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World Mayor Nominations 2021
Mansur Yavas, Mayor of Ankara, Turkey The 2021 World Mayor Prize and Commendations will be conferred on mayors who have been showing leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic and who are now aiming to make their cities more resilient economically, structurally, socially and environmentally. In fact: Stronger | Fairer | Greener. The organisers of the World Mayor Project are looking for mayors who have shown exceptional leadership skills but also, and more importantly, acted at all times with compassion towards those most affected by Covid-19. The pandemic has shown how vulnerable even the richest cities are when confronted with a disaster like Covid-19. Forward-looking city leaders will now begin to re-think how their communities can be better protected against future threats, both natural and man-made. Mansur Yavas, Mayor of Ankara, Turkey, has been shortlisted for the 2021 World Mayor Prize. |
FRONT PAGE About World Mayor City Mayors Foundation ![]() ![]() ![]() WORLD MAYOR 2021 - The Winners - The Project - The Finalists - The Shortlist - The Longlist - Selection criteria - Covid-19 - World Mayor history - World Mayor Sculpture - Poverty - Code of Ethics - Press & Media INTERVIEWS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte ESSAYS - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Grigny - Maire de Grigny - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Maire de Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Sindaco di San Bellino TESTIMONIALS - Mayor of Amsterdam - Mayor of Ankara - Mayor of Arnhem - Mayor of Bergamo - Mayor of Bogotá - Mayor of Braga - Mayor of Bratislava - Mayor of Buenos Aires - Mayor of Carmignano - Mayor of Cascais - Mayor of Compton - Mayor of Dantumadiel - Mayor of Freetown - Mayor of Grenoble - Mayor of Grigny - Mayor of Guarulhos - Mayor of Kuala Lumpur - Mayor of Mannheim - Mayor of Mexico City - Mayor of Milan - Mayor of Raqqa - Mayor of Rostock - Mayor of Rotterdam - Mayor of Saint-Omer - Mayor of San Bellino - Mayor of Villa del Conte - Mayor of Warsaw WORLD MAYOR 2018 WORLD MAYOR 2016 WORLD MAYOR 2014 WORLD MAYOR 2012 WORLD MAYOR 2010 WORLD MAYOR 2008 WORLD MAYOR 2006 WORLD MAYOR 2005 WORLD MAYOR 2004 |
Nominations for Mansur Yavas Mayor of Ankara (Turkey) Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | Page 10 | Nominated by Sümeyra G., Turkey: I, as a Turkish citizen who lives in Istanbul/Turkey, would like to give my vote to Mr. Yavas for World Mayor elections. I would like to mention that, I closely follow his works for Ankara and very proud of him. He is a mayor who dedicates himself only to the welfare of the people of Ankara. He had several projects especially during the Covid pandemic such as supporting the trades people, musicians, poor families, kids, etc. I have an endless trust in him and would like to mention that I would like to see him as a president of Turkey in a few years later (fingers crossed). I hope he will win this election. Nominated Burcin S., Ankara: It's a great honour and pleasure for us to have Mansur Yavas¸ as the Mayor of Ankara, Turkey. I would like to express my sincere feelings and thoughts about Mansur Yavas¸. First of all he made us feel that we are valued. He is working for the sake of all Ankara citizens without discriminating who vote or not for him. He is going over corruption and follows a transparent policy. He has established an effectively working public relations office .... When you ask any information, it is answered in a short time and you're redirected to the right unit. I would also like to mention his efforts for outreach activitie,s which bring those who wants to help and who needs help in a very efficient and dignified manner. We're proud of our Mayor Mansur Yavaş !!! Nominated by Ozan, Ankara: I am Ozan, i have been living in Ankara/Turkey since 2009. Since the elections in March 2019, when Mansur Yavaş won the municipality, he has been a very successful municipality in Ankara. He exhibits an unprecedented transparency in Turkey's recent history. He broadcasts the auctions live and makes people freely watch them on youtube. Thus, irregularity was prevented with his action. With that he showed the importance of being honest to society and gave trust to us. During the pandemic: The government did not provide enough support to the citizens. Economy has worsened month by month. But he did not say its duty of government and started to work how can he do something about that situation. After some time, he announced "askıda fatura". Askıda fatura is simply a website. It meets the people who could not pay their bills and who wanted to pay their bills. With "askıda fatura" thing thounsands of people's bill was paid by benevolent people. It increased the motivation to help each other in society. He bought crops from farmers and gave them to the people who could not meet their meets. It makes farmer could gain money and also protect poor people from hunger. He gave card to the people who needs daily help and increase the amount of social help. In Turkey, government announced that education is applied from home via internet. Unfortunatelly, hundreds of villages did not have internet access in Ankara. He provided internet access with satellite dishes at villages. Students were able to continue their education with his fine thought. Unfortunatelly payment of sma treatment is subject to strict rules by the state. He makes SMA test free to the people who just married in order to detect sma disease before having children. The above are just what came to my mind in a snap. He has been changing peoples daily rutine in a very good way. He absolutely deserves the "world mayor" prize. Nominated by Arda B., Ankara: Personally, I love Mansur Yavaş because I am 15 years old and he is the closest politician to young people. He also now opened a Twitch account. As a mayor, he stopped wasting money and corruption in the city that came from the previous mayor. The previous mayor spent more than seven hundred million dollars on a theme park that makes no money and which is even not open. Mansur Yavaş spent the money of the city on social services to help students, small businesses, and people of the city. He is giving the jobs of the city to companies more transparently and he is not giving the jobs to people he knows. He paid students' money for the university test and he has cars everywhere giving people free food like soup. Nominated by Zeynep A., Turkey: First of all, thank you for nominating Mansur Yavas and for give him a chance. During the Covid pandemic, he collected donations for poor people such as who are unable to work or being unemployed during pandemic. He reached large sum but unfortunately goverment took all the money by giving reason that, this donations not legal, unconstitutional. Thats why he couldn’t able to deliver money to people who needed. Also during pandemic, all educations are in online system, yet some villages in the Ankara, students were not able to get education cause