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World Mayor Nominations 2021
Mansur Yavas, Mayor of Ankara, Turkey The 2021 World Mayor Prize and Commendations will be conferred on mayors who have been showing leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic and who are now aiming to make their cities more resilient economically, structurally, socially and environmentally. In fact: Stronger | Fairer | Greener. The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for mayors who have shown exceptional leadership skills but also, and more importantly, acted at all times with compassion towards those most affected by Covid-19. The pandemic has shown how vulnerable even the richest cities are when confronted with a disaster like Covid-19. Forward-looking city leaders will now begin to re-think how their communities can be better protected against future threats, both natural and man-made. Mansur Yavas, Mayor of Ankara, Turkey, has been shortlisted for the 2021 World Mayor Prize. |
FRONT PAGE About World Mayor City Mayors Foundation ![]() ![]() ![]() WORLD MAYOR 2021 - The Winners - The Project - The Finalists - The Shortlist - The Longlist - Selection criteria - Covid-19 - World Mayor history - World Mayor Sculpture - Poverty - Code of Ethics - Press & Media INTERVIEWS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte ESSAYS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Maire de Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino TESTIMONIALS - Mayor of Amsterdam - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Arnhem - Mayor of Bergamo - Mayor of Bogotá - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Buenos Aires - Mayor of Carmignano - Mayor of Cascais - Mayor of Compton - Mayor of Dantumadiel - Mayor of Freetown - Mayor of Grenoble - Mayor of Grigny - Mayor of Guarulhos - Mayor of Kuala Lumpur - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Mexico City - Mayor of Milan - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rostock - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte - Mayor of Warsaw WORLD MAYOR 2018 WORLD MAYOR 2016 WORLD MAYOR 2014 WORLD MAYOR 2012 WORLD MAYOR 2010 WORLD MAYOR 2008 WORLD MAYOR 2006 WORLD MAYOR 2005 WORLD MAYOR 2004 |
Nominations for Mansur Yavas Mayor of Ankara (Turkey) Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | | Page 10 | Nominated by Akin Y., Ankara: I support Mansur Yavas not only for his mayor capabilities but also his political attitude towards people in a country that is very polarized in political stances. Despite the preventions of ruling party such as not giving budgets for critical infrastructure projects, he tries his best by revealing blockings of government with usage of social media. He reveals waste investments of previous mayor, also tries not to do any waste investments. Instead we give importance to critical infrastructure projects that needs to be renewed for human health. Our village road that is 80 km away from city centre is renewed after 15 years for example. Also even if his job requires to be very political in Turkey's standards, he is equal to people of all citizens of Ankara in contrast to previous mayors. His local farming support projects are also helping farmers for competitive market. I live in Ankara and I have seen the differences of mayors since I was a child. Thanks. Regards. Nominated by Furkan, Ankara: It's usually not so easy to notice what is changing around you when you live in your own city because everything is being changed really slowly, that's why I was so surprised when I went to Ankara last time because I live in Istanbul and last time I've been to Ankara was 3 years ago. Now it is turning into city of green and art. Even on Covid-19 pandemic Mansur Yavas didn't even take a day off. He paid back the debt from the previous Mayor, provided good opportunities for people live in Ankara, especially workers and farmers. Paid for matriculation fees of students' who was having social relief(we pay for that exam here) Turkish economy is having bad times but still he is successful with what is he doing because people live in Ankara are so happy with him. It was a great proud to us to see him on the WM list. Appreciatively. Nominated by Özgür, Ankara: After all the things that happened in Turkey Mansur Yavas showed up like Jesus Christ. • During the pandemic he connected internet to villages of Ankara, because of the life expensiveness in Turkey many high school, middle school, and elementary school students did not have internet until Mr. Yavas paid for their internet (he connected internet to 928 villages) and helped those kids to join online classes. • And also he bought legumes from the farmers and gave them to the poor people in Ankara for free. This way farmers made money during pandemic and people had nice meals at home. • While he was giving people free food or coals or other things he rented trucks of the workers that