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World Mayor Nominations 2021
Mansur Yavas, Mayor of Ankara, Turkey The 2021 World Mayor Prize and Commendations will be conferred on mayors who have been showing leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic and who are now aiming to make their cities more resilient economically, structurally, socially and environmentally. In fact: Stronger | Fairer | Greener. The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for mayors who have shown exceptional leadership skills but also, and more importantly, acted at all times with compassion towards those most affected by Covid-19. The pandemic has shown how vulnerable even the richest cities are when confronted with a disaster like Covid-19. Forward-looking city leaders will now begin to re-think how their communities can be better protected against future threats, both natural and man-made. Mansur Yavas, Mayor of Ankara, Turkey, has been shortlisted for the 2021 World Mayor Prize. |
FRONT PAGE About World Mayor City Mayors Foundation ![]() ![]() ![]() WORLD MAYOR 2021 - The Winners - The Project - The Finalists - The Shortlist - The Longlist - Selection criteria - Covid-19 - World Mayor history - World Mayor Sculpture - Poverty - Code of Ethics - Press & Media INTERVIEWS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte ESSAYS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Maire de Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino TESTIMONIALS - Mayor of Amsterdam - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Arnhem - Mayor of Bergamo - Mayor of Bogotá - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Buenos Aires - Mayor of Carmignano - Mayor of Cascais - Mayor of Compton - Mayor of Dantumadiel - Mayor of Freetown - Mayor of Grenoble - Mayor of Grigny - Mayor of Guarulhos - Mayor of Kuala Lumpur - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Mexico City - Mayor of Milan - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rostock - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte - Mayor of Warsaw WORLD MAYOR 2018 WORLD MAYOR 2016 WORLD MAYOR 2014 WORLD MAYOR 2012 WORLD MAYOR 2010 WORLD MAYOR 2008 WORLD MAYOR 2006 WORLD MAYOR 2005 WORLD MAYOR 2004 |
Nominations for Mansur Yavas Mayor of Ankara (Turkey) Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | Page 10 | Nominated by Yeliz D., Ankara: I vote for Mansur Yavas. He is an honest, brave and determined mayor who doesn't discriminate against people. He works for all the people. He cares about the old ones as well as the young. He is one of the most hardworking and innovative mayors that you can see in the world.I vote for Mansur Yavas. He is an honest, brave and determined mayor who doesn't discriminate against people. He works for all the people. He cares about the old ones as well as the young. He is one of the most hardworking and innovative mayors that you can see in the world. Nominated by Ece S., Ankara: I am a citizen who lives in Ankara and I am really satisfied with Mansur Yavas's achievements. In the 2nd year of his mayorship, he has done many achievements to fight against poverty. Since Turkey has been struggling against poverty (devaluation of Turkish Liras, biased political regulations etc.), many citizens in Ankara cannot even feed themselves. Yavas created a special credit card for those families. They can buy their primary needs by using that card. He distributes meals, soup, bread for homeless people and students. Because of the COVID-19, students of Turkey are taking their classes via Zoom. Since, some regions in Ankara don't have an internet to access education, they couldn't take their classes. Yavas distributed the internet to EVERY region in Ankara. So, he solved one of the major problems in Ankara. Ankara is not only the capital city of Turkey but an education city. There are many university students who come all over the world and different cities in Turkey. In his very first year in mayorship, Yavas decided to reduce the price of the water supplies for students. If you have a student ID, there will be a huge reduction in your water bill. :) Besides that, he made uncountable contributions for Ankara. Before Mansur Yavas, the municipality had a debt of 11 billion TL because of the wastage. From now, the municipality has no debt, and has extra savings. For fighting with a corrupted municipality system, he conducts every meeting online. As a citizen, you can watch every meeting and decision for Ankara. Also, he hangs the savings, expenses and services fee on billboards. Now, all municipal affairs are managed with full transparency. Thank you for your consideration. Nominated by Seher S. D., Ankara: I deem Mr. Mansur Yavas worthy of this award for being an exemplary leader with his work and behavior. I thank him for being an example for us who followed the footsteps of M. Kemal Atatürk, the founding great leader of our Republic. Nominated by Ferah G., Turkey: I live in Istanbul but I admire the Ankara of Mr. Mansur Yavas. He is a leader. He is a forward-thinking leader with a worldview and a great leader who will make great contributions to the future. It is a great success for the people of Ankara, its tradesmen, to provide support to all citizens living there during this pandemic