lack of internet connection. Yavas brought wireless for these students get to able them education. In Mansur Yavas, i see that he cares about young people ideas. Thats what i am looking for in a mayor as a university student, as a young person. We waited so long about it, politics used to ignore us because of we still too young to give a advice or right to speak etc about problems in Turkey or Ankara. Then one day Yavas decided to open twitch account to communicate with young people. He says “i opened twitch because i want to know your problems, find out new ideas with you and i care about your opinion.” He joined one of the famous broadcaster in Turkey and answered questions. Also this broadcast broke watch record of twitch Turkey. He so much loved by young people in Turkey not just Ankara that people made lots of memes on him about how people love and admire Yavas. I’m going to add some of them in the end. Lastly, I'm from Ankara originally, i lived there many years, i know him before Ankara mayor, he used to be district mayor. Also many grate things achieve there. Now i live in Çanakkale, but ım still following Ankara and Mansur Yavas about whats going on there. If you read this e-mail, thank you for your time and caring. Nominated by Gülser C., Ankara: I'm from Ankara and proud of Mansur Yavaş. He is an honest and reliable person. I want to mention some of his principles for Ankara: He is trying to get public participation despite government inhibitions. He is doing useful works for the city. He does the main duties in the best way. Also determines the needs of the city by establishing committees made up of public and university professors. He works honestly for Ankara and people. And he's being honest while spending money on the budget. Everyone trusts him. There are initiatives to meet the basic needs of the people of Ankara. He is trying to provide cheap products from the manufacturer to the public. Renews the infrastructure of the city. Organizes transportation and vehicles. He provides transportation with environmentally friendly vehicles. Roads and pavements are immaculate. The lighting of the city is checked regularly. Garbage is collected regularly. He is a follower of the buildings that were built in Ankara. He demolishes illegally built buildings if needed. He takes care of Ankara's history and works with NGO's. I believe he is the best person among the Mayors in Turkey. And he will be at the top categories in the world mayors ranking. Nominated by Osman Ö., Ankara: Mansur Yavaş is an honest man, he proved this in the past when he was a mayor in the province of Ankara named Beypazarı. He avoids getting into arguments with the opposition politicians who try to sabotage. Me and many others like me would like to see him as the president of Turkey. He brought many positive and unusual ways to help the poor and needy during this worldwide pandemi. I love you Mansur Yavaş and God bless you. Nominated by Adna A., Ankara: Sayın belediye başkanımız Mansur Yavaş'ın seçildiğinden beri yaptığı çalışmaları takdirle karşılıyorum. Özellikle bu pandemik dönemde, ihtiyaç sahibi insanlara el uzattığını görüyorum. Sadece yardıma ihtiyacı olanları değil, öğrencileri, hayvanseverleri, çevrecileri, sanatçıları; kısaca toplumun her kesimine yardım ettiğini görüyorum ve bunu gördükçe çok mutlu oluyorum. Ben, başka ilde olmama rağmen Mansur Yavaş'ın samimiyetine ve içtenliğine inanıyorum ve ben de elimden geldiğince yardımcı olmaya çalışıyorum. Görüşlerimin dikkate alınması dileklerimle... Saygılarımla Nominated by Sesim A., Turkey: Mayor of Ankara Mansur Yavas¸ is a hardworking mayor who provides good service to Ankara and Ankara residents. Especially during the pandemic period, the municipality's financial resources were made available to the public by planning in the best way and made a great contribution to the control of the virus by taking the measures against Covit19 on time. With their staff in the municipality, they ensured that the needs of the poor who had problems in accessing services such as health, food and accommodation were provided. He brought computers and internet services to poor children who had problems in accessing education at school age, and enabled them to access digital school programs. He works to make Ankara a greener, healthier and livable city that has solved its climate and ecolojikal problems. Mansur Yavaş is also a service man who plans the future of the city in connection with its past and attaches importance to the social and cultural development of the city and its citizens with important cultural services that combine national values with a modern world view. As President, I appreciate and love Mansur Yavaş for these and other reasons and support him sincerely. Nominated by Seval S., Turkey: Dear Sırs, Mayor Mansur Yavaş start from the 1st day good and honest local government among its rites, protecting the common interests of communities, non-discrimination of religion, language, racial discrimination, respect for laws, correctness and honesty in decision-making, use of public resources in a way that benefits the public, not granting privileges to the mayor by using the position of the mayor, and strengthening community ties by not generating financial gain, informing the public about the activities of the city administration. During the Pandemic , he help the people regular direct payments , he makes a campaigns and invite the peoples to help the others which they are very low income and jobless, millions and millions families got this help. He make the campaigns to help the people to close their utilities balance, the wealth people pay the others utilities with online systems and no body know each other name and help! Perfect. We can tell lots of lots wonderful programs which Yavas Mayor did Best regards, Nominated by Ege I., Ankara: I am a 22 year old senior law student from Ankara, Turkey and I hereby want to vote for our dearest mayor Mansur Yavaş. Prior to him, we have had a mayor who had been on duty for nearly 20 years. It exceeds my lifetime, therefore my memory or comprehension. Though, I recall him being despised, even by me, regarding his work and personality, leadership. Ever since Mr. Yavaş has occupied the mayorship, we hear nothing but good news about our city. He is not only liked, but also loved by the whole country, regardless of their political view or age. This, is a nearly impossible situation to achieve in such a controversial country as Turkey. He has been doing nothing but honest, transparent public work for the capital. Nearly every neglected, squalid part of the city is taken care for. My neighbourhood is surrounded with beautiful parks. Public transport is working swimmingly. He has become a “grandpa” for us youth, because he is that sympathetic and caring. Not just for votes, from the heart. It is hard for a pure and caring person to be able to occupy an important position in this “contemporary” world. Nearly all problems of the city and residents, from smallest to the grossest is solved in such a short time; many of them could