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World Mayor Nominations 2021
Mansur Yavas, Mayor of Ankara, Turkey The 2021 World Mayor Prize and Commendations will be conferred on mayors who have been showing leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic and who are now aiming to make their cities more resilient economically, structurally, socially and environmentally. In fact: Stronger | Fairer | Greener. The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for mayors who have shown exceptional leadership skills but also, and more importantly, acted at all times with compassion towards those most affected by Covid-19. The pandemic has shown how vulnerable even the richest cities are when confronted with a disaster like Covid-19. Forward-looking city leaders will now begin to re-think how their communities can be better protected against future threats, both natural and man-made. Mansur Yavas, Mayor of Ankara, Turkey, has been shortlisted for the 2021 World Mayor Prize. |
FRONT PAGE About World Mayor City Mayors Foundation ![]() ![]() ![]() WORLD MAYOR 2021 - The Winners - The Project - The Finalists - The Shortlist - The Longlist - Selection criteria - Covid-19 - World Mayor history - World Mayor Sculpture - Poverty - Code of Ethics - Press & Media INTERVIEWS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte ESSAYS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Maire de Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino TESTIMONIALS - Mayor of Amsterdam - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Arnhem - Mayor of Bergamo - Mayor of Bogotá - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Buenos Aires - Mayor of Carmignano - Mayor of Cascais - Mayor of Compton - Mayor of Dantumadiel - Mayor of Freetown - Mayor of Grenoble - Mayor of Grigny - Mayor of Guarulhos - Mayor of Kuala Lumpur - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Mexico City - Mayor of Milan - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rostock - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte - Mayor of Warsaw WORLD MAYOR 2018 WORLD MAYOR 2016 WORLD MAYOR 2014 WORLD MAYOR 2012 WORLD MAYOR 2010 WORLD MAYOR 2008 WORLD MAYOR 2006 WORLD MAYOR 2005 WORLD MAYOR 2004 |
Nominations for Mansur Yavas Mayor of Ankara (Turkey) Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | Page 10 | Nominated by Bensu E., Ankara: The Mayor has started a brand new era for Ankara. He gave us the feeling of trust and equality. We have seen that we are not alone, that he is there for anyone he needs a helping hand even in pandemic conditions. Our children call him “Grandfather Mansur”. Because Mansur YAVAS has a heart full of humanity and has a great love. Children can feel it. Women had a hard time in the pandemic. We heard a lot of news about being battered, thrown into the streets and left in an unsafe environment. Probably, these had various sociological reasons, but the only thing I know is that Mansur YAVAŞ established an application called “My Purple Map” prepared for women and placed it on the municipality's phone application. Any woman who feels insecure can now call for help by pressing that key. In order to walk on our streets comfortably at night, he is completing the missing street lamps despite the ban on going out in the pandemic. When we call the Call Center at 153 and send a request, we get an immediate response. He guides his teams to the tainted women and children. He loves Ankara and the people of Ankara. We love him too. He always gives importance to women's cooperatives and sends their products to those in need or helps women to earn income by making them sell the products in the municipality's markets. While no masks were found in the early stages of the pandemic, he set up a workshop and produced masks. Then he distributed all of these masks to the public for free. Nobody could do this except Mansur Yavaş. My vote is definitely to Mansur Yavaş, who gives love and trust to his people. Nominated by Asuman D., Ankara: Allow me to tell you that I was over joyed to find out that Mayor of Ankara, Mansur Yavas, is one of your candidates for the best mayor... Thank you for such a well-deserved candidacy! Mansur Yavas took the seat on 31st of March, 2019 and during the past two years, despite the pandemics, and more importantly despite all the unlawful obstructions from the ruling government, he has realized innumerous very useful projects for the people of Ankara with vision, transparency, accountability, honesty, hard work and vigor… I am a retired professor from the Middle East Technical University, Ankara. He has changed so much in my life in a positive way: I am indebted... Sometimes being a heroic mayor is being some one with a strong belief in democracy, abidance to law, avoid corruption and there was a desperate need for his qualities in my country; he gave us hope; he made us dream again; he made us believe again! Once again thank you. Nominated by Özlem O., Ankara: Türkiyenin Başkenti Ankaraya yakışır bir başkan ve yönetim şekli. israfın önüne geçmeyi amaçlayan, içinde bulunulan zorlu süreçte hem esnafına hem ihtiyaç sahibi hane halkına sahip çıkan, topraktan geldiğimizi unutmayarak ata tohumu yetiştiriciliğine teşvik ederek topraklarımızı canlandırması ile, internet erişimi olmayan çocukların eğitimden mahrum kalmaması adına internet erişimi sağlayarak, göreve geldiğinden beri sayamadığım, unuttuğum Ankara nın soğuk kasvetli havasına can getirecek dokunuşları, kişiliği kadar görev adamlığı ile de bugünün ve yarınların örnek belediye başkanıdır Mansur YAVAŞ. Nominated by Kevser K. T., Ankara - I admire Mayor of Ankara for the initiatives he has taken in the field of Environment and Water Projects and Rural Development, which even the Green