process and to make them feel that they always stand by them financially and morally. The fact that he recycles everything done just to spend money before him to contribute to his people shows that he is a great leader in this field. That is why I have hopefully been able to explain why this world-view, secular, democratic and respectful man should win the 2021 World Mayor Award. Nominated by Pinar K., Turkey: I strongly believe that Mr. Mansur Yavas deserved to be the Mayor of World 2021 with his very high-end leadership skills. He has won the mayorship election in Turkey under the very tough circumstances such as partisan and anti-opposition press andpressures from the authorities. He was once mayor of little district Ankara called ‘Beypazarı’ which was just a long time ago and was a simply suburb and he turned that place into a worldwide brand with the city construction and creating its natural mineral water brand. During this unfortunate pandemic , he has processed various social aid packages for the people who lost their jobs and who are in deep need. He also brought the transparent mayorship aspects by publishing his parliament discussions online as live. He has many skills that we may not able to count. Although I live in Istanbul and has already very good mayor, Mr. Ekrem Imamoglu, I still envy the citizens of Ankara city. Nominated by Mehmet Y., Turkey: Mansur Yavas bu ülkenin gördüğü nadir degerlerdendir.baskan bugüne kadar sosyal yardımlardan, çevre düzenlemesine,belediye tasarrufuna, köy ve kırsal kesimlerde bulunan çocuklara eğitim amaçlı tablet ve internet hizmetlerinden tutunda aklıma gelmeyen bir sürü pozitif çalışma yapmıştır. Mansur Yavas lider olmanın profilidir. Nominated by Guler K., Ankara: I am following him since he became Ankara's Mayor. He is honest, hard worker and keeps his promises. Follows Atatürk's path! He does his job 24/7 and most importantly he does it for his people, not for show off! So my vote goes to Mansur Yavas. Thank you for everything you have done so far! Nominated by Hale T., Ankara: Mr Mansur Yavas is the best Mayor ever I have seen. He is equal everyone. • He take care of organic vegetables, fruits • He handle of Pandemic period successfully • He organized to help poor people • Education is very important for his vision, • He listened most of problem and reply and solve by himself. • He is very clear. We watch all tender on internet. • He do not use expensive car he use minibus • Finally there is a lot of choices to be shown Nominated by Galip E. Ö., Ankara: Now he is the mayor - next the possible president Turkish people had missed a honest politician for a long time and fortunately they have some now. After municipal elections in 2019, new mayors from opposition union (CHP-İYİ-HDP), changed the system and provide transparency which people had never seen before. They are good but the best one is Mansur Yavas. He showed his abilities when he was a mayor of Beypazarı. He transformed this small city into a popular tourism centre. Even there was a no sea, after he made traditional places and provide local housewives into cook managers, everybody started to visit this small and cute city at the weekends. As a result he converted Beypazarı from desert to rose garden. After he lost local elections in 2014 which was thought questionable results, it was his time in 2019. Despite his political past in nationalist party, from left to right many different minded people voted for him. And he showed how he deserved this position in a short time. The most important thing he made was to remind people that the budget of Ankara is a result of their taxes. And once he said, “We are a worker of yours. Because we get our salaries from your taxes”. Even inherited heavily debt municipality he helped everyone. He helped a small autistic boy, who was living in Şanlıurfa in the southeast part of Turkey. The doctors adviced a dog to this guy because of illness. His poor family didn’t have possibility to buy one and applied to Municipality of Şanlıurfa. After no answer his father applied to Mansur Yavas. And he gifted a puppy to small guy who was living 850 kilometers away from Ankara. As a result, in a short time Mansur Yavas became a popular figure and true candidate of Turkish people for the next president. Because he showed also his abilities by helping local farmers, local producers, livestocks. Then he took this products and gave them to poor people of Ankara. He showed if the budgets could be used for only people so much things change to positive way in a short time. Nominated by Kaan T., Ankara: My English is very little. im sorry. Yavas isvery important person for my city. My city is Ankara. Because he working all day, all week. He don't lie to us. Turkish: Mansur Yavas çok önemli bir insan. Şehrimiz Ankara için büyük kazanım. Yaptığı çalışmaları tek tek maliyetleriyle açıklıyor. Gece gündüz demeden sürekli çalışıyor. O sadece Ankara'ya değil tüm dünyaya örnek olacak bir başkan. Nominated by Ebru A., Turkey: As a person living in Istanbul, I closely follow the achievements of Ankara Metropolitan Mayor Mansur Yavas. Despite all the difficulties he has faced in the city council, he has a discreet, unifying language that does his job perfectly. With that stance equitable and