not be solved in “20 years” of other mayors’ times. We feel cared and thought for. I personally really hope for Mr. Yavas¸ to be the president of Turkey. He does anything to be in connection with every part of the Ankara society, he even joined “Twitch” to be able to interact with young Turks recently. Turkey and even the world, desperately need more people like him. A good and transparent person, leader, role model, politician, citizen. Thank you, for considering our votes and most of all, having Mr. Yavas¸ as a candidate. Nominated by Sude Y., Turkey: I live in Bursa, Turkey. My vote is for Mansur Yavaş because despite the blocks Turkish government puts on his way he’s doing very well. He doesn’t builds paths, bridges etc. but he helps his people. As you know there is an economic crisis in Turkey and thanks to Mansur Yavaş Ankara’s people survive poverty. I wish he were Bursa’s mayor. But I still proud of him. Nominated by Akin S., Ankara: Mansur Yavaş is maintaining the provision of efficient public services in Ankara. Although it became hard to maintain, new roads and metro lines are under construction, city became clearer with new understanding. His fair understanding touches to the hearts of Ankara’s people. He serves every part of the city without considering whether they voted for him or not. During the Pandemic period the aids of the municipality have been directed to the required people and areas. Besides that, with an international approach, Mayor of Ankara, established “Capitals Alliance against Covid-19. Nominated by Can A., Turkey: I believe that many of you know the worst situations ongoing on Turkey due to governments non-acceptable strategies. I also believe that you know that here in Turkey, if you do not support Erdogan, the president of Turkey, you are considered and announced as terrorist on the media and you absolutely get no support from the government. Thus, Mayor YAVAS has been choosen as a Mayor under those circumstances, many obstacles has been already put by the government to his way and main goal that is to improve Ankara, and they already continue to prevent his projects for the city. HOWEVER, Mayor YAVAS has completed many successful projects already. He always takes care of the poor, the students and ongoingly takes care of the problems of transportation, of natural disasters... I give my WHOLE VOTE for his benefits and I vote as a person that got his Master's Degree and Bachelors degree in TOP 2 universities of Turkey as a top ranked student. That means I know why I vote, I have the correct and concrete reasons and I believe him. In the future, we want to see Mayor YAVAS as a president of Turkey and we believe that he CAN do this! Last thing to mention, Mayor YAVAS is the first person that I've voted for with a FULL motivation and belief! Nominated by Murat E., Ankara: To whom it may concern, As a person who has been living in Ankara for a long time, I think I speak for everyone when I say that he is one of the best things ever happened to this city. Being innovative and open-minded are two important factors when it comes to leading people in our country and also these are the aspects our leaders lack of. However, Mr. Yavas has shown us that he can meet our city’s and our needs. To start with his leadership during the Covid pandemic, he has been trying to relieve everyone’s burden by postponing rental payments and giving water bill discounts. He has been helping the people who lost their jobs during the pandemic so that they can afford their basic needs. He helped a group of tailors who also lost their jobs because of pandemic to be able to do their jobs again by giving them another chance in a small factory to sew masks for the people of Ankara. Moreover, he has been really careful about hygiene and public areas have been cleaned regularly. While he was doing all of these, his only message was us to unite so that no one suffers from this process alone. The real reason why all of us appreciate him so much is how open-minded he is. People from every background and people of all ages support him because he tries to understand us. He even started to be a part of ‘’Twitch’’(leading live streaming platform for gamers) and had a semi-formal interview live stream with a 28-years old gamer woman. She managed to be the most watched woman streamer that week thanks to her interview with the mayor. They also collected money from that stream to plant trees in Ankara. Mr. Yavas does not only support women rights but also invests in the young generation. He is aware of the importance of education and how the internet is a big part of it now. He tries to make sure every child has an opportunity to go online. He states the importance of the internet even more since with the pandemic all the lessons are being done virtually. He is an animal lover and in our country even this trait is something to be appreciated. He has a cat named ‘’Khaleesi’’ as in the famous TV Series ‘’Game of Thrones’’ and it refers to the place ‘’Ankara Kalesi’’ which means ‘’ Castle of Ankara’’. Even these tiny details make us love him more and see how smart he and his team are. He works with young people and as everyone knows they are the future. He uses technology at its finest and always tries to reply to the people who tweet about him or Ankara. Social media is one of the most important advantages for connecting people and he is aware of this fact as he is an innovative person. He is an honorable man and treats everyone the same. He won the election after another mayor didn’t give up his seat for over 20 years and the day he won, he said : ‘’We wouldn’t act victorious when we won the election because it is not against enemies. Therefore, we will serve fairly by embracing people of Ankara without going into politics.’’ As understood he is a humanitarian person trying to do his best and he always tries to do more. Our country’s politicians love taking advantage of citizen’s taxes and use them to make themselves feel privileged. On the other hand, Mr. Yavas sold unnecessarily expensive staff cars and made about 70 million TL profit. He also added that he is using public transportation instead. He also doesn’t like his pictures to be hung on the walls of the city hall and says ‘’ We earn our salary to serve people, it is our job. ’’ He has a strong work ethic and strong will to make the people of Ankara live in prosperity and peace. It made us happy to learn he is a candidate and it would make all of us extremely happy to see him win the title ‘’World Mayor'’. We wish to see him win but may the best one get it. Nominated by Turgut Ö., Ankara: I am a proud citizen of Ankara and would like to inform you that, as a family we are very happy for the civil services of our Ankara Mayor, Mr Mansur Yavas together with his team. He is striving for a more equal, united and tolerant Ankara society. His strengthening efforts to protect Ankara from natural and man-made disasters and he is also taking into account more equitable and greener Ankara. Mr Yavas has a good and honest local administration, protecting