Movement in Western countries might envy. He made sure green areas were protected and more trees were planted. - He increased recycling of garbage. - The fact that he has never neglected stray animals even under the extraordinary conditions of the pandemic, has deeply affected me as an animal lover. - I highly appreciate our mayor’s support for local produce and fresh products of cooperatives - I admire our mayor for the initiatives he has taken in the field of Environment and Water Projects and Rural Development, which even the Green Movement in Western countries might envy. - The fact that he has never neglected stray animals even under the extraordinary conditions of the pandemic, has deeply affected me as an animal lover. - He has gained my confidence by publicly accounting for the goods and services purchased for the Municipality - People recognize and appreciate all the hygienic measures taken in public areas since the very beginning of the pandemic. - In addition to the wide usage of disinfectants he made sure that warning signs were placed all around the city, reminding citizens to be precautious of the pandemic at all times. - The community of Ankara is aware that our mayor has provided free transportation for all health workers and highly appreciates this. - I know for a fact that our mayor has provided free Internet services in order to support distance education and online exams for citizens residing in hundreds of low income neighborhoods. - He made some wonderful arrangements that made it possible for people with the means to help pay the bills of the needy, and remain anonymous so as not to aggrieve the people the city helped. - He started a campaign with the slogan “Kindness is more contagious than illness” to help provide payment for water and electricity bills of the needy. - As an Ankara resident, I am proud of the Ankara-based campaign our mayor initiated with the slogan “The problem is global, the solution is local” under the platform of “Capital Cities Alliance Against the COVID-19”, which brought many capital cities together, forming a communication and consultation network against the pandemic. Nominated by Merve G. D., outside Turkey: I am a Turkish citizen who is currently studying in Tarragona/Catalonia for my postgraduate program. Mansur Yavaş is a fantastic mayor for Ankara. Thanks to Mansur Yavaş who provides many wonderful actions plan for the capital of Turkey during the COVID-19 pandemic. For example; he provided a free internet connection for students who could not reach the internet connection and are living in small villages of Ankara due to their economical issues during a pandemic. His team attaches great importance to being transparent in all the work that has been done until this day, and these works can be followed online. I hope all problems will be solved for Ankara, also in the future under the mayorship of Mansur Yavaş. If there is a president who deserves the 2021 World Mayor Award, it is definitely Mansur Yavaş. Nominated by Ivzer S., Ankara: Hello, I'm İzver from Ankara. I want Mansur Yavaş to win the 2021 World Mayor Award. I have many reasons but I will mention a few that are critical. Turkey's one of the most important issues is to have confidence so far. No mayor who has come to Ankara has ever had such confidence give to us. The subway might not come to this city in one day, but he brought trust in one day. In this pandemic time. Everyone waited Mansur Yavaş’s announcements after listening Health Minister’s announcements. He touched the extreme point of society. He helped the people who have not thought even by the State and difficult professions. The move that impressed me the most was that the free SMA test would be given to the couples before marriage. Until now, even the government could not think of it, but the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality did. Nominated by Hazal K., Ankara: My reason for voting for Mansur Yavaş is various. But I have listed some of the social media headlines that caught my attention below. • Due to the closure of many cafeterias and restaurants, dry food distribution has started for street animals. • EGO (Public Transportation Services), which are exclusively for healthcare professionals, started to offer free services. • The Municipality started producing sodium hypochlorite as disinfectant and distributed to public while disinfecting by teams of professionals. • 22,360 liters of disinfectant were used and 14,423 points were disinfected. These disinfections are carried out with 221 personnel using ULV (Large Volume Sprayer) and back sprayer methods. • Labels indicating social distance were affixed to the areas of elevators and waiting areas of markets and service buildings. • In order to create awareness, posters of #EvdeKalAnkara (#StayHomeAnkara) were hung on the streets and boulevards all around Ankara and information was shared on led screens. • Paper collecting was banned across the city. Daily food and sheltering needs were met for those who earned their living by collecting paper. In addition, disinfection was made in the storage areas. During the pandemic's challenging conditions, the activities and campaigns of Mansur Yavaş were followed with admiration by the whole public. However, it is even more critical for us that he has never stopped environmental protection activities. Despite the long-standing concreting activities in Turkey, Mayor Yavaş's efforts to green Ankara continuous. One of the most significant and most memorable activities in my mind is to offer the Çubuk Dam recreation area to the citizens' service. During the pandemic period, this area has become a popular destination for the people of Ankara on weekends, as it is a way for the citizens to go outside the