The annual World Mayor project aims to raise the profile of mayors worldwide as well as to honour those who have served their communities well and who have made contributions to the well-being of cities nationally and internationally. 2005 results

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The World Mayor Award

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The 2006 finalists
The World Mayor Award

The 2005 results
Contest methodology
List of finalists
Mayor Rama writes - Mayor Bakoyannis replies
The World Mayor Award

Mayor of Athens
Mayor of Guatemala City
Mayor of Mississauga
Mayor of San Fernando
Mayor of San Francisco

Mayor of Athens
Mayor of Guatemala City
Mayor of Mississauga
Mayor of San Fernando
Mayor of Vienna

Comments on finalists from The Americas
Comments on finalists from Europe
Comments on finalists from Asia, Australia and Africa
Comments on Addis Ababa
Comments on Antananariva
Comments on Athens
Comments on Atlanta
Comments on Belo Horizonte
Comments on Bonn
Comments on Guatemala City
Comments on Karachi
Comments on London
Comments on Melbourne
Comments on Mississauga
Comments on Rio de Janeiro
Comments on Rome
Comments on San Fernando
Comments on San Francisco
Comments on Toronto
Comments on Vancouver
Comments on Vienna

Mayor of Addis Ababa
Mayor of Antananarivo
Mayor of Athens
Mayor of Belo Horizonte
Mayor of Bonn
Mayor of Ekaterinburg
Mayor of Guatemala City
Mayor of Innsbruck
Mayor of Karachi
Mayor of Kiev
Mayor of Melbourne
Mayor of Mississauga
Mayor of Munich
Mayor of Rhodes
Mayor of Rome
Mayor of Tshwane
Mayor of Vienna

The 2004 contest
List of all 2004 finalists
Edi Rama wins 2004 award
People ask - Edi Rama replies
Why we voted for the Mayor of Tirana
Why we voted for the Mayor of Mexico City
History of Tirana