the common interests of Ankara citizens, non-discriminating of religion, language, racial discrimination, and he is respectful for the law. He is accurate and honest in decision-making, use of public resources in a way that all Ankara is receiving the benefits in a contemporary manner. He is not using his position of being a mayor personally and he never thinks to obtain personal financial gain from this point of view. In every occasion, public awareness of his activities of Ankara administration , is increasing and he is ensuring our trust on him , and because of this ,he is strengthening community ties in Ankara as time passes. Being a president of Ankara Municipality and he is showing a great leadership in the COVID 19 Pandemic era, his success for helping the poor citizens by preparing logical campaigns increased the solidarity of the Ankara citizens during these difficult times. Nominated by Ferat U., Ankara: Dear jury, I would like to express my turkey is proud and honored to live in the capital Ankara. We met with the local elections, reflected in the local elections 2 years ago, he promised us so many good promises to the young people, and he is not spoken of. First of all, he rules our Ankara very well by saying Ankara first. turned the bus to be thrown into electric, gave seed aid to the farmers just so that Ankara could win. Here is the candidate for the World Mayor today because she called people first. I would like to thank MANSUR YAVAS once again, I leave it to the discretion of your esteemed jury. Nominated by Ilgun B., Turkey: I am currently not living in Ankara, but Mansur Yavas is our star mayor in Turkey so I do think I can have a word, too. One of the actions that strikes me most is providing free internet to the villages without internet where children were unable to access to their online lectures due to pandemic. And then, providing free SMA screening for newly married couples. SMA is a disease which we do not have the treatment in Turkey. Seeing Mansur taking action with his resources while all other politicians and our president were creating drama out of the situation, he just stole our hearts. He always comes down on the side of people. Listens, sees and be there for them which is different and really valuable for Turkish people as what we are used to is to have mayor who chooses their side with power, not us. Nominated by D G., Ankara: Ankara’da yolsuzluk ve yoksulluğun önünde dimdik duran Yavaş dürüst akılcı ve adaleti yönetimi prensip olarak belirleyerek insanların güven ve saygısını kazandı.Covid ve pandemi sürecinde işsiz kalan ve muhtaç olan insanların onurunu kırmadan halkı halkla yardım ve sevgiyle empatik bir biçimde buluşturarak özlenen yönetim anlayışının ve umudun simgesi oldu .Belediyeciliği insanlara hizmetten önce umut oldu en çok eksikliğini hissettiğimiz adaletin ve güvenin yokolmadığının umudu oldu.Ankara’da doğdum büyüdüm ve çocuklarım bu şehirde büyüyor .Başkentin emanet olduğunu ve bir miras olduğunu biliyorum ve çok önemsiyorum. Başkan Yavaş altyapı tarım modern şehircilik ve yaşanabilir bir şehir vadediyor ve bu yolda çalışıyor ve kendisine başarı ve güç diliyorum yolu ve bahtı açık olsun. Nominated by Ediz D., Ankara: I vote for Mansur Yavas as World Mayor 2021. Mansur Yavas, mayor of Ankara initiated a campaign called “Six million people, one heart” for the people of Ankara who experienced a period of financial hardship due to pandemic. Thanks to this campaign, townsmen with suitable budgets can help families who are unemployed or unable to pay their bills and having difficulties in meeting their basic needs. This is the second year of campaign and until now donations of 1.000.000 Turkish lira were delivered to those in need. Nominated by Kemal B., Ankara: I am writing for you my vote of world mayor. Mansur YAVAŞ is from Ankara and loves working for Ankara. He acts fairly and in accordance with the policies. He defends rights without discrimination. During the pandemic period, it solved many infrastructure problems and developed projects suitable for public health. COVID-19 measures were taken in public transport, taxis and public places. He works with an environmental and democratic approach in all his projects. His latest project is for a large afforestation area. It also convert municipal vehicles into electric vehicles. I support the president as a younger. And my vote is for Mansur Yavaş Nominated by Ayfer B., Ankara: What would we say about our Mayor? He respects the rights and dignity of human beings and recognizes animal rights. Since the first day he started serving as the Mayor of Ankara, he has lent a helping hand to whoever needed help despite the government's unending efforts to prevent him from doing so. He has fought against corruption and corrupt people. He has made governmental purchasing transparent and prioritizes a balanced budget. He understands problems not as superficial but tackles them head-on from their roots. There are so many good things to say about him, I could go on all day! We love him. We are very proud of him. He is transparent, honest, hardworking, and imminently loving. He has demonstrated his commitment to the people of Ankara and he deserves the best! Nominated by Oya C., Ankara: For having a magnificent vision as a mayor For providing food and money aid to the needy, tradesmen during the pandemic period For making unimaginable aids to the people of Ankara who do not receive the slightest support from the government For uncovering the embezzlement of the previous president of Ankara and filing a criminal complaint. Because it receives the same 1 percent of any service the previous municipality has received, and because it protects the public's money Because he takes from the rich and gives to the poor in his volunteer campaigns Because it is the pioneer of practices that even other mayors around the world take as an example. For being so successful in combating corruption. For being loyal to merit Nominated by Ömer A., Ankara: Mayor Yavaş managed the covid period very effectively by supporting each segments of the society not only with governmental sources but also providing an environment that People support each other by means web based organizations. (Sharing money for food, payment of electricity and natural gas bills of the People who needed) He has a solid vision for Ankara and most of the other party supporters believe in his honest standing since he manages all bids very transparant. (All bids are online now) He is against corruption. He all deserves to be the winner of this competition. Nominated by Mahir I., Ankara: Belediye Başkanımız Mansur Yavaş, şeffaf, dürüst, çalışkan, tüm vatandaşlara karşı eşit ve adaletli yaklaşımı, samimi ve babacan tavırları ile örnek bir belediye başkanıdır. Bugüne kadar yaptığı ve yapacağı hizmetler ile Başkent Ankara'yı daha yaşanılabilir bir hale getirmiştir. Kendisi gibi çalışma arkadaşları da büyük bir özveri ile görevlerini yürütmektedirler. Ayrıca, en uzak ilçe ve köylerdeki vatandaşlarına da eşit ve en iyi hizmeti verebilmek için yaptığı akılcı