The annual World Mayor project aims to raise the profile of mayors worldwide as well as to honour those who have served their communities well and who have made contributions to the well-being of cities nationally and internationally. 2005 results

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The 2010 results
The 2010 project
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The World Mayor Prize

The 2006 results
The 2006 finalists
The World Mayor Award

The 2005 results
Contest methodology
List of finalists
Mayor Rama writes - Mayor Bakoyannis replies
The World Mayor Award

Mayor of Athens
Mayor of Guatemala City
Mayor of Mississauga
Mayor of San Fernando
Mayor of San Francisco

Mayor of Athens
Mayor of Guatemala City
Mayor of Mississauga
Mayor of San Fernando
Mayor of Vienna

Comments on finalists from The Americas
Comments on finalists from Europe
Comments on finalists from Asia, Australia and Africa
Comments on Addis Ababa
Comments on Antananariva
Comments on Athens
Comments on Atlanta
Comments on Belo Horizonte
Comments on Bonn
Comments on Guatemala City
Comments on Karachi
Comments on London
Comments on Melbourne
Comments on Mississauga
Comments on Rio de Janeiro
Comments on Rome
Comments on San Fernando
Comments on San Francisco
Comments on Toronto
Comments on Vancouver
Comments on Vienna

Mayor of Addis Ababa
Mayor of Antananarivo
Mayor of Athens
Mayor of Belo Horizonte
Mayor of Bonn
Mayor of Ekaterinburg
Mayor of Guatemala City
Mayor of Innsbruck
Mayor of Karachi
Mayor of Kiev
Mayor of Melbourne
Mayor of Mississauga
Mayor of Munich
Mayor of Rhodes
Mayor of Rome
Mayor of Tshwane
Mayor of Vienna

The 2004 contest
List of all 2004 finalists
Edi Rama wins 2004 award
People ask - Edi Rama replies
Why we voted for the Mayor of Tirana
Why we voted for the Mayor of Mexico City
History of Tirana