confidence, not only in Ankara, Turkey is the ideal all mayor. In case of any general election, I have no doubt it would be the closest candidate to the Presidency of Turkey. We are proud of his achievements and we love him very much. Nominated by Mehmet C., Ankara: I am from Ankara, I am 35 years old. I like the fact that Mansur president is far from politics. Communicating at an equal distance to everyone, regardless of people, ensures that the municipal services are transferred to the public in a fair manner. I hope he will be our president in the future. I have full faith. It provided internet infrastructure to the remote villages of Ankara, never left support for tradesmen during the pandemic process, and the municipality initiated a live public tender for service procurement. Now everything is more transparent, more secure. Nobody can play, nobody can commit corruption. Nominated by Ali, Ankara: Ankara Büyüks¸ehir Belediye bas¸kanımız Sayın Mansur Yavas pandemi döneminde ve pandemiden önceki çalıs¸malarında hep halkının,esnafın herkesin yanında yer almıs¸tır yer almayada devam etmektedir.I˙htiyaç sahipleriyle ilgili yardım kampanyaları,kırsal hizmetlerle ilgili köylünün her daim yanında ve desteg˘inde olması tohum desteg˘i, fide desteg˘i, yem desteg˘i ,s¸effaf belediyecelik ilkesi gereg˘i ihaleleri canlı yayında yayınlaması hesap verebilir olması yaptıg˘ı köprülü kavs¸aklara is¸in maliyetinin pankart asılarak halkın bilgilendirilmesi yaptıg˘ı hizmetlerin birer özetidir.Mansur Yavas'ın Ankara vizyonu s¸effaf katılımcı denetlebilir hesap verebilen bir vizyondur.Bizler kendisini destekliyor,aday göstermis¸ oldug˘unuz ankette Sayın Mansur Yavas'ı destekliyor, oyumu Mansur Yavas Bas¸kanım için kullanıyorum. Nominated by Burcu K., outside Turkey: I would like to vote for President Mr. Mansur Yavas for his excellent leadership and endeavors during his presidency to the capital city of Turkey. He has been one of the best mayors and politicians Turkey has ever had. He has been honest, fair and transparent during his 2 year presidency until now. He always says a municipality is there for each citizen of that city from his/her birth to his/her death. When a single person needs anything which can be financial or infrastructural or a job or anything, he and his team is there to listen and provide solutions. He has been extremely supportive to Ankara and to other cities of Turkey with his creative ideas during the difficult corona times. He and his team created various projects including a national charity project together with other majors in Turkey. He has been support to people who could not pay their bills, who needed support for their production activities, students who needed electronic tablets during home schooling, university students who could not pay their debts. They also provided free WiFi service in many locations in Ankara including very small villages of the city. Not to forget about those cats and dogs of the city. Mr. Yavas said they will continue feeding those little sweet neighbors of ours during pandemic during the closure of cafes and restaurants. One of the most important endeavors of Mr. Yavas was to bring transparency to the municipality which did not exist before his presidency. Any one can watch live tender processes of the municipality and stay assured that their taxes are used very efficiently and not wasted through corruption or through any other unfair purchasing process. This email would continue with lots of other success stories and future plans of the president, but I would like to finalize here not to bore the reader. I strongly believe that Mansur Yavas deserves this award for his amazing personality, for his creative and service oriented plans and projects to Ankara which are also utilized nationally. Thank you very much for giving this opportunity to share our thoughts and to be able to vote for our mayor. Nominated by Sinem G., Ankara: Mansur Yavas is someone I really love even though I have never met him before. I follow his plans for the city Ankara even though I myself don’t live in Ankara. He has a logical view for achieving his goals. He has done so many things so far and I truly believe that he will do a lot more for his city and country. I hope that someday he can be the mayor of The Republic of Turkey too. Nominated by Esra Y., I am a young man who prepared for the exam during the pandemic period and whose psychology was disrupted by frequently playing with his history. Our workplaces were closed, we had a shortage of book resources, and downstream slowly rushed to our aid here as well. He was destrk with his trials and motivating speeches. In the vision of Ankara, it is progressing at full speed. We, as young people, are seeing a transparent municipality for the first time. Nominated by Saban K., Ankara: After Mansur Yavas became mayor, the tenders held in Ankara are both transparent and at a minimum 70% lower price than the same business of the previous period. In this pandemic period, he gave serious assistance to voters in need. The materials required for this aid were purchased from all Ankara tradesmen. On Valentine's Day, women gave roses to Ankara Municipality employees and female Healthcare workers. Supply of these roses was purchased equally from all flower