city center and is an area that you can breathe comfortably. Besides, this area is also important because it was first built by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the Turkish Republic founder. Mansur Yavaş's completion of this work has shown people the importance he gives to democracy and the Republic as much as he shows to nature. In other words, Mansur Yavaş both protects the nature, history and culture of Ankara and helps people in need during the pandemic. He has also started to work on environmental issues such as the "Climate Action Plan" and "water conservation/ water policies", which have not been mentioned for years in Ankara. Mansur Yavaş, who could allocate both opportunities and budgets even for them during the pandemic period, represents a mayor profile longed for Turkish people with his versatile way of thinking. Finally, he has recently launched the "Yeşilin Başkenti (Capital of Green)" campaign (In this campaign, people choose the tree and the place they want to be planted, and the municipality carries out the planting process.). This campaign shows us again, like other campaigns, that President Yavaş aims to protect the green, make solidarity among the citizens and gain the habit of doing something together. I give my vote to him because of his many policies that prioritized on people, the environment, solidarity, and being human. Nominated by Aslihan S., Turkey: I was born and raised in İstanbul. No doubt, i’m in love with this city but Mansur Yavaş made me feel like, if i ever visit Ankara, slip and fall in Kızılay Square, he would show up like Superman and pick me up off the ground. He is fair and square. I would like to see him as The President of Turkey. Nominated by Alinda A., Turkey: My name is Alinda. I strongly believe that Mansur Yavaş is the most appropriate candidate for the elections. Although I live in Istanbul, his achievements and supports for the citizens in Ankara makes me proud. I think that citizens in Ankara are lucky to have such a great major. All of his projects are related to the citizens’ needs and safety. His achievements are not just related to the human citizens, but also for the animals, who do not have a voice to speak up. Mansur Yavaş became the voice of all of us, including the animals living in the streets. I would like to appreciate him for his works. He is the pride of our capital city, Ankara. Thank you for your consideration. Nominated by Gamzegül B., Ankara: Hello, I am Gamzegül from Ankara/Turkey. I want to write about our metropolitan municipality mayor Mansur Yavaş. I didn't know him before the mayor elections. I voted for him because he gave me confidense. After he won the elections, I saw that I am right. He shows us how a fair and tolerant mayor would be like. In Turkey, many young people are hopeless about the future. We have worries about our future. There are economic troubles, injustice and pressure here. Mansur Yavaş shined like a sun in all these troubles. He helps people in need, he helps students, he helps farmers. He facilitates the services in Ankara for the public. He tries to prevent waste. He works for all Ankara, but many people from other cities also love him. He also loves people and he is respectful to us. He loves young people like his own children. He calls us (young people) "My dear child(ren)". He paid the exam fee for students who cannot afford it. He actively uses social media and keeps us up to date. He even has a Twitch channel. He is a lawyer, he is very fair and humble mayor. Above all, he is fallowing Atatürk's way. He's our hope and our idol. He is already the best mayor of the world for us. Nominated by Gul K., Ankara: I would like to provide my support for him working to provide all the city resources almost equally. - Providing free internet to the villages without internet for children who are unable to access their online lectures during a pandemic. - The municipality broadcasts lives on TV to transparently communicate to people of Ankara on its website. - He is honest, he hasn't stolen or sold any parcels in Ankara - He has helped all the people live in Ankara, even if their municipalities do not belong to Yavas' party. - He has always provided the cheaper and good quality foods and products for the families or peoples who have low level income. In addition to all these, the personality, manners and morality of the gentleman set an example for all other politicians. Nominated by Serpil I., Turkey: Hello, my name is Serpil. I live in Düzce. I deserve this award of Mansur Yavaş, one of the best politicians of my country, to the 2021 World Mayor Award. I don't live in Ankara, but what they do is shining a light not only for Ankara, but for everyone with their exemplary behavior. Maybe you would you even be able to become a candidate for the presidency, wouldn't you? I'll cheer for you. Mr Yavaş. Nominated by Irem Ö., Ankara: Mr. Mansur Yavaş was chosen by taking 51% of the votes of this city in 2019. The executives who were in that seat until he came, made all kinds of discrimination, partisanship, favoritism. They never had a goal to appeal to all segments of society and to enter the hearts of everyone. Mansur Yavas¸ has embraced the whole city and extended his hand to everyone since he was elected. It has not made any discrimination or favoritism since the first day. He avoided domestic politics and spent all his knowledge and strength to serve this city. Expenses of every action were displayed in public areas with large banners, and before 2020, all NGOs and associations were invited together to determine the budget items for the next year. Mansur Yavas¸ has not offended anyone since the day he was elected, on the contrary, he has been appreciated and appreciated by