The annual World Mayor project aims to raise the profile of mayors worldwide as well as to honour those who have served their communities well and who have made contributions to the well-being of cities nationally and internationally. 2005 results

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The World Mayor Award

The 2005 results
Contest methodology
List of finalists
Mayor Rama writes - Mayor Bakoyannis replies
The World Mayor Award

Mayor of Athens
Mayor of Guatemala City
Mayor of Mississauga
Mayor of San Fernando
Mayor of San Francisco

Mayor of Athens
Mayor of Guatemala City
Mayor of Mississauga
Mayor of San Fernando
Mayor of Vienna

Comments on finalists from The Americas
Comments on finalists from Europe
Comments on finalists from Asia, Australia and Africa
Comments on Addis Ababa
Comments on Antananariva
Comments on Athens
Comments on Atlanta
Comments on Belo Horizonte
Comments on Bonn
Comments on Guatemala City
Comments on Karachi
Comments on London
Comments on Melbourne
Comments on Mississauga
Comments on Rio de Janeiro
Comments on Rome
Comments on San Fernando
Comments on San Francisco
Comments on Toronto
Comments on Vancouver
Comments on Vienna

Mayor of Addis Ababa
Mayor of Antananarivo
Mayor of Athens
Mayor of Belo Horizonte
Mayor of Bonn
Mayor of Ekaterinburg
Mayor of Guatemala City
Mayor of Innsbruck
Mayor of Karachi
Mayor of Kiev
Mayor of Melbourne
Mayor of Mississauga
Mayor of Munich
Mayor of Rhodes
Mayor of Rome
Mayor of Tshwane
Mayor of Vienna

The 2004 contest
List of all 2004 finalists
Edi Rama wins 2004 award
People ask - Edi Rama replies
Why we voted for the Mayor of Tirana
Why we voted for the Mayor of Mexico City
History of Tirana

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Comments in support
of short-listed mayors
The top 10 mayors in World Mayor 2005 were selected equally on the number of votes received and the quality and conviction of supporting statements. Below we publish an edited selection of comments received in support of mayors from Europe.
Comments from The Americas | Comments from Europe | Comments from Asia, Australia and Africa |
Innsbruck (Austria) | Vienna (Austria) | Paris (France) | Berlin (Germany) | Bonn (Germany) | Düsseldorf (Germany) | Hannover (Germany) | Leipzig (Germany) Munich (Germany) | Stuttgart (Germany) | Athens (Greece) | Rhodes (Greece) | Rome (Italy) | Turin (Italy) | Vilnius (Lithuania) | Skopje (Macedonia) | Tilburg (Netherlands) | Lublin (Poland) | Madrid (Spain) | Saragossa (Spain) | Stockholm (Sweden) | Kiev (Ukraine) | Hartlepool (UK) | London (UK) |
Hilde Zach
Mayor of Innsbruck, Austria
Comment: Innsbruck's mayor, Mrs. Hilde Zach, has led this city since 2002 with a great mixture of intellect and enthusiasm, charme and common sense, skill and conviction. As a woman, I am particularly proud of her achievements in the areas of family and women. She cares about the safety and well-being of women, children and families.
Innsbruck has added daycare facilities for young families, she initiated the Frauen Taxi and specially reserved parking spots for women in the car parks in the city.
She has highlighted the importance of Innsbruck as a city of culture and art. The city has 18 museums, about 40 galleries, about 40 choirs and numerous events and festivals guarantee that the cultural pulse of the city beats strongly. Her support for the cultural improvement of Innsbruck has been vital. She has helped to put this relatively small Austrian city on the world map.
Comment: Mayor Zach is dynamic, she is open-minded. I wish we had such a mayor here in my German hometown. Good luck Hilde Zach.
Comment: Through hard work and with policies, which reflect the character of the people of Innsbruck, Hilde Zach has become the first female Mayor of an Austrian state capital.
Comment: Hilde Zach shows enormous energy, sympathy and enthusiasm in all aspects of her job. I am a dean at the University of New Orleans which has a program in Innsbruck. We are blessed to have her as a partner and supporter.