helped them to bring money to their family. Also he did the same thing for the School bus drivers. These are just a few things he did. He has done a lot for this city. I’m 18 and proud to be an Ankara citizen. Nominated by Halil B., Ankara: There are so many candidates for this award. l am sure they are also good maybe they did more than Mansur Yavas, but he gives Turkish people hope for justice equality and no corruption again. And he could do all his beautiful works although the government did so many things to stop him. l can say son many details to clarify how hard his job is but l think you already searched about it. As a result He gives us hope for a better Turkey again, and we support him. Nominated by Burkay K. Ankara: I am 34 years old, I work as a marketing manager in a private company, and my wife is a lawyer in a government agency. We live in Ankara with my wife and my 4.5-year-old daughter. For 34 years I live in Turkey, for the first time I see, tolerance, vision, innovation, justice, creativity, transparency, and so on in government. If I will share a few of the works that come to my mind first: • He gave seeds to farmers, developed municipal markets, and brought farmers' products to the public in these markets. The people had access to healthy products cheaply, and the farmers had no difficulty in producing and selling their products. • He paid the exam entrance fees of thousands of students. • The old buses were renewed totally with an electrical engine. The renovation was made by a subsidiary of the municipality at a cost of 30%. • He worked to solve the infrastructure problem in every region of Ankara. He solved some of the biggest problems. • He built bridges and underpasses to relieve all areas where traffic was generated. • He did not make these studies specific to a region, he did studies at the same level in almost every region. • We can watch the talks in the municipal council live. • We can watch the municipal tenders live. In other words, it has a very transparent management style. In addition to these, it is also an important factor that he actively uses all social and media channels and is in close contact with young people. Because this city will be left to the youth of this day. Nominated by Gokay D., Ankara: I am a Turkish citizen who is studying at a university in the capital city of Turkey, Ankara. I would like to convey my opinions about mayorship of Mansur Yavas ,and give reasons why he merits the 2021 World Mayor Prize. To begin with, he is one of the broad-visioned mayor in the world since his vision about mayorship is not building concrete construction in the city but his vision is that a municipality should standby with fellow citizens' of Ankara and improve the living standards of them. With his works on constructing new parks and green areas, spreading internet connection network to the squares and public parks for free , and creating such a sustainable social aid system that will support the people who makes agricultural production in Ankara and purchasing their products and distributing these to people who needs public assistance are only the three of these well-organized and envisioned project. Thanks to his social aiding system, the municipality even managed to sustain the circle of social aiding and supporting production in Ankara in the pandemic. He also introduced several project that will help people who lost their jobs in pandemic. The biggest morality of his mayorship was making the Ankara people more prosperous, happy ,and comfortable. I kindly say that Mansur Yavas deserves the World Mayor Prize due to his vision and his achievements in pandemic, which improved not only the prosperity of fellow citizens but also enhanced and strengthen people's belief towards kindness, unity and solidarity of people and peace. Nominated by Büsra K., 1. Öncelikle başkentte hijyen seferberliği yapıldı 2. Vatandaşların su borçları yüzünden sularının kesilmeyeceği duyuruldu 3. Belediye ve iştiraki kuruluşlarda çalışan annelerin idari izinli sayılacağını duyurdu 4. Yaşlı ve engelli vatandaşların evleri dezenfekte edildi 5. Kalabalık oluşmaması için erken önlemler alındı, cenaze hizmetleri sınırlandırıldı 6. Dezenfekte çalışması yapmayan toplu taşıma araçlarının trafiğe çıkması yasaklandı 7. Belediyenin kira alacakları ertelendi 8. Öğrenciler de mağdur edilmedi. Okulların tatil edilmesiyle aylık indirimli öğrenci kartlarının kullanılmayan tutarlarının öğrencilerin başvuru yapmaları halinde kartlarına geri yüklenecekleri duyuruldu. 