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Comments in support of
Shirley Franklin
Mayor of Atlanta (USA)
The top 10 mayors in World Mayor 2005 were selected equally on the number of votes received and the quality and conviction of supporting statements. Below we publish an edited selection of comments received in support of Shirley Franklin, Mayor of Atlanta (USA).
Comment: Shirley Franklin, the Mayor of my adopted city Atlanta has shown herself over and over not just to be an elected official but a compassionate individual who extends help to those in need she has opened the city of Atlanta to the displaced families of Hurricane Katrina even suggesting a way to have the children of the victims become enrolled in school and has been taking a proactive role with regard to the future of our youth.I applaud her efforts and certainly see her as receipient of World Mayor 2005
Comment: Mayor Franklin is a superb and highly regarded leader of our city of Atlanta who has made us very proud to be citizens of Atlanta. She has served us well by executing her duties with dignity and with respect for all city residents as well as by reaching out to surrounding communities in the metro Atlanta region. This was an essential change from her predecessors and is an example of her thoughtful and effective leadership. Mayor Franklin is an exceptional mayor who deserves high recognition for her successes.
Comment: Mayor Franklin is an outstanding individual. Her compassion and dedication to Atlanta's youth is inspirational and unsurpassed. She is an excellent role model for young women and minorities.
Comment: Shirley Franklin is a great mayor.She is a people's mayor. She make Atlanta a better city to live.She conserns about people's opinion and ideas.She also help students to make a better future. She interviewed hundred students and raised moneyfor students to colleges. She is remarkable.
Comment: Mayor Franklin does something rare for big name politicans today...she is not a hypocrite. She does what she says, and is what she says. She cares deeply for the city and its people, especially those in economic distress. She reaches across political boundaries to focus on getting the job done. She is smart, hardworking, and connected. She is incredible.
Comment: I have lived in Atlanta, GA for 30 years. Mayor Franklin's honesty, sincerety, and "let's roll up our sleeves and get the job done together" attitude is a shining light that pierces the darkness of the typical political dishonesty, aimless rhetoric, and self centered motives. In my 57 years of being a community activist, I have never known anyone who is more of a "peoples' mayor", with more of a sincere concern about making this a better city for the citizens living here, with no hidden agendas. Period!!! I couldn't even "design" a better mayor, than Mayor Shirley Franklin. So, make the right choice for the World Mayors Award. Shirley Franklin is that choice!!! Thank you.
Comment: As a college student in Atlanta I can tell you that Ms. Shirley Franklin is one of the best role models not only for African-Americans, but for all Americas. She has done a great job and I'm sure she will have a promising future.
Comment: Mayor Shirley Franklin is remarkable. She has offered every senior in the Atlanta Public School system her personal assistance with their "Next Step" following graduation. She has given tirelessly to these students, interviewing 800 students individually to understand their needs. She has found employment for over 400 hundred students and has personally the raised funds to assist over 380 students with their first year of college. She has demonstrated her committment to the youth of Atlanta. By providing opportunities to our youth, she has improved the lives of everyone.
Comment: Our Mayor has demonstrated incredible leadership. Against the advice of some of her closest advisors he has taken on the tough issues others have characterized as impossible because they must resolved if Atlanta is to enjoy a bright future. And yet, she has retained a tender heart, full of compassion and caring for the residents of Atlanta. She is a mayor if vision, integrity, courage and love for our city. The combination is awesome. And the sense of renewal and hope she has generated is contagious.
Comment: Mayor Shirley Franklin is truly the best in her class. She has dealt head on addressing budget woes and nursing a city through painful funding shortfalls; she takes risks normally avoided by most in her position knowing full well that it could possibly mean political suicide. Last year, the Mayor's untiring efforts resulted in the City acquiring billon dollar funding for much needed infrastructure repairs. Her strategies and ability to turn around and impact positive change with major problems that plaque most cities i.e., crime, infrastructure, budget deficits, and homelessness are renown. Her successes now serve as examples to other Mayors in their day-to-day challenges of running a major city. This Mayor, Atlanta's first female Mayor, has been acknowledged and recognized for her efforts by her peers, major media/news publications and prestigious foundations citing her courage and tenacity. She does the right thing without compromising her or the City's integrity and creditability. Mayor Franklin is a professional with exemplary standards.
Comment: As the first African-American Female for the City of Atlanta, Mayor Franklin came to us in the midst of turmoil. She came to us with determination and faith. She has overcome major obstacles that the average man would have put aside and she continues to strive to make this a much better city than before. She believes in this city and this city believes in her. She is the World Mayor!!!
Comment: Mayor Shirley Franklin cares about all the people she serves. She works tirelessly, much zeal and she is not afraid to stand behind what she believes is best for all regardless of political pressure. I thank God for a Mayor like her. Best to you Mayor Franklin you clearly are a world mayor in my book.
Comment: Ms. Franklin is like the Energizer Bunny - - she never stops working for her city, including every segment of the population from kids to senior citizens. She is highly intelligent, creative, honest, strategic, and hard working. She has surrounded herself with competent subordinates and has formed alliances with many different stakeholders for the benefit of her city. Finally she has focused on a few key things such as education, quality of life, and economic development and has developed plans for making dramatic improvement in each area.
Comment: Mayor Shirley Franklin of Atlanta, GA USA has proven to be one of the most straight-forward leaders I've ever known of. She tackled the issue of Atlanta's deteriorating sewer system after it had been ignored by city leaders for more than 30 years - through seven prior administrations. In addition, she has addressed Atlanta's poverty and homeliness isssues while providing the foundation for a revitalization of downtown Atlanta, its economic development and arts and cultural environment. She has also reached out to other leaders across the area to foster regional planning, a process that has been lacking up to now.
Comment: Mayor Shirley Franklin has spent her time in office being our mayor and not a politician. Personally, I take what a mayor does and does not do in my city very seriously. My family has been in this city since Peachtree Rd. was a dirty, dusty indian trail.
Mayor Franklin took over after our city's infrastructure had been ignored by previous administrations. She took on the unpopular task of overhauling our sewer system. She runs Atlanta with compassion and competence. And more important than all she runs Atlanta, my home, as though it is her home too!
Comment: As a 14-year resident of the city of Atlanta (relocated from New York City), I have watched Shirley Franklin's development from being a community and business leader to becoming one of this city's finest politicians. While she is confident and steadfast in her decisions - even those that are unpopular - she also has the ability to be flexible and listen to her constituents. At the Mayor's request, our Bureau of Cultural Affairs has formed a rather large committee of local residents who ar charged with informing the Mayor of her office can better serve Atlanta's ever-growing, culturally diverse populations by supporting and promoting diversity in the arts. This is just one example of how she "listens and responds" to the leadership as well as the grassroots residents of her city. She has my vote!