Michael Häupl
Mayor of Vienna, Austria
Comment: I have personally known Mr. Häupl for more than three decades. Although not born and grown up in Vienna, he has become a real Viennese. He is an extraordinary representative for the melting pot of Vienna. With his background as a biology scientist, he has also proved to be a champion of the environment. However, his most important quality is his capability of to communicate with all the people in Vienna and to get across his political aims so that they are understood by all citizens.
More comments in support of Michael Häupl, Mayor of Vienna
Bertrand Delanoë
Mayor of Paris, France
Comment: Mayor Delanoe has emphasized the role of local democracy (not only because he ended a corrupted system, but also because he has given the inhabitants - natives as immigrants - a role in the lines of the policy). He has improved a lot the every day life (schools, transportation, environment, etc.) and has re-open some critical debates for the future of the city (densification, regional integration, etc.). Last but not least, Paris is back again on the world scene with new urban concepts ("Nuit blanche", "Paris Plage") and participation to world events (2012 Olympic race,...) or world organisations (CGLU!).
Comment: Mr. Bertrand Delanoe is a fine example of civic leadership. He is in tune with the needs of Parisians, including those of us who are not native French citizens. I especially appreciate his green initiatives (extensive bike lanes) and the wonderful multi-linigual Paris ambassadors who welcome tourists in the summer.
Comment: This mayor is open about this homosexuality and for this he has all my respect. It shows that he is an man who doesn't only says what people want to hear. A mayor to be proud of!
Comment: Bertrand Delanoë has brought honest government back to the French capital.
Comment: The Mayor is putting people and quality of life first, before corporate interests. Important social housing actions, while keeping Paris in the spotlight with innovative events such as the ‘Nuit Blanche’ and ‘Paris Plage’. Events that give the city back to its inhabitants. He has a passion for his job. He also shows great generosity, honesty, simplicity, and a sense of humour.
Comment: Since his election, Mayor Delanoë has made Paris a better place to live. There have been notable improvements in city transportation, pollution, and cultural events. He has also made city politics more transparent and accessible.
Klaus Wowereit
Mayor of Berlin, Germany
Comment: The Mayor has been responsible for making Berlin the most exciting city in Europe.
Comment: Klaus Wowereit hat den Status Berlins als absolute Weltmetropole behauptet und ausgebaut. Er ist bürgernah und politisch kompetent zugleich. Ein sehr geachteter Mann, dessen Stimme auch in der Bundespolitik Gewicht hat. Er ist die schillerndste politische Persönlichkeit in Deutschland.
Comment: Great mayor. Manages to be respected and even loved by almost all groups of Berlin's 3.3 million residents regardless of political creed.
Comment: Mr. Wowereit is a real Berliner who cares for the city and has shown to have a great fighting spirit for it. He has a hard job, with a city with billions in debt: Berlin is still one of the best places in the world to live.
Comment: The Mayor has been a great ambassador for Berlin and has, at the same time, remained close to its citizens.
Comment: Mayor Wowereit is caring, honest and gorgeous.
Bärbel Dieckmann
Mayor of Bonn, Germany
Comment: Bonn is an international city with an international Mayor. The City of Bonn is a Multicultural city where people of different races and cultures live together in harmony. The City of Bonn is also one of the cleanest cities in the world and it keeps progressing economically, culturally and socially with a clean environment. We salute Mayor Dieckmann.
More comments in support of Bärbel Dieckmann, Mayor of Bonn
Joachim Erwin:
Mayor of Düsseldorf, Germany
Comment: The Mayor has made Düsseldorf the only financially sound city in North-Rhine Westfalia. Only in this city is money and effort made for the welfare of the population. Düsseldorf attracts more companies than the whole of the region. The city is renowned for its international trade fairs and is a great place to live.
Comment: Mayor Erwin is successful in promoting Düsseldorf on the international stage.