everyone who has not increased his vote and did not vote for him. If anyone deserves this award, it is undoubtedly Mansur Yavas¸ for me. Nominated by Naik E. C., Ankara: My name is Nazik. I am from Ankara, born and raise. I am a young lawyer, who both suffers the economic problem as a worker and young person in Turkey. Thanks to Mansur Yavas, we remember sharing is important. He build a site to donate needy people. Since the COVID-19 the economy was really close to dead. However he found a way to help people. As a colleague of him, in the assembly he gives no way for unlawful acts and behaviour. Which is really important for me as vocational but important as a citizen too. If someone should be the best mayor it is definetly Mansur YAVAŞ. I am so proud to have a such mayor like him. Thank you for your time and attention, Nominated by Alp Ö., Ankara: As a 22 year old university student that lives in Ankara, I can say that, for the first time in my life, I feel like a valued citizen due to Mansur Yavaş’s more then commendable and amazing work as a mayor. Ever since he was elected into the Office as the mayor in april 2019, he has been constantly doing life improving reforms and work, mainly when he has started a policy of student friendly capital, where he has supported students with cheaper transportation, direct transportation lines to the universities, and more. And that is what he did in education alone, he has also committed himself and the municipality to improve the quality of life by supporting the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the animals and the capital itself when it comes to the wildlife, by preserving the remaining green and actually planting trees (similar to what MrBeast did in his 20 mil trees campaign in the United States), his ability to be there for those that were and are in need during the covid disasted. There is also so much more to talk about regarding what he did. But I want to cut it short here and say, as a person and a mayor, Mansur Yavaş deserves all the good things the World has to offer, and I am proud to call him my mayor!. Nominated by Levent D., Turkey: My vote for Ankara Mayor Mansur Yavas. He managed all Ankara city very well during the pandemic. He supports small business by encouraging people to shop with them. He supports private public transportation market by giving free disinfestation service to all buses, shuttle buses. He also supports all unemployed people that lost their jobs due to pandemic by delivering ready to eat foods. He assured all restaurants to buy their ready to eat products. He also kept feeding all animals that lives in the street in a routine municipality activity. He put on hold all penalties related with unpaid water bills and keep supporting all residence to receive water service. He also arranged a system for paying debths of unemployed people to local markets. For supporting first responders / health personnel, public transportaion become free, some hotels arrange who does not want to carry virus to families. I live in Turkey İstanbul. My relatives in Ankara use some of these supports. Nominated by Osman A., Ankara: I am supporting Mr. Yavas for selection of word Mayor for giving first priority to human, sustainable environment, and transparency in his services. Although facing many obstacles from the central government from taking the position he never complained, rather focus on his duty. He is the one of the best Mayor in Turkey to achieve public support, love and confidence not only in Ankara but also in general in Turkey. He is initiating aid companies for the people in need without discriminating them, sender and receiver doesn’t know each other. He is also provide free internet services for the students living outskirt of the Ankara for accessing on line education. One of the other things which I like his working for the protection of the Ankara soul, history. Nominated by Abdullah Ö., Ankara: We use public transport safely. The municipality has always been with the unemployed people. He brought people to each other. He did not leave anyone alone. •¨Mansur Yavas¸ supported the farmer and we were able to consume cheap and quality products. • He owned the works to revive the glorious history of our city. He made me proud of being from Ankara. • The city has had concrete instead of green space for a long time. We now have many forests. He ended corruption and theft. • He took care of stray animals. • Mansur Yavas¸ gave hope to everyone. We love and trust him. Nominated by Gül E., Ankara: I have foreseen what kind of mayor he will be, from the brand value he brought to the district where he was previously mayor. First of all, he has a serious and duty-oriented stance. In the process of combating Covid 19, in addition to taking many serious measures, he has provided great support to citizens economically damaged by this epidemic with the transparent aid campaigns he has launched. I appreciate his result-oriented decisions, and confident, reliable management style. I think he will continue to contribute a lot to Ankara. Nominated by Bahadir G., Ankara: I am very happy and proud that Mansur President has been nominated for this award. There are still those who do not want to see what they are doing in our country, but the world follows Ankara closely. He proved himself with what he has done since the first day he took office. His open and transparent sharing of tenders, council meetings and expenditures made in the municipality really impressed us. The fact that the municipality provides equal services to all parts of the city with a transparent participatory administration has increased the confidence in itself. If you get stuck on the road in Ankara, Mansur President will save you at that moment. The