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Comments in support
of short-listed mayors
The top 10 mayors in World Mayor 2005 were selected equally on the number of votes received and the quality and conviction of supporting statements. Below we publish an edited selection of comments received in support of mayors from Asia, Africa and Australia.
Comments from The Americas | Comments from Europe | Comments from Asia, Australia and Africa |
Beijing (China) | Tehran (Iran) | Hiroshima (Japan) | Kitakyushu (Japan) | Karachi (Pakistan) | San Fernando (Philippines) | Taipei City (Taiwan) | Istanbul (Turkey) | Auckland (New Zealand) | Melbourne (Australia) | Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) | Antananarivo (Madagascar) | Pretoria / Tshwane (South Africa)
Wang Qishan
Mayor of Beijing, China
Comment: Five years ago when I travelled to Beijing I was disappointed to find a dirty, polluted city with not much greenery. Really not a lot to recommend to fellow travellers, unless you had a particular interest there. Imagine my surprise when I recently travelled to Beijing and there is a very beautiful green, clean and a lot less polluted city. I really enjoyed my recent stay. Many people told me that Wang Qishan was a very good Mayor and had a big influence on the changes in Beijing. Well done!
Comment: Mr Wang Qishan is a great mayor and leader. He made the city become very beautiful. Beijing has become a clean, green, unpolluted city !In 2003,he also led Beijing control the SARS for a short time. I want to vote for him because he did lots of good things for Beijing.
Comment: I recently visited Beijing and the city is wonderful. The people were very friendly (even thought most could not speak English), and hospitable. The city was unbelievably clean even though they are going through major reconstruction and renovation. The preparations for the Olympics was very impressive.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Mayor of Tehran, Iran
Comment: The best Iranian mayor is now President of Iran.
Comment: The Mayor, and now President, is a respectable man, with a clear vision, good intellect and strong determination. In a region of the world where bribery is common, he has never been corrupted. He is a model not only for the citizens of his country, but also for the people of the whole region.
Comment: In my opinion Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a real reformist because he made many changes in Tehran City. The most important issue we now face in Tehran is its heavy traffic and air pollution, which has been greatly reduced since his appointment as Mayor.
He has also helped young people to get married by giving them loans. This was objected to by many high-ranking officials. I like him very much, he is kind, he talks in a very strong way to motivate the Nation, he talks about justice, economical development and many other ideal thing. I wish him success in his new position.
I would like to say that I am an ordinary citizen of Tehran who just needed a revolution in my country.
Comment: As a PhD in traffic and transportation, and university professor, Mr Ahmadinejhad has got really interesting programs for the metropolis of Tehran. In about one year from now we shall feel the effects of the urban management of an expert. There will be new systems to organize the traffic (such as developing metro and monorail in Tehran), new cultural programs (new cultural centres and the most popular newspaper of Iran), new programs for housing in Tehran, etc. We call Ahmadinejad the Mayor of 21st century reform of Tehran. We are going to live in the New Tehran under a modern forward-looking management.
Comment: the Mayor is a man of action! He did not talk much, only when necessary. He made promises and carried them through, which surprised other authorities. The result was marvelous. After some years, the streets were being asphalted and repaired in NO TIME! That is one simple thing to be mentioned out of many. Taking care of even minor things, would only across a mind of a person who has already faced REAL LIFE!
Words are not capable of defining him properly. He made the word "MAYOR" gets its actual meaning! Just: "God Bless him" in this position
Comment: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the best Mayor in Tehran’s history, a real specialist in city and traffic management. He has created a new Tehran, with new a atmosphere of culture, transport and housing. We believe in Ahmadinejad.
Comment: I am an Iranian living in Berlin. This year I visited Tehran for the first time in five years. I was surprised to see how much the city had changed for the better.
Comment: The Mayor is a modern manager who fights corruption and as a specialist in city and traffic management, he is able to solve Tehran's most important urban problems with the Tehran metro project and now the monorail system. He is the most successful mayor in recent memory.
Comment: The Mayor is the man of modern transportation... when you have to live in the metropolis of Tehran with its population of about 13 million, transportation becomes the most important urban problem, First the Tehran metro project - now we are going to have the monorail system. The monorail system Tehran Municipality, in cooperation with the private sector, is planned to be built in this populous metropolis and It will help reduce traffic jams. He is exactly what Tehran needs now and in the future,
Tadatoshi Akiba
Mayor of Hiroshima, Japan
Comment: The Mayor has reduced gang activity among youth. He has made the making of municipal decisions more democratic. And most and foremost he is campaigning for an elimination of nuclear weapons.
Comment: Mayor Akiba is leading a worldwide effort to unite the Mayors of the world to eliminate nuclear weapons in a visionary campaign under the banner of Mayors for Peace. This campaign will be completed in 2020. He is showing vision, persistence, outstanding leadership, willingness to persevere for many years (15 years hence) and grace under pressure. The national leaders of the world, in addition to the international leaders of the world (at the UN) are taking notice, but aren't quite sure how to handle the whole situation. Mayors are elected officials. Mayor Akiba is showing us that if our national or international leaders are not responsive to our needs, then the Mayors of the world are willing to step in and offer the necessary leadership. Also, in this 60th anniversary year of the atomic bombings of Japan by the United States, Mayor Akiba is partnering with the remaining survivors of those terrible events, the Hibakusha, and trying to complete their mission to ensure that ‘never again’ will another city be bombed with nuclear weapons. In addition, by his actions, Mayor Akiba has inspired millions of citizen activists around the world who have been working behind the scenes since the end of the Cold War to keep people's attention focused on this critical issue. As one of those activists, I am deeply grateful and profoundly moved by his commitment.
Comment: By warning the world about nuclear arms, the Mayor has shown great moral leadership.
Comment: I had the oppourtunity to meet with Mayor Akiba last year on the 59th anniversary the drop of the atomic bomb during a private auduence given to students from my alma mater, American University. Mr. Akiba is a highly intellectual person who understands the international climate and simultaneously espouses world peace -- not as a condemnation or protest to his own Japan or its ally, the United States -- but rather as a collective objective of humanity. Furthermore, Hiroshima struck me during my tour of Japan as one of Japan's most pleasant, efficient, clean and welcoming cities, and my understanding from the many locals that I meet while there is that Mr Akiba is responsible for all that is good about Hiroshima.
Koichi Sueyoshi
Mayor of Kitakyushu, Japan