Comment: Joachim Erwin has played a fundamental role in ensuring that Düsseldorf remains Germany's economic powerhouse, being home to some of Germany's top firms and head office to a host of multinational companies. At the same time, Erwin has prioritized enhancing the city's attractiveness, inviting some of the world's finest architects (e.g. Frank Gehry and Sir Norman Foster) for this cause. The rejuvenation of the harbour area into a media and entertainment stronghold in particular is a fine example of the dynamism of the city - defining trends. No wonder the innovative harbour concept is being copied by several other German and international cities. Finally, despite the difficult economic environment in Germany, Erwin has managed to make the city of Düsseldorf debt free - the only city in Germany of its size and scope to be so. Düsseldorf has always been the epitome of Germany's economic miracle - Erwin has made sure it stays that way.
Herbert Schmalstieg
Mayor of Hannover, Germany
Comment: Herbert Schmalstieg ia a totally honest and believable man and politician who supports and acts for peace and freedom in all parts of the world.
Wolfgang Tiefensee
Mayor of Leipzig, Germany
Comment: Wolfgang Tiefensee is a mayor with the know-how to lead the city of Leipzig into the future. Although I do not live in Leipzig, I am impressed by his work. He promotes not only in culture but also brings major firms to the Leipzig.
Comment: Mr. Tiefensee did a brillant work for all the inhabitants of Leipzig. He brought a lot of new jobs to Leipzig - BMW, Porsche, Deutsche Post- a region which has a lot of unemployement.
Christian Ude
Mayor of Munich, Germany
Comment: Lord Mayor Ude has consistently demonstrated his brilliance not only as one of the most respected Mayors of Germany but above all as a supporter of the arts and of long term investment - despite recession and other structural difficulties. He is also a brilliant orator who has used these skills to fight for the rights and needs of all German cities. He is most worthy of being nominated the World Mayor 2005!
More comments in support of Christian Ude, Mayor of Munich
Wolfgang Schuster
Mayor of Stuttgart, Germany
Comment: Mr. Wolfgang Schuster is a very well-educated Man of State. His city, Stuttgart, is economically stable and embracing the future readily. He is doing a very good job and so definitely deserves to be elected World Mayor.
Dora Bakoyiannis
Mayor of Athens, Greece
Comment: During Dora Bakoyiannis' time as mayor of what was once the greatest city in the ancient world, I saw Athens being transformed from a third world city to a modern European metropolis.
Comment: Dora Bakoyiannis is the most competent mayor the city of Athens has ever had.
More comments supporting Dora Bakoyiannis, Mayor of Athens
George Giannopoulos
Mayor of Rhodes, Greece
Comment: Mayor GIannopoulos of Rhodes, Greece is a world class Mayor and I feel that he will be, as in the past a worthy World Mayor. I know Mayor Giannopoulos personally as a former colleague. (Comment by: Ted Laliotis, former Mayor of Los Altos California.)
Comment: Mr. Georgos Giannopoulos, mayor of City of Rhodes.
A big man for a small City. Man with vision, with dream for the City of Rhodes, for Greece, for European Union. Man who put the humans on the center of his hart and his policies as a mayor. Humanly sensitive. He is happy when its people are happy and he is suffering when its citizen of Rhodes are suffering. As architect he designed his policy as mayor, based on high ethical and moral standards, that‚s why he is be loved by all citizens and all the people than they have the good luck to know him.
I wish Greece to had few charismatic men like Mr. Georgos Giannopoulos.
Comment: Mayor Giannopoulos pursued his dream to serve his people and with that knowledge in mind he sought the best solution (not the popular solution) for each situation. He has displayed a most generous and benevolent attitude for all those he comes in contact.
Comment: During his tenure as Mayor, Georgios Giannopoulos has transformed Rhodes from a sleepy, inefficient and run down tourist town to a dynamic, cosmopolitan, thriving, and modern tourist and living center, enjoyed by residents and visitors alike. An architect and town planner by profession, he has upgraded the city's infrastructure (sewers, telephone lines, electricity, environment, etc.) so that its citizens and the thousands of visitors who come to Rhodes each year enjoy an excellent quality of life in this beautiful tree-lined city. At the same time he has preserved the unique historical character of the Old City of Rhodes, a UNESCO World Heritage City, and sucessfully promoted the city as a convention and event center, eco-tourism center, and sports events center. He has instituted a full programme of diversified cultural events from around the world - ballet, opera, theatre, musical concerts, and the eco-cinema series - that attracts people to Rhodes from all over the world and offers its residents a cultural life normally available only in larger cities. Giannopoulos has improved upon the natural attractions of sun, beautiful blue water, sandy beaches, and mild climate to make Rhodes a cosmopolitan jewel of a city and an oasis in the Mediterranean.