social assistance services he provided especially during the Coronavirus period, the facilities provided to the families who had no condition, the internet service and equipment support for the students who received distance education but could not have internet-tablets showed us how well the municipal facilities were used. In addition, it made us very happy that the exam fees of our student brothers and sisters who will enter the university entrance exam were paid by the municipality. There are many services he has done, it is not possible for me to fit all of them in these lines. I believe with all my heart that our President will win this award. "We have only one problem, we have no other problem than the people of Ankara not to go to bed hungry without giving an account to the people of Ankara and working as an asphalt concrete municipality, not having a child who does not study, and living healthy and happy for the people of Ankara." - Mansur Yavaş Nominated by Zeynep K. Ankara: I am Zeynep from İzmir. However, I have been living in Ankara for 4 years. I am an university student. Which means money issue can become easily a problem in our lives. Thanks to Mansur Yavaş , university students are paying 50% discounted water bills. There are several examples that he did. For me, one of the most remarkable work done by Ankara Municipality is that all villages of Ankara got internet connection. This is extremely important because due to covid-19, children cannot go to school. Especially the children in villages have more difficult conditions. Mansur Yavaş provides opportunity equality for all children in Ankara. He deserves to 2021 World Mayor Award. Nominated by Zuhal D., Ankara: My candidate is Mansur Yavas¸, the mayor of Ankara. Despite the govermental restrictions politically put forward on his actions to help people in need of food, he was able to help by finding new ways which no one can restrict any more. Curing Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is very costly( 2 million dollars). The benefit from this curing is not certain. He has started to test the couples before marriage for SMA without any charge. This step must be taken by the goverment for Turkey. Mansur Yavas¸ at least in Ankara put an end to life long suffering of families. All his actions are open to community, and no bribery is allowed. Nominated by Mehmet O. T., Ankara: People recognize and appreciate all the hygienic measures taken in public areas since the very beginning of the pandemic. He started a campaign with the slogan “Kindness is more contagious than illness” to help provide payment for water and electricity bills of the needy. As an Ankara resident, I am proud of the Ankara-based campaign our mayor initiated with the slogan “The problem is global, the solution is local” under the platform of “Capital Cities Alliance Against the COVID-19”, which brought many capital cities together, forming a communication and consultation network against the pandemic. Nominated by Gizem C., Ankara: Dear Sir or Madam, I have been living in Ankara since the day I was born. After witnessing that Ankara has been ruled by another administration for more than twenty years, I can say that there can be another way of ruling a city. I feel safer and happier since Mansur Yavaş took over the administration. During the pandemic period, his aids to the people of Ankara, especially local tradesmen and craftsmen; are exemplary assistance for Turkey. The money and taxes of the people of Ankara are returning to the people of Ankara as both aid and service. The people of Ankara are being managed with the best municipal service in such a difficult period. It is again Mansur Yavaş who ensures proper aid and service to the needy every Ramadan. Mr. Yavas also supported the establishment of cooperatives by encouraging women in the districts of Ankara and the sale of natural products produced by housewives. Yavaş has expanded the internet connections in necessary places for our children who receive online education to benefit from it and provided the children with the necessary tools. He became the only Mayor of Ankara who supported the people of Ankara to help each other. Another positive thing about him is his relations with youth and others. His social media team may be the best social media team that a mayor can have. Their works are so transparent, funny, informative and helpful. His interaction with youth is another thing that anybody can admire. One of his twitch live broadcast with a young famous twitch user had the most “clicks” while they’re online. This is an exemplary thing for a digital age. Besides all of these Mansur Yavas administration is the first administration which organized conventions and educations for animal right activists and pet owners. His relationships with Government is also a good example for other municipalities and mayors. Usually here in Turkey we may witness the problems if the mayor of a city is a representative of an opposition party. However under Mansur Yavas administration we see rather cooperative and good relations between them. Since the day he’s in charge , he has only made investments so that the people of Ankara can live in a livable city. Even the pandemic period did not stop Mansur Yavaş's work. Mansur Yavas is honest, loving to serve, hardworking, a productive and successful mayor, and only thanks to these he is not only the best mayor of Turkey but also and certainly the best mayor of the world. Nominated by Güntaç Ö., Turkey: Because of the fact that he is within the limits of financial resources as well as political surroundings existing. He was extremely dilligent in avoiding clashing power struggle with Central Authorities. He still menages to stay standing up despite