sellers in Ankara province. We are like Mansur Yavas and I think it is worthy of all awards Nominated by Fatma Y., Ankara: At the moment of pandemic, he took care of the elders who are not allowed to go outside. He supported the students during the online education, he gave them free internet. For the medical workers he gave free transport. He supported the hairdresser while they are closed at the pandemic. he didn't tax the tradesman while the are in hard situation. He did these things with a lot of debts from the previous mayor, just from the savings he did. He repaired the roads. And lots of things. His vision of Ankara is more trees with Ankara. The green Ankara project which he started. Love from Ankara our dear mayor Mansur Yavas., Nominated by Efe S., Ankara: He is the best president in turkey. He is not steal any money He works all the time. He muy electic busses he clean the water pipes for the human healt and much more and more important things he did and he can do it more maybe not stealing and making water pipes or any thig is norlmal thing for alot of countrys but in turkey making something without steal any money and do it useful is wery rare because of this mansur yavas is my man we like him so much Nominated by Eda S., Ankara: Mansur Yavas is a tremendous and remarkable mayor of Ankara, which is the capital city of Turkey. He has done remarkable actions for the city of Ankara. During the pandemic, he helped a lot of poor people, he distributed milk and food to the people who are in need. He also donated money to the jobless musicians and actors. In addition to that, he also distributed lap tops to the students who are in need. I recommend as the best mayor of Mansur Yavas as a candidate. Nominated by Oguzhan D., Ankara: Firstly, I wish all of you health and success. Mr.Yavas show the Turkish nation that he can manage a city with justice and equality. During the pandemic, he has been helped million of people with food, money, and courage. Turkey is a country that manages by a one-party system. Which is bad for the other opinion and parties. He has open a way to show people to light. From now on, we walk with him. The action that he took for Ankara you can find in the newspaper. What I want to express from this mail is that how people feel about him. Thank you for giving me chance to explain to our Mayor on an international platform. Nominated by Yasemin C., Ankara: I cannot tell you what Mansur Yavas had done (as it is quite a long list) since the beginning of his position as a Mayor but I can speak up about his honesty, diligence and about his excellent work during this time. Sharing the council meetings online and reporting his work during this time with documents to the public shows a great deal of his honesty and transparency which was and is very important for the people who vote for the mayor. For many years, mayors in Turkey never shared or found necessary to share the meetings and the work they carried out and therefore people never got the chance to know where the tax money had been spent and what kind of service that the taxpayers received. Now, we know what could have been done with our money and the quality service we could have received. He also succeeded in many projects that the mayors should have done long before Mansur Yavas and yet, we started to learn with him what the true purpose of council and the mayor for the people in that city. The needs of the people may change from one city to another but in all cities, there are people who need help both financially and emotionally. Mansur Yavas does whatever he could, with a great diligence despite the obstacles that he gets from the political power which lost the last municipal elections against Mansur Yavas. And, he carries out his work without self-promotion as his one of the best motto is helping people without commercializing it. Unfortunately, this state of mind -putting obstacles in front of the one who wins the municipal elections against the candidate of their own- is insisted on not to leave Turkey for some time unless the political power changes in the first coming general elections. As Turkish people, we hope for the best for our country. Money that is earned from council entities and that comes from the taxpayers is being spent for the maximum benefit for the people of Ankara. Not only regular people but also for small business owners in various kinds, are getting support during the pandemic which is vital for the survival of the business and so people who maintain a family with this income. So, instead of supporting multinational and big domestic companies which already unnecessarily get support from the government, he supports people and businesses who need the support most for the sake of millions of people's family budgets. He does this while he pays off the huge debt that was inherited from the previous Mayor who is now about to stand trial in any minute because of his corrupt ruling for over 20 years. We are learning everyday a new corruption that how our tax money was stolen to make some people rich unfairly and spent in dead-end investments. Thanks to his excellent work, Ankara gets its best out of a mayor and public service that it deserves long ago. I tried my best to explain what I think and how I feel