Comment: Since he was first elected in 1987, Mr Sueyoshi, Mayor of Kitakyushu, has dedicated himself to the city’s urban regeneration. He has shown outstanding creativity and leadership, always working closely together with the city’s residents and all other stakeholders. He has been affectionately nicknamed the ‘Flying Mayor’ because he never stands still. Without his strong leadership, holding together a range of communities with diverse goals and interests, Kitakyushu could not have achieved so much, locally and internationally. He is still dedicated to realising local and global sustainable development through local environmental projects and international environmental cooperation.
Comment: Kitakyushu was a pollution-plagued city before Koichi Sueyoshi became mayor. He takes the environment very seriously and fights pollution on many levels
Naimatullah Khan
Mayor of Karachi, Pakistan
Comment: The Mayor is an honest and hard working person. He stands upright in a country infamous for its corruption since its inception. He has developed this city with determination and despite being elderly - he is 70 he has resolved to carry on with his mission.
Comment: He is a really nice, humble and dedicated person who has really changed Karachi back into the city of lights with his hard work and commitment. It has been a remarkable turnaround. The people of Karachi have seen huge projects, such as construction of roads, highways, recreational spots for families and parks, completed in quick time despite very limited resources. The Mayor has also been a source of courage and inspiration for people of Karachi who have been badly affected by terrorism in recent times. I hope he will continue his great work and leadership.
Comment: Mr Naimatullah Khan has proved to be honest, honourable, hardworking member of a lovely city of Pakistan. He worked against all the odds and under pressure in a poor and difficult country like Pakistan. The improvements in the city of Karachi are for all to see.
More comments in support of Naimatullah Khan, Mayor of Karachi
Oscar Samson Rodriguez
Mayor of San Fernando, Pampanga, Philippines
Comment: The Mayor is an example of good governance. He was very first to mainstream gender in all aspects of local governance. He is also a man determined to reform the bureaucracy to better serve the people. His eight-point agenda has been crafted within the framework of sustainable development.
Comment: For over 30 years, Oscar Samson Rodriguez has dedicated his life and career to public service. Wearing several hats, from human rights lawyer to educator, from provincial administrator to legislator, from public prosecutor and now, the local chief executive of the City of San Fernando. Oca has proved to be a visionary and a catalyst for development. He has played an active role in shaping our nation’s history; as one of the region’s leaders toppling the conjugal dictatorship of Marcos and as a public prosecutor in the impeachment case against former President Estrada.
By overcoming major challenges in his political career, he remained steadfast in his genuine commitment to serve the people and transformed challenges into opportunities. His strong sense of duty makes his personal charisma undeniably impeccable.
More comments in support of Oscar Samson Rodriguez
Ying-jeou Ma
Mayor of Taipei City
Comment: The Mayor is promoting cooperation between Taipei and the cities on the Chinese mainland.
Comment: The Mayor understands the technological needs of a world city in the 21st century. He is promoting wireless internet access across the city.
Kadir Topbas
Mayor of Istanbul
Comment: Kadir Topbas is the best Mayor on the World because he is a man of vision who brought impoprtant international events like the Formula 1 to the city, who aims to transform the city and make her a World Capital with her infrastructure, transport, housing and social life. Istanbul is changing drastically since he came to power. We are proud to have him as our Mayor, so should the World be!
John So
Mayor of Melbourne, Australia
Comment: John So is an inspiration to the Australian Chinese community by being the first person of Chinese origin elected to a high official position in Melbourne. Throughout his first term he has also provided strong leadership and accomplished almost all of his policies, proving he is a man of his word and of strong principles.
More comments in support of John So, Mayor of Melbourne
Dick Hubbard
Mayor of Auckland, New Zealand
Comment: Mr Dick Hubbard puts the needs of people first. He brings a fresh approach to sustainability for the economy, for the environment and for people of Auckland. He is leading major initiatives to improve the quality of life for people in Auckland. The initiative includes putting new higher standards in place that will ensure better urban design and will protect the heritage buildings and provide creative solutions to transport. The arts, sports and recreation opportunities are being improved too.
Comment: The guy has a real heart for the people of Auckland. He loves this city and it shows.
Comment: Mr. Hubbard is the first genuine caring Mayor Auckland has had since the 50's! A cereal magnate who was so concerned with the way Auckland was run he decided to run himself, 3 weeks before elections! He won as he is reknown for his great kindness towards employees in his cereal factories.He makes himself available every thursday for appointments for public members to talk to him, how many Mayors in the world do that???
Comment: Auckland is an important city for New Zealand and as a Mayor Mr Hubbard displays quite a lot of common sense in dealing with the issues (mainly traffic-related) at hand. Furthermore, he displays a passion for Auckland, which is infectious. You really feel Auckland is a really nice place to live when he speaks of it.
Comment: I salute the Mayor’s decision to preserve Auckland’s heritage and to deny building permission for badly designed buildings.
Arkebe Oqubay
Mayor of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Comment: Arkebe Oqubay is the most dynamic and workaholic Mayor that the city of Addis Ababa has ever seen. In such a short time (18 month), he has completely transformed the cities civil service making it efficient, and conducive for investment. He has been accepted and appreciated by every city dweller beyond party lines. He has accomplished a great deal so that Addis Ababa (being the seat of AU, and ECA) would once again be embraced as African‚s capital. It is amazing how a single individual can bring about a lasting change in such a short time. I am proud to call him my Mayor.
More comments on Arkebe Oqubay, Mayor of Addis Ababa
Patrick Ramiaramanana
Mayor of Antananarivo, Madagascar
Comment: Mayor Patrick Ramiaramanana promotes African unity and trade between African countries. He is also one of Africa's most respected mayors.
More comments on Patrick Ramiaramanana, Mayor of Antananarivo
Smangaliso Mkhatshwa
Mayor of Pretoria (Tshwane)
Comment: Mayor Mkhatshwa is a pioneer of African unity of local governments through the policies of NEPAD. He has spearheaded the formation of and advancement of local government democratic structures in South Africa and indeed in the rest of the African continent and beyond. He remains a beacon of hope for many.
Comment: Father Mkhatshwa has successfully overseen the integration of many councils into one City of Tshwane that truly belongs to all who live in it. The development of the City, integration of the poor into the City's economy, and the provision of basic services to all who live in the City has characterised Father Mkhatshwa's term of office as the City of Tshwane. Furthermore he has successfully left a legacy of stability and good governance in the South African Local Government Association which he lead from 2001- 2004. His efforts to contribute in promoting good governance and the delivery of services to the most vulnerable sector of our communities is currently being felt through his Presidency of the United Cities and Local Governmentrs of Africa (UCLGA)