extremely difficult barriers and hinderances. Most recently, he was able to reach needy people thru credit card systems uploaded on gift food packages. When people goes to designated distribution centers with credit points, they were instantly served with the packages. This has been very creative as well as socially desirable. Nominated by Ismet A., Ankara: I would like to share some of the projects that Mansur Yavas¸ has completed and put into practice listed below. Mr. Mansur Yavas¸, has started broadcasting of the tenders live as a requirement of the transparent municipal management approach. A project was completed during the pavement renovation work at the Kızılay area to improve the visual memory of the students who were studying for their exams and Mathematics, physics and chemistry formulas were written on the pavement Stones. During the cold winter days, The Metropolitan Municipality distributed hot soups to university students in University campuses and in subway stations where students uses so often. The Metropolitan Municipality started technological applications such as Bas¸kent Mobil and Muhtar Mobil to help the residents for an easier access to the municipality services and for inquiries. Animal lovers started using the "Paw Support" application to help the paws. He started many projects to increase the solidarity between people of Ankara. Ankara Metropolitan Municipality has been supporting the healthcare professionals during their fights with the global epidemic. Healthcare workers have started using the public transportation free of charge. Bus routes were chnaged and updated upon their requests and the travel times were shortened. The Metropolitan Municipality employed many tailors who lost their jobs due to curfews and lockdowns; produced and distributed medical masks for free of charge as well as the hand sanitizers. The Metropolitan Municipality provided food packages and financial support to Ankara residents who lost their jobs and their incomes such as bagel sellers, restaurant owners and waiters. Financial support was provided to the people working public transportation services. Ankara Municipality paid all the receivables of the tradesmen before their due dates. Throughout the month of Ramadan, iftar food was served to people aged 65 and more who could not go out due to the curfews. Ankara Municipality started the “Let 6 Million feast in One Heart” campaign on its website. In the campaign, around 150.000 number of unpaid water bills were paid, 500.000 iftar packages delivered to the people in need, free credits were supplied 13.000 Ankarakart holders to use in public transport, cash aid was delivered to more than 60.000 people in need. Mr. Mansur Yavaş believes in equal opportunity in education, therfore he started to provide free internet services in many neighborhoods so that the students could use for e- School. Computers in the Family Living Centers were allowed to be used by children. Ankara Metropolitan Municipality organized online trial exams for students studying for LGS and YKS exams. We support Mr.Mansur Yavas¸ for his honesty, humanity, transparent municipalism understanding and for the projects he has started. Nominated by Ilayda C., Ankara: First of all I believe each and every candidate earns this award, but Mansur Yavaş should win it because most of the mayors have their government’s support, when they are trying to save someone or when they are trying to help those who are in need, their government are having their backs. Sadly, that is not the case in Turkey. Mansur Yavaş is trying to protect all living creatures in a country that is governed by people who don’t believe any law is needed in order to protect animals, children or woman. The first thing he did when he became a mayor was to sell all those unnecessarily luxurious official cars and he started to spend those money for the people in need. He started to live-stream all of the meetings (it is a big deal in Turkey because everything always happens behind closed doors). During the pandemic, he provided food aid and financial support to those families who lost their jobs and provided internet connection to students who couldn’t afford it. He started a free mental health consultancy program. When farmers couldn’t open the farmers market and school bus drivers couldn’t get paid because there was no school, he purchased all of the farmers food and via school bus drivers, he sent them all to those people who are in need and desperate for even a little bit of food. Because the private theater scenes were about to go bankrupt, he bought 37 of their plays. When the former mayor of Ankara was a person who believed that woman can be raped if they are wearing skirts or if they drank alcohol,(and he wasn’t afraid or even ashamed of tweeting about this) Mansur Yavaş is doing best of he can to make the woman of Ankara feel safe again. While “Animal Rights Law” is being denied by the government, he is keeping the animals safe in his city. He is paying the examination fees of the students who need to take the exam in order to get into college, but are not able to afford the fee because it is getting pricier each year. He is reducing the amount of water bills of the students also. It is scary to even say what you think nowadays in Turkey, but since he became the mayor of Ankara, he never once was afraid and he broadcasted each and every illegal thing that was done by the former mayor and he opened a lawsuit for each of them. I am sure there are many more things that I can list but since I am not a politician, and just a student born in İstanbul, currently going to college in Ankara, these are the things that came from the top of my head. I am a 100% sure he is the best candidate because even the bare