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World Mayor Nominations 2021
Mansur Yavas, Mayor of Ankara, Turkey The 2021 World Mayor Prize and Commendations will be conferred on mayors who have been showing leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic and who are now aiming to make their cities more resilient economically, structurally, socially and environmentally. In fact: Stronger | Fairer | Greener. The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for mayors who have shown exceptional leadership skills but also, and more importantly, acted at all times with compassion towards those most affected by Covid-19. The pandemic has shown how vulnerable even the richest cities are when confronted with a disaster like Covid-19. Forward-looking city leaders will now begin to re-think how their communities can be better protected against future threats, both natural and man-made. Mansur Yavas, Mayor of Ankara, Turkey, has been shortlisted for the 2021 World Mayor Prize. |
FRONT PAGE About World Mayor City Mayors Foundation ![]() ![]() ![]() WORLD MAYOR 2021 - The Winners - The Project - The Finalists - The Shortlist - The Longlist - Selection criteria - Covid-19 - World Mayor history - World Mayor Sculpture - Poverty - Code of Ethics - Press & Media INTERVIEWS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte ESSAYS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Maire de Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino TESTIMONIALS - Mayor of Amsterdam - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Arnhem - Mayor of Bergamo - Mayor of Bogotá - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Buenos Aires - Mayor of Carmignano - Mayor of Cascais - Mayor of Compton - Mayor of Dantumadiel - Mayor of Freetown - Mayor of Grenoble - Mayor of Grigny - Mayor of Guarulhos - Mayor of Kuala Lumpur - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Mexico City - Mayor of Milan - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rostock - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte - Mayor of Warsaw WORLD MAYOR 2018 WORLD MAYOR 2016 WORLD MAYOR 2014 WORLD MAYOR 2012 WORLD MAYOR 2010 WORLD MAYOR 2008 WORLD MAYOR 2006 WORLD MAYOR 2005 WORLD MAYOR 2004 |
Nominations for Mansur Yavas Mayor of Ankara (Turkey) Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | Page 10 | Nominated by Fatma B., Ankara: Mansur Yavas , the current Mayor of Ankara, is the best mayor all over the world because he is a very devoted mayor. This pandemic process has been bringing catastrophic consequences for the Turkish people especially economically. However, he has managed to stop these bad consequences by mobilizing all opportunities of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality. * Every part of the city has been cleaned painstakingly everyday since the pandemic process started. * Families that need food have been handed out 2 meals everyday for one year by Mansur Yavas. * He provides free seeds to support farmers. * He supports taxi and minibus drivers by giving free gasoline. * Last month, he paid the university entrance exam fees of students who living in Ankara to help their families and he gave their pocket money. * unemployed families’ water and electricity bills were paid by the municipality. * He established internet infrastructure entire the city so that the students, who studying at primary, secondary and high school, can use it costlessly. * He organized an aid campaign - not just in Ankara, across the whole country- to help and pay people’s depts and loans. * During 6 months, He did not rent from the tradesmen for the properties of municipality due to pandemic. * He made dormitories of the municipality available for health care providers so that they can stay comfortably and protect their families from covid-19. Nominated by Huseyin B., Ankara: Hello: First of all, I would like to express my satisfaction with the nomination of our President Mr. Mansur YAVAS as a candidate. Our mayor has been the Mayor of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality today, in return of a 10-year effort by giving very hard struggles. However, this struggle not only resulted in his becoming president, but also led to the end of a 25-year reign. As soon as he started his duty, he expressed the summary of the past 25 years by saying "You cannot make a metro to this city in one day, but you can bring justice in one day". Our esteemed president, who is a part of every project that touches people, who is in every project about people and whose priority is all citizens living in Ankara and Ankara, deserves this