Comment: Mayor Shirley Franklin is an honest, forthright, credible and courageous leader who stepped into a position that had numerous challenges and has truly brought our city together, working on one accord. We were so deep in debt when she first took over the helm, but she made the tough decisions necessary to get us back on track - and it has worked! She is the type of leader who makes everyone want to follow her, because we know the things she is working on and the actions she is taking are for the greater good of all the citizens of Atlanta. When someone brings a good idea to her, she will say, "I like that! You should work with this group and that group and make this come to fruition".... and everyone does. Organizations within Atlanta (corporations, non-profit organizations, educators, small businesses, and government agencies) are now partnering in significant ways to do what is right for this city. We want to tell the world what we already know - Atlanta is wonderful place to visit and an even greater place to live! She works tirelessly on behalf of this city - I see her everywhere! I am beginning to wonder if this woman even sleeps. Her long history of experience in Atlanta government administration has helped her to very quickly make an impact. She knows how to run the City and everyone here is behind her! We are lucky to have the best Mayor in the World... Mayor Shirley Franklin of Atlanta! Submitted with sincere appreciation and gratitude for Mayor Franklin
Comment: Shirley Franklin has made a tremendous effort to make Atlanta a better place to live for all. I think her biggest accomplishment is her fight for the poor and homeless. She spearheaded the 24/7 Gateway project; a facility that will house the homeless and provide, medical, legal, daycare, job training and counseling to help the needy get on their feet. She is not only providing housing, she is providing a gateway to a new life, a new beginning for those that need it. This mayor is human, caring and very involved with her community.
Comment: Mayor Shirley Franklin is a visionary who gets things done. She is not afraid to take on difficult challenges to further the interest of Atlanta and its people. She works well with both grassroots organizations and the business community, getting them to embrace her ideas. She is a tiny lady with a big voice and a big vision for Atlanta. We are so fortunate to have her as our first female mayor, but more importantly, history will remember her as one of our city's best, strongest, and most productive mayors ever.
Comment: Mayor Franklin rescused the city of Atlanta from ineptitude; tackled the unpopular issues of infrastructure - improving sewers and managing wastewater. She made the city function as an efficient corporation and has now focused on the future through the next generation. She adopted and met with the entire senior class and personally worked with them individually to identify their goals and desires. Those who wanted jobs got jobs. Those who wanted to go to college, she got them in and funded. Those who wanted training, she got them trained. Most of all she is engaging by listening and talking to the next generation - our future.
Comment: Mayor Franklin was chosen as one of the five top Mayors in the USA. She is also the only woman picked of the USA Mayors. I am an 82 active woman and I live and vote in the city of Atlanta. Mayor Franklin is the most "hands on" Mayor I have ever experienced. Her word is her commitment. She has done more than any other person to bring the people of Atlanta together. She is totally trusted by the people of Atlanta.
We are so fortunate to have her leadership.
Comment: Mayor Shirley Franklin (Atlanta) has not only local vision but international vision. She has taken a city with poor vision and leadership and made it a fine place to live. She started with tangible results like repairing potholes and has expanded her vision to building a useful infrastructure for future Atlantans. Under her leadership, Atlanta has more parks and greenspace, a better support system for the homeless and a stronger education system. We think Shirley Franklin is the greatest!
Comment: Mayor Shirley Franklin has brought the City of Atlanta from a perception of crime and corruption to one that makes residents proud to call Atlanta home again. She has fervently worked to ensure that all city dealings are fair, legal, and totally above board. In the meantime, she has dealt with a nearly total devastation of the city's aging infrastructure by initiating a campaign for federal dollars by visiting Congress monthly to make her plea in person. Through that effort and countless dedicated hours, we are now on the road to a makeover of the city's sewer system, roads, and bridges. Mayor Franklin loves this city, and it shows. From mounting a one-person campaign to improve the opportunities for the children of Atlanta to attain jobs and work towards acceptance at local colleges, Mayor Franklin has shown that she is deeply concerned for all residents. She should be recognized for her tireless efforts on behalf of the citizens of Atlanta.
Comment: Mayor Shirley Franklin should be the World Mayor because she has done a superb job since she has taken office. She has done great things prior to being mayor. Mayor Franklin is knowlegeable, honorable, dependable and thorough in all that she does. I admire her tenacity and her ethics in government legislation. She richly deserves to be the world mayor.
Comment: Mayor Franklin is an outstanding Mayor. She has addressed some of the toughest issues in Atlanta's history and caused positive change in the midst of negativity and opposition. She successfully addressed and resolved Atlanta's sewer problems, panhandling and other issues. With everything on her calendar she still makes time on her schedule to personally oversee the "Next Step" Program which helps high school seniors attend college and provides internships for them too. There is no other Mayor that provides students with laptops, tuition, room and board, books, supplies, etc.... Shirley Franklin will not only be remembered as one of the first African American female Atlanta Mayors but she will be known as a Mayor who affected positive change in Atlanta during very trying times.
Comment: Ms Franklin has always presented a very calm yet powerful demeanour ever since taking office. The best interests of the City of Atlanta is always at her heart. She even took a pay cut when she was sworn in. I think Mayor Franklin is an excellent leader, Mayor, and will hopefully be President one day.
Comment: Mayor Franklin has brought dignity back to the office and is helping to strengthen the city's infrastructure by improving the sewers of the city.
Comment: Mayor Franklyn is an inspiration to everyone. She inherited a huge budget deficit when she assumed office. She had the courage to cut down expenses including her own salary. She is doing an excellent job for Atlanta and we are all very happy to have her as our mayor.
Comment: Mayor Franklin has provided the city of Atlanta with the leadership that it needs to catapul the city into the next 100 years. She continues to attack the city's decaying infrastructur, this issue alone, because of it's unpopular rammifications was side steped by the last three mayors. Making the hard assesments and decisions to ensure the City of Atlanta remains world class. This is why Mayor Shirley Franklin gets my vote for world mayor.
Comment: Mayor Franklin has crossed the lines of party and ideology to make the citizens of Atlanta believe again in the city's can-do image and reality.
Comment: Since her inauguration on 7 January 2002, the Mayor has taken on the specific and difficult challenges of governing in the new millennium. Her first task as Mayor was to fill a budget gap of $82 million and deliver the 2002 balanced budget to the city council. To balance the budget, she cut her own salary by $40,000, cut the Mayor’s department staff by 50 per cent, axed 277 jobs, eliminated 605 vacancies and raised taxes. She recalled non-essential city-owned cars, cell phones and credit cards and issued an administrative order to freeze vacancies except in public safety.
Comment: In her first term as Mayor of Atlanta, Mayor Franklin has balanced the city budget, helped pass the living wage ordinance, and stood up for Atlanta's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. For these reasons and many, many others, I believe that Shirley Franklin deserves to be the recipient of the World Mayor award.
Comment: Mayor Franklin is the best Mayor Atlanta has had since Maynard Jackson. She has removed reproach from Atlanta since Mayor Campbell's tenure and seeks to make Atlanta a world-class city. Even though Atlanta is a mini New York and may not have all the amenities and space of a larger city, she operates the city so that it is attractive, economically sound, promising with careers and expansion of Atlanta's cultural makeup. She deserves a nomination as well.