minimum of the good deeds he needs to do, he has to put in a lot of effort to do so. May the best man win. Nominated by Erdogan C., Turkey: Mansur Başkanın Belediyesi “İyilik hastalıktan daha bulaşıcıdır” kampanyasıyla yoksulların su-elektrik faturalarının ödenmesini sağladı. Sağlık çalışanlarını ortalıkta bırakmayıp işyerlerine ücretsiz taşıdı. “Veresiye Defteri Kapatma” kampanyası ile yoksul ve muhtaçların borçları ödendi. Bu çalışmalarının ödüllendirilmesi gerekiyor çünkü vahşi piyasa koşulların bunalttığı insanlara insan olma onurunu, toplumsal dayanışmanın yaşamsal önemini, demokrasilerde sorunlara ortaklaşa çözümler üretilebileceğini gösteriyor. Bu seçimde hak ettiği ölçüde yoğun oy almasını diliyorum zira Mansur Başkanın başarıları yerel yönetimden merkeze ülkemizin demokratik temellerini güçlendiriyor. Nominated by Mirac S., Turkey: Greetings, i am from Turkey and wrote this email to vote for the greatest mayor in our country, Mansur Yavas. I personally have never been to Ankara, not even crossed that province while on bus to travel to other provinces but i often check what Mansur Yavaş did in management of Ankara on social media, and i can easily say that he is the best mayor of any province of Turkey, like many other people in my country, especially in Ankara. i know more about him than i know about the mayor of my province. His management during covid-19: * He started a hygiene mobilization in ankara (public transportation etc) * he announced that no ones water will be cut off for 2 months * he started a service to disinfect houses of elderly * banned un-sterilised public transit to work on duty * he dealt food in cooperation with animal rights movements as most places that stray animals would get food from would be closed * made public transportation free for health workers * he re connected water & natural gas to houses of those that could not pay their water & natural gas bills * ASKI started producing disinfectants His achievements in general as the mayor: * As early as literally yesterday or something he announced a social assistance project worth 100.000.000₺ • BaskentKart with 400? deposited for 113.000 Families • 400? worth of monetary support for 18.500 people who lost their jobs during the virus or small businesses that lost income during coronavirus, and sector representatives(? didnt understand what it means) • 470? worth of food support for 100.851 Families, * He re-added T.C. (Republic of Turkey) phrase back onto signs in the municipality hall ( this might not seem like a lot but it really is) * Municipality meetings and tenders begun stream on internet live (as in a transparent municipality) • He made public transportation during national holidays free of charge • he sold obsolete authority vehicles outside compulsory duty • he brought internet free of charge to villages in Ankara • he sold luxury vehicles belonging to the municipality in transparent open tenders • he sold authority vehicles and literally uses minibuses to get to the municipality. And many many more, there are too much of them for me to list here Nominated by Leyla B., Turkey: I live in Izmir (Turkey), but I follow the services of the Mayor of Ankara, Mr. Mansur Yavaş, on social media and my candidate for the "World Mayor Award 2021" is the Mayor of Ankara, Mr. Mansur Yavaş, because: • He broadcasts the municipal council meetings live on social media. • He reports on his services on the streets of Ankara and in the media with banners. • He always considers fairness/justice in his services. • He provides financial and food aid to people in Ankara who have financial problems, regardless of religion, language, race or party, without discrimination. • He offers free computer, tablet or internet services to children who do not have access to education due to financial difficulties during the corona pandemic. • He values nature and greenery and organizes reforestation campaigns. • During the pandemic, he does not forget the stray animals either and he ensured that they are well fed and protected. • He avoids waste /extravagancy, for example he sold off the luxury vehicles his predecessor had bought. • He is humble, wanders among people and listens to their problems. • He uses the unifying language "we", not "me". • He avoids polemics and answers the allegations with documents. MOST IMPORTANT: With the principle of transparency and accountability, he has created a bridge of trust with the public. Nominated by Yüksel D., Ankara: Mr. Mansur Yavaş, the mayor of the Ankara metropolitan municipality, has overcome all the difficulties in Ankara during the pandemic process and has been on the material and moral side of the people in all matters. Based on transparent municipal management, Mr. Mansur Yavaş has become the favorite of the people by creating a different municipal management system compared to all municipal systems in Turkey. Nominated by Sevinç E., Ankara: As a result of the pandemic, citizens from all fields of work are faced with financial issues. During the pandemic, where making a living became harder than ever, Ankara’s Mayor Mansur Yavaş helped for the payment of the debts to tradesmen. By doing this, he not only helped the citizens who are in a bad financial situation but also the tradesmen who are at the edge of bankruptcy. This way, he produced a solution to the many negativities caused by the pandemic and thus managed to make people smile with social solidarity. I support Mansur Yavaş in the World Mayor 2021 due to the support he provided for the citizens and for facilitating the pandemic in the best way possible. Nominated by Elif H., Ankara: Hello, my name is Elif Heper, the President who deserves the 2021 World Mayor award must be Mansur Yavaş. It has made our capital a livable