award. And he really brought justice to this city in one day. Despite all the obstructions of the opposition group in the municipal council, he has always served our city as the head of the executive and has become the hope of the city of five and a half million. He mobilized almost all the means of the municipality for its citizens, especially during the pandemic process. Everybody who is biased and neutral now has problems, difficulties and problems, he has accepted that there is a reality like our president Mansur YAVAS in this city. Nominated by Ecem K., Ankara: Much more than a mayor. He is like a poem after the former mayors who forgot social municipalism. A person who can think of everyone and reach everyone, from those in need of all kinds of help in every part of the society, to every occupational group affected by the pandemic, to those who cannot leave their home after having covid. He is someone who reintroduces environmental awareness to all of us with his applications that support water saving and the projects he has produced to make Ankara the capital of green. Whatever we have missed for 30 years has brought us together. Made us love Ankara again. Good to have you my president=) Nominated by Julia A. and Murad E., Ankara: MANSUR YAVAS is my candidate of the WORLD MAYOR PRIZE. He is one of the rare honest mayor who I have ever witnessed. His award will be very meaningful. His honesty in his position will be a great role model for Turkey. Most importantly, if he gets awarded, this result may have great impact on the whole region - the Middle East. Nominated by E. A. B., Ankara: His surname "Yavas" translates to "slow"! This outstanding man is anything BUT slow. He started making changes and helping Ankara the day he arrived in his new position. He cares for his constituents. He loves his countrymen. He makes things happen, in spite of the road blocks put up by the ruling party. He is honest, kind and humble yet strong and fearless to get his job done. The world is suffering from hunger, today. Mansur Yavas has made an all out effort to get free food to the less fortunate, regardless of their party ties. He has developed land, so citizens can grow the free seeds he provides. Ankara's majority reside in apartment blocks. Parks and walkways are being developed as a clean outlet. Citizens have an open door to air their multitude of problems in today's life. This man is an asset to any position in life. MANSUR YAVAS of Ankara Turkey has my vote for Mayor of the year ! Nominated by Aliye B., Ankara: I live in Ankara since 2012 and my university life has also passed in Ankara. Mansur Yavas has my vote for world mayor 2021 because he's not interested in big shows or big investments but he's interested in touching our lives, He helps poor people and he's volunteer to help everyone in the city regardless of their origin, their income, their previous votes, their religion, but he's volunteer especially for poor people against all ugly efforts from the government. He has already won our hearts, now I hope he wins this "world mayor" prize. Nominated by Hatice K. T., Ankara: Mansur Yavas has demonstrated his leadership skills over the past twelve years in Ankara(2019-2021 Ankara and 1999-2009 Ankara/Beyapazarı Mayor). He is the best mayor with a documented record of working for the betterment of all the city’s residents, regardless of wealth, class, race, ethnicity, religion and where in the city they live. He is a visionary with his feet on the ground, a man of law committed to public service. As mayor, he opened a promising new chapter in the city’s history. He is committed to transparency in conducting the people’s business. Mansur Yavas is the right person at this crucial moment to lead our community forward and I am sure that if he is willing to take the job again, many people will give him their vote again. Nominated by Selin G., Ankara: My name is Selin and l'm a citizen of Ankara. I've been living in this city through my whole life and l've also went to an university here. Mansur Yavas became the mayor at my last year of studies and as a student l could definitely say that the improvements such as cheaper prices of public transportation tickets and reduced bills for water usage for students helped us to decrease our expenses. Thanks to him we could focus more on our studies and things like travelling, enhancing our cultural knowledge etc. Old mayors of Ankara always supported the construction industry and ignored the valuable plains and agricultural lands. However, Mansur Yavas did not ignore the farmers and we stated to produce our own goods (vegetables, flowers and so on). This project not only helped to increase the employment levels but also helped citizens to have access to goods at affordable prices. Lastly, on the behalf of the youth people of Ankara, l can easily say that for the first time in so many years, our voices have been heard and our needs have been satisfied. For all these reasons l have mentioned, l really think Mansur Yavas, the mayor of Ankara, deserves to be selected for this award. Nominated by Sevgen S., Ankara: Mansur Yavas belediye başkanı seçildiği günden bugüne kadar gerçek belediyecilik anlayışı ile hiç bir ayrım yapmadan toplumu bütünleştirecek şekilde hizmet anlayışı sergilemektedir. Özellikle sorunlara çözüm odaklı yaklaşımlar getiren yapısı ile Kent Konseyi ile birlikte katılımcı kararlar alarak hizmet anlayışını benimseyen bir belediye başkanıdır. Başkanlığa geldiğinden beri başta eğitim, sosyo kültürel konular başta olmak üzere dezevantajlı grupların hayatlarını da kolaylaştıran proje ve uygulamalar yapılmaktadır. Kırsal alanların önemi ve iklim değişikliği konularında çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Çok önemli bir konu olan ihaleler halka açık olarak gerçekleştirilmelidir. Şehircilik konusunda günümüz değil ilerideki yıllar için sorunlar çözümlenmeye çalışılmaktaktadır. En önemlisi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Türkiyesinin başkenti olan Ankara özüne göre yönetilmeye başlanmıştır. Katkıları için teşekkür ederiz Nominated by Ece A., Ankara: That is hard to explain how we felt after the election of Mansur Yavas. Like we have started to inhale oxygen after a long time. Integrity and honesty is the sunshine for as all. First of all he is open to everyone and he listens, he cares.. then he organizes and create projects. I do not have any link to any political or governmental organization or municipality at all. But I have followed up through social media and personally help those campaigns through web. He and his team opened a channel for all of Ankara citizens • Learning and collecting requests/needs • Asking for solutions from everyone for these requests/needs What we could need more than this at the hard times? Like covid-19 pandemic.. Nominated by Yakup B., Ankara: I'm writing down this message in order to endorse Mr. Yavas for World Mayor 2021. Despite all the obstacles during the election period, he managed to win the elections first and the hearts of all citizens in Ankara. He brought back participatory management, transparency, and accountability to Ankara. He is the source of hope that all Turkey has been missing for 20 years. He's decent, compassionate, and hardworking. He believes in gender equality, equal rights distribution, and last but not least doesn't exclude youngsters opinions (he even joined Twitch for connecting with them) Hope that you will elect him as the world mayor. No matter what, he is "The greatest mayor of all times" for us. Nomnated by Ebru I., Ankara: I am a 50 year old Turkish citizen living in Ankara for all my life. I have never seen such a successful Mayor in Ankara before Mansur Yavas. He has shown extraordinary leadership during the pandemic. He organized many social responsibility projects including,: * Ankara citizens paying others' bills who can not pay their bills because of the pandemic, * For the first time in Ankara history, he broadcasted live all Municipality related biddings, * Due to online education, he brought the internet to all the villages in Ankara, * He saved 1,4 billion Turkish Lira despite the pandemic, * He helped all the people in need during the pandemic by either supplying them with food, or with money. There are many other accomplishments of Mansur Yavas. Even the citizens of other cities in Turkey are proud of his achievements, just like us, living in Ankara. So my vote is definitely for Mansur Yavas. Nominated by Cevdet D., Ankara: Mr.YAVAS ... Regardless of language, religion, race, those in need; He is our very clean-hearted president, who does not spare any humanitarian aid with the means he has and strives to provide the people of Ankara in the best possible way. My goal is not that he is the first or the second you choose, but he is always the first in every honest person who works in this way. I hope their numbers will increase all over the world. Thank you very much, World Mayor Foundation ... Nominated by Mehmet B. Ö., Ankara: I am 50 years old and have been living in Ankara for 45 years. Mayor Yavas pursued goodness during the pandemic and encouraged us to contribute to these favors. Another feature is that it embraces historical values. He replaced the