Each year the most outstanding mayor is presented with the World Mayor Award. In 2004 the Award was won by Edi Rama, Mayor of Tirana. Dora Bakoyannis, Mayor of Athens, is the winner of the 2005 World Mayor Award. 2005 results

• Mayor of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
• Mayor of Antananarivo, Madagascar
• Mayor of Pretoria (Tshwane), South Africa
• Mayor of Buenos Aires, Argentina
• Mayor of Belo Horizonte, Brazil
• Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
• Mayor of Mississauga, Canada
• Mayor of Montreal, Canada
• Mayor of Toronto, Canada
• Mayor of Vancouver, Canada
• Mayor of Guatemala City, Guatemala
• Mayor of Mexico City, Mexico
• Mayor of Akron, USA
• Mayor of Atlanta, USA
• Mayor of Baltimore, USA
• Mayor of Charleston, USA
• Mayor of Chicago, USA
• Mayor of New York City, USA
• Mayor of San Francisco, USA
• Mayor of Seattle, USA
• Mayor of Tinley Park, USA
• Mayor of Washington DC, USA
• Mayor of Beijing, China
• Mayor of Shanghai, China
• Mayor of Tehran, Iran
• Mayor of Hiroshima, Japan
• Mayor of Kitakyushu, Japan
• Mayor of Karachi, Pakistan
• Mayor of San Fernando, Philippines
• Mayor of Taipei, Taiwan
• Mayor of Istanbul, Turkey
• Mayor of Melbourne, Australia
• Mayor of Auckland, New Zealand
• Mayor of Innsbruck, Austria
• Mayor of Vienna, Austria
• Mayor of Grenoble, France
• Mayor of Lyon, France
• Mayor of Paris, France
• Mayor of Strasbourg, France
• Mayor of Berlin, Germany
• Mayor of Bonn, Germany
• Mayor of Düsseldorf, Germany
• Mayor of Frankfurt, Germany
• Mayor of Hannover, Germany
• Mayor of Leipzig, Germany
• Mayor of Munich, Germany
• Mayor of Stuttgart, Germany
• Mayor of Athens, Greece
• Mayor of Rhodes, Greece
• Mayor of Budapest, Hungary
• Mayor of Rome, Italy
• Mayor of Turin, Italy
• Mayor of Venice, Italy
• Mayor of Vilnius, Lithuania
• Mayor of Skopje, Macedonia
• Mayor of Tilburg, Netherlands
• Mayor of Lublin, Poland
• Mayor of Ekaterinburg, Russia
• Mayor of Moscow, Russia
• Mayor of Madrid, Spain
• Mayor of Saragossa, Spain
• Mayor of Stockholm, Sweden
• Mayor of Hartlepool, UK
• Mayor of London, UK
• Mayor of Kiev, Ukraine
More details on finalists