Each year the most outstanding mayor is presented with the World Mayor Award. In 2004 the Award was won by Edi Rama, Mayor of Tirana. Dora Bakoyannis, Mayor of Athens, is the winner of the 2005 World Mayor Award. 2005 results

• Mayor of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
• Mayor of Antananarivo, Madagascar
• Mayor of Pretoria (Tshwane), South Africa
• Mayor of Buenos Aires, Argentina
• Mayor of Belo Horizonte, Brazil
• Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
• Mayor of Mississauga, Canada
• Mayor of Montreal, Canada
• Mayor of Toronto, Canada
• Mayor of Vancouver, Canada
• Mayor of Guatemala City, Guatemala
• Mayor of Mexico City, Mexico
• Mayor of Akron, USA
• Mayor of Atlanta, USA
• Mayor of Baltimore, USA
• Mayor of Charleston, USA
• Mayor of Chicago, USA
• Mayor of New York City, USA
• Mayor of San Francisco, USA
• Mayor of Seattle, USA
• Mayor of Tinley Park, USA
• Mayor of Washington DC, USA
• Mayor of Beijing, China
• Mayor of Shanghai, China
• Mayor of Tehran, Iran
• Mayor of Hiroshima, Japan
• Mayor of Kitakyushu, Japan
• Mayor of Karachi, Pakistan
• Mayor of San Fernando, Philippines
• Mayor of Taipei, Taiwan
• Mayor of Istanbul, Turkey
• Mayor of Melbourne, Australia
• Mayor of Auckland, New Zealand
• Mayor of Innsbruck, Austria
• Mayor of Vienna, Austria
• Mayor of Grenoble, France
• Mayor of Lyon, France
• Mayor of Paris, France
• Mayor of Strasbourg, France
• Mayor of Berlin, Germany
• Mayor of Bonn, Germany
• Mayor of Düsseldorf, Germany
• Mayor of Frankfurt, Germany
• Mayor of Hannover, Germany
• Mayor of Leipzig, Germany
• Mayor of Munich, Germany
• Mayor of Stuttgart, Germany
• Mayor of Athens, Greece
• Mayor of Rhodes, Greece
• Mayor of Budapest, Hungary
• Mayor of Rome, Italy
• Mayor of Turin, Italy
• Mayor of Venice, Italy
• Mayor of Vilnius, Lithuania
• Mayor of Skopje, Macedonia
• Mayor of Tilburg, Netherlands
• Mayor of Lublin, Poland
• Mayor of Ekaterinburg, Russia
• Mayor of Moscow, Russia
• Mayor of Madrid, Spain
• Mayor of Saragossa, Spain
• Mayor of Stockholm, Sweden
• Mayor of Hartlepool, UK
• Mayor of London, UK
• Mayor of Kiev, Ukraine
More details on finalists