statue of the “Hitite Sun” which is the symbol of Ankara and was removed a while ago. He is a humble, calm, challenging and honest person. I think it’s a chance for Ankara and I trust him. Nominated by Bulent S., Ankara: I am a citizen of Turkey who lives in Ankara. I heard Mansur Yavas's name at the time when he was the mayor of Beypazarı district, which is a district of Ankara. He conducted transparent and honest management while he was the mayor of Beypazarı. He has accomplished quite a lot during this time. One of them was that he doubled the tourist capacity of Beypazarı, which was not able to be done by any other mayor. Thanks to him, the local people is now economically stable. Now let me talk about his accomplishments as the mayor of Ankara. I have not seen any mayor who is as transparent and honest as he is. Before him, we, the citizens of Ankara, did not feel like a citizen of Ankara. However, after him, I feel welcomed and supported. He tries to understand our problems and do everything in his power to solve them. When he solves a problem, he explains why he chose that specific solution over others. He accepts any type of criticism, which we do not see a lot as the citizens of Ankara. He started some projects to stop the poverty of the citizens of Ankara, which has especially increased due to the pandemic. There are a lot of people who cannot afford their primary needs, such as buying enough food for their family. To solve this problem, he brought together two groups via a website: the people who needs help and the people who want to help others. He found the ones who needed help in particular. By this method, he helped a lot of people in need, the money transferred to them was almost 30 million Turkish lira. This shows the trust of the citizens to their mayor. Finally, I believe that he is the most innovative mayor of Turkey. He tries to understand and have an impact on the lives of the new generation. For example, he made a playlist on Spotify and opened a Twitch channel. This has an unprecedented thing in Turkey. I think he is the mayor that Ankara needs and I am sure that every country needs someone like him. I hope that he wins this race because he deserves it. Nominated by Ali N. A., Ankara: Mansur Yavas is the best Mayor of Ankara ever. He tries to reach out to all citizens, regardless of whether he/she was voted for himself or not. He provided the necessary assistance to people in need during the pandemic process. Moreover, In Turkey, the other mayors are not interested in the problems of the villages, but Yavas invests to the villages. Most important of all, he displays a transparent management and he ended unnecessary spending of previous administrations. Nominated by Yakuo B., Turkey: Merhabalar Ankara Büyüks¸ehir Belediye Bas¸kanımız Mansur Yavas beyin World Mayor 2021 Dünya Belediye Bas¸kanı Ödülü’ ne aday gösterildig˘ini ög˘rendim Seçim kriterleri arasında ,iyi ve dürüst yerel yönetimin sağlanması , hiçbir ayrım yapmadan hizmet götürmek , yasalara saygı (ve bence en önemlisi) kamu kaynaklarının halka yarar sağlayacak şekilde kullanılması, makamından ötürü şahsına ayrıcalık tanınmaması ,şahsi mali kazanç elde etmemesi, s¸effaflık gibi özellikler aranacakmıs¸ o halde bu ödülün yegane sahibi Mansur Yavas olmalı ,çünkü tüm kriterler fazlasıyla kendisine uyuyor ve adeta onunla bütünles¸mis¸ haldedir, maalesef kendisi gibi politikacılara, hizmet adamlarına ülkemizde pek rastlanılmamaktadır, o yüzden kendisini çok seviyor ve takdir ediyoruz . iyi çalışmalar dilerim , Saygılarımla Nominated by Yuksel I., Ankara: I am Yuksel, a 60-year-old citizen of Turkey. I choose Mansur Yavas, Mayor of Ankara because, since he elected, he is keeping all his promises such as; he is acting every community as equal, making all tenders/biddings transparent, always listening to all the critics in cold blood, trying to make the community unite in spite of somebody trying to make them split. He is working with a good team as a result all responses from him are coming after passing from a logical filter and reasonable. He started to implement plenty of actions for savings in all official environments and put into the process, acquired good results. I hope he will be elected as the best Mayor of the world, not only he is really deserving it, my country needs a brilliant example against the bad/corrupted/nepotist politicians as well. Nominated by Ibrahim I., Ankara: I kindly let you know that I support candicacy of Mansur YAVAS, who is currently Ankara Mayor of Turkey. Mr Yavas is acting to help increase living condition of Ankara Public at first. He has a fair