Comment: Mr Giannopoulos has managed to promote Rhodes as international player in the world, which is a difficult task for small cities.
Comment: Mr. Giannopoulos George, Mayor of Rhodes, is a progressive man, experienced engineer, who serves the city of Rhodes as Mayor the last ten years. He has a vision of the city and he has already managed to materialise a big part of it. He has completed the necessary environmental infrastructure (draining network for the total area of the city, new biological station), he has given a new image to the commercial and historical center of the city, he has constructed new roads, sidewalks, and public facilities such as municipal picture gallery, baby farms, centers for people with disabilities, offices for the municipal services, e.t.c. He has done a great job in the medieval town of roads, which used to be a deserted area and now days is a popular place and tourist attraction worthy to its value (mr. Giannopoulos is the president of the World Organisation Heritage Cities). He has also organised a series of festivals with different themes. Finally, he has prepared the municipality of rhodes for the years to come, by finding the funds and completed the studies for big developmental projects, such as the new Stadium (Palais Des Sports), the new perimetric road and the new marina (yacht station).
Walter Veltroni
Mayor of Rome, Italy
Comment: Mr. Veltroni is completely devoted to the city of Rome, with a 360 degrees perspective. He has the special ability to consider the international role of Rome as important as the needs of people from the suburbs. Moreover, he chose a team of young, qualified and motivated people to implement his program. Obviously, Rome has many problems, which are not very easy to solve, but I am confident that Mr Veltroni and his team are facing them in the right way.
More comments supporting Walter Veltroni, Mayor of Rome, for World Mayor 2005
Sergio Chiamparino
Mayor of Turin, Italy
Comment: Thanks to Mr Chiamparino, the city of Turin is growing and improving. Turin is not well known, but next year, during the 2006 Winter Olympics, everybody will see this charming, enchanting, fantastic town.
Comment: The Mayor has been successful in preparing Turin for the Olympic Games. He has also created a new future for the city after 50 years of Fiat’s cultural and economic domination
Comment: Turin is my city of residence and I think that our Mayor is a man with initiative and great interest for his city.
Arturas Zuokas
Mayor of Vilnius, Lithuania
Comment: The Mayor has done outstanding work in Vilnius city and has promoted the city at various events and exhibitions. During his term the city image improved dramatically and the management of municipality was greatly improved.
Comment: Arturas Zuokas has helped the city of Vilnius to build important infrastructures as well as prepare Vilnius to be one of the EU capitals. He strives to keep Vilnius beautiful and well-preserved, modern, and safe! Considering all the changes that affected Vilnius since the day Mr. Zuokas stepped into the Mayor's position, he deserves to be elected as one the greatest mayors in the world!
Comment: The Mayor is not afraid of innovation. Together with the citizens, he searches for new investments into the city. During the period he has been working, the city has changed its face 180 degrees. You should compare Vilnius with what it was five years ago - two different cities!
Risto Penov Former Mayor of Skopje, Macedonia
Comment: The Mayor has changed the look of our city dramatically over the past few years. Skopje now looks more 'European' while still retaining its historical character.
Comment: The Mayor has turned Skopje into a European metropolis and he is a very good person to have as Mayor of our city.
Ruud Vreeman
Mayor of Tilburg
Comment: The Mayor makes his people understand that he opposes violence and social misbehaviour. He shows us his priorities, doesn't stick to paper policies, and puts things into action. Mayor Vreeman features a good antenna for citizens: gives feedback on questions and stimulates people to regain their neighbourhoods and revitalize their sense of community. Ruud Vreeman is in contact, he connects policies to peoples.
Comment: Mr. Vreeman had proven to be a good mayor who knows whats going on in his city, who keeps in touch with the inhabitants of his city. He is also very easy to come in touch with not only for the upper-class but especially for 'the man in the street'.