about Mansur Yavas and I hope that I could enlighten you a little bit about this great honest diligent man. Nominated by Yunus E. O., Ankara: He brought transparency to the municipality. Raised trust in public fund usage. Creating reasonable housing for rural areas. Providing agricultural seeds to local farmers. He is aware of climate change and acting against it. Although I am not sharing same political views with him but I believe that this gentleman deserves to be praised. Nominated by Senay A., Turkey: Mansur Yavas is a hardworking and open-minded mayor. He became hope for all of us. He is our future. He is grandfather of children. He provided equality in education by bring all children together on the internet. He supported citizens, who could not pay their bills, by the open invoice system during the pandemic process. He became a good example for other mayors in Turkey by reducing luxury consumption. Nominated by Cigdem A., Ankara: I support Mansur Yavas,because; • As soon as he gets the position with a second win, he detected the corruption of the previous period and moved to the judiciary. • He replaced the asbestos water pipes, which had not changed for 25 years, by finding an additional budget despite the objections of the ruling party members. • During the pandemic period, although the donation campaigns were blocked by the ruling party, the donors and the needy people were brought together on the online platform and their bills were paid by volunteers. _• He paid the exam fees of the students who will take the university exam from the municipal budget. • He organized Public Markets in city center which farmers can sell their product without paying to any merchandiser.He provided cheap and natural nutrition for city and also supported farmers budget whom can not sell their product to merchandisers. He is the symbol of fairness and effort for community. Nominated by Sedat E., Turkey: I have lost all my faith about politics, but now I believe him now. He is honest, non-thief, fair and a true leader who believes justice. He has done all the goodness you can imagine during this pandemic. It is very hard to tell you about his management and his help with an e-mail. I hope he will be Turkey president at next election. Nominated by Kutay K., Ankara: I'm a citizen of Ankara for a long time and I can say Mansur Yavas is a really good mayor. He thinks and serves all of the citizens. I'm studying at METU in Ankara and Mansur Yavas helped university students with transportation economically. He constructed bicycle ways, opened a big park, which is 30 Ağustos Zafer Parkı. All people can watch tenders in Ankara, it has become open for everyone. I can count more things but I think it is enough for the first impression for you. I really love him and I want that Mansur Yavas will be chosen as 'World Mayor'. Thanks for everything. Nominated by A. Ç., Ankara: The Mayor of the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality is the best mayor that has ever come to Ankara. Since the first day he took office, he has approached all Ankara residents with an understanding of serving as a whole without any discrimination. With the understanding of social municipality, it reaches all those in need, including the pandemic process. I sincerely congratulate our mayor of Ankara, who stands out with his innovative and researcher identity. We are proud of our president. My vote is Mansur Yavas to my President. (Ankara Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı bugüne kadar Ankaranın başına gelmiş en iyi Belediye Başkanıdır. Göreve geldiği ilk günden itibaren tüm Ankaralılara ayrım gözetmeksizin bütün olarak hizmet verme anlayışıyla yaklaşmaktadır. sosyal belediye'cilik anlayışı ile de pandemi süreci de dahil olmak üzere ihtiyaç sahiplerinin tümüne ulaşmaktadir. Yenilikçi, araştırmacı kimliği ile de ön plana çıkan Ankara Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanımızı gönülden tebrik ediyorum. Başkanımızla gurur duyuyoruz. Oy'um Mansur Yavas Başkanıma) Nominated by Nazar A., Ankara: Mansur Yavas is an honest,brave,unique, determined president who doesn’t discriminate between people and works for the people.He is hardworking.He is innovative. He doesn’t see himself above the people. He always tries to find solutions for Ankara society despite all obstacles. He is a self-disciplined mayor. Nominated by Selin D., Ankara: You are an angel given to us, we are grateful to you for ruling Ankara so well. Mansur Yavas, I wish you could rise to the presidency from God Nominated by Ezgi Y., Ankara: Pandemic process Mansur Yavas managed the pandemic process very well.I will give short examples, for example, he gave people twice the money aid given by the state, he gave 3 meals to people with corona, and he also distributed food for homeless or people with no money, he gave free sheep and cows to the farmers. provided jobs in the municipality to people laid off due to corona, ankara has returned to a very good place in the last 2.5 years Mansur distributed tablets and computers to more people than the government handed out to young people Mayorship in general Ankara is a very fertile place for agriculture and animal husbandry. Mansur Yavas knows this and definitely gives the necessary support to the farmer and