9. Açıkta satılan gıdalar için denetim başlatıldı 10. Başkan Mansur Yavas; “Başkent’te her can değerli, her nefes önemlidir.” dedi ve corona virüsü tedbirleri kapsamında restoran ve kafeteryaların kapanmasının ardından onlardan beslenen sokak hayvanlarının aç kalmaması için gönüllü sivil toplum kuruluşları ile iş birliği içerisinde mama dağıtımını artırdıklarını duyurdu 11. Ankara Belediyesi çalışanları vardiyalı sisteme geçirildi 12. Özel toplu taşıma araçlarının ruhsat bedelleri ve hat ihale bedelleri ertelendi 13. Sağlık çalışanlarına toplu taşıma ücretsiz oldu 14. Marketlerle anlaşılarak 65 yaş ve üzere kişiler için kurye hizmeti başlatıldı Nominated by Selim U., Turkey When the mayor was elected, there were billions of debts and deficits, he declared mobilization and wiped all debts, he made savings, prevented corruption, he took care of the animals very well, he covered the costs of the students' examination fees, a very loving and well-intentioned person, an innovator, everyone sees him as his father.I live in Istanbul, but he does so many things from here. Everybody sympathizes with him, he paid the electricity bills of people Nominated by Asli, Ankara: Mansur Yavas demonstrates transparent management in Ankara. The public knows what the municipality is doing. We watches what they do live. So we see what's happening. This makes us feel safe. The president communicates very well with children, young people, old people. He listens to problems and requests. He's mobilizing with his team to find a solution. There was no such situation before. The president is working to meet all the needs of the public. For example, I couldn't go out because I was in quarantine with my family during the pandemic. I asked the municipality for bagels. They brought it in an hour. They fulfil even the smallest request. It made me and my family very happy. They help everyone indiscriminately. This is very important. As a result of their work, the whole country wants to live in Ankara. This situation is unique. The president and his team are community favorites. In addition, the municipality opened a separate place for both women and animals on the phone app. There are also options for virtual museums and audiobooks. Thanks to the application, Ankara is in the palm of your hand. It application offers free facilities that everyone can benefit from. People who don't live in Ankara are very unlucky. Because we have Mansur Yavas, they don't. Nominated by B. FR., Ankara: So, the reason why i think Mansur Yavas should be the best mayor in the world is that firstly he is fighting against corruption since the first day of his job. I also must remind you that Turkey right now is far from a democratic and a free country, and fighting against the current government which is the first and biggest source of this corruption is not that easy. Nonetheless, he is doing this, showing Turkish people how this corruption happened, and trying to protect people’s money and interests. I like his one statement so much: “They may say he couldn’t do it, they may say he was incompetent, but I won’t allow them to say that he was stealing.” Also, I may argue that Mansur Yavas is the number 1 politician in Turkey that everyone trust his sincerety, and we all want to see him as the next president of Republic of Turkey. Nominated by Meltem E., Turkey: My name is Meltem. I am from Turkey. First of all, I am very happy to see my favorite mayor as a candidate. Mansur Yavas is a mayor who always thinks about the welfare of the people. He works only for his people, with no personal interests. He took over a bad financial seat from the previous mayor. Nevertheless, he handled this situation very well by concentrating on production. Throughout the pandemic, he did a great job and supported families who had financial difficulties. Provided free internet service to villages that cannot receive online education and do not have internet. It is the duty of the Ministry of National Education to ensure equal opportunities in education. But Mansur Yavas did it. He gave hope to children. He reminded us again the concept of merit, which we have forgotten for a long time. I am happy that we have such a mayor in these bad days of our country. He is a great source of hope for us. Nominated by Eren A., Turkey: In these corrupted times of Turkey, Yavas showed how to manage a city with a full responsibility. Despite the fact that most of the mayors in Turkey has been filling their pockets with money and doing nothing for their cities, Yavas has filled Turkish youth's heart with hope. He tells every lira he spend for the city to the citizens of Ankara. He even has an app to get feedback directly from the citizens of Ankara and he calls back the citizens personally and thanks them for their contribution to their city. Currently he is the most loved politician in Turkey because before politician he is a lawyer and he seems like he never lost the sense of justice. Turkish youth wants him to be the president of Turkey but do you know what he says? He says "Currently I am the mayor of Ankara. If I were to focus on something else, I couldn't serve Ankara good enough. I can't say what will happen tomorrow." Nominated by L. Z., Turkey: Başkentte yaşamıyorum ama yaptığı çalışmaları yakından takip ediyorum. Bu salgın döneminde bilindiği gibi dersler