place with its fair and humanitarian approach, and honest and sincere management style. He was loved and respected so much with his success that the Turkish people started to want him to rule the country. With his help to people during the pandemic process and his innovative breakthroughs, he became a very good example for young people and Hope for our future. Nominated by Mehmet F., Ankara: Mansur başkan pandemi nin başından bu yana sosyal dayanışmayı ön plan çıkararak iyilik hastalıktan daha bulaşıcıdır kampanyasıyla askıda fatura ödemesi, veresiye defteri kapatma, yoksullara sıcak yemek, şehrin, toplu taşıma araçlarının v.s dezenfekte edilmesi, sokak hayvanlarının unutulmaması, ihalelerin şeffaf yapılması ve tv den yayınlanması gibi hizmetleri yadsınamaz. En son 29.04.2021 tarihinde belediye beyaz masayı arayarak apartmanın civarında çok fazla sivrisinek olduğunu bildirdim. ½ saat sonra belediye ekipleri gelerek bahçe yeşilliğini, çöp konteynırlarını ve karşıdaki yeni inşaat alanını ilaçladılar ve en son 17 günlük toplu kapanmada esnafa destek paketi açıkladılar. Bu nedenle Mansur Yavaş ve ekibine güvenim sonsuzdur. Nominated by Ece S., Turkey: Let me introduce myself: I am a Turkish citizen from Istanbul, Ece Sarpyener... This letter of support for Mansur Yavas¸ is very dear to my heart so I will add a personal detail: I am the daughter of the world beauty queen, Miss Universe of 1932... I am writing this detail to demonstrate the fact that the young Turkish Republic was striving to become a modern country then but has taken a very different path for the past 20 years... What this has got to with Mansur Yavas¸? Well, everything as I will explain! Although I am from Istanbul, I closely follow his achievements as the mayor of Ankara. During this pandemic, Mansur Yavaş provided Internet support to disadvantageous students who can't join online lessons. His campaigns to support low income citizens of Ankara, who lost their jobs or unable to work, still continue and he was able get motivate citizens of Ankara to contribute to this cause. He has come up with very visionary projects for local development of agriculture. He respects the rights of disadvantaged groups, children, animals and women. He is an honest, hard working and modest man. As such he was able to gain the hearts and minds of the people as the current polls all over Turkey shows. I believe he is the one who can put Turkey back on the right track... Thank you. Nominated by Aysim C., Ankara: Mr.Yavas is the mayor of Ankara since 2019. As an inhabitant of Ankara more than 50 years, I see the diligent and very gentle work he and his team do. Besides his fight against corruption, wastefulness, pollution etc. for the past one year he helped and consolidated the people in Ankara to help the effected people by food packages, providing jobs, establishing and coordination a system to pay water/electricity / gas etc invoices of poor people by the ones who can afford to pay, by purchasing farmer's products who cannot sell in in the market etc. But last but not least he brought hope to the people of Ankara and even to Turkish Citizen that there are good, hard working, honest, compassionate mayor is possible. Nominated by S. C., Ankara: Mansur Yavaş is doing the best in every aspect. In order to decrease the rate of suicides (the rate of suicides increased very much since the pandemic), he is providing free mental health care. He is reducing the bills of students, he is providing them free internet connection and he is paying the costs of their exam. He even painted math formulas and key grammar rules to paving stones in order to help students memorize them:) He is providing food aids and financial support to those in need during this pandemic. He added a "Purple Button" to the app of the metropolitan municipality of Ankara which can be used at the times of emergency (abuse, violence, rape etc.). He bought 37 plays from theaters in order to help them in these hard times and he broadcasted those on TV in order to help people who are missing theaters and art. He paid the electricity bills of the families whose kids couldn't attend distance education because of that. He embraces all of the cultures and ethnicities and all of the minorities because Turkey (Ankara) is home for so many ethnic backgrounds and he is the mayor of each and every one of them. He balanced the number of woman/man workers in city hall. He anticipated the development of a mask which helped deaf people to continue communicating by reading the lips of the other person. He planted the farming areas which belonged to city hall and gave away the products to citizens. He also bought the products of farmers and via school bus drivers, he distributed them to people who are in need. He made Turkey's first bus which works 100% with electricity. He provided a platform which you can pay for other people's bills anonymously. He started a donation campaign for a greener city, while he is doing everything he can and planting trees everywhere available in the city, with this campaign he is asking citizens to participate in this greening movement. He is encouraging people to unite, to help each other and he is grounding his each and every action to equality. I am sure there are many more things that can be said, but these are the most important ones for me. He is doing the best job as a mayor. He makes sure every member of the city is safe, recognized, heard and cared for. During a global pandemic (which is managed really badly in Turkey by the government) and during really dark times (where even basic human rights are seen as a luxury in our country) he is doing more than the best. He deserves this award more than any Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | Page 10 | |