ve yerinde hizmetlerden dolayı kendilerine müteşekkirim. Memleketim Ankara, şu an İstanbul da ikamet etmekteyim. Nominated by Begüm D., Ankara: Ankara is the capital of our country. Our selected mayor is Mansur Yavaş, who is a lawyer and politician. I think he is the best mayor ever that residents of Ankara have seen. After the last long-term governance, Mayor Yavaş rose like the sun in our city. Although the last government had lots of debt, Mansur Yavaş worked for it in a deliberate and disciplined manner. Therefore, he paid off all the debts of the municipality with the support of his teammates and the city residents. Firstly, as a university student, I can say that he supports all the students in our city by decreasing transportation fares, giving scholarships to students who need it, providing free internet to the countryside and suburbs who have a poor connection. Since he cares about the economy, he recycles the disused places as parks that are lightened by solar-powered lights. Moreover, he and his teammates increased the green areas, whereas the previous governance had destroyed these places such as parks, forests. He published some magazines for kids and adolescents to support children’s education and general culture. He has made some regulations in the municipality law system for protecting the rights of municipality workers. He provided basic food aid to those who lost their jobs in the pandemic period, and these supports still have been going on. Nominated by Ayhan U., Ankara: Our leader, other than Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK, Mansur YAVAŞ has so many great properties; such as honesty, transparency, equality, sociality, unifying, etc... Despite every inhibitions against him from the political power of the government in the Samet city, Ankara, he produced so many projects among so many inheriting problems given from previous administrations and also Covid Pandemic. Even most of the people from the other politic opinions, loved him during this period since he had been elected. His unique power and motivation is the people’s support who loves him and this beautiful country. Everything will be much better in the future, if more chances would be given him. PEACE AT HOME, PEACE IN THE WORLD!!! Nominated by Gamze K., Ankara: I am a 39 year old woman. Mansur Yavaş is the best thing that happened to Ankara :) He made us believe in the understanding of honest municipal management again. It is played with a transparent municipal understanding. He listened to his people, understood and produced a solution. It makes an effort to reach our hearts. A nature-friendly, helpful, forward-thinking president. With the aid campaigns initiated during the pandemic period, people in need of supplies, masks, cleaning materials, unpaid bills, etc. delivered aid. Until now, I would not participate in any aid campaign because I did not trust it. But I am in every campaign initiated by Mansur President. He supported the farmer. farmers began to cultivate the land that had not been cultivated for years. There are so many things to write about that makes us smile and make us say goodbye. Fortunately, he was a candidate for the Presidency, good we elected him, you are glad you are my President Ankara is better with you Nominated by Aydm K., Ankara: Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, under the leadership of Mayor Mansur YAVAŞ, cares about the health of every fellow citizen, takes care of every problem of Ankara residents, acts with the slogan "goodness is contagious" without limiting the service to the public with road construction and asphalt paving. Acting with this understanding, the Honorable Mayor Mansur YAVAŞ has signed a protocol with Başkent University to prevent and eliminate SMA disease, which is wanted to be contained only with therapeutic methods until now, as far as possible. Considering that the treatment expenses of a sick child with a hospital charge are 2.4 million dollars, radical precautions are essential in fighting against SMA, which families cannot handle alone. Assuming that there will be around 35 thousand applications for marriage every year in the city of Ankara, all Ankara residents who want to get married and start a happy family will be able to take an SMA test at Başkent University, under the condition that the test expenses are covered by the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality. I think this gesture of Mayor Mansur YAVAŞ is enough to receive the World Mayor award. Nominated by S. Ö., Ankara: Sevgili baskanimiz; Yavas yavas gelen, emin adımlarla bizleri yöneten, daima halkının yanında olan, vatandaşlarınin eşit, birleşik, hoşgörülü bir toplum olabilmeleri için çabalayan, muhteşem insan. Neden mi bizim baskanimiz birinci olmali; iyi ve dürüst yerel yönetimin sağlanması, toplulukların ortak çıkarlarının gözetmesini, din, dil, ırk ayrımı yapmaması, yasalara saygı göstermesi, karar vermede doğruluk ve dürüstlük, kamu kaynaklarının halka yarar sağlayacak şekilde kullanması, belediye başkanının konumunu kullanarak kendisine ayrıcalık tanımaması ve şahsi mali kazanç elde etmemesi, kent yönetiminin aktiviteleri konusunda halkın bilgilendirilmesi konusunda online olarak her zaman acik yurekli olmasıdır. Ve son olarak yönetime güven duymamızi sağlayan başkanımızı ayakta alkışlıyor ve çok teşekkür ediyoruz. City Mayors Foundation’un ‘Dünya Belediye Başkanı Ödülü’ ne adaylığını, ve birinciliğini şimdiden kutluyoruz. Nominated by Sacid S., Ankara: Ülke kaynaklarını ve genel bütçeden Belediyesi için ayrılmış olan kaynakları; çar,çur(israf) etmeden, projeleri halkın önceliklerini dikkate alarak, gerçekleştirmeye gayret eden bir çalışma içerisinde olması, ayrıca bütün ihaleleri şeffaflık içinde gerçekleştirmesi ve önceki yönetim zamanında yapılan ihalelerden daha düşük fiyatlarla gerçekleştirmesi yeterlidir sanırım. Nominated by Vildan K., Ankara: Mayor of T.C Capital Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Mr. Mansur YAVAS¸. I want to mention. I believe he will make Ankara one of the leading capitals of the world. Before the elections, he said, "A city that meets the demands of the producer, the industrialist, the entrepreneur, the peasant is special." He said that they set out with a transparent, participatory and auditable management approach and they aspire to be accountable. With the campaigns organized under the title of "6 MILLION ONE HEART" and the support packages announced for citizens and tradesmen who had a hard time during the COVID-19 period, he carried the importance of solidarity beyond the borders of the country. While providing disinfectant services to businesses, it also continues to distribute free gloves and masks. • Continuing free hygiene support, it also increased its inspections on many issues, from the use of masks to cleaning. • He carries out free transparent panel application in all service vehicles after taxis, minibuses and buses. • He welcomed the breakfast and dinner of those who were quarantined at home due to Covid-19 and had difficulty in obtaining food. He met the basic