çevrimiçi platformda işleniyor. Mansur Başkan öğrenciler için köylere internet bağlantısı getirdi. Onlara tablet dağıttı. Öğrenci evleri için faturaların ücretini indirdi. Ankara'daki öğrenciler ulaşımda benim şehrimde ödediğim paranın %20'sini ödüyor. Yani ben 200 binişe ortalama 300 TL verirken Ankara'da yaşayan öğrenciler 200 binişe 60 TL veriyor. Mansur Başkan bir twitch yayınına sadece 40 dakikalık konuk oldu ve dünya twitch izlenme rekorunu kırdı. Yayında 20 bin küsür bağış yapıldı. Bu bağış "Yeşilin Başkenti" projesine eklendi. "Yeşilin Başkenti" projesiyle binlerce ağaç dikilecek. Kişisel özelliklerine gelecek olursam kendisini yolda görürsem sarılırım. O kadar samimi ve içten ki... Hak yemez, insan ayırmaz: devletine, vatanına, milletine, bayrağına ve Ulu Önderimiz Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK'ün ilke ve inkılaplarına bağlı bir insan. Onu çok seviyorum, onu ülkece çok seviyoruz. Nominated by Gorkem C., Ankara: I’m 18 years old. And I’m writing this paragraph for Mansur Yavas. I think he is the most promising mayor, I have ever seen. He is the sound of the Turkey, not just for Ankara. Let’s talk about what he done for Ankara. I can’t write all what he done but I can say, He is following that: transparent municipalism! He streams all meetings live! He shows everything what he done with his reasons. Nominated by Hulya Y. Ankara: I am writing in reference to Mansur Yavas who is one of the candidates. Since he was selected as a mayor, he has been helping anyone living in Ankara without any discrimination on race, ethnicity, etc. He and his team revealing projects that help the poor or the ones in need especially during this pandemic. He is trustable. When he declares something, we are sure that he is not lying like other politics in Turkey. He is a lawyer so he is for sure respects the laws and makes the decisions in order. He uses all the resources and tries to find and provide new resources for the people in Ankara. He is very active, positive, loves animals, loved the nature, listens and finds solutions for the kids', youths', older and poor people's problems. For instance, he brought internet connection to the small villages for the kids to connect and attend their online classes during the pandemic. Another example is he as a mayor paid the university entrance exam fee for the youth who are in need. He is also helping the homeless and immigrant people. He is always reachable, never takes privileges. He provides information on the administration, new projects, and asks for information/opinions about the things that he can do. He has a great personality, a trustable person, making people feel like he is one of our family member. He has great projects for Ankara. So, please take a look at his projects and what he is doing because he could be a great example for the world. Nominated by Mehmet P., Turkey: Ülkemizde alışılmış belediye görüşünü hepten yıkan ve belediye başkanının verdiği sorumlulukları fazlasıyla yerine getiren bir başkandır. Ben Türkiye'nin kocaeli ilinde oturmama rağmen, adını Ankara'dan Türkiyenin her yerine duyuran nadir belediye başkanlarındandır kendisi. Kendisinden önce yapılan yolsuzlukları tek tek açığa çıkaran, geldiği günden beri parayı tasarruflu kullanıp onca krize rağmen suya zaman yapmayan, öğrencilere ve covitten dolayı dükkanlarını kapatan esnafa çekinmeden yardım eden, kendisi kendinden önceki belediyelerin aksine hiçbir akrabasını ve iş bilmeyen kimseyi belediyede çalıştırmadan ve çalıştırdığını kanıtlayan olursa istifa edeceğini açıkça dile getiren, kar yağışından dolayı kar araçlarının arızalanması sebebiyle kendisinin hatası olmamasına rağmen ekranlara çıkıp özür dileyen ama bu olay bir daha yaşanmasın diye önlemini alan, yaptığı tüm işleri ve halktan aldığı tüm parayı kuruşu kuruşuna belediye sitesinden teker teker yayınlanan nadir insanlardan biridir. Tasarruf konusunda özellikle bir belediye başkanının nasıl olacağını ve halka nasıl yaklaşacağını bilen bir adam olduğu için hem belediye başkanlığında hem de ilerde cumhurbaşkanlığında her daim oyumu kullanacağım isimlerden biridir. Ona sıralamada başarılar diliyorum. Nominated by Eren E., Ankara: My name is Eren Ersoy and I am living Ankara, Turkey. Mansur Yavas should win this award 'cause he is student friendly. He gave transportatin support to the students, free solo bus for Hacettepe University. He started free washing service and ironing service for the students. And a lot of things for the students... Mansur Yavas is like our. This very important because old mayor was very wasteful. Old mayor had many authority vehicles. Mansur Yavas sold the all vehicles. Yavas is visionary man. He and his team share a new service from social media everyday. Mansur Yavas supports all tradesmen during Covid-19. He shared many campaigns. Yavas is doing his duty. In Turkey, it is hard to find. Mansur Yavas deserves to win this award. As a young man, I thank