understanding for the public to have an axcess the services privided by Ankara Municipality. He has also provided to decrease the negative effects of Covid-19 Pandemic which badly threaths all over the World. He has launced several soliditary campains to relieve people who suffer from the Pandemic. Ankara public feel to help any needy people without knowing eachother, thereby increase strong feeling in the community. Besides, Mr Yavas has carried out additional projects in order to increase the quality of live of the public, paying attention to efectively utilize municipal resources for the people to get benefit as much as possible at high level. Therefore, Mr Mansur Yavas is deserved to be supported for 2021 World Mayor Prize. Thank you, Nominated by Ayça A., Ankara: I vote for Mr. Mansur Yavas, because he is: Honest, hard working, always considering what is best for Ankara and its residents, generated many social and environmental projects, protected the residents with lower income during covid, humble, against corruption and unnecessary expenses, saved money and used the budget wisely, against discrimination, understands the needs of young generation. We really and deeply feel that we have a mayor working for Ankara. Thank you Mr Mansur Yavas. Nominated by Hale D., Ankara: I would like to say a few words about our beloved mayor. Mr. Mansur Yavas is the best thing that could have happened to Ankara after a 25 year long unfortunate mayorship. The invaluable support and help he has provided everyone in need during the pandemic has captured all our hearts. He is a very systematic and hardworking Mayor. He has reshaped the infrastructure of Ankara during his time that is a short time like almost 2 years. The best thing about him is, that he is doing everything without self-promoting and without boasting about his accomplishments. He is transparent about every accomplishment and he can account for every penny he spent for this city. These qualities provide us with trust and assures us that he will be doing what he does no matter how much he is trying to be repressed. As the people of Ankara we stand by our Mayor and believe in his actions for us. We are proud the have a man as decent and honest as Mansur Yavas as our Mayor. Nominated by Nurcan A., Ankara: As a citizen living in Ankara, I want to vote for Mansur Yavas because we live in a country that citizens have no more importance or value, and because of the corruption people surfer from poverty. But Mansur Başkan has been a role model with his principle of trancparency, solidarity and cooperation especially during pandemic. We trust his honesty, modesty and great efforts to fix the economical damage we had because of the former corrupted mayors. He really deserves this title. Nominated by Nuray K. Turkey: Since 2019, he's absolutely shown that a mayor could make difference for the people not only for Ankara residents but residents all around Turkey. He's embraced everyone, no matter voted for himself or not. During pandemic, he supported people with regards to their needs for food, accomodation, job. Unfortunately, the city was handedover to him with a huge debt of previous management's unnecessary and relentless expenses, he's started campaigns with donors for the jobs need to be solved primarily. It was a great pleasure to see that the required money has been collected in couple of days and was spent to the last peny for its original purpose. He's been always transperant, fighted against injustice, inequality. He changed the way of doing business by putting Ankara residents at the center and acted accordingly as per their favors, and he is continuing to do so. Nominated by Mustafa N., Ankara: I am 45 and I have been living in Ankara for all of my life. For the Mayor of the World Contest I would like to vote for Mansur Yavas. Since his election in 2018 he paid utmost attention to treating every Ankara citizen the same regardless of whether they voted for him or not.The districts where he got the lowest votes were treated the same as others. Besides he is known for his transparency for the municipality purchases. All of the bids are done as bids open to all companies and they are published on youtube. This way we as citizens know how our taxes are spent. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mansur Yavas. Nominated by Selva T., Ankara: Ankara halkı uzun yıllardır dürüst, çalışkan, şeffaf bir hizmet veren belediye başkanı özlemi çekiyordu. Mansur Yavas belediye başkanı seçilince beklentilerimizden de fazla kaliteli bir belediyecilik örneği sergiledi. Özellikle pandemi döneminde Mansur Yavas'ın belediye hizmetleri ön plana çıktı. Maddi manevi ihtiyacı olan herkese koştu, herkesin elinden tuttu. Yardım kampanyaları düzenleyerek gönüllülerle ihtiyacı olanları buluşturdu. Bu arada belediye hizmetlerine devam etti. İyi ki Mansur Yavas Ankara Büyük Şehir belediye başkanı seçildi. Mansur Yavas'a güveniyoruz, onu seviyoruz ve onunla gurur duyuyoruz. Nominated by Özlem Y. Ankara: Mansur Yavas is an ideal mayor because he is always very hardworking..He finds a solution to every problem concerning Ankara and its citizens..He organizes campaigns and makes projects immediately.He is always calm and gentle and honest.He fights against corruption which was a major problem of Ankara's previous mayor..That is why I vote for Mansur Yavas and there are many other reasons, too. Nominated by Osman Ç., Ankara: Mansur Yavas hakkında... Seçildiği günden beri halka hizmet için var gücüyle çalışan ve engellemelere rağmen birçok başarıya imza atan Bekediye Başkanı olarak görüyoruz. Pandemi döneminde yine AKP iktidarınca engellenen ancak buna rağmen yinede kurmaylarıyla gerçekleştirdiği çözümle halkına ulaşan ve insan üstü gayretle aç ve açıkta kalan insanlara aynı zamanda sokak hayvanlarına inanılmaz destekler veren bir belediye başkanı olarak ayakta alkışlıyoruz. Mansur beyi bizler ülkenin en tepesinde de görmek istiyoruz. Sevgi ve saygıların en yücesini hak ediyor o.. Nominated by Sehnaz. V., Turkey As a resident of İzmir , my dream is having a mayor like Mr Yavas. He really deserve praises due to his transparent, fair, democratic, participant administration model. He talks less and do more. I admire of his wording during province council meetings which is avaliable on-air to public. He has never emphasised its political party or himself as the executer of good jobs. He describes himself as servant of the people ,he has no ego. Our dream/Superhero administartors are acting in standard way actually but we almost forget being ruled in democratic way since 18 years. ıts really sorry for us that we dream of what we deserve as a citizen of a democratic republic. I wish there is a way to clone Mr Yavas like people in order to make Turkey more free. Nominated by Elif Ö. K., Ankara: My name is Elif and I live in Ankara, Turkey. In the Ankara mayoral elections, I voted for Mr. Mansur Yavas. I have never regretted voting for him in his two years of administration, a year of which was during pandemic. The most important feature of him is his administration approach which is transparent and touches the public. He manages the municipal budget in the most economical way. He broadcasts auctions and parliamentary sessions live. Of course, this can happen thanks to his honest administration. In addition, being fatherly, sincere and humble in terms of personality is another reason for preference. He started many aid campaigns and people from each city of Turkey showed great interest in them. These aid campaigns reached those in need. Our citizens who lost their jobs due to the epidemic were supported. Thanks to him, families are able to buy chocolate for their children. Mr. Mansur Yavas received the love of all Ankara residents. I congratulate him. I believe that he deserves the World Mayor award. Nominated by Yigit B., Ankara: I would like to write few words about the Mayor of Ankara Mr Mansur Yavas.He is one of the few persons in this era,who is absolutely loyal to his work ignoring politics.Hes just concentrated himself on serving the people of Ankara and looking forward on what he can achieve for the comfort of the people of Ankara. He is such a hardworking person.On the contrary to the obstacles put in front of his work by the municipality board formed of other political parties he solemnly performs his utmost effort to serve and protect the people living in Ankara. I think he deserves to be the #1 politician in Turkey although he does not combine his work ethics with politics. Nominated by Serbay G., Ankara: My name is Serbay. I have been living in Ankara for 15 years. From the first day that Mansur Yavas selected as the mayor, he never stopped working for us, the citizens of Ankara. But especially during pandemic, he really showed his great will to serve this city. He conducted projects for people having low income or with no income at all in very short time. Thanks to him and his policies, poverty and social inequality levels among the districts are decreased so he brought equity to this city. He also pay great attention to being transparent about anything happening at the municipality. We have been informed about every detail, tender, bids on projects etc. He tries to minimize