needs of those who lost their jobs due to the pandemic and provided cash assistance. • There are no villages without internet in Ankara, they have free internet. Free Wi-Fi service is provided in different squares in the city center. Children of business employees who have been shut down by the epidemic and • The YKS-2021 fees of the children of families receiving social assistance were met. Public transportation is provided free of charge to students, parents and examiners on exam dates. Vehicles are working at full capacity to avoid any problems in transportation. Mask and disinfectant are dispensed. In the meantime, he did not forget to say "Every Life Is Valuable in the Capital" and the food support for wild and stray animals! Love Flower, Angora Goat, Angora Rabbit, unique to our city, continue to protect our endangered local heritage. “WHEN FIGHTING EFFECTIVELY WITH THE PANDEM ROUTINE MUNICIPAL ACTIVITIES CONTINUE.” In order to transfer our cultural heritage to future generations without damaging the historical fabric; "ANKARA ROMA THEATER", "ARCHEOPARK" Project, "ANKARA CASTLE" ve renovation and revitalization works of Ulus in accordance with its historical texture ... Renewed "ÇUBUK 1 BARAJI" in order to preserve our ancestral heritage and carry the values of the Republic to the future. 11 alternative house models provided free project support to those who want to build a house in their ancestral lands in their villages. All 400 1 + 1 houses were renovated and rented to newly married couples and citizens over 65 at a very affordable price. It provided free renovation support to workplaces and residences damaged after effective downpours. Work has been started to replace the unhealthy asbestos pipes that have expired in our city. Many "bridge intersections" and "road" works continue at different points to solve the chronic traffic problem in Ankara and to ensure uninterrupted transportation. In order to prevent traffic congestion, it started "free tow truck" service on Eskis¸ehir Road, Istanbul Road, Konya Road and Samsun Road. In order to increase driving comfort and prevent possible accidents, the chimney cover and rain water grids were brought to the road level. The teams are immediately alarmed in the event of negativities such as floods and snow. As for the locations of the vehicles providing services within the scope of anti-snow activities With the "Bicycle Path project", when all routes are completed, a healthy, environmentally friendly and sustainable transportation network will be established in our city. In order to continue to be a city that produces and saves through savings; It produced 100 percent electric buses converted from diesel. Adopting the principle of using its resources efficiently and correctly, the Metropolitan Municipality meets its asphalt need at an amount close to its cost with its asphalt plant facility. "BELÇÖZ" de-icing started to be used on the roads and sidewalks of the capital. It continues to protect the nature and our budget by using local liquid fertilizers instead of imported fertilizers in green areas, parks and gardens. It will start to use rain and surface water in irrigation. ATATÜRK FOREST FARM distributes the crops obtained from agricultural lands in Gölbas¸ free of charge to citizens who receive social assistance. In order to encourage production, it provides free seedling and seed support to farmers and buffalo support to those who breed livestock. It opened "BAS¸KENT MARKET BRANCHES" at different points for the sale of local products. It carries out the maintenance and repair of chairs free of charge in the "WHEELCHAIR AND MAINTENANCE REPAIR WORKSHOP" established for disabled citizens. It started to produce masks that allow the hearing impaired to communicate by lip reading. It stands by our youth by taking responsibility and supporting entrepreneurship so that it can become dozens of successful software companies in Ankara. The "Purple Button" feature has been added to the Bas¸kent Mobile application so that women do not suffer from violence, harassment and bullying. Financial support was provided to women and children staying in the Women's Guest Houses. Mr. Mansur YAVAS¸ has added a new one to the sample campaigns he has started since the day he took office, with "Let's transform Ankara into the Capital of Green" Would you like to contribute to the maintenance of the saplings by donating saplings over the internet via the website "www.yesilinbaskenti.com"? WORLD MAYOR ‘WE REALLY WANT IT TO WIN THE 2021 WORLD MAYOR AWARD! Nominated by Hulya C., Ankara: Our mayor of Ankara, Mansur Yavaş, provides a good and honest local administration, does not discriminate between the common interests of the communities, does not discriminate between religion, language, race, respects the law, is correct and very honest in decision-making, uses public resources in a way that will benefit the people, It does not recognize privileges and does not earn personal financial gain, constantly informs the public about the activities of the city administration and ensures trust in the administration, and works to strengthen community ties. We love and respect him very much. My candidate for being the Mayor of the World is Mansur Yavaş. Best regards Nominated by Mete D. K., Ankara: As a fellow Ankara citizen, i’m delighted to hear that Mr. Mansur Yavas has been shortlisted for the 2021 World Mayor Prize and therefore feel myself obliged to share my thoughts regarding Mr. Yavas’ leadership through the most turbulent times, under pandemic threat. First of all i must mention that; prior to the outbreak of the pandemic, Mr. Yavas demonstrated unprecedented traits when it comes to; • Human centric municipal governance • Positive discrimination in favor of handicapped / disadvantaged parts of Ankara community • Faith in shared wisdom & strong community • Consensus building instead of unnecessary conflict • Climate change awareness • And most importantly; Frankness, Transparency, accountability & above all: Justice. (Ignored fundamentals by previous administrations) His commitment to justice can easily be noticed in our everyday lives, as he stated several times after being elected 2 years ago: “It wouldn’t be possible to launch another subway line within a day in this city; however it could have been possible to bring justice into the city & our municipal work within a day and we have exactly done that” In addition to his overall governing style; i also must mention that his leadership during the 1st day of the Covid pandemic has provided citizens of Ankara with protection and assurance. One of hundreds of examples of such was; his administration employed tailors who were laid-off because of economic pressures caused by pandemic, in order to produce masks & distributed the output FOC in means of public transport (taxis, busses, subways etc.), when the masks had gone on the black market but at the same time declared mandatory by the central government to be worn in public places. Furthermore Mr. Yavas also expressed awareness of the long-term implications of the