Mansur Yavas. Nominated by Eylul K., Turkey: I think he should win because he really made the city Ankara really beautiful. He is a modern Mayor and I would like to see him win. He also helped the people who lost their job during the pandemic. He gave them great financal support. Also these days he started a Twitch account which he will communicate with younger people and I really think this is a great step for modernizing the government. Nominated by Mustafa T., Ankara: Our Dear Mayor: He does not build big roads or big buildings for us. But he provides a lot of help for the poor in the city and people who are unemployed during the pandemic. In addition, it makes both financial and infrastructure works in order for many students to receive education. Although this is not in his job description. Nominated by Metin U. A., Ankara: I have lived some cities in Turkey. Except Mansur Yavas I have never feel the City Mayor's effect on daily life. I live in Ankara for my University and since Mansur Yavas started his job, I started the feel this effect. I can clearly see happiness and hope on everyone's faces although Turkey's hard life. Not only in Ankara, from different citie's citizens supports him. After he came to his job, as a first task he stopped the illegal money transfers and illegal auctions. This provides our money comes us back as a service and more quality life. As a student there are some good things directly effected my school life thanks to Mr Yavas. A free ring bus service started between my campus and metro station. A free soup service started at my school. The monthly-paid public transportation card service started thanks to him. A free laundry service started at near my dormitory. Also students who live at home, pay 50% less water bill. These are the services which effected only my and my closest friends. There are a lots of services came to other citizens and keeps coming day by day. Nominated by S. A. K., Ankara: Mansur Yavas is a mayor worthy of the capital of the Republic. During the pandemic process, he cooperated with all stakeholders and managed the process very well. The campaigns it has launched for people in need are admirable. In this process, while providing support to groups experiencing loss of income, it has rapidly completed the infrastructure works of the city, which have been in need of maintenance for many years. He has not forgotten the young people in this period when people have to lock themselves in their homes, and has shown a true example of governance by communicating with them on social media. For this reason, my candidate is Mansur Yavas. Nominated by Gülçin T., Ankara: Mansur Yavas, the mayor of our capital city, is not just a mayor but also a combining power for the city of Ankara. During pandemic, he supported the craft economically much more than the government did. While the government was sharing iban numbers to collect money from volunteers, he supported students, crafts, the unemployed and so many people with municipality's money. He also checked the former mayors actions and asked for what he did with the people's money. He of course did this through law. There are so many things I cannot recall at the moment but if someone deserves to be the mayor of the world, he is Mansur Yavas. Nominated by Erenkaan K., Ankara: I am a Turkish citizen living in Ankara. This is a geographical area suitable for agriculture and animal husbandage. however, like every developing country, these features remained in the background as industrial activities were given priority. Our new mayor, Mansur Yavas, intervened and brought farming back into the spotlight, making the almost unusable land workable again.In this way, he employed many people and adopted the concept of local governance. In our city, priority was determined primarily by factors that can contribute to infrastructure, transportation and people's well-being. He never had the idea of political interest and personal utilitarianism. He is an exemplary leader in the reflections of the pandemic process in the world in our city. It has been a supporter of the public in this regard with the informative works they have done to enable the elderly to receive health care at home, to ensure that the remote areas of the city can receive full service, and the emergency support team it has established. He is an exemplary mayor of local government not only for us residents in Ankara, but for the people of the world. Therefore, I think that being elected mayor of the year and bringing its practices to the forefront will benefit the whole world and give ideas. Nominated by Cagdas A., Ankara: As a Turkish citizen I can express the goodwill and positive intention of Mr. Mansur Yavas to City of Ankara. As he is responsible of the municipality of the capital city of Turkey he has a big weight on his shoulders. On the other hand to be a mayor of opposition party in a developing country results