the livestock farmer. keeps its people in front of everything. We can get information about the income and expenses of the municipality. Auctions are broadcast live to the public. Ankara is a very clean place now and thank goodness Mansur Yavas does not build unnecessary parks. sold all the municipality's official cars and travelled by bus like normal people and a hundred more things I can't remember Ankara’s vision I see Ankara as a city developed from Istanbul and these will be with the Mansur Yavas Nominated by Ibrahim S., Ankara: I'm İbrahim and i live and study in Ankara. In my opinion, Mansur Yavas is the best mayor. Because he fixed up a corrupted city. He always support students and education. I highly believe that he managed the covid 19 pandemic in a perfect way. This award will become to our mayor, I think. Nominated by C. E., Ankara: There are lots of improvements in daily life of people of Ankara to mention but the point is the HOPE Mansur Yavas gave to Turkish people. He changed the way of politics by giving up to argue with the opponents and only focused on the problems of people. He brought justice and transparency. Against all the worst affects of Covid pandemic he gave all the support he can especially to the people on the poor and needy side. When he was unable to help with municipality sources he encouraged people to help each other and since he was the most trustworthy politic person for decades not only Ankara but whole turkey responded his call to pay the bills and pay the store credits of people in need and food support for poor people. It was amazing . he built places for homeless, he gave free seeds for farmers and promised to buy the crops and so on. He did so much to tell here but the most important thing is he showed us how much we can change with just one vote. He is not just a major but he is a friend for people in need since he started, he is a father for the students since he provided free food in front of schools, he is grandfather for the villager children since he provided internet for every single village in Ankara... The list is endless just like our support and love for our mayor Mansur Yavas. As the last words he is a hero for everyone but especially for those who don’t know English nor have a mail account nor have the ability to support in this platform because of social educational or economical disadvantages. Thank you for the opportunity and best wishes from Ankara. Nominated by Ipec D. Y., Ankara: I do not know English very well. Therefore I can write badly. Mansur Yavas is another leader who made great savings for Ankara. He uses this saving for the people of Ankara. He sold the luxury office vehicles used during the previous mayor period. It makes its auctions open to the public on live broadcast. It offers a transparent management. Transparent management is a desired situation in our country. Mansur Yavas provided this. Thanks Mansur Yavas. Nominated by Sedef G., Ankara: I would like to share some of his services not only to the people living in Ankara but the other areas as well. Just to mention some besides all of his and team's efforts for the people during pandemic(because he introduced a lot of projects impacting lives of hundreds of thousands of people): With the instruction of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mansur Yavas, '112 Ulus-Kızılay-Ankara City Hospital (Express) Line' was put into service in order to provide direct access to the Ankara City Hospital in Bilkent from the city center. Drop and overlap points were activated at 4 points. Metropolitan Municipality became Co-Chair of UCLG-MEWA United Cities and Local Governments Middle East and West Asia Regional Organization Gender Equality Committee. Upon the instructions of Yavas, the import of imported trees and plants in Ankara ended, it was decided to plant the plants and tree species suitable for the capital's climate. Mansur Yavas, Mayor of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, issued a circular to increase the savings measures in order to prevent waste. 30 August Zafer Park, which has been idle for years next to AS¸TI˙, was opened by Yavas. ANKARAKART application has also been initiated in the Blue Private Public Buses (ÖHO), which is among the private public transportation vehicles serving in the Capital by the General Directorate of EGO. The ANKARAKART Mobile Pocket (CEP BI˙LET) application, which will provide great convenience to the citizens of the capital and the local and foreign tourists coming to the Capital while using public transportation, was launched. Ankara Metropolitan Municipality signed a cooperation protocol with 5 universities on the bicycle path route within the scope of the projects carried out to develop the cycling infrastructure of the Capital. Organized events for the "European Mobility Week" in partnership with the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality and the European Union Delegation. Rental bicycle service started to be provided in the Victory Park on August 30th. In addition to paying the shuttle fees for the children of low-income families, students using public transportation will also be loaded with ANKARAKART balance. In Hacettepe University Beytepe Campus, 5 solo buses were put into service free of charge