pandemic by reserving 9 mio $ worth of cash reserve which originally had planned to be utilized in other municipal projects before the pandemic, for the use of unforeseen public needs if the situation escalates in the upcoming months/years of the pandemic. To conclude; Ankara is lucky to have Mr. Yavas & his administration and confident of him for making our city Stronger, Fairer & Greener. Nominated by Yasin, Ankara: Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, under the leadership of Mayor Mansur YAVAŞ, cares about the health of every fellow citizen, takes care of every problem of Ankara residents, acts with the slogan "goodness is contagious" without limiting the service to the public with road construction and asphalt paving. Acting with this understanding, the Honorable Mayor Mansur YAVAŞ has signed a protocol with Başkent University to prevent and eliminate SMA disease, which is wanted to be contained only with therapeutic methods until now, as far as possible. Considering that the treatment expenses of a sick child with a hospital charge are 2.4 million dollars, radical precautions are essential in fighting against SMA, which families cannot handle alone. Assuming that there will be around 35 thousand applications for marriage every year in the city of Ankara, all Ankara residents who want to get married and start a happy family will be able to take an SMA test at Başkent University, under the condition that the test expenses are covered by the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality. I think this gesture of Mayor Mansur YAVAŞ is enough to receive the World Mayor award. Nominated by Mehmet E., Turkey: My name is Mehmet and I’m living in Izmir TÜRKEY. I love Mansur Yavas because of his leadership during COVID-19 pandemic and his behavior to poor people. He supplies food and necessities them. He tried to develop agriculture in order to struggle with hunger. He knows the importance of green. He really loves his citizens. Mansur Yavas should win the world mayor prize 2021 prize because of his vision. Nominated by Yurda B., Ankara: Since Mansur Yavas, an attorney by trade, won the Ankara mayoral race in 2019 against the long-standing Akp incumbent candidate, he has made significant improvements in the Turkish capital. Yavas oversees the budget of the capital Ankara and in contrast to the previous mayor's- who lost to Yavas after 25 years misuse of his position and government resources. Mansur Yavas has been very transparent in bidding and awarding contracts. Yavas has created initiatives and equality among the citizens of Ankara, granted scholarships to college students, and help those in need. Yavas looks out for the best interests of the public and the municipal funds. He is a breath of fresh air and he is loved by not only the citizens of Ankara but also others around the country. I am very proud of Mr. Yavas. I can't think of anyone else who deserves the world mayor title. Nominated by Aylin S., Ankara: I believe Mansur Yavas should win this. He is the best mayor of Ankara so far. He helps local business to grow. (Especially farmers) • He helps poor people • He is showing municipal council votings on TV. So he doesnt allow any bribes • He is bringing clean water to Ankara so people can actually drink • He hates bribes and doesnt let anyone to do if he sees(if he sees he tells in front of everyone how shameful that is) • He sold all the cars that previous mayor bought for municipal centre. He thinks its unnecessary • He is saving to pay off the old mayor's debt • He is changing Ankara. Making it looks like more European and modern. • He is looking after all the graveyards and parks • He has done alot of things. Like alot of people in Ankara , I think he should be the next president of Turkey Nominated by Asli, Turkey: Hi, I am Asli, 33 y/o woman from Izmir, around 9 hours away from Ankara, I always thought I live in the best city (with the seaside) in here UNTIL Mansur Yavas appears! We call him Mansur YavAŞK means Mansur the Love! Aşk means Love in Turkish. Yes, Ankara does not have any sea but it has Mansur YavAŞK, The Love Ocean! I assure you no one sees him like the Mayor or someone that is official here. It is because it is like going to school and your teacher is at the same time your father. This is how it feels to us. I support him for we may all even start to immigrate to Ankara,The Capital, just for him! And by this I mean all the other citie's people of Turkey! This is how he stole our hearts! Today's world needs more people like him because (besides his honest, excellent, brilliant and humanist services without any discrimination and how he not knows any limit when it comes to deliver services to the foot of citizens), we and the world don't know what to expect in 15 years, do we? We are in a tunnel of a giant fog. Let's accept this first... and no one can calm down the new generation called The Gen Z. Neither give them a crumb of hope, can we? Instead it looks like they are the ones to blame :) Like they are the ones who don't show any effort to save us, to be more responsible, to be more adult and etc.. For these reasons they are almost suicidal and Mansur Yavas has been a hint of hope for them. A cure soul for their invisible burden. A spark of faith to the future and how anything can change any moment for the good! Anyone can offer their services but Mansur Yavas offered them his medicine of hope, love and has been the light at the end of the tunnel. He came like the ice breaking ship to the hearts of those who had been stuck in Ankara's frozen waters just like the whales did in October, 1988, Alaska. He also plays online games with The Gen Z. By the time listens the hints of their fragile souls that do not know how to ask help. I wonder if any other nominations do this with their own supporters here? Typing this with happy tears that our Yavas has been nominated to what he deserves and even more! And this is everything! Call of Duty gamers and meme lovers will know; he repaired our children from the 'gulag'*. It's not matter whether he wins or not, he won't lose anything because he already won us, our hearts, our best wishes, our kids; FOREVER! Once we will look back today from the future, our descendants will remember him with his kind and loving heart and how he hyped The Gen Z and gave them the hope of the future and made them live one more day every time and try one more time, and how he recognized them as a human beings that is not perfect just like the rest of us & precious like any other. We together with Mansur Yavas; Stronger, Fairer, Greener! Nominated by Edanur, Ankara: As a person born, raised, and living in Ankara, I can sincerely say that Mansur Yavas¸ means hope for this city. He and his team shows us that they try to do their best and use the potential of the city for the benefit of the of the people in Ankara. Also, he inspires us on how we can contribute to our country. COVID-19 has changed lives in Ankara as well as all over the world. Our people have suffered economically due to COVID-19 restrictions. Mansur