with budget cuts and financial burdens of previous management’s. With all my respect to Mr. Yavas, I believe he is doing well so far hence his name is already started to be discussed in public to be the candidate of next presidency elections in 2023. Those incentive I hope my vote to Mr. Yavas can have a positive effect while deciding World Mayor Contest. Nominated by Tuna K., Ankara: Mansur Yavas became a mayor of Ankara elected from a different party after 15 years later. When he took office, the first thing he did the principle of "clearness". All tenders, expenditures, revenues and expenditures made on behalf of the municipality were clearly published on the internet. He paid the all students university entrance exam price in Ankara.(270TL) He became a mayor away from luxury. He is popularly viewed as one of the strongest president candidate for the next election. Nominated by Ibrahim Ö., Ankara: I am a Turkish student studying at university. Mansur Yavas, with his quick actions amid pandemic, his help to the people in need, his social responsibility projects and his bravery against the opposing and oppressive government, he has set an example for the all country and he became a beam of hope for the young. With all this unexpected and planned services came with pandemic, he also keep working on his promised projects and services no matter what are the conditions. Nominated by Kemal U., Ankara: Our Ankara metropolitan mayor, Mr. Yavas, has helped people in need with the projects he has done. It solved the infrastructure problem and brought solutions to the traffic problem of the city. It was another that unites people rather than separates them. Transparency was taken as a basis in the tenders and the money of the people of Ankara was not involved in corruption. Our Ankara is happier now and the trades people are richer. Nominated by Galip T. E., Turkey: Mansur Yavas should receive the award of world mayors. Because: Beautiful country of Turkey's biggest problem is political reign, wasting and in the face of rapidly artmasıdır.acımasız consumed by government sources of corruption, Mansur Yavas mayor during use of resources in a way to be an example to the whole world, transparent, considering interests of their country and its citizens, the public really serving, corruption We cannot end with counting the useful works that Mansur Yavas did during his presidency. Among those that remain in my mind are food, milk, food aid for poor people, bringing Ankara to new forests, internet service for children who cannot receive education, Renewal of water lines, purchase of environmentally friendly buses, not allowing corruption and theft by making all tenders online and transparent, following up on past corruption, behaving equally to all its citizens, having an exemplary ethics and decency as a Leader I see him as the Country Leader of the future, and we are going through times when we need such honest and honest Leaders the most in our country. Nominated by Tugba B., Turkey: My vote is for Mansur Yavas because despite the blocks Turkish government puts on his way he’s is doing very well. He doesn’t build paths, bridges etc. but he helps his people. As you know there’s an economic crisis in Turkey and thanks to Mansur Yavas Ankara’s people survive poverty. I wish he were Bursa’s mayor. But I still proud of him. Nominated by Özgür G., Ankara: Mansur Yavas uses social media effectively in order to keep.up with the citizens in the city. He is transparent with all the actions and decisions taken he even live stream the decision meetings. Infrastructure workings are well planned sand does not effect daily life. His vision for Ankara to make the city the most liveable and loveable city in Asia and I believe it. Nominated by Eylul K. Ankara: As a citizen of Ankara Province, I am admirely monitoring the actions of Mansur Yavas via Twitter and other media channels. During pandemic conditions, he had great supporting projects for indigenous people in Ankara who are trying to live in unwell economical conditions, have chronical health problems or disable and migrant from Syria. Some of them are as stated below: • Supporting local agricultural (Green Capital City Project) • Supporting local livestock project • Women Support Center Project • Water Resources Policies Council (together with mayors from 11 different provinces) These are only some of his projects that i could catch from social media. He is really good at communication with the citizens and he is really an accessible person. He has also a great fan society, not only in Ankara but also in different provinces of Turkey. He deserves to be the Mayor of the World especially for this pandemic year with his projects and actions. Last of all, I’d like to mention that I’m not a person from his party, I am just a huge fan. Thank you very much for your attention. Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | Page 10 | |