Comment: Ruud Vreeman is the one for me. He is paying more attention to this city rather than to himself. He is a sportsman, active in a progressive political party and former chairman of the transport union. His attempts to achieve good social relations in this city are very successful.
Comment: Since Ruud Vreeman became Tilburg´s mayor, the city started to be much more organised and pleasant because of his cultural background, He invests in people. There are much more cultural activities for everyone, including immigrants. He favours people from diffeent cultures living together in harmony and respecting each other. He is a honest person, serious, dedicated and pro-active. He is the best mayor of Tilburg ever.
Comment: He is one of the most serious, pragmatic, competent mayors I have ever seen.
Comment: Mr. Vreeman is really acting as a ‘primus inter pares’. He is showing leadership, listening to citizens and sharing his values with them by explaining his decisions sincerely and honestly.
Andrzej Pruszkowski
Mayor of Lublin, Poland
Comment: Mr Pruszkowski has turned Lublin, an important city in south-eastern Poland, into ametropolitan area of dynamic development and place of building links between Europe and Ukraine.
Comment: Lublin is becoming a thriving metropolis of Poland. Mayor Andrzej Puszkowski has made a tremendous progress in turning the economy around.
Alberto Ruiz Gallardon
Mayor of Madrid, Spain
Comment: The Mayor continues to promote investment in infrastructure in Madrid, thus converting the Spanish capital into one of the most modern and functional cities in the world, and preparing it for a possible hosting of the 2012 Olympic Games.
Comment: Madrid is a beautiful city with an efficient transport system and a great quality of life. It is one of the most underrated capitals of Europe.
Juan Alberto Belloch
Mayor of Saragossa, Spain
Comment: The Mayor has succeeded in convincing everyone in Saragossa to start a big transformation in the city. And under his Mayoralty the city has been chosen as the venue for the 2008 Expo.
Comment: Mayor Belloch has been able to provide Saragossa with a renewed shift, moving it from a provincial town to a human-sized city, looking forward to the future and the challenges of globalization, making 'local-global' a reality. And this is really difficult specially when you are based in-between two strong players (Madrid and Barcelona).
Annika Billström
Mayor of Stockholm, Stockholm
Comment: The Mayor believes in a society that supports those experiencing hard times. She never tires of ensuring that everyone in Stockholm receives the best possible start in life, no matter from what background. Under her, the city invested millions in education and care for the elderly.
Comment: The Mayor has skilfully balanced the needs of economic development with the need for a sustainable urban environment.
Olexandr Omelchenko
Mayor of Kiev, Ukraine
Comment: Mr. Omelchenko is the most dynamic and effectiv leader in Ukraine.
Comment: Olexandr Omelchenkohas faced harsh critisizm and resistance as a result of the City's participation in the Orange Revolution but democracy has prevailed and the future is bright for Kiew and the Ukraine.
Stuart Drummond
Mayor of Hartlepool, UK
Comment: Mayor Stuart Drummond has made a massive contribution to Hartlepool. His initiatives are the cornerstone of our community, bringing prosperity to a once ailing seaside town. Long may it continue.
Comment: Since coming to office three years ago, Stuart Drummond has worked very hard for the community and the people of Hartlepool. He has achieved success after several attempts by local councillors to undermine him. At this year’s election he received a massive vote of confidence. Carry on the good work!
Comment: Any mayor that can make a monkey out of Peter Mandelson must be the best mayor in the world!
Comment: Stuart Drummond is a breath of fresh area for Hartlepool.
As the youngest Mayor in the UK he has made a great impact on the town and has boosted the image of being a mayor. By doing this he has reached out to the younger people saying its good to care about your community. Stuart Drummond for World Mayor!
Comment: Stuart is my brother, so with unashamed bias; Stuart has single-handedly put Hartlepool on the modern day world map. Many people will have heard of Peter Mandelson but he was never directly linked to the town in people's minds. Stuart however is inextricably linked to Hartlepool (not least through his antics as mascot for HUFC and the ties with the monkey legend) and is tirelessly committed to serving ordinary people! Notoriety has been turned into positive publicity for Hartlepool. The council he leads is recognised as one of the most effective and efficient in the country.