Yavas, our mayor, turned this troubled situation into an environment of solidarity and initiated aid projects. Our mayor purchased the products of women producers of Ankara and bring them together with the sellers. This is another project of our mayor, which I am most impressed with. As a woman, I am very proud and I think that Mansur Yavas¸ cares about both manufacturers and women. The mayor of Ankara sets and example for other leaders by empowering and encouraging women. Most importantly, our mayor is the reason why a young person like me is willing to protect her country, city, nature, and citizens. Fortunately, our belief that we can do all is refreshed with the projects he does every day. In summary, if anyone deserves the 2021 World Mayor Award with his hard work, honesty, love for the public, and hope he gave to young people, it is Mansur Yavaş. Nominated by Cevdet D., Ankara: Mr.YAVAS ... Regardless of language, religion, race, those in need; He is our very clean-hearted president, who does not spare any humanitarian aid with the means he has and strives to provide the people of Ankara in the best possible way. My goal is not that he is the first or the second you choose, but he is always the first in every honest person who works in this way. I hope their numbers will increase all over the world. Thank you very much, World Mayor Foundation ... Nominated Cavidan Ö., Ankara: He provided free of charge shopping service to old people living alone. And many other free of charge services for the people of Ankara to go on with their day-today lives and obtain their own basic necessities He is very open minded about his task and work, and he created his team with same mentality. About his vision for Ankara: He gave start to many projects for making Ankara a modern capital full with art festivals. One of them is live right now with the name of ART ANKARA.. plus film festivals, jazz, classic music, and others which we can think of for a modern city Mr. Mansur Yavas is a mayor for people of Ankara, the capital city of Türkiye, by following the rules of ATATÜRK founder of Turkish Republic.. He has been breath of fresh air for the capital of Turkey, bringing full transparency to the municipality in his domain by televising daily municipality and council meetings to the public! This is a first in our country! Our people *can* watch, listen and witness the decisions taken by the city management on a daily basis, how these decisions are being taken and how the monies of the people of Ankara is being spent. He is capable of being the mayor of giant cities like New York, London, Paris and so on.. Nominated by Tülay K., Ankara: Bu güne değil adam gibi adam diyebileceğim bir Kişi tarafından Ankara'mız. Ben kendisini Beypazarı Belediye Başkanı iken tanıdım. Kendim Maliye Bakanlığında çalışırken Hollanda'dan görevli gelen heyeti ziyarete götürdüm. En zarif davranışı ben heyette tek hanımdım ve eşi heyete katıldı. İlk Ankara adaylığında partisine hiç oy vermediğim halde kendisine oy verdim. Daha ne söyleyeyim. İyi ki bizimle birlikte Nominated by Fikret O., Ankara: Mansur Yavaş Dürüst, insanların yaşam alanlarını güzelleştirilmesiyle ilgili çok güzel girişimlerde bulunmaktadır. Şehrin güzelleşmesine katkı sağlayacak projeleri gerçekleştirmesinin yanı sıra şehrinde yaşayan vatandaşların yaşam kalitesini yükselten projeler de gerçekleştirmektedir. Tüm bunları belediyeleri zarara sokmadan, kimseyi kayırmadan ve herşeyi şeffaf şekilde yapmaktadır, Tüm çalışmalar, projeler, ihaleler herkesin gözü önünde gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bugüne kadar tüm Türkiye'nin en güvendiği insandır. Nominated by Özüm S., Ankara: Mansur Yavaş is my canditate Because I trust him which is the feeling I missed a lot to feel about a governor Because he uses the money of the people for the people he serve not for his coworkers for cars or for any other luxury Because he blocked corruption Because he believes in democracy Because he respects women Because he respects Atatürk Because he made me feel that there is still hope for this country Nominated by Ibrahim I., Ankara: I kindly let you know that I support candicacy of Mansur YAVAS, who is currently Ankara Mayor of Turkey. Mr Yavas is acting to help increase living condition of Ankara Public at first. He has a fair understanding for the public to have an axcess the services privided by Ankara Municipality. He has also provided to decrease the negative effects of Covid-19 Pandemic which badly threaths all over the World. He has launced several soliditary campains to relieve people who suffer from the Pandemic. Ankara public feel to help any needy people without knowing eachother, thereby increase strong feeling in the community. Besides, Mr Yavas has carried out additional projects in order to increase the quality of live of the public, paying attention to efectively utilize municipal resources for the people to get benefit as much as possible at high level. Therefore, Mr Mansur Yavas is deserved to be supported for 2021 World Mayor Prize. Nominated by Ezgi Ç., Ankara: 20 yıldan beri Ankara'nın başına gelmiş en iyi şey Mansur Yavaş'tır. Mansur Yavaş öncesi toplu taşıma sürücüleri mafya gibi yolculara zorbalık yapmayı kendilerinde hak olarak görürdü, kimse şöförleri şikayet edip hakkını arayamazdı çünkü eski belediye başkanı onları korurdu ve bu yüzden toplu taşımaya bindiğimde otobüste tek başıma kalmamaya çalışırdım başıma bir şey geleceği korkusuyla ama Mansur Yavaş bizim şikayetlerimizi dikkate aldı ve artık şöförler işlerini yapan birer çalışandan ibaret, olması gerektiği gibi. Diğer bir taraftan, eskiden bütün ilaheler kapalı yapıldığından çok fazla hırsızlık, hile olurdu ama Mansur Yavaş bütün ilaleleri açık yapıyor ve her yerde yayınlıyor. Siyası ve politik eğilimini bir kenara bırakıp yalnızca Ankara'ya hizmet için çalıştığını görüyoruz eski belediye başkanının aksine. Uzun süreden beri hayvan haklarını, kadın haklarını, kırılgan grupları görünen bir hale getirip kucak açmıştır. Türkiye gibi ayrımcılığın çok yüksek olduğu bir ülkede bu ayrıcalıktır. Ben bir senedir toplu taşıma kullanıyorum KOVID süresi boyunca ve bir yıldır KOVID olmadım hem kendi hijyenimi sağlayabildiğimden hem de metro ve toplu taşımaların her gün, defalarca dezenfekte edilmesinden. Bu süreçte dükkanlarını kapatmak zorunda kalan restoranlara da cafelere de destek sağlamıştır. İhtiyaç sahibi insanlara erzak yardımı yapmıştır. Hükümetin yapmadığı ama yapması gereken her şeyi Ankaralılar için yapmıştır. Nominated by Sevilay E., Ankara: Mansur Yavaş:Çünkü. Pandemi süresi boyunca tüm esnaf ve halkın yanında maddi ve manevi olarak bulundu. Yalandan uzak ve disiplinle çalışarak Ankaramızı daha da yaşanılabilir hale getirdi. İşsiz kaldığım pandemi süresi boyunca bana ve çevremdeki herkese düzenlediği kampanyalar ile aş oldu ve yüzümüze tebessüm oldu. Yolsuzlukları öne çıkarmaktan asla korkmadı ve her zaman cesurca kendi doğrularını savundu ve savunmaya devam ediyor. Herşeyden önemlisi yarınlarımızı umut ve ışık oldu :) Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | Page 10 | |