from the exit of Çayyolu Metro. Hot soup started to be served on university campuses to students who could not find the opportunity to have breakfast. Road expansion works under Armored Units Köprülü Junction on S¸as¸maz Boulevard have been completed and opened to traffic. The 96th anniversary of Ankara's declaration of the capital and October 29 Republic Day were celebrated with enthusiasm in Ankara with the participation of all citizens from 7 to 70. Students taking part in formal education in the capital have started to use a discounted monthly subscription card for 60 TL for 200 thousand passes by removing the age limit for the first time. Etimesgut Şeker Mahallesi Captain Mustafa Ertuğrul Caddesi-Fatih Sultan Mehmet Boulevard (Istanbul Road) Connection road was opened to traffic. Mansur Yavas, Mayor of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, announced a new support that will relieve the tradesmen in the food and beverage sector during the pandemic process from their social media accounts. Mayor Yavas said that they will not receive occupation fees from tradesmen who are closed due to the pandemic or who continue their activities with a limited amount of time. Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, which previously provided free Wi-Fi service to 914 neighborhoods that have internet access problems due to distance education, will now provide free access to high-speed internet for all citizens in 35 squares. Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mansur Yavas stated, "We will provide free internet to an area of 10 million square meters by the end of the year." Free film screenings are held in the open air. Solar energy requirement for new houses On the other hand, the condition of establishing solar energy and rain water storage areas in new houses to be built in the capital was imposed. A 50 percent discount water tariff was decided in student houses and the deed annotations due to asphalt participation shares were removed. He met with academics from the departments of city and regional planning, architecture, urban design and landscape and took their thoughts about the city. takes place. It is noted that international talks are being held to open bicycle paths and new metro lines. Saving in municipal resources Yavas announced that they made the tender for the "maintenance and repair of green areas", which was tendered for 1 billion TL in the previous period, for 188 million TL this year, thus saving over 800 million TL in the municipal coffers. With a circular issued, it was announced that from now on, all parking lots and billboards belonging to the municipality, and all channels that can be used as advertisements, will be operated by the municipality. The excavation revenues of the municipality were taken from Osmanlıspor and transferred to the municipality. With the circular published on May 24, unnecessary vehicle use was abolished, except for mandatory duties. The number of municipal authority vehicles has been reduced. 400 TONS OF "RED LENTIL" SEEDS IN THREE DISTRICTS Metropolitan Municipality is implementing a new support project in order to improve rural development and increase domestic production in the Capital. "Red Lentil Seeds" will be distributed for the first time, including a grant and 10% of the farmer's contribution. Taking action to increase the number of green spaces in the city and to create memorial forests, Yavas said, "Thousands of saplings will grow in the Capital of the Republic with your support," he said in a call he made through his social media accounts. While the number of trees purchased reaches 6,385 in a short period of time, trees can be selected as Larch, Spruce, Oak, Cedar and Cypress on 'yesilinbaskenti.com' address to order sapling planting at 5 points. Nominated by Cansu A., Ankara: Ankara is cold, gloomy and has the least green area among the cities you mentioned. Moreover, despite being the capital, the necessary importance was not given. When Mansur Yavas arrived, he tried to reduce these problems at first. He has given people financial support and has done so without waiting for these people to support him. He has reduced the number of cars that harm both the world and the country's income. Just like the people of the city he manages, he comes to work by buses. I will be leaving this country soon, but Mansur Yavas is always my hope for this country. Nominated by Cesur K., Ankara: My candidate is Mansur Yavas. You ask why ? Mansur Yavas is working for the full service. He uses the money of the people until the last drop, with the understanding of transparent municipalism, for service away from rent. The day came to the task with the services that have made since shown a pioneer in Turkey. I always support the service-oriented, hard-working and tolerant President Mansur Yavas on this path he started. Nominated by Necdet T. K., Ankara: Mansur Yavas is our president: He defends the rights of the righteous, has determined the priorities of the city very well, stands beside the needy, supports the production and the producer, and is in our hearts with his environmentalist and fatherly attitudes. He is an exemplary leader. We are supporters wholeheartedly. Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | Page 10 | |