the public expanses made by the employees of the municipality. Starting from him, nobody owns authority vehicles. He put an and to spend public's money to luxury and start doing the things what we are asked for. As l have seen the things he achieved and improvements he made for this city, l truly believe he deserves to receive this award. Nominated by C. A., Ankara: Mr. Mansur Yavas has devoted himself to the people of Ankara since the day he was elected mayor. He fulfills his duty properly and will continue to do so. While trying to fulfill his duty, he is faced with various obstacles by the government. It is constantly unfairly criticized by the ruling media. The aim here is to portray Mr.Yavas negatively to the public. Despite all these unfavorable conditions, he continues to work intensively in order to provide the best service to the public. Nominated by Nevin T., Ankara: ANKARA BELEDİYE BAŞKANI Mansur YAVAS'ı, gerçekleştirdiği projeler, şeffaf yönetim uygulamaları ve pandemi sırasında toplum sağlığının korunması için yaptığı çalışmalar, daha eşit, birleşik ve hoşgörülü bir toplum oluşturma çabaları, ayrıca şehrimizi doğal ve insan kaynaklı afetlerden korumak amacıyla yaptığı güçlendirme çalışmaları, daha adil ve daha yeşil yönetim anlayışı, iyi ve dürüst bir yerel yönetimin sağlanması, toplulukların ortak çıkarlarının gözetilmesi, din, dil, ırk ayrımı yapılmaması, yasalara saygı gösterilmesi, karar vermede doğruluk ve dürüstlük, kamu kaynaklarının halka yarar sağlayacak şekilde kullanılması, belediye başkanlığı konumunu kullanarak kendisine ayrıcalık tanımaması ve şahsi mali kazanç elde etmemesi, kent yönetiminin aktiviteleri konusunda halkın bilgilendirilmesi ve yönetime güven duyulmasının sağlanması ile toplum bağlarının güçlendirilmesi konusunda ki çabaları nedeniyle ANKARA BELEDİYE BAŞKANINI seçiyorum Nominated by Zehra L, Ankara: Dear sir / madam: I would like to recommend Ankara Mayor Mr. Mansur Yavas to “2021 World’s Best Mayor” Since I lived in Ankara, he is the best mayor for the city of Ankara. His constant effort to make the city and its people to live the best life, even in the COVID epidemic. I strongly recommend him to be the “2021 World’s Best Mayor.” Nominated by Hakan B, Ankara: Personally, World mayor is Mansur YAVAS for me. I love Mansur Yavas because he is helpfull man and he is the closest politician to all people. He also now opened a Twitch account. As a mayor, he stopped wasting money and corruption in the city that came from the previous mayor. The previous mayor spent more than seven hundred million dollars on a theme park that makes no money and which is even not open. Mansur Yavas spent the money of the city on social services to help students, small businesses and people of the city (mostly poor people). He is giving the jobs of the city to companies more transparently and he is not giving the jobs to people he knows. He paid students' money for the university test and he has cars everywhere giving people free food like soup. Nominated by Harika H., Ankara: I would like to inform you that I voted for the mayor of Ankara, Mansur Yavas. There are many reasons why he should win the 2021 World Mayor Award, some of which are briefly stated below; A leader providing honest and transparent management Uses municipal resources economically The projects he has been doing since he took office are very good (especially on the environment) Makes the people of the city feel safe and belonging These are the measures taken in the Covid-19 pandemic; Providing financial aid to tradesmen whose economic conditions are difficult, organizing campaigns to collect donations for low-income citizens, periodic disinfection of streets, squares, public transportation vehicles, providing new or second-hand laptop for online education to students in need, and There are many other services that will make their lives comfortable. Nominated by Güliz K., Ankara: Merhaba: Ben Ankarayı çok seven bir vatandaş olarak yazıyorum. Mansur Yavas belediye başkanlığına seçildiği günden beri yaşadığımız şehri adaletli, şeffaf olan,sosyal belediyecilik anlayışıyla yöneten bir başkandır. Kendisi Ankara halkına tam güven vererek belediyecilik örneği göstermiş olup,kendisinden hep gurur duyduğumuz bir başkanımız var ben şahsım adına çok mutluyum . Bu pandemi sürecini kaos ortamı oluşturmadan tam çözümcü yollar bularak her kesime tam destek vermiş olup , Ankara halkına hizmet etmiştir. Başarıların devamını dileyerek. Bu ödülü kazanmasını canı gönülden istiyorum. Şimdiden ayakta alkışlıyorum. Saygılarımla. Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | Page 10 | |