For the people of the town, he is visible, accessible and clear in his ideas and intentions. He avoids hidden agendas and political back biting.
He can claim credit for an initiative to clean up Hartlepool by targeting council resources to specific areas, an initiative which is attracting growing interest from other councils around the country as a 'best-practice' activity.
When he was first elected mayor, three years ago, he had a majority of 600 votes. In this year’s election his majority over his nearest rival was 10,000, in a town where less than 50,000 people voted.
Stuart is also a brilliant brother and I am immensely proud of him. Good luck Stuart.
Comment: Mr Drummond has performed excellently over the past few years. He has managed to put a small town on the world map and as a result has increased the town's economy no end. He really listens to what the people of his town want and he his exceptionally well respected for this achievement. Due to his hard work and effort, Hartlepool is becoming a big town again. He has given the townsfolk their pride back.
Ken Livingstone
Mayor of London, UK
Comment: No other city in the world can compare with London, a city which is truly cosmopolitan. It is the most resilient of cities and in wake of the recent bombings and the composure shown by its residents, there is no one more eligible to win the 2005 World Mayor award than the Mayor of London.
More comments in support of Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London

Each year the most outstanding mayor is presented with the World Mayor Award. In 2004 the Award was won by Edi Rama, Mayor of Tirana. Dora Bakoyannis, Mayor of Athens, is the winner of the 2005 World Mayor Award. 2005 results

• Mayor of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
• Mayor of Antananarivo, Madagascar
• Mayor of Pretoria (Tshwane), South Africa
• Mayor of Buenos Aires, Argentina
• Mayor of Belo Horizonte, Brazil
• Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
• Mayor of Mississauga, Canada
• Mayor of Montreal, Canada
• Mayor of Toronto, Canada
• Mayor of Vancouver, Canada
• Mayor of Guatemala City, Guatemala
• Mayor of Mexico City, Mexico
• Mayor of Akron, USA
• Mayor of Atlanta, USA
• Mayor of Baltimore, USA
• Mayor of Charleston, USA
• Mayor of Chicago, USA
• Mayor of New York City, USA
• Mayor of San Francisco, USA
• Mayor of Seattle, USA
• Mayor of Tinley Park, USA
• Mayor of Washington DC, USA
• Mayor of Beijing, China
• Mayor of Shanghai, China
• Mayor of Tehran, Iran
• Mayor of Hiroshima, Japan
• Mayor of Kitakyushu, Japan
• Mayor of Karachi, Pakistan
• Mayor of San Fernando, Philippines
• Mayor of Taipei, Taiwan
• Mayor of Istanbul, Turkey
• Mayor of Melbourne, Australia
• Mayor of Auckland, New Zealand
• Mayor of Innsbruck, Austria
• Mayor of Vienna, Austria
• Mayor of Grenoble, France
• Mayor of Lyon, France
• Mayor of Paris, France
• Mayor of Strasbourg, France
• Mayor of Berlin, Germany
• Mayor of Bonn, Germany
• Mayor of Düsseldorf, Germany
• Mayor of Frankfurt, Germany
• Mayor of Hannover, Germany
• Mayor of Leipzig, Germany
• Mayor of Munich, Germany
• Mayor of Stuttgart, Germany
• Mayor of Athens, Greece
• Mayor of Rhodes, Greece
• Mayor of Budapest, Hungary
• Mayor of Rome, Italy
• Mayor of Turin, Italy
• Mayor of Venice, Italy
• Mayor of Vilnius, Lithuania
• Mayor of Skopje, Macedonia
• Mayor of Tilburg, Netherlands
• Mayor of Lublin, Poland
• Mayor of Ekaterinburg, Russia
• Mayor of Moscow, Russia
• Mayor of Madrid, Spain
• Mayor of Saragossa, Spain
• Mayor of Stockholm, Sweden
• Mayor of Hartlepool, UK
• Mayor of London, UK
• Mayor of Kiev, Ukraine
More details on finalists