, improved mass transit, brought professional baseball back to the City, and promoted federal and private investment. Mr Williams has also reached out to all communities, encouraging DC to become a global village that supports and embraces diversity.
Comment: Washington DC is the most powerful and most beautiful city in the world. Mayor Williams has also provided it with progressive, modern and responsive local government.

Each year the most outstanding mayor is presented with the World Mayor Award. In 2004 the Award was won by Edi Rama, Mayor of Tirana. Dora Bakoyannis, Mayor of Athens, is the winner of the 2005 World Mayor Award. 2005 results

• Mayor of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
• Mayor of Antananarivo, Madagascar
• Mayor of Pretoria (Tshwane), South Africa
• Mayor of Buenos Aires, Argentina
• Mayor of Belo Horizonte, Brazil
• Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
• Mayor of Mississauga, Canada
• Mayor of Montreal, Canada
• Mayor of Toronto, Canada
• Mayor of Vancouver, Canada
• Mayor of Guatemala City, Guatemala
• Mayor of Mexico City, Mexico
• Mayor of Akron, USA
• Mayor of Atlanta, USA
• Mayor of Baltimore, USA
• Mayor of Charleston, USA
• Mayor of Chicago, USA
• Mayor of New York City, USA
• Mayor of San Francisco, USA
• Mayor of Seattle, USA
• Mayor of Tinley Park, USA
• Mayor of Washington DC, USA
• Mayor of Beijing, China
• Mayor of Shanghai, China
• Mayor of Tehran, Iran
• Mayor of Hiroshima, Japan
• Mayor of Kitakyushu, Japan
• Mayor of Karachi, Pakistan
• Mayor of San Fernando, Philippines
• Mayor of Taipei, Taiwan
• Mayor of Istanbul, Turkey
• Mayor of Melbourne, Australia
• Mayor of Auckland, New Zealand
• Mayor of Innsbruck, Austria
• Mayor of Vienna, Austria
• Mayor of Grenoble, France
• Mayor of Lyon, France
• Mayor of Paris, France
• Mayor of Strasbourg, France
• Mayor of Berlin, Germany
• Mayor of Bonn, Germany
• Mayor of Düsseldorf, Germany
• Mayor of Frankfurt, Germany
• Mayor of Hannover, Germany
• Mayor of Leipzig, Germany
• Mayor of Munich, Germany
• Mayor of Stuttgart, Germany
• Mayor of Athens, Greece
• Mayor of Rhodes, Greece
• Mayor of Budapest, Hungary
• Mayor of Rome, Italy
• Mayor of Turin, Italy
• Mayor of Venice, Italy
• Mayor of Vilnius, Lithuania
• Mayor of Skopje, Macedonia
• Mayor of Tilburg, Netherlands
• Mayor of Lublin, Poland
• Mayor of Ekaterinburg, Russia
• Mayor of Moscow, Russia
• Mayor of Madrid, Spain
• Mayor of Saragossa, Spain
• Mayor of Stockholm, Sweden
• Mayor of Hartlepool, UK
• Mayor